Stylistic features of speech. Stylistic features of oratory. The ratio of bookishness and colloquialism. Artistic image - style - language

Oral public speech - a functional variety literary language relating to the field of book speech. Its texts are consolidated, combined into a special functional variety, due, on the one hand, to the fact that group communication finds its verbal embodiment in them, which involves verbal communication within unstable social groups. In such groups, native speakers are united by some occupation, common work, transient interests, circumstances.

On the other hand, all texts of this functional variety are oral. In UPR, the same tasks and goals of social communication are implemented that are inherent in written styles - journalistic, scientific, official business. Accordingly, within the framework of the UPR, fragments are distinguished: political eloquence; academic eloquence; administrative and legal eloquence.

Obviously, these fragments of the UPR are correlated with journalistic, scientific, official business styles:

  • * according to the main functional parameters - the tasks and goals of social communication;
  • * according to the main linguo-stylistic categories and phenomena, principles and methods of combining, combining, using speech means, specific to the speech structure of each of the "written" styles.

Meanwhile, UPR is considered as an independent functional and stylistic formation, since, on the one hand, speech communication is carried out in its texts in the conditions of group communication. They are not read, but pronounced, finally created in the process of pronunciation.

Syntax of oral public speech

Simple sentences, as the study of the UNR syntax shows, make up 41.6% of the total representation of syntactic structures in oral scientific speech. For simple sentences characteristic of the actual use of the verb tense. If in written scientific speech the forms of the 2nd person and the pronoun you are practically not used, you as the most specific, a very small percentage of the forms of the 1st person singular, the forms of the 3rd person and the pronouns he, she, it are mainly used as the most abstract in meaning, then in the UNR all these forms (with the exception of the forms of the 2nd person singular and the pronoun you) are actively used. Forms of the 1st person in the position of the subject make up 53%.

SSP. Among the sentences of an open structure (that is, those that allow the connection of more than two predicative units), sentences with a closing conjunction and or a predominate.

Among the SSP of a closed structure in the UNR, the attention is drawn to the compositional-distributive sentences with the union and. The second part of such sentences serves to disseminate the content of the first.

SPP. In the UNR, sentences with attributive and explanatory clauses are most widely used. These two types of clauses make up 73.69% of all clauses.

In the UNR, there is a tendency to redundancy of speech in a complex sentence, which manifests itself in the repetition in the main and subordinate clauses of the subject expressed by the pronoun. Duplication of the same word is also observed in both parts of the SSP.

The dismemberment of syntactic constructions is associated with the desire to “feed” an irreversible oral speech stream in “portions” in order to facilitate both its formation and, most importantly, perception.

Along with intonational division, statements resort to some lexical means, for example to the particle here.

The desire to facilitate the perception of the phrase, the text as a whole explains the limitations in the UPR of constructions with verbal nouns, which cannot be dispensed with in the UPR, and in the texts of administrative-legal eloquence, and often in political speech.

The UNR is characterized by a general tendency to reduce the volume of syntactic constructions in comparison with written speech.

Vocabulary of oral public speech

The UPR presents the main composition of lexical units and compound names (primarily terminological and nomenclature), relevant for the corresponding "written" styles.

Unlike written scientific and official business texts, the texts of the UPR (within the framework of oral scientific speech and especially political speech) widely involve emotionally colored lexical and phraseological units from both book and colloquial speech.

The use in UPR, including in oral scientific speech, of stylistically reduced, colloquial and at the same time bookish expressively colored lexical and phraseological units is explained by the factor of addressing the speaker's speech (he addresses a specific audience) and the function of influence, i.e. the desire of the speaker to give his speech maximum intelligibility to the audience and persuasiveness.

Among the expressive means used in oral texts, including the texts of the UNR, expressing an emotional-subjective assessment, there are lexical and phraseological units that express a positive and negative assessment.

These lexical units can equally belong to both book and colloquial speech

The texts of the UNR also practice the metaphorical use of words.

The presence of speech metaphors and phraseological units arising from the tendencies of oral communication to more free way expressions, sharply distinguishes the UNR from its book and written counterparts.

This use of words and metaphor in general is extremely relevant in the sphere of political eloquence.

cold war parade of sovereignties

So, the oral form determines the main functional and stylistic characteristics of the UPR, the features of the use of speech means in its texts, clearly correlated with the speech structure of "written" styles.

