Each student expressed his own credo. Lexical and phraseological norms. Determine the gender of the underlined nouns and agree adjectives and pronouns with them

Phonetic norms

Theoretical part

1. The concept of norm. Signs of normality.

2. Literary pronunciation: characteristic features.

3. Russian verbal stress: its characteristics. Fluctuations in stress.

4. Pronunciation styles. Orthoepic features of borrowed words.

5. Stage pronunciation and its features (message).

6. Moscow and St. Petersburg pronunciation (message).

Practical part

1. Based on " Pronouncing dictionary of the Russian Language" or "Big Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language", put emphasis in the words, prove that Russian stress is varied and mobile.

Augustovsky, alcohol, anatomist, anonymous, apostrophe, scam, Athenians, pampered, pamper, incessantly, gas pipeline, good news, bombard, boutique, plenty, religion, launches, distillation, gerbera, corrugated, caterpillar, cousin, hyphen, dispensary, dogma , contract, completely, dispensary, completely, dry, drape, pole, doze, confessor, enviable, regular, curled sheet, ahead of time, prisoner, storeroom, locked, ringing, sign, significant, jagged, hieroglyph, spoiled, curved, iconography, blinds, gutter, vent, catalogue, rubber, quarter, kilometer, lay, bookseller, casing, goats (coachman's seat), whooping cough, collapse, sneaking, burning bush, kitchen, lasso, hunk, marketing, scanty, ordeal, top, plant, watchful eye, obituary, newborn, provision, detection, wholesale, uncork, loop, plateau, mold, time payment, waited, call, printing, sent, anticipate, not fail, bonus, force, options vary, dispersed, rocky mountains , plum wine, remember, recruit, sensi (canopy), beets, convocation, means, carpenter, customs, small fraction, notify, Ukrainian, smart, phenomenon, petition, appreciating, skewer, sorrel, endgame, expert, legal adviser, holy fool, Kizhi, Bali.

2. Read these words. Follow correct pronunciation consonant sound [g].

Gagra, Holland, Gogol, genius, glossary, verb, gallant, geography, geologist, guarantee, Georgia, Germany, Zagreb, Genoa, Hurghada.

3. Describe the highlighted consonant sound.

Naro h but, dull h but, bulo h naya, lame h naya, say h ny, Nikiti h on, taken h nickname, backlight h nick, mess h ny, melo h ny; Bo G, four G, surgeon G, suddenly G, le G cue, me G cue, take G; ra sch yes, and sch life; An d Yersen, Ant V Erpen, Du R er, D ate, O d Essa, Mar With spruce, Men d Elson; accountant T er, ban d erol, shi n spruce, orchid d her, pa T ent, T trend, prog R ess, T ermin, in d ex, and T eism, k R food, d declaration, pre T Enzia, k R eat, lib R etto, With session, T eology.

4. Determine in which words the double consonant is not pronounced, in

which ones are preserved and which ones allow variant pronunciation.

1. Assembly, assorted, terrace, gram, dissonance, cash desk, annals, proofreading, mass, assimilation, massive, alley, parallel, symmetrical, attaché, attraction, manna (heavenly), flu, influenza.

2. Association, assortment, assistant, metal, abstract, bath, terror, territory, correspondent, tunnel, dissimilation, Saturday, Saturday, ballast, grammar, grammatical, gamma.

3. Dissertation, group, million, billion, diffusion, fiction, neat, certificate, cool, program, unreal, accordion, cellophane, run, Moroccan.

5. Which words of foreign language origin retain the unstressed sound [o]?

1. Fragrant, baobab, bordeaux, dossier, zoologist, communique, concert, cooperation, college, model, nocturne, poet, speaker, bullfighter, trio, foyer, highway.

2. Boa, glass, burgundy, veto, bolero, concrete, concert, cottage, oasis, briefcase, poetry, poetess, novel, sombrero, sonata, sonnet trio, chaos.

6. Determine the meanings of words and create phrases with them.

A piece of iron is a piece of iron, expired - expired, sky - palate, case - case, catechumen - catechumen.

7. What sound ([o] or [e]) is pronounced under stress in the following words?

Hopeless, faded, grenadier, bile, worthless, clothed, encircled, simultaneous, eponymous, glider, faded, hooked, predicted, successor, multi-time, unsaddled, ragpicker, black grouse, pronominal, maneuver, whitish, lattice, athlete, being, guardianship, numb, sharp, named, brought, wandered, faded.

8. Are the consonants before the sound [e] pronounced softly or firmly in the following borrowed words? Which words allow variant pronunciation?

1. Iceberg, bacteria, meringue, delicacy, delta, dean, depression, intelligence, interview, coffee, code, crater, credo, cruiser, criterion, model, museum, neologism, net, Odessa, orchid, patent, pathetic, panther, pince-nez, session, sweater, synthesis, tent, therapist, term, thermos, test, flannel, stamp, energy, effect.

2. Adequate, anesthesia, annexation, artery, sandwich, pool, genesis, decadent, decollete, detective, clarinet, crater, crepe de Chine, pleated, polonaise, session, safe, sonnet, stand, thesis, tenor, tempo, terror, term, tennis, tête-à-tête, track, plywood, phoneme, phonetics, overcoat, road, stamp, eden, extern, essence, ethnogenesis.

Norms of word usage

Theoretical part

1. Concept norms of word usage.

2. Correlation of concepts verbosity And lexical incompleteness of the utterance. Types of verbosity.

3. Use of words of a narrow scope of use (using examples).

4. Concept phraseological unit(FE). Errors associated with the use of phraseological units.

Practical part

1. Find errors associated with violation of word usage norms, correct them, explain your choice.

1. One of the means of expressiveness that the author widely uses is personification.

2. A.N. Ostrovsky creates truthful, realistic images and pictures of reality taken from life.

3. “The Thunderstorm” exposes the tyranny, despotism and arbitrariness of merchants.

4. As soon as you read a book, immediately return it back to the library.

5. In the kiosks of our city you can buy memorable souvenirs and gifts.

6. The people will be able to defend their independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

7. The disadvantage of the work is the simplicity of the tasks in the Russian language, the insufficient degree of difficulty of the sentences proposed for analysis.

8. One of the main images in Ostrovsky’s “The Thunderstorm” is the image of Katerina.

9. All this indicates that we were not able to fully utilize the power of the new equipment.

2. Indicate in which examples the error is associated with a misunderstanding of the meaning of the word, in which – with an unlawful expansion or narrowing of its meaning.

1. Bunin touches on the themes of the existence of officials, teachers, and impoverished nobles.

2. The poet’s love for his homeland often revived him from decadent moods.

3. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” still attracts the attention of contemporaries.

4. Before starting my studies, I read back A.P.’s stories. Chekhov.

5. Speakers usually appear with expressions such as “takes place,” “provides assistance,” etc.

3. Find and correct errors in the use of words with abstract and specific meanings.

1. Kern in Pushkin’s thinking remained just a fleeting vision.

2. A drug den was discovered in Riga.

3. When Rus' was fragmented, it was able to be conquered by the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

4. How does choleric differ from other types? nervous activity?

5. I want to learn the language so that I cannot be distinguished from the English-speaking population.

6. There is architecture in the park.

7. Almost all products are unnamed, only a few have authorship.

8. Pavel - in the forefront of the construction of a narrow-gauge railway.

4. Indicate cases of violation of word compatibility. Explain what they are.

1. A number of joint ventures continue this type of activity, which contributes to the loss of production in the quality and finishing of fabrics.

2. The first years of perestroika had a positive impact on housing construction.

3. The Decree of Emperor Paul 1 had a beneficial effect on industrialists.

4. How to experience Western countries, and domestic practice are rich in facts of ruin and collapse of not only small enterprises, but also large factories.

5. There is a possibility of severe complications.

6. Numerous spontaneous bazaars have significantly disfigured the city.

7. At the same time, the international situation showed a negative attitude towards the state of affairs in Russian textile production.

8. Now these functions are consolidated in the person of one person.

9. Peering deeper into the thickness of centuries national history, we will notice that the superstructure is relatively independent.

5. Determine in which cases lexical compatibility is violated intentionally, in which - as a result of ignorance true meaning words.

A living corpse, three only daughters, an ordinary miracle, an obvious - incredible, greater or lesser half, burst into light childish laughter, lean on your back, a terrible beauty, break a glass vase, an excellent scoundrel, terrible interesting book, scary comfortable shoes.

6. Indicate errors associated with ignorance of the combinability of word meanings.

1. The students listened to a conversation about the work of I. Bunin twice.

2. The story “The Duel” by Kuprin has been prepared a whole galaxy stories, dedicated to life army.

3. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” will be understood by every person who truly loves his homeland.

4. A kind of cult of Pushkin emanated from Bunin’s mother.

5. Many were unable to solve problems and found themselves on the edge of poverty.

6. The image of Igor (“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”) is distinguished by selfless courage and military ardor.

7. Tell me what time it is.

8. Each student expressed his credo.

7. Find and correct errors associated with the use of phraseological units. Determine the causes of phraseological errors: 1. The use of phraseological units without taking into account their meanings. 2. Change in the component composition of phraseological units (substitution). 3. Expansion of the component composition of PU. 4. Reduction of the component composition of PU. 5. Contamination. 6. Change grammatical form FE components. 7. Violation of lexical and phraseological compatibility. 8. Inconsistency between stylistic and emotionally expressive.

