Pedagogical activity, functions of pedagogical activity: structure and specificity. Pedagogical activity of the teacher


The meaning of the teaching profession is revealed in the activities carried out by its representatives and which are called pedagogical. It is a special type of social activity aimed at transferring from older generations to younger generations the culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing them to perform certain tasks. social roles in society.

It is obvious that this activity is carried out not only by teachers, but also by parents, public organizations, heads of enterprises and institutions, production and other groups, as well as, to a certain extent, means mass media. However, in the first case, this activity is professional, and in the second, it is general pedagogical, which every person, voluntarily or involuntarily, carries out in relation to himself, engaging in self-education and self-education. Pedagogical activity how professional takes place in specially organized society educational institutions: preschool institutions, schools, vocational schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, institutions additional education, advanced training and retraining. To penetrate into the essence of pedagogical activity, it is necessary to turn to the analysis of its structure, which can be represented as the unity of purpose, motives, actions (operations), and results. The system-forming characteristic of activity, including pedagogical activity, is the goal (A.N. Leontyev). The purpose of pedagogical activity is connected with the implementation of the goal of education, which today is considered by many as a universal human ideal harmoniously coming from time immemorial. developed personality. This general strategic goal is achieved by solving specific tasks of training and education in various areas.

The concept of pedagogical activity

There are many professions in the world, and they all differ from each other in the activities they carry out.

So, pedagogical activity (hereinafter - PD) is a special type of socially useful activity of adults, consciously aimed at preparing the younger generation for life in accordance with the economic, political, moral, aesthetic and other goals of society.

PD is the conscious intervention of adults in the objectively natural socio-historical process of raising children.

The goal of this intervention is to transform human nature into a “developed specific labor force” (K. Marx), training a member of society.

PD organizes an objective process of education, accelerates and improves the preparation of children for life, because she (PD) is armed:

o pedagogical theory (theoretical knowledge);

o pedagogical experience (practical experience);

o system of special institutions.

Let us briefly characterize the role of pedagogical theory in PD. PD is based on scientific pedagogical theory, which studies:

o laws of education;

o educational influence of living conditions;

o their requirements for a person.

Thus, scientific pedagogical theory equips pedagogical activity with reliable knowledge, helps it become deeply conscious, effective, and capable of resolving emerging contradictions.

The teaching profession owes its origin to the separation of education into a special social function, when a specific type of activity has formed in the structure of the social division of labor, the purpose of which is to prepare the younger generations for life on the basis of familiarizing them with the values ​​of human culture. Many educational theorists have noted the enormous moral impact and powerful and wise power of the teaching profession. Plato wrote that if the shoemaker is a bad master, the citizens will only have slightly worse shoes, but if the teacher of children performs his duties poorly, entire generations of ignorant and bad people will appear in the country. To the teacher, emphasized Ya.A. Komensky, was awarded an excellent position, higher than which nothing under the sun can be. He drew a number of brilliant analogies between a teacher and a gardener, a teacher and an enterprising architect, and likened the teacher to a diligent sculptor, painting and polishing the minds and souls of people. K.D. Ushinsky viewed the teacher as a champion of truth and goodness, as a living link between the past and the future, a mediator between what was created by past generations and new generations. His case, although modest in appearance, is one of the greatest cases in history. If the teacher, believed L.N. Tolstoy has only love for his work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for his students, like a father or mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher. As correctly pointed out by A.S. Makarenko, students will forgive their teachers for dryness and even pickiness, but they will not forgive poor knowledge of the matter. What they value most in a teacher is skill, deep knowledge of the subject, and clear thought. Not a single teacher, believed V.A. Sukhomlinsky, cannot be a universal (and therefore abstract) embodiment of all virtues. Something prevails in everyone, everyone has a unique personality, is capable of revealing themselves brighter, more fully than others, and revealing themselves in some area of ​​spiritual life. This area is precisely the personal contribution that the teacher’s individuality makes to the complex process of influencing students. L.S. also paid great attention to studying the characteristics of pedagogical activity. Vygotsky.

Many authors define the pedagogical activity of a teacher as the educational and educational influence of the teacher on the student, aimed at his personal, intellectual and activity development, at the same time acting as the basis for his self-development and self-improvement (I.A. Zimnyaya, 1997, Markova A.K. 1993). Klimov E.A. (Klimov E.A., 1996) a scheme of characteristics of professions was developed. According to this scheme, the object of the teaching profession is a person, and the subject is the activity of his development, education, and training. Pedagogical activity belongs to the group of professions “person - person”.

