Download research paper is it difficult to be left-handed. Research work "Reasons for the development of left-handedness. Is it worth retraining a left-handed person?". Determining the dominant eye

GBOU RO "Taganrog Pedagogical Lyceum - boarding school"

Section name: biology


Topic:« Right-handedness - left-handedness: the impact of the abolition of left-handed retraining on learning activities and psychological characteristics of students of the Pedagogical Lyceum».

Popova Sofia Vladimirovna,

10 "bg" class, State budgetary

educational institution

Rostov region "Taganrog pedagogical lyceum - boarding school"

Scientific adviser:

Umanets Olga Alekseevna,

biology teacher.

Taganrog 2016

Table of contents:

Introduction ………………………………………………………………...p. 3

1.1. Relevance of the topic ……………………………………………..…p. 3

1.2. Purpose …………………………………………………………………p. 3

1.3 Hypothesis …………………………………………………………… 3

1.4. Tasks ………………………………………… …………………... p. 3

1.5. Object of study ………………………... ……………….…...p.4

1.6. Practical value …………………………………………… page 4

Literature review……………………………………………………….…..p. 4

2.1. The history of society's attitude towards left-handers, ambidexters and right-handers.. ................................................. ................................................. .p. 4

2.2. Definition of the concepts of left-handedness, right-handedness, ambidexterity.… page 5

2.3 . Causes of left-handedness……………………….…………….……..…p. 6

Research methods ……………………………………………….….p. 8

Research results…………………………………………….…p. 8

  1. Study #1:choice of methods for determining the dominant hemisphere and psychological characteristics …………………. page 8

4.1.1. Tests to determine the dominant hand, foot, ear,

eye and dominant hemisphere……………………………..p. 8

4.1.2. Diagnosing the level of school anxiety Phillips………..p. nine

4.1.3. Communication skills assessment test…………………..…….page fourteen

4.2. Study No. 2: Processing of diagnostic data…………………p. 16

4.2.1. Determination of the leading hemisphere in the study group……p. 16

4.2.2. Studying the level of educational achievements of the studied

groups and establishing relationships with the leading hemisphere ... p. 16

4.2.3. The study of the level of school anxiety of the studied

groups and establishing relationships with the leading hemisphere..p. eighteen

4.2.4. The study of success in extracurricular activities

study group and establishing a relationship with

leading hemisphere……………………………………………p. 19

4.2.5. Studying the level of communicative skills of the researched

groups and establishing relationships with the leading hemisphere ... p. twenty

Conclusion…………………………………………………………......p. 22

References…………………………………………….………p. 22

1. Introduction.

1.1. Relevance of the topic.

Since time immemorial, mankind has known people who were distinguished by their "otherness". Such people, for example, include left-handers. Recently, in a biology lesson, when solving genetic problems, we witnessed such an attitude, namely: when writing down the condition of the problem, the student designated the right-handedness gene as the norm, and the left-handedness gene as abnormal. He did it subconsciously. And the reaction of the left-handed student immediately followed: “So, in your opinion, I’m crazy?”

Indeed, we look at lefties with interest, in a special way. And left-handers, in turn, also want to convey to the “right” world that they are normal and do not have psychological abnormalities. In any family where there is a child, they observe his development, including left-handedness - right-handedness. And if there is a fact of left-handedness, then parents are in a hurry to figure out how to adapt the child to the right-handed world.

1.2. Target.

The purpose of our work is to study the differences in the educational activities of left-handers, right-handers, ambidexters among lyceum students and their psychological characteristics, in order to find out how positive the decision to cancel the retraining of left-handers was and whether it equalized the opportunities for left-handers and right-handers.

1.3 Hypothesis.

The research hypothesis is that:

left-handedness and ambidexterity are a positive factor for the intellectual and psychological development of a person.

1.4. Tasks.

To achieve this goal, we have identified the following tasks:

1. To study the literature about left-handers, their features, which are determined by left-handedness.

2. Choose methods for determining left-handedness - right-handedness and psychological characteristics of the studied ..

3. Conduct a study of students in grades 9a, 9b and 10sk.

4. Analyze the educational activities of right-handers, right-handed ambidexters, ambidexters, left-handers - ambidexters, left-handers.

5. Analyze the psychological characteristics of right-handers, right-handed ambidexters, ambidexters, left-handers - ambidexters, left-handers.

6. Determine what kind of relationship exists between psychological characteristics and academic performance, if any.

7. Installthe nature of the decision to cancel the retraining of left-handers and whether it equalized opportunities for left-handers and right-handers.

1.5. Object of study.

We chose students as the object of the study.9a, 9b and 10skclasses of the lyceum-boarding school "Pedagogical" in Taganrog, namely their belonging to the "right" or "left" world, to what extent this fact affects their educational achievements. We were also interested in psychological development personality, namely: the level of anxiety and communication skills.

1.6. practical value.

At present, schools no longer retrain children - left-handers to use their right hand when writing. This greatly helped left-handed people to live and develop in society on an equal footing with right-handed people. This work allows us to obtain results with the help of which we can help people - right-handers to accept left-handers as equal, not to be afraid of the appearance of a left-handed child in the family, and left-handed people to have adequate self-esteem and understanding that they have the same capabilities as right-handers.

2. Literature review.

2.1. The history of society's attitude towards left-handers, ambidexters and right-handers.

A century ago, ambidexters, like left-handed people, were treated with caution in Europe (it’s not for nothing that in English “ambidexter” also means “two-faced”), and in the Middle Ages they could easily be burned at the stake. It is known that in the Middle Ages a huge number of left-handers in Europe were burned at the stake.

Yes, in English language“right” means “straight, right, honest”, and “left” means “weak, wrong”.Left- handed(left-handed), in addition to its immediate meaning, also means "clumsy, deceitful, vile, vicious intriguer." french wordgauche(left) also means "clumsy, dishonest." Italianmancinomeans not only "left", but also "tired, spoiled, defective, deceitful". Spanishzurdomeans "left"zurdas- "false path".noserzurdomeans "to be very smart", and literally, "not to be left-handed".LinkGerman for "left" andlinkish- "awkward, etc."

Meanwhile, in Japan, the most highly developed country in the world, both technically and spiritually, left-handers are not despised, as in Europe, but on the contrary, they are very respected, since they are considered especially skillful people. However, the word "left-handed" in Russian means "a rare craftsman." But not without a sort of foolishness, funny eccentricity. And all this “left money”, “got up with his left foot” ... The same PeterIforbade left-handers to testify in court.

For a long time, scientists did not lag behind the narrow-minded inhabitants. Yes, according to Italian psychiatrist and criminologist Ch Lombroso, left-handedness is accompanied by a tendency to crime. E. Stier in 1991 wrote about left-handers as a dying defective part of the population, which is practically incapable of any achievements in social sphere. In 1920, G. Gordon, after examining several pairs of twins, one of which is left-handed and the other right-handed, comes to the conclusion: “Left-handers are more nervous, smaller, lag behind in development.” Researcher V. Kapustin in 1924, having examined several small patients of a psycho-neurological boarding school, came to the conclusion that “among left-handers there may be children who are quite normal in all respects, but most often in about ¾ of cases - a left-hander is still a degenerate”, etc. .

Until now, many scientists arrogantly believe that left-handedness is just a “consequence of a birth injury”, and all left-handers, with the exception of Leonardo da Vinci, and even two or three geniuses - left-handers - are weak-minded and worthless people.

A number of researchers also believe that left-handers are more likely to develop psychopathic disorders, schizophrenia (56% of left-handers among patients).

However, almost all modern researchers of leftism unanimously agree on one thing: the number of left-handers on earth is not decreasing, but growing. So, two or three decades ago, they talked about 6-9% of left-handed Russians in relation to the entire population. Now we are talking already at least about 10-11% (and these are only left-handers, that is, only one of the four indicators of left-handedness was taken into account and recorded)..

2.2. Definition of the concepts of left-handedness, right-handedness, ambidexterity.

Left-handedness is a left-sided asymmetry of paired organs, i.e. dominance and preference in the work and some actions of the left paired organs of the human body.

Rightness is a right-sided asymmetry of paired organs (the predominance of the right side over the left).

Ambidexterity is the same possession of paired organs: both hands, both legs, eyes, ears. May be congenital or result from training.

According to research, ambidexters have the best memory of all human types, the best language abilities, the highest stamina and stress resistance.

Individual features depend on the dominance of one or another hemisphere of the brain. In this case, a cross process occurs: the right half of the human body is controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain and vice versa. Thus, in right-handers, the left side of the brain dominates the body. And for left-handers, paradoxically, - right. And also in last years scientists began to take into account the degree of dominance of both hemispheres - strongly pronounced (in this case, we will have a “classic one hundred percent” right-handed person or a pronounced left-handed person) and weakly expressed (in this case, a person may have only one or two signs of left-handedness - for example, leading left eyes and the left ear with the leading right hand, etc.).

The classic “one hundred percent correct” right-handed people are recognized by most doctors as those people who write and perform most actions, especially subtle and complex ones, with their right hand, who put the telephone receiver to their right ear, who also have the leading eye on the right plus they have the leading right leg (then it is jerky when jumping, it is she who is preferred for scoring goals from football players, etc.)

Those who have at least one of these signs has a mirror difference (for example, with right-handedness there is left-earedness and / or left-eyedness, left-footedness), most researchers prefer to collectively call them left-handers.

The specialization of the hemispheres implies that any activity is "divided" between them so that some stages are performed by the right hemisphere, and others by the left.

Right hemisphere.

Left hemisphere.

1. The perception of the world is colorful, figurative, holistic.

2. Responsible for emotions, intuitive abilities.

3. Synthesizes information.

4. Does not know how to lie, understands humor.

5. Responsible for spatial-visual function.

7.Processes information at once.

8. Takes part in the regulation of the internal environment of the body and the functioning of the immune system.

1. Logical, analytical, abstract thinking.

2.Processes information sequentially.

3. Capable of false statements.

4. Not able to distinguish shades of emotion in the voice.

Speech - individually: 31-32% - on the right, 50-54% - on the left, 11-16% - in both hemispheres.

