I can't make a fist on my right hand. I can't make a fist in my hand weakness

Wrist pain can have many causes, from trauma to serious illnesses. Fortunately, many of them are treatable, and over time, the symptoms subside or disappear altogether.

Causes of pain in the hand

Below is a list of the most common causes of wrist pain.

Intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine

This is a condition that leads to a pinched nerve at the level of the spinal canal. The intervertebral disc is a soft "pad" between the vertebrae, which serves to absorb friction between the bones. Due to age-related degeneration or injury, a crack may form in the outer shell of the intervertebral disc (the so-called annulus fibrosus), through which part inner core disc (nucleus pulposus) is squeezed into the spinal canal. The spinal canal is a hollow tube formed by the arches of the vertebrae that contains spinal cord and nerve roots extending from it. A hernia can compress nearby nerves, leading to pain and other uncomfortable symptoms.

Hand symptoms may include:

  • pain in the hand and/or fingers;
  • numbness of the hand and/or fingers;
  • hand weakness.

Other symptoms of intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine;

  • pain between the shoulder blades;
  • pain under the shoulder blade;
  • hand numbness;
  • hand weakness.

The combination of pain in the hand with the two listed symptoms indicates the reliability of the diagnosis of cervical disc herniation in 90% of cases.

Treatment for a herniated disc includes non-violent spinal traction, therapeutic exercises, medical massage, pain medication, or hirudotherapy. . If the treatment does not work, the doctor may raise the question of surgical intervention.

De Quervain's tendinitis

This disease is also called de Quervain's disease. De Quervain's tendonitis causes pain in the wrist of the thumb.

The pain may come on suddenly or progress slowly, radiating to the thumb or hand. If you have de Quervain's tendinitis, you may experience pain when:

  • clenching the hand into a fist;
  • grasping or holding objects;
  • twists of the wrist.

Pain in de Quervain's disease is caused by inflammation of the tendons of the wrist, located at the base of the thumb. Activities that involve repetitive hand movements or excessive use of the hand are often the cause of de Quervain's tendonitis.

Mothers of young children are at high risk of developing de Quervain's disease, due to the forced position of the wrist when holding the child, as well as due to hormonal failure after childbirth. A wrist fracture also increases the risk of de Quervain's tendinitis.

Treatment for wrist pain in de Quervain's disease includes:

  • wearing a splint to rest the thumb and wrist;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • cortisone injections.

Surgery may be considered if symptoms persist after other treatments have failed to improve.

carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome has been one of the most common conditions associated with a pinched nerve. Now, due to the introduction of computers into our lives, it has given way to herniated discs.

Carpal tunnel syndrome causes pain in:

  • palms and fingers;
  • wrist;
  • hand.

The pain is often worse at night than during the day. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also cause:

  • weakness;
  • tingling
  • ;
  • numbness.
  • Most often, these symptoms appear in the thumb, index, and middle fingers, which is why a person with carpal tunnel syndrome may have difficulty grasping objects.

    Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve is compressed. The median nerve is responsible for the sensation and movement of the fingers (except the little finger).

    The median nerve passes through the carpal canal. Carpal tunnel - a structure consisting of bones and connective tissues, located at the base of the hand. It is within this narrow space that the median nerve can be compressed by inflamed or irritated tendons or other tissues.

    Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome includes:

    • ensuring rest of the hand and wrist;
    • anti-inflammatory and pain medications;
    • wearing a splint on the wrist;
    • steroid injections;
    • physiotherapy.

    Surgery may be suggested if symptoms do not improve after 6 weeks or longer after starting treatment.


    A fracture can cause severe pain in the hand. In addition to pain, the following symptoms may appear:

    • stiffness of hand movements;
    • swelling of the hand;
    • loss of wrist mobility.

    If you break your finger, for example, you may not be able to fully move it. You may also notice that the injured finger is swollen and, in some cases, shorter than usual.

    There are several types of fractures:

    • simple fracture;
    • complex fracture;
    • fragment fracture;
    • open fracture.

    With simple fractures, the bone is stable. In complex fractures, the bone may be displaced, making treatment more difficult. In a comminuted fracture, the bone is broken in several places. Open fractures are fractures in which part of the bone breaks through the skin.

    The treatment for a bone fracture depends on the type of fracture. A cast or splint is often used for simple fractures. Staples, pins, and plates may be needed to treat more complex fractures. In some cases, surgery may be needed.


    Arthritis causes cartilage loss, which causes bones to rub against each other. When cartilage is destroyed, inflammation and swelling occurs, leading to pain and sometimes seriously affecting the patient's lifestyle.

    Most often, arthritis of the hand appears in the following areas:

    • the base of the thumb;
    • joints of one or more fingers.

    Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. Osteorthritis causes progressive cartilage degeneration.

    Osteoarthritis can occur with age or as a result of trauma (for example, after a fracture or displacement).

    Symptoms of osteoarthritis of the hand include:

    • pain;
    • swelling;
    • restriction of mobility.

    Bone thickenings, nodules may occur on the fingers.

    Osteoarthritis can also cause severe aching pain at the base of the thumb. The arm may become weaker, making it harder for the person to carry out their daily activities.

    Treatment of osteoarthritis depends on the severity of the pain syndrome and problems in Everyday life. Treatment includes:

    • taking anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs;
    • wearing splints on the fingers or wrist;
    • applying a heating pad;
    • physiotherapy.

    If treatment does not help, the patient may be recommended surgery.

    Stenosing tenosynovitis

    Stenosing tenosynovitis is also called tendovaginitis. Tenosynovitis causes the finger or fingers to get "stuck" in a bent position. This condition can be painful, especially when bending and straightening the affected finger.

    Stenosing tenosynovitis occurs when the tendons of the flexor muscles, which are responsible for the mobility of the fingers, are irritated. Ultimately, the tendons thicken inside the so-called. tendon sheath, hence the name - tendovaginitis.

    Nodules may appear on affected tendons. The tendon sheath itself can also thicken.

    All this interferes with the normal movement of the tendons. As a result, the tendon can get stuck when you try to straighten or bend your finger. You may even feel this "stuck" and then a click as the ligament releases.

    It is still not known exactly what causes stenosing tenosynovitis. People with:

    • rheumatoid arthritis;
    • gout;
    • diabetes.

    The disease is more common in women than in men. Stenosing tenosynovitis is more common in people aged 40 to 60 years.

    Rest and wearing a splint may solve the problem. Pain medications and corticosteroid injections reduce pain and inflammation. Surgery may be recommended when other treatments have failed.

