How to study well. Transition to new educational standards in secondary school. Independent analysis of the material

Studying at school and university is not easy for everyone. Even if a person has an excellent memory, literacy and developed logic, he still needs to study a lot, read and constantly repeat what he has learned. Already learned knowledge also needs to be regularly updated, refreshed in memory, supplemented with new information. There are also a number of barriers that prevent students from succeeding: some subjects are incomprehensible to someone, someone does not like a strict routine, many have difficulty getting up in the morning and perceive heterogeneous information during the school day. However, the main thing in this matter is your desire, determination, following simple recommendations. Then you can start to study well, and classes will gradually take less and less time from you, as you will master the base of skills and knowledge necessary for learning.

We are starting to study well. Helpful Hints
Simple recommendations will help you change the usual form of study: start studying according to a well-thought-out scheme, rationally allocate time and energy, master large volumes materials and remember what you have learned for a long time. Good results will not keep you waiting, you will see that learning is gradually becoming easier, and knowledge can be proud of.
  1. Immediately pay attention to the psychological side of the issue. It is important for you to set yourself up for classes, find emotional stimuli, the right motivation. For example, always remember that there are no useless subjects, neither at school nor at the university. Even if you are convinced that you will never need some kind of science, take it for granted to study it. Mastering the intricacies of any subject can unexpectedly help you in the future. By studying a complex discipline, you develop thinking, logic, memory, willpower. All these qualities, abilities are far from useless for everyone. modern man. Also, often people unexpectedly find their true calling, sometimes having already received one higher education. At school, you become a universal specialist at the level of secondary education: study all subjects with dignity, then it will not be difficult for you, if necessary, to drastically change the direction of your activity, to reach heights in an actual, demanded profession.
  2. If a problem arises with a specific subject, you feel internal resistance and cannot force yourself to delve into the topic, delve into its study, motivate yourself purposefully. Try to find something interesting in the discipline, convince yourself that you need it, like it. Having overcome yourself, delving into what used to seem inaccessible and very difficult, you will gain confidence. In the future, it will be much easier for you to cope with difficult tasks.
  3. In the event that getting up in the morning, a rigid daily routine interferes with you, try to get used to these circumstances. To do this, you will need to adhere to a given schedule, not only on school days, but also on weekends and holidays. At first, such a transition is difficult, but then you yourself will forget that you once lived differently. The body adapts, enters a new mode, you start to get enough sleep and become much better at remembering materials, perceiving information.
  4. For many, the problem is the perception of large amounts of information, learning in the classroom or in lectures. Attention is scattered, it is difficult to immediately understand what the teacher explains. How to start studying well when these factors become a serious obstacle? Take the learning process into your own hands. To begin with, try to purposefully concentrate on classes: do not think about extraneous things, do not talk with your desk mate, do not be distracted. Most likely, after that the situation will noticeably improve. If the techniques didn’t help, and you still don’t perceive the teacher’s speech well, you can’t delve into the examples on the board, start filling in the gaps on your own. Find out what type of memory you have better developed. Speak the material out loud, write it down, read the textbook. Perhaps you perceive information better visually: then you will need to write for yourself. brief summaries, draw diagrams. In the course of such classes, you will notice that the topics began to be remembered by themselves, and you already understood the materials well.
  5. Make a clear action plan. This is especially important when you are already far behind others in some subjects. In your plan, you need to indicate which disciplines need to be given increased attention, which topics need to be reviewed. Work on a schedule: study at the same time every day, take small breaks, but do not be distracted from studying for more than 1-1.5 hours if you have not finished work for the day. Distribute the load wisely - you should not forget about health either. Evaluate your capabilities, but remember that, having fully worked out now, then you will spend less and less energy on studying, because you will master the basic knowledge and methods. Purposeful work will surely lead to success.
  6. Study all topics, strictly follow the program and do not skip a single section, even if you are sure that you will not be asked about it, but in control work, the exam has no such questions. Any gaps then will definitely have a negative impact on your studies: there is nothing superfluous in textbooks, the program, everything is interconnected, built in strict sequence. Do not break it, then it will be much easier for you to understand and remember the material.
  7. Get things done right away, don't put it off until the next day. Homework is always easier to do on the same day, when all the teacher's explanations and work in the lesson are still fresh in the memory. In this way, you fix the topic well.
  8. Seek advice and help from teachers, teachers, discuss difficult moments with classmates. Feel free to ask questions, to clarify the unclear. Your interest is evidence that you are striving to understand the topic, this will please any teacher.
  9. Starting to learn better, do not be afraid to make a mistake, to answer incorrectly. Everyone has random mistakes. If you are in doubt about something, it is important to find out how correctly you understood the material. Get rid of the fear of answering at the blackboard, making reports, messages. You can rehearse at home, train. This will help you start to study well, since it is the stiffness that often prevents you from demonstrating your knowledge with dignity, stress prevents you from accepting corrections and teacher's advice.
  10. Take care of all your notes, notebooks, diagrams, tests. Do not throw them away, even if you have moved to another class, as they will certainly come in handy in the future. Keep your own notebooks, notebooks, writing out everything incomprehensible, memorized by heart.
Keep in strict order all your study supplies, books, follow the daily routine and do not forget to study on your own, delving into incomprehensible topics, repeating what they have already begun to forget.