2.3. Reasons for leftism.

1. Birth stress.

One of the important reasons for the appearance of a forced left-handed child is the so-called birth stress. It is usually determined by the presence of at least two unfavorable factors, among which are: below the normal weight of the newborn, too fast or prolonged labor, the use of instruments during obstetrics, asphyxia of the newborn (compression of the airways during pathological childbirth, resulting in oxygen starvation) and a number of others.

Greater stress during childbirth is associated with an increased incidence of left-handedness. It is believed that oxygen starvation (anoxia) of a child with a delay in the first breath can lead in some cases to left-handedness. But according to Canadian researchers, complications of pregnancy and childbirth do not increase the proportion of left-handedness, but some stress factors weaken the right-handedness of children.

2. The age of the mother.

There are some indirect data on this. Thus, the proportion of twin births increases with the age of the mother. And along with this, the proportion of left-handed children is also growing.

3. Individual development of the child.

Most researchers believe that the laying of the leadership of one of the hemispheres occurs even during the development of the fetus in the mother's body. However, there are other observations indicating that children who at 4-5 months show a preference for the left hand (the baby holds a rattle in it, it reaches for something interesting), may later become right-handed. This discrepancy, quite possibly, is due to different periods of the individual development of the child. This preference is supported by the frequent preference of the left hand in the first year of life for reaching objects and manipulating. Gradually, it is replaced by a preference for the right hand. Moreover, the time when this happens depends on the shape of the object. So, the left hand dominates when playing with a cube until the age of 28 weeks, with a ball - up to 32 weeks, and with a bell - up to 44-52 weeks.

In view of the foregoing, some scientists insist that right-handedness / left-handedness is formed in the first year of life, and finally by 6-7 years. These researchers motivate this by the fact that in many children up to one and a half to two years old, both hands are developed in exactly the same way (this happens because connections between the hemispheres continue to form in the brain at this time). This circumstance gave rise to the idea that people create right-handedness themselves, raising their children accordingly.

However, most scientists adhere to the version that left-handedness is genetically inherited, which is confirmed by figures: according to various estimates, 65-75% of left-handed children have one or both parents also left-handed. However, what about another figure: 54% of couples in which both parents are left-handed are born right-handed. In the same way, about 7% of healthy (birth trauma and intrauterine malformations were not present) left-handers are born in families where both parents are right-handed and in their families on both sides there was also no left-handedness. Therefore, there is no clear answer to the question: where do left-handers come from.

3. Research methods.

To solve the tasks, we used the following research methods:

1. The study of scientific literature.

2. Testing students of grades 9a, 9b, 10sk to determine the dominant hemisphere, the level of anxiety, communication skills.

3. Studying the level of educational achievements of the tested.

4. Data processing to identify the dependence of psychological characteristics and academic performance of the studied group of students, if any.

4. Research results.

4.1. Study No. 1: the choice of methods for determining the dominant hemisphere and psychological characteristics.

4.1.1. Tests to determine the dominant hand, foot, ear, eye and dominant hemisphere.

Leading hand definition:

1. If, when interlacing the fingers, the thumb of the right hand is on top, and in the “Napoleon pose” with arms crossed on the chest, the right hand rests on the forearm of the left, it is considered that the subject is right-handed. And vice versa.

2. In the applause test, right-handers clap the palm of their right hand on the motionless palm of their left, and left-handers, respectively, do everything in a mirror opposite way. Adult ambidexters applaud with their palms placed in parallel.

3. People usually gesticulate with their dominant hand.

4. The subject is given two pencils and, blindfolded, is asked to draw two circles or squares. The drawing made by the leading hand is much more perfect than the second drawing. At the same time, the movements performed by the leading hand can be slower, but more accurate, the tremor (tremor of the hand) is less pronounced. The lines drawn by the leading hand are clearer, smoother, the corners are not smoothed, the connection points do not diverge.

5. The subject must simultaneously write his name with both hands with his eyes open, and then with his eyes closed. As a rule, left-handers put both hands in the center of the sheet and begin to write with their right hand from left to right, and with their left from right to left. With their eyes closed, they write their name with their right hand as usual, and mirrored with their left.

6. Task: find a match in one of the boxes. The leading hand is considered to be the hand that performs an active action (opens, closes).

Leading foot definition:

1. It is believed that we usually throw the leading leg and its step is long.

Leading ear definition:

1. Usually a person prefers to attach the handset to him.

Leading Eye Definition:

1. The subject holds a pencil vertically in his outstretched hand and fixes it with his eyes at a certain point (preferably in relation to any vertical line), 3-4 m away, while his eyes are open. The leading eye is considered to be the eye, upon closing of which the pencil moves towards it.

2. Test card with a hole. A hole 1 by 1 cm is cut out in a sheet of thick paper. Holding this card at a small distance from the eyes, the subject examines the objects. Viewing is usually done with the dominant eye.

4.1.2. Diagnosing the level of school anxiety Phillips.

The test is designed to study the level and nature of school-related anxiety in children of primary and secondary school age. The test consists of 58 questions that can be read to schoolchildren, or they can be offered in writing. Each question must be answered unequivocally "yes" or "no".

Instruction: "You will be given a questionnaire, which consists of questions about how you feel at school. Try to answer sincerely and truthfully, there are no right or wrong, good or bad answers. Do not think about the questions for a long time. On the answer sheet at the top, write down your first name, last name and class.When answering a question, write down its number and the answer "+" if you agree with it, or "-" if you do not agree."


1. Do you find it difficult to keep up with the whole class?

2. Do you get nervous when the teacher says that he is going to test how well you know the material?

3. Is it difficult for you to work in the classroom the way the teacher wants?

4. Do you sometimes dream that the teacher is furious because you don't know the lesson?

5. Has anyone in your class ever hit or hit you?

6. Do you often wish that the teacher took his time explaining new material until you understand what he is saying?

7. Do you worry a lot when answering or completing a task?

8. Does it happen to you that you are afraid to speak up in class because you are afraid of making a stupid mistake?

9. Do your knees tremble when you are called to answer?

10. Do your classmates often laugh at you when you play different games?

11. Do you ever get a lower grade than you expected?

12. Are you worried about whether you will be left for the second year?

13. Do you try to avoid games in which choices are made because you are usually not chosen?

14. Does it happen at times that you are trembling all over when you are called to answer?

15. Do you often get the feeling that none of your classmates want to do what you want?

16. Do you worry a lot before starting a task?

17. Is it difficult for you to get the grades your parents expect from you?

18. Are you afraid at times that you will feel sick in class?

19. Will your classmates laugh at you, will you make a mistake when answering?

20. Do you look like your classmates?

21. After completing a task, do you worry about how well you did it?

22. When you work in class, are you sure that you will remember everything well?

23. Do you sometimes dream that you are at school and cannot answer the teacher's question?

24. Is it true that most guys are friendly to you?

25. Do you work harder if you know that your work will be compared in class with your classmates?

26. Do you often dream about being less worried when you are asked?

27. Are you afraid at times to get into an argument?

28. Do you feel that your heart begins to beat strongly when the teacher says that he is going to test your readiness for the lesson?

29. When you receive good grades, do any of your friends think that you want to curry favor?

30. Do you feel good with those of your classmates whom the guys treat with special attention?

31. Does it happen that some guys in the class say something that hurts you?

32. Do you think that those students who do not cope with their studies lose their disposition?

33. Do most of your classmates seem to ignore you?

34. Are you often afraid to look ridiculous?

35. Are you satisfied with the way teachers treat you?

36. Does your mother help in organizing evenings, like other mothers of your classmates?

37. Have you ever worried about what others think of you?

38. Do you hope to study better in the future than before?

39. Do you think that you dress for school as well as your classmates?

40. When answering a lesson, do you often think about what other people think about you at that time?

41. Do bright students have any special rights that other children in the class do not have?

42. Do some of your classmates get angry when you manage to be better than them?

43. Are you satisfied with the way your classmates treat you?

44. Do you feel good when you are alone with a teacher?

45. Do your classmates sometimes make fun of your appearance and behavior?

46. ​​Do you think that you worry about your school affairs more than other guys?

47. If you can't answer when asked, do you feel like you're about to burst into tears?

48. When you lie in bed in the evening, do you sometimes worry about what will happen at school tomorrow?

49. When working on a difficult task, do you sometimes feel that you have completely forgotten things that you knew well before?

50. Does your hand tremble slightly when you are working on a task?

51. Do you feel nervous when the teacher says that he is going to give the class an assignment?

52. Does testing your knowledge at school scare you?

53. When the teacher says that he is going to give the class a task, do you feel fear that you will not cope with it?

54. Have you ever dreamed that your classmates can do things that you cannot?

55. When the teacher explains the material, do you think that your classmates understand it better than you?

56. On your way to school, do you worry about what the teacher might give to the class? verification work?

57. When you complete a task, do you usually feel that you are doing it poorly?

58. Does your hand tremble slightly when the teacher asks you to do an assignment on the blackboard in front of the whole class?

When processing the results, questions are identified; the answers to which do not match the test key. For example, the child answered “Yes” to the 58th question, while in the key this question corresponds to “-”, that is, the answer is “no”. Answers that do not match the key are manifestations of anxiety.

Phillips Diagnosis Answer Sheet

Surname __________________ First name ___________ class _______ date ___________

question number


Well no

question number


Well no

question number


Well no

question number


Well no

question number


Well no

Processing the results of Philips' school anxiety diagnostics.

Last name__________________ First name______class_______date_________



1. General anxiety at school.

2. Experience social stress.

4. Fear of self-expression.

5. Fear of a situation of knowledge testing.

6. Fear of not meeting the expectations of others.

7. Low physiological resistance to stress.

8. Problems and fears in relationships with teachers.

Processing and interpretation of results:

When processing the results, questions are selected, the answers to which do not match the test key. For example, the child answered “yes” to the 58th question, while in the key this question corresponds to “-”, that is, the answer is “no”. Answers that do not match the key are manifestations of anxiety. Processing counts:

1. The total number of mismatches for the entire test. If it is more than 50%, we can talk about the increased anxiety of the child, if more than 75% of total number test questions - about high anxiety.