Styles, distinguished in accordance with the main functions of the language, are associated with a particular area and conditions. human activity. They differ in the system of language means. It is these means that form a certain stylistic coloring that distinguishes this style from all others. Official business style serves the scope of official business relations; its main function is informative (transfer of information); it is characterized by the presence of speech clichés, the generally accepted form of presentation, the standard arrangement of the material, the widespread use of terminology and nomenclature names, the presence of compound words, abbreviations, verbal nouns, denominative prepositions, the predominance of direct word order, etc. The scientific style serves the sphere scientific knowledge; its main function is the communication of information, as well as the proof of its truth; it is characterized by the presence of terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary; the noun predominates in it, there are many abstract and real nouns, the syntax is logical, bookish, the phrase is distinguished by grammatical and logical completeness, etc. The journalistic style serves the sphere of socio-economic, socio-cultural and other public relations; its main functions are communication and influence; in this style all language means are used; it is characterized by economy of language means, conciseness and popularity of presentation with informative saturation; social and political vocabulary, stylistically colored means, metaphors with evaluative meanings, colloquial and colloquial phraseological units and vocabulary are widely used; often part of the vocabulary is updated, acquires new semantic shades; means of expressive syntax, elements of colloquial speech, etc. are used. Fiction and fiction style has an impact and aesthetic function; it most fully and vividly reflects the literary and, more broadly, the national language in all its diversity and richness, becoming a phenomenon of art, a means of creating artistic imagery; in this style, all the structural aspects of the language are most widely represented: vocabulary in all its semantic richness, with all the direct and figurative meanings of words; grammatical structure with a complex and branched system morphological forms and syntactic types.

In the process of preparation and pronunciation, an internal contradiction constantly arises between book speech, since the performance is carefully prepared, and oral incarnation, which is influenced by colloquial speech, more precisely, the literary and colloquial substyle. Such speeches are partly or completely original prepared improvisation (unless, of course, the speech is not readable) and an expression of spontaneous oral speech, with an improvisational, spontaneous manner of presentation. The very work on speech and with speech leads to a departure from strict bookishness. The degree of bookishness or colloquialism depends on the individual skills of the speaker.

4.3. Narration, description, reasoning. Them characteristics when used in oratory (monologic type of speech). Mixed types of oratory - alternation of functional and semantic types of speech.

Oratory is heterogeneous in its composition, since in the process of thinking a person tends to reflect various objectively existing connections between the phenomena of reality, between objects, events, individual judgments, which, in turn, finds expression in various functional and semantic types of speech: description, narration, reasoning (thinking). Monologic types of speech are built on the basis of reflecting mental diachronic, synchronous, cause-and-effect processes. Oratorical speech in this regard is a monologue narrative - information about developing actions, a monologue description - information about the simultaneous features of an object, a monologue reasoning - about cause-and-effect relationships. Sense types are present in speech depending on its type, purpose and on the conceptual intent of the speaker, which determines the inclusion or non-inclusion of one or another semantic type in the general fabric of oratory speech; the change of these types is caused by the speaker's desire to more fully express his thought, reflect his position, help listeners perceive the speech and most effectively influence the audience, and also give speech a dynamic character. At the same time, in different types of oratory there will be a different ratio of these types, because in reality they all mix, interact, and their isolation is very conditional.

Narration- this is a dynamic functional-semantic type of speech, expressing a message about actions or states developing in a temporal sequence and having specific language means. Narrative conveys changing actions or states that unfold over time. This type of speech, unlike the description, is dynamic, so time plans can constantly change in it.

The narrative includes dynamically reflected situations outside world, and this device of a given type of utterance determines its position in speech. This type is resorted to if it is necessary to confirm the positions expressed by the speaker with specific examples or when analyzing some situations. The task of the speaker is to depict the sequence of events, to convey this sequence with the necessary accuracy.

Description- this is a stating speech, as a rule, giving a static picture, an idea of ​​the nature, composition, structure, properties, qualities of an object by listing both its essential and non-essential features at the moment.

Description can be of two types: static and dynamic. The first gives the object in statics, the signs of the object indicated in speech can denote its temporary or permanent properties, qualities and states. For example, a description of the scene in a judicial speech or a description of an object in a political speech. The description of the second type is less common; Thus, any experience in scientific speech usually appears in development, dynamics.

Descriptions are very diverse both in content and form. They can be, for example, figurative. The speaker, trying to inform the listeners of the necessary amount of information, gives not only detailed description object, but also its characteristics, assessment, recreating a certain picture, which brings speech closer to description in fiction.