Limbs are an integral part of the human body. Legs allow us to move, jump, run, and hands allow us to take objects, hold them and perform other actions. Therefore, it is important to know the characteristics of both the lower and upper limbs. And although the hand, the anatomy of which does not seem so complicated, has a large number of bones, muscles, joints and tendons that allow them to look and perform many functions.

The bones that make up the hand

For a long time, people have studied the structure of the human body and have always paid special attention to the hands, it is she who looks so elegant and performs such a complex job. Hippocrates was the first to write about what elements it consists of and how they interact with each other. Asking the question of what the human hand consists of, first of all, they will tell you about the bones.

If we count the number of bones in a human hand, it turns out that there are 27 of them, taking into account the wrist. Bones and muscles, of course, hold the tendons together. Sometimes a disruption in work creates not a fracture of the bones and not the fact that the joints gave a failure, but namely the stretching of the tendon. Among all the bones, the so-called main ones are distinguished, but this is not a scientific name, and those that extend into the phalanges.

The basis of the skeleton of the hand is 8 bones. Their arrangement is such that they all form a small group in which the bones cannot function separately from each other. Also, they are not able to work in groups, when out of 8 bones 4 are directed to one job, and the remaining 4 bones perform a completely different function.

8 bones create a kind of department, which is called the wrist, many imagine their location in different ways. In fact, these bones and tendons that are involved create an unusual arrangement of bones that lie in two rows. In the first row is the lunate bone, also in the area of ​​​​the wrist - the trihedral and pisiform bones. Next come the trapezoid bone, hook-shaped and capitate.

There is also a metacarpus of the hand and, as everyone knows, a person has phalanges of fingers. If we consider each finger, then there are several of them, so 4 fingers have three phalanges (these are the little finger, ring, middle and index fingers), as an exception is the thumb, since there are only two phalanges. This does not aggravate his work in any way, since his location allows him to function well, having only 2 phalanges.

Muscles and vessels that are in the hand

Just like joints, tendons, and bones, muscles play a special role in how the wrist functions. The movement and holding of an object depends entirely on the muscles, as well as on how “strong” they are. There are many muscles in the wrist and hand, among them there are anterior and posterior.

If one of these muscles is incapacitated, the wrist and hand of the right hand, as well as the left hand, will not be able to perform the functions that are characteristic of it in full. the main role the anterior muscles is that they are responsible for flexion, but for the extensors, namely the posterior muscles, there is no less work. The internal muscles are also responsible for the functioning of the fingers of a person. For many, it seems that there are no particularly important functions for the hand, but in fact this is not the case. They are responsible for the fact that a person has a clear coordination of the movements of the upper limbs.

Particular attention should be paid to how the fingers are arranged. With touch, we can feel many objects, and the sensory function becomes one of the main functions in case of loss of vision if a similar situation occurs. Human anatomy is arranged in such a way that one of the most sensitive places is precisely the tips of the fingers. And although many believe that the human wrist is no less sensitive, they must understand that this is an erroneous opinion, since the fingers are phenomenally sensitive, top part covered with a nail, which, due to keratin, creates a kind of protection.

Blood circulation and blood supply, according to what human anatomy says, occurs due to the palmar arterial arch, dorsal and palmar arterial network.

Much depends on the blood supply: tendons, joints, and the whole wrist and hand.


The joints of the hand are usually classified according to where they are located. The structure of the wrist joint is complex. In appearance, it is somewhat reminiscent of a slightly flattened circle. Its location is reinforced by tendons and ligaments. The peculiarity of this joint is not only that it is a little unusual in its structure, but also that it can combine different functions, this gives the extensors the opportunity to work at full strength, which is very important . Also, his work is aimed at clenching his hands into a fist and unclenching the same fist.

In the area of ​​the tendon is the joint of the pisiform brush. A trihedral bone allows him to make a single whole. The thumb has its own separate joint. Its shape is peculiar, they call it saddle-shaped. The joints have different functions, but the carpometacarpal allows the hand to rotate, which is very helpful in everyday life.

The wrist also has an intercarpal joint, which belongs to a completely different group of articular tissues.

Some diseases that can affect the hand

There are many different diseases and injuries that can affect and damage tendons, joints, impair extensor function, and even cause a person to be unable to clench their fist.

Dislocation of the hand. Such damage often occurs due to the fact that an unsuccessful fall occurred and the person, trying to maintain balance to the last, landed on the brush.
Usually in this case, the joints are displaced, in some this damage will be minor, but in most cases the displacement is sharp, like the pain that a person experiences.

With such damage, the median nerve can be infringed or squeezed. But it is imperative to make an x-ray examination to see the true picture of the damage, since palpation may not fully clarify the situation. Usually such damage is treated in such a way that the joints are set. But it depends on how stable the joints are and how old the injury is.

Dislocation of the scaphoid. Such damage is very rare, as a symptom, swelling appears. In this case, the hand has an unusual position for a healthy hand. Some movements are limited. Only an x-ray in three projections will help to find out what the problem is and how the joints are located. With such damage, it is necessary to contact a traumatologist or surgeon.

Dislocations and subluxations of the head of the radius. A problem such as a previous dislocation is not very common and more often in such cases it shifts forward. Such a dislocation can happen both during a fall and if a person’s hand accidentally gets into a rotational mechanism. And although such damage does not cause any particular problems, it is necessary to consult a doctor and get rid of this trouble.

Dislocations of the metacarpal bones. There may be a dislocation of any of the metacarpal bones. Usually there is a dislocation of the I metacarpal bone, it does not happen so often with the II-V metacarpal bones. The dislocation feels more like a fracture, it is difficult for the victim to clench his hand into a fist, which significantly limits movement. Sometimes there are no special problems when the patient wants to clench his hand into a fist, but this rarely happens, often the pain is palpable. As in the case of other types of dislocations, the patient is first assigned a diagnosis in the form of an x-ray, and then the treatment process takes place.

Open injuries of the hand and fingers. Typically, the cause of such problems is a trauma, and if during dislocations the tendons, wrist, flexor and extensor muscles are damaged without any special external changes, then in this case the opposite is true. There may be open injuries, and tendons may also be affected in this case.

But the most common injuries are fractures of the phalanges of the fingers. Fractures of the bones that make up the wrist occur several times less frequently. In case of a fracture, diagnosis is first shown, and then treatment is prescribed, depending on the injury received, it will be different, but in any case, the broken bone is fixed. After a while, the patient will again be able to clench his hand into a fist, no longer feeling pain.