2. The number of matches for each of the eight anxiety factors identified in the test. The level of anxiety is highlighted in the same way as in the first case. The general internal emotional state of the schoolchild is analyzed, which is largely determined by the presence of certain anxiety syndromes (factors) and their number.



1. General anxiety at school

2, 3, 7, 12, 16, 21, 23, 26, 28, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58


2. Experience social stress

5, 10, 15, 20, 24, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 44


3. Frustration of the need to succeed

1, 3, 6, 11, 17, 19, 25, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 43

Σ = 13

4. Fear of self-expression

27, 31, 34, 37, 40, 45


5. Fear of a situation of checking knowledge

2, 7, 12, 16, 21, 26


6. Fear of not meeting the expectations of others

3, 8, 13, 17, 22


7. Low physiological resistance to stress

9, 14, 18, 23, 28


8. Problems and fears in relationship with teachers

2, 6, 11, 32, 35, 41, 44, 47


Key to questions : "+" - yes, "-" - no


















































Content characteristics of each factor

1. General anxiety at school - the general emotional state of the child associated with various forms of his inclusion in the life of the school.

2. Experiences of social stress - the emotional state of the child, against which his social contacts develop (primarily with peers).

3. Frustration of the need to achieve success - an unfavorable mental background that does not allow the child to develop his needs for success, achieving a high result, etc.

4. Fear of self-expression - negative emotional experiences of situations associated with the need to disclose, present oneself to others, demonstrate capabilities.

5. Fear of a situation of testing knowledge - a negative attitude and anxiety in situations of testing (especially public) knowledge, achievements, opportunities.

6. Fear of not meeting the expectations of others - orientation to the significance of others in assessing their results, actions and thoughts, anxiety about assessments.

7. Low physiological resistance to stress - features of the psychophysiological organization that reduce the child's adaptability to situations of a stressful nature, increase the likelihood of an inadequate, destructive response to an alarming environmental factor.

8. Problems and fears in relations with teachers - a general negative emotional background of relations with adults at school, which reduces the success of a child's education.

4.1.3. Communication skills assessment test.

Concept " communication skills "includes not only an assessment of the interlocutor, determining his strengths and weaknesses, but also the ability to establish a friendly atmosphere, the ability to understand the problems of the interlocutor, etc. To test these qualities, we offer the following tests.


"Mark the situations that cause you dissatisfaction or annoyance and irritation when talking with any person - whether it be your friend, colleague, immediate supervisor, manager, or just a random interlocutor."

Situation options:

The interlocutor does not give me a chance to speak, I have something to say, but there is no way to insert a word.

The interlocutor constantly interrupts me during the conversation.

The interlocutor never looks in the face during the conversation, and I'm not sure if he listens to me.

Talking with such a partner often causes a feeling of waste of time.

The interlocutor is constantly fussing, pencil and paper occupy him more than my words.

The interviewer never smiles. I have a feeling of dissatisfaction and anxiety.

The interlocutor distracts me with questions and comments.

Whatever I say, the interlocutor always cools my ardor.

The interlocutor always tries to refute me.

The interlocutor distorts the meaning of my words and puts into them a different content.

When I ask a question, the interlocutor makes me defensive.

Sometimes the interlocutor asks me again, pretending not to hear.

The interlocutor, without listening to the end, interrupts me only to agree.

During the conversation, the interlocutor is concentrated on outside activities: playing with a cigarette, wiping glass, etc., and I am firmly convinced that he is inattentive at the same time.

The interlocutor draws conclusions for me.

The interlocutor is always trying to insert a word into my narrative.

The interlocutor always looks at me very carefully, without blinking.

The interlocutor looks at me, as if appreciating. That worries me.

When I offer something new, the interlocutor says that he thinks the same way.

The interlocutor overplays, showing that he is interested in the conversation, nods his head too often, gasps and agrees.

When I talk about something serious, and the interlocutor inserts funny stories, jokes, anecdotes.

The interlocutor often looks at his watch during a conversation.

When I enter the office, he drops everything and turns his attention to me.

The interlocutor behaves as if I prevent him from doing something important.

The interlocutor requires everyone to agree with him. Any of his statements ends with the question: "Do you think so too?" or "Do you disagree?"

Interpretation of test results

Calculate the percentage of situations that cause you frustration and irritation.

70% -100% - You are a bad conversationalist. You need to work on yourself and learn to listen.

40% -70% - You have some shortcomings. You are critical of statements. You still lack some of the virtues of a good interlocutor, avoid hasty conclusions, do not focus on the manner of speaking, do not pretend, do not look for the hidden meaning of what was said, do not monopolize the conversation.

10% -40% - You are a good conversationalist, but sometimes you refuse your partner full attention. Repeat politely his statements, give him time to reveal his thought completely, adapt your pace of thinking to his speech and you can be sure that it will be even more pleasant to communicate with you.

0%-10% - you excellent conversationalist. You know how to listen. Your communication style can be an example for others.

4.2. Study #2: Data Processing of Diagnostics.

4.2.1. Determination of the leading hemisphere in the study group.

Diagram #1

As a result of data processing to determine the leading hemisphere, it turned out that only 30% of the lyceum students are true right-handed, 40% are right-handed - ambidexters (the largest group in terms of numbers), 24% of the children thought that they were right-handed, but turned out to be ambidexters, 4% of writers the left hand actually turned out to be left-handers - ambidexters, and only 2% are real left-handers.

4.2.2. Studying the level of educational achievements of the study group and establishing a relationship with the leading hemisphere.

We studied the grades of lyceum students for the first half of the year and correlated their achievements with the leading hemisphere.

Diagram No. 2 "Level of educational achievements for 4 and 5"

It turned out that only 7% of right-handers, 11% of right-handers - ambidexters, 9% of ambidexters, 0% of left-handers - ambidexters and 100% of left-handers are good students.

Diagram No. 3 "Level of educational achievements at 3".

According to our study, the group of so-called C students is 79% right-handed, 68% right-handed - ambidexters, 82% ambidexters (the highest value), 50% left-handers - ambidexters and 0% true left-handers.

Diagram No. 4 "Level of educational achievements for 3 and 2".

14% right-handers, 21% right-handers - ambidexters, 9% ambidexters, 50% left-handers - ambidexters (the highest value) have a "2" in any subject in a quarter or half, and do not have "2" left-handers.

Diagram No. 5 "General picture of the level of educational achievements"

The best level of educational achievements is demonstrated by left-handers, among them there are no three-year-olds and those who have unsatisfactory final grades. At the same time, left-handers - ambidexters have the same number of C students and those who have unsatisfactory final grades. The bulk of the C students are provided to us by right-handers, right-handers - ambidexters and ambidexters. There are also guys in these groups who study at 4 and 5, and also have unsatisfactory final grades in approximately equal parts.


4.2.3. Studying the level of school anxiety of the study group and establishing the relationship with the leading hemisphere.

Diagram No. 6 "Good resistance to anxiety."

The diagram shows that all groups of students have a high level of resistance to school anxiety. At the same time, 100% indicators are left-handers and left-handers - ambidexters.

Diagram No. 7 "Increased level of anxiety."

According to the interpretation of the test, anxiety can be increased and high. Among those students who have increased anxiety, there are no left-handers and left-handers - ambidexters.

This level of anxiety is typical for all those right-handers - ambidexters and ambidexters who did not fall into the group of lyceum students with resistance to anxiety. Among right-handed people, 18% do not have resistance to anxiety, while 9% of them have an increased level of anxiety, and the remaining 9% have high anxiety (diagram No. 8).Diagram No. 8 "High

anxiety level"

Diagram No. 9 "General picture of the level of anxiety of the study group"

Thus, it turns out that left-handers and left-handers - ambidexters are in a predominant position, and the right-handers are most susceptible to anxiety, although the proportion of children suffering from anxiety in this group is relatively small.

4.2.4. The study of success in extracurricular activities of the study group and the establishment of a relationship with the leading hemisphere.

Diagram No. 10 "Activity" Diagram No. 11 "Winners and

participation in the Olympiads "winners of the Olympiads"

The object of the analysis of the success of the guys, we took the participation and performance in subject Olympiads.

All groups of children take part in subject Olympiads. The 100% participation of left-handers is explained by the fact that there are not many of these guys, and if they take an active position, they participate in all lyceum activities.

This also explains the largest number of winners among right-handers and right-handers - ambidexters.

4.2.5. Studying the level of communication skills of the study group and establishing a relationship with the leading hemisphere.

Diagram No. 12 "Excellent communication skills"

When processing the results, it turned out that only ambidexters (7%) have well-developed communication skills.

Diagram No. 13 "Good communication"

All groups of lyceum students have a good level of development of communication skills, regardless of which hemisphere is leading.

Diagram No. 14 "Problems in communication"

Among the studied lyceum students, left-handers and left-handers - ambidexters do not experience problems with communication. A small percentage of problems in communication is observed in ambidexters and right-handers - ambidexters. And 42% of right-handed people, which is the highest percentage, have trouble communicating in the school community.

Diagram No. 15 "Problems in communication"

The group of guys who have poorly developed communication skills (there are only 8%) includes only true right-handers.

Diagram No. 14 "Manifestation of communication skills"

When correlating diagrams, it becomes obvious that the predominance of any hemisphere does not special influence on the development of communication skills, although right-handed people are in the least advantageous situation, because among them, the maximum number of lyceum students could not develop their communicative skills or they were not taught this.

5. Conclusion.

As a result of the study, we found the following trends.

1. Left-handedness does not adversely affect the mental abilities of students.

2. Left-handedness - right-handedness does not have an additional effect on the development of intelligence.

3. The opinion that left-handers are mentally ill was not confirmed in our studies. Left-handers and left-handed ambidexters have

100% anxiety resistance and 100% good communication skills.

4. The most mentally disadvantaged are right-handers, because it is in this group that there are people with a high level of anxiety - 9% and poor communication - 8%.

Thus, due to the fact that in educational institutions the retraining of left-handed people to use the right hand was canceled, all groups of children, no matter what hemisphere prevailed in them, received equal opportunities for intellectual and mental development.

