Management. Second higher education remotely. State and municipal administration

The Higher School of Corporate Governance of the Presidential Academy in Moscow is implementing innovation programs Master's studies in the following areas 04/38/02. "Management" And 04/38/06. "Trading business".

Master's degree is the next level after bachelor's degree higher education. Graduates who have received a bachelor's, specialist's, or master's degrees can study there. Training is carried out in full-time and part-time forms, on a paid and budget basis.

For admission, it is enough to pass one specialized exam.

Conditions of admission and training

Master's programs

04/38/02 “Management”
  • Innovation management

04/38/06 “Trading business”

  • Business management in competitive markets

Tuition fees for 2020

04/38/02 “Management”
Business development management (organization) full-time 290,000 rub/year
Innovation management full-time 290,000 rub/year
Management of logistics systems and processes full-time 290,000 rub/year
Commercialization and management of intellectual property - NEW 2020 full-time 290,000 rub/year
Corporate governance and strategic business development correspondence 196,000 rub/year
Healthcare management and public-private partnerships correspondence 196,000 rub/year
04/38/06 “Trading business”
Duration of training
  • Full-time – 2 years
  • Part-time form – 2.5 years
Class mode
  • Full-time – 3-4 weekday evenings a week (19.00-22.00)
  • Correspondence form – on weekends: 1-2 times a month, Fri. (19.00-22.00), Sat., Sun. (10.00-17.00)
  • Correspondence form - by module: 3 sessions per year for 10-12 study days (9.00-17.00)
Acceptance of documents

Requirements for students

Higher education

List of documents required for enrollment

  • Application from May 18, 2020. The start date for accepting documents will be approved later and published on the RANEPA website
  • Identity document, citizenship, confirming recognition as a citizen Russian Federation(photocopy of page 1 and registration page)
  • Document on higher education (original or photocopy)
  • 4 photographs 3x4 cm, electronic photo in jpeg format from the photo salon
  • Documents confirming special rights upon admission or creation special conditions when conducting entrance examinations, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (a photocopy, which is certified by the seal of the PC upon presentation of the original document)
  • Documents confirming the individual achievements of students (original, photocopy) (submitted at the discretion of the applicant)

Entrance tests

04/38/02 “Management”: comprehensive exam in economic theory and general management in the field of training 04/38/02 Management on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education for undergraduate studies

04/38/06 “Trading business”: comprehensive exam in economic theory and international economic relations in the field of preparation 04/38/06 Commercial Business on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education for undergraduate studies

Issued documents

Master's degree

Educational plans

04/38/02 “Management”

  • Innovation management
  • Business development management (organization)
  • Commercialization and management of intellectual property objects
  • Corporate governance and strategic business development
  • Healthcare management and public-private partnerships

Information from the admissions subcommittee

State final certification programs 2020

Specialists are trained with the qualification “master” in educational programs:

Innovation management

A special feature of the program is the formation of sought-after practical competencies in the field of development, analysis and implementation of innovative solutions and projects in the context of digital business transformation. Training in modern management skills is focused on training practitioners capable of solving multifaceted problems in the field of organizational growth and development.

Business development management (organization)

The program is aimed at developing in master's students systematic approach to manage the development of the company, the ability to develop a business development strategy, the ability to identify and assess the condition of an object, its strengths and weaknesses, as well as the development of business contacts with foreign partners to increase the company’s competitiveness, including using various forms of joint work with foreign companies, primarily in the systems of the EAEU, EU, BRICS, SCO, and other integration structures.

Management of logistics systems and processes

The goal of the program is to train logistics managers high level qualifications with a systematic understanding of logistics systems and supply chain management (Supply Chain Management, SCM), mastering the methodology of strategic planning, managing the company's logistics and logistics infrastructure based on the integral concept of logistics, as well as innovative approaches in the theory of supply chain management.

