What is the hardest thing on earth. Substance records. Chemical records for organics

Precious metals have captivated the minds of people for centuries, who are ready to pay huge sums for products made from them, but the metal in question is not used in jewelry production. Osmium is the heaviest substance on Earth, which belongs to the rare earth precious metals. Due to its high density, this substance has a large weight. Is osmium the heaviest substance (among the known ones) not only on planet Earth, but also in space?

This substance is a shiny blue-gray metal. Despite the fact that it is a representative of the genus of noble metals, it is not possible to make jewelry from it, since it is very hard and, at the same time, fragile. Because of these qualities, osmium is difficult to machine, to which you still need to add its solid weight. If we weigh a cube made of osmium (side length 8 cm) and compare it with the weight of a 10-liter bucket filled with water, then the first will be 1.5 kg heavier than the second.

The heaviest substance on Earth was discovered at the beginning of the 18th century, thanks to chemical experiments with platinum ore by dissolving the latter in aqua regia (a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids). Since osmium does not dissolve in acids and alkalis, melts at a temperature slightly above 3000 ° C, boils at 5012 ° C, does not change its structure at a pressure of 770 GPa, it can be considered with confidence the strongest substance on Earth.

In its pure form, osmium deposits do not exist in nature; it is usually found in compounds with other chemicals. Its content in the earth's crust is scanty, and extraction is labor-intensive. These factors have a huge impact on the cost of osmium, its price is amazing, because it is much more expensive than gold.

Due to its high cost, this substance is not widely used for industrial purposes, but only in cases where its use is due to maximum benefit. Due to the combination of osmium with other metals, the wear resistance of the latter, their durability and resistance to mechanical stress (friction and corrosion of metals) increase. Such alloys are used in rocket science, military and aviation industries. An alloy of osmium and platinum is used in medicine to make surgical instruments and implants. Its use is justified in the production of highly sensitive instruments, clockwork and compasses.

An interesting fact is that scientists find osmium along with other precious metals in the chemical composition. iron meteorites that have fallen to the ground. Does this mean that this element is the heaviest substance on Earth and in space?

It is difficult to confirm this. The point is that the conditions outer space are very different from the earth, the gravitational force between objects is very strong, which in turn leads to a significant increase in the density of some space objects. One example is stars made up of neutrons. By earthly standards, this is a huge weight in one cubic millimeter. And these are only grains of knowledge that humanity possesses.

The most expensive and heaviest substance on earth is osmium-187, only Kazakhstan sells it on the world market, but this isotope has not yet been used in industry.

The extraction of osmium is a very laborious process, and it takes at least nine months before it is obtained in a consumer form. In this regard, the annual production of osmium in the world is only about 600 kg (this is very small compared to the production of gold, which is calculated in thousands of tons annually).

The name of the strongest substance "osmium" is translated as "smell", but the metal itself does not smell of anything, but the smell appears during the oxidation of osmium, and it is quite unpleasant.

So, in terms of gravity and density on Earth, there is no equal to osmium, this metal is also described as the rarest, most expensive, most resistant, most brilliant, and experts also say that osmium oxide has a very strong toxicity.

Man has always sought to find materials that leave no chance for their competitors. Since ancient times, scientists have been looking for the hardest materials in the world, the lightest and heaviest. The thirst for discovery led to the discovery ideal gas and a perfect black body. We present you the most amazing substances in the world.

1. The blackest substance

The blackest substance in the world is called Vantablack and is made up of carbon nanotubes(see carbon and its allotropic modifications). Simply put, the material consists of countless "hairs", hitting which, the light bounces from one tube to another. Approximately 99.965% is absorbed in this way luminous flux and only a tiny fraction is reflected back outward.
The discovery of Vantablack opens up broad prospects for the use of this material in astronomy, electronics and optics.

2. The most combustible substance

Chlorine trifluoride is the most flammable substance ever known to mankind. It is the strongest oxidizing agent and reacts with almost all chemical elements. Chlorine trifluoride can burn through concrete and easily ignites glass! The use of chlorine trifluoride is almost impossible due to its phenomenal flammability and the inability to ensure the safety of use.