6. References:

1. The child is left-handed. How to achieve harmony with the "right" world/ A. Maiskaya - St. Petersburg; "Peter", 2006

2. http://

3. www. persev. en/ ambidekstriya

4. Miklyaeva, A. V. School anxiety: diagnosis, prevention, correction / A. V. Miklyaeva, P. V. Rumyantseva. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2007. - 248 p.

5. Encyclopedia of psychological tests. communication, leadership, interpersonal relationships. - M .: Scientific Book Publishing House LLC, 1997 - 304 p. - (Practical psychology for all).

Topic : I'm left-handed!

Our planet is huge. a lot on her amazing and beautiful. But most of all I am surprised by the person living on it. He lives for millions of years on earth, and still conceals a lot of the unknown and mysterious. One of the mysteries is left-handedness. The topic of left-handedness is very important and interesting for me, because i am left handed. Already at 8 months, my parents noticed that I I take objects with my left hand. I want to know why I'm not like everyone else? Therefore, the topic of research is extremely important for me.

The purpose of my work:

Prove that left-handedness is not a human flaw

Practical significance research

is that the relevant literature on the problem will be studied, conclusions drawn and recommendations given to attentive teachers and parents.

Research hypothesis:

Perhaps my parents made a mistake by not teaching me to write with my right hand?

Research objectives:

    Why do people use the left and not the right hand?

    What are the functions of the left and right hemispheres of the brain?

    What is the difference between the functioning of the brain in left-handed people and right-handed people?

    How to teach such children?

    Find out if there are objects, things for left-handed people?

Research methods:

    Analysis of sources of information on the problem under study.

    observation. Object of observation: students of the municipal educational institution Abatskaya secondary school No. 1

    Testing students in grades 4, 1, children from kindergarten - a way to determine the leading hand.

    Processing and analysis of the obtained data.

Throughout the development of mankind, people who differ from the majority in some individual features, for example, left-handers, aroused interest and surprise. However, the attitude towards left-handers was not the same in different countries and at different times, but, as a rule, had a touch of wariness and negativism.
In many languages, there is a negative attitude towards everything left, not excluding left-handers.
The Russian language also provides many examples of this kind. "Left product" - a product sold illegally, or a counterfeit, counterfeit product. Similarly, one can consider the meaning of the phrases "left income", "left money", "left way", etc. A similar coloring of the word "left" is also found in expressions that are not related to finance: "as the left "," stand on the left foot ", etc.
In English, the word "left-handed" has the additional meanings "clumsy", "hypocritical", "sinister", "illegal". Similar connections can be traced in French, Italian, Spanish, German.
Given the connection between language and consciousness, one should hardly be surprised at the negative stereotypical perception of left-handers by the "right-handed" majority.
Fortunately, in our time, on the whole planet, the attitude towards various manifestations of individuality is changing. Now the phenomenon of left-handedness is being studied a lot, the results of this work make it possible to change the stereotypical perception of left-handers and even gradually develop methods for teaching them.

Why do lefties appear?

Scientists put forward the following hypothesis: in ancient times, people used their left and right hands equally. Everything changed when the man began to speak. The work of the brain is the reason why a person becomes left-handed or right-handed. It is known that the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body, and the right - the left. Human speech is connected with the work of the left hemisphere, therefore, the more the ability to speak developed in a person, the more significant the role played by speech in his life, the more the left hemisphere of his brain developed and became influential, and, accordingly, the right part of the body controlled by him. The right hemisphere gradually lagged behind the left in its development. This is why left-handers are often slower at speaking and reading, although they also have a number of advantages.
Slide 7

It would seem that the organization of brain activity in left-handers should be the same as in right-handers, but in a mirror image. But that's not the case at all! The left-hander is arranged and develops according to completely different laws.

In right-handers, the right and left hemispheres of the brain have their own functions and are in constant interaction. Information from the outside comes first to the right hemisphere, where it is recognized, “receives an image”, and then to the left, where it is concretized and named. The right hemisphere (in right-handers) is predominantly responsible for evaluating spatial relationships, imagination, holistic perception, evaluating rhythms, and simultaneously perceiving multiple stimuli.

The left hemisphere specializes in evaluating temporal relationships, concretizing verbal expressions, numbers, analytical sequential perception, abstract and generalized thinking. The right cerebral hemisphere is associated mainly with the sensitive sphere, and the left one is associated with the motor and speech sphere. The right hemisphere is responsible for the work of the left half of the body, and the left hemisphere is responsible for the work of the right half of the body. In most people, the "logical", left hemisphere dominates, and the energy, subcortical structures play an organizing role. Within the hemispheres, the components of mental functions are also quite clearly localized, for example, that the parietal zone of the left and right hemispheres is responsible for the spatial representations and spatial organization of mental functions, and the temporal region of the left hemisphere is responsible for the understanding of inverted speech.

In a left-handed person, both hemispheres, as a rule, are more autonomous in their work, interhemispheric interactions are formed much later than in a right-handed person. IN Everyday life this manifests itself as follows: the child often does not hear the question addressed to him, often cannot explain the meaning of the word, the speech addressed to him. Often a "left-handed person" draws the wrong conclusions from a read story or interprets a life situation in a non-standard way.

If a left-handed child does not receive proper upbringing and development, he remains an “eternal child” in terms of his brain organization. Perhaps this is the reason for non-standard actions, naive judgments, and the life incapacity of some left-handed people? Plus, the left-handed person is dominated by the right, figurative, hemisphere. From here - rich imagination, fantasies and fears.

Causes of left-handedness

One of the most important issues that determine the approach to left-handers is the question of the causes of left-handedness. They may be different.
The most common so-called genetic leftism. Genetic left-handers may not have any developmental disorders, then it is considered simply an individual originality, a variant of normal development.
The second kind is compensatory"Leftness associated with any damage to the brain, more often its left hemisphere. In the event of any injury, illness at an early stage of a child's development, the right hemisphere can take over the corresponding functions. Thus, the left hand becomes the leading one, that is more active when performing household activities, and subsequently, most often when writing.

The third kind is forced Left-handedness. The choice of the leading hand in such left-handers is usually associated with an injury to the right hand, but may also be the result of imitation of relatives or friends.
Separately, it should be considered pseudo-left-handedness. By a certain age (finally, by about 5 years), in a child, one of the hemispheres is formed as dominant in relation to this hand (for example, in right-handed people, the left hemisphere). But such a feature of the brain as prenatal leads to atypia of mental development, which, in turn, does not allow the formation of either interhemispheric interaction or specialization of the hemispheres. Thus, the dominance of the right or left hemispheres in relation to the hand is not formed in children. Then pseudo-left-handedness is observed, or, which is more common, approximately equal use of both hands. Often, after several sessions under the guidance of psychologists, the child begins to write and draw with his right hand without any coercion.
In addition to all of the above, it is possible for children to develop the so-called " hidden leftism", i.e. the change of the dominant hemisphere. The moment of change is the critical period when the main functions of the central nervous system evenly distributed between the two hemispheres, after which the right hemisphere already begins to dominate. Such people can be conditionally called "mental" left-handers or "hidden" left-handers, in the sense that their signs of left-handedness are not associated with the dominance of the left hand.
Scientists believe that the category of "left-handed children" is not at all homogeneous, such children have individual characteristics, and the phenomenon of left-handedness needs to be studied.

Currently, there are several views on the natural abilities of left-handers compared to right-handers.
The first is based on the fact that indicators of behavior and neuropsychic activity in left-handers are worse than in right-handers.

The second approach affirms the equality of abilities of right-handers and left-handers.
According to the third approach, left-handers have higher rates of neuropsychic activity and greater adaptive capabilities than right-handers. This is justified by the fact that the left-hander constantly has to adapt to the "right-handed" world.

One of the next tasks of my research, which arose already in the course of work, is to determine through observation of children possible reasons reducing the number of left-handed children by the school period.

There are children who persistently use only the left or only the right hand when performing activities such as eating, playing, gesticulating. Other children are easily influenced, and, after a little confusion, can, imitating others, change the dominant hand. In this case, non-violent relearning takes place. Adults, without focusing on the personality of the child, tell the children: “Guys, take the spoon (pen, pencil) correctly” (while showing how to do it). A child, as a rule, imitates adults or peers. In such children, latent left-handedness is formed, which manifests itself only in exceptional cases (with excitement). In a normal situation, such children do not differ in behavior from right-handers. Apparently, this explains the phenomenon of a right-hander who does not know that he is left-handed from birth. I studied the family photo archive and found a lot of evidence that in early childhood I preferred the left hand (active actions and gesticulation with the left hand, the primacy of the left hand). And children with persistent left-handedness do not react to the example of others, they are capricious if they try to change the leading hand. These are persistent left-handers, who, as statistics show, are about 10%.

Leading hand definition

In addition, after testing among 5 children (the age of formation of a persistent preference for one or another hand) to determine the dominant hand according to the method of M.N. Knyazeva - V.Yu. Vildavsky, I got the following result: according to the results of the test in the senior group of the kindergarten, from 40 to 50% of the children completed the tasks of the test with their left hand. That is, among children there is a hidden left-handedness.

When testing in grade 1, the results showed that the number of children completing tasks has decreased. This is visible in the diagram.

Among my classmates, I also conducted a test to determine the leading hand in the activity. After processing the questionnaire data, I got the following results: 40% (8 people) of my classmates are ambidexters, that is, in everyday life they often use both hands as the leading one, 30% (6 people) use left hand more often right. Whereas in the class there are only 2 students who are left-handed. This speaks of hidden left-handedness. One student of our class performed all the tasks of the test only with his left hand. He said that before school he did everything with his left hand. In the first grade, he began to write with his left hand, and then began to write with his right. He came to us in 3rd grade.

Comparing my letter and his, I came to the conclusion: I write well.

Perhaps, thanks to my relatives, who noticed my left-handedness in time and did not retrain me.

