What are the behavioral signs of stress? Methods of dealing with the consequences of negative emotions

Severe or prolonged stress, if left unchecked, causes major depression. Mild stress ends in mild depression. Severe disorders require mandatory medical attention; a weak person can usually overcome it on his own.

And of course, the first thing you should pay attention to: mental balance, the creation of a positive psychological microclimate, says psychologist Irina Pigulevskaya.

Methods of dealing with the consequences of negative emotions

The first stage of the body's response to stress is the stage of mobilization. This stage is training, stimulating adaptive processes in the body, subject to more or less periodic occurrence.

The second stage is the stage of sthenic emotions. It is the ultimate strengthening of all systems responsible for interaction with the external environment. Sharply increase the tone, strength, endurance of muscles. All energy processes are mobilized sharply. The activity of the heart increases, pressure rises, ventilation of the lungs, release of adrenaline. Immunological reactions are enhanced. But, unlike the first stage, the mobilization of resources does not occur selectively (economically, expediently), but violently, excessively, redundantly and not always adequately to the situation.

If stress arose in the emotional sphere and does not require physical effort from a person, then this stage harms the body, since physical mobilization needs to be discharged, otherwise the person will “go haywire”. What can be done here?

Give the body physical activity: brisk walking, running and something else like that. In this case, the work of the muscles leads to vasodilation and a decrease in blood pressure, and the intensification of oxidative processes contributes to the accelerated destruction of adrenaline, muscle fatigue stimulates the occurrence of inhibitory processes in the central nervous system. It should be borne in mind that shouting, swearing, “tearing off evil” will not help, since this does not lead to a complete discharge of tension, and if after that there remains a feeling of dissatisfaction with one’s own incontinence, a feeling of guilt, then the accumulation of negative emotions only intensifies, and resistance to stress loads decreases.

You can use soothing herbs - valerian, motherwort. It is better not to use pills (tranquilizers) without a doctor's prescription - there may be undesirable effects. A fairly simple and reliable way to relieve tension is to go out into the fresh air. Saturation of the blood with oxygen is an indispensable condition for the activation of oxidative processes, and many may have noticed that it is often enough just to jump out of a stuffy room to begin to calm down.

If a person knows for himself such a feature of responding to stressful situations, then as a preventive measure he can drink a course of B vitamins (they normalize the excitation-inhibition reactions in the nervous system). Full, sufficient sleep and physical activity are required (short and low intensity are allowed, but always in the fresh air).

The third stage of emotional reactions to stressful situations is asthenic negative emotions.

With them, all types of working capacity are sharply reduced, there is pronounced fatigue, inhibition in the cerebral cortex. Immunological reactions are inhibited, cell renewal processes are inhibited, memory loss is noted, the ability to think, to make decisions, to assess the situation is suppressed. Sometimes fear depresses only the mental sphere, stimulating motor activity, then a person distraught with fear performs unnecessary useless actions with great energy (panic).
If such reactions to stress prevail in a person, then you should know that in this case, physical activity will no longer cause discharge, will not relieve stress. A person needs drugs that stimulate the metabolism in the body (riboxin, cocarboxylase) and in the nervous system (piracetam, nootropil). Often, preparations containing phospholipids (Essentiale, lipostabil), which are included in the metabolism in nerve cells, help well. The specific choice of the drug is in the competence of the doctor.

Multivitamin preparations are needed, an extended sleep will help to normalize the condition. Among medicinal calming herbs, not valerian and motherwort, but hawthorn or peony are suitable, since they, having a mild calming effect, do not enhance the processes of inhibition in the brain. And, of course, you need professional help from a psychologist or psychotherapist.

The fourth stage of the reaction to stress is neurosis, when the balance of processes in the cerebral cortex is disturbed. The "vegetative storm" characteristic of the third stage turns into "chaos". A sharp loss of working capacity is characteristic, behavioral reactions and actions are disturbed, the regulation of internal organs is disrupted, diseases develop. Therapy of neuroses requires the help of a psychologist, self-treatment here will be ineffective.

General Stress Coping Techniques

Stress is such a state that it is impossible to write out one prescription for all to overcome it. What helps one person will be completely useless to another.
But there are several fairly common options for coping with stress.

Firstly, it is a technique aimed directly at eliminating the causes of stress. That is, it is supposed to change either the situation that causes stress, or the person's attitude to this situation. In this case, you need to know exactly the cause of stress, otherwise all efforts will go down the drain.

Secondly, there are so-called quick methods that can briefly alleviate the current situation. It is necessary to reduce the level of stress reactions that have already begun and strive to avoid increasing them. This applies if it is impossible to eliminate the cause that caused the stress. Walking, reading, playing music, sports or just lounging are suitable here. More on this will be written below.

Thirdly: active protection against stress. You need to find something to maintain peace of mind that contributes to the improvement of health (sports, music, gardening or gardening, collecting, etc.). This is the so-called active relaxation (relaxation), which increases the adaptive capabilities of the human body - both mental and physical.

The methods of "positive thinking" will also help.

And one more thing to remember: without stress there is no life. Any healthy person, in order to feel alive and complete, needs to feel the presence of certain problems that need to be addressed as they arise. In the professional language of physiologists, stress is an attempt by the body to cope with external aggression on its own. But if the level of stress increases to a threshold when a person can no longer adapt to it, if the dose of stress is too high, useful stress (eustress) turns into dangerous stress (distress). And when the dose of stress is exceeded very much, then not only the human psyche suffers, but also its somatics - different organs and systems of the body.

Methods for improving the state of mind

Important in overcoming a stressful or depressive situation is the mood of a person. Here are a few ways you can make a big difference in how you feel:

1. Change what can be changed, and accept as fate what cannot be changed yet. There are such wise words: “Let peace of mind be sent to me so that I can come to terms with what cannot be changed; let power be sent to me so that I can change what is possible; and may I be wise enough to distinguish the first from the second.” Really, is it worth losing your temper if it doesn't change anything?! Or maybe you should try to think, not whine, act, not whine, and change your life for the better. If something is not working yet and it is impossible to change it, tell yourself “this is fate, and let it be so for now, because it could be worse.” If the situation can be corrected, then all the more do not be nervous, but think and act!

2. Live for today and enjoy it. Why poison your life because of some distant events, if by that time everything can change a thousand times, if tomorrow, for example, a brick can fall on any of our heads? Live for today! No need to build pink plans for the future, it is very doubtful that it will be better than the present. Learn to enjoy every day, do what pleases you. Forget about past failures, stop worrying about the future and get the most out of today. Of course, all this does not mean that you have to abandon the reasonable planning of your life. But this should be precisely reasonable and calm planning, and not anxiety or rosy dreams.

3. Never be offended by fate and remember that everything could be much worse. There are people who are much worse off. Many of them, without hesitation, would give their lives for the opportunity to live at least one mediocre day that you live.

4. Avoid unpleasant people. Never get irritated with people, no matter what they are. Accept the person as they are, or leave them. And if you have to communicate with an intolerable person out of necessity, be glad that you are not like that. And besides, remember that people with a bad temper, constant arguments and hassle quickly destroy their body and die early. Take care of your nerves and smile - the victory will still be yours.