Metacarpal fractures. Depending on which bone is broken, there will be different sensations. If this is a fracture of the first metacarpal bone, then everything can be very serious, because the damage can concern not only the immediate site of the fracture, but also the thumb and disrupt the function of the entire hand. In such cases, the functions of the flexors and extensors are even violated, which does not allow a person to fully clench his fist. Problems with fractures of other metacarpal bones are no less. The only consolation in this situation is that it is quite simple to establish a diagnosis, because problems are felt even with ordinary palpation.

Link breaks. Since there are ligaments in the hand, in addition to muscles and bones, damage to this component of the hand can also occur, so it is very important to prevent such a problem.

Injury. Probably one of the most common problems that affects not only the hand and fingers, but the whole body. Human anatomy does not allow him to remain without consequences after a blow, bruises, dislocations, and fractures appear. With finger bruises, the nail plate may also turn blue. Sometimes the bruise causes damage to the skin or muscles, but often these changes are minor.


The functionality of the hands, and in particular the hand, is not only in the work of the extensors, clenching the hand into a fist and other simple actions. Human anatomy ordered that the hand is able to perform dynamic, static and sensory functions. Also, a person with its help can perform a rather complex function called "capture". There are several types of grip, it can be pinched, cylindrical, hook, interdigital. In almost all of these cases, the work of the flexors and extensors is involved. A cylindrical grip in its appearance resembles an incompletely clenched fist.


Some people suffer from seizures. The reasons for the reduction of fingers on the hands can be different. This problem can affect anyone, regardless of their professional activity and age.

Any cramps are involuntary muscle contractions that a person is not able to control, but can prevent and eliminate.

Often the fingers cramp in the morning or at night. Each of the fingers is associated with an internal organ, so depending on where the numbness and “goosebumps” appear, you can determine which organ has problems. Spasms of several fingers are often observed.

First of all, the thumbs take the blow. If you ignore this fact and do nothing, then as a result you can lose their sensitivity and ability to bend.

The thumb and forefinger become numb with inflammation or possible pathologies in the cervical vertebrae, intervertebral discs. Convulsive information, stiffness of movements can signal possible overloads in the neuromuscular apparatus. This happens when a person works long and monotonously with his hands, for example, while knitting or typing on a keyboard.

Sometimes numbness of the ring fingers is associated with disorders in the cardiovascular system. Patients notice that they bring their hand together at night, and when they wake up, it gives a slight tingling. Unpleasant tingling begins at the tips, and then gradually moves to the brushes.

If the middle finger suffers, then we can talk about intoxication of the body. Epicondylitis of the elbow or a pinched nerve in the shoulder joint may be indicated by spasm in the ring and middle fingers. They also become numb in people who abuse alcohol and smoke.

The main cause of cramps in the hands is regular intoxication. nervous system and internal human organs. "Goosebumps" begin at the tips on the palmar side, and then can spread to the forearm.

If the little finger begins to go numb at night, this is a sign of disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Quite often, a spasm of the fingers on the hands is the result of prolonged work at the computer. In this case, the limbs are constantly tense, stay in the same position for a long time, performing the same type of movements and, as a result, the person acquires chronic hand cramps.

Possible causes of numbness:

  1. Stress, nervous tension.
  2. A cramp can bring fingers together with fear, a sudden feeling of fear.
  3. Violation of blood circulation in the upper limbs.
  4. Stretching of muscle tissue as a result of exercise. Athletes involved in athletics and swimming often suffer from this.
  5. Cramps hands due to hypothermia. Numbness and discomfort occur when the hands come into contact with very cold water.
  6. Alcohol and food poisoning. Intoxication provokes numbness, which can last for several days in a row.
  7. If there are cramps in the hands, the reason is a lack of calcium and other trace elements in the body. This element is involved in many life processes, therefore, before solving the problem of why it reduces fingers, you need to reconsider your diet.
  8. Cramps visit caffeinated beverage drinkers, as they flush out calcium and other trace elements from the body, thereby disrupting the functionality of muscle tissue.

If it reduces the hands, the causes of the disease can be different. However, they all relate to the wrong attitude towards your body, and treatment should be selected individually.

Only after a complete diagnosis and examination of the patient, it is possible to establish the exact reason why it reduces the right hand. All medical procedures and medications are selected taking into account age, general health, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Treatment directly depends on the identified cause, and the sooner you can find the true factor of failures in the body, the sooner the medications will give a positive result. When it reduces, the fingers on the hands hurt, what should I do?

Ways and methods of treatment:

  1. Help to relieve numbness simple exercises for hands: actively move your fingers, intensively clench and unclench into a fist, wave your hands in the air.
  2. Massage. Massage and knead the diseased hand with a healthy limb.
  3. Phytotherapy is considered an excellent remedy if it reduces muscles. If you experience discomfort and tingling, it is recommended to drink tea from chamomile or linden. Drinks have a relaxing effect, relieve pain, thereby relieving cramps.
  4. If the reason why the fingers cramp is a lack of calcium, you need to adjust the diet, include foods rich in potassium and calcium: dairy products and greens.
  5. When it reduces fingers after hypothermia, contact with ice water should be avoided. With constant hypothermia, chronic hand cramps may appear.

If numbness is present, then along with drug treatment, you can turn to traditional medicine. For the treatment of seizures, the following remedies are recommended:

  1. Vaseline and celandine juice. The ointment is prepared in a ratio of 2:1. Use up to 2 weeks.
  2. Laurel oil. It is made from dried leaves and 1 cup of vegetable oil. Before use, the oil must be insisted in a dark place for 12 days.
  3. Lemon juice. They smear the area on the arm, where muscle spasm most often occurs.
  4. Magnet. It is applied to the affected area on the body.
  5. Raisin. Before use, it is thoroughly washed, poured with 1 liter of boiling water, left overnight. In the morning, dried fruits are eaten, and the infusion is drunk.
  6. Adonis or Adonis. The infusion helps to effectively cope with cramps.

Traditional medicine treatment is a long and regular process. Means are used until all symptoms of the disease disappear.

Preventive measures

To prevent convulsive syndrome on the fingers, you need to follow the recommendations:

  • support the immune system and periodically take vitamin complexes prescribed by the doctor, which contain all the microelements necessary for the hands and the whole body;
  • regularly consume foods containing potassium and calcium;
  • finger cramps will be less disturbing if hypothermia is avoided; gloves must be worn in cold weather;
  • periodically make warm baths for hands, adding sea salt and essential oils to the water. The muscles of the hands will thus relax.

Nervous tension, worries and stress cause spasm, numbness of the upper limbs. If it reduces left hand, the causes may be associated with disorders in the activity of the heart. Under stress, trace elements are lost, which are responsible for the normal functioning of muscles.