1. The writer keeps pace with the times.

2. We will be able to improve the quality of products only if everyone fully understands their personal responsibility for the assigned work and makes their contribution to the common pot.

3. Yes, we gave up on everything a long time ago and resigned ourselves.

4. I listen to this beautiful music, and tears come out and a chill runs through my skin.

5. Khlestakov always throws pearls before swine, and everyone believes him.

6. Khlestakov managed to trick the mayor.

7. ... the game is not worth a damn.

8. Engine shop – holy of holies new station maintenance.

9. Katerina committed suicide and threw herself into the river.

10. Together with the writer, we go to another world, full of secrets and adventures.

11. They turn a blind eye to shortcomings.

12. We didn’t come here to work, but to chase long rubles.

Morphological norms

Theoretical part

1. Use of forms of nouns.

Gender of nouns.

Features of the declension of nouns.

Options case endings in plural.

2. Use of forms of adjectives.

3. Use of numerals.

4. Use of pronouns.

5. Use of verb forms.

Practical part

1. Determine the gender of these nouns and motivate your answer.

Avenue, alibi, Borjomi, Ivasi, impresario, incognito, interview, kangaroo, kohlrabi, contralto, entertainer, confetti, croupier, lady, mango, penalty, pony, receptionist, stew, rugby, Swahili, taxi, flamingo, tsunami, attaché, wallet, vis-a-vis, sommelier, protégé, maestro; Bali, Baku, Batumi, Capri, Kizhi, Peru, Sukhumi.

2. Find and correct grammatical errors. Indicate cases where multiple options are acceptable.

Olympic Sochi, distant Oslo, evening Helsinki, mysterious Tokyo, densely populated Grodno, wide Limpopo, sunny Brescia, ancient Bruges, forgotten Testaments of Ilyich (collective farm), restless Onego, coastal Turku, Khimki near Moscow, beautiful Shiraz, misty Osaka,
independent Haiti.

3. Explain the use of collective numerals in the sentences below.

1. Three friends stood in the back and looked, looked at everything that was familiar from childhood.

2. Soon the room was filled with children, lovely girls and boys. There were five of them.

3. The commandant sent two sledges.

4. In the crowd of prisoners, men stood in a small group. Four of them stepped forward.

4. Write down the numeral 128 287 685 letters and decline it.

5. Correct the errors in these sentences, write down the correct version, explain the errors.

1. The head of the department signed an application for granting the next leave to Albert Nikolaevich Hartman and Anna Mikhailovna Fridman.

2. According to the order, all employees of the department received bonuses.

3. It will be warmest this week in the Krasnodar Territory and Kuban.

4. At the World Championships rhythmic gymnastics the entire podium was ours: three athletes received medals.

5. Diplomas were awarded to four hundred and thirty-five college graduates.

6. The sown area was about 50 thousand hectares.

7. Upon arrival on vacation, the president held a working meeting with the mayor of the city.

6. Explain cases of incorrect use of pronouns of different categories.

1. I. I. Yakushin is an outstanding figure who combines his great scientific and academic work with public.

2. It is impossible not to mention the works of geographers; their works are still of scientific interest to researchers.

3. Don Cossacks dispersed to their farms, they no longer wanted to fight.

Syntactic norms

Theoretical part

1. Syntactic norms. Order of words in a sentence. Inversion.

2. Syntactic norms. Grammatical connection between subject and predicate.

3. Syntactic norms. The use of participial and participial phrases, passive and impersonal constructions.

4. Syntactic norms. Harmonization of definitions and applications.

5. Syntactic norms. Sentences with homogeneous members.

6. Syntactic norms. Errors in the construction of complex sentences.

Practical part

1. Complete the endings, matching the predicate with the subject.

1. The vast majority of students showed... deep knowledge in the exams.

2. How did it happen in one minute... two months?

3. A row of tables is located in the middle of a large room.

4. It seems that 11 o’clock has struck... .

5. Half the city took part in the strike.

6. Doctor Kuznetsov received... patients.

7. “Ruslan and Lyudmila” was written by... A. S. Pushkin.

2. Open the brackets and put proper names in the new form.

1. We were approaching the city (Florence).

2. The ancient Russian city of Zvenigorod stands on the (Moscow River).

3. Trade between Russian Federation and the Republic (Lebanon) has been going on for many years.

4. The Russian State Scientific Library is located on the street (Vozdvizhenka).

5. The political elite loves to relax at a resort (Davos).

3. Find and explain errors in the use of gerunds and

participial phrase. Correct the sentences.

1. How nice it is to know that when I come home after school, the kitten will greet me with a joyful meow.

2. After reading about the battles, I immediately imagined this whole picture.

3. Reading this story, one gets the impression that Kuprin himself was a miner.

4. A year later, being blind and deaf, he was brought to the king.

5. Walking along the wet path, the rain had not stopped yet.

6. Sergei Efron, returning to his homeland, was arrested and killed.

7. Having met with Khlebnikov, Romashov stepped forward in his soul.

8. Animals already know the smells of many dangers when they are born.

4. Find and fix violation-related errors syntactic norms, motivate your answer.

1. Pancake flour is also sold in rented stores without a markup.

2. Currently, state-owned industry and agriculture are collapsing.

3. Bunin considered “Dark Alleys” his best book, which includes 38 short stories.

4. Most of Tsvetaeva’s poems are imbued with lyricism and beauty of writing.

5. He understands the need to help the people.

6. I kindly ask the person who found the work book in the name of Olga Petrova, lost on May 2, to return it.

7. Danger can only appear to a person or a cow.

8. In order for the text and our speech to be more beautiful and fabulous, the author and people use means of expression.

9. First of all, I am a true patriot, therefore, I really love and respect my Motherland: be it war, elections or the same brain drain.

10. The performers of the main roles, as well as all other participants in the performance, performed successfully.

11. In “Farewell to Matera,” V. Rasputin touches on the topic of human spirituality, which is relevant at all times, and also touches on the most important issues of the era of global projects.

5. Find and correct grammatical violations in the text.

The sky flares up, awakening the wind,

Cursing everything in this world,

I again run into the untrodden forests.

Animals rustle, running out to meet you,

With friendly paws Masha:

I'll be here all evening,

Writing immortal creations.

But, crawling out for a moment from the unsteady mud,

Swamp, green creature

Pokes me with a caring smile

Large Spelling Dictionary.

(A. Matyushkin-Gerke)

Basics oratory

Theoretical part
1. Features of oral public speech. The speaker and his audience.
2. Preparation of speech. Rules for constructing speech.
3. Verbal design public speaking. Understanding, informativeness and expressiveness of public speech.
Practical part
Prepare a speech (3-4 minutes), based on the rules for constructing oral public speech.

Scientific style

Theoretical part

1. Define scientific style.

2. Name the genres of scientific style.

3. Describe language means, characteristic of the scientific style.

The film was...at the festival (shown).

8. The actor knew how to... (copy) the singing of a nightingale.

This house... is a small castle (is).

Task 12

Divide all words into 2 groups depending on their compatibility with the paronyms oily - oily.

Task 1 3

Select from the given paronyms the one that is needed in this context. Explain your choice.

1. In front of us (stood- became a question... 2. Report (submitted- provided) in two copies. 3. The actor played (the main- title) role. 4. Girl (dressed- put on) fancy dress. 5. Teacher (held- conducted a survey of students.

Task 14

Correct mistakes made as a result of mixing paronyms.

1. The teacher was forced to once again explain the new material. 2. The scientist stood at the sources of rocket science. 3. I was attracted by the early romantic works of A. S. Pushkin. 4. The artist won the gratitude of the audience. 5. Art influences the growth of human culture. 6. The main thing for a writer- human spiritual world. 7. He had long dreamed of the title role in Crime and Punishment. 8. She came in a flowery dress. 9. The business traveler had to wait a long time for the documents to be processed. 10. His gaze is either pleading, or serious, or outrageous.

Task 1 5

Indicate cases of violation of traditional contextual lexical compatibility.

Reduce the number of products, reduce study, reduce academic performance, reduce requests, reduce requirements.

Task 1 6

In the given sentences the boundaries of lexical compatibility are violated. Fix this issue.

1. Most of the game has already passed. 2. All the children were terribly happy. 3. Extracurricular activities plays a positive role in the development of children. 4. This actor has long earned the fame of the audience. 5. The vast majority of tasks have been completed. 6. The students showed particular interest in the exhibition of school crafts.

Exercise 1 7

Determine in which cases lexical compatibility is violated intentionally, in which - as a result of ignorance of the true meaning of the word.

A living corpse, three only daughters, an ordinary miracle, obvious - incredible, larger or smaller half, be filled with light childish laughter, lean your back, a terrible beauty, break a glass vase, an excellent scoundrel, a terribly interesting book, terribly comfortable shoes.

Task 1 8

Name the phrases from the confusion (contamination) of which new non-standardized expressions emerged.

Waste your nerves - fray, spoil your nerves + waste your health and strength.