5. Evaluate yourself and worry less about what others think of you. Sometimes people worry too much about what others think of them, and this greatly poisons their lives. No one knows your strengths and weaknesses better than yourself. Someone is better than you, you are better than someone; that is life.

6. Communicate more with interesting people. Do not close yourself, talk more often with interesting, successful people. If something is not going well, consult with them, ask how they solve certain problems.

7. Plan your life so you don't waste time. Learn to plan your life, otherwise you may feel that life is getting out of your control, and you are mediocrely going with the flow. Set specific goals for yourself: for a week, for six months, for the next five years. Think and write down the ways and methods of achievement and, without wasting time, act.

Conflicts and stress

There are several strategies that lead to stress reduction, and there are certain cases in which it makes sense to apply them.

1. Leaving (you leave the stress zone):
- if you see that the conflict leads to the growth of negative feelings and it takes time to let the emotions cool down and return to the problem in a calmer state;
- if the core of the conflict is not very important to you:
- if you do not see any real chances to constructively resolve the conflict in a different way.

2. Compromise (you minimize stress):
- if you have equal rights and opportunities with your opponent;
- if there is a risk of seriously spoiling the relationship, too firmly insisting on one's own;
- if you need to get at least some benefits, and you have something to offer in return.

3. Rivalry (you stress the other):
Your position is stronger than your opponent's.
- you are not interested in the possible long-term consequences of the conflict;
- you are in a critical situation, and the subject of the dispute is extremely important to you.

4. Concession (you change the type of stress to a more acceptable one):
- if maintaining a good relationship with an opponent is more important to you than winning a conflict;
- if your opponent is obviously stronger than you and is set up only for a tough competitive position;
- if you are wrong and do not feel the moral strength to insist on your decision.

5. Cooperation:
- you seek a complete resolution of the conflict and the final "closure" of the dispute.
- both opponents are set for constructive interaction;
- Solving the problem is equally important for both parties.

Stages of transferring the conflict to the area of ​​cooperation:

1. Create a positive attitude, neutralize negative emotions.

2. Emphasize the mutual desire to find a balanced solution.

3. Determine as clearly as possible the essence of the problem that caused the conflict, and do it from the most neutral (objective) position.

4. Determine the desired outcome for both parties, as well as the final outcome that is beneficial to both parties.

5. Confirm that the achievement of this result will be mutually beneficial for both parties, while any other resolution of the conflict may have negative consequences for them.

6. Collection and analysis of all information on the subject, especially relevant to the desired outcome.

7. Review of possible solutions. Adding new, non-trivial solutions to this list.

8. Choosing the optimal solution and determining the procedure for its implementation (if necessary, with fixation in the form of a protocol of intent).

9. Implementation of the adopted decision and control of its implementation.

10. Final assessment of what has been achieved and assessment of their actions to overcome the conflict. Strengthening partnerships.

For about 2 months I have been in an incomprehensible state. I don't feel like myself completely. I don't feel my body at all. As if a completely different person lives for me, but only in my body, with my organs. Let's just say it's a double. And I seem to be watching my life from the side. This was not the case before. Once I remember such a state appeared, but after a week it immediately disappeared and everything became the same. But now it's unbearable. I went to a psychologist, talked like it became easier right away. Many people told me, from friends to acquaintances and experts in this field, that I need to change my life, somehow diversify it. But it didn't give me anything. If earlier it distracted me for a while, now nothing helps at all. That is, I don’t need to change my life, as I understand it, because there are no changes and I’m already tired of hearing it. Someone said that I’m changing a lot, I just can’t come to terms with it and realize it, and that it’s cool, a transitional age. But I don't feel comfortable. I'm tired of being in this state. What can you do to get back to your old self? Thanks in advance for your attention. Dmitry.

Doctor of Feelings Valery Egorov:

Good hour, Dmitry!

"What can you do to get back to your old self?"

The condition that you describe could have arisen as a psychological defense mechanism. What happened 2 months ago? - Only you know.

The mental life of a person consists of different “parts” or spheres, which, interacting with each other, make up the uniqueness of each individual. These are emotions, memories, communication skills, body awareness, thinking, behavioral or motor skills, needs, reflection, and many others.

When all these areas are involved in the daily solution of various problems, a person develops, enjoys his life competence. But it happens that one of the listed "parts" of mental life is "blocked" and ceases to be used. Usually, this happens completely imperceptibly to the human consciousness (and how many of us, in general, are aware that mental life includes so many components?). But the quality of life from this can be greatly reduced. Imagine a well-coordinated and working mechanism, from which one of the details has been “removed”.

This is what dissociation is.

“... As a rule, such dissociation is caused by the most severe traumas and stresses associated with the loss of a loved one, violence, breaking up with a loved one, surgery, career collapse, etc.

Dissociation or "loss of soul can manifest itself in the form of sudden bouts of lethargy and apathy, joy disappears from life, all undertakings fail, a person feels inner emptiness and meaninglessness of being." These descriptions of the condition are by the renowned pioneering psychoanalyst Marie von Franz.

Sometimes it takes time to gain our strength, to regain our own self, and we retreat so as not to collapse.

As the great philosopher Nietzsche said: "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." And this statement is absolutely true in relation to the mechanism of the work of our psyche with what we experience throughout life.

It is more effective to work on this path to yourself together

Many practical methods of psychological work in overcoming the consequences of psychotrauma, violence ... are based on the theory of stress by Hans Selye: if the reaction of the nervous system of a person who has experienced something that goes beyond the usual returns to its original level, that is, if a person manages to recover, then about then this event becomes an invaluable experience of this person. It enters into his memory, it becomes the basis for the development of many useful conclusions and beliefs.

What can you do yourself until you find YOUR OWN?

  • It's good to go to the theatre. The experience of empathy with what is happening on the stage will give you the ability to be aware of your internal states and begin to manage them.
  • Engage in bodily practices (dances, a pool, ponds, a bath with a broom, martial arts (I recommend aikido)
  • So how can you help yourself? if you are at the level of excessive stress? You are offered several methods:

Exercise 1."Dissociation from stress". Now think about a stressful situation in your life. Now imagine this situation of yours in the form of a movie that you are watching on the screen of a VCR. Imagine that an unpleasant situation is filmed, and you are viewing this recording as an outside observer. How it looked from the outside, where you were, what you did, how you moved, etc. Have you tried? Good. Now make the image black and white and mentally run the film over again. Do you feel your emotions fade away? Turn down the volume and turn down the picture, and your unpleasant experiences will also fade away and be far away from you.

There are other ways dissociation. For example, dissociation associated with a change in the scale of an event. For example, when a pimple pops up on your forehead, it can seem rather unpleasant, especially if you look at it point-blank in a mirror, and even through a magnifying glass. Can you imagine how this pimple will look from the other side of the street, and from a distance of a kilometer?