How to warn and what to do if you bring your hands together in the workplace? At permanent job at the computer, you should periodically rest your fingers, do simple physical exercises and massage, change your posture.

Circulatory problems also provoke discomfort. Often, people suffering from hypertension complain of cramps and "goosebumps" on their hands. Elevated blood pressure is one of the symptoms of hypertension and the reason why the hands cramp. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor these values ​​and not allow them to go beyond the norm.

Pain and restriction of freedom of movement are the main symptoms of any disease of the musculoskeletal system. These signs can indicate a variety of conditions - inflammation of the joints, muscle ruptures, fractures and cracks, as well as muscle spasm.

Any group of muscles of the body can spasm, for example, cervical motor fibers. Relaxation of the muscles of the neck and shoulders in this case can reduce pain, increase the patient's activity and improve his quality of life. How to relax the muscles of the neck?

Causes of spasms

To figure out how to relax the muscles of the neck, it is recommended to find out why spasms occur.

The causes of muscle tension can be:

  1. Osteochondrosis - leads to the appearance of a reflex radicular syndrome. This is the most common cause of spasm.
  2. Sciatica - inflammation of the nerve roots due to their compression by a herniated disc.
  3. Spondylarthrosis is a degenerative-inflammatory disease of the joints of the spine. Leads to reflex inflammation and spasm of the neck muscles.
  4. Injuries of the spine and soft tissues of the neck. Even slight stretching after exercise can cause spasm.
  5. Infectious diseases, including damage to the meninges of the brain. In this case, the spasm is reflex in nature. Muscle relaxation occurs after the treatment of the underlying disease.

Diagnosing the cause of an illness is just as important as relieving symptoms. In some cases, the manifestations of the disease disappear only after targeted treatment.

Relaxation Techniques

Muscle relaxation is the result of complex symptomatic treatment. During therapy, the doctor can use a variety of techniques:

  • Relaxing massage and impact on reflex points.
  • Various methods of physical influence.
  • The use of medications.
  • Exercises to relax the muscles of the neck.

To date, various methods of physical exercises have been developed and successfully applied, aimed at normalizing the muscle tone of the neck and shoulders. The most popular methods of Mordovina and Kostyuk.

Any pathological syndrome and disease is easier to prevent than to treat. We will try to understand the issue of preventing spasms.


The cervical spine and shoulder girdle are most often affected by a disease such as osteochondrosis. It is the inflammatory process in the region of the tissues of the spine that causes reflex muscle spasm. Sometimes the pain and stiffness radiate to the back of the head.

Relaxation of spasmodic muscles is very important. One of the methods to achieve it is therapeutic massage. This method of treatment also has additional goals:

  1. Eliminates pain in the back and neck.
  2. Improves blood circulation in the affected area.
  3. Removes compression from the nerve roots.
  4. Increases the intensity of metabolism.
  5. Improves overall health and performance.
  6. Fills the muscles with blood, prepares them for work.

All of these goals are achieved only if the massage is performed correctly. This can be done by a qualified specialist, preferably in a salon.

Self-massage of the neck and shoulders can be used to relax, but it will not be effective enough.

Another way to relax is the impact of acupuncture needles on the reflex points of the neck and shoulders. This method came to us from oriental medicine and shows very good results. Acupuncture should be practiced exclusively by a qualified specialist with a high level of professional knowledge and practical skills.


Physiotherapy methods also help to relieve the symptoms of osteochondrosis, get rid of muscle spasms and improve the condition of the soft tissues of the neck and shoulders. For this apply:

  1. UHF therapy.
  2. Electrophoresis and phonophoresis.
  3. galvanic currents.
  4. Heating with a laser.
  5. Electromyostimulation.
  6. Magnetotherapy.

Physiotherapy directly improves the condition of the back muscles, and also affects the nerve tissues and blood vessels. It helps to get rid of the symptoms of a variety of diseases.

Chronic muscle tension helps to remove the methods of mud therapy, therapeutic baths. These and other methods of physical influence are available in various sanatoriums. It is in hospitals that it is recommended to treat chronic diseases of the neck and back. There, qualified personnel correctly assesses the patient's condition and prescribes the necessary range of procedures.

Physiotherapy can also be obtained in the city. Many hospitals have physiotherapy rooms, where, if the patient has no contraindications, the neck muscles are treated.


You can eliminate muscle spasm with the help of medicines. For this, a group of muscle relaxants is used. The drugs are recommended for use in severe pain at the time of exacerbation, chronic use of muscle relaxants is unacceptable.

The most popular remedies from this group are Mydocalm and Sirdalud. They act on the mechanism of transmission of a nerve impulse from nerve cells to the muscle. The blockage of this process leads to the relaxation of muscle fibers and a decrease in pain.

Additional actions of muscle relaxants are inhibition of nerve conduction, an obstacle to the release of mediators and a decrease in the flow of calcium ions into synapses. As a result, peripheral blood flow improves, and nerve conduction slows down.

Muscle relaxants have a number of side effects:

  • Weakness in the muscles of the whole body.
  • There may be headaches.
  • Decreased blood pressure.
  • Nausea and vomiting, as well as a feeling of discomfort in various parts of the abdomen.
  • Allergic reactions are extremely rare.

It is impossible to use drugs with hypersensitivity to their components, under the age of three years and with myasthenia gravis.

Doctors prescribe pills or injections 1-2 times a day. The dosage is set individually.


To eliminate muscle spasm, it is rational to perform various sets of therapeutic exercises. Regardless of the chosen technique, all patients must comply with several conditions for such treatment.

Basic principles of exercise therapy:

  • Start with small loads and gradually increase their volume.
  • Before doing classes, it is recommended to consult a specialist.
  • You should not perform high-amplitude exercises during the first workouts.
  • Gymnastics is repeated at least 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  • Wearing orthoses and collars also leads to relaxation. They are worn between classes.
  • The combination of massage and exercise is very beneficial. Manual exposure is performed after exercise therapy.

Physiotherapy exercises are absolutely indicated for any neurological and orthopedic pathology. Loads for the muscles of the neck can only be harmful in case of an acute infectious disease, so this cause of spasm must be excluded in the first place.

Each pathological process requires different methods of exercise. You can choose an individual course of study for each person. This is done by special doctors - specialists in exercise therapy.

If visiting a doctor is a difficult event for you, use one of the ready-made methods for relaxing the neck muscles - the Mordovina or Kostyuk method.

Method Mordovina

Alena Mordovina in her complexes combines fitness and therapeutic exercises to achieve the best cosmetic and health effect. She also recommends using the technique of relaxing the muscles of the neck in case of stress and regular static loads on this part of the spine.