Although, as my teacher admitted, it was very difficult to teach me to write. And she told me that the problem of retraining in 1985 was solved. Now absolutely every teacher is firmly convinced of the dangers of retraining left-handed people, since there is a lot of evidence that forced retraining and a negative attitude towards left-handedness leads to neuropsychiatric disorders, adversely affects the health, development and school success of children. Doctors have calculated that every third child who stutters is an overtrained left-hander.

Therefore, on the basis of the above facts, we can conclude that children with implicitly identified left-handedness in some cases adapt to right-handedness. environment, which reduces the percentage of left-handers by school age, since a strong hand preference is formed by the age of 5 (pre-school period).

How does a left-handed person live in a right-handed world?

In our village, not a single store sells items for left-handed children.

If possible, I advise everyone who has such children to purchase special stationery for left-handers. In this case, your baby will not have to go to various tricks to adapt right-handed things to his left hand.

H for example, a ballpoint pen with special grooves for proper finger placement and quick-drying ink will make writing with your left hand very comfortable and convenient.

Left-handed scissors, thanks to inverted blades, easily cut paper when working with the left hand, unlike conventional right-handed scissors, which, when used by left-handers, only bend and crumple it.

L the right-to-left right-to-left ruler solves the problems that arise due to the awkward movement of the hand from left to right, in which the scale of the ruler is closed by hand and the drawn line is smeared.

IN sharpener for left-handers, the blade is turned the other way.

If a child from the start schooling will use special school supplies, then, most likely, he will not feel discomfort.

Even, it turns out, there are special prescriptions for left-handed children, which differ from the usual ones in that all samples are written on the right side in relation to the student to expand the visual zone. The writing of letters in them is accompanied by auxiliary signs - dots (where to start the letter) and arrows (the direction of the letter). Too bad I found out about this too late!

I learned from the INTERNET that a whole specific industry has been formed in the West, making the life of the “left minority” more comfortable and safer. For him, scissors and corkscrews are produced, acting “on the contrary”, rulers with a scale located in the other direction, special computer “mice”, surgical supplies, sports goods and even musical instruments.

In England, where, unlike Russia, the attitude towards left-handers has always been more attentive, there are only four specialized stationary stores for this category of buyers, so in Russia there are even fewer of them, moreover, in our country, most left-handers are passive as buyers.

Here are some online stores where you can buy left-handed products: for left-handers, pens, pencils, rulers, erasers, etc. for left-handers, knives, corkscrews, copybooks, sets for schoolchildren for left-handers

Most of humanity is right-handed. There are much fewer left-handers, according to researchers from different countries from 5 to 30%. It is noted that there are pronounced left-handers or right-handers, there are those who are most active with one or another hand, and there are ambidexters - people who are equally good at both limbs.

According to my research in our school, out of 406 students, only 21 children write with their left hand. Of these, 16 people are engaged in "4" and "5". Therefore, we can conclude that left-handedness does not affect the quality of education.

Studying literature on this issue, I found that left-handed people are more creative. Among left-handed people there is a clear confirmation of this:

commanders Alexander the Great, Napoleon, scientist I. P. Pavlov, artists Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, writer Lewis Carroll, actor Charlie Chaplin, finally, US President W. Clinton and many others.

As a result of my work on the project, I came to the following conclusions:

    Left-handedness is an individual version of the norm. A tendency to act with one hand or another cannot be considered a deviation in development.

    The most common causes of left-handedness are heredity and developmental pathology.

    The preference for the dominant hand is finally determined by 5 years.

    The factor of retraining the left-hander leads to the emergence of school neuroses.

    The number of left-handed people decreases with age, as the aggressiveness of the right-handed environment forces the left-handers to adapt (non-violent relearning).

    The implementation of an individual approach to the peculiarities of perception of the world of a left-handed child will reduce the problems of adaptation of a left-hander in a predominantly right-handed world.

My parents were right not to teach me how to write with my right hand!

I am an A student, I read more than 180 words per minute, I attend a dance club, a music school, I participate in school olympiads and win prizes.

The Earth has existed for millions of years. Much is changing on it: civilizations disappear and are reborn, humanity is on the path of progress - everything in it has become completely different. But still there is something imperishable, eternal, which was and will always be. People will always be born, live and die; and they will always go along the thorny path to their perfection, each time resolving the eternal problems of life, overcoming obstacles, suffering disasters and yet conquering big and small peaks.

The topic of my left-handedness also opened up for me, a lot of things became clear to me, I began to relate to myself in a completely different way.

List of used literature:

    Semenovich A.V. "Those incredible left-handers." – M.; Genesis, 2007.

    Deutsch G. "Left brain, right brain" - M .: Mir, 1987.

    Airapetyants V.A. Left-handedness in children and adolescents. – M.: Nauka, 1987.

    Bezrukikh M.M. "The left-handed child at school and at home". - St. Petersburg: U-Factoria, 2004.

    Dobrokhotova T.A., Bragina N.N. Lefty. - M .: Book, 1994.

    Makariev I. If your child is left-handed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 1995

    Friday T.V. "Left-handedness as a norm of development" - M .: Aversef, 2007.

Attachment 1

Test for the definition of "handiness"

    Pay attention to which hand the child holds a pen or pencil.

    Sitting put one foot on the other. Which leg will be on top?

    Interlace your fingers into a lock. If the finger of the right hand is on top - a sign of a right-hander, a left-hand sign of a left-hander.

    Invite the child to clap their hands so that one hand is on top.

    Cross your arms over your chest. Which arm's forearm will be on top?

    Look into the paper tube with one eye. What eye will it be?

    Brush hair. Which hand will the comb be in?

Appendix 2

Tips for parents

If the child is left-handed

"Shell curls with rare exceptions

folded from right to left. And if it comes across

a left-handed sink, connoisseurs value it worth its weight in gold."

Jules Bern

In the list of the most famous, although not always reliable, facts about left-handers, there are the following:

    Lefties make up 20% of all talented people

    They are more common among men than among women.

    It is difficult to fence with lefties (boxing, playing tennis), while 40% of the gold medals in boxing were won by lefties

    They often have speech disorders

The use of the left or right hand as a leader (the so-called "hand") is a reflection brain organization of human mental activity. It cannot be changed at one's discretion, since any intervention, especially at an early age, leads to unpredictable consequences, which, whatespecially dangerous, they may not appear immediately, but after a few years.

Advice 2. It is better to teach a left-hander to compare himself with himself.

Advice 3. Parents of a little left-hander need to make sure every time that a left-handed student has really learned new material(or found his own way of assimilation).

Tip 4. To teach a left-handed child to use a spoon, a needle, scissors, a brush, tie shoelaces, fasten buttons, etc., take his hands in yours and repeat the desired movement with him several times. Your task is to literally force the child's body to remember this or that operation, the relative position in each case of the fingers, toes, torso, head.

Advice 5. Give the lefty time to get to work, do not rush him if he cannot do several things at once.

Tip 6 During morning exercises, offer exercises that would involve both arms or legs (for example, imitation crawl swimming). Each exercise must be pre-worked on the individual components of the movements. Remember that fresh air and (physical exercise) are necessary for the full mental activity of the child.

Advice 7 Swimming is generally very useful, and for left-handed people with their coordination problems - especially. But if there is no pool nearby and sports hall, - not scary. Even such low-cost types of exercises as oculomotor exercises help (following a moving object with your eyes or independently - left, right, up, down, etc.). As they are mastered, they can be performed in combination with the movements of the muscles of the tongue: first, the tongue and eyes move in the same direction, then in the opposite direction.

Advice 8 To overcome speech difficulties with a child, you need to talk more, teaching him to choose the right words on his own, without "well, it's like him, it's understandable!". Textbook games such as "Cities", etc. are very useful.

Tip 9 Be aware of all his school assignments, carefully monitor their execution. When checking homework, avoid negative marks. Praise for everything, reward with useful things for following the schedule: a book, a ticket to the theater, an educational game.

Tip 10 Give your child a room or part of it that will become his own territory. It is important that the desktop is placed so that the child sees a smooth wall in front of him, so that nothing distracts him. Simplicity, calm color and order will help him concentrate on his studies.

Tip 11 Organize in the non-working part of his habitat everything that is necessary for (fantasy and creativity, let the child express himself: if he draws well, put up a children's easel or hang a piece of drawing paper, if he writes poetry, get a special notebook for them. Seriously discuss his work with the child .Regularly inquire
his success in school. G

Tip 12 Start with self-discipline. Communication and living with unassembled people for a left-hander is unacceptable. Try to be consistent - if the older generation allows slack, the younger one stops working!

Annex 3

I would like to draw the attention of teachers to the recommendations of A. Soboleva, since I cannot yet give advice to teachers.

Alexandra SOBOLEVA

Lefties are special kids...

Give him some personal time:

    Love lefties. Bring as much trust and warmth as possible into your relationship with him, but do not be familiar. Keep your distance. Be not a friend to him, but a teacher - a person who is entrusted with the organization of training and control over it.

    Don't rush the lefty. If he does not have time to do tasks with everyone else, try giving him individual tasks on a card.

    Try to make sure that he does not demonstrate his insolvency in front of children - for example, he does not read aloud if he is bad at it. Beware of harsh statements addressed to him.

    Praise the lefty for everything he does. With praise, these children literally blossom.

    A left-hander will easily master the material if you ask him to “think it out” himself: for example, come up with an ending to the story, and then tell how the plot developed with the author. By the way, other kids will love it too.

    The left-hander assimilates everything that he touched with his hands, sniffed, sketched. Tell your parents about this, allow him to draw something related to the topic of your explanation on a separate piece of paper when you tell orally.

    Refrain from emotional notes in school notebooks or diaries with a pen with a thick pressure.

Once again I want to emphasize that a left-handed child needs an individual approach. Therefore, although the tasks below can be used in the classroom, they are mainly designed for additional work of parents or a psychologist.

Jobs that lefties will love


Sometimes it can be difficult for children to master reading, because in their minds there is no clearly established image of a letter. It is easy to eliminate this problem if you draw letters, little men that look like letters on the sand, snow, sculpt letters and words from clay or salt dough, lay out twigs, and so on.