In the description, as a rule, the forms of the present, past and future tenses are used. For judicial speech, the use of the past tense is most typical, for academic speech - the present.

reasoning(or reflection) is a type of speech in which objects or phenomena are examined, their internal features are revealed, certain provisions are proved. Reasoning is characterized by special logical relationships between its constituent judgments, which form inferences or a chain of inferences on a topic, presented in a logically consistent form. This type of speech has a specific linguistic structure, depending on the logical basis of reasoning and on the meaning of the statement, and is characterized by cause-and-effect relationships. It is associated with the transfer of content-conceptual information.

Reasoning allows you to involve listeners in the process of speech, which leads to the activation of their attention, causing interest in what is being reported.

So, the functional and semantic types of speech in a speech usually alternate, one way or another replacing each other, which creates a special compositional and stylistic dynamics. For example, reasoning can prevail in an academic lecture, while description and narration occupy a large place in a legal speech.

As we can see, description, narration and reflection have constructive-stylistic and semantic differences that determine the use of these types in speech.

In functional and semantic terms, oratorical speech is regulated and systematized; the choice of one or another functional-semantic type depends on the object of speech and the purpose of the statement.

The main objectives of this chapter are:

1. Establish a connection between stylistics and language features;

2. Define the concept of a stylistic feature;

3. Find out with the help of what functions stylistic features are expressed in the language;

Maxim Gorky wrote about language:

“Language is the primary element, the main material of literature, i.e. vocabulary, syntax, the whole structure of speech is the primary element, the key to understanding the ideas and images of the work. But language is also an instrument of literature: “The struggle for purity, for semantic accuracy, for sharpness of language is a struggle for an instrument of culture. The sharper this tool, the more accurately directed - the more victorious it is ”[Gorky M. Electronic resource].

From this we understand that language occupies an extremely important place in our life. It can be an assistant for expressing some thoughts, understanding ideas and images, but it is also important to remember that it is equally a tool, and it all depends on people, how skillfully they use it, whether it will bring good or evil. And in order to master the necessary communication skill, we study the functions of the language, ways and means of expressing thoughts, and, of course, styles, because different situations give us different settings for communication. And the science of stylistics is engaged in the study of styles.


Stylistics (the word "style" comes from the name of the needle, or stylet with which the ancient Greeks wrote on waxed tablets) is a branch of the science of language that studies the styles of the literary language (functional styles of speech), the patterns of functioning of the language in different areas use, features of the use of language means depending on the situation, content and goals of the statement, the scope and condition of communication. [Ozhegov S. I. Electronic resource].

Stylistics introduces the stylistic system of the literary language at all its levels and the stylistic organization (in compliance with the norms of the literary language), correct, accurate, logical and expressive speech. Stylistics teaches the conscious and expedient use of the laws of language and the use of linguistic means in speech.

There are two directions in linguistic stylistics:

1) the style of the language;

2) style of speech (functional style).

Language stylistics explores the stylistic structure of the language, describes the stylistic means of vocabulary, phraseology and grammar.

Functional style

Functional stylistics studies, first of all, different types of speech, their conditionality by different goals of the utterance. M.N. Kozhina gives the following definition:

“Functional stylistics is a linguistic science that studies the features and patterns of language functioning in various types of speech corresponding to certain areas of human activity and communication, as well as the speech structure of the resulting functional styles and the “norms” of selection and combination of linguistic means in them. » [Kozhina M.N. Electronic resource].

At its core, style should be consistently functional. She must reveal the connection different types speech with the subject, the purpose of the statement, with the conditions of communication, the addressee of the speech, the attitude of the author to the subject of the speech.

Functional stylistics (linguistic stylistics) studies the elements of language in terms of their ability to express and evoke emotions, additional associations and evaluation.

Linguistics is also divided into levels:

1) lexical;

2) grammar;

3) phonetic style.

In this scientific work it is important to trace what effect the presence or absence of the article in sentences has and how the meaning and expressive coloring change from this. Therefore, we should stop at the lexical level.

Lexical style

Lexical stylistics studies the stylistic functions of vocabulary and considers the interaction of direct and figurative meanings. Lexical stylistics studies the different components of the contextual meanings of words, their expressive, emotional and evaluative potential and their relation to different functional and stylistic layers, i.e. the language is studied from the point of view of interaction with different contextual conditions. To determine what expressive coloring gives this or that way of using parts of speech, there are some means, and one of them is a stylistic function.

