To emphasize ambiguity and topicality. Learning to write an essay: The problem of the text (How to formulate the problem). Participial phrase in a sentence without a subject

Lyudmila Nikolaevna, I will take advantage of your permission to supplement the material you presented. I would like to offer another option for viewing the problem of choice based on the text by M. Jafarli. I hope it will be useful to colleagues.
Since childhood, we have been faced with the problem of choosing the right solution in a difficult situation. life situation. In childhood, our parents help us do this, but as soon as we enter adult life, then they must make their own decisions. But how to learn to do right choice? Indeed, in some situations, the lives of other people may depend on our decision. How not to make mistakes and go astray? T. Jafarli will help us answer these questions.
It is the problem of life choice that he raises in the text.
Using an example from the life of a simple teacher, the author shows a situation in which people’s lives depend on their choice. Yuri Lelyukov covered a live grenade with himself during class, which was confused with a training one. He, without hesitation, gave his life in the name of saving children (“... he fulfilled his highest human duty to people - he sacrificed himself to save others!”)
Jafarli says that everyone has the right to choose. But the main thing is to use it correctly, not to make a mistake after which you will blame yourself.
I completely share the author's position.
Indeed, no matter what decision we make, we are always responsible for our actions. Thus, in Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace,” Natasha Rostova makes a choice between true love and fleeting attraction. She chooses Anatoly Kuragin, with whom she decides to escape, but she is stopped in time. Soon Natasha will understand that she made the wrong choice, which changed both her life and the fate of Andrei Bolkonsky, who was able to forgive her only before his death.
There are situations in which a person faces the most difficult choice: to die but save people or vice versa. Let us remember the events of September 1, 2004. On this day, a school was seized in Beslan. The terrorists captured innocent children and were ready to kill them to achieve their goal. For three days these defenseless creatures died in agony without water or drink. The Russian group "Alpha" hastened to help Beslan. The fighters could not come to terms with the fact that the killers had encroached on the sacred. They understood that they were going to certain death, but they could not allow children who were innocent of anything to die. The special forces did everything they could, but there were no casualties, although many were saved. The guys made the right choice - they saved the children, prevented their parents from losing the most valuable thing in life, but thereby orphaned their own.
Thus, we see that “every day, every hour, human endurance, ideological conviction, wisdom, and the ability to navigate the incredible hustle and bustle of the day are being tested.” We understand that not only our personal fate, but also the lives of other people may depend on our choice.
(Grade 10).

Task 19

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Lucy was gently persistent (1) and (2) although it was difficult to remember everything (3) gradually the old woman told (4) how it was.

Task 20

Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding unnecessary word. Write this word down.

Often works of art are autobiographical. It is known that, while creating the story “Escape to America,” Alexander Green was writing his autobiography.

Task 21

1) In developed Western countries To obtain an education, one desire is enough.

2) Only graduates public schools are carriers high culture, people of high moral standards.

3) In the negative, in evil, people are more creative than in the positive.

4) The level of requirements for oneself must be maintained through spiritual growth, ignoring, for example, the manner of dressing.

5) We are obliged to reconsider our attitude towards each other and towards ourselves, not only internally, but also externally.

(1)Recently in funds mass media A discussion arose about what kind of education society needs. (2) Some argued that education should be subordinated to pragmatic goals, because it requires huge material costs. (3) Others (including the author of this article) insisted that education is always socially profitable and the more in society educated people, the higher his intellectual and cultural potential.

(4) In developed Western countries, education is available to everyone if they have the appropriate desire, means and effort. (5) However, freedom in receiving education also has another side. (6) This applies to both schools and higher education educational institutions. (7) Statistics show that graduates of not only state, but also private schools are not always carriers of high culture, people of high moral standards.

(8) It is generally accepted that a person with a university diploma personifies not only professionalism, but also high level culture. (9) But what level of culture can be personified by a university graduate who, when asked by a professor about the role of language in her life, answered: “To say something like that to young people at a party”?..