The technique includes the following exercises:

  1. Raise and lower the shoulders - performed in a standing position. Feet together, shoulders at the same level. The head is lowered forward, and a series of quick exercises is performed with the shoulders - up and down.
  2. Circular hand movements. The position of the body is the same. The brushes are clenched into a fist. At the moment of inhalation, the legs are bent, as if you are sitting on a chair, the arms are stretched forward. At the moment of holding the breath, circular movements are performed with the hands, the legs are straightened. We exhale quickly, and quickly press our hands to our sides and throw our fists forward.
  3. Head turns. Performed from a sitting position. The hands are folded into a lock and fixed in the region of the occipital fossa. The chin should be pulled up to the sternum, gradually press the back of the head on the hands. The head turns left and right at least 20 times.
  4. In the sitting position, the hands fold the lock and are placed in front of you. We lower the forehead in the palm of our hand, completely relaxing the muscles of the cervical spine. We turn from side to side, describing the eight with our hands.
  5. Stretching the back of the neck. In a sitting position, we put our hands in the lock on the back of the head. We press the back of the head on the lock and hold the neck like this for 6 seconds, repeat up to 8 times. This exercise should be done for the front and side of the neck.

Mordovina's method is completed with several cycles of calm breathing.

Kostyuk method

Dr. I.E. Kostyuk uses isometric relaxation methods to relax. The method can be performed at home or even at work.

Basic exercises:

  1. Sitting position, with a straight back. One hand is fixed on the neck, the other is fixed on the head and pulls the head in its direction. Tighten your neck muscles for up to 10 seconds, then relax. The exercise is repeated up to 3 times.
  2. To relax the back muscle group, we tilt our head forward and reach the sternum with our chin. We help with our hands by pressing them on the back of the head. We pull for 10 seconds. We relax. We repeat 3 times.
  3. Anterior neck. We tilt our head back and try to reach the neck with the back of the head. We fix the head with fists. We pull our head forward, but we resist with our hands. Gradually tilt your head more and more forward and pull the muscles.
  4. Deep muscles of the neck. We stretch the head forward, and pull the chin to one of the armpits. With our hands we support the head from movement, but we try to tilt the head back. Muscles alternately tense and relax. We repeat up to 3 times. Repeat on the other side.
  5. We put one hand on the opposite shoulder. We pull the chin to the shoulder of the bent arm. We press the chin on the shoulder and resist the movement of the hand. We repeat the exercise at least three times.


If you have osteochondrosis or your work is associated with a long immobile position of the neck, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of muscle spasms. Several times a day, it is worth repeating turns and tilts of the head or doing them as part of morning exercises.

Do not supercool the neck and allow exposure to stress factors. Physical activity on the back is recommended to be somewhat limited, this will eliminate the possibility of injury.

Additional advice can be obtained from your doctor. The specialist will also help relieve spasm, if it has already occurred.

Hands can tell a lot about a person. We scratch the back of the head with our hand and rub our chin, we can keep our hands behind our backs or cross them on our chests. These are the most typical movements characteristic of any of us. We often do them unconsciously, but they say a lot about our personal qualities, character traits and desires. Here is an analysis of some of them.

Outstretched hand. In many countries, a typical form of greeting a familiar person is a handshake. In Western culture, this gesture is also used in negotiations, when an agreement is finally reached or a contract is signed. Nevertheless, Europeans tend to keep a distance in relations with each other, therefore, even shaking hands with another person, they keep a certain distance from him. In countries where it is not customary for male family members to hug or kiss, one can often see brothers or father and son greet each other with a handshake. The participation of hands in the ritual of greeting is a custom that comes from ancient times, since from time immemorial people have shown open palms as a sign that they are not armed, as well as showing friendly and honest intentions. The Romans, for example, put their hands on their chests, while the North American Indians raised their hands up. In our time, the Berbers, for example, when saying goodbye, give a hand, and then put it to their chest, as if saying that the departing person remains in their heart.
The handshake itself carries a lot of information. If it is strong in a person, then this indicates his firm intentions or a strong character, while a sluggish or weak handshake suggests otherwise. Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that people for whom the hands are a tool of labor - say, musicians or surgeons - can shake hands with you carefully and with caution. Therefore, one should never jump to conclusions.

Hands clasped behind the back. Many people walk with their hands behind their backs. This posture is very typical for politicians and in general for people holding responsible positions. If a person put his hands behind his back, intercepting one another, this indicates that he apparently feels some superiority over the others, and also that he is confident in himself, his position in life and in his special position in society. This gesture expresses high confidence in the interlocutor: it is obvious that the body of a person with his arms wound back is open and vulnerable, and therefore he feels safe and does not expect any attack. As a rule, in such a case, he stands or walks with his head up, slightly sticking out his chest. However, if one of the hands laid behind the back is held by the other hand not by the fingers, but by the wrist or even higher, closer to the elbow, then this is already a sign of frustration, indicates a lack of control over the situation or an attempt to somehow cheer oneself up. . The stronger one hand squeezes the hand or elbow of the other hand, the higher the internal tension of a person and the greater the degree of his self-doubt; the more timid a person feels, the farther his hands are brought behind his back. But in a normal situation, he adopts such a pose when he stands or walks, while he often scratches his head, now and then straightens his tie or shirt collar. This is usually about a person's bad mood. By removing his hands from the field of view of his interlocutor, a person tries to hide the state of concern, stress, emotional excitement or frustration.

Arms crossed on chest. Folded arms usually indicate that the individual is worried about something or immersed in his own thoughts. Hands in this position can also be a kind of protective barrier that we unconsciously put up so that no one and nothing can penetrate our heart. Studies in the field of human behavior show that if a woman sits with her arms crossed over her chest, this means that the subject next to her is not at all attractive.

Hands down along the body. If, with arms lowered along the body, a standing or sitting person keeps his back straight, this indicates that he is calm and self-confident. However, when he not only has his hands down, but also his shoulders droop, this can be a sign of chagrin, boredom or depression.

Raised hands. This is a typical gesture of victorious athletes. However, depending on the circumstances, it may have other meanings. For example, the victim will raise his hands up as if to say "surrender!" if he is threatened with a gun or some other weapon. Raised up, but at the same time spread apart, the hands can also be interpreted as an open hug and perceived as a sign of greeting or disposition towards the interlocutor. A person waving his arms is better seen from a distance. So if we want to get someone's attention, ask someone for help, or just say hello, we'll also raise one or both hands.

Hands clasping each other. This gesture, made by the interlocutor during a conversation, can mean his hidden tension or rage. He is probably in a state of extreme irritation and is making an effort on himself so as not to explode. If at the same time a person is sitting, then perhaps he will also cross his legs under a chair.