Training under the program will allow students to expand their knowledge in the field theoretical foundations logistics management and methodologies for systematic research of logistics business processes, master the skills of business analysis, strategic planning and management of logistics infrastructure facilities and operational activities (procurement management, warehousing, inventory, transportation, etc.) in logistics systems, develop competencies in integrated planning and controlling the activities of counterparties in supply chains, solving problems of cross-functional and inter-organizational logistics coordination, developing practical skills in managing logistics risks and assessing the effectiveness of strategic initiatives, as well as developing knowledge in the field of modern information technologies used by leading companies in managing international logistics processes and global supply chains.

Business management in competitive markets

The program prepares highly qualified specialists in the field of trade relations and relations in modern regional and global markets for goods and services. Such specialists are widely in demand by international and Russian companies engaged in foreign economic activity.

Training under the program will allow you to acquire knowledge in the field of regional and international trade of various profiles, study methods of working in foreign markets, as well as interaction with government agencies at various levels, in order to successfully develop the enterprise.

Commercialization and management of intellectual property - NEW 2020

A new promising direction in the specialty “Management”, designed to produce highly qualified specialists in the field of management of intellectual property in the field of innovative economics and artificial intelligence. In addition to obtaining promising and prestigious knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence and intellectual property management, the program provides for the study foreign languages up to the level of obtaining a special certificate from an embassy or specialized center.

Students of the program will be in demand at enterprises involved in the implementation of innovations and artificial intelligence; in investment-oriented business structures; at enterprises in the technical field of application of innovations and investments; in the consulting and auditing sectors.

Graduates will be able to apply for positions - director, manager, manager, supervisor, specialist, patent attorney.

Corporate governance and strategic business development

The purpose of the program: to prepare managers who carry out management activities across the entire range of functions of the management process, taking into account the specifics of corporate structures focused on strategic development. Qualified business development management is especially in demand by developing and large companies, so a master's degree in management in this area opens up broad career prospects.

Healthcare management and public-private partnerships

An exclusive program for leaders of Russian healthcare, providing the opportunity to obtain higher education in the specialty “Management”.

Solve the fundamental problem of improving the quality of management in healthcare through the transformation of the traditional system of training management personnel. Prepares a new generation of professional top managers capable of administering healthcare, including PPP mechanisms, and also possessing the necessary competencies for the effective management of medical organizations.

For the first time in Russia, innovative training modules are offered specifically for managers of medical organizations: corporate management, process-oriented management, logistics, PPP in healthcare, etc., as well as

interesting meetings, discussions, round tables with leaders of Russian healthcare.

Our advantages

  • Graduates of HSECU are in demand on the labor market: theoretical knowledge and practical skills allow them to quickly find work and build a successful career in Russian and international companies. More than 90% of students get a job during their studies!
  • VSKU is integrated into the international educational space. Students can take part in foreigninternships, programs double diplomaswith foreign universities.
  • HSE students are taught usinginnovative educational technologies, are widely usedpractice-orientedmethods of conducting classes (business games, business cases, analysis of business situations, individual and group projects).
  • Students have the opportunity to leadscientific activity in areas of interest to them already at the stage of master's studies, conduct research, publish articles and abstracts.Students take part in regional and federal scientific conferences, Gaidar Forum – one of the largest international scientific events in the field of economics.A number of graduates of the master's program at HSECU defend master's theses in the field of business management and entrepreneurship development.
  • Multifaceted student life : participation in academic and faculty competitions, KVN, sports competitions, great opportunities for the implementation of various student initiatives.
  • A strong Alumni Association allows you to participate ininteresting events , communicate with representatives of science and real business. Students take part in the annual Alumni Meetings.
  • VSKU - business school full cycle, it includes bachelor's, master's, MBA, Executive MBA and DBA programs, which provides not only full-scale training in company management, but also generational continuity and gives students additional opportunities related to establishingbusiness connections and employment.
  • VSKU has a number of prestigious national and international accreditations and occupies a leading position in business education ratings, which confirms the highquality of education .
  • Professors and teachers of VSKU conduct active research activities and havegreat experiencepractical and consulting activities in the field of taught disciplines.
  • All HSE students have access toelectronic libraries and other resources of the Presidential Academy.
  • The two-stage education system practiced on the territory of the Russian Federation makes it possible to obtain two diplomas in 6 years of study. The Master's program at HSE is a real opportunity to demonstrate an advantage over thousands of competitors in the labor market.
  • For example, a master's degree in management provides an opportunity to become a sought-after manager, realize oneself on the way up the career ladder and cope with a leadership position. Previously, it took at least 8 years to obtain two diplomas - the first was obtained in 5-6 years, and the second in two or three years.