Learning is just fine. Work algorithm
How to start studying well? Remember the tips, follow a simple algorithm.

  1. Come up with a few incentives and write them out on a large sheet of paper, decorate the poster beautifully. For example: “I will study only well in all subjects and achieve success in life”, “I will cope with (the name of a subject that is especially difficult for you) and develop willpower and determination in myself. It will help me to always overcome difficulties.”
  2. Determine the most difficult disciplines, topics, make a detailed list. Set aside time to study and review them.
  3. Make a daily routine, put it in a conspicuous place. Always follow him.
  4. Distribute loads wisely. Take breaks, change the type of activity: for example, study physics first, then Russian, and then do the algebra assignment.
  5. Do not leave spaces, do not skip topics.
  6. Always study on your own: repeat, delve into the material if you feel that you are worse at something.
  7. If you don't understand something in class, ask the teacher questions.
  8. Create your own collection of useful materials: write short notes, draw diagrams with examples.
  9. For success, do not forget to please yourself: relax, do what you love, play.
Constantly monitor yourself, do self-examination, find out what needs to be repeated, clarified. Remember the tips and the algorithm, then you will definitely be able to start studying well.

There are several simple rules, performing which any student can significantly increase the efficiency of his studies and at the same time allocate enough time for rest. So, first of all, you need to get enough sleep - sitting at a desk in a state of drowsiness in the most negative way on educational process. In addition, many teachers are extremely negative about those who "nod" in the lesson. But at the same time, you should not try to answer all the questions that the teacher asks: you need to choose one or two questions that will be relatively easy, but will give you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and thus appear in the eyes of the teacher as a diligent and knowledgeable student. If there is an opportunity or to make a presentation, it is better not to miss it, especially since you can literally find information on the network in one. And try not to spoil relations with teachers: a teacher who is good to a student will not overly critically evaluate possible inaccuracies in his answer or blots in the control work. But it’s also not worth it to rub too clearly into the trust of teachers, neither the teacher himself nor classmates will like it.

Every student who wants to study well at must do their homework - and it is better to do written assignments on their own, without being carried away by cheating. And if you are too lazy to do oral tasks, you just need to listen very carefully to the teacher in the lesson when he explains new material. This will make it possible not to waste extra time reading the sections of the textbook. Cheat sheets are a useful invention, but they also need to be used correctly. If you correctly use a cheat sheet, especially written with your own hand, the material is better absorbed. However, try not to use cheat sheets too obviously - be more confident and rely on yourself.

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Many parents and educators believe that a child can be forced to learn. Some even have a motto: "Though under duress, but it will be an excellent student." But in fact, the child can only be interested.