“Draw” the letters, and then the words in the air, on the back of the child, on his arm - let him guess them, and also set the same tasks for you - because he also wants to be a teacher!

When reading aloud to him, ask: “Do you imagine all this?” - because those guys who have not yet formed imaginative thinking do not want to learn to read.

Due to poor reading, the child often does not have time to learn the content of the works required by the program. Offer your "martyr" another way to study the subject. Today, a huge number of audio cassettes with recordings of classical works are sold. Turning on the cassette to the child before going to bed, you will help him learn the content of the work more efficiently. It is much easier to read the text, knowing the intonations and characters of the characters. In addition, perceiving the text by ear, the child develops auditory perception. Thus, he will not only passively study the given book, but also love reading. You can show your child a film based on a literary work. True, the plot of the film can be very far from the original source, so it is advisable for an adult to know the content in order to correct the development of events and the behavior of the characters in time. Many literary works show life as it really is. Draw analogies between life and an episode from a book - and the young reader will understand that literature is not an abstract fiction, but a very useful thing in life. A child who, standing on the seashore, hears Lermontov's poem "Sail", will not be able to remain indifferent to poetry.

Speech development

    One of the disadvantages of the left-hander is the ignorance of low-frequency words, that is, those words that are not so often used. A mushroom cap, a teapot spout, a tree crown, a chair back - some of these words are completely unknown. In professional language, this is called poverty of speech. Ignorance of many words or their meanings leads to the fact that the child is not able not only to beautifully, but also clearly and understandably express his own thoughts. Sometimes his speech becomes a mystery even for parents, especially when children try to retell their favorite movie or tell about what happened on the street during the game. Because of this - unsatisfactory marks for retellings, presentations and essays. The poverty of speech can cause a negative attitude towards the lesson of literature and reading as a process. Indeed, while reading, the student does not understand the meaning of most of the words, which means that the meaning of the entire text remains incomprehensible to him. You can learn low-frequency words on a walk. Enjoying the fresh air, with the help of your explanations, the child will quickly understand the difference between a crown and branches, better recognize forest animals and birds, their body structure, and learn vocabulary related to natural phenomena.

    Known to us since childhood word game(taking turns calling new words starting with the last letter of the previous word) will help the child remember the spelling of many words and expand his vocabulary.

    The game "Gallows", or "Balda", is extremely useful for students who skip letters in a word. The rules of the game are as follows: one guesses a word, indicating what area it is from (fruit, transport, furniture), and denoting its first and last letters, and their total number is replaced by dashes. For example, the word Orange will look like this: A - - - - - - N. The other calls any letters, trying to guess the missing ones. A correctly named letter falls into place, and an incorrectly named one turns either into part of the gallows or into the letters of the word bulldozer. The game ends if the word is guessed, and also if the gallows is built or the word is composed bulldozer.

    Dictionary words can also be memorized with the help of funny drawings, drawing problematic letters in them. For example, cow you can draw with huge eyes in the form of letters about , but coat may have a style in the form of the same but , in the spelling of which most often they are mistaken.

    To work out the spelling of prefixes or unstressed vowels, come up with funny stories together - fairy tales that reflect hard rule. For example, writing some words with prefixes pre- and pre- will help to remember such a “composing”:

once upon a time At thought. She loved very much at think of all kinds of outfits. Once at she thought she dressed herself. At yardstick is ugly. At villages At thought, at thought. Decided at sew lace to the dress. At sewed and went to show her friend Pre. « Pre flattering, pre sunrise! - admired Pre. At thought at jumped in place at stamped, at clapped, at clung to her friend and said that next time she at thinking something special pre red Pre. « Pre Thank you very much,” she replied.

    Whole animal game. It is advisable to play in a company of 3-4 people. The host gives the task: we describe elephant. Each child should name one sentence at a time.

Masha. It's gray.
Kolya. He has a trunk.
Peter. It is very big.
Masha. He has thick wrinkled skin.
Kolya. He has small eyes.
Peter. His legs are like poles.
Masha. He lives in Africa, etc.

The one who cannot name the next sentence loses. Next, the facilitator supplements and corrects the information of the children and invites one of them to retell the description in full. Homework - write down a story and draw an animal.

Lokonov Dmitry


How many left-handed and right-handed children are in the school. What are their interests and aptitudes? Is left-handedness, right-handedness a guarantee of a person's success.



School Scientific Conference

"The World Through the Eyes of the Young"

Lefty or righty?

(The study is based on the project "Lefty?" - "Right-hander?", the website "GlobalLab")

I've done the work:

Lokonov Dmitry,

student of 2 "A" class

MBOU "Average comprehensive school №3


Karandina Galina Ivanovna,

primary school teacher

highest qualification category

MBOU "Secondary school No. 3

Krasnoarmeysk, Saratov Region"

2013-2014 academic year

I Introduction p.3

Research topic. Target. Tasks. Hypothesis. Research methods. Research stages.

II main part

2. Completing the tasks of the questionnaire. Survey.

4. Formulation of the conclusion.


III Conclusion p.8

IV. Additional material p.9

V Literature p.10

I. Introduction

My name is Dmitry Lokonov. I am a second grade student.

I am an excellent student. I really like to study. I love computer games, play with my dog, read interesting books. I have many friends.

With Galina Ivanovna, we carry out various studies, we are engaged in the site "Global Laboratory". I was interested in the project-research “Lefty or right-handed?” and I decided to do it.

I wanted to know everything about left-handed and right-handed people. This project - the study concerns me too - because I do everything with my left hand.

I am left handed. I am interested in answering the following questions:

How many lefties are in our school? Why are there so few? How are these people treated in society? What are they?

My research topic:

"Left-handed or right-handed?"


1) How many "right-handers" and "left-handers" are among the primary school students in our school.


1) What are the interests of "right-handers" and "left-handers"?

2) Inclinations and academic success of "left-handers" and "right-handers".

Object of study: students.

Subject of study: interests, hobbies, academic success.

I assumed that dfor "right-handers" and "left-handers"

characterized by differences in character traits, preferences in

favorite activities, interests

I chose the following research methods:

The study of theoretical material.

Questioning. The study of notebooks of left-handed and right-handed children.

Analysis of the research results.


Research stages:

1. Study of theoretical data.

2. Completing the tasks of the questionnaire. Examination of written works of left-handed and right-handed children.

3. Analysis of the research results.

4. Formulation of the conclusion.

II. Main part.

First, I decided to find out how many left-handed and right-handed children are in the primary grades of our school. It turns out that in elementary school there are 230 students in total, 214 right-handed people, 16 left-handed people.

Galina Ivanovna said that this ratio is 1 to 17, left-handed children - 6.5%.

I conducted a survey in 2 "A" and 2 "B" class. The children answered questions

Analysis of questionnaires showed that out of 40 children 4 children are left-handed.

Children define their left-handedness - right-handedness as follows:

1) I write, draw with this hand - 30

2) do everything with this hand - 5

3) I write, I hold a spoon with this hand - 5

I decided to find out why there are so few left-handed children. And how are these people different from the rest?

I learned that the mysteries of the origin of left-handedness have not yet been discovered.

Even scientists cannot answer the question why one child does everything with his right hand and the other with his left.

I compared the interests of a left-handed and a right-handed child.

Galina Ivanovna said that for the objectivity of the study, several people should be taken. Which is what I did. The result was the following:



4 people


4 people

1. Design and modeling.

2. Visual activity.

3. Artistic work: applique, modeling, making volumetric crafts.

4. Music.

5. Sports.

6. The study of mechanisms, an attempt to understand the operation of the mechanism, to repair.

7. Creative activity (the desire to come up with something of your own)

8. Reading.

9. The talent of the storyteller (the desire to retell, read by heart, play a role)


Collecting - 1

I learned that the brain consists of 2 hemispheres.

The left and right hemispheres of the brain are different from each other. We need them for opposite actions.

The left hemisphere is responsible for concrete thinking, mathematical calculations, consciousness, speech, reading and writing, motor functions. The left hemisphere is very well developed in right-handed people.

The right one is for abstract thinking, the unconscious, figurative memory, rhythm, perception of music and intonation, orientation in space, feelings. This hemisphere is well developed in left-handed people.

If we look at the interests of left-handed and right-handed guys, we see confirmation of this. Therefore, knowing which hemisphere is the most important for us, we can choose the right profession or explain why something does not work out for us in this or that activity.

Until recently, they tried to retrain left-handers, but later it turned out that the forcible transformation of the right hand into the leading one has a bad effect not only on educational process, but also suppresses creative development, leads to various neuroses, and can even cause stuttering.

The attitude towards left-handers at different times and among different peoples was not the same. In the Middle Ages, the ability to use the left hand instead of the right was considered a sign of the devil. In more recent times, people who use the left hand began to attribute giftedness and even talent. Indeed, many legendary figures were left-handed: Leonardo da Vinci, Mozart, Macedonian. There are many talented left-handers among our contemporaries: Bill Gates, Barack Obama. And many other famous people.

But there is also no doubt that there are a lot of famous and right-handed people.

This suggests that people are equal among themselves, and successes and achievements depend not only on natural inclinations, but also on the desire of a person to develop himself, to work on himself.

Try and you determine where the left-handed child wrote, and where the right-handed one?

Here are the works of the guys who study at "4 and 5". But these are the works of children who study at "3 and 4".

It seems to me that the quality of the work is the same.

I was also interested in the question of whether it is convenient for a left-handed child to live in a world where everything is done for right-handed children.

Left-handed guys answered like this - not always.

I learned that there are special shops in the West for left-handed people. For example, there are recipes for left-handed children, educational supplies, tools, sewing machines. We don’t have such stores yet, but you can still find goods for left-handers, for example, I use a special handle for left-handers!

I made a memo for teachers who work with left-handed children. She is as follows:

When a left-handed child works at the table, the light should fall from the right side.

III. Conclusion


1. Among primary school students, 6.5% are left-handed, 93.5% are right-handed.

Almost all people on earth are right-handed, and only some of them are different, not like everyone else. They write and sew, eat and work with their left hand. So they are more comfortable, easier.