Studying in a master's program at HSEK is a direct path to professional self-realization, a successful career and a comfortable lifestyle!

Russian State University Justice invites you to study for a master's degree in the field of preparation 04/38/02 Management.

Admission to the University is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of the entrance test.

Structure and content of the main educational program meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard of higher education (FSES HE).

Purpose of the master's degree- training of highly qualified specialists with a master's degree in the relevant field of higher education.

Training is carried out using traditional and innovative methods and learning technologies. Particular attention is paid to practical skills acquired through long-term practice in various organs and organizations.


Property management is a growing type of business in Russia. Issues of strategic and operational management, operation, construction and taxation of real estate are relevant for both public administration and private business. Currently it is necessary to create new class managers - qualified property managers.

The goal of the program is to train highly qualified professionals with in-depth knowledge of the real estate market, capable of ensuring high efficiency in the management of real estate at all stages of their life cycle.

The experience of leading universities is actively used in the preparation of masters. Among the partners of the Russian State University of Justice: Russian Academy national economy and civil service under the President of the Russian Federation, State University of Land Management, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, Samara the University of Economics and etc.

Admission conditions:

Admission to the University for the master's training program for full-time and part-time study is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of the entrance test for persons with higher education, confirmed by a document certifying the education of the appropriate level.

Get training locally under education agreements persons with higher education (bachelor's degree, master's degree, certified specialist qualification, specialist qualification) are eligible.

Duration of study: 2 years 3 months, part-time.

Entrance test: exam in the discipline "Management".

Master Program:

Property management, valuation and development

The master's program is designed to train highly qualified professionals with in-depth knowledge in the field of property management, including state and municipal property, real estate valuation and organization of development processes aimed at increasing the value of real estate and the income they generate by taking into account the changing situation, assessing risks, as well as taking advantage of development opportunities and successful investment of capital.

The peculiarity of this program is that it includes basic legal training, as well as the study of disciplines in economic, managerial, technical and environmental fields of knowledge.


  • Schedule of the admission campaign for master's programs in 2020 (full-time study)
  • Admission competitions and lists of entrance tests for master's programs in 2020
  • Schedule of the admission campaign for master's programs in 2020 (MGIMO-Odintsovo)
  • Number of places for admission to master's programs at the Odintsovo branch of MGIMO
  • Master's programs implemented in partnership with foreign universities
  • Entrance test programs (full-time study)
  • The MGIMO Master's program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia is a form of implementation of the main educational program for preparing masters in the multi-level structure of higher education of the Russian Federation. Master's training is organized by the University in licensed areas of master's training in accordance with the requirements educational standards, installed by MGIMO independently (OS MGIMO).

    Currently, the preparation of masters at MGIMO is carried out in fourteen areas of higher education, both on a budgetary and contractual basis: “International Relations”, “Foreign Regional Studies”, “Political Science”, “Economics”, “Finance and Credit”, “Management” , “Commercial Affairs”, “Government and municipal government", "Jurisprudence", "Journalism", "Advertising and Public Relations", " Teacher Education", "Linguistics" and "Sociology"). Master's programs implemented by the University within each direction cover a wide range of issues that are most relevant in the world. modern stage development of international relations. MGIMO implements some of its programs in partnership with foreign universities in the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and China.

    Persons with higher education or completing higher education educational establishments, can undergo training under the pre-master's training course program.