1. To achieve success -
Give attention
Put on an evening, a concert -
Suffer a loss =
Raise a toast =

Play value = Do harm =

2. Take, take a bet on something =
Win the title of champion =
Protect degree =
Make an impact =
Lead ideas =
Dream fulfillment =

Giving a hint =

Task 19

Indicate errors associated with ignorance of the combinability of word meanings.

12. Eliminate speech errors associated with violation of lexical compatibility of words. Indicate sentences in which the violation of lexical compatibility is associated with the presence of a paronym for the incorrectly used word.

1. The stranger mounted his horse and rode off on foot. 2. When a pilot sits in the cockpit of a rough plane, he thinks: “Who will be first, if not me?” 3. The new film is doomed to great success among the widest circles of the public. 4. Despite the fact that I am many years old, I am proud of my stainless youth. 5. I agree that this is a quick fix. 6. Maxim was a malicious person. Ivanov is an angry truant. 7. The lecture for childless parents is postponed to next Thursday. 8. These years have seen rapid growth in our cinematography. 9. My body gave way on my legs from fatigue. 10. The stained glass windows of the cathedral were made of special types of wood, and the secret of their manufacture is unknown. 11. Students in our group have seen a deterioration in academic performance and discipline this semester. 12. Herding of dogs is prohibited. 13. An elderly house is for sale. 14. Favorable disasters occurred in the management of the oil company, as a result of which knowledgeable, experienced managers came to management. 15. His manner of dressing pretentiously revealed a modest and shy nature. 16. There has been a tremendous improvement in living conditions. 17. Extensive testing of this cream led to extremely positive results. 18. The Moskovsky plant provides the population of the capital with young vegetables all year round. 19. Nowadays many writers are closely involved in politics.

20. But before I use the material and easily vibrate with facts, I want to express my thoughts about Bazarov. 21. This is a capricious explanation. 22. Students themselves can pose questions to the speaker. 23. Preparations for the fair began in advance, so by the time of its opening all services were in a state of calm excitement. 24. There is architecture in the park. 25. Most of the game has already passed. 26. At the end of the competition, the authoritarian jury will have to name the winner. 27. All the children were terribly happy. 28. Extracurricular activities play a positive role in the development of children. 29. This was the most memorable event in my life. 30. Father sat with his back on the table. 31. The students listened to a conversation about Bunin’s work twice. 32. The team athletes were going to rehearsal. 33. This man is a complete ignoramus in matters of art. 34. The precedent that occurred between the police and the students resulted in numerous arrests. 35. Before starting my studies, I read back the stories of A.P. Chekhov. 36. An abundance of accessories burdens the plot, distracting attention from the main thing. 37. Thanks to the cooperation and antagonism of neighboring countries, a unified customs policy was developed. 38. Serious defects were discovered in the work of the hospital team. 39. A person should be judged not by his words, but by his misdeeds. 40. An ivy plant grows in a flowerpot.

Using synonyms and antonyms in speech






Faculty of Special Psychology and Pedagogy

Department of Special Psychology and Speech Therapy


in Russian language and speech culture


Associate Professor Yu.A. Skorinova

Khabarovsk 2010

Practical lesson No. 1

Topic: Norms of modern Russian literary language. Pronunciation and stress

1. Define the concept of “norm”. Name the characteristic features. Comment on the following usage examples:

A norm is a uniform, generally accepted use of language elements, the rules for their use in a certain period. Norms are not invented by scientists, but reflect natural processes and phenomena occurring in language and are supported by speech practice. The main sources of the norm include the works of writers, the language of means mass media, common modern usage, Scientific research linguists.

The norm determines what is right and what is not; it recommends some linguistic means and methods of expression and prohibits others.

Examples: the word agreement ( correct accent"agreement", incorrectly "agreement"); Calls (correct emphasis is “calls”, incorrect “calls”).

Only the hops of the Lithuanian shores, captivated by the German poplars, were crossed across the river, between the reeds, by the daring one. (A.S. Pushkin)

Now he is already aiming for prey. (I.A. Krylov)

What is accentology? Name the features of Russian accent. Determine the place of stress in the following words; indicate, if any, options:

Accentology (lat.<#"586596.files/image001.gif">

noble person

important person


athletic figure

Paradise Bird

very fast

very interesting

performed great

it hurts to hit

smells strong

poor peasant

poor layer

insolvent debtor

beggar man

surprise people

amaze with actions


Make as many combinations as possible with these synonyms, pay attention to the difference in compatibility:

natural - natural

natural carpet natural blush

fake - artificial

fake document artificial light

vacuum - emptiness

spiritual vacuum spiritual emptiness

debate - argue

passionately debate hotly debate

optimistic - cheerful

optimistic outlook cheerful character

indifferent - indifferent

indifferent tone indifferent look

monolithic - single

monolithic series one team

3. Make up phrases with words enclosed in brackets:

Find and correct errors associated with choosing a word from a synonymous series

Experts assured that the final effect would be significant (large). The team consists of athletes who have achieved excellent (high) results in competitions. The previous practice of organizing production is forever (forever) a thing of the past. The owner of the prize was a girl we knew.

VI. Loan words

Check your knowledge of the meanings of borrowed words; select synonyms for them, where possible, and verbally make sentences with them.




the need to choose between mutually exclusive possibilities

union, association



forcible annexation, seizure of foreign territory

preliminary announcement of concerts, performances, programs


an announcement announcing that tickets for a performance (concert) have been sold. Razg. great success, accompanying play, concert .announcement

the highest point of development of something; peak, peak

area of ​​distribution of a phenomenon, species of animals, plants, etc.

area, space

Play, usually held in honor one of its participants, as an expression recognition of the artist's skill

reward, bonus reward

brief meeting between officials and media representatives

press conference




meaningless destruction values.destruction




dealer, agent dealer


Dissident Human, disagree with the dominant ideology. dissident


Exaggerated, enthusiastic praise praise

person, including appearance, manner of behavior, communication


Procedure bringing senior state officials to trial


Ceremony official entry into office highest person of the state


malicious fiction, slander slander


Sudden, destructive coup in nature, society; catastrophe. fracture

required number of people present to make a decision

cheap, tasteless mass products designed for external Effect.

Pasting on some other material base textures


Official government message about important events


Compilation some text, work by use of other people's works without independent processing of sources and without references to the authors.


Agreement on a controversial issue, achieved as a result of discussion agreement

Outstanding figure in some field


Diplomatic document, expressing views government for some reason question


A way of thinking characteristic of an individual or social group.


Constant surveillance for some process in order to determine its compliance with the desired result or initial assumptions observation

willful misappropriation authorship of someone else's work appropriation


Introductory part some important act, international agreement, treaty. introduction


Exclusive right belonging to someone government agency or official

Plot basis a work of art.


Accurate reproduction somehow method (using photography, engraving, etc.) of a manuscript, document


Circle voters who vote for smb. political party in parliamentary, presidential or municipal elections

State prohibition for import and export foreign goods, valuables

Behavior, intentionally violating generally accepted norms and rules; scandalous prank trick

Their meaning

Synonyms for them


cancel, declare void


run for office

to stand for any elective office

put forward


to march solemnly



to inspire, to influence; instigate

influence, incite


combine parts into one whole



bring about uniformity


falsify, distort


Their meaning

Synonyms for them


advanced, ahead of others


based on unquestioning submission to authority, seeking to assert its power.





humane, philanthropic



impressive, representative



similar to the manners, behavior, worldview of a child


confidential, not subject to publicity (conversation, conversation)



polite, tactful; correct, precise









ordinary, ordinary



private, unofficial



seeking to obtain immediate material gain, benefit



exceptional, rare, extraordinary



distinguished by finishing of the smallest details, very meticulous



enthusiastic, excited



exceptional; extending to a limited range of objects, persons



unusual, not consistent with generally accepted customs, norms, fashion


fleeting; ghostly, unreal


2. Indicate cases of incorrect or stylistically unjustified use of borrowed words

Facts of violation of school discipline were stated (established, identified, noted). Unrest limits (limit) work in the workshops. You cannot level out (smooth out differences between someone or something) grades for students. The order fulfillment period can be extended (extend the deadline for something). We were asked to represent (represent someone, sth.) some materials. The convention (agreement) of the new company did not suit us (it did). A self-propelled chassis - in one role or another - can operate all year round. New season opens up good prospects for further evolution ( further development) in the field of sports work.