2. A person tends to be wary of everything that falls out of the overall picture. In our time, not wariness, but interest, the desire to understand left-handed people and learn more about them, understanding the naturalness of differences is the way of a civilized attitude to the phenomenon of left-handedness.

3. The interests of lefties and righties are different. Left-handed people tend to be creative. They are fond of music, literature. Right-handed - love exact sciences, sport. Indeed, left-handedness cannot be an obstacle to success in life. We know many great athletes, musicians, artists, doctors, left-handed journalists.

4. I realized that left-handedness cannot be an obstacle to success in life, just like right-handedness cannot be a guarantee of success.

5. In many countries, since the beginning of the 20th century, not only have left-handers not been retrained, but they have also tried to create all the conditions for their normal life. It would seem that a trifle - scissors or a sewing machine for left-handed people, but this not only makes their work easier, but also indicates the attention of society to the needs of each person. Therefore, August 13 is declared the world day of left-handers.

Additional material:

And here are tests for determining right-handedness and left-handedness for young children. And I will now share one of them with you.

1. Take a comb and comb your hair.

2. Take a pen and write a few words. Take a pencil and draw the sun.

3. Listen to the watch.

4. Look into the paper tube with one eye.

5. Make a chain of paper clips.

6. Build a match well.

7. Throw the ball into the bucket.

8. Cut out the flower.

9. Open and close the bubbles.

If out of 9 tasks you did 6 with your left hand, then most likely you are a left-handed person. If you cannot determine, then complete task 10:

10. Take a spoon and remove the buttons, beads one by one from the cup.

IV. Literature:

  1. Bezrukikh M.M. Left handed child. - 2nd ed. finalized - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2008. - 64 p. (Future first grader. Preparing for school). ISBN 978-5-360-00820-0
  2. Bachina O.V., Korobova N.F. Finger gymnastics with subjects. Determination of the leading hand and development of writing skills in children 6-8 years old: Practical guide for teachers and parents. - 2nd ed. - M.: ARKTI, 2008. - 88 p. ISBN 5-89415-524-X
  3. Vorobyova T.A., Guzenko T.V. Left-handed child: 50 lessons to prepare for writing. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2011.- 80 p. (Getting ready for school). ISBN 978-5-94455-933-3

V Application:

Research work "I am left-handed"

Completed by a 1st grade student

Klyuchevskoy Ivan


Chumak Tatyana Mikhailovna

Hypothesis : Left-handedness is not a pathology and not a lack of development, it is the norm

Purpose of the study : to study the problem of left-handedness and prove that left-handedness is an individual variant of the norm.

Tasks : 1. Study the literature on the problem of left-handedness.

2. Find out how many lefties are in our class.

3. Conduct a survey among students and teachers

4 Conduct experiments to establish hidden left-handedness among students in my class.

Subject of study : "left-handedness"

Object of study : primary school students

Work plan

  • Study the literature on the topic
  • Conduct a survey of teachers
  • Conduct student surveys
  • Submit the results of your work

  • Lefty - A person who prefers to use the left hand instead of the right. People who are left-handed generally use their left hand much more than their right.
  • Lefties make up 10-17 percent of the world's population. There are about 15–18 million of them in Russia. An increased number of left-handers is noted among twins.
  • World Left-handers Day was established in 1992 and was first celebrated on August 13 at the initiative of the British Left-handers Club.

  • The terms "left-handed" and "right-handed" apply not only to people, but also to animals.
  • Yes, most cats are right-handed.
  • But all polar bears - left-handers

Student survey

Questions to the subject

1. What hand do you write with?



2. With which hand do you throw a stone, a ball?


3. Which hand do you hold a racket for playing tennis, badminton?

4. Which hand do you cut paper with scissors?

5. With what hand do you insert the thread into the needle?

6. Which hand do you cut bread with?

7.Which hand do you brush?

8. Which hand do you hold the hammer with?

9. Which hand do you hold your toothbrush with?

10. Which hand do you unscrew the cap of the toothpaste tube?

Leading ear definition

Determining the dominant eye

  • Leading eye left - in 4 people
  • Leading ear left - in 4 people
  • Leading eye right - in 23 students
  • Leading ear right - 23 people

Based on the work I did (a survey of a psychologist, testing among my classmates and a survey of school teachers) and having studied the scientific and fiction literature on this issue, I came to the conclusion that left-handedness cannot be considered a deviation in one direction or another. Left-handers are the same people as everyone else, only with a more developed right hemisphere. There are 4 left-handers in my class, which is 5%.

Salova Arina



MOU "Gymnasium No. 34"


on this topic:

"Right-handers and left-handers: two sides of the same coin or two different worlds?"


Student 4 "B" class

Salova Arina

Scientific adviser:

Radaeva Ch.F.


  1. Introduction……………………………………………….3
  2. Literature research…………………………….4
  3. Experimental part…………………………….7
  4. Conclusion…………………………………………………..10
  5. Literature……………………………………………..10
  6. Applications………………………………………..11-13


Rationale for the choice of topic:

I love my brother Andrey very much and we often play together. He is 3 years younger than me. When he was small, he used both his right and left hands equally often, but with age he began to use his left more often. I myself am right-handed, and it became interesting to me: why do some people use their right hand more and it is better developed in them, and some people use their left hand. What is it like for a left-handed person in a right-handed world? And in general - are there left-handers and right-handers among animals? These questions interested me so much that I decided to investigate this topic.

So, object of my research- human.

Subject of study- right-sided and left-sided signs of people.

Purpose of the study: to expand knowledge about the left-handedness and right-handedness of people, as well as animals.


1. To study the physiological basis of right-handedness and left-handedness, to find out what influences the choice of the dominant hand..

2. Find out why the majority of humanity is right-handed, as well as how right-handed and left-handed people were treated in the history of mankind and the reasons for this attitude.

3. Learn how to determine the leading hand, leg, eye, ear, nostrils.

3. Conduct experiments to determine your dominant hand, leg, eye, ear, nostrils and use only your left (non-dominant) hand in order to feel what a left-handed person feels in a right-handed world.

5. Find out if there are right-footedness and left-footedness in animals and how to identify it.

6. Conduct an experiment to determine the leading paw of my cat Ryzhik.

7 Collect applications: proverbs and sayings with the words right, left, right-handed, left-handed, etc. ; make a list of famous and brilliant left-handed people and a list of actions that are more difficult for a left-hander to do than a right-hander.

My hypotheses (assumptions):

  1. Left-handedness is associated with a more developed left, and right-handedness is associated with a developed right hemisphere of the brain. These traits are inherited.
  2. Most people are right-handed, society treats right-handed people better because they are in the majority.
  3. I am not "pure" right-handed.
  4. It is very difficult for a left-handed person in a right-handed world, because all tools are designed for right-handers.
  5. Right-footedness and left-footedness in animals exist in the same proportions as in humans.
  6. My cat Ryzhik is right-handed

Literature research.

Physiological bases of right-handedness and left-handedness.

All paired human organs have one or another degree of functional asymmetry (i.e., unequal development). In the motor sphere: this is the allocation of the leading (i.e., more developed) arm, leg, in the field of feelings - the leading eye, ear, nostrils. Each person may have their own combination of right- and left-sided signs. There are very few "pure" lefties (i.e. people with leading left ear, eye, nostril, hand, foot)! And "clean" right-handers too! Basically, people on Earth live with predominant left-hand or right-hand leading organs.

About 10-15% of people are left-handed. The remaining 85-90% are right-handed. What determines whether a person is right-handed or left-handed? This is due to the peculiarities of the work of the hemispheres of the brain.In right-handed people, it turns out that not the right hemisphere, as I assumed, but the LEFT hemisphere, which is responsible for processing verbal information, is more developed. Left-handers have a more developed RIGHT hemisphere, which is responsible for processing images, emotions, feelings.However, there are people with equally developed right and left hemispheres. These are the so-called ambidextrous. They are equally good with the right and left hand, foot, etc. They do not have leading paired organs.

But why did right-handedness win over left-handedness in the course of human development?

Today there is no single theory explaining the reasons for the predominance of right-handedness. So, for example, the French physiologist Xavier Bichat connects right-handedness with combat methods. Based on the fact that the human heart is in the left side of the chest, the warrior tried to cover the left (more vulnerable) part of the chest with a shield, and strike with a spear or sword with his right hand.

A number of researchers are inclined to see the reasons for right-handedness in the fact that the right hand played a certain role in ancient cults.

The version of the Armenian scientist Geodakyan is interesting. Based on his theory, Geodakyan made many interesting predictions. He guessed that the baby in the womb sucks the right thumb. Ultrasound studies have confirmed: 92% of thumb-sucking children find the thumb of their right hand to be more delicious! Why? The mammal is one of the late conquests of evolution, therefore the left hemisphere and the right hand, respectively, are responsible for the sucking reflex! Thus, it turns out that a person, as a representative of mammals, is more prone to right-handedness.

Causes of right-handedness or left-handedness:

Several factors influence the choice of the dominant hand:

  1. Heredity – left-handed parents are more likely to have left-handed children. By the way, my brother's dad is left-handed, maybe that's why he uses his left hand more?
  2. The influence of the environment, culture. The higher the level of development of the people, the less left-handed.

For example, among the Eskimos, Papuans and other peoples close to nature, left-handed people make up 25-30%!

  1. Injury or illness. This is the so-called forced right- or left-handedness associated with diseases of the brain, hands, feet, etc.

Attitude to right-handedness and left-handedness in the history of mankind.

Throughout the history of mankind, people who differ from the majority in some way, for example, left-handers, have aroused interest and surprise. The attitude towards left-handers was not the same in different countries and at different times.

In many languages, there is a negative attitude towards everything left, not excluding left-handers. For example, in English the word "left-handed" has an additional meaning - clumsy, hypocritical, sinister, illegal. Similar connections can be traced in French, Italian, Spanish, German.

The Russian language also provides many examples of this kind:

"left goods" - goods sold illegally, counterfeit, counterfeit.

You can also consider the negative meanings of the phrases “left income”, “left way”, “went to the left”, “got up with your left foot”, “as the left eye saw”, etc.