    The general management of master's training at the University is carried out by the Office of Master's Training at MGIMO. The management of specific master's programs of the University is carried out by scientific supervisors and coordinators of master's programs.

    The MGIMO master's program is open to graduates of Russian and foreign universities.


    Full-time education

    International relationships:

    • "Global Politics and International Political Analysis"
    • « Global politics» (in partnership with the Paris Institute of Political Sciences, France, the Free University of Berlin, the University of Potsdam, the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, and the University of Florence, Italy);
    • « Foreign policy and Russian diplomacy"
    • (“Management and global problems»)
    • ("Global Security, Nuclear Policy and Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction")
    • (“Global Politics and International Cooperation”)
    • , including a modular program in collaboration with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
    • in partnership with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
    • (“External Relations of the Regions”, in partnership with the University of Cagliari, Italy)
    • “International Relations in Eurasia: Politics, Economics, and Ideologies” (“International Relations in Eurasia: Politics, Economics and Ideologies”)

    Political science:

    • “GR and International Lobbying” (“GR and international lobbying”) in partnership with the University of Florence, Italy
    • (“Political consulting and international relationships", in partnership with the University of Pisa, Italy)
    • (“International Political Consulting”) in partnership with the University of Nicosia, Republic of Cyprus)
    • "Russian Policies Studies" political studies", together with Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov)
    • “Post-Soviet Public Policy” (“Public Policy in the Post-Soviet Space”, jointly with M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University)

    Foreign Regional Studies:


    • (“Economics of the oil and gas industry and problems of energy policy” (in partnership with Bocconi University, Milan, Italy)
    • (in partnership with the University of Leipzig, Germany)
    • (in collaboration with PJSC NK Rosneft)
    • (program of the European educational institute)
    • (program of the Odintsovo branch)
    • “Economics and Innovation Management” (program of the Odintsovo branch)

    Finance and credit:

    • (in collaboration with Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company))

    Business Informatics:

    • (the program is implemented on the basis of the Odintsovo branch in collaboration with the ADV Advertising Group and the National Research University MIPT)
    • "System analysis in international business"(the program is implemented on the basis of the MGIMO branch in Tashkent (Uzbekistan)


    • (in collaboration with PJSC Transneft)
    • (implemented jointly with NUST MISIS in a network form)
    • (in collaboration with Rostec Group of Companies)
    • (“Corporate governance and global diplomacy” profile “Management”)
    • (in partnership with High school Business from Nord University, Budo, Norway)
    • (together with RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev, Stavropol State Agrarian University and Kuban State Agrarian University)
    • “Sports Diplomacy” (together with the Russian State University physical culture, sports, youth and tourism (GTSOLIFK), implemented in full-time and part-time form)
    • “Event Management” (the program is implemented on the basis of the MGIMO branch in Tashkent (Uzbekistan)

    State and municipal administration:

    • (in partnership with the University of Macerata, Italy)
    • (in partnership with Sapienza University, Italy)
    • (in partnership with Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
    • (MGIMO-Odintsovo)
    • “Management of urban infrastructure and territorial development” (program of the Odintsovo branch)

    Trading business

    Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte (MIEMP)

    Small and medium business management (Master's degree) (Second higher education) The master's program "Small and Medium Business Management" aims to prepare a new generation of highly qualified managers who meet the dynamically changing requirements in the modern labor market and the international level of professional education.

    Management (Master's degree) (Second higher education) The program is focused on transferring skills in designing specific working tools for business management, based on the best modern business practices and the latest achievements of management theory.

    TUSUR. Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

    Management with training profile "Project Management" (Higher education, Second higher education) Region professional activity Bachelors in the direction 080200 "Management (project management)" includes: * organizations of any organizational and legal form (commercial, non-profit, state, municipal), in which graduates work as performers or junior level managers in various services of the management apparatus; state and municipal government bodies; structures in which graduates are entrepreneurs who create and develop their own businesses.