"Chocolate for a Five"
This is the most common method among parents who believe that everything can be resolved through a contractual relationship. If a child is disciplined enough, smart enough, and wants a new bike or computer at the end of the quarter, he will go out of his way to get fives. Perhaps it will be a statistical success, but not a practical one. After all, a schoolboy can sincerely hate all this shaft of meaningless information.

"Nanny, bonna, tutor"
The child does not study well also because he simply lacks the attention of the teacher. Once he launched the material and now he is embarrassed or too lazy to come up and ask the teacher about the topic two weeks ago. If the teacher does not enjoy authority, then the problem is further aggravated by a hidden conflict: "I am not a mathematician, because I do not like the teacher." For this, there are tutors with extensive experience and charisma. An interesting teacher is a 100% guarantee of interest in the subject. And it is not surprising that many chemists remember with nostalgia the cheerful and direct teacher who danced with them - the "molecular lattice". Or a Trudovik who sang military songs and taught how to make stools.

"Schedule and mode of the day."
The child may not have the habit of working systematically. He does not have a schedule, a clear daily routine. And it happens also because his parents are spontaneous and unorganized people. Therefore, it is better to make a schedule for the whole family. And allocate a separate - for the child. It is important to take into account his opinion, but not to follow his lead.

Worth organizing workplace child. Order a comfortable chair, table, whether the light falls correctly, whether your back hurts from work, whether there are distracting posters and stickers in front of your eyes. You can invite the child to go to and buy interesting and bright stationery that he wants to use; pick up baskets and containers for notebooks, drawings, pens. A place to study should be comfortable and even attractive.

"Reinforce interest."
You don’t feel like learning when the teacher drives a large amount of information, not giving you the opportunity to relax and absorb the information. Rejection in this case is a natural reaction. And the parent, if it is not possible to hire, must himself figure out the subject that seems boring to the child. And then structure the material, help with memorization: make cards, teach together, arrange quizzes. It is also good to expand the space of study to new books, toys, films, paintings. For example, go to the museum, look at the "boring" historical era. Or buy collections of funny logic games, look in libraries for Soviet editions of "Entertaining Arithmetic", "Entertaining", "Entertaining Russian".

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Too much pressure to study is dangerous. Chronicles of criminal incidents are full of stories when a child stops feeling needed and loved. Besides poor academic performance can be caused not by banal laziness, but by neurological abnormalities. They can be within the normal range, but at the same time affect the overall physical well-being. And experienced teachers say that the seventh and eighth grades are always "failed" in terms of academic performance, because at this time puberty begins. And you need to treat this tactfully and with understanding.

Helpful advice

Children often unconsciously copy their children. And adults extinguish their confusion with feigned severity. And you just need to help the child and offer a soft, conflict-free solution to this problem.


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The learning process can sometimes seem very boring. If there is no motivation, something must be done about it. But first you need to understand whether it makes any sense to spend time studying.


Make a list of 20 people who have been successful without having good education and not doing. Such people certainly exist. These can be people of working specialties who have received recognition for their work, or athletes who have achieved success in the field of loading. Or maybe people who have accomplished feats. Find such information, ask people, read newspapers and books. Just make sure these people weren't really in the business of acquiring knowledge.

Make a plan for your development. You can learn a lot in life. But not all the knowledge you actually need. On the other hand, it is very stupid to lose good opportunities just because you cannot speak a foreign language or write in mother tongue with mistakes. It is foolish to limit your prospects just because there are a lot of triples in the certificate. Everything can be fixed, but you need to have a good plan.

To enroll your child in a school, apply to the principal. Attach to it the child's medical record and vaccination sheet (if you are against vaccinations or did not do them for medical reasons, attach a refusal or recusal), a parent's or legal representative's passport and a copy of the child's birth certificate. Bring not only copies, but also original documents for verification. Some schools also ask for a photo and proof of family composition. Get a list of what you need, a list of textbooks, clarify the question of the form. Buy everything you need for the summer.

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It is illegal to demand money from parents to send their child to school. Fundraising for school needs can only be discussed on parent meeting and made out as a voluntary donation. No one can force you to deposit money.

Excellent and diligent study is a laudable goal to which all students should strive. But desire alone is not enough. There are a few things you need to do to help you get what you want.