You were undeservedly yelled at. Are you beside yourself with rage and righteous anger? Amazing. Now imagine how this situation looks from the International Space Station. And from the surface of Mars? Or change not the spatial, but the temporal scale. Think about how you will feel about your emotional outburst in a month. Probably, it will seem like a petty skirmish over a forgotten reason. And in a year, will you remember why your blood pressure jumped today? Unlikely. What about fifty years later? The question is stupid.

Exercise 2 ."Deep breathing with a delay on expiration." Sit up straight, relax. Take a slow deep breath for three counts. (Inhalation should begin from the abdomen, where the first portion of air enters, and the abdomen protrudes forward a little. Then the chest expands and rises. Thus, a wave-like movement from bottom to top is obtained). Exhale slowly for five counts. (Exhalation is done in the reverse order - first the stomach is drawn in, and then the chest is lowered). Pause on exhalation - 2-4 counts, depending on your capabilities. Thus, the breathing pattern during this exercise will look like this: inhale (3 seconds) - exhale (5 seconds) - pause (3 seconds). We repeat this 5-6 times. It is advisable to combine this exercise with dissociation in the presence of severe stress.

Exercise 3 Stop negative thoughts. Imagine a situation where you are prevented from fully focusing on your work by unpleasant thoughts related to your problems or experienced stress. Represented? Now focus on these thoughts filling your mind. Then turn your attention to the external environment (the environment, the landscape outside the window - to any external object). Slowly moving your focus from one subject to another, silently describe your feelings, trying to be as objective as possible and avoid any judgments. Exploring the objects of the external world with the beam of your attention, use all possible modalities (visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory).

Example.“Outside the window I see a summer day. The sky is blue with clouds moving very slowly. Clouds are white and fluffy. The sounds of the street are heard: the noise of cars, the voices of people. Behind the wall is music from the radio. I can smell the faint smell of coffee. I see a pattern on the wallpaper. These are small blue flowers with golden leaves ... "

It is very important to maximize impartially perceive the world, refraining from labeling. “Good”, “pleasant”, “stupid”, “annoying” - all these words will need to be eliminated from your vocabulary. But that's not all, we also need to learn how to work with the body correctly. Just as a computer scans its state from time to time with the help of a special program, so our brain constantly receives information about the state of all internal organs and skeletal muscles.

At the same time, between consciousness There is a relationship between the body and the body that will be very different in a person reading a book, sleeping, or speaking in a meeting. Negative emotions correspond to a well-defined state of blood vessels and skeletal muscles, and our brain remembers a fairly large set of such psychophysiological states. When a person experiences stress, his muscles tense up, and his heart beats faster, which only increases the overall stress of the body. If a person manages to relax his muscles and calm his breathing, then his brain will calm down, and then emotions will subside.

You can also remember the rules of the American psychologist Rikka Bray and use them in difficult times:

- Determine the cause his trouble. If this trouble is given to you by Nature, take it into your soul (illnesses of loved ones, accidents, your losses). Give your soul time to heal. Don't rebel or argue with your life. If the trouble is born from the lack of other people (stupidity, anger, envy) - do not take this to heart, do not get sick with other people's diseases. These are not your stresses, but the problems of other people. Take care of yourself and do not waste the energy of your soul on the sores of others.

- Don't give in to anxiety if the problem hasn't happened yet. Live in the present, for the future is changeable, and until trouble occurs, it is foolish to start crying ahead of time. Maybe the situation will turn out to be more favorable than you expected.

- Don't exaggerate boundaries grief. Everything is relative, and what seems to you the collapse of the world, for other people is the usual stress. Wars, epidemics, natural disasters and many other terrible misfortunes have befallen mankind for centuries, but people have survived if their courage did not betray them.

- Do not tighten your suffering. Every suffering has its own timing. Be patient, wait, and you will find the joy of overcoming. Treat your life as one and only. The Lord did not let you get bored, sending both joys and trials, and only having experienced both grief and happiness, you will learn to adequately endure the first and appreciate the second.

Stress Acceptance Method situations (if you cannot influence it) can and should be applied not only in some extraordinary cases, but also in relation to domestic or industrial problems that you cannot solve on your own. Traffic jams, low wages, and disrespectful attitudes are all times when patience and calmness are required from you. In such situations, think about what positive you can get from this situation: what is useful to learn, what needs to be done.



night fog,
moving into the morning...
Like a sensual deception
And… the silhouette… of the departed…
now in the fog, it suddenly appears a little hazy ...
Gone to another world...
And he ... Already then and there
Becomes: With Himself…

To be in time now, at this moment, at this hour ...
To be able to be in time, to be able to happen ...
And be:
Himself with Himself...
To be yourself:
To be as it is:

ONE with ONE! © Valery Egorov.

First aid for acute stress.

If you find yourself in a stressful situation unexpectedly (someone pissed you off, your boss scolded you, or someone at home made you nervous) - you begin to experience acute stress. First you need to gather all your will into a fist and command yourself "STOP!" To drastically slow down the development of acute stress. To manage from a state of acute stress to calm down, you need to find an effective way of self-help. And then in a critical situation that can arise every minute, we can quickly orient ourselves by resorting to this method of helping with acute stress.
Here are some tips that can help you get out of a state of acute stress:

1. Anti-stress breathing. Slowly take a deep breath through your nose; at the peak of inhalation, hold your breath for a moment, then exhale as slowly as possible. It's a soothing breath. Try to imagine. That with each deep breath and long exhalation, you partially get rid of stressful tension.
2. Minute relaxation. Relax the corners of your mouth, moisturize your lips. Relax your shoulders. Focus on your facial expression and body position: remember that they reflect your emotions, thoughts and inner state. It is only natural that you do not want others to know about your stressful state. In this case, you can change the "language of the face and body" by relaxing the muscles and deep breathing.
3. Look around and carefully inspect the room in which you are. Pay attention to the smallest details, even if you know them well. Slowly, without haste, mentally "sort through" all the items one by one in a certain sequence. Try to focus fully on this "inventory". Mentally say to yourself: "Brown desk, white curtains, red flower vase," etc. By focusing on each individual subject, you will be distracted from internal stressful tension, directing your attention to a rational perception of the environment.
4. If circumstances allow, leave the room in which you have experienced acute stress. Move to another where there is no one, or go outside where you can be alone with your thoughts. Mentally disassemble this room (if you went outside, then the surrounding houses, nature) "by the bones", as described in paragraph 3.
5. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, lean forward and relax. Head, shoulders and arms hang freely down. Breathing calmly. Fix this position for 1-2 minutes, then very slowly raise your head (so that it does not spin).
6. Engage in some activity - it doesn't matter what: start washing clothes, washing dishes or doing cleaning. The secret of this method is simple: any activity, and especially physical labor, in a stressful situation acts as a lightning rod - it helps to distract from internal tension.
7. Turn on some soothing music that you love. Try to listen to it, concentrate on it (local concentration). Remember that focusing on one thing contributes to complete relaxation, causes positive emotions.
8. Take a calculator or paper and pencil and try to calculate how many days you live in the world (multiply the number of full years by 365, adding one day for each leap year, and add the number of days that have passed since the last birthday). Such rational activity will allow you to switch your attention. Try to remember some particularly remarkable day in your life. Remember it in the smallest detail, without missing anything. Try to calculate how many days this day of your life was.
9. Talk on some abstract topic with any person who is nearby: a neighbor, a workmate. If there is no one around, call your friend or girlfriend on the phone. This is a kind of distraction activity that takes place "here and now" and is designed to force out of your mind the internal dialogue, saturated with stress.
10. Do some anti-stress breathing exercises. Now, having pulled yourself together, you can safely continue the interrupted activity.
What are these breathing exercises?