(10) The same can be said about other means of influencing the consciousness and behavior of people, especially young people. (11) I mean the media, literature, television, cinema.

(12) Let me make a small digression by turning to Russian classics. (13) Leo Tolstoy is a writer whom I have been reading, one might say, all my life, without interruption. (14) But something makes me reread again and again, rethinking anew what the novel begins with: “Everything happy families are similar to each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” (15) And in this, which became an aphorism and stored in memory from youth The phrase gave me a generalization that is extremely relevant today. (16) Indeed, why are all happy families similar to each other, and unhappy ones are each unhappy in their own way? (17) Yes, because we have organized our lives in such a way that in the negative, in evil, we are more creative than in the positive. (18) And we turn so-called happiness into routine, and in the name of evil we “creatively” succeed. (19) And therefore evil becomes more attractive. (20) And maybe that’s why we stand in lines to watch another film about the sophistication of all sorts of monsters, vampires, gangsters, looking at cruelty without mental shock.

(21) And all this obliges us to look at ourselves, to rethink our way of life, our relationship with each other and with ourselves, not only internally, but also externally. (22) And then, I think, we will understand that we need to remember those times when we did not allow ourselves to walk at home the way we now go out, when instead of an elegant suit we put on T-shirts, when instead of beautiful shoes we were wearing flip flops. (23) And already on the street, at a party, in a restaurant, even in a theater, at a concert, you rarely see elegantly dressed people. (24) And if before they always strived to be no worse than others in clothes, now everyone is afraid of being more elegant than others. (25) And we don’t think that this also lowers the bar of our culture, requirements for ourselves, self-respect and respect for others. (26) I think I won’t be mistaken if I say that with an elegantly dressed, smart girl we talk differently and behave differently. (27) And profanity goes better with a T-shirt and flip-flops than with an elegant blouse and shoes.

(28) The criterion for the quality of each person and society can be the aphorism of the great classic A. Chekhov, who argued: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.” (29) So let's save the beautiful - the beauty of our faces, clothes, souls, thoughts.

(According to L.G. Sailor*)

* Larisa Grigorievna Sailor- lawyer by profession, Doctor of Philosophy,

writer, literary critic.

Task 22

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentences 4−7 present the reasoning.

2) Sentences 1−3 list sequential events.

3) Sentences 15−19 explain the content of sentence 14.

4) Sentences 28−29 present the reasoning.

5) Sentences 1-3 provide a description.

Task 23

What word is used in the text in figurative meaning?

Write this word down.

turned around (sentence 1)

aphorism (sentence 15)

you will meet (sentence 23)

blouse (sentence 27)

Task 24

Among sentences 4−9, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using lexical repetition. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

Task 25

Read an excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

“To emphasize the ambiguity and topicality of the problem being raised, its versatility, L. G. Matros uses the technique - (A)_____ (sentences 2-3), as well as syntactic device- (B)_____ (sentences 4, 6). A technique such as (B)_____ (sentences 16-20) creates the impression of a confidential conversation, which enhances another technique - (D)_____ (“because” in sentences 19, 20).”

List of terms:

1) opposition

2) parcellation

3) question-and-answer form of presentation

4) professional vocabulary

5) epithets

6) lexical repetition

7) interrogative sentence

8) comparison

9) rows homogeneous members offers

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


Test on the topic “Paths and Figures” in Unified State Exam format. Option 3
Exercise 1
Read a fragment of the review compiled on the basis of the text by G. Troepolsky. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write down a sequence of numbers without spaces, commas or other additional characters.
“G. Troepolsky’s story about the fate of a dog named White Bim Black Ear is loved by readers. The writer, using such a trope as (A)__________ (“incredible pain” in sentence 15), conveys the power of suffering that Bim experiences, and (B)__________ (“to the door of kindness and trust” in sentence 19) figuratively shows the deep devotion characteristic of dogs to the owner. The writer strives for the reader to feel Bim’s experiences as his own, and for this purpose uses such syntactic means of expression as (B)__________ (sentences 15 - 16, 17 - 18) and (D)__________ (sentence 3).”
Suggestions: (15) How was he able to overcome incredible pain and weakness? Terms: 1) parcellation2) litote3) epithet4) syntactic parallelism5) series of homogeneous members6) question-and-answer form of presentation7) expressive repetition8) metaphor9) rhetorical appeal
(19) One can only assume that the wolf does this out of an instinctive desire for freedom, and Bim forgot himself because of an uncontrollable desire for the door of kindness and trust. (15) How was he able to overcome incredible pain and weakness? (16) Who knows... (17) How, for example, does a wolf gnaw off its paw pinched in a trap? (18) No one will say how it is possible to gnaw through your own leg with your own teeth. (3) But she needs, really needs to go to her door. Task 2
Read a fragment of the review based on the text by V. Timofeev. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write down the sequence of numbers without spaces, commas or other additional characters.
“Using the syntactic device - (A)_____ (sentences 5,21), the author expresses his concern for the problem raised. The severity of the problem raised is emphasized by the syntactic means: (B)_____ (for example, in sentence 8) and (C)_____ (sentences 7,13), as well as the lexical means of expressiveness - (D)_____ (“set the teeth on edge” in sentence 8).” .
(5) And the majority of the population languishes in poverty! (21) No need for calls! Terms:1) epithet2) term3) phraseological unit4) series of homogeneous members5) exclamatory sentences6) parcellation7) interrogative sentences8) comparative phrase9) litotes
(8) It seems to me that the cause of all our problems is rooted deeper than we imagine: neither humanistic appeals, nor economic reforms, nor the tired promises of a new life can by themselves solve the main thing. (7) Who is to blame? (13) What does it matter to an ordinary person? Task 3
Read a fragment of the review based on the text by V. Konetsky. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write down the sequence of numbers without spaces, commas or other additional characters.
“The author’s sincere excitement and his caring attitude towards the problem posed in the text are conveyed by both syntactic and lexical means: (A)_____ (sentences 13 – 14, 21 – 22), (B)_____ (“luminary”, “handsome”). The expressiveness of the text is enhanced by (B)_____ (in sentences 20, 31). Emotional condition the author conveys this visual medium, as (G)_____(“my heart began to boil...” in sentence 7).”
(13) A handsome white man is swimming among the herd. (14) One in tens of thousands. (21) And here Latyshev, if he was a scientist, an intellectual, should have pushed the harpooner by the elbow and scolded the captain for thoughtlessness. (22) And protect the white whale from fools, and let the handsome one sail further into legend. Terms: 1) metaphor2) comparative phrase3) series of homogeneous members4) parcellation5) dialectism6) rhetorical appeal7) emotional-evaluative words8) litote9) introductory constructions
(20) This is from youth, mental dullness, from the boredom of a long flight, from a lack of understanding of what they are doing and why. (31) But who thinks that nuclear submarines are snooping among the whales, countless trawls are crawling, training missiles, torpedoes, mines, shells, depth charges are exploding; that thousands and thousands of tons of obsolete and unexploded ammunition are poured into the seas, that waste from nuclear production is dumped into the seas, poisoned water from chemical plants is dumped into the seas... (7) Albino animals are found on the globe, but they are quite rare,” - I continued reading the story of the young scientist V. Latyshev, and my heart began to boil with impotent hatred for him. Task 4
Read a fragment of the review based on the text by A.P. Chekhov. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write down the sequence of numbers without spaces, commas or other additional characters.
“Anton Pavlovich Chekhov describes an everyday scene in a pharmacy. Tropes: (A)_________ (“with well-groomed sideburns” in sentence 3, “frowning eyes” in sentence 5) and (B)_________ (“as if licked” in sentence 4) - create the first touches to the portrait of the pharmacist. The use of a syntactic device - (B)_________ (in sentences 25, 32, 33), which becomes the main one in such a form of speech as (D)_________ (in sentences 24-33) - gives completeness to its image.”
(3) Behind the yellow, shiny desk stood a tall gentleman with his head thrown back solidly, a stern face and well-groomed sideburns, by all appearances a pharmacist. (5) His frowning eyes looked down on the newspaper lying on the desk. Terms:1) epithets2) metaphor3) hyperbole4) colloquial vocabulary5) parcellation6) dialogue7) exclamatory sentences8) series of homogeneous members of a sentence9) comparison
(4) Starting from the small bald spot on his head and ending with his long pink nails, everything on this man was carefully ironed, cleaned and as if licked. - (24) Get it! - the pharmacist finally said, without looking at Svoikin. - (25) Put a ruble six kopecks into the cash register! - (26) A ruble six kopecks? - Svoykin muttered, embarrassed. - (27) And I only have one ruble... (28) How can this be? - (29) I don’t know! - the pharmacist minted, starting to eat the newspaper. - (30) In that case, you'll excuse me... (31) I'll bring you six kopecks tomorrow or eventually send you. - (32) This is impossible! (33) Go home, bring six kopecks, then you’ll get your medicine! Task 5
Read a fragment of the review compiled on the basis of the text by L.G. Matros. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write down the sequence of numbers without spaces, commas or other additional characters.
“To emphasize the ambiguity and urgency of the problem being raised, its versatility, L.G. The sailor uses the technique - (A)_________ (sentences 2-3), as well as the syntactic device - (B)___________ (sentences 4, 6). A technique such as (B)___________ (sentences 16-20) creates the impression of a confidential conversation, which strengthens another technique - (D)________ (“because” in sentences 19-20).”
(2) Some argued that education should be subordinated to pragmatic goals, because it requires huge material costs. (3) Others (including the author of this article) insisted that education is always socially profitable and the more educated people in a society, the higher its intellectual and cultural potential. Terms: 1) opposition2) parcellation3) question-and-answer form of presentation4) professional vocabulary5) epithets6) lexical repetition7) interrogative sentence8) comparison9) series of homogeneous members of a sentence
(4) In developed Western countries, education is available to everyone if they have the appropriate desire, means and effort. (6) This applies to both schools and higher education institutions. (16) Indeed, why are all happy families similar to each other, and unhappy ones are each unhappy in their own way? (17) Yes, because we have organized our lives in such a way that in the negative, in evil, we are more creative than in the positive. (18) And we turn so-called happiness into routine, and in the name of evil we “creatively” succeed. (19) And therefore evil becomes more attractive. (20) And maybe that’s why we stand in lines to watch another film about the sophistication of all sorts of monsters, vampires, gangsters, looking at cruelty without mental shock. Answers:
38672. 54733. 47314. 19765. 1936