Make a plan of action. Make it clear that your main goal is to study only for excellent (or good) grades. Add a date by which you plan to achieve a goal, such as improving your academic performance for a month or an entire month. academic year. List the tasks that need to be done on a regular basis. For example, improve math, pay off an old debt, etc. Move away simple tasks to more complex ones.

Highlight those academic disciplines which are the most difficult for you and require increased attention. Usually they are the source of bad ratings. Decide how you will improve your performance on them. For example, you can sign up for extra courses after the main classes or ask more successful students to study with you. Also today you can easily turn to the help of tutors.

Try not to miss school days and attend all classes. Listen carefully to the teachers and write down everything you need in your notebook. Learn how to take notes, writing everything in a concise and more understandable way, so that later on you can quickly review the material and effectively apply it in practice.

Do your homework and turn it in on time. Also, be active in class, don't be afraid to answer and speak in public. Teachers will certainly note your diligence and will treat you as a pupil or student worthy of receiving only good and excellent grades.

Learn discipline. Reduce at least for the time of walking and meeting with friends, watching TV and vigil in front of the computer. All this can distract you from your studies and prevent you from submitting homework assignments on time and memorizing the necessary material. Gradually, if you learn to do everything you need, quickly and correctly, you can afford to rest a little more. Do not put things off for the evening or the next day, do everything at once, applying the knowledge you have recently acquired. Take vitamins to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Try to be more attentive and learn to analyze the situation. It is not necessary to decide, or according to established patterns, or tell jagged texts. Apply your ingenuity, look for new ways to solve problems, be ready to speak spontaneously, etc. All this will help you to achieve heights in learning without any problems.

Self-education in the first place is like refresher courses, only happens without the help of teachers. And in the process of self-education, a person can show himself creatively, think outside the box, and improve his skills. But it is very important to properly organize self-learning so that this activity does not turn out to be in vain and meaningless.

Buy comfortable stationery

Get really handy pens and pencils, organize your kick so that you can easily find the right item at any time. Buy notepads and notebooks that set you up for study and are comfortable to write in.

Take breaks

During breaks, you need to switch to another type of activity, such as exercise or cooking. You can also listen to classical music while relaxing. Classics have been scientifically proven to help us focus on tasks and motivate us to be productive.

Attend additional courses

This will help you develop the necessary skills faster and will also help you personal development. Moreover, the courses should involve you in the curriculum, otherwise they will not be useful.

Go to the goal every day

It has been proven that small advances eventually lead to big victories, so you don’t need to try to take everything at once, it’s enough to make efforts every day and achieve even small results in the area that you plan to do in the future. At the same time, experience only positive emotions, visualize your achievements.

Grow in different directions

Do not focus on one thing, be a versatile person. This will make you an interesting person and a pleasant conversationalist, and will also contribute to the ability to find the right partners and recommend yourself with best sides. Attend workshops, learn new things, take risks. This is just a plus for your portfolio.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes

Life is designed in such a way that you will always make mistakes. Therefore, set yourself up for the fact that mistakes are an experience. Also, "without rain there can't be rainbows", so don't give great attention your misses and failures, better concentrate on your goals and keep moving forward.

Posted by the author - - March 5, 2014

Education is a really important thing in our life. Much depends on the level of our education. Most employers today prefer to hire highly specialized professionals who are able to do jobs that not many can handle. This point is covered in more detail in the article "". Today we will talk about how to study well how to make this process more fun and how to achieve a better result.

First, let's go over some of the main points. Studying is a process that requires large energy resources, since mental activity takes quite a lot of energy. I'm sure you've probably noticed how when you come home from class, you feel really overwhelmed and tired. Sometimes it happens that physical exercises do not take as much strength as mental activity. Even a similar experiment was carried out, which confirmed these assumptions.

So, from all this suggests a significant conclusion. If we draw an analogy, we can compare the brain with a muscle. That is, it can be developed in such a way that, due to the heavy load, it will increase its resources and, as a result, it becomes more and more efficient. That is, if during the week he actively uses his mental capacity then it will be much easier for you to do it later. Now imagine that you are developing your brain every day for several years. Can you imagine what results can be achieved in this field? You did the right thing by asking how to do well in school.