Autoregulation of breathing.
Under normal conditions, no one thinks or remembers about breathing. But when for some reason there are deviations from the norm, it suddenly becomes difficult to breathe. Breathing becomes difficult and heavy with physical exertion or in a stressful situation. And vice versa, with a strong fright, tense expectation of something, people involuntarily hold their breath (hold their breath). A person has the opportunity, by consciously controlling breathing, to use it to calm down, to relieve tension - both muscular and mental, thus, autoregulation of breathing can become an effective means of dealing with stress, along with relaxation and concentration. Anti-stress breathing exercises can be performed in any position. Only one condition is obligatory: the spine must be in a strictly vertical or horizontal position. This makes it possible to breathe naturally, freely, without tension, to fully stretch the muscles of the chest and abdomen. The correct position of the head is also very important: it should sit straight and loose on the neck. A relaxed, upright sitting head stretches the chest and other parts of the body upwards to a certain extent. If everything is in order and the muscles are relaxed, then you can practice free breathing, constantly controlling it.
We will not go into detail here about what breathing exercises exist (they are easy to find in the literature), but we will draw the following conclusions:
1. With the help of deep and calm self-regulated breathing, mood swings can be prevented.
2. When laughing, sighing, coughing, talking, singing or reciting, certain changes in the rhythm of breathing occur in comparison with the so-called normal automatic breathing. It follows from this that the way and rhythm of breathing can be purposefully regulated by consciously slowing down and deepening.
3. Increasing the duration of the exhalation promotes calm and complete relaxation.
4. The breathing of a calm and balanced person differs significantly from the breathing of a person under stress. Thus, the rhythm of breathing can determine the mental state of a person.
5. Rhythmic breathing calms the nerves and psyche; the duration of the individual phases of breathing does not matter - the rhythm is important.
6. Human health, and hence life expectancy, largely depends on proper breathing. And if breathing is an innate unconditioned reflex, then, therefore, it can be consciously regulated.
7. The slower and deeper, calmer and more rhythmic we breathe, the sooner we get used to this way of breathing, the sooner it will become an integral part of our life.
However, any disease is easier to prevent than to cure.
Including stress.


First, choose an unpleasant event, fear or trauma
a memory that you would like to neutralize.

1. Imagine that you are in a cinema. see yourself in
black and white image on the screen doing something neutral.
2. Separate from yourself and see yourself looking at the screen.
3. Staying in the same position, look at the screen where the
a black and white film in which you have that experience that you want to "neutralize".
4. Having finished observing yourself as a participant in the film, when everyone
settle down again, stop the movie, go back into your image on
screen, make it color and rewind the movie very quickly.
So, you will get the impression that you are watching a movie with your own
an image in which time goes backwards.
5. Now check the result. Remember what happened. Contact
see if you can now think about it more calmly.
If yes, then you have achieved results. If not, you should go further
times through the whole process or seek help from a person who owns this method.


The main idea of ​​this technology is not to deal with the gradual solution of problems, but immediately try to build the desired version of the personality.
The area of ​​assembly and construction are roles that, after checking for ecology, can be either embedded in the context, or used as a necessary resource, depending on the task.
Construction is carried out with a change in all Logical Levels and an assessment of the environment.
The process is carried out in 4 steps:
1. Statement of the problem.
2. Construction of the role.
3. Checking the environment.
4. Implementation.
Formulation of the problem.
When determining what you want to achieve as a result of the changes, you need to answer a few questions. Remember that you are working in one of the contexts. There are only four of them:
1. Personal.
2. Family.
3. Professional.
4. Public.
1. Avoiding problems.
"What do you want to stop or avoid?"
Determine what you don't like in this context. It can be behavior, and persuasion, and lack of skills: that is, the problem can relate to different Logical Levels.
- I don’t like self-doubt, laziness, inability to answer for myself and what is too important for me, how other people evaluate me
2. The opposite of a problem.
"What is the opposite of a problematic state?"
Determine what is the opposite of the stated problem(s).
- I would like to be self-confident, collected, able to be responsible for my own actions, taking into account the opinions of others, but more focused on my own assessment.
Here are the replacements:
uncertainty - confidence (behavior);
laziness - composure (behavior);
inability to be responsible for oneself - the ability to be responsible for one's own actions (ability);
assessment of other people - taking into account the opinions of others, but a greater focus on one's own opinion (values).
3. "And who has already done this?"
"Who is already able to achieve a desired state similar to yours?"
Find people who already have the qualities you want.
- In my opinion, these qualities are possessed by Ivan Stepanych, Rabindranath Tagore and Tarzan
4. Based on the Mission.
"What qualities do you need for the most successful implementation (achievement) of your Mission?"
Define your Mission in this context and evaluate the necessary qualities to achieve it.
- My mission is to make other people happy. And this requires attention to other people, perseverance, self-confidence and the ability to do something for others.
5. With the help of logic.
"What important qualities, skills, states would you like to manifest in the desired state?"
Use logical thinking and determine what qualities should be present in the desired state.
- I would also like to have such qualities as a great capacity for work, a little arrogance, the ability to learn quickly and quickly switch from one type of activity to another. I wanted to be confident that I can achieve my goals and consider myself competent enough to make responsible decisions.
6. Expansion.
"What qualities related to your desired state do you already have, and what would you like to do more of?"
Determine what you already have and what you need to add.
- I already have attention to other people and the ability to achieve the goal. But I would like more self-confidence and just a sense of confidence in difficult situations.
It shows that, for example, confidence can be both a value (self-confidence), and an ability (the ability to feel confident) and behavior (a sense of confidence in difficult situations)
7. "As if."
"If you already had your desired state fully achieved, what would you do, or what else would you do?"
What will you do after you achieve what you want? What are your plans?
- After I achieve this goal, I would like to start developing such qualities as professionalism and constancy.
Role construction order.
1. Mission.
Define your mission in this context.
2. Role name.
Think about which Role(s) in this context will be most useful for your mission. Give her a name: "Great Professional", "Real Woman", "Persistent".
3. Values.
What values ​​are most important for this Role. Build a hierarchy of values.
4. Beliefs.
What are the beliefs of this role. Write down beliefs for each value. If there are any beliefs associated with other values, these values ​​should be present in the hierarchy of values.
5. Goals.
Define the goals of your Role.
6. Ability.
Determine the required capabilities and strategies.
7. Behavior.
Determine the most characteristic behavior.
8. Environment.
Define the environment.
There are several ways to "introduce" a new role. So far, only one of the ways: "swipe".
Please note that this version of the "swipe" is somewhat different from the classic one.
1. Old role.
Determine the context you want to work with now. Consider what role you play in this context. Define for this role:
1. Name.
2. Goals.
3. Values.
4. Beliefs.
5. Ability.
6. Behavior.
7. Environment.
Create a visual image of this old role: it can be quite blurry, the main thing is that you bring in the understanding that this is "your old role ..."
2. New role.
Decide which role suits you best in this context. Define for her:
1. Name.
2. Goals.
3. Values.
4. Beliefs.
5. Ability.
6. Behavior.
7. Environment.
Create an image of this new role. It can be quite blurry, but the qualities you want to have must be invested in it.
3. Environmental Check.
Get inside the new role and see if you like it there. If not, then you need to edit this image a little. Your unconscious tells you about some contradictions. Return to the previous step and change this image (add or change qualities) until you feel comfortable inside.
4. "Screen".
Imagine a screen split in half in front of you. In one half place your "old" self and in the other half your new self. You yourself can choose which half of the screen you are more associated with the old role, and with which new one.
5. Sweep.
Now push away the image of the “old self” from yourself, and push the image of the new self into yourself. So you need to do it very quickly 5-7 times. Only after each stroke, take a break for a few seconds and create a picture again.
Sometimes it is very convenient to help yourself with your hands. You put one image on one palm, and the second on the second.
6. Verification.
Imagine the screen again. Which image is more stable? Should be more stable New. The old one may shrink, fall apart, be difficult to hold, or move away on its own without your efforts.
7. Link to the future.
What will it change in your life. Look to your future and try to find the answer to this question.