VII. Phraseologisms

Divide these phraseological units into two groups in terms of their use: 1) in book and written speech 2) in oral and spoken speech. Explain the meaning. Come up with phrases with some of them, keeping in mind their features.

phraseological units

usage group

Achilles heel (the most vulnerable, weak point of someone)

in book and written speech

Speech culture is our “Achilles heel”!

keep your pocket wider (don’t hope or count on anything)

in book and written speech

Fedya, “keep your pocket wider”!

knee-deep sea (don’t care)

in oral speech

The sea is up to your knees

puppet government (controlled)

in oral speech

manna from heaven (something extremely necessary, desirable, expected)

in book and written speech

For me this trip is like “manna from heaven”

peck on the tongue (bad wish)

in oral speech

without hesitation (without any doubt)

in book and written speech

And then “without hesitation” he took and opened the door

keep your eyes open (keep your eyes open)

in oral speech

with this old man you have to “keep your eyes open”

a voice crying in the wilderness (a vain call for something that remains unanswered, unheeded)

in book and written speech

But his call remained “the voice of one crying in the wilderness”

Sisyphean labor (hard, exhausting, endless work)

in book and written speech

fall for the bait (be deceived)

in book and written speech

colossus with feet of clay (something seemingly majestic, impressive, but in fact weak, fragile)

in book and written speech

Hitler claimed that Soviet Union- this is a colossus with feet of clay

outshine (outdo your opponent in something)

in oral speech

He put us all under the belt

Babylonian pandemonium (complete confusion; confusion, turmoil)

in book and written speech

This meeting is like a Babylonian pandemonium

Find errors associated with the use of set expressions. Explain why. Correct

He always considered his neighbor a notorious (sworn, worst) enemy. Many pensioners are now simply dragging their feet. We are behind our director like a stone (wall) back. Democrats play an important (first) role in this movement. For this school, this student became a fable (parable) of the town. Just recently, incense (praises) were sung to him. You can’t measure everyone with the same brush (to your own yardstick). Every athlete can fail (fail). The visitor left without a sip (with a sip). Commercial stores are now a dime a dozen. Having received a turnaround from the gate (turndown from the gate), he turned to another company.

Determine the meaning of foreign language expressions and include them in sentences

foreign expression



in a manner, like, like

His image “a la” Napoleon

Alma mater (alma mater)

mother-nurse, or respectfully educational institution

A priori (a priori)

regardless of experience, no verification

This value is true "a priori"

Carte blanche (carte blanche)

complete freedom of action, unlimited powers

She gave him carte blanche

Finita la commedia (finita la comedy)

the show is over

That’s it, Vasya, “finita la comedy”

Idee fixe (idea fix)


Going to space is my “fixed idea”

Statu quo

in the same state, existing situation

Restore the “status quo”

N.B. or Nota bene (note bene)

take good note, pay attention

Persona grata

nice, agreeable person

For Vasya, Petya is a persona grata.

Terra incognita (terra incognita)

unknown land

This desert is terra incognita

Tete-a-tete (tete-a-tete)

face to face

They met face to face

Find speech cliches and clericalisms. Correct the sentences

Speech stamp (1) is a stable phrase that, for one reason or another, is “convenient” or even mandatory for the implementation of certain communicative tasks.

Officialism (2) - word or figure of speech , characteristic of the style business papers and documents . Documents, acts , statements, certificates, powers of attorney are written according to the accepted form, as a result of which official formulas and necessary cliches of business speech sometimes turn into colloquial and literary language, for example, “forest” instead of “forest”, “irrigate” instead of “irrigate”, etc.

The heroes of the film continue to selflessly fight (1) against the forces of evil. Due to the lack of (2) discipline, the class did not go to the theater. It is necessary to inform (2) all students about the general meeting. This holiday left an indelible mark (1) on the souls of students.

Practical lesson No. 3

Topic: Cultural and speech problems in morphology

I. Noun

1. Choose adjectives for the words below:












1. Match the given nouns with the corresponding masculine or female. Identify the stylistic and semantic differences between them. Note the cases of absence of birth pairs. Make up and write down two sentences with masculine words when they refer to a woman, using past tense verbs


another kind










1. Determine the gender of the underlined nouns and match the adjectives and pronouns with them.

1. Form the given words into forms plural genitive case

kilograms - kilograms, stockings - stockings, Georgians - Georgians, shoes - shoes, rails - rails, socks - socks, oranges - oranges, cakes - cakes, gypsies - gypsies, vacations - vacations, Mongols - Mongols, shoulder straps - shoulder straps, boots - shoe, apricots - apricots, comments - comments, nuns - nuns, sheets - sheets, rake - rake, dreams - dreams, saucers - saucers, herons - herons, estates - estates.

2. Form nominative plural forms from these nouns

Address - addresses, accountant - accountants, century - centuries, year - years, director - directors, contract - contracts, doctor - doctors, lecturer - lecturers, order - orders, turner - turners, professor - professors, driver - drivers, grade - varieties, tom - toms, tractor - tractors, choice - elections, wind - winds (winds), officer - officers, dispatcher - dispatchers, schnitzel - schnitzels.

3. Select the desired shape. Explain the choice

This festival is not only for (stars, stars) of the screen. It turned out to be difficult to select (conductors, conductors) for this device.

It is possible to study (stars, stars) only with the help of special instruments.

A complaint was received against (conductors, conductors) of the train.

He studied (viruses, viruses) with particular interest.

The girl put (dolls, dolls) to bed.

II. Adjective

1. Form simple and analytical (complex) forms of degrees of comparison from these adjectives

Example of execution: Beautiful - more beautiful, more beautiful; the most beautiful, the most beautiful, the most beautiful of all, the most beautiful.



the largest


the biggest

more dexterous

the cleverest

the most dexterous

more dexterous than everyone else

the most dexterous


the finest


thinnest of all


more dry

driest of all

the driest

more expensive


most expensive

more expensive than everyone else



the best

the best


the worst

worst of all

the worst

more bitter

most bitter

bitterest of all

the most bitter

1. From these adjectives, form a short masculine singular form and include it in the sentence

Courageous is courageous, painless is painless, responsible is responsible, incomparable is incomparable, desirable is desirable, regal is regal.

III. Numeral

1. Choose the appropriate numeral for these nouns. Please indicate possible options

(Two, both) girls; (five, five) days; (three, three) scissors; (seven, seven) boys; (four, four) friends; (five, five) gloves; on (both, both) sides of the street; We were pleased with (both, both) reports.

2. Write down, replacing numbers with words

The sum of 743 (seven hundred and forty-three) and 159 (one hundred and fifty-nine) is equal to 912 (nine hundred and twelve). The product of 952 (nine hundred fifty two) and 465 (four hundred sixty five) is equal to 442680 (four hundred forty two thousand six hundred eighty). Limit expenses to 874 (eight hundred seventy-four) rubles. We are missing 23,571 (twenty-three thousand five hundred and seventy-one) rubles.

Declension of numerals 50, 60, 70, 80; 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700; 800, 900.


fifty fifty fifty fifty fifty about fifty

two hundred two hundred two hundred two hundred two hundred about two hundred

five hundred five hundred five hundred five hundred five hundred about five hundred

Declension of numerals 40, 90, 100



forty forty forty forty o forty

ninety ninety ninety ninety ninety o ninety

one hundred one hundred one hundred o hundred

IV. Pronoun

Open the brackets by putting the pronoun in the correct form.

U (he, I, she, they) - him, me, her, them.

Towards (I, he, she, they) - me, him, her, them.

Above (he, she, I) - him, her, me.

Thanks to (he, she, they, we, you) - to him, her, them, us, you.

For (he, she, they, you, we) - him, her, them, you, us.

Because of (but, she, they, you, we) - him, her, them, you, us.

V. Verb

1. Where possible, put the verbs in the 1st person singular form (for example, I sit, I lead) and include them in the sentence. If the form of the verb is 1st person, singular. h. is not used, replace it in the sentence with a descriptive phrase.

I pray - I pray to find myself - I can find myself

grind - grind to convince - will be able to convince

hope - hope to win - will win

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense form

(Toss - rush) waves like an angry crowd, (splash - splash), (bubble - bubble) and (moan - moan). He (whip - whip) the horse with all his might and gallops off. The wind slightly (vibrates - shakes) the hard plum leaves. The purple curtain slightly (sway - sway) from the wind. Suddenly he felt that Ivan Fedorovich was giving him a friendly hand on the shoulder.

3. Form the imperative form from the following verbs

throw away - throw away put - put down

notify - notify to go - go, go

lie down - lie down get out - get out

4. Find errors. Explain why. Edit sentences

The capital's chauffeurs (chauffeurs) were buzzing at the wedding. Before he had time to leave the house (house), Kuznetsov entered it. I can support any conversation not because I am a polyglot (polyglot), but because I can insert two or three phrases on the topic into a conversation. You are intelligent, reliable, gifted (gifted) in appearance. I went to see her, but she didn't have it. Just recently I bought a very beautiful (beautiful) sconce. The boy, soaked to the skin, ran home. Following the departing train, the mourners wave (wave) their hands. All I need is a glass of strong tea (tea). Sports camps (camps) are located near the city. Many students say that the new teacher is kinder than the old one. The actors played on a stage(s) installed in the central square. The new accountant (new accountant) will start work on Monday. She is polite, kind, and whatever you ask her, she gives. All their notes were on the table. The boy and his (his) dog returned home. I don’t strive (strive) to be better, original (more original), I want to remain myself. The largest (largest) city in the world is Mexico City. Harvesting of risu (rice) began in the fields. The contractor constantly delayed (postponed) the delivery of the project. I really like my (my) friend. Five (five) girls and seven boys left the school. Both (both) girls received scholarships. There were always a lot of people around them. He appeared with his second, he looked great (He looked great when he appeared with his second).

Practical lesson No. 4

Topic: Cultural and speech problems of syntax

. Word order

Correct the sentences by changing the word order.