    Management of knowledge-intensive production of the petrochemical complex (Second higher education)
    The significant share occupied by the petrochemical complex in the gross domestic product, as well as an inextricable connection with the dynamic developing technologies rightly allow us to call this industry the basis of the country’s economy. To solve the problems of innovative renewal, the petrochemical complex of the Russian Federation requires specialists who have not only knowledge of production technology, but also innovation management skills.

    Bachelor of Business Administration in Process and Project Management (Second Higher)
    The Project Management program has a more applied rather than theoretical orientation. She focuses on the complexities and techniques of project management, which includes budgeting, process development, scheduling, and optimizing company operations to achieve sustainable development.

    Bachelor of Business Administration in Strategic Management (Second Higher)
    Strategic management is necessary for both large and small businesses. For the qualified and effective implementation of this function, deep and comprehensive knowledge in economics, management and entrepreneurship is required.

    General and strategic management (Master's degree) (Second higher education)
    To successfully perform their functions, managers need to constantly develop professional skills and expand their intellectual potential. The master's program provides all the necessary opportunities for this.

    Anti-crisis management (Second highest)
    The high dynamism and uncertainty of the modern economic environment leads to the fact that many enterprises find themselves in a crisis situation. To ensure that the crisis does not lead to the death of the organization, but rather serves as an incentive for its successful renewal, specialists in crisis management are needed.

    Expertise and real estate management (Second degree)
    The vital activity of any society is closely connected with real estate. Real estate has been used by humanity since time immemorial, more precisely, since the transition to a sedentary lifestyle, which entailed the need to create buildings that can protect people from the adverse effects of the external environment.

    Technological Innovation Management (Second Higher)
    Russia's transition to an innovative development trajectory is today recognized at all levels of national economic management as a non-alternative strategic task. Solving this problem requires large quantity specialists with modern knowledge and skills related to determining the prospects for technological development of enterprises, assessing the effectiveness of technological innovations, and the successful commercialization of new knowledge and developments.

    Small Business Management (Second Degree)
    In the field of small business in Russia there has been a great amount economic opportunities that are difficult to use without specialized training involving the study of a wide range of disciplines. A successful entrepreneur today must have fundamental training and a huge range of universal abilities and skills.

    Information technology in management (Second higher education)
    Last decade is characterized by a stable trend in the development of informatization of management processes. Introduction into management activities modern achievements in the field of information technology, they ensure the completeness and timeliness of information display of managed processes, as well as the possibility of their modeling, analysis, and forecasting.

    Information Management (Second Higher)
    Management in modern organizations unthinkable without the use of information technology. Solving the problems of increasing the efficiency of using management information technologies should be carried out by professional specialists with both technical, managerial and economic knowledge.

    Analytical support for management decisions (Second degree)
    Modern management activities involve making informed and timely decisions, which involves intensive analytical work to develop and evaluate options for decisions. Because of this, companies and enterprises have a steadily increasing need for specialists capable of professionally organizing and performing analytical work.

    Sports management (Second higher) (Second higher)
    Sports management is a relatively new profession, but it has already earned recognition among the younger generation of managers as a prestigious, stable and highly profitable job.

    Management (Second degree) (Second degree)
    A graduate with a degree in Management can work as a project management manager, customer service manager, sales manager, HR manager, marketing manager, logistics manager, crisis manager, management specialist.

    Enroll in the second higher education program “Entrepreneurship” and become a qualified specialist in the field of entrepreneurship.

    Management in the hotel and restaurant business (Higher education)) (Second higher education)
    Management in HoReCa (Hotel, Restaurant, Café/Catering) is a very interesting and promising area of ​​training. The hotel and restaurant business is thriving in our country, and today the main task of hoteliers and restaurateurs is to bring the domestic HoReCa segment to the European level.

    Project management (Second higher) (Second higher)
    The bachelor's program "Project Management" aims to prepare a new generation of highly qualified managers for practical activities in the field of management, who are proficient in modern methods of effective management of organizations of various legal forms, departments, groups of employees, projects and networks.