Fear has many faces and suffers from it everywhere. There is fear of difficulties, accidents, ruin of the economy, loss, fear of losing a loved one or even life. Fear has become a constant companion for many; they can no longer imagine life without fear. The most common known external causes of fear are failure, meaninglessness, denial, war, and loneliness. But these are just triggers for fear. The real reasons always lie in one's own personality, in the subconscious, in ancient psychoanalytic "complexes", thinking that creates false connections between past events and takes them as the basis of being. Consciousness expands in this area - and fear usually disappears.
Because of fear, the one who is afraid turns his fears into reality. Walking on a board lying on the floor is easy. It is difficult to walk along the same board thrown over a deep depression, because fear seizes. Only because of this premonition of falling and falling. True, fear often has positive aspects: it facilitates a quick reaction where it is required, reduces the possibility of bodily injury, prompting to avoid danger. Here he is the opposite of weakness, a call for caution, prudence. This is the instinct of self-preservation. But fear has more negative aspects. Fear is subjectively a very unpleasant feeling. Its consequences are often harmful to the body: because of it, spiritual abilities are damaged, digestive function is disturbed, there are interruptions in cardiac activity, blood pressure may increase and the composition of the blood may change, the walls of blood vessels are affected and, in addition, joy ceases to be perceived, a bouquet of psychosomatic diseases develops. He is a bad adviser, especially when he is the only adviser. Because of fear, we miss the meaning of life, give up chances.
The first step in self-treatment may be to admit, "I have fear, but I am not fear."
There are people who purposefully develop a reaction to counteract fear, for example, skydivers, big game hunters, acrobats, actors. All of them mentally approach the situation that inspires fear many times, revive it and, to some extent, psychologically go through this fear. When, finally, they really get into a dangerous or fearsome situation, they are collected and can react quickly and correctly. It helps a lot in this case, without fail, an imaginary successful outcome of terrible situations, giving the opportunity to spiritually "survive" them and understand that, in the end, everything will be fine.
If you run away with an imaginary danger, the fear will increase next time. If you overcome fear, next time it will be less. He who is ready to look at what frightens him, thereby overcomes fear. For independent analytical psychotherapy of your fear, you need to honestly and clearly realize: I am blocked, my consciousness is narrowed by unresolved experience, an unresolved problem. There is a "blind" spot in my mind, I have too little "self-confidence"; fear is the same normal feeling as hunger or chills: fear will disappear if you perceive and accept it as normal information, as a normal feeling and requirement; by taking it, I prevent it from growing; when I look directly at my fear, I confront the shadow side of myself, what I push away, I do not want to see.
We must try to "go from behind" to our enemy. Here are six critical steps to reduce fear (home behavioral therapy).
First step. I imagine that not I, but the other is in a situation that causes fear. I can do the right thing in this situation, because it is a representation, not a reality. Besides, it's not about me, it's about someone else. I force that other to experience my fear again and again until that fear of the other no longer touches me.
Second step. I imagine that I am experiencing this situation again and again and I can do it calmly, since this is not reality, but a representation. I therefore relive the unpleasant situation and my fear again and again in my imagination until the idea ceases to terrify me. So I'm ready for the third step.
Third step(functional training). I place myself in the vicinity of the feared situation. If I have a fear of closed spaces, I go to a big house or store, stand near the elevator and watch how others ride in it. Day by day I get closer and closer to my fear, but in such a way that I never experience real fear. Once the elevator is free, I can enter it for a second, but I will not go. Before the fear came, I was already out of the elevator. After a while, I gain the courage to close the door behind me, open it immediately, and walk out before the fear sets in. If someday I won't be scared anymore, I'm ready for the fourth step.
Fourth step. I ride the elevator one floor and get out immediately, before the feeling of fear appears. Gradually getting used to it, I keep lengthening my trips. Step by step I conquer my fear, I got rid of it.
Fifth step. I actually or in my imagination enter into a situation that caused fear, and I allow it to completely take over me. I oppose myself to my fear, go "through" it and find out what energy is behind it, what, in fact, my fear wants to tell me.
Sixth step. Once I have figured out the real reason for my fear, I ask: "What step does my fear require of me? What needs to be changed? Am I ready to take this necessary step now?" if I am ready, then I take that step and experience the disappearance of my fear because it is no longer used as a signal or symptom.