He behaved very badly in class again (He behaved very badly in class again). Together with all schools general program exams were held in lyceums and colleges (Exams for the general program were held in lyceums and colleges along with all schools). He was admitted to the hospital after calling an ambulance in serious condition (After calling an ambulance, he was admitted to the hospital in serious condition). Spring decoration at home creates a festive mood (Festive decoration at home creates a spring mood). We accept high-quality perfumes and cosmetics for sale (We accept high-quality perfumes and cosmetics for sale). Like many of his other works, the idea of ​​this story was nurtured by the writer for a number of years (The idea of ​​this story was nurtured by the writer for a number of years, like many of his other works).

Russian morphology text language

II. Agreement of the predicate with the subject

Match the predicate with the subject, add the endings.

Approval standards

A row of tables stood in the middle of the audience. Most students have already passed the skiing standards. (the predicate handed over is used in the plural, because the activity of the action is emphasized, which is important in cases where the action is attributed to each person individually). A flock of birds flew south. Many people left the rally. (the predicate gone is used in the plural, because the activity of the action is emphasized, which is important in cases where the action is attributed to each person individually). Some flowers died due to low temperatures.

If the subject consists of a collective noun such as majority, row, part, half, etc. and a noun in the genitive plural form, the predicate usually agrees grammatically with the stem word of the phrase, for example: A number of scientists have put forward a new hypothesis; Some of the inhabitants settled here in the 15th century. However, there are a number of reasons why, with the above-mentioned subjects, it is preferable to use the predicate in the plural: 1) if there is a “gap” between the main members of the sentence, that is, clarifying phrases, connecting constructions, etc.: Even before the revolution, a number of scientists, for example P.N. Sakulin, D.N. Ushakov, put forward the idea of ​​simplifying Russian spelling; 2) if the subject contains homogeneous constructions in the genitive plural form: Most of the workers, technicians and engineers of the plant have already fulfilled the norm provided for by the plan; 3) if homogeneous predicates are listed: Most of the guests stood in groups, discussing yesterday's event or just chatting; 4) if the sentence contains other grammatical structures indicating the plurality of the producer of the action: A number of customers who received new products contacted the plant with complaints; 5) if you need to emphasize the activity of an action, which is important in cases where the action is attributed to each person individually: Most of the participants in the meeting have already spoken (but: A row of tables was in the middle of a large room - the subject denotes an inanimate object). On this basis, the predicate in the passive phrase is usually placed in singular, since the subject denotes the object of the action, and not its subject: A number of employees who were inattentive to the needs of passengers were held accountable.

No one, not even the most capable students, could solve this problem. The club's board, including the chairman and deputy, did a lot to organize the evening. In the May days of past years, the press, including the author of these lines, always wrote about the victory over Germany. The school administration, especially the director and head teacher, did a lot to organize the children's summer holidays.

In this case, it is preferable to use the predicate in the plural, because between the main members of the sentence there are clarifying phrases, connecting structures, etc. For example: Even before the revolution, a number of scientists, for example P.N. Sakulin, D.N. Ushakov, put forward the idea of ​​simplifying Russian spelling.

Many graduates of our school began to work in new structures. Several children went outside.

The predicate in this case is used in plural. number, because the activity of the action is emphasized, which is important when the action is attributed to each person individually.

A hundred years have passed. At exactly six o'clock eleven shots were fired (d). Ten fighters rushed to attack (c). In the spring, one hundred and twenty hectares were sown on the collective farm. Behind them, two shots clicked, two bullets whistled (g). Four students entered the classroom (d). Fifty-one delegates (e) attended the meeting. A thousand books were received for the school library (a). A million rubles were allocated to complete construction (a). A dozen eggs were in the basket (e). A hundred soldiers entered the village (e). During the fire, half the house burned down (a). Half of the head is still left untrimmed (g). Six months spent in the village restored health (h).

The singular number of the predicate is used in the following cases: a) if attention is drawn to the number of persons or objects about which we're talking about(especially if you mean big number subjects, since a large group is perceived as one whole, whereas with a subject denoting a few individuals, the role of each person is more emphasized): Ten students appeared at the beginning of the exam; Wed: One hundred and seventy students from our institute took part in the cross-country race. – Five students from our group took part in cross-country. Quantity can be emphasized with the words only, only, only (with the meaning of limitation): Only ten teams participated in the competition; b) if the predicate is expressed by a verb with the meaning of being, presence, position in space, action directed at an inanimate object, passive state of a person, etc.: The room had two windows with wide window sills; Six fighters died from wounds; c) if joint execution of an action is implied: Five fighters went on reconnaissance (in a group); d) with a subject denoting weight measure, space, time, etc., including with nouns years, days, hours: There were twenty-five kilometers left to the end of the journey; Here are two years of my life crossed out (M. Gorky). It should be noted that sometimes the influence of the words two (two), three, four is felt, as a result of which the predicate is put in the plural form, for example: So three weeks passed (L.N. Tolstoy); e) for compound numerals ending in one: This was a major international competition in which 21 representatives from thirteen countries took part. Under the influence of the tendency to agree on meaning in colloquial speech, constructions like 21 students appeared for the exam; f) with the words three, ten, thousand, million, billion, which are closer to nouns than to numerals: A thousand people visited the exhibition. However, since these words are perceived as numerals, constructions such as A thousand fighters rushed to attack are also possible. g) with a subject expressed by a complex noun, the first part of which is the numeral half- (half an hour, half a city, etc.), the predicate is usually put in the singular, and in the past tense - in the neuter gender: half an hour will pass, half a year has flown by, half a city took part in the demonstration. h) However, if the subject, expressed by a complex noun, the first part of which is the numeral gender, has a definition in the nominative plural, then the predicate is also put in the plural: The remaining half of the house survived the fire.

The brother and sister waited a long time for their mother to return and were very worried (d). Polkan and Barbos were lying in the sun, warming themselves (d). The girl with the doll went out into the street (d). The father and his son went into the forest. My brother or sister will help me get a job. Fresh air and long sleep helped the patient.

The plural form of the predicate is preferable in the following cases: a) if the persons or objects being considered are identified as producers of the action: Ten students graduated with honors; b) if the predicate denotes the active action of a person or object: And in the forest, ten riders whipped horses (N.A. Ostrovsky); c) if the separate execution of the action is emphasized: Five fighters went on reconnaissance (each with independent task); d) with the preposition “s”, when persons (objects) act as equal producers of an action. Exception (the predicate is written in the singular): e) with the preposition “s”, when the second object (person) is passive and is an addition. Mother and baby went out onto the balcony

Izvestia has already repeatedly raised this problem (a). Lake Ilmen is located near Novgorod (b). “Wolves and Sheep” was staged at the city theater. “War and Peace” was written by L.N. Tolstoy. The Zhiguli jumped right around the corner of the house. The Volga car drove right up to the entrance (b). The artist's apartment museum is closed for restoration (c). The raincoat-tent lay rolled up (c). The alarm clock was damaged on the first day (c).

The plural predicate is preferable in the following cases: a) when indicating an approximate quantity by including the words about, over, more, less, etc.): After the end of the International Geophysical Year, more than 20 countries decided to organize a joint study Indian Ocean. Coordination of definitions and applications When using combinations of the type “definition + noun with application,” the following cases are possible: b) when combining two nouns expressing generic and specific concepts (the latter is an application), the definition is consistent with the generic word: white Volga car, large cockatoo bird, etc.; c) when combining two nouns written with a hyphen, the definition is consistent with the one that expresses a broader, general concept: a multi-stage launch vehicle, a beautiful display stand, etc.

II. Harmonization of definitions and applications

1. Having selected the desired form, open the brackets

Approval standards

Three (neighboring - adjacent) buildings were recently built. Over the three (last - last) months, many artist(s) have visited the city. The apartment was divided into two (unequal - unequal) parts (a). Three (new - new) car models have gone on sale. (First - First) two places were shared by Russian athletes (b). (Integers - Wholes) forced to remain inactive for two days (b). They were absent (full - full) three weeks (b). (The words “whole” and “complete” are exceptions)

Definitions for quantitative-nominal phrases such as three rooms, four houses are recommended to be used as follows: a) for masculine and neuter nouns - in the genitive case: two stone houses, three wide windows, etc.; for feminine nouns - in the nominative-accusative case: three spacious rooms, two school notebooks; b) the definition before the quantitative-nominal phrase is always used in the nominative plural case: the last three patrons, anxious two nights, etc. The exceptions are the adjectives whole, complete, kind, which are placed in the genitive case: four whole days, two whole days months, etc.; c) the definition located after the quantitative-nominal phrase is usually put in the form of the nominative case (if the phrase itself is used in initial form): four chairs bought (not bought!) for the office.

1. Put place names in the correct case

For some time he lived in the city of Ashgabat. Stubborn fighting took place on the Vistula River. He was originally from the village of Kryukovo. Line railway passes near Lake Baikal. The ship was approaching the island of Cyprus. The train left the city of Chelyabinsk on time. The climbers stopped at the foot of Mount Kazbek.

2. Find errors, explain, correct

Perhaps he was a clergyman who had great authority.

A body work technician is needed who is willing to travel to the area.