    Managers are in stable demand on the labor market, with good prospects for further professional and career growth.

    Management (Second degree) (Second degree)
    Distance learning in the specialty “Management” is a chance for everyone who is trying to find the optimal educational program for themselves.

    The present time is characterized by the intensive development of domestic business. In just a few decades, Russian companies have gone through a development path similar to the one that took Western companies several centuries. In this regard, a professional in the field of financial management can look forward to a promising career.

    Financial management (Master's degree) (Second higher education)

    Financial management (Second higher) (Second higher)
    Financial Manager - key person in every company in every industry. They make decisions about allocating funds, obtaining loans, and budget planning (do not confuse him with an accountant who only monitors the flow of funds and reports on them to government agencies).

    Organizational management (Second higher) (Second higher)
    A manager is a specialist who is well versed in modern methods conducting business, able to assess risks and find effective solutions in the organization of internal and external business processes of the company.

    Financial management (Second higher) (Second higher)
    Enroll in the second higher education program “Financial Management” and become a qualified specialist in the field of financial management.

    Organization Management (Second Higher Professional Education) (Second Higher)
    The main quality of a manager is the ability to manage people and resources (funds, information, equipment, materials, labor).

    Quality Management (Bachelor, Second Higher Professional Education) (Second Higher)
    The Bachelor in Quality Management designs and maintains the required level of quality of services, processes, products and results of organizations, as well as maintaining a regime of continuous improvement.

    Management (master's degree) (Second higher education)
    A manager is a leader or manager who is responsible for a certain area of ​​activity of an organization, manages a project or an entire company.

    Management (Bachelor, Second Higher Professional Education) (Second Higher)
    The main functions of a manager are planning, organizing, motivating, communication, management, decision making and control.

    Public administration and local self-government (Master's degree) (Second higher education)
    The National Open Institute (NOIR) invites you to continue your master’s studies in the popular and relevant direction “Public Administration and local government". Training is conducted by correspondence using distance technologies. Enroll in NOIR!

    Project and program management (Master's degree) (Second higher education)
    The National Open Institute (NOIR) invites you to continue your master's studies in the popular and relevant direction "Project and Program Management". Training is conducted in absentia using distance technologies. Join NOIR!

    Center for Distance Education of Synergy University

    Management in the hotel and restaurant business (Second degree) (Second degree)
    Impressions and emotions are what become most important for modern man. The standard of living is growing, and along with it, demands for quality of life are growing. People want to have fun and relax in comfort. That is why the HORECA (Hotel, Restaurant, Café) sector in such conditions is becoming one of the most promising business industries. This means that the demand for qualified specialists with the skills to manage such establishments is growing.

    Entrepreneurship (Second degree) (Second degree)
    Own business and freedom of action is the dream of many modern people. This idea is also supported by the state, because small and medium-sized businesses today are considered as an important reserve for the country’s development. State policy is aimed at developing and supporting entrepreneurship. And in this regard, there is a need for managers of a new format - analytically minded, versed in the latest management technologies, possessing strategic thinking and the ability to make non-standard decisions.

    Financial management (Second higher) (Second higher)
    Although this specialty relates to management, keyword its definition will include the word “finance”: managing the company’s finances, minimizing costs and maximizing profits. Financial manager is a sought-after, but not yet very common profession in the world. Russian market, therefore, good specialists in this environment are expensive and employers are ready to offer them decent wages.

    Project management (Second higher) (Second higher)
    IN modern world changing almost at the speed of light, there is no longer time for lengthy analysis, long thoughts and small steps towards the goal. The market today requires decisions here and now, without “leaving the cash register.” That is why project activities is increasingly coming to the fore. And along with this, there is a growing need for highly qualified managers who know how to assemble a team and organize its effective work, who know how to build a working system without failures and errors.