The stylistic function is the role that the language tool plays in the transmission of expressive information:

Creation of artistic expressiveness;

Creation of pathos;

Creating a comic effect;


May be descriptive;

To create a speech characteristic of the hero.

And the main thing to remember is that the stylistic function belongs to the text, and studies the features within it, while the functional-stylistic coloring belongs to the language.

Conclusions on chapter 2

In the daily bustle, a person is faced with various situations in which he must be able to correctly put his speech and choose the style of communication. For comfortable communication in society, anyone needs basic knowledge of style.

Like any branch of the science of language, stylistics has a kind of classification, which is divided into stylistics of language and stylistics of speech.

In this work, we focus on functional stylistics, as it studies the elements of language that help to convey emotional coloring to our speech and make communication more expressive.

The stylistic features of speech include: shorter phrases, alternation of short phrases and longer ones; reception of accession: unions "a", "and", "but", "however"; particles "unless", "though", "even"; repetition of one of the elements of the first part of the statement. Separation technique: prepositions “as regards”, “relatively”, “about”. Imperative mood with verbs: “take”, “consider”, “stop”, “move”, imagine”, etc .; “it is possible to assume”, “it is natural to conclude”, “it is hardly expedient”, “let's think together”, etc. Using the pronoun “we” with the verb of the 1st person plural. The initial "well" as an invitation to the perception of the subsequent message. Various types of questions. Dialogization of speech. Exclamations. Replays. Changing the usual word order. Use of direct or indirect speech. Anticipation, as it were, of disagreement or objections of the listeners. Gradation as an increase or decrease in semantic or emotional significance. Do not allow unreasonable deviation from the norms of the literary language.

SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL SIGNS OF THE AUDIENCE. The audience is defined as a spatially located group of people united by an interest in the subject of the utterance, as well as interacting with the speaker and with each other in the process of speech perception. In order to competently build his speech, the speaker must be well aware of the socio-psychological characteristics of the audience. According to one of the main provisions social psychology any team is not simple sum personalities and, consequently, a person, being in a larger or smaller group of people, even for a relatively short time, feels and behaves somewhat differently than alone. The contact audience is better prepared for the perception of speech than each listener individually. The degree of activity of the speaker from the podium should equal the degree of activity of the audience, or, better, exceed it: a passive speaker can hardly count on success. The behavior and intensity of the reaction of the audience largely depend on its size. The smaller it is, the more calm, everyday its behavior. And vice versa, if dozens or even hundreds of people came to listen to the speaker, this very fact creates an atmosphere of originality, solemnity, and elation. Therefore, the reaction of a large audience can be much more intense than a relatively small one. As you know, the higher the degree of homogeneity, the easier it is for the speaker to manage the audience and achieve the desired result. An audience that coincides with the labor or educational team is especially favorable. In the process of oratorical speech, the speaker acts as the controlling link, the audience is controlled, although, undoubtedly, each listener, having will and consciousness, somehow participates in management, contributing to or hindering the realization of the speaker's intention. The most important component of this system is feedback. Feedback in the "speaker-audience" system can be classified primarily as linear and non-linear, external and internal. In a full audience, a “contagion reaction” occurs when each listener is subjected to the so-called intra-group suggestibility to one degree or another, the individual critical attitude to what is happening decreases, people think and experience more intensely, especially if their thoughts and feelings are consonant with the collective (“chain reaction” of laughter , exclamations of delight, indignation or other manifestation of emotions in the auditorium, at the stadium, rally, etc.). An experienced speaker knows this property of the audience well and knows how to rely on it: it is enough to capture the attention of a part of the audience, the rest will follow their example. The suggestibility of the audience depends on gender, age (suggestibility is usually higher among women and young people), occupation, and the nature of the group. A potential audience becomes real only as a result of polarization, i.e. focusing the attention of the audience on the speaker, who appeared on the podium and began to speak. The process of becoming an audience is sometimes largely determined by the preliminary mood. This is facilitated by the atmosphere itself, the architecture of the hall, the decoration of the premises - strict, or, conversely, solemn, depending on the nature of the event. Music, choral singing significantly increase the emotional mood of the audience. Any audience has a certain system of "social sanctions" that it will apply to the speaker. So, as if the speaker meets the expectations of the audience, she rewards him with applause or uses other signs of approval. The audience often expresses its disagreement, disapproval with noise, shouting or even whistling. Such signs-signals have a different character, as well as intensity, depending on the nationality of the listeners. The listed properties may be inherent in different audiences in varying degrees. However, all of them together and each individually have a great impact on the nature and intensity of the reaction of the assembled listeners.