3. The most poisonous substance

The most powerful poison is botulinum toxin. We know it under the name Botox, that is how it is called in cosmetology, where it has found its main application. Botulinum toxin is Chemical substance produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. In addition to the fact that botulinum toxin is the most toxic substance, it also has the largest molecular weight among proteins. The phenomenal toxicity of the substance is evidenced by the fact that only 0.00002 mg min / l of botulinum toxin is enough to make the affected area deadly for humans for half a day.

4. The hottest substance

This is the so-called quark-gluon plasma. The substance was created using the collision of gold atoms at almost the speed of light. Quark-gluon plasma has a temperature of 4 trillion degrees Celsius. For comparison, this figure is 250,000 times higher than the temperature of the Sun! Unfortunately, the lifetime of a substance is limited to one trillionth of a trillionth of a second.

5. The most corrosive acid

Antimony fluoride H becomes the champion in this nomination. Antimony fluoride is 2×10 16 (two hundred quintillion) times more caustic than sulphuric acid. This is very active substance, which can explode when a small amount of water is added. The fumes of this acid are deadly poisonous.

6. The most explosive substance

The most explosive substance is heptanitrocuban. It is very expensive and is used only for scientific research. But a slightly less explosive HMX is successfully used in military affairs and in geology when drilling wells.

7. The most radioactive substance

Polonium-210 is an isotope of polonium that does not exist in nature, but is made by man. Used to create miniature, but at the same time, very powerful sources energy. It has a very short half-life and is therefore capable of causing severe radiation sickness.

8. The heaviest substance

It is, of course, fullerite. Its hardness is almost 2 times higher than that of natural diamonds. You can read more about fullerite in our article The Hardest Materials in the World.

9. Strongest magnet

The world's strongest magnet is made up of iron and nitrogen. At present, details about this substance are not available to the general public, but it is already known that the new super-magnet is 18% more powerful than the strongest magnets currently in use - neodymium. Neodymium magnets are made from neodymium, iron and boron.

10. The most fluid substance

Superfluid Helium II has almost no viscosity at temperatures close to absolute zero. This property is due to its unique property seep and pour out of a vessel made of any solid material. Helium II has the potential to be used as an ideal thermal conductor in which heat does not dissipate.

The most expensive metal in the world and the densest substance on the planet

Posted on 02/01/2012 (valid until 02/01/2013)

In nature, there are a lot of different metals and precious stones, the cost of which is very high for most of the inhabitants of the planet. About precious stones, people more or less have an idea which are the most expensive, which are most valued. But, that's how things are with metals, most people other than gold and platinum are no longer aware of expensive metals. What is the most expensive metal in the world? The curiosity of people has no boundaries, they are looking for answers to the most interesting questions. Finding out the cost of the most expensive metal on the planet is not a problem, since this is not classified information.

Most likely, this is the first time you hear this name - the Osmium isotope 1870s. This chemical element is the most expensive metal in the world. You may have seen the name of this chemical element in the periodic table at number 76. The isotope of Osmium is the most dense matter on the planet. Its density is 22.61 g/cm 3 . Under normal standard conditions, osmium is silvery in color and has a pungent odor. This metal belongs to the group of platinum metals. This metal is used in the manufacture of nuclear weapons, pharmaceuticals, aerospace, and sometimes in jewelry.

But, now main question– how much is the most expensive metal in the world? Now its cost on the black market is $ 200,000 per 1 gram. Since obtaining the 1870s isotope is a very difficult task, few people will take up this matter. Earlier, in 2004, Kazakhstan officially offered one gram of pure Osmium isotope for $10,000. Kazakhstan at one time became the first expert of expensive metal, no other country put this metal up for sale.

Osmium was discovered by the English chemist Smithson Tennant in 1804. Osmium is obtained from enriched raw materials of platinum metals by calcining this concentrate in air at temperatures of 800-900 degrees Celsius. And until now, scientists replenish the periodic table, getting elements with incredible properties.

Many will say that there is even more expensive metal - this is California 252. The price of California 252 is $ 6,500,000 per 1 gram. But, it is worth considering the fact that the world's supply of this metal is only a few grams. So, as it is produced only at two reactors in Russia and the USA at 20-40 micrograms per year. But, its properties are very impressive: 1 microgram of California produces more than 2 million neutrons per second. Last years this metal is used in medicine as a point source of neutrons for local treatment of malignant tumors.