How does this relate to our topic? If you want to study well, you need to do it constantly, regularly and urgently. How can this be done? Read in my article "" about the way to achieve daily results. In short, you need to define three parameters: minimum, standard and maximum. Next, depending on your ability, you must run one of these programs. That is, if you have no strength at all, then you should stop at the minimum program, etc.

Another important point that is associated with education is your discipline, attention and willpower. You can read about the second characteristic in my article "", the rest will be described in the following articles, so if you do not want to miss updates, be sure to subscribe to new posts. You can do this at the end of the post or by clicking on this link.

In order to improve your academic performance, you must first of all realize why you need all this. Some children do not understand why they go to school. It’s just that parents demand some kind of result from them, but they don’t say at all about where the acquired knowledge will be useful to them. Firstly, this is the fault of the parents themselves, since education includes not only the process of physical adaptation of children. Secondly, there is the fault of the children themselves, as they do not think about the future. This is especially true for students, since they are already adults and must be fully responsible for their own lives.

So, in order to understand how to study better in school, try to find yourself an incentive or motivation for action. It can be very varied. First of all, if you are studying at school, it may be a desire to enroll in good university. Now everyone has the opportunity to get into any Russian university on a budgetary basis, if they study well enough. You just need to do well in the exam. This may be sufficient motivation to improve academic performance.

Another example is interesting work. Now it's really hard to find a real interesting work, which will pay pretty good money if you are not educated enough, so excellent study can be a really serious motivation. Scholarship can be distinguished from the same series. If you are a student and study on a commercial basis, then excellent studies will help you transfer to the budget, and if you already receive a scholarship, then it can be much more. The main thing is to believe in yourself.

It is important to remember that motivation must truly inspire you. That is, you must find something that will help you get out of bed and go to school. This is often quite problematic to do. Because laziness gets in the way. To get rid of it forever, read. Remember that motivation cannot appear on purpose. Listen to your feelings. What do you want the most. What are you drawn to. And keep growing in this area. I am sure you will succeed. Are you interested in this how to start studying well.

Finally, I would like to say that you can turn to your friends and parents for advice. Yes, their point of view may differ from yours, but you will certainly receive direction that will help you develop your train of thought. By the way, at this time you already need to deal with that.

Surprisingly, our daily routine has a good effect on our academic performance. How it manifests itself. Let's take a look at a specific example to better understand. Let's say you leave for class at 8 am and arrive at 2 pm. Sit down to eat, and after that you rest until 8 pm and only then sit down to do your homework. Your body is not used to working efficiently and therefore there is more and more apathy and more and more laziness. Your activities are meaningless.

Try to change your mode in such a way as to deal with tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible. It is best to do this when your body is still in working condition, that is, immediately after exercise. Try for 3-4 weeks homework immediately after you get home. At first, you will not be good at it, your whole body will resist such changes, but soon you will realize that this is the ideal way, since all tasks will already be solved, and you will have a whole day ahead of you.

What else can be added to this advice on the issue, how to start learning better. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time. Some authors recommend getting up as early as 5 o'clock in the morning and having time to do much more things. Typically, this practice is not suitable for schoolchildren and students. With a typical schedule, I recommend that you go to bed at 23-24 hours and get up at 7. During this time, you can get a good night's sleep and a good rest. By the way, if you do it at the same time, your body will get used to it, and you will be able to become much more efficient.

It would be nice to set aside time in your schedule for sports. Remember that if you constantly sit and do no exercise, over time your body will begin to lose some of the really important energy that you could channel into a productive channel. Try to keep your energy levels high at all times. To do this, eat the right food and do not forget to unload the brain. That is, just lie in silence and not think about anything. Believe me, after such exercises, the effectiveness of study increases significantly. Check in practice, the result will surprise you.