    Human Resource Management (Second Higher) (Second Higher)
    No matter how far science goes, inventing more and more new ways to automate work processes, it will never be able to eliminate human participation. Henry Ford once noticed that if you leave the factories to him, but take away his people, within a week the floors of the workshops will be overgrown with grass. But if you take away the factories and leave the people, in three years they will establish new production. Human labor, especially intellectual work, cannot be replaced by anything, which is why specialists who know how to effectively manage people, uniting their efforts and directing them in a single direction will always be in demand.

    Management and financial accounting (Second higher) (Second higher)
    The specialty "Management and Financial Accounting" provides training for professionals with up-to-date knowledge in the application of international financial accounting standards for the formation of accounting policies and financial statements of the organization, and conducting competent assessments investment projects at different conditions investment and financing.

    Financial management (Second higher) (Second higher)
    The financial manager is responsible for making the right decisions aimed at developing the company, increasing profitability, and implementing actions planned for these purposes.

    Management (Second management) (Second higher)
    If we talk about management education in Moscow, then the advantage of our university is the various forms of program development. You can become a Bachelor of Management by completing distance learning or management training remotely.

    MGIU. Moscow State Industrial University

    Currently, small and medium-sized businesses are considered as a reserve for economic modernization, and its development is one of important areas anti-crisis policy in Russia. A bachelor in “Management” has the opportunity to gain specialized knowledge, skills and abilities by choosing the “Small Business Management” profile.

    Organizational management (Second higher) (Second higher)
    A manager is the most sought-after professional employee in Russian organizations. He has knowledge in the field of organizing personal and group activities, making management decisions, building effective communications, creating necessary conditions to achieve the organization's goals.

    VEGU. Eastern Economic and Legal Humanitarian Academy

    Analytical support for management decisions (Master's degree) (Second higher education)
    Upon completion of training, graduates of this profile successfully work in production, financial, service and other organizations in analytical and planning departments, internal optimization and training departments; in consulting, information technology companies in the analysis, implementation and training departments as: consultants, analysts, project managers; specialists in planning, training and implementation of decision-making systems.

    Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

    Corporate governance and business responsibility (Master's degree) (Second higher education)
    The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation invites you to continue your studies in a master's program in economics in master's program"Corporate governance and business responsibility." In this master's program you will study corporate governance and learn to solve strategic problems at all levels of management.

    MESI. Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics

    Management (Second degree)
    Training of managers at MESI is carried out taking into account experience distance learning universities such as Cambridge, Harvard University and Berkley University of California. IN educational process highly qualified MESI teachers with academic degrees, as well as extensive experience in practical and pedagogical activity. It is also important that training events are conducted not only by Russian, but also by foreign teachers.

    Project management (Second higher) (Second higher)
    Despite their size, small and medium-sized enterprises are complex system processes and projects, the management of which requires high preparation. Project management specialists may be in demand in growing small and medium-sized companies, especially in active sectors of the economy.

    Technological Innovation Management (Second Higher) (Second Higher)
    Upon completion of training, graduates of this profile successfully work in various production, financial, service and other organizations involved in innovation-active sectors of the economy ( information Technology, telecommunications, biotechnology, “new” energy, etc.)

    Financial management (Second higher) (Second higher)
    In the context of the rapid growth of Russian business, there is an urgent need for high-quality specialists capable of implementing specific, proven, effective management tools. In this regard, a professional in the field of financial management can look forward to a promising career.

    Small Business Management (Second Degree) (Second Degree)
    The specialty "Small Business Management" prepares those who intend to build their own business. During their training, such people get used to thinking and acting the way real entrepreneurs think and act today.

    (Second higher)
    For professional specialist in the field of organization Catering It is important not only to have management skills, but also to know the basics of marketing, entrepreneurship, principles of production processes and other popular disciplines.

    Financial management (Second higher) (Second higher)
    The “Financial Management” profile focuses on the professional training and retraining of bachelors, who must have the knowledge and skills of managing fixed and working capital of an enterprise, and be able to formulate its financial and investment policies. Analyze and plan its production program, coordinate its actions with other departments and services, evaluate any strategic, tactical and operational decisions in terms of their impact on the final results of business activities.

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