IV. Control rate

1. Open the brackets and put the nouns in the correct case. Make up three sentences using the phrases you receive.

According to (order, order, resolution, desire, schedule, direction)

Thanks to (performance, success, knowledge, warning)

Contrary to (request, offer, persuasion, effort)

2. Correct sentences, explain errors

The speaker operated with unverified data. The teacher pointed out that there were a number of errors in the work. A response to the application(s) was received immediately. All this indicated that, despite the strong composition of the tournament participants, our young masters can fight with them with honor. Your brother recently returned from Crimea, and my brother from Ukraine. The head of the hospital(s) greeted us warmly.

3. Make up phrases with these words and combinations

worry about your son

Don't worry about your son.


Worry about the result.


Accuse of infidelity.


Reproach for disobedience.

make a report

Make a trip report.

pay attention

Pay attention to the error.


Pay attention to each other.

I'm surprised

I'm surprised by what happened.

He was surprised by the quality.


Superiority over others.


Advantage before the start.


Confidence in victory.

Faith in victory.

1. Find and fix errors

After the director's order was issued, there was a change for the better in the matter of violation of discipline.

After the director’s order was issued, there was a turning point in the matter of violation of discipline.

Traffic on the road was interrupted due to snow drifts.

Traffic on the road was interrupted due to snow drifts.

At the end of the deadline, books must be returned.

After the deadline, books must be returned.

Unfortunately, I don't often receive letters from home.

Unfortunately, I don't often receive letters from home.

The department organized and manages the students' practice.

The department organized and supervised student internships.

Upon arrival at the conference, you must urgently complete documents.

Upon arrival at the conference, it is necessary to urgently complete documents.

To what do I owe such a flattering review of my work?

How did I deserve such a flattering review of my work?

The doctor did not find any signs of illness in the child.

The doctor did not find any signs of illness in the child.

The destruction occurred due to bad work water supply systems.

The destruction occurred due to poor functioning of the water supply system.

V. “Stringing” cases

Rearrange sentences to eliminate inappropriate repetition of the same case form.

VI. Use of separate structures

Correct grammatical and stylistic errors in the use of participial phrases.

Looking at what is happening today, my hands are free.Looking at what is happening today, my hands are free.

How nice it is to know that when I come home after school, the kitten will greet me with a joyful meow.

How nice it is to know that when I come home after school, I will be greeted by the joyful meow of a kitten.

A year later, being blind and deaf, he was brought to the king.

A year later, when he was already blind and deaf, he was brought to the king.

Sergei Efron, returning to his homeland, was arrested and killed.

Sergei Efron, upon returning to his homeland, was arrested and killed.

Having read the manuscript a second time, I think it needs serious revision.

Having read the manuscript a second time, I think that it needs serious revision.

VII. Converting direct speech to indirect speech

Open the brackets by choosing the correct option.

VIII. Difficult sentence

Correct the sentences, explain the mistakes.

Practical lesson No. 5

Analysis of the TV show “Good night, kids”!

"GOOG night kids!" is the most famous program for children, on which more than one generation of viewers has grown up. It is aimed at preschool and younger children school age. The program "Good night, kids!" has its own unique song “Tired toys are sleeping”, which lulls the kids to sleep. TV show presenters in different time there were such artists as Valentina Leontyeva (Aunt Valya), Vladimir Ukhin (Uncle Volodya), Tatyana Vedeneeva, Angelina Vovk and others. Now the program is hosted by actress Anna Mikhalkova (kind and sweet) and Oksana Fedorova (smart and beautiful). In October 2006, the program featured a host, Uncle Vitya (actor Viktor Bychkov ) is a sympathetic and kind neighbor who will always come to the rescue in difficult times and solve any difficult problem with a cheerful joke. The presenters' speech is calm and measured.

Initially, the program was broadcast in pictures with voice-over text. Later puppet shows appeared. Now the heroes of the program are five friendly little animals - these are Khryusha (reckless and slightly lazy), Stepashka (smart and sensible), Filya (energetic and efficient), Karkusha (inquisitive and kind), and Mishka the naughty one. On June 1, 2009, the boy Bibigon joined this friendly company.

In their apartment, full of miracles and unexpected fairy-tale things, the heroes meet their adult friends, learn a lot about the world around them and, of course, share their discoveries with children. The plot of the program, as a rule, consists of an instructive story in which puppet characters take part. He explains to all of them what needs to be done and how to behave in a given situation “An adult” - the host of the program. The culmination of the program is a cartoon on the topic under discussion.

Most often, educational cartoons are selected for showing on television. and educational character. If the cartoon selected for viewing is long, it breaks off and the continuation of the fairy tale is postponed to the next evening.

During its existence, the program “Good night, kids!” aired on various TV channels. The program is currently broadcast on the Rossiya 1 TV channel. Program "Good night, kids!" - a unique phenomenon on television. The program has existed since September 1964. The program won the TEFI television award three times (in 1997, 2002 and 2003) in the “Best Children's Program” category.

I really like this show. As a child, she gave me mixed feelings. On the one hand, I always expected it, because I wanted to watch a cartoon, on the other, the program meant that after it they would be put to bed, which I really didn’t want. I think that in the current generation of children the program evokes similar feelings.

Practical task No. 6

Write an abstract on one of the proposed topics and, based on it, prepare an oral presentation for 7-10 minutes.

(Abstract attached)

Practical task No. 7

Topic: Culture of official business communication. Features of the design of various documents.

1. Complete the list of words naming people with your own examples. Describe these words from a stylistic point of view:

guardian, trustee, witness, accused, victim, witness, adoptive parent, representative.

2. In the given sentences, find verbal nouns characteristic of the official business style of speech, supplement with your own examples.

The trust was denied the allocation of additional funds. Payment for the order is guaranteed. The investigation determined that the fire was caused by an electrical fault. Sudden braking of the vehicle on slippery sections of the road can lead to skidding and overturning.

3. Determine the functional and stylistic affiliation of these proposals. Write down your sentences in a formal business style using the following derived prepositions: in order, in accordance with, in view of, as a result of, in relation to, in order to avoid, in order.

All texts, according to their functional, stylistic and stylistic qualities, can be attributed to the main book styles: official business, poetic, special, colloquial, colloquial, clerical.

The comrades' court terminates the case due to the reconciliation of the parties to the dispute.

official business

The guys play together again because they made up.


Seasonal work is work that, due to natural and climatic conditions are not performed all year round, but during a certain period.

official business


Your examples

In order to ensure the protection of public order.

Due to violations committed.

In accordance with current legislation.

In view of the upcoming frosts, we need to stock up on firewood.

A criminal case was initiated against gr. Ivanova A.P.

To avoid losing part of the cargo.

The arrest was carried out in accordance with the procedure established by law

1. Form stable phrases that have the coloring of an official business style, adding the corresponding adjectives to the first group of nouns, and the necessary verbs to the second group of nouns:


Deadline - in statutory term

Person - civilian

Responsibility - financial responsibility

Actions are illegal actions

Powers - unlimited powers

Crime is a serious crime

Punishment - criminal punishment

Authorities - competent authorities

Review - upcoming review


order - issue

control - ensure control

reprimand - reprimand

reprimand - to be reprimanded

assistance - to assist

execution - ensure fulfillment

imperfections - (the word is not suitable for an official business style and is used in a colloquial style only in the singular and denotes a part of something, for example, the imperfection of a structure or product)

discipline - to break discipline

measures - take measures

1. In the given sentences, find stable verbal-nominal combinations characteristic of an official business style. Where possible, replace them with verbs. Write down your own examples with verb-noun combinations.

The company's team has committed to doubling its production output in a year.

The company's staff undertakes to double production output per year.

The factory workers express full confidence that they will complete the order on time.

There is no possibility of replacement.

The report pays particular attention to the need to update equipment.

The report pays particular attention to the need to update equipment.

Your examples

None of the guests present could provide assistance.

None of the guests present could help.

This may have an impact on the final result.

This may affect the final result.

It was necessary to inspect the scene of the incident.

It was necessary to inspect the scene of the incident.

1. Find clericalisms in the sentences and replace them with other words that correspond to the colloquial style of speech.

Officeisms are words and figures of speech characteristic of the style of business papers and documents.

1. Find errors in the sentences. Determine their character and correct them.

Citizen Sidorova N.F. filed an application for divorce.

Lexical error. It’s correct to say - Citizen Sidorova N.F. filed an application for divorce.

Write your initials in full.

The correct way to say it is to write your full name.

On the territory entrusted to you, you also need to build a bathhouse for the village residents.

The materials collected together allow you to make a decision.

It is preferable to use a shorter recording of language phrases taken from business correspondence, without loss of information content, for example: in the aggregate, the materials allow you to make a decision.

Exactly matching data were presented.

Better to say - Data were presented that exactly matched...

Each individual present believes that you have violated the agreement.

All that remains is to confirm this at the meeting.

The word confirm refers to the conversational style; it is better to say - it remains to approve or consolidate this at the meeting.

He refused my request under a plausible pretext.

The court's verdict was announced.

Apparently there are no errors.

We have become familiar with the findings of the commission conducted a year ago.

Apparently there are no errors.

The plant team committed to speed up the production of the new model.

The plant team undertakes to speed up the production of the new model.

To the director of motor depot No. 2

from Nikiforov L.N.