The world around us is fraught with many more mysteries, but even long-known phenomena scientists and substances never cease to amaze and delight. We admire bright colors, enjoy tastes and use the properties of all kinds of substances that make our life more comfortable, safer and more enjoyable. In search of the most reliable and strong materials, man has made many exciting discoveries, and in front of you is a selection of just 25 such unique compounds!

25. Diamonds

If not everyone, then almost everyone knows this for sure. Diamonds are not only one of the most revered gemstones, but also one of the hardest minerals on Earth. On the Mohs scale (a scale of hardness in which an assessment is given by the reaction of a mineral to scratching), diamond is listed on the 10th line. There are 10 positions in the scale, and the 10th is the last and hardest degree. Diamonds are so hard that they can only be scratched with other diamonds.

24. Trapping webs of the spider species Caaerostris darwini

Photo: pixabay

It's hard to believe, but the network of the spider Caerostris darwini (or Darwin's spider) is stronger than steel and harder than Kevlar. This web was recognized as the hardest biological material in the world, although now it already has a potential competitor, but the data has not yet been confirmed. Spider fiber was tested for characteristics such as breaking strain, impact strength, tensile strength and Young's modulus (the property of a material to resist stretching, compression under elastic deformation), and in all these indicators, the web showed itself in an amazing way. In addition, the trapping web of the Darwin spider is incredibly light. For example, if we wrap our planet with Caaerostris darwini fiber, the weight of such a long thread will be only 500 grams. Such long networks do not exist, but the theoretical calculations are simply amazing!

23. Aerographite

Photo: BrokenSphere

This synthetic foam is one of the lightest fibrous materials in the world and is a network of carbon tubes only a few microns in diameter. Aerographite is 75 times lighter than polystyrene, but at the same time much stronger and more ductile. It can be compressed down to 30 times its original size without any harm to its extremely elastic structure. Thanks to this property, airgraphite foam can withstand loads up to 40,000 times its own weight.

22. Palladium metallic glass

Photo: pixabay

A team of scientists from the California Institute of Technology and Berkeley Lab (California Institute of Technology, Berkeley Lab) has developed the new kind metal glass, combining an almost perfect combination of strength and ductility. The reason for the uniqueness of the new material lies in the fact that its chemical structure successfully masks the brittleness of existing glassy materials while maintaining a high endurance threshold, which ultimately significantly increases the fatigue strength of this synthetic structure.

21. Tungsten carbide

Photo: pixabay

Tungsten carbide is an incredibly hard material with high wear resistance. Under certain conditions, this compound is considered to be very brittle, but under heavy load it exhibits unique plastic properties, manifesting itself in the form of slip bands. Thanks to all these qualities, tungsten carbide is used in the manufacture of armor-piercing tips and various equipment, including all kinds of cutters, abrasive discs, drills, cutters, drill bits and other cutting tools.

20. Silicon carbide

Photo: Tiia Monto

Silicon carbide is one of the main materials used to make battle tanks. This compound is known for its low cost, outstanding refractoriness and high hardness, and is therefore often used in the manufacture of equipment or gear that must deflect bullets, cut or grind other hard materials. Silicon carbide makes excellent abrasives, semiconductors, and even inlays in jewelry that mimic diamonds.

19. Cubic boron nitride

Photo: wikimedia commons

Cubic boron nitride is a superhard material, similar in hardness to diamond, but also has a number of distinctive advantages - high temperature stability and chemical resistance. Cubic boron nitride does not dissolve in iron and nickel even under the influence of high temperatures, while diamond under the same conditions enters into chemical reactions fast enough. In fact, this is beneficial for its use in industrial grinding tools.

18. Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE), Dyneema fiber brand

Photo: Justsail

High modulus polyethylene has extremely high wear resistance, low coefficient of friction and high fracture toughness (low temperature reliability). Today it is considered the strongest fibrous substance in the world. The most amazing thing about this polyethylene is that it is lighter than water and can stop bullets at the same time! Cables and ropes made of Dyneema fibers do not sink in water, do not need lubrication and do not change their properties when wet, which is very important for shipbuilding.

17. Titanium alloys

Photo: Alchemist-hp (pse-mendelejew.de)

Titanium alloys are incredibly ductile and show amazing strength when stretched. In addition, they have high heat resistance and corrosion resistance, which makes them extremely useful in areas such as aircraft, rocketry, shipbuilding, chemical, food and transportation engineering.