· The professionally determined properties and characteristics of a teacher include the general orientation of his personality (social maturity and civic responsibility, professional ideals, humanism, highly developed, primarily cognitive, interests, selfless attitude towards his chosen profession), as well as some specific qualities:

o organizational (organization, efficiency, initiative, demandingness, self-criticism);

o communicative (fairness, attentiveness, friendliness, openness, goodwill, modesty, sensitivity, tact);

o perceptual-gnostic (observation, creativity, intellectual activity, research style, flexibility, originality and criticality of thinking, the ability to make non-standard solutions, a sense of the new, intuition, objectivity and impartiality, careful and attentive attitude to the experience of senior colleagues, the need for constant updating and enrichment of knowledge);

o expressive (high emotional-volitional tone, optimism, emotional sensitivity and responsiveness, self-control, tolerance, endurance, sense of humor);

o professional performance;

o physical and mental health.

· In the study of the psychology of pedagogical activity, a number of problems can be identified. Among the most important of them are the following:

o Problem creative potential teacher and the possibilities of overcoming pedagogical stereotypes.

o The problem of teacher professionalism.

o Problem psychological preparation teachers.

o The problem of preparing teachers for developmental education systems.

o The problem of teacher training, etc.

According to the Constitution Russian Federation, parents are the child’s first educators, his mentors. Few people think that it is during this process that pedagogical activity is already carried out, since the generally accepted opinion is that this type of work can only be performed by a specially trained person (kindergarten teacher, school teacher). This activity, in essence, is the influence of all adults on the development of personality, the formation of value orientations and moral principles of children.

Definition of teaching activity

Preparing a child for life in society in accordance with its accepted political, economic, cultural, and moral foundations is a pedagogical activity. The definition should be supplemented only by the fact that it is a conscious and purposeful influence on the process of educating the younger generation.

Network of institutions

To help the child’s legal representatives carry out this work, a system of special institutions has been created, such as kindergarten and school. These establishments employ people

Those who have deeper knowledge of pedagogical theory than their parents, and who have more or less relevant experience.

Regularities and structure of pedagogical activity

Pedagogical activity is based on certain patterns that have been established and improved over centuries, changing in the conditions of reforming society, its values ​​and priorities. Its structure can be presented as follows:

First, a person realizes the need, the desire to engage in this particular type of activity. He becomes familiar with the basic requirements for this profession.

At the next stage, the teacher masters various skills and knowledge, adding certain types of skills to them, generalizes and analyzes his own experience gained in the course of personal development, and forms his own worldview.

- Pedagogical activity at the final stage is marked by the acquisition of experience in education, skill, and professionalism.


This structure is applicable both to persons engaged directly in educational activities,

The same goes for parents who develop and raise their children. The only difference is that legal representatives first realize the need to acquire special knowledge, then study literature on this topic, then acquire and accumulate experience.

Functions of pedagogical activity

Pedagogical activity, viewed through the prism of science, has a number of functions:

Transmission of skills and abilities coupled with knowledge, formation of a worldview;

Familiarization with the moral principles accepted in society, development of rules of behavior in accordance with them;

Formation of aesthetic views, social intelligence.

Thanks to these functions found in close relationship, the formation of a comprehensively developed personality occurs.

Realities of today

In September 2013, the new Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” came into force, according to which individual teaching activities can be carried out by an entrepreneur. Despite the fact that this type of activity can generate income that is somewhat different from teachers’ salaries, teachers are in no hurry to engage in similar work, because they do not have the knowledge in the field of law to open their own business. However, perhaps over time, the individual entrepreneur will find his niche in this too.

In everyday meaning, the word “activity” has synonyms: work, business, occupation. In science, activity is considered in connection with human existence and is studied in many areas of knowledge: philosophy, psychology, history, cultural studies, pedagogy, etc. One of the essential properties of a person is manifested in activity - to be active. This is what is emphasized in the various definitions of this category.

Activity is a specific form of socio-historical existence of people, their purposeful transformation of natural and social reality. Activity includes a goal, a means, a result and the process itself. (Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia. - M., 1993).