The method of auto-training can be used by every person to relieve excessive psycho-emotional stress, to eliminate insomnia, bodily discomfort, fatigue, vegetative-vascular disorders. Auto-training is successfully used by athletes to eliminate, for example, "pre-launch fever", self-doubt. It is often used by many other people belonging to the so-called socially active groups of the population.
What is the essence of autogenic training?
For the first time, after many years of research and experimentation, the method was proposed several decades ago by the German psychotherapist Schultz. The whole complex of autogenic training consists of 6 successive components of exercises and begins with the initial posture that causes maximum muscle relaxation. It is called "coachman's pose". So they sat before the coachman, waiting for a new rider in the parking lot. The body is tilted forward, the head is lowered, the legs are slightly apart, the hands lie freely on the knees, palms down. This is followed sequentially, one after another, exercises, they are aimed at neutralizing the most typical bodily manifestations of psychological stress.
The first exercise: in the coachman's pose, mentally reproduce the feeling of heaviness in the right hand. When a feeling of heaviness appears in the hand, as if it is "filled with lead" - the exercise is completed.
The second exercise: by mobilizing your imagination, to achieve, by no means "virtual", but real, a feeling of warmth in the right hand. An objective increase in skin temperature has been confirmed in scientific studies.
The third exercise: with a mental "beam of attention" penetrate your heart, feel it, listen to its work and evoke a feeling of an even, rhythmic, reliable heartbeat. With ECG control, favorable changes in the heart are indeed recorded.
The fourth exercise: feel your chest, lungs and achieve a feeling of smooth, calm, free breathing.
Fifth exercise: direct attention to the "solar plexus" area. This is a powerful accumulation of nerve nodes, autonomous vegetative-regulatory conglomerates, located in the depths of the abdomen approximately between the navel and the lower edge of the sternum. Achieve a feeling of deep, pleasant, uniform warmth in the depths of the abdomen.
Then move on to the sixth exercise. This is causing oneself to feel a slight coolness on the skin of the forehead.
Each exercise takes, when it is possible to cause the desired sensations (within 1-2 minutes), about 5-6 minutes.
In conclusion, autogenic training, when the body - first of all, the muscular system - is relaxed, and the brain is prepared for the perception of the internal "installation", the psychological mood. Schoolchildren (preferably after 12 years of age), students, cadets before the exam can give themselves a "setting" for self-confidence, activating memory, quick wits, resourcefulness. Autogenic training can be useful for novice actors, musicians before going on stage, as well as lecturers before public speaking, skydivers, perhaps even astronauts and other responsible professionals operating in stressful, extreme conditions.
Autogenic training is quite possible to master on your own. However, for complete confidence in the methodological correctness of the actions, it is advisable to consult a professional doctor.

The owners of the patent RU 2336099:

The invention relates to the field of medicine, namely psychology, psychotherapy, and can be used for the purpose of psychological correction of conditions accompanied by acute or chronic psycho-emotional stress, stress, insomnia, overwork, irritability, and as a method of psychoprophylaxis. A method of psychological self-help in stressful conditions, which consists in listening to a text that is psycho-corrective in content against the background of sounding relaxing music, while the text consists of three parts. The introductory part provides: focusing on the text being listened to, stating the stressful state of the listener, determining the need to achieve a positive result, concentrating the attention of the person listening to the recording on the environment - visual, auditory and sensitive fixation, positive psycho-emotional mood for the session. The main sanogenic part provides: concentration of attention on the signs of an unpleasant event or condition, including visual, auditory and kinesthetic ones, appeal to positive life experience in the past and fixation on a positive situation, attitude and behavior, determination of ways to achieve a positive future, formation of a positive future. The final part provides exit from the session. The method allows to increase the availability of psychological assistance for stress for a wide range of adults. 6 w.p. f-ly.

The invention relates to the field of medicine, namely psychology, psychotherapy, and can be used for the purpose of psychological correction of conditions accompanied by acute or chronic psycho-emotional stress, stress, insomnia, overwork, irritability, and as a method of psychoprophylaxis.

In 1932, the German psychotherapist I. Schulz proposed the method of autogenic training (the method of self-hypnosis). This method consists in the fact that rational psychotherapy is first carried out, it is explained about the effectiveness of autosuggestion and changes in the body that are caused under the influence of autosuggestion. It is explained that the regular conduct of such independent sessions will allow a person to achieve the elimination of painful symptoms, recommendations are given for the implementation and use of autogenic training. For the purpose of training, the patient repeatedly comes to the doctor. In the process of training, a person must master six exercises (at the lowest level). Mastering each of them takes 10-14 days, so. All training takes 2-3 months. After training, a person independently applies a self-help technique. In a modification of this technique, tape recording can be used for training at home. Autogenic training is used for self-regulation of mental and somatovegetative functions, therefore it is used in medicine, pedagogy, sports, as a psychological relief in enterprises and other areas, as a psychohygienic and psychoprophylactic method. However, this technique has a number of contraindications. (Svyadoshch A.M. Psychotherapy: a guide for doctors. - St. Petersburg: publishing house "Piter", 2000. - 288 p.).

The disadvantage of the autogenic training method is the duration of training. In addition, many people do not master it because of a biased attitude, doubts about its effectiveness. The patient is required to master clear instructions, self-hypnosis formulas. The sensations that should appear in a person during suggestion do not always coincide with his subjective sensations, which causes mistrust. Sometimes people do not want to actively engage in self-training, preferring passive treatment, i.e. under the guidance of an instructor.

A known method of psychotherapy - music therapy, which consists in the fact that music is used as a remedy. The therapeutic effect of music on the human body has been known since antiquity; it was first scientifically explained in the 17th century. Experimental studies of this method of psychotherapy were carried out in the 19th century. The method is widely used in modern medicine. The therapeutic effect is determined in four directions: 1. emotional activation during verbal psychotherapy, 2. development of communicative functions and abilities, 3. regulation of psychovegetative processes, 4. increase in aesthetic needs. A passive option is used - listening to music, and an active option - playing musical instruments, singing. (Karvasarsky B.D. (general edition) Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia. - St. Petersburg: Peter Kom, 1998. - 752 p.

Decker-Voigt G. Introduction to music therapy. // Per. with him. Hoffman O. Peter: St. Petersburg, 2003. - 208 p.).

However, this method is not always effective, or the effect is short-term, because. it does not have the verbal suggestions of a psychotherapist, its sanogenic effectiveness is minimal or not sufficient for activation.

Close to the proposed method is also Ericksonian hypnosis, proposed by M. Erickson in the middle of the 20th century, which consists in the fact that a person, under the guidance of an instructor, induces a state of relaxation and a dream-like narrowed consciousness (trance) by self-hypnosis. In this state, a person on his own or direct suggestions of the instructor causes dream-like scenes, for example, scenes related to nature, childhood, and others, since the instructor gives semantically vague formulations that allow the patient to fill them with content that is subjectively useful for himself. Thus, the access of conscious installations for healing to unconscious sanogenic resources is provided, new conditional connections are formed. It is used to relieve emotional tension caused by stress, psychotherapeutic treatment of various pathological conditions (Kudelin A.S., Gerashchenko A.V. Hypnosis. A practical guide. - Rostov n / D.: "Phoenix". 2002. - 352 p., Erickson M. My voice will remain with you: Translated from English - St. Petersburg, publishing house "Petersburg - XXI century", 1995. - 256 p.).

However, this method requires the patient to visit the clinic, work with a psychotherapist or instructor outside the home or the room in which the person would like to be, i.e. a person is “tied” to the location of the instructor and the time of his work, therefore, the assistance of a psychotherapist is sometimes carried out not at the time of her acutely felt need by a person, but only during the specialist’s working hours, at a pre-planned time. Conducting group sessions is strictly structured in time by the instructor. Not everywhere and not always such help is available to people, because. requires highly qualified specialists in this field of psychotherapy. In addition, this technique is quite expensive, so many people are not available.