Comrade director, the driver of the motor depot L.N. Nikiforov is addressing you. On this issue: I kindly ask you to relieve me from working on long-haul flights for a while. I am currently undergoing treatment at the clinic, I can provide a certificate. I beg you not to refuse my request and sign.

Corrected version

To the director of motor depot No. 2


L.N. Nikiforova


I ask you to temporarily relieve me from working on long-haul flights due to treatment at the clinic. Medical certificate attached.

02.10.2001 L.N. Nikiforov

Power of attorney

I, Shevchuk L.A., trust my husband Shevchuk I.S. receive my salary for December. Due to the fact that I am in the hospital.

December 1998

L.A. Shevchuk

Correct option

Power of attorney

I, Shevchuk Lidiya Aleksandrovna, due to my stay in the hospital, trust my husband Shevchuk Igor Sergeevich (passport details are indicated) to receive my salary for December.

12/16/1998 L.A. Shevchuk

2. Get acquainted with fragments of the chapter “Clerical Office” from the book by K.I. Chukovsky “Alive as Life.”

10. Write statements using the required form and language cliches:

· requesting permission to take an academic leave;

· with a request to accept (dismiss) you for job(s);

· with a request to grant you extraordinary leave.

Write an explanatory note.

Write a power of attorney to receive your scholarship.

Write an appeal regarding the exam grade during the entrance exams.

Write a resume.

Draw up (your choice) a business document: memo, order, instruction, letter of guarantee, letter of request (request), letter of invitation, letter of demand, letter of response (refusal of the offer).

To the director of the institute

1st year students

N.N. Wind


I ask you to grant me academic leave in connection with my pregnancy and upcoming birth.

01/15/2010 N.N. Vetrova

Director of MUP "Gorvodokanal"

shop foreman

N.N. Wind


I ask you to fire me from my job effective January 20, 2010 due to moving to another city.

01/15/2010 N.N. Vetrova

Director of MUP "Gorvodokanal"

shop foreman

N.N. Wind


Please grant me another vacation from 02/01/2010 according to the schedule.

01/15/2010 N.N. Vetrova

To the director of the institute

Zhukovsky L.A.

1st year students

N.N. Wind

Explanatory letter

I missed 3 days (from January 11 to January 14) of classes due to illness.

01/15/2010 N.N. Vetrova

Power of attorney

I, Natalya Nikolaevna Vetrova, in connection with my stay in the hospital, trust my husband Vsevolod Aristarkhovich Vetrov (passport data 0346 No. 252525 issued by the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Industrial District of Khabarovsk on October 16, 1998) to receive my scholarship for December 2009.

01/10/2010 N.N. Vetrova

To the Chairman of the Admissions Committee

in criminal law DVAGS

Barinova L.I.

applicants to the Faculty of Distance Learning

Vetrovoy N.N.


I ask you to reconsider my grade in criminal law in writing (“2”), because... I think it is unjustifiably underestimated.

01/10/2010 N.N. Vetrova

Stoletov Izmail Rafailovich

Genus. in Birobidzhan

June 1966

Home address: Khabarovsk, st. Pacific, 6, apt. 54

Home phone: 33-33-33

Passport data: series 0801 number 395356 issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Kirovsky district of Khabarovsk on December 15, 2001.

Marital status: Married.

Position: Head of Security Department.

Education: higher, graduated from Khabarovsk Polytechnic Institute in 1989, AT diploma No. 075432.

Worked as a security shift supervisor at the Zolushka shopping center from August 2004 to September 2009.

Additional information: There is a license for private security activities and possession of service firearms, experience in working with video surveillance systems and fire alarm systems.

Personal qualities: Skills in creating efficient teams from different categories of people, ability to solve assigned problems in difficult conditions, extensive experience in the field of security activities, if there is a lack of knowledge and experience, I am ready to study and master independently during non-working hours new material to perform certain tasks, sociable, non-conflict, efficient.

01.2010 I.R. Stoletov



Khabarovsk _______________

Due to unfavorable weather conditions, the departure of official vehicles is prohibited until further notice.

Head of Department A.A. Lapin

10. Break up in pairs, prepare and stage a business conversation, business negotiations, business telephone conversation. Possible topics: getting a job, publishing your book, opening a private enterprise, supplying goods, discussing a new project, etc. When completing the assignment, you can suggest your own version of the topic.

Shop manager Ivanova is on the phone.

This is Yakovlev, a specialist in the planning department, hello.


What is the daily production rate of new sewing machines?

Two hundred cars per day.

And how much do you make?

We are pleased with the results, goodbye.


Practical task No. 8

Topic: Culture of scientific writing. The structure of scientific written text and its linguistic design

Annotation to a book read on one of the subjects being studied.

History of Russia from ancient times to beginning of the XXI century: textbook. manual for universities / M.M. Gorinov, A.A. Gorsky, A.A. Danilov et al. - 7th ed., revision. - M.: Bustard, 2007. - 655 p.

The book is written based on a wide range of sources. It is equipped with a preface, which outlines the author's approach to history, as well as a brief chronology. The book gives a holistic picture of the political, socio-economic and cultural development of Russia from the era of the settlement of the Slavs until the beginning of the 21st century. The book is intended for a contingent already familiar from school education with some historical facts, since the authors abandoned a detailed presentation of all the facts relating to a particular section and focused on key turning points Russian history, tried to supplement them, bring them into the system. More concisely, the initial centuries of Russian history are given, and culture is shown through the main trends of its development. In addition, the authors tried to analyze the main points of Russian history in comparison with foreign ones, since it is impossible to understand and comprehend the history of Russia without comparison with the history of other countries.

Practical task No. 9

Topic: Culture of written speech. Spelling and punctuation

1. Based on reference materials, create summary tables on the following spelling topics:

· Spelling - vowels at the root of the word (except for vowels after hissing and ts).

· Spelling - consonants at the root of a word.

o - e after sibilants and c in all morphemes

· and - ы after sibilants and c in all morphemes

· n - nn in suffixes of adjectives and participles

· Spelling patterns - vowels at the endings of nouns, verbs

· not with different parts of speech

2. Illustrate the conditions for separating definitions, applications and circumstances (see reference materials) with your own examples.

3. Write out 3 examples of sentences with coordinating and subordinating connections from the literary text.

4. Make a table “Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence.”

5. Complete the test tasks and get ready to comment.

Spelling is a spelling that complies with spelling rules and requires the application of these rules.

Spelling vowels in the root of a word

verified by stress

unverified by stress


to try on a dress - fitting to reconcile the warring - the world flutters in the wind - to winnow develops quickly - development to belittle the meaning - to make small beg for mercy - begs Note: o-and in the roots of perfective verbs cannot be checked with forms of imperfective verbs: to be late (v. ) - late, but to be late (n.v.) to cut (n.v.) - cutting, but to cut out (n.v.)

ventilation, vestibule, elixir, intelligentsia, closet, overpass, layout, obsession, front garden, periphery, privilege, etc. They are remembered or consulted about them in a spelling dictionary

a) Depends on the stress: gore - gar to burn, but tan (without stress -o); zor - dawn of dawn, dawn, glow, but illumination, illuminate (without emphasis -a); clan - clone to bow, bow, but bend over, worship (without the accent -o); creature - creation creature, creativity, but create, creator (without emphasis -o); b) Depend on the presence of the suffix -a-: cas - braid to touch, but to touch; lag - lie to offer, but to offer (if the root is followed by the suffix -a, then write -a); shine - shine shine - shine; bir - ber collect - I will collect; fir - per unlock - lock; world - measures freeze - freeze; stil - stel spread - lay; dir - der lift up - pull out; tyr - ter wipe - wipe; zhig - burned burn - burned; chit - even count - deduction, Excl. combine, combination (in all these roots it is written and, if the root is followed by a); c) Depend on the consonant at the root: lag - lie to offer, but to offer (before g we write -a, before w we write -o); rast - rasch grow, grown, but grown, grew shoots (before -st and -sch, we write -a, before -s, we write -o). Exception: Rostov, rostok, moneylender, industry jump - skoch jump, jump (before -k - a, before -ch - o), but: jump, jump d) Depend on the meaning: poppy - mok dip in milk (immerse in liquid ), soak (let liquid through); equal - equal equation, compare (meaning equal, identical), level, level (meaning even, smooth), but: plain.

Spelling of consonants at the root of a word

Voiced and voiceless consonants

Double consonants

Unpronounceable verifiable and unverifiable consonants in the root of words

grease - lubricate alternately - alternate alternately - mix frost - freeze drizzle - drizzle The spelling of the words mitten, station, asbestos, football, etc. is checked using a spelling dictionary.

a) at the root of the word: zhzh - reins, yeast, burning, juniper. ss - quarrel, quarrel; b) at the junction of a root and a suffix: point - five-point, compromise - compromise, group - group; c) at the junction of the root and the prefix: appeal, fake, pry, succumb (to influence), but: give in (move forward). You should remember the spelling of words: aggression, accessory, appeal, ballast, run, ballot, fiction, boss, dilemma, differentiation, idyll, indifferent, irrational, cassation, colossus, corruption, crystal, opposition, pessimism, terrace, territory, excess, etc. But: attribute, bachelor, gallery, amateur, impresario, caricature, privilege, producer, resources, etc.

sad - sad, but vile - vile, whistle - whistle, but whistle - hang, sun - sun, participate - participation, feel, shine.