Pedagogical activity is a type of social activity aimed at transferring from older generations to younger generations the culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing them to fulfill certain social roles in society.

The purpose of pedagogical activity is general in nature. In domestic pedagogy, it is traditionally expressed in the formula “comprehensive harmonious development of the individual.” Having reached the individual teacher, it is transformed into a specific individual attitude, which the teacher tries to implement in his practice.

The main objects of the purpose of pedagogical activity are the educational environment, the activities of students, the educational team and individual characteristics pupils. The implementation of the goal of pedagogical activity is associated with the solution of such social and pedagogical tasks as the formation of an educational environment, the organization of the activities of students, the creation of an educational team, and the development of individuality.

The subject of pedagogical activity is the management of educational, cognitive and educational activities of students. Management activities consist of planning one’s own activities and the activities of students, organizing these activities, stimulating activity and consciousness, monitoring, regulating the quality of training and education, analyzing the results of training and education and predicting further changes in personal development students.

One of the most important characteristics of pedagogical activity is its collaborative nature. It necessarily presupposes a teacher and the one whom he teaches, educates, and develops. This activity combines the self-realization of the teacher and his purposeful participation in changing the student (the level of his training, education, development, education).

Characterizing pedagogical activity as independent social phenomenon, the following characteristics can be indicated.

Firstly, it is of a concrete historical nature. This means that the goals, content and nature of such activities change in accordance with changes in historical reality. For example, L.N. Tolstoy, criticizing the school of his time with the dogmatic nature of education, officialdom, lack of attention and interest in the student’s personality, called for humane relations in school, for taking into account the needs and interests of the student, spoke out for such a development of his personality that would make a growing person harmonious, highly moral , creative. “When educating, educating, developing, ... we must have and unconsciously have one goal: to achieve the greatest harmony in the sense of truth, beauty and goodness,” wrote L.N. Tolstoy (L.N. Tolstoy Who should learn to write and from whom, the peasant children from us or us from the peasant children? // Ped. soch., M., 1989. - p. 278). Considering all the shortcomings of the school of his time to be the result of the undeveloped problem of the essence of man, the meaning of his life in contemporary psychology and philosophy, L.N. Tolstoy made a successful attempt to realize own understanding this problem when organizing the Yasnaya Polyana school for peasant children.

Secondly, teaching activity is special kind socially valuable activities of adults. The social value of this work lies in the fact that the spiritual and economic power of any society or state is directly related to the self-improvement of its members as civilized individuals. Enriched spiritual world person. Various areas of his life are improved, moral attitude to oneself, to other people, to nature. Spiritual and material assets, and due to this, the progress of society, its progressive development, is carried out. Every human society is interested in the positive results of pedagogical activity. If its members degrade, no society will be able to fully develop.

Thirdly, teaching activities are carried out by specially prepared and trained specialists based on professional knowledge. Such knowledge is a system of humanities, natural sciences, socio-economics and other sciences that contribute to the knowledge of man as a historically established and constantly developing phenomenon. They allow us to understand the various forms of his social life and relationships with nature. In addition to professional knowledge, professional skills also play a big role. The teacher is constantly improving in practical application knowledge. Conversely, he draws them from activity. “I became a real master only when I learned to say “come here” with fifteen to twenty shades,” admitted A.S. Makarenko.

Fourthly, pedagogical activity is creative in nature. It is impossible to program and predict all possible options for its course, just as it is impossible to find two identical people, two identical families, two identical classes, etc.

Main types of teaching activities

The main types of pedagogical activities traditionally include educational work, teaching, scientific, methodological, cultural, educational and management activities.

Educational work- pedagogical activities aimed at organizing the educational environment, and organized, purposeful management of the education of schoolchildren in accordance with the goals set by society.

Educational work is carried out within the framework of any organizational form and does not pursue a direct goal, because its results are not so clearly tangible and do not reveal themselves as quickly as, for example, in the learning process. But since pedagogical activity has certain chronological boundaries at which the levels and qualities of personality development are recorded, we can also talk about the relatively final results of education, manifested in positive changes in the consciousness of students - emotional reactions, behavior and activities.

Teaching- management of cognitive activity in the learning process is carried out within the framework of any organizational form (lesson, excursion, individual training, elective, etc.), has strict time limits, a strictly defined goal and options for achieving it. The most important criterion for teaching effectiveness is the achievement of the educational goal.