It is known that success mainly depends on what information the psychotherapist receives from the client and is able to form an idea of ​​the model of the world and the patient's desires, which the latter may not fully disclose, intentionally and unintentionally. The effectiveness of the technique depends on the abilities of the psychotherapist, on how deeply he went through his own psychotherapy, his (the psychotherapist) psycho-emotional state at the time of the session. The patient must tell the psychotherapist not only about his experiences, which he is not always ready to do. The reluctance to tell the psychotherapist about their experiences and, most importantly, about the cause of the experiences stops patients from visiting a psychotherapist, including fear of publicity. This sometimes becomes an additional source of tension, fears, anxiety and anxiety. The psychotherapist's interpretations may not match the patient's perceived reality, adjustments to the patient may not always be successful, the psychotherapist requires high sensory sensitivity to notice the physiological signs of entering a trance, which are individual for each person.

Thus, in the effectiveness of the use of Ericksonian hypnosis, the personal factor of the psychotherapist is of great importance. In addition, many people are afraid of hypnosis, do not trust doctors, perceive it as psychological abuse, i.e. treated with prejudice. At the appointment, not only the doctor examines the patient, but also the patient of the doctor, which also matters for the effectiveness, whether the patient will go to the sessions, an interpersonal dependence is formed.

The technical result to which this invention is directed is to increase the availability of psychological assistance for stress to a wide range of the adult population. The method of assistance is characterized by round-the-clock availability, low cost, timeliness, including in emergency situations. A person in need of help does not need to spend time on learning, he receives help passively, in an environment of his choice, the possibility of erroneous medical interpretations when adjusting to the patient is excluded. The adjustment is made independently by the person receiving the session, no conversation with the doctor is required, so there is no tension and alertness that someone will find out about the information, i.e. confidentiality is maintained, which improves efficiency. A person independently fills with psychological content what he hears and receives the changes he needs through the mechanisms of sanogenesis. The influence of the human factor is minimal, because. there is no fear of a psychotherapist, psychologist. The possibility of repetitions at the discretion of the person himself and wide application (both individual methods and group methods can be used, at work during a break, as a rehabilitation and preventive psychological measure) allows you to receive help at the time of its need at the discretion of the patient and provide preventive care to a large number of people simultaneously. The purpose of the technique: to expand the consciousness of the individual and bring him out of a trance state caused by stress or another reason. A person who is ready to take a self-help session automatically joins and is ready to listen and listen to what they say to him, and he himself does not need to tell anything, there is no tension whether they will understand him the way he understands himself, especially since a person is under stress has difficulty expressing what he feels. Self-programming is performed - the joint venture method. To obtain the result, there is no need to enter into a deep trance; to access the internal resource state, the depth of the trance in which a person is already in or wants to dive is enough. Visual contact with the doctor is excluded. There is no interpersonal dependency.

Psychopharmacological agents are not used. Doesn't cause addiction.

The effectiveness of the proposed method is based on the sanogenic mechanisms available to any person, the activation of which is carried out by a person independently.

The method can be used: as a psychological self-help for stress, psycho-emotional stress, in medicine as a method for the prevention and treatment of mild non-psychotic mental disorders, for psychological assistance, rehabilitation, in the prevention of health disorders, during industrial psychological unloading.

This result is achieved by the fact that in the method of psychological self-help under stressful conditions, according to the invention, a qualified psychotherapist or psychologist pronounces a text that is psycho-corrective in content against the background of sounding relaxing music for 30 minutes.

The rate of speech should coincide with the rhythm of calm breathing and contain pauses (on inspiration). During the first 5 minutes, speech is accompanied by a metronome sound signal with a frequency of 16 to 20 peaks per minute, which helps to maintain the rhythm and pace of speech, an even rhythm of breathing. The doctor's music and speech are recorded on audio media: a computer floppy disk (CD, DVD), audio cassette, etc. A person independently turns on and listens to the audio recording at his own discretion at a convenient location, time, body position. The recording can be listened to by phone. It is recommended to listen to the recording once a day, regularly or, in actual situations, at the request of the person himself. The number of auditions as a whole is not limited and is regulated by the individual need of the patient himself. It is contraindicated to listen to the recording while driving vehicles, while performing any production processes, while in public places.

The text of the session is compiled according to a matrix created by the developer of the invention using the linguistic techniques of Ericksonian hypnosis. Such techniques are used as: 1. focusing on the voice of the subject pronouncing the phrases of suggestion, as well as on the music and peaks of the metronome; 2. the main instrument of suggestion is used - the voice of a doctor pronouncing verbal messages using intonation, tempo, and pitch of speech. The words used in the matrix are not sensory defined, polymodal, which contributes to the understanding and interpretation of words in any representational system, as well as filling the contents of the text matrix by the person himself, based on his individuality.

The structure of the matrix includes the following parts of the text:

1. Entering the session (8 min).

2. The main sanogenic part (20 min).

3. Exit the session (2 minutes).

1. Entry into the session is carried out taking into account the need for the person listening to the recording, some time (3 minutes) to focus on the recording, which ensures that the person joins the voice of the doctor, the sounds of music and the metronome. This part of the session also includes a statement of the state, determining the need to achieve a positive result desired by the patient, as well as focusing the attention of the person listening to the recording on the environment (visual, auditory and sensitive fixation) and a positive psycho-emotional mood for the session.

2. The main sanogenic part is aimed directly at achieving the result: the search for resources, turning to internal sanogenic resources, the formation of a new socially, culturally and individually acceptable resource state, predicting the result, taking responsibility for the result, joining the future and includes:

Concentration of attention on the signs of an unpleasant event or condition, including visual, auditory and kinesthetic;

Appeal to positive life experiences in the past and fixation on a positive situation, attitude and behavior;

Defining ways to achieve a positive future,

Shaping a positive future.

3. Exit the session.

N.P., a 23-year-old woman, a university student, asked for help with complaints of difficulty falling asleep, sometimes mild headaches, decreased concentration, which prevented her from studying productively. The condition was due to a quarrel, and then a break in relations with a young man, which occurred 2 weeks ago.

At the reception, during the conversation, her eyes filled with tears, she was somewhat depressed, spoke in a low voice, looked tired. She did not express delusional ideas, deceptions of perception, denied suicidal thoughts. Criticism has been saved.

She refused to attend treatment sessions and take tranquilizers, which she explained by the need to attend training sessions and being very busy.

She was asked to listen to an audio cassette recording of a psychological self-help program for stress before going to bed.

When listening to the audio recording, she noted that at the end of the program on the first day she immediately fell asleep. After five auditions, she began to fall asleep on her own, but continued to listen before going to bed, as she noted an increase in working capacity, concentration of attention increased, mood improved, headaches disappeared. In the future, she began to use audio recording to obtain the effect of relaxation upon returning home after class. Became more active, balanced, cheerful.

K.S., aged 32, asked for help by phone. Due to problems at work, he became irritable, began to sleep little, wake up early. This condition has been noted for a week. Visiting a psychiatrist, psychotherapist or psychologist categorically rejected. He spent a lot of time working on a project that had to be handed over to the customer on time, otherwise, if the task was not completed, in accordance with the terms of the contract, a large amount of forfeit was threatened. It also prevented the subject from wasting time visiting a doctor or psychologist.

The speech was loud, somewhat accelerated, excited, intonation with an alarming tone. He did not express delusional ideas, there were no deceptions of perception and suicidal thoughts. Criticism has been saved.