To achieve good results in the field of education, the usual school or student program will not be enough for you. Your brain will demand more, new knowledge and skills that will facilitate the state of learning. No wonder you say: I want to study well". If you said such a phrase, it means that the current state of affairs is seriously bothering you, and you want to change the situation. So, this post is an example of such additional education.

You can start studying some additional field, like psychology with me. You can engage in scientific practice or deeply study the culture of a country, that is, your task is to gain as much knowledge as possible. Moreover, this knowledge should be interesting for you. A randomly chosen area is unlikely to attract your attention. Think about what has always been interesting to you, and deepen your knowledge in this area. Maybe it will bring you even more pleasure than the previously chosen motivation.

Let's say you want be smart and study well. I advise you to read my article " How to become smarter", It will help you deal with the first part of your question. Now let's take a closer look at how to find a field that will be interesting enough for you. I don’t believe I’m saying this myself, but the TV will help you. There are many useful TV channels like Discovery that show educational programs. So, look at a few. One of them will surely attract you. Try to dig in this direction and you will 100% find exactly the area that you will be really interested in studying.

Another option is to sign up for special classes in the chosen field. For example, you can start learning foreign language. Find a school in your city that provides education in this topic and sign up for classes. This will not only help you expand your knowledge and improve your academic performance, but will also introduce you to many new people, many of whom can become yours. good friends. Communication is always good.

As a last resort, you can find such group classes conducted via the Internet. For example, blogging is a kind of hobby group. That is, people exchange knowledge on a topic with the help of personal journals and read about some new knowledge. It turns out quite interesting and informative. Yes, and blogging itself can be called such an area, since its development requires a lot of additional knowledge.

The most popular answer to the question what you need to do to study well is to read more books. This is not surprising, because they store a truly huge repository of knowledge that will surely help you improve academic performance. Especially if you read specialized books. How to understand it? Let's try to explain.

Let's say you're studying marketing. In the course of training, you get a lot of specialties, some of which seem really important to you, and some of which are unnecessary. So, try to prioritize your learning and highlight exactly those subjects that seem most significant to you. After that, go to the library and find at least three books (not textbooks) that will help you better understand the passage and read it.

If a we are talking about subjects that are specialized for this specialty, then you need to read such books to the maximum. The first will contain the maximum amount of new knowledge, and then you will learn less and less new things. This suggests that you are becoming professionals in your chosen specialty. Of course, you still need years of practice, but you will get an excellent theoretical basis. In this case, you do not have to learn anything special. All knowledge and so will be mastered by you and no cramming.

By the way, about cramming. If you want to know what to do to study better pay attention to memory. If you develop it, then remembering new information will become really easy for you, which means that your performance will increase. I recommend that you read two posts on my blog: "" and "". There you will find many useful tips to help you develop.

Finally, I would like to recommend that you establish relationships with classmates and classmates, since it is a good atmosphere within the team that will help you improve academic performance. By the way, my article “How to increase self-esteem” indirectly touches on this topic, I advise you to read it.

This post comes to an end. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. I hope you understand how to study well. And don't forget subscribe to blog updates. This will allow you to be the first to know about new posts. Till!

Mountains of abstracts, shelves of books, cheat sheets, manuals, manuals, textbooks - all this helps us to prepare for seminars and exams. But will the knowledge gained be useful to us in real life? Most probably not. So why should we try?

“I try to study, I try ... What's the point?” - this is how many students and schoolchildren think. The child tries to study, students and students try to study well, and as a result, teachers and teachers do not appreciate the effort expended.

Many adults say - they say, you are doing this for yourself. Who neither studies nor tries, he does not achieve anything in life.

However, practice shows that it is absolutely not important to study well. Look at the example of your parents. Many of them, just like you, graduated from high school with honors, many even have diplomas of higher education(and possibly scientific degrees). And what is the result? Working in factories and warehouses. Is this the reason to study well?

The first, and perhaps the most important life experience that a person comes to when thinking about the topic “Is it necessary to study well and why is it necessary?” Sounds like this:

I try to study better in order to understand in the near future: studying will not make me healthy, rich and happy!

Paradox, isn't it? And yet, the realization of this fact is important for every person.