Hands clenched into fists. This gesture expresses rage or threat. In such a situation, it is very appropriate to look closely to see if the interlocutor's knuckles have turned white. It is also important to pay attention to exactly where he holds his hands clenched into fists: if a person is sitting at the same time, then perhaps he will put them on the table; if it is, then, most likely, it will lower it low enough. According to the results of recent research, the height at which a person holds clenched hands has a direct relationship with the degree of his frustration: the higher the fist is, the more acute the dislike for the interlocutor.
Relatively clenched fists The researchers also came to other unexpected conclusions. Thus, for example, it was found that women very rarely resort to this gesture during a conversation, from which it follows that, at least as an unconscious action, it is more characteristic of men. In addition, it turned out that people who sit at business meetings with their hands clenched rarely make profitable deals, because their potential partners do not always want to do business with those who do not keep their palms open in sight: on a subconscious level, this is perceived as a lack of decency or dishonesty.

Hand wringing. The interpretation of this bodily sign is similar to that given to hands clenched into fists. Wringing hands usually indicates that a person is in a state of tension and anxiety, restlessly waiting for something and senses impending danger. Tapping fingers or knuckles on the table.
This gesture, as a rule, is also a sign of stress, frustration or anxiety. It can also indicate boredom or a suspicious attitude towards the words of the interlocutor. Often this gesture expresses the impatience of a person who wants to change the topic of conversation, or even end the conversation as soon as possible.

Hands folded as if in prayer. The person who uses this gesture is trying with all his might to convince his interlocutor of something, or wants to emphasize something very important in his speech.

Rub the palms of your hands. This gesture is an obvious sign of satisfaction with what has already happened or is about to happen. Here the intensity with which the action itself is performed is important, because the interpretation of the intentions of the person rubbing his hands depends on this. For example, when a sales agent really cares about the satisfaction of a client, in a conversation with him he will rub his hands quickly and vigorously; if he is just trying to “sweeten the pill”, then his movements will be slower.

Support your cheek or chin with your hand. Such a movement suggests that the interlocutor analyzes all the pros and cons and tries to formulate own opinion on the issue under discussion. This is a classic pose in which the "Thinker" sits. French sculptor Rodin.

Touch, rub, or stroke your nose. Such actions of a person are a clear sign of his self-doubt. He feels uncomfortable in his surroundings and, in addition, is set up negatively in relation to what is happening. If this gesture is made by a person saying something, it is likely that he is trying to deceive the interlocutor, although confirmation of the guess must be sought in other bodily signs. It may also happen that a person's nose is just itchy. As a rule, the one who tells a lie not only touches or rubs his nose, but also avoids making eye contact with the interlocutor, trying to distance himself from him or being afraid to be face to face with him.
If, in response to too energetic persuasion of a zealous salesman, a person rubs his nose, this most often means his skepticism about what he heard.

Rub your ear or touch your earlobe. A person performs such actions when the topic under discussion does not excite him too much and he either does not want to delve into it, or wants to forget what he heard. But sometimes, in such a delicate form, he hints that he has something to say and that he is just waiting for the right moment to join the conversation. It has been proved that in a minute a person can utter about seven hundred words, so that when people have to wait a long time for their turn, they often resort to this gesture, and sometimes even raise their hand, thus expressing a desire to insert their word.

Scratch various parts of the body. This can be a sign that the person is lying or hiding something, as well as doubt or self-doubt. Although, it is possible that he really itched somewhere!
Scratch the side of the neck with one or two fingers. If the speaker performs such actions, there can be no doubt that he is insincere or not too sure of the correctness of his words. This gesture is typical for a speaker who public speaking giving a speech written by someone else. In turn, if the listener scratches his neck, perhaps he suspects the other person of lying or has not yet formed a certain attitude towards what he heard. According to the results of some studies, in such situations, a person repeats this gesture on average five times.

Rub or lower your eyes and raise your eyebrows in disbelief. These are typical gestures that indicate insincerity and possible deception. The person lowers their eyes to avoid eye contact and not give themselves away. However, if your interlocutor simply rubs his eyes without looking away, then this, as a rule, means simply doubt.

Loosen shirt collar. This gesture indicates that the person is experiencing irritation and extreme frustration. It may also indicate that the speaker is telling a lie. Some people get a sort of itching sensation in the neck and face when they lie, and to get rid of this sensation, they make an attempt to loosen the contact with the clothes by pulling back the collar. When observing such gestures in someone, one should take into account the temperature in the room and other factors of the same kind, because very often a person loosens the collar of his shirt simply because he is hot.

Put your hand on your chest. Many people resort to this gesture when they feel distrust on the part of the interlocutor and the need to prove their own sincerity and decency. In such cases, they instinctively raise their hand to their heart to emphasize the sincerity of their words.

Point your index finger at a person or a group of people. This is a command gesture, which is a manifestation of authoritarianism. According to the rules of good manners, it should not be used, except in cases where you need to indicate to the interlocutor the direction of movement and gaze. People quite often resort to this gesture in skirmishes, for example, in a traffic accident, when two drivers argue who is right and who is wrong. Fingers are also poked when scolding children. Perhaps that is why many of us feel out of place when someone points a finger in our direction: subconsciously we feel like a delinquent child, and for an adult this is quite humiliating.

Keep hands in pockets. This posture is more characteristic of men and often indicates a state of some nervousness in which the subject is located, as well as the fact that he needs to somehow discharge himself.

Stand on your hips. They also say about this pose - "put your hands on your hips." It reflects the state of a certain aggressiveness of a person and conveys his certain threat to others. It shows that a person is ready for action, especially in a situation in which he feels uncomfortable. It is common for women to stand akimbo, thus emphasizing the forms of their own body: in such a case, the pose becomes emphatically sensual.

Also, there are nuances that often elude the attention of an unprepared person, which nevertheless were identified by researchers as a result of observing many people. So, speaking about the future, a person usually gestures with his right hand; and if in some cases he uses his left hand, then his movements are directed to the right side. Apparently, people associate the future with the direction of movement to the right or forward. And vice versa, when people talk about the past, it's easy to see that they are pointing to the left or back. At the same time, if we are talking about what is happening at the moment, a person's gestures are focused on what is directly in front of him. The speed of gestures does not matter here, but it can tell a lot about the degree of arousal, satisfaction or stiffness of a person during a conversation.

The list above is far from exhaustive. There are many other common gestures, but it is impossible to account for all hand movements and combinations with their participation.