Given the connection between language and thought, it is hardly surprisingnegative perception of left-handed people by right-handed people.The majority always has a negative attitude towards the minority, tries to suppress it, such is human nature. Hence the retraining of left-handers, which has many negative consequences on the body and mind.


And the picture of the Last Judgment in the Gospel of Matthew is to blame for this.

“.. Then the King will say to those who right hand His: "Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you." Then he will say to those who are on the left side: “Depart from me, cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the Devil and his angels.”

Since the Bible is a very revered book, the basis of religion, a model of morality and ideals for a huge part of humanity, the negative attitude of society towards left-handers becomes understandable.

In our time, when the causes and physiological foundations of left-handedness have already been studied, there is no such attitude towards left-handers. Left-handedness is not a disease, not a developmental disorder, it is a variant of the norm.

Do animals have left and right feet?

In the 60s of the 20th century, a careful study of animal behavior revealed many interesting facts. It turned out that animals have a stable "paw" - i.e. rat, dog, cat, monkey prefer to manipulate one of the front paws, and this preference persists throughout life.The terms "left-handed" and "right-handed" are applicable not only to humans, but also to animals, where they refer to individuals who prefer to use the left (front) or right (front) paw, respectively.In different living beings, the percentage of right-handers and left-handers among individuals of the same species can vary greatly. So, among cats, the majority are right-handed, among mice 44% are right-handed, 28% are left-handed, and the rest are ambidexters, but all polar bears are left-handed. It is noteworthy that even among the "relatives" of man, chimpanzees, the attitude of left-handers and right-handers differs from that of humans. For example, in the wild about ²/ 3 chimpanzees are left-handed. In captivity, most primates are right-handed; perhaps this is due to the forced communication with people who are mostly right-handed.

In this way, if we consider animal world in general, unlike humans, the number of right-footed animals is approximately equal to the number of left-footed ones.

So, to summarize: left-handers are people (or animals) with a predominance of left-sided leading organs, associated with the peculiarities of the work of the cerebral hemispheres. Left-handedness and right-handedness are associated with heredity and the influence of the environment at the same time. Right-footedness and left-footedness in animals exist.

In the next chapter, I will try to identify the leading right-handed and left-handed signs in myself and my cat, and I will also try to feel like "left-handed".

Experimental part.

Having studied the literature, I was already ready for experimental work, which was supposed to help me finally understand the simplest methods for determining right-sided and left-sided preferences in humans and animals.


I decided determine your dominant hand, foot, eye, ear and nostril.

To do this, I carried out the following experiments:

  1. Crossing fingers. Which hand's finger is on top?
  2. Napoleon's pose. Which hand is on top?
  3. Applause. Which hand strikes the other from above?
  4. Crossing the legs. Which leg is on top?
  5. Looking through a spyglass. Which eye is more familiar and comfortable?
  6. Peeping through a keyhole. What eye?
  7. Eavesdropping on what is being said in the next room. Which ear is more comfortable?
  8. Whisper in your ear. With what ear do you listen?
  9. Sniffing perfume from a bottle with a narrow neck. Which nostril is more familiar and more comfortable?

10. Plugging the nostrils with cotton. Which nostril is more "missing"?

Thus, I am not "pure" right-handed, as I thought. Of the 10 studied signs, 6 are right-sided, and 4 are left-sided. Consequently, the right side predominates, but only slightly.


My next experimentwas a voluntary refusal to use the right hand for a day in order to experience the sensations and emotions of a left-handed person in a right-handed world.

The day, I must say, was not easy! It turns out that everything that is so familiar and convenient for a right-handed person, for a left-hander is big difficulty. It is UNCONVENIENT to write, looking under your arm. Not only that: cut, draw, cut bread, use a screwdriver, sew on a manual sewing machine, clog lids, preserving for the winter, use many tools (screwdriver, wire cutters, pliers, hand drill and meat grinder, saw and knife, etc.) SO HARD I couldn't even imagine! It is even more difficult to open the window to the left than to the right. In general, all actions that are performed clockwise are inconvenient for left-handed people. It feels like the whole world is against you.

The researcher of left-handedness M. Gardner notes: “Many little things constantly annoy the left-hander in the right world. It enters the subway - the slot of the coin acceptor in the pass machine is located on the RIGHT. He wants to call from the machine - it is inconvenient to open the door to the booth with the left hand. Did you realize (if you are not left-handed) that all wristwatches are designed for right-handers! Put your watch on your right hand and try to wind it, then you will understand what an inconvenience for a left-hander is the crown placed on the right. All manuals for learning any manual labor are invariably designed for right-handers. A left-handed girl who wants to learn to knit, or a left-handed boy who wants to learn card tricks, should translate the relevant manuals into their own language».

Try with your left hand to use such a familiar tool as scissors - they do not cut, they tear paper, crumple it. I learned from my mother that there are special scissors, knives and other tools for left-handed people, but it’s difficult to buy them and they are not cheap.

So, this experiment showed that it is much more difficult for left-handed people to perform the most common actions, since almost everything in the human world is right-handed.


My third experiment was to determine the leading paw of my cat Ryzhik.

I thought for a long time, how can I find out which paw is more convenient for an animal to use? Watching Ryzhik during his game with my parrot Klyusha in a cage, I noticed: the cat more often swung at Klyusha with his right paw. What if it's a coincidence? How do you know for sure if he is right-handed or left-handed? After reading the relevant literature and thinking on my own, I chose 4 ways to determine the leading paw of a cat:

1. I put a tasty treat in a jar with a narrow neck. With which paw will Ryzhik try to get food?

2. I hang a bow on a rope at a distance of 45 cm from the floor. Which paw will Ryzhik play more with a bow?

3. I will carry the same bow on a string across the floor. Which paw will a cat hunt for a bow more often?

4. With which paw does Ryzhik dig sand more often?

Here are the results I got:

Of the 4 signs, 3 are left-sided.

Thus, my assumption that Ryzhik is right-handed has been refuted. My cat is left handed.


Sociological survey.

I interviewed 120 people of different ages and genders. The same provocative question was asked:

Whom to be better: right-handed or left-handed?

Poll results:

Right-handed - 45%

Left-handed - 20%

Same, no difference - 25%

Don't know - 10%


1) So think those who themselves are right-handed.

2) This is the opinion of those left-handed people who experience inconvenience in the right-handed world.

The right-handers were asked:How do you feel about lefties?

Poll results:

Normally, they are no worse than us - 60%

I don't understand them, they are different - 25%

I feel sorry for them, it is more difficult for them than for us - 15%


Lefties were asked:How do you feel about being left-handed?

Poll results:

I'm proud that I'm not like everyone else - 25%

Quite normal - 25%

It is more difficult for me than for right-handers, I experience inconvenience - 30%

I would like to be right-handed - 20%



During my research, I learned a lot of new information. In addition to scientific facts, I collected many proverbs and sayings about the left and right hand, made a list of brilliant and famous left-handers. It turns out that there is evenworld left hand day, which has been celebrated annually since 1992 and is celebrated on August 13!

Some of my hypotheses were confirmed, for example the fact that

Left-handedness is inherited;

Right-handed people are treated better by society because they are in the majority;

It is very difficult for a left-handed person in a right-handed world, because all tools are designed for right-handers, moreover, he needs

"translate" many instructions in your own way;

I am not "pure" right-handed: I have left-handed driving organs;

There is right-footedness and left-footedness in animals.

But, some of my assumptions during the study were refuted:

I thought that left-handedness is associated with a more developed left, and right-handedness - with the right hemisphere of the brain, but it turned out that the opposite is true! The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, while the left hemisphere controls the right.

The ratio between right-handed and left-footed animals is approximately equal, and not the same as the ratio between right-handed and left-handed people;

My cat Ryzhik is not right-pawed, but left-pawed.

Now I can answer the main question: are right-handers and left-handers two sides of the same coin or two different worlds?

I realized that both versions of the answer to this difficult question are correct. Right-handers and left-handers are two sides of the same coin, since almost every person has both left-sided and left-sided signs. But still, it is very difficult for lefties to live in right-handed world because this world is hostile to them. This is expressed in everything: from instructions for manual creativity, ending with zippers on clothes that are designed in a way that is convenient for right-handed people. That is why many left-handed people create their own societies and sites on the Internet, where they communicate and exchange advice. They seem to create their own little world, where there is no place for right-handers.

The topic of right-handers and left-handers has not yet been fully studied by me. I would like to continue research in this direction. I was interested in how left-handedness and right-handedness affect the creative abilities and character of a person, academic success and career choice in the future, so my research will continue in the next work.


1M. M. Bezrukikh "If your child is left-handed."

2. Bragina N. N. "Lefty".

3. Deutsch G. "Left Brain, Right Brain".

4. Kapport K. D. "Determination of the leading paired organ in humans."

5.L. Zhavoronkov "Right-handed and left-handed"

6. Markina N. The brain of right-handers and left-handers - what is the difference?


Proverbs and sayings with the words "LEFT" and "RIGHT":

  1. Right hand, left heart.
  2. At the judgment of God, the right will go to the right, and crookedly to the left.
  3. You go left, you go right.
  4. We have a right brother-in-law.
  5. The ears of the right laugh, and the tongue of the left is dull.
  6. Who blames the right, he will sting himself.
  7. A tyrant does whatever the left leg wants.
  8. The right hand is the one with the thumb on the left.
  9. A master of language, but a left-hander in deed.
  10. The guilty one is guilty, but the right one is not afraid of anything.
  11. An intelligent son is the father's right eye.
  12. The right one rejoices all day.
  13. He speaks to the right and looks to the left.
  14. In the right ear it rings - good is remembered, in the left - thin.
  15. The right word is great.
  16. The right hand truly lives.
  17. The leftist sees the leftist from afar.
  18. The left-hander withdraws the right-hander.
  19. The right one sees without an eye.
  20. He builds with his right hand and breaks with his left.
  21. Get up on your left foot.
  22. They beat him on the right cheek, and he substitutes the left.
  23. As done with the left hand.
  24. Some are right, some are left.


List of famous and brilliant left-handed people.

Leonardo da Vinci

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