Modern Russian pedagogical theory considers teaching and upbringing as a unity. This does not imply a denial of the specifics of training and education, but a deep knowledge of the essence of the functions of the organization, means, forms and methods of training and education. In the didactic aspect, the unity of teaching and upbringing is manifested in the common goal of personal development, in the real relationship of teaching, development and educational functions.

Scientific and methodological activities. The teacher combines a scientist and a practitioner: a scientist in the sense that he must be a competent researcher and contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge about the child and the pedagogical process, and a practitioner in the sense that he applies this knowledge. The teacher is often faced with what he does not find in scientific literature explanations and ways to solve specific cases from their practice, with the need to generalize the results of their work. Scientific approach at work, therefore. is the basis of the teacher’s own methodological activity.

Scientific work The teacher is expressed in the study of children and children's groups, the formation of his own “bank” of various methods, generalization of the results of his work, and methodological - in the selection and development methodological topic, leading to the improvement of skills in a particular area, in recording the results of teaching activities, and in the actual development and improvement of skills.

Cultural and educational activities - component activities of the teacher. It introduces parents to various branches of pedagogy and psychology, students - to the basics of self-education, popularizes and explains the results of the latest psychological pedagogical research, creates a need for psychological and pedagogical knowledge and a desire to use it in both parents and children.

Any specialist dealing with a group of people (students) is more or less involved in organizing its activities, setting and achieving goals for collaboration, i.e. performs functions in relation to this group management. It is the setting of a goal, the use of certain methods of achieving it and measures of influence on the team that are the main signs of the presence of management in the activities of a teacher-educator.

When managing a group of children, the teacher performs several functions: planning, organization - ensuring the implementation of the plan, motivation or stimulation - this is the teacher encouraging himself and others to work to achieve the goal, control.

3.1. The essence of pedagogical activity

In everyday meaning, the word “activity” has synonyms: work, business, occupation. In science, activity is considered in connection with human existence and is studied in many areas of knowledge: philosophy, psychology, history, cultural studies, pedagogy, etc. One of the essential properties of a person is manifested in activity - to be active. This is what is emphasized in the various definitions of this category. Activity is a specific form of socio-historical existence of people, their purposeful transformation of natural and social reality. Activity includes a goal, a means, a result and the process itself. (Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia. - M., 1993).

Pedagogical activity is a type of social activity aimed at transferring from older generations to younger generations the culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing them to fulfill certain social roles in society. As noted by psychologist B.F. Lomov, “activity is multidimensional.” Therefore, there are numerous classifications of activity, which are based on its various characteristics, reflecting the various aspects of this phenomenon. There are spiritual and practical activities, reproductive (performing) and creative, individual and collective, etc. Various types of teaching activities are also highlighted. Pedagogical activity is a type professional activity, the content of which is training, education, education, development of students.

The system-forming characteristic of pedagogical activity is the goal (A.N. Leontyev). The purpose of pedagogical activity is general in nature. In domestic pedagogy, it is traditionally expressed in the formula “comprehensive harmonious development of the individual.” Having reached the individual teacher, it is transformed into a specific individual attitude, which the teacher tries to implement in his practice. The main objects of the purpose of pedagogical activity are the educational environment, the activities of students, the educational team and the individual characteristics of students. The implementation of the goal of pedagogical activity is associated with the solution of such social and pedagogical tasks as the formation of an educational environment, the organization of the activities of students, the creation of an educational team, and the development of individuality.

The subject of pedagogical activity is the management of educational, cognitive and educational activities of students. Management activities consist of planning one’s own activities and the activities of students, organizing these activities, stimulating activity and consciousness, monitoring, regulating the quality of training and education, analyzing the results of training and education, and predicting further changes in the personal development of students. One of the most important characteristics of pedagogical activity is its collaborative nature. It necessarily presupposes a teacher and the one whom he teaches, educates, and develops. This activity combines the self-realization of the teacher and his purposeful participation in changing the student (the level of his training, education, development, education).