Every time a person consciously or instinctively accompanies his words with some kind of gesture, he thereby conveys a parallel message, which sometimes coincides in meaning with what he expressed in words, and sometimes not. When we are faced with the need to understand what is happening, to make a judgment about someone, or to successfully solve a certain problem, the ability to interpret the meaning of the most common body movements becomes extremely important.

The inflammatory process in the joints of the fingers is the most common disease in the world.

According to unofficial statistics, it affects every seventh inhabitant of the Earth, and every third of them has crossed the line of 50 years.

The development of polyarthritis of the fingers contributes to many reasons. But the result is the same - progressive pain and a gradual loss of functionality of the fingers.

In this regard, timely treatment is of exceptional importance. But for this you need to understand the features of the symptoms of this disease.

Variety of symptoms

The symptoms of this disease are different at individual stages.

Initial symptoms

Polyarthritis affects multiple joints. But before that, you need to be able to recognize the first symptoms of the disease, which just appear on the fingers. At the same time, for different types polyarthritis symptoms are also different. So, against the background of psoriasis, psoriatic polyarthritis can develop. Its first symptom is pain in the joints that are next to the fingernails. These joints are called distal.

The most common form of hand polyarthritis is osteoarthritis. Its first sign is the "wear and tear" of the cartilage that connects the joints of the fingers.

The main signs of polyarthritis of the fingers

The most common symptoms of this disease are:

  • pain in different joints, such as fingers or wrists;
  • the formation of nodular formations in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints of the fingers;
  • numbness in the fingers;
  • redness and swelling of the skin in places where the joints are affected, even to the touch the skin may be hot;
  • the impossibility of bending the fingers, especially after rest or sleep (this is a characteristic symptom of rheumatoid polyarthritis of the hands);
  • nodular formations under the skin (also a sign of rheumatoid arthritis);
  • swelling of the fingers (characterizes psoriatic arthritis);
  • difficulty performing simple rotational or grasping movements with the fingers (for example, the inability to open the lid of a box or jar, pick up objects from the floor);
  • external deformity of the joints, which manifests itself in the last stages of the disease.

Development of the disease

Polyarthritis usually affects one joint first. But over time, the disease progresses. Muscles near the diseased joint atrophy. The tendons are also involved in the painful process. Gradually, the joint (joints) is deformed.

The patient is no longer able to perform finger movements in full. The signs of polyarthritis are accompanied by numbness of the fingers and the appearance of "goosebumps" in them, which indicates damage to the nerve fibers.

Therapeutic measures

Medical treatment

The meaning of the treatment of this type of polyarthritis is mainly to preserve or return mobility to the joints. In advanced cases, efforts are directed at reducing the manifestations of symptoms.

The duration of treatment for the acute phase of the disease depends on a large number factors. But taking the drugs lasts quite a long time. The disease is not cured completely. Only inhibition of the destructive process in bone tissues is real.

From the very beginning, the patient is prescribed corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs and pain medications. The best result is achieved by a combination of injections or tablets with external preparations (ointments, creams, gels).

If necessary, therapy is carried out:

  • antibiotics,
  • immunosuppressants,
  • antihistamines.

Rheumatoid arthritis needs treatment with glucocorticoids, which are sometimes injected directly into the joint.

Physiotherapy treatment

Treatment of polyarthritis includes the improvement of chronic centers of infection. Physiotherapy procedures lead to a good effect:

  • ultraviolet exposure;
  • iontophoresis;
  • paraffin applications;
  • diathermy.

In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, drugs prescribed by a rheumatologist are added to the treatment.

Treatment at home

How to deal with pain on your own

One of the most unpleasant symptoms of polyarthritis is joint pain, which makes it impossible to perform even the simplest movements. There are many simple ways to combat this severe manifestation of polyarthritis.

Cold and hot compresses, which should be regularly applied to the fingers, help injured finger joints. An effective remedy for pain is hot baths with hand salts.

A bath with softened paraffin helps to relieve pain. It activates blood circulation and relaxes the muscles of the hands.

If polyarthritis has damaged a small number of joints, then the pain can be suppressed with the help of topical painkillers. These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) gives good results. In case of acute symptoms of polyarthritis of the fingers, it is recommended to take up to 4 g per day.

Movement exercises that keep the joints active

The following exercises can help relieve symptoms and keep fingers active:

  1. Clench your palm into a fist and slowly unclench, stretching your fingers as much as possible. Then again slowly squeeze the palm into a fist so that the fingers are in close contact with each other.
  2. Making circular motions with the thumbs. Do not bend the phalanges, and keep the fingers straight.
  3. Take the thumb away from the palm, and then touch it with a pad to the pads of the other fingers.
  4. Move your thumb back and forth horizontally, trying to take it away. The same is true in the vertical plane.

These exercises should be repeated every day several times. The number of approaches 3-10. To increase the mobility of the fingers for gymnastics, they can be preliminarily held in warm water.

Preventive measures

The best prevention of joint diseases are elementary measures:

  • hardening (dousing and wiping with cool water);
  • daily hand gymnastics (and general);
  • fresh air during sleep;
  • competent diet.

But when the diagnosis is already made, it is necessary to get rid of the following factors:

  • drafts, cold, humidity;
  • unbalanced diet (should increase the proportion of plant foods);
  • large loads on the joints;
  • frequent injuries;
  • unfavorable climate (if possible, it is better to go to live in a place with a good climate).

Traditional medicine recipes should be approached very carefully. If you do them incorrectly, you can harm yourself.

Infusions for oral administration

Among the time-tested recipes, there are many infusions for internal use.

stinging nettle. Mixed in equal proportions:

  • nettle juice (preferably fresh)
  • medical alcohol.

Two weeks to insist in the dark and cold. Take six months three times a day, 30 ml before meals for half an hour.

Herbal assortment. Pre-grind and mix:

  • chamomile, wild rosemary, string (two doses each);
  • one dose of lingonberry leaf and juniper berries.

Collection (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (0.5 l) and keep for 5 hours. After straining, take three times a day for half a cup before meals for 30 minutes.

violet infusion. Violet (2 tablespoons) is poured with boiling water (0.5 l) and infused for two hours. Means to drink half a cup three times a day before meals for half an hour.

Healing compresses

Herbs with salt. Dry and grind three tablespoons of each of the herbs:

  • birch leaves,
  • rose hips,
  • knotweed herbs.

Mix everything and simmer in a water bath for about 20 minutes. Add to mixture table salt(4 tablespoons). Wet the woolen cloth with the resulting composition. After it dries, apply to sore joints.

Radish or horseradish. Very good results are given by night compresses of grated black radish. You can use horseradish instead, but not more than three hours to avoid burns.