B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 Single State exam RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 6 / 6 Write down the answers to tasks B4–B7 in numbers. Among sentences 21–28, find a complex one that includes a one-component impersonal. Write the number of this complex sentence . Answer: ___________________________. Among sentences 12–20, find all sentences complicated by a separate common circumstance. Write the numbers of these sentences. Answer: ___________________________. Among sentences 18–27, find a complex sentence with consistent and uniform subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this complex sentence. Answer: ___________________________. Among sentences 4–9, find one that is connected to the previous one using a demonstrative pronoun. Write the number of this offer. Answer: ___________________________. C1 Write an essay based on the text you read. Read a fragment of a review compiled on the basis of the text. Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed that you analyzed while completing tasks A28–A30, B1–B7. by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting). This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Formulate the position of the author (storyteller). Write if you agree Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert whether or not you agree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain in the places of gaps (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number why. Justify your opinion based primarily on the terms from the list. Write down the reading experience in the table under each letter, as well as the corresponding number for knowledge and life observations. (the first two arguments are taken into account). Write down the sequence of numbers in answer form No. 1 to the right of The volume of the essay is at least 150 words. assignment numbers B8, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas Work written without relying on the text read (not based on this and other additional characters. text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling of each number, write in a separate box in accordance with or completely rewritten the original text without any with the samples given in the form. comments, then such work is scored zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting. “To emphasize the ambiguity and urgency of the problem being raised, its versatility, L.G. The sailor uses the technique – (A)_________ (sentences 2–3), as well as the syntactic device – (B)___________ (sentences 4, 6). A technique such as (B)___________ (sentences 16–20) creates the impression of a confidential conversation, which strengthens another technique - (D)________ (“because” in sentences 19, 20).” List of terms: 1) opposition 2) parcellation 3) question-and-answer form of presentation 4) professional vocabulary 5) epithets 6) lexical repetition 7) interrogative sentence 8) comparison 9) series of homogeneous members of a sentence Answer: A B C D Don’t forget to move everything answers to answer form No. 1. Part 3 To answer the task of this part, use answer form No. 2. © 2014 federal Service for supervision in the field of education and science Russian Federation Copying is not allowed