Characterizing pedagogical activity as an independent social phenomenon, we can indicate its following characteristics. Firstly, it is of a concrete historical nature. This means that the goals, content and nature of such activities change in accordance with changes in historical reality. For example, L.N. Tolstoy, criticizing the school of his time with the dogmatic nature of education, bureaucratic behavior, lack of attention and interest in the student’s personality, called for humane relations in school, for taking into account the needs and interests of the student, spoke out for the development of his personality, which would make a growing person harmonious, highly moral, creative. “When educating, educating, developing, ... we must have and unconsciously have one goal: to achieve the greatest harmony in the sense of truth, beauty and goodness,” wrote L.N. Tolstoy (L.N. Tolstoy Who should learn to write and from whom, the peasant children from us or us from the peasant children? // Ped. soch., M., 1989. – p. 278). Considering all the shortcomings of the school of his time to be the result of the undeveloped problem of the essence of man, the meaning of his life in contemporary psychology and philosophy, L.N. Tolstoy made a successful attempt to realize his own

understanding this problem when organizing the Yasnaya Polyana school for peasant children. Secondly, teaching activity is a special type of socially valuable activity of adults. The social value of this work lies in the fact that the spiritual and economic power of any society or state is directly related to the self-improvement of its members as civilized individuals. The spiritual world of man is enriched. Various areas of his life improve, a moral attitude towards himself is formed,

other people, to nature. Spiritual and material values, and due to this, the progress of society and its progressive development are achieved. Every human society is interested in the positive results of pedagogical activity. If its members degrade, no society will be able to fully develop.

Thirdly, teaching activities are carried out by specially prepared and trained specialists based on professional knowledge. Such knowledge is a system of humanities, natural sciences, socio-economics and other sciences that contribute to the knowledge of man as a historically established and constantly developing phenomenon. They allow us to understand the various forms of his social life and relationships with nature. In addition to professional knowledge, professional skills also play a big role. The teacher constantly improves in the practical application of knowledge. Conversely, he draws them from activity. “I became a real master only when I learned to say “come here” with fifteen to twenty shades,” admitted A.S. Makarenko. Fourthly, pedagogical activity is creative in nature. It is impossible to program and predict all possible options for its course, just as it is impossible to find two identical people, two identical families, two identical classes, etc.

3.2. Main types of teaching activities

The main types of pedagogical activities traditionally include educational work, teaching, scientific, methodological, cultural, educational and management activities.

Educational work- pedagogical activities aimed at organizing the educational environment, and organized, purposeful management of the education of schoolchildren in accordance with the goals set by society. Educational work is carried out within the framework of any organizational form and does not pursue a direct goal, because its results are not so clearly tangible and do not reveal themselves as quickly as, for example, in the learning process. But since pedagogical activity has certain chronological boundaries at which the levels and qualities of personality development are recorded, we can also talk about the relatively final results of education, manifested in positive changes in the consciousness of students - emotional reactions, behavior and activities.

Teaching- management of cognitive activity in the learning process is carried out within the framework of any organizational form (lesson, excursion, individual training, elective, etc.), has strict time limits, a strictly defined goal and options for achievement. The most important criterion for teaching effectiveness is the achievement of the educational goal. Modern Russian pedagogical theory considers teaching and upbringing as a unity. This does not imply a denial of the specifics of training and education, but a deep knowledge of the essence of the functions of the organization, means, forms and methods of training and education. In the didactic aspect, the unity of teaching and upbringing is manifested in the common goal of personal development, in the real relationship of teaching, development and educational functions.

Scientific and methodological activities. The teacher combines a scientist and a practitioner: a scientist in the sense that he must be a competent researcher and contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge about the child and the pedagogical process, and a practitioner in the sense that he applies this knowledge. A teacher is often faced with the fact that he does not find in the scientific literature explanations and methods for solving specific cases from his practice, with the need to generalize the results of his work. The scientific approach to work, therefore, is the basis of the teacher’s own methodological activity. The scientific work of the teacher is expressed in the study of children and children's groups, the formation of his own “bank” of various methods, generalization of the results of his work, and the methodological work is expressed in the selection and development of a methodological topic leading to the improvement of skills in a particular area, in recording the results of teaching activities, actually in practicing and improving skills.

Cultural and educational activities- an integral part of the teacher’s activity. It introduces parents to various branches of pedagogy and psychology, students – to the basics of self-education, popularizes and explains the results of the latest psychological and pedagogical research, creates the need for psychological and pedagogical knowledge and the desire to use it in both parents and children. Any specialist dealing with a group of people (students) is more or less involved in organizing its activities, setting and achieving goals for collaboration, i.e. performs functions in relation to this group management. It is the setting of a goal, the use of certain methods of achieving it and measures of influence on the team that are the main signs of the presence of management in the activities of a teacher-educator.