16. Liquid metal alloy

Photo: pixabay

Developed in 2003 at the California technical institute(California Institute of Technology), this material is famous for its strength and durability. The name of the compound is associated with something brittle and liquid, but at room temperature it is actually unusually hard, wear-resistant, not afraid of corrosion and transforms when heated, like thermoplastics. The main areas of application so far are the manufacture of watches, golf clubs and covers for mobile phones (Vertu, iPhone).

15. Nanocellulose

Photo: pixabay

Nanocellulose is isolated from wood fibers and is a new type of wood material that is even stronger than steel! In addition, nanocellulose is also cheaper. The innovation has great potential and could seriously compete with glass and carbon fiber in the future. The developers believe that this material will soon be in great demand in the production of military armor, super-flexible screens, filters, flexible batteries, absorbent aerogels and biofuels.

14. Teeth of snails of the "sea saucer" type

Photo: pixabay

Earlier, we already told you about the trapping web of Darwin's spider, which was once recognized as the most durable biological material on the planet. However, a recent study showed that the limpet is the most durable biological substance known to science. Yes, these teeth are stronger than the web of Caaerostris darwini. And this is not surprising, because tiny sea creatures feed on algae growing on the surface of harsh rocks, and these animals have to work hard to separate food from the rock. Scientists believe that in the future we will be able to use the example of the fibrous structure of the teeth of limpets in the engineering industry and begin to build cars, boats and even aircraft of increased strength, inspired by the example of simple snails.

13. Maraging steel

Photo: pixabay

Maraging steel is a high strength and high alloy alloy with excellent ductility and toughness. The material is widely used in rocket science and is used to make all kinds of tools.

12. Osmium

Photo: Periodictableru / www.periodictable.ru

Osmium is incredible dense element, and due to its hardness and high melting point, it is difficult to machine. That is why osmium is used where durability and strength are most valued. Osmium alloys are found in electrical contacts, rocketry, military projectiles, surgical implants, and many other applications.

11. Kevlar

Photo: wikimedia commons

Kevlar is a high tenacity fiber found in car tires, brake pads, cables, prosthetics, body armor, protective clothing fabrics, shipbuilding and drone parts. aircraft. The material has become almost synonymous with strength and is a type of plastic with incredibly high strength and elasticity. The tensile strength of Kevlar is 8 times higher than that of steel wire, and it begins to melt at a temperature of 450℃.

10. Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene of high density, brand of fibers "Spectra" (Spectra)

Photo: Tomas Castelazo, www.tomascastelazo.com / Wikimedia Commons

UHMWPE is essentially a very durable plastic. Spectra, the UHMWPE brand, is, in turn, a light fiber of the highest wear resistance, 10 times superior to steel in this indicator. Like Kevlar, spectrum is used in the manufacture of body armor and protective helmets. Along with UHMWPE, dainimo spectrum is popular in the shipbuilding and transport industries.

9. Graphene

Photo: pixabay

Graphene is an allotropic modification of carbon, and its crystal lattice, just one atom thick, is so strong that it is 200 times harder than steel. Graphene looks like cling film, but breaking it is an almost impossible task. To punch through a graphene sheet, you have to stick a pencil into it, on which you will have to balance a load with the weight of an entire school bus. Good luck!

8. Carbon nanotube paper

Photo: pixabay

Thanks to nanotechnology, scientists have managed to make paper that is 50,000 times thinner than a human hair. Sheets of carbon nanotubes are 10 times lighter than steel, but the most amazing thing is that they are as much as 500 times stronger! Macroscopic nanotube plates are the most promising for the manufacture of supercapacitor electrodes.

7. Metal microgrid

Photo: pixabay

Here is the lightest metal in the world! The metal microgrid is a synthetic porous material that is 100 times lighter than foam. But let him appearance Don't be fooled, these micro-grids are also incredibly strong, making them great potential for use in all sorts of engineering applications. They can be used to make excellent shock absorbers and thermal insulators, and the amazing ability of this metal to shrink and return to its original state allows it to be used to store energy. Metal microgrids are also actively used in the production of various parts for the aircraft of the American company Boeing.

6. Carbon nanotubes

Photo: User Mstroeck / en.wikipedia

Above, we have already talked about ultra-strong macroscopic carbon nanotube plates. But what kind of material is this? In fact, these are graphene planes rolled into a tube (9th point). The result is an incredibly light, resilient and durable material for a wide range of applications.