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What prevents us from studying well?

And why does a person need motivation to study well, if he understood this still before he entered a university or other profile educational establishments? What subjects do you need to be good at in school?

Here is a sample assessment plan for good students to follow:

  • Core subjects deserve more attention than non-core ones. It will be better here high marks. Therefore, students try to learn from them well.
  • In order for a child to study well, it is absolutely not necessary to force him to cram additional, non-core subjects. It is the saving of effort, time and nerves that will help you study well and develop in those industries that are of interest to you. And at the same time, what prevents students and schoolchildren from studying well? That's right - those items that have nothing to do with his possible future.

Dear parents and teachers! Please do not pressure your children and students! Remember: a red nose and a blue diploma are much better than a blue nose and a red diploma!

Is it worth it to study well?

Why study well? Because teaching helps us to become winners! And in order to study well, one must be purposeful, courageous, persistent. And if teachers require you to know unimportant subjects, the student service will always help and unload your head from unnecessary and unnecessary knowledge.

Quite a lot of schoolchildren are worried about how to do well in school. Parents put pressure on someone, teachers on someone, someone thinks about it himself, realizing that he will soon need to act. It's never too late to start learning, start improving your academic performance right now.

  • Find purpose and meaning to study well. First, you need to decide why you need to study better. This is especially true for those who are forced to study by adults. You need a goal that will be important for you: to go where you want, but where there is a big competition; to become the best in the class, to attract someone's attention; receive praise and approval from parents; make teachers respect you, etc. Awareness of this goal should already suggest how to force yourself to learn.
  • Write down specific tasks - what needs to be done in order to study better. Divide this global goal into small ones: “do 4 homework in mathematics, write 5 tests in literature, learn to count integral equations” and so on. The smaller and more specific the task, the easier it is to complete it and the easier it is for you to understand how to study better at school and what to do for this.
  • Go to all classes - at school, absenteeism is very strict. But even if you miss classes on good reason, ask classmates what happened in the lesson; ask the teacher what you can read on this topic and go through the missing material on your own.
  • Do not be distracted during the lessons - being distracted, you lose attention important stuff and comments on it. You can be distracted because of a friend who is sitting next to you and always strives to tell you a fresh joke as soon as possible; to a phone with games, sms, ICQ, or free access to the Internet; player; prefix and much more. Knowing what things distract you, it is better not to take them with you to school, not to get them in class, but to sit away from your friend, explaining, if possible, what and why you are doing. If there is nothing interesting around you, nothing that can distract you, you may become interested in the lesson itself.
  • Another way to study well at school is to listen carefully to the teacher - listen not only to the rules and tasks, but also to what he says about them. Often the attention of students is focused only on the words “control”, “homework” or “grade for a quarter”, but the teacher is usually well versed in his material, he can mention the way in which the problem can be solved easier or talk about small details of the author's life. Such trifles can go unnoticed, or they can be remembered and come in handy for you on the exam.
  • Ask questions - not all teachers like questions, someone may react sharply to a request to repeat or explain again. If you do not understand something, try to soften the question, make it clarifying, ask about something specific. Not only a teacher can help you if something is not clear, you can ask classmates for help, a classmate who understands a topic can sometimes tell you better than a teacher, because he will explain in your language, and not in terms from a textbook.
  • Complete the tasks - do not copy them from others or from the solution books, solve them yourself. Homework assignments are given for a reason, their task is to consolidate your knowledge, so it's best if you complete the assignment on the very day it was asked. Firstly, it will be easier, because the material has just been completed, and you remember it well, and you know how to solve it. Secondly, you will really be able to consolidate new material in your memory, and not painfully remember and learn to do everything again later. Thirdly, by repeating you develop skills, you “train your hand”, the more tasks of a certain type you solve, the easier it will be to solve such problems after some time.
  • Structure your time - if the day after school you need to be in time for the sports section, language courses, do homework and meet friends, do your homework first. The amount of work that remains to be done will spur you on and you will work faster. Knowing how much you have to do, you will no longer be so lazy.

These tips will only help you do better in school if you want to. Good luck!

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