Unified State Exam RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 1 / 6 Unified State Exam in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Instructions for completing the work Part 1 When completing tasks in this part, in answer form No. 1, under the number of the task you are performing (A1–A30), put the sign “×” in the box whose number corresponds to the number of the answer you chose. For execution exam paper in Russian the duration is 3.5 hours (210 minutes). The work consists of 3 parts. Part 1 includes 30 tasks (A1–A30). For each of them there are four possible answers, of which only one is correct. Part 2 consists of 8 tasks (B1–B8). You must formulate the answers to these tasks yourself. Part 3 includes 1 task (C1) and is a short written work according to the text (essay). We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If you have time left after completing all the work, you can return to the missed tasks. The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible. All Unified State Exam forms are filled out in bright black ink. You can use gel, capillary or fountain pens. When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Please note that entries in the draft will not be taken into account when grading the work. We wish you success! In which word was there an error in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly 1) tamed 2) bows 3) hyphen 4) expert In which answer option the highlighted word was used incorrectly 1) The renewed composition of the deputy corps was asked to ELECT the secretary of the council, permanent deputies commissions and new composition of the executive committee. 2) Many veterans who have been working since the founding of the enterprise, despite their RESPECABLE age, still work hard today and devote great attention social work and youth education. 3) The Equestrian club offers programs individual training. 4) This section provides settings for automatic detection of outgoing and incoming call numbers. A1 A2 A3 Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form. 1) in the closet 2) both boys 3) faulty valves 4) drives A4 Give the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. When completing the drawings, 1) Kulibin had his own working methods. 2) they were made on special thick paper with a needle-shaped tool. 3) Kulibin used special thick paper. 4) Kulibin used a special tool in the form of a needle. © 2014 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation Copying is not allowed

Avoid sentences with multiple nouns in the genitive case, for example: The text raises the problem of conveying meaning public speeches to the listeners.

In such cases, the noun should be replaced with a verb: How convey meaning public speaking to the listeners?

At the same time, many students naively believe that using a limited set of ready-made speech formulas they can write a good essay. Remember that in any essay you should proceed from the text, from the logic of the author’s thoughts, and not adjust the author’s text to fit the template phrases you know.

So, the use of standard constructions requires the author of the essay to have certain skills. Let's try to give some advice.

1. Choose from the list of proposed constructions those that most accurately convey your thought or the thought of the author of the source text.

2. Correctly include source text information in finished text speech formulas, change them if necessary (not forgetting the requirements of grammar and speech culture).

3. Think through logical transitions from one thought to another. Each paragraph of the essay should represent a relatively complete whole.

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