When managing a group of children, the teacher performs several functions: planning, organization - ensuring the implementation of the plan, motivation or stimulation - this is the teacher encouraging himself and others to work to achieve the goal, control.

3.3. Structure of teaching activity

In psychology, the following structure of pedagogical activity has been established: motive, goal, activity planning, processing of current information, operational image and conceptual model, decision making, actions, checking results and correcting actions. When determining the structure of professional pedagogical activity, researchers note that its main originality lies in the specificity of the object and tools. N.V. Kuzmina identified three interrelated components in the structure of pedagogical activity; constructive, organizational and communicative. Constructive activity is associated with the development of technology for each form of student activity and the solution of each pedagogical problem that arises.

Organizational activities are aimed at creating a team and organizing joint activities. Communicative activity involves establishing connections and relationships between the teacher and students, their parents, and their colleagues. Detailed characteristics the structure of pedagogical activity was given by A.I. Shcherbakov. Based on an analysis of the professional functions of a teacher, he identifies 8 main interconnected components-functions of pedagogical activity: informational, developmental, orientational, mobilizational, constructive, communicative, organizational and research. A.I. Shcherbakov classifies constructive, organizational and research components as general labor ones. Specifying the function of the teacher at the implementation stage pedagogical process, he presented the organizational component of pedagogical activity as a unity of informational, developmental, orientation and mobilization functions.

Among the many types of activities, I.F. Kharlamov identifies the following interrelated types of activity: diagnostic, orientation-prognostic, constructive-design, organizational, information-explanatory, communicative-stimulating, analytical-evaluative, research-creative.

Diagnostic activity is associated with the study of students and establishing the level of their development and education. To do this, the teacher must be able to observe and master diagnostic methods. Forecasting activity is expressed in the constant setting of real goals and objectives of the pedagogical process at a certain stage, taking into account real possibilities, in other words, in predicting the final result. Constructive activity consists of the ability to design educational and educational work, select content appropriate cognitive abilities students, make it accessible and interesting. It is associated with such a quality of a teacher as his creative imagination. The organizational activity of a teacher lies in his ability to influence students, lead them, mobilize them for one or another type of activity, and inspire them. IN information activities the main social purpose teacher: transfer of the generalized experience of older generations to young people. It is in the process of this activity that schoolchildren acquire knowledge, ideological, moral and aesthetic ideas. In this case, the teacher acts not only as a source of information, but also as a person who shapes the beliefs of young people. The success of teaching activities is largely determined by the ability of a professional to establish and maintain contact with children, to build interaction with them at the level of cooperation. To understand them, and, if necessary, to forgive them; in fact, all the activities of a teacher are of a communicative nature. Analytical and evaluation activities consist of receiving feedback, i.e. confirmation of the effectiveness of the pedagogical process and achievement of the set goal. This information makes it possible to make adjustments to the pedagogical process. Research and creative activity is determined by the creative nature of pedagogical work, by the fact that pedagogy is both a science and an art. Based on the principles, rules, recommendations of pedagogical science, the teacher uses them creatively every time. To successfully implement this type of activity, he must master the methods of pedagogical research. All components of pedagogical activity are manifested in the work of a teacher of any specialty.

3.4. The creative nature of pedagogical activity

Many teachers paid attention to the fact that a creative, research character is inherent in pedagogical activity: Ya.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg, K.D. Ushinsky, P.P. Blonsky, S.T. Shatsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky and others. To characterize the creative nature of pedagogical activity, the concept of “creation” is most applicable. The teacher-educator, with the help of creative efforts and work, brings to life the potential capabilities of the student, pupil, creates conditions for the development and improvement of a unique personality. In modern scientific literature, pedagogical creativity is understood as a process of solving pedagogical problems in changing circumstances.