Usually, after two or three procedures, nothing remains of the symptoms of polyarthritis.

Ice applications

A plastic bag is filled with ice or snow. The package is wrapped in cloth. Then it is applied to the joint for about 10 minutes. When the burning starts, hold for another minute, then remove the package. Now you need to do a massage with kneading your fingers. As long as the cold persists, it is painless.

After 10 minutes, the procedure is repeated. Then the hands are wrapped in warmth. The course should last 20 days.

Timely treatment of polyarthritis of the fingers stops the development of the disease and prevents irreversible deformation of the joints. But the most correct thing would be the prevention of the disease, which sounds trite, but gives a reliable result. It is built on three pillars - physical activity, proper nutrition, healthy sleep.

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Hello! I didn't write before, I just read. Now I have decided to write. We brought our daughter home 1.5 years ago, now she is 3.3 years old. Everything is fine with us, I love her very much, my girl. Our daughter has a twin sister. We saw my sister when we took our daughter away, she had cerebral palsy, she was lying, she could not even sit by herself. All these 1.5 years, from time to time my husband and I had a question about my sister, we thought that it would be nice to take her away so that the sisters would grow up together, but each time we came to the conclusion that it was hard ...


Hello! You have already decided everything for yourself. They are twin sisters, the connection is very strong. The Lord will support and help you.

09/27/2016 10:27:22 am, grandmother Ira

Hello. I also have a delayed child. When the doctor offered to hand over my son, I almost nailed her. The main thing is to love the child for who he is. And accept that he may not change. If you decide to do this, then you have the strength for it. God will definitely help. The eldest daughter will not grow up to be a cynical person, like today's youth. And she will be very grateful to you for saving her sister. I wish you much strength and patience.

25.09.2016 22:57:51, Lena V

Apply massage cream or olive oil to the skin first. Start with light strokes with your palms of the thighs but the entire surface from the knee to the hip joints and buttocks, then move on to more intense movements. With fingertips folded together, massage the skin of the thighs with light circular movements over all surfaces from the knee to the hip joints and buttocks. Squeeze your hand into a fist and use your knuckles with strong pressure to run over all surfaces of the skin of the thighs from the knee to the hip joints and along the buttocks, until a rush of blood and redness. Grab the skin of the inner thighs in the fold between the thumb and the rest of the fingers and smooth it with spiral movements from the knee to the hip joints, but not very much, because. bruising may occur. Vigorously pat your palms on your thighs and buttocks, alternating them with strokes. The skin must be red...

Dear, tell me-teach! My daughter is 4.5 years old, she is a very impressionable and easily excitable person. He cannot relax in principle - he is always running somewhere, doing something, rushing, falling, stumbling. When he eats, listens to a book, plays, he fiddles with something, shakes his leg. When he speaks, it is very difficult to make out something. words are swallowed. She doesn't walk at all - she just runs around (running around like crazy, I would even say). It climbs where it would be difficult for an adult to climb! AND...


I have a similar motor (hyperactive) and paid centers, neuropathologists, RCCH, where we just haven’t been. Glycine we suck already like vitamins at intervals, valerianahel, phenibut, etc. But best of all, warm baths with a soothing extract (needles) help Badola have such, and we use it. Try there will definitely not be any harm, they are intended for babies, but we are also not very big at 3.5 yet. Only in the bath I pour much more than 2 spoons, one jar is enough for us 5-6 baths. But it is effective. Try it, good luck. If there are questions, unfortunately I won’t be able to answer in the near future, Dimul has his own at sea, the sun, a visa, by the way, is also very useful for such children.

Good luck to everyone, the easiest birth and healthy babies!
Thank you, you are golden!

01/27/2004 03:54:53 PM, It's just me (37)

When you are already on the chair itself, cough - the vaginal muscles relax. They taught me at the first examination in my life: they couldn’t shove some kind of tube for examination :) I coughed, and it passed :)
Here's another thing from me: if you have cold feet, then dress in such a way that you leave socks on your feet when you climb into a chair - it also helps. Well, try to breathe deeply there, close your eyes, focus on which other part of the body is higher (for example, carefully count your exhalations and inhalations, how the chest moves ... - you can already try this in the evening, as the thought comes to mind, you calculate it like this 5-7 breaths).
But don’t be afraid at all :) We keep the boom fists and everything will be fine!

I would like to know the opinion. I have been married for 7 years, my child is 1.5 years old. When I got married, a year after the wedding, my husband, in a drunken state, hit me (very hard). The reason was a very embarrassing situation in which the husband got (again because of the drunk). He asked me very much not to make it public, but I had to tell my mother, after which this attack of aggression happened to him. I then, of course, raised the issue of divorce, but he begged for forgiveness and promised not to drink strong drinks anymore. I...


12/16/2003 01:00:22 am, from no one

He asked me very much not to make it public, but I had to tell my mother ....
Did your mother torture you and threaten to rip out your tongue if you don't tell her?

we quarrel with him and I am in an excited state, completely unreasonably venting evil on my daughter,
And how often do you do this?

EXAMPLE COMPLEX OF EXERCISES OF ARTICULATION GYMNASTICS I. Exercises for mandible: 1. Open your mouth wide and hold it open for a few seconds. 2. Chewing movements with closed lips. 3. Light tapping with teeth - lips are open. 4. "FENCE" - the upper jaw is on the lower, lips in a smile. II. Exercises for the lips: 1. "SMILE" - stretching open lips (teeth clenched) 2. "TUBE" ("TROBOT") - pulling the lips forward 3. Alternating "SMILE" and "TUBE" 4. Three ...

What is it and what is it eaten with? How many did not read the information on this issue - I can not understand what I'm experiencing. With men, it seems that there is a desire and a start, but it seems that a little more IT will come - and everything fades away: ((((I tried with myself - a little better, but still it seems that something is not enough:(((Or maybe enough, but am I still waiting for something? (Try with women - do not offer)


Seryozha, and more. Where did you read that I control myself at the very peak? Well, if it’s possible to say about a person flying from the 9th floor that he controls himself, perhaps he controls himself (I haven’t figured out what else to compare with :-)))). I subscribed so that they would not take it as if I was boasting, and you, apparently, understood this exactly :-)

19.01.2001 13:21:33, Perfectly normal

And I have ALWAYS experienced an orgasm since I was 12 :-))) This is probably not normal either, right?
And I know for sure that I can experience it with any man :-)) And so it happens ... And long-term companionship annoys me .. Well, except if with a new partner, when for the first time. Well, when it is not clear how things can end.
And the feeling - I can not describe. I'm at a loss. It doesn't look like anything.

01/19/2001 12:20:18 PM, Strange

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