5. Airbrush

Photo: wikimedia commons

Also known as graphene airgel, this material is extremely light and strong at the same time. The new type of gel has completely replaced the liquid phase with a gaseous one, and it is characterized by sensational hardness, heat resistance, low density and low thermal conductivity. Incredibly, graphene airgel is 7 times lighter than air! The unique compound is able to regain its original shape even after 90% compression and can absorb up to 900 times the weight of oil used to absorb airbrush. Perhaps in the future this class of materials will help in the fight against such environmental disasters like oil spills.

4. Material without a name, the development of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Photo: pixabay

As you read this, a team of scientists at MIT is working to improve the properties of graphene. The researchers said that they have already managed to convert the two-dimensional structure of this material into three-dimensional. The new graphene substance has not yet received its name, but it is already known that its density is 20 times less than that of steel, and its strength is 10 times higher than that of steel.

3. Carbin

Photo: Smokefoot

Even though it's just linear chains of carbon atoms, carbyne has 2x the tensile strength of graphene and is 3x harder than diamond!

2. Boron nitride wurtzite modification

Photo: pixabay

This newly discovered natural substance is formed during volcanic eruptions, and it is 18% harder than diamonds. However, it surpasses diamonds in a number of other parameters. Wurtzite boron nitride is one of only 2 natural substances found on Earth that is harder than diamond. The problem is that there are very few such nitrides in nature, and therefore they are not easy to study or apply in practice.

1. Lonsdaleite

Photo: pixabay

Also known as hexagonal diamond, lonsdaleite is made up of carbon atoms, but in this modification, the atoms are arranged slightly differently. Like wurtzite boron nitride, lonsdaleite is a natural substance that is harder than diamond. Moreover, this amazing mineral is harder than diamond by as much as 58%! Like wurtzite boron nitride, this compound is extremely rare. Sometimes lonsdaleite is formed during a collision with the Earth of meteorites, which include graphite.

Since time immemorial, people have been actively using various metals. After studying their properties, the substances took their rightful place in the table of the famous D. Mendeleev. Until now, the disputes of scientists regarding the question of which metal should be given the title of the heaviest and densest in the world have not subsided. On the scales are two elements of the periodic table - iridium, as well as osmium. What are they interesting, read on.

For centuries, people have studied useful properties the most abundant metals on the planet. Science stores the most information about gold, silver and copper. Over time, mankind got acquainted with iron, lighter metals - tin and lead. In the world of the Middle Ages, people actively used arsenic, and diseases were treated with mercury.

Thanks to rapid progress, today the heaviest and densest metals are considered not one element of the table, but two at once. Osmium (Os) is located at number 76, and iridium (Ir) at number 77, substances have the following density indicators:

  • osmium is heavy due to its density of 22.62 g/cm³;
  • iridium is not much lighter - 22.53 g / cm³.

Density refers to physical properties metals, it is the ratio of the mass of a substance to its volume. Theoretical calculations of the density of both elements have some errors, so both metals are now considered to be the heaviest.

For clarity, you can compare the weight of an ordinary cork with the weight of cork from the heavy metal in the world. To balance scales with an osmium or iridium stopper, more than a hundred ordinary stoppers will be required.

History of discovery of metals

Both elements were discovered at the dawn of the 19th century by Smithson Tennant. Many researchers of that time were studying the properties of raw platinum, processing it with "royal vodka". Only Tennant was able to detect two chemicals in the resulting sediment:

  • the sedimentary element with a persistent smell of chlorine, the scientist called osmium;
  • a substance with a changing color is called iridium (rainbow).

Both elements were represented by a single alloy, which the scientist managed to separate. Further study of platinum nuggets was undertaken by the Russian chemist K. Klaus, who carefully studied the properties of sedimentary elements. The difficulty of determining the heaviest metal in the world lies in the low difference in their density, which is not a constant value.

Vibrant characteristics of the densest metals

Experimentally obtained substances are a powder, rather difficult to process, forging metals requires very high temperatures. The most common form of the commonwealth of iridium with osmium is an alloy of osmic iridium, which is mined in platinum deposits, gold beds.