It was proposed to listen to psychological self-help sessions for stress over the phone. A total of 10 sessions were taken daily. Sleep returned to normal, irritability disappeared. Build relationships with colleagues at work. Work on the project continued successfully and was nearing completion on schedule. Speech became calm, disturbing intonation disappeared, he became able to joke, laugh, his mood and working capacity improved.

1. A method of psychological self-help in stressful conditions, which consists in listening to a text that is psycho-corrective in content against the background of sounding relaxing music, while the text consists of three parts: an introductory one that provides focus on the text being listened to, a statement of the listener's stressful state, determining the need to achieve a positive result, concentration of attention of the person listening to the recording on the environment - visual, auditory and sensitive fixation, positive psycho-emotional mood for the session; the main sanogenic part, which provides concentration of attention on the signs of an unpleasant event or condition, including visual, auditory and kinesthetic ones, turning to positive life experience in the past and fixing on a positive situation, attitude and behavior, determining ways to achieve a positive future, forming a positive future; final, providing exit from the session.

2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that listening to the psycho-correctional content of the text is carried out for 30 minutes.

3. The method according to claim 2, characterized in that 30 minutes of listening to a psycho-correctional text includes 8 minutes of the introductory part, 20 minutes of the main part and 2 minutes of the final part.

4. The method according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that during the first 5 minutes the text being read is accompanied by a metronome audio signal with a frequency of 16 to 20 peaks per minute.

5. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the psycho-correctional content of the text against the background of sounding relaxing music is recorded on an audio medium.

6. The method according to claim 5, characterized in that a computer floppy disk or an audio cassette is used as an audio carrier.

7. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the psycho-correctional content of the text is listened to by phone.

Here are some ways to relieve stress.

Method one: change the record

Try to switch your attention to something else for a couple of minutes, for example, "take inventory" of the room in which you are. Look at it carefully and, slowly, find seven green (red, blue, yellow, lilac) objects. After mentally listing everything suitable - from curtains to paper clips - focus on each of them.

Sometimes it's good to be nervous

Stress isn't always bad. Short-term, it is even necessary to internally gather before any important event, whether it is going on stage or a lecture in a large audience. Short-term stress stimulates the immune system.

A change of scenery works in such cases no less beneficially, even if you just go out into the next room or into the courtyard. The street and everything that you see on it can also be sorted by color - from a ficus in the window to a passing car.

By the way, the lower the temperature outside, the faster you will cool the heat. German scientists have found a scientific and very literal justification for this common expression. The thing is that sub-zero temperatures contribute to the production of serotonin in the brain - it is he who helps to calm down. It is not necessary to climb into the freezer on nervous grounds - the weather allows you to cool down by running out into the street in a light T-shirt.

Method two: on foot

Walking is a very important moment in restoring shaken emotional health. After all, adrenaline released into the bloodstream during stress encourages us to move. A walk does not have to be “useful” (through the forest, next to architectural beauties), it is on foot, and nothing more. The tension will automatically switch to the muscles, and the head will clear and clear itself.

Better yet, walk slowly. You go home from work, everyone rushes to the blue screen. And you are barely moving - an absolutely meditative exercise. Remember the maxim - who is not in a hurry anywhere, he has time everywhere?

Method three: automatic movements

A highly anxious person automatically begins to walk back and forth, or nervously wiggle his leg, or drum his fingers on the table. Rhythmic actions have a certain calming effect. Even an obsessive motive can cause a calming effect (the repetition of prayers or mantras is based on this).

By the way, there is an excellent exercise for the fingers called “jnana mudra”. This gesture in yogic practice carries the symbolism of the connection of what was separated. The tip of the index finger is in contact with the tip of the thumb, and the other three fingers are extended. It is believed that this position of the fingers relieves feelings of anxiety and emotional stress, activates memory and improves brain function. It is best to perform mudra while sitting on the floor, in a comfortable position and with a straight back. Since this is still a meditative gesture, in order to concentrate on the fingertips and get the desired effect, you should not watch TV or chat on the phone at the same time. At the beginning, five minutes will be enough, in the future, you can perform mudra for 15 minutes 3 times a day. With long-term performance, slight drowsiness may occur, therefore, "Jnana Mudra" is used as a remedy for insomnia.

Method four: at your fingertips

Remember the scene from the movie "Amelie" when the main character sticks her hand deep into the bean bag? It turns out that this is an excellent massage for the fingers and palms, which helps to relieve stress due to the gentle stimulation of the nerve endings of the hands. If you don’t have a bag of beans or brown rice on hand, Chinese massage metal balls that tinkle pleasantly will do the job. In the end, even a trip to the bookstore will do. Taking one book after another from the shelves, flipping through and feeling them with your fingers - the same unobtrusive massage. Cross-stitching, knitting or modeling - all the same stimulation of the nerve endings of the hands.

Method five: attention, ears!

You can also relieve stress by stimulating the upper "fleshy" part of the earlobe, where the lobe gradually passes into the cartilage. Massage is performed clockwise, at a speed of approximately one revolution per second. It is necessary to press so that you feel not pain, but comfort.

During the massage, the thumb pad at the back slightly fixes the earlobe. To get the desired effect, you need to learn how to do it absolutely naturally, automatically. Experts recommend massaging the “leading ear” or both at once for 3-5 minutes. The procedure can be repeated several times a day. True, such a massage inevitably causes a sedative effect, so in order not to fall asleep at the workplace, do not overdo it. It is best to perform it before going to bed or after a tough conflict situation.

Method six: breathe properly

Proper breathing is one of the most ancient, effective and easy ways to relieve stress. Breathing practices can be practiced anywhere, the effect of them comes almost immediately.

One of them is full breathing. It includes both abdominal ("belly" men usually breathe), and chest breathing, which is characteristic mainly of women. Taking air only into the upper part of the lungs had a special meaning when the ladies wore corsets. By the way, there is little benefit from such breathing, since the body is not sufficiently supplied with oxygen, and the muscles of the lower chest and abdomen are not sufficiently relaxed. Full breathing helps to relieve tension, and at the same time the mind calms.

To take a deep breath, you need to sit on a chair with a straight back. Control your breathing by placing one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. With a deep breath through the nose, the air should fill the lower part of the body, and the relaxed stomach should rise. Slowly continuing to inhale through the nose, gradually fill the lungs, higher and higher, as if you are a glass, and water is being poured into you. Having taken air into the lungs, slowly exhale, again with the nose, as if “pouring out” the air, first from above, then from below. The longer you exhale, the better. Ten such breaths - and you are in perfect order.

Breathing can also help you deal with stress and anxiety. In order not to breathe shallowly and often, you should, sitting with a straight back, concentrate on your breathing. It takes some time to calmly observe the movement of air from the entrance to the nostrils and how it ends up in the lungs - and breathing will even out by itself, become slower and deeper.

And finally, don't forget to laugh. English doctors say that one minute of laughter in terms of efficiency in restoring positive energy replaces 45 minutes of physical exercise! Especially if it

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