1-10. Mark the numbers of the words where the letter is written

1. a 1) revival

2) conveyor

3) bow down

4) sprout

5) belittle the importance

2. e 1) withering of nature

2) souvenir

3) burn out

4) gesture

3. o 1) clumsily

2) cheap

4) penny

5) amazed

4. ъ 1) will flood

2) pre-anniversary

3) seizure

4) provide

5) adjutant

5. b 1) odorous

2) anoint yourself

3) among the steep

10. and 1) very funny

2) moor

3) challenger

4) application

5) be present

11-15. Mark the numbers of the words where they are written

11. unpronounceable 1) domineering

consonants 2) flash

3) district

4) clarity

5) amateurish

12. doubled 1) artillery

consonants 2) stress

4) comment

5) illumination

13. deaf 1) yellow-green

consonants 2) thicken

4) echoes

5) flexibility

14. e 1) in Siberia

2) when you dry off, leave

3) descends

4) in the lottery

5) hates

15. a (i) 1) sawing

2) fight

4) early spring

5) sown rye

16-17. Mark the numbers of the words where it is written

16. - nn 1) larch

2) silver

4) foggy

5) living room

17. - n 1) uncut

2) desperate

3) forged

4) found

5) the company was recently founded

18-19. Mark the numbers of the words where not is written

18. separately 1) despite underfoot

2) not having learned

3) not always

4) lack of sleep

5) did not share

19. together 1) is by no means an easy decision

2) unwashed vegetables

3) birds not fed by the owner

4) unwritten essay

5) no one is interested in

20. Mark the numbers of the passes where neither is written

No matter how much they threatened him with a revolver, he did not utter a single word, he never even looked at those asking.

21. Mark the numbers of the sentences where the words are written together

1) Whatever he did, everything was bad.

2) Uneducated, and therefore uninteresting.

3) I came to the city to study.

4) He is as cute as his sister.

5) The climb up the mountain is steep, but the road is beautiful.

22-25. Mark the word numbers where the spelling is

22. hyphen 1) pale green

2) Eastern European art

3) prime minister

4) half an apple

5) broad-nosed

23. continuous 1) to meet a friend

2) in the dark

3) to failure

4) meet halfway

5) looking down

24. separate 1) find out about the evening

2) keep in mind

3) like a butterfly brooch

4) deposit money into a bank account

5) due to bad weather

25. hyphen 1) back and forth

2) in English

3) in my opinion

4) black-black

5) who


26-30. Mark the sentence numbers where words in italics are separated by commas.

26. 1) Somewhat calmed down, I went to my apartment.

2) The dawn that broke out in the east was immediately covered with clouds.

3) Blinded by the darkness, the old man stood for a long time, listening to the noise.

4) Horses, stretching out their black heads, appeared for a moment against the white background of the sky.

5) In the morning there was a nasty rain, fine, but angry and cold.

27. 1) Insarov spoke slowly about the Turks, about their oppression.

2) The waves rolled smoothly, barely lifting the boat.

3) Without resting, he ran to the station to look for his friend.

4) Day and night through the snowy desert, I rush to you, headlong.

5) Behind him, walking barely audibly and shuddering at every sound, a group of people dressed in gray rags slowly moved.

28. 1) Vladimir Mayakovsky, a talented futurist poet, is also known abroad.

2) He, the first assistant commander, was entrusted with this most complex operation.

3) After spring, the beauty of nature, the sultry summer will pass.

4) Wonderful Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky is known throughout the world.

5) This student, named Mikhalevich, sincerely fell in love with Lavretsky.

29. 1) I step onto a wide stone plateau, covered like coal with lichen.

2) Dreams disappeared like smoke.

3) A clearing strewn with white anemones, like kindergarten out for a walk.

4) We had not gone a quarter of an hour when the coachman, stopping the horses, handed the reins to Alyoshka.

5) As true sons of the fatherland, the Russian people stood up to defend their native land.

30. 1) Fortunately, the lake turned out to be rich in fish.

2) Fortunately, there was something mixed in that did not allow me to rejoice in full force.

3) The road to the mountains was steep. However, we did not change the route.

4) These birds sat separately, and seemed to be observing the general order from above.

5) I, of course, treated the old man very carefully.

31-33. Mark the numbers of the sentences in which a comma is placed in the blank.

31. 1) A small spring britzka drove into the city gates.

2) From the barrel along the pavement there was clattering, thunder, and a column of dust.

3) Suddenly behind him there was an instant buzz of arrows, the ringing of chain mail, and a cry, and neighing, and a muffled stamping across the field.

4) Wandered along the paths, inhaling the lush, fermented spring aromas.

5) Lisa’s eyebrows didn’t just frown, but trembled.

32. 1) At night the moon is dim, and the field only turns silver through the fog.

2) The cloud lifted, and it seemed to become lighter.

3) Gavrila could no longer hold back and, quietly sobbing, cried.

4) It was freezing at night, and stars dotted the sky.

5) The hour of courage has struck on our watch, and courage will not leave us.

33. 1) It’s so light around that it’s hard to guess whether morning is near.

2) Dersu explained to me that if in calm weather the fog rises upward, then one must definitely wait for a long rain.

3) I waited for her story and remained silent, afraid that if I asked her about anything, she would again get distracted.

4) No one warned Voropaev about where he was being taken.

5) His mother asked him not to go anywhere.

34. Mark the numbers of sentences in which a colon is placed in the blank space

1) The weather was completely unfavorable: at times there was autumn rain, and a terrible wind was constantly blowing.

2) Paul did not like autumn and winter: they brought him a lot of physical suffering.

3) If you miss a minute, you will lose hours.

4) Neither muses, nor works, nor the joys of leisure, nothing can replace your only friend.

5) Everything attracts and amuses my eyes: a golden bee on a flower, multi-colored butterfly wings and a sparrow jumping on the sand.

35. Mark the numbers of sentences in which a dash is placed at the blank space

1) The lark comes to the warmth, the finch - to the cold.

2) Respect for the past is the feature that distinguishes education from savagery.

3) Drops of honey are like pearls.

4) Twenty-five years is a mature age.

5) The most important thing in every task is to overcome the moment when you don’t feel like working.

36-37. Mark the numbers of spaces where a comma is placed

36. And rarely did anyone know that Lev Valeryanovich had a very difficult childhood behind him and early years and that many trials fell to his lot before he became a candidate of geographical sciences and earned an honorable appointment for any polar explorer at a drifting station.

37. In these early hours the wind does not yet disturb the bosom of the river and it, reflecting the clear, pink-blue sky, shines with an even light, transparent and cool, like crystal.

38-39. Mark the sentence numbers where the comma is missing

38. 1) They’ve been waiting for us on air for a long time, and of course I’m worried.

2) Where are you, gossip, running so without looking back?

3) Snow that falls at night and melts before our eyes makes the slope even more slippery.

4) And the garden, steppe, deaf, goes, darkening, into the twilight of the summer night.

5) The winterers say that, despite the difficult conditions and extreme cramped conditions, they spent the winter quite safely.

39. 1) From centuries past, giants, guardians of the legends of glory, stand Cossack mounds.

2) And in the field, as if the sky were clear, the snow shimmers.

3) I am firmly convinced that the people or society are the best, most infallible critic.

4) I love it when the wind rustles and the snow swirls.

5) The third roosters were already crowing, and the dawn was beginning to break when he left.

40. Mark the numbers of sentences with missing punctuation marks

1) “Tell me,” asked Elena, “were there any wonderful people among your comrades?”

2) “Why aren’t you going?” - I asked the driver impatiently.

3) “It’s so good that I hid the revolver in the crow’s nest,” thought Pavel.

4) The mother asked displeasedly: “Did you get a bad mark again?”

5) They answered me: “The doctor doesn’t see me,” and they slammed the door.

1. Test yourself by inserting missing letters and missing punctuation marks, opening parentheses.

When I went upstairs to my room and opened the window onto the lake, the beauty of this water, these mountains and this sky at the first moment literally blinded and shocked me. I felt an inner restlessness and a need to somehow express the excess of something that suddenly filled my soul. At that moment I wanted to hug someone, hug him tightly, tickle him, pinch him, and generally do something extraordinary with him and with myself.

It was seven o'clock in the evening. It had been raining all day, and now it was clearing up. The lake, blue as burning sulfur, with dots of boats and their disappearing traces, motionless, smooth, as if convexly spread out in front of the windows between various green shores, went forward, shrinking between two huge ledges, and, darkening, rested and disappeared into the piled-up on other valleys, mountains, clouds and ice floes. In the foreground are wet light green spreading banks with reeds, meadows, gardens and cottages; further, dark green overgrown ledges with ruins of castles; at the bottom there is a crumpled white-purple mountain distance with bizarre rocky and matte white snow peaks; and everything was flooded with a gentle, transparent azure of the air and illuminated by the hot rays of sunset breaking through from the torn sky. Not on the lake, not on the mountains, not in the sky, not a single solid line, not a single solid color, not a single identical moment, everywhere there is movement, asymmetry, whimsicality, an endless mixture and variety of shadows and lines, and in everything calmness, softness, unity and the need for beauty.

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