Iron-rich meteorites are considered the most common place to find iridium. Native osmium is not found in the natural world, only in commonwealth with iridium and other components of the platinum group. The deposits often contain sulfur compounds with arsenic.

Features of the heaviest and most expensive metal in the world

Among the elements periodic table Mendeleev, osmium is considered the most expensive. silver metal with a bluish tint belongs to the platinum group of noble chemical compounds. The most dense, but very fragile metal does not lose its luster under the influence of high temperature indicators.


  • Element #76 Osmium has an atomic mass of 190.23 amu;
  • A substance molten at 3033°C will boil at 5012°C.
  • The heaviest material has a density of 22.62 g/cm³;
  • Structure crystal lattice has a hexagonal shape.

Despite the amazingly cold sheen of a silvery sheen, osmium is not suitable for jewelry production due to its extreme toxicity. To melt the jewelry, it would take a temperature like on the surface of the Sun, because the densest metal in the world is destroyed by mechanical action.

Turning into powder, osmium interacts with oxygen, reacts with sulfur, phosphorus, selenium, the reaction of the substance with aqua regia is very slow. Osmium does not possess magnetism, alloys tend to oxidize and form cluster compounds.

Where apply

The heaviest and incredibly dense metal has high wear resistance, so adding it to alloys significantly increases their strength. The use of osmium is mainly associated with the chemical industry. In addition, it is used for the following needs:

  • manufacture of containers intended for storage of nuclear fusion waste;
  • for the needs of rocket science, weapons production (warheads);
  • in the watch industry for the manufacture of mechanisms of branded models;
  • for the manufacture of surgical implants, parts of pacemakers.

Interestingly, the densest metal is considered the only element in the world that is not subject to the aggression of the “hellish” mixture of acids (nitric and hydrochloric). Aluminum combined with osmium becomes so ductile that it can be drawn without breaking.

Secrets of the rarest and densest metal in the world

The fact that iridium belongs to the platinum group endows it with the property of immunity to treatment with acids and their mixtures. In the world, iridium is obtained from anode slimes in copper-nickel production. After processing the sludge with aqua regia, the precipitate is calcined, resulting in the extraction of iridium.


The hardest silver-white metal has the following group of properties:

  • element of the periodic table Iridium No. 77 has atomic mass 192.22 amu;
  • a substance molten at 2466°C will boil at 4428°C;
  • the density of molten iridium is within 19.39 g/cm³;
  • element density at room temperature - 22.7 g / cm³;
  • the crystal lattice of iridium is associated with a face-centered cube.

Heavy iridium does not change under the influence of ordinary air temperature. The result of calcination under the influence of heating at certain temperatures is the formation of polyvalent compounds. The powder of fresh sediment of iridium black lends itself to partial dissolution with aqua regia, as well as with a solution of chlorine.

Application area

Although Iridium is a precious metal, it is rarely used in jewelry. An element that is difficult to process is in great demand in the construction of roads, the production of automotive parts. Alloys with the densest metal that is not susceptible to oxidation are used for the following purposes:

  • production of crucibles for laboratory experiments;
  • production of special mouthpieces for glassblowers;
  • covering the tips of nibs and refills of ballpoint pens;
  • production of durable spark plugs for cars;

Alloys with iridium isotopes are used in welding production, in instrumentation, and for growing crystals as part of laser technology. The use of the heaviest metal has made it possible to carry out laser vision correction, crushing of kidney stones and other medical procedures.

Although Iridium is devoid of toxicity and is not harmful to biological organisms, in natural environment you can meet its dangerous isotope - hexafluoride. Vapor inhalation poisonous substance leads to instant suffocation and death.

Places of natural occurrence

The deposits of the densest metal in the natural world, Iridium, are minuscule, much smaller than those of platinum. Presumably the most heavy matter has shifted to the core of the planet, so the volume of industrial production of the element is small (about three tons per year). Iridium alloy products can last up to 200 years, jewelry will become more durable.

Nuggets of the heaviest metal with an unpleasant odor, Osmium, cannot be found in nature. In the composition of minerals, traces of osmic iridium can be found along with platinum and palladium, ruthenium. Deposits of osmic iridium have been explored in Siberia (Russia), some states of America (Alaska and California), Australia and South Africa.

If deposits of platinum are found, it will be possible to isolate osmium with iridium to strengthen and strengthen the physical or chemical compounds of various products.

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