The following criteria for pedagogical creativity can be distinguished:

Availability of deep and comprehensive knowledge and its critical processing and comprehension;

The ability to translate theoretical and methodological principles into pedagogical actions;

Ability for self-improvement and self-education;

Development of new methods, forms, techniques and means and their original combination;

Dialecticality, variability, changeability of the system of activity;

Effective application of existing experience in new conditions;

The ability to reflectively evaluate one’s own activities

and its results;

Formation of an individual style of professional activity based on the combination and development of standard and individually unique personality traits of a teacher;

Ability to improvise based on knowledge and intuition;

The ability to see a “fan of options.”

N.D. Nikandrov and V.A. Kan-Kalik distinguishes three spheres of teacher’s creative activity: methodological creativity, communicative creativity, creative self-education.

Methodological creativity is associated with the ability to comprehend and analyze emerging pedagogical situations, select and construct an adequate methodological model, design content and methods of influence.

Communicative creativity is realized in the construction of pedagogically appropriate and effective communication, interaction with pupils, in the ability to get to know children, to carry out psychological self-regulation. Creative self-education involves the teacher’s awareness of himself as a specific creative individual, the identification of his professional and personal qualities that require further improvement and adjustment, as well as the development of a long-term program for his own improvement in the system of continuous self-education. V.I. Zagvyazinsky names the following specific features of pedagogical creativity: a strict time limit. The teacher makes decisions in immediate response situations: lessons daily, Unexpected situations momentarily, hourly; communication with children constantly. The ability to compare a plan with its implementation only in episodic, momentary situations, and not with the final result due to its remoteness and focus on the future. In pedagogical creativity, the emphasis is placed only on a positive result. Such methods of testing a hypothesis, such as proof by contradiction, bringing an idea to the point of absurdity, are contraindicated in the work of a teacher.

Pedagogical creativity is always co-creation with children and colleagues. A significant part of pedagogical creativity is carried out in public, in a public setting. This requires the teacher to be able to manage his mental states, quickly evoke creative inspiration in yourself and your students. Specific are the subject of pedagogical creativity - the emerging personality, the “tool” - the personality of the teacher, the process itself - complex, multifactorial, multi-level, based on the mutual creativity of partners; the result is a certain level of development of the personality of the students (Zagvyazinsky V.I. “Pedagogical creativity of the teacher.” - M., 1987).

Problematic issues and practical tasks:

1.What is the essence of teaching activity?

2. What are the goals of teaching activity?

3. What is the structure of teaching activity?

4. How is the collective nature of pedagogical activity manifested?

5. Why is teaching activity classified as creative?

6. Write creative work on one of the suggested topics:

“The teacher in my life”, “My pedagogical ideal”.

2.3. Main types of teaching activities

The main types of pedagogical activities are teaching and educational work. Teaching is a type of special activity of a teacher that is aimed at managing primarily the cognitive activities of schoolchildren. Teaching is one of the main meaning-forming components of the learning process. In the structure of education, teaching is the process of activity of a teacher (teacher), which can function only as a result of close interaction with the student, both in direct and indirect form. But no matter what form this interaction takes, the teaching process necessarily presupposes the presence of an active learning process.
It also acts as such provided that the activities of students are ensured, organized and controlled by the teacher, when the integrity of the learning process is ensured by the common goals of teaching and learning. During the preparation and implementation of the learning process, the teacher performs the following activities: on the one hand, he selects, systematizes the structuring educational information, presenting it to students, on the other hand, organizes a rational, effective system of knowledge and methods of operating it in educational and educational settings that is adequate to the tasks of teaching. practical work.
The subject of teaching activities is the management of educational and cognitive activities of students (see diagram 10). Educational work is a pedagogical activity aimed at organizing the educational environment and managing various types of activities (including cognitive) of pupils in order to solve the problems of their harmonious development. Teaching and educational work are two sides of the same process: it is impossible to teach without exerting an educational influence, the degree of effectiveness of which depends precisely on how much

it will be thought out. Likewise, the process of education is impossible without elements of learning. Education, to reveal the essence and content of which many studies are devoted, is only conditionally, for convenience and deeper knowledge, considered in isolation from education. Revealing the dialectic of the relationship between these two sides of a single pedagogical process, it is necessary to take into account a number of their significant differences, for example, such as:

The noted differences in the organization of teaching and educational work show that teaching is much easier in terms of the methods of its organization and implementation, and in the structure of the holistic pedagogical process, according to V.A. Slastenin, “it should occupy a subordinate position” (Pedagogy: Tutorial for pedagogical students educational institutions/ V.A. Slastenin et al. M., 1997. pp. 27-28). If in the learning process almost everything can be proven or deduced logically, then it is much more difficult to evoke and consolidate certain personal relationships, since freedom of choice plays a decisive role here. That is why the success of learning largely depends on the formation of cognitive interest and attitude towards educational activities in general, i.e. from the results of not only teaching, but also educational work.
It should also be noted that the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of ethics, aesthetics and other sciences, the study of which is not provided for in the curriculum, is essentially nothing more than learning. In addition, V.V. Kraevsky, I.Ya. Lerner and M.N. Skatkin noted that the experience of creative activity and the experience of an emotional and value-based attitude to the world around them are considered integral components of the content of education, along with the knowledge and skills that a person acquires in the learning process. Without unity of teaching and educational work, it is not possible to implement the mentioned elements of education. Even A. Disterweg understood the holistic pedagogical process in its content aspect as a process in which “educational teaching” and “educational education” are merged together. In principle, both pedagogical and educational activities are identical concepts.
The idea of ​​a holistic pedagogical process, for all its attractiveness and productivity, is not indisputable in the eyes of a number of scientists (P.I. Pidkasisty, L.P. Krivshenko, etc.), who believe that it carries a certain danger of “blurring the boundaries between theories training and education." IN pedagogical science And in practice, quite often one encounters misconceptions of a different kind—the identification of teaching and pedagogical activities. Indicative in this regard is the opinion of N.V. Kuzmina, who considered them a specific characteristic of pedagogical activity, its high productivity. She distinguished five levels of productivity in teaching activities, referring only to teaching:
I (minimal) - reproductive; the teacher knows how to tell others what he knows; unproductive.
II (low) - adaptive; the teacher knows how to adapt his message to the characteristics of the audience; unproductive.
III (medium) - local modeling; the teacher has strategies for teaching students knowledge, skills, and abilities in individual sections of the course (i.e., forming a pedagogical goal, being aware of the desired result and selecting a system and sequence for including students in educational and cognitive activities); medium productive.
IV (high) - system-modeling knowledge; the teacher knows strategies for forming the required system of knowledge, skills, and abilities of students in the subject as a whole; productive.
V (highest) - systematically modeling the activities and behavior of students; the teacher has strategies for transforming his subject into a means of shaping the student’s personality, his needs for self-education, self-education, self-development; highly productive (Kuzmina N.V. Professionalism of the personality of the teacher and master industrial training. M., 1990. P. 13).
Considering, for example, the responsibilities of an after-school teacher, one can see both teaching and educational work in his activities. Solving the task of instilling in students a love of work, high moral qualities, habits of cultural behavior and personal hygiene skills, he regulates the daily routine of schoolchildren, observes and provides assistance in the timely preparation of homework, and in the reasonable organization of leisure time. Obviously, instilling habits of cultural behavior, personal hygiene skills and educational activities, for example, is already an area not only of upbringing, but also of training, which requires systematic exercise. It is necessary to point out one more aspect of this problem: some teachers, in addition to teaching, also perform the functions of a class teacher. Class teacher in secondary school Russian Federation - a teacher who, along with teaching, carries out general work on organization and education student team a certain class. The activities of the class teacher include:
. comprehensive study of students, identification of their inclinations, requests and interests, creation of class assets, clarification of the School Charter or “Rules for Students” in order to develop norms of behavior and a sense of responsibility for the honor of the class and school;
. monitoring the progress, discipline, social work and leisure of students;
. organization of extracurricular and extracurricular activities;
. systematic interaction with students’ parents, organization of the work of the class parent committee;
. taking measures to prevent school dropouts, etc.

The class teacher draws up a work plan for a quarter or half a year, at the end school year submits a brief report on its activities to the school administration. The most important task of the class teacher is the development of student self-government (Psychological and Pedagogical Dictionary for Teachers and Leaders educational institutions. Author-comp. V.A. Mizherikov. Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 1988).
There are several other types of teaching activities, which are clearly shown in Diagram 11.
Thus, summing up what has been said, we come to the conclusion: pedagogical activity will be successful when the teacher is able to develop and support cognitive interests children, create an atmosphere of common creativity, group responsibility and interest in the success of classmates in the lesson, i.e. when both types of pedagogical activity will actually interact in his activities with the leading, dominant role of educational work.

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