Often politicians, including V.V. Zhirinovsky, aim to present a certain point of view, assessment, opinion, not as single ones, belonging only and precisely to the subject of speech, but as well-known truths.

To do this, you need to create the impression, to impress the addressee that the sender of the message thinks and speaks like many others, and many speak and think like him. This technique V.E. Chernyavskaya calls the creation of a semantic field " their».

« Here in Moscow we are walking, we hear ambulance sound, we all try take a right, skip it. Millions of cars in the city, and we miss ambulance. We know: a person dies».

The political text is characterized by a desire for standardization and at the same time for expressiveness. Ample opportunities for the implementation of this trend are figures of speech - deviations from the neutral mode of presentation for the purpose of emotional and aesthetic manipulation.

Standardization is realized by the reproducibility of figures: they are based on certain schemes, which in speech can be filled each time with new words. These schemes go back to rhetorical traditions and provide a classic, polished form. Expression arises either as a result of mental operations of rapprochement-comparison, or as a result of the destruction of habitual speech formulas and stereotypes, or due to skillful changes in speech tactics.

When Zhirinovsky enters the podium, he scribbles words like from a machine gun, and each of the phrases he utters is a challenge to fight. The speeches of the leader of the LDPR party are always emotional and informative.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky's performance is always focused not only on the listener, but also on the people as a whole. In our opinion, his goal is to have a more emotional impact on the listener, on his simplicity, trust and sometimes even illiteracy. Almost all figures of speech are found in his speeches.

The figure that occupies one of the most important places in manipulation in political communication is repetition. Repetitive segments are fixed by memory and influence the formation of attitudes towards the corresponding problem, since what is deposited in memory always seems convincing to a person. The message implanted in the mind is valid regardless of its truth or falsity.

« Constant repetition is the basic principle of propaganda". In the analyzed text, the phrase Ambulance repeats 9 times man dies- 4 times, boor -2 times, scoundrel - 3 times, harsh measures- 2 times, one week - 2 times, there will be order, I will put things in order - 2 times, power- 3 times.

Thus, this technique allows you to capture important thoughts for the speaker in the minds of the listeners.

Anaphora is a stylistic figure consisting in the repetition of the related sounds of a word or group of words at the beginning of each parallel row, i.e., in the repetition of the initial parts of two or more relatively independent segments of speech. Using this technique, a politician not only draws attention to a certain segment of his speech, but also has an impact on consciousness.

In the construction of the speech of V.V. Zhirinovsky, one can notice a tendency to unite the new thought with the union and:

« And the nurse is like that...»; « And this drunken villain also resists ...»; « And a big fine..." etc.

Questions are also a common technique in a politician's speech. They add variety to the speech, help draw attention to a particular issue, and also prepare the listener to accept the point of view of a politician.

The question is always addressed to the interlocutor and requires a response from him. Thus, the highlighting of certain facets occurs, as it were, before the eyes of the listener or reader and with his participation. From this, the persuasiveness of the conclusion increases, therefore, the desired effect of persuading the interlocutor arises.

« How will the ambulance go around it? It's full of snow». « What is five hundred rubles? Pie can be bought». « Who is first? Ambulance goes first everywhere».

Zhirinovsky addresses the audience with a monologue speech, which, however, is built as a dialogue with a silent audience - Vladimir Volfovich asks himself questions and answers them himself.

Due to its intonational features, objectification forms a very dynamic performance, and also focuses the listener's attention on those aspects that need to be highlighted in politics, i.e. ambulance must always be the first, and in relation to those who do not allow it to pass, must be applied tough measures.

Changing from affirmative to interrogative intonation allows you to revive the attention of the listener or reader, restore weakened contact with him, add variety to the author's monologue, creating the illusion of dialogue. The dialogic form is particularly convincing, since the listener has a feeling of participating in an imaginary dialogue, which means that he has involvement in the conclusions, along with which there is loyalty to the speaker, to the ideas expressed by the politician.

A rhetorical question is an expressive affirmation or denial. The rhetorical question stands out in terms of intonation and structure against the background of declarative sentences, which introduces an element of surprise into the speech and thereby enhances its expressiveness. V.V. Zhirinovsky boldly uses rhetorical questions in his speech, since some theatricality of this technique raises the stylistic status of the text, raises it above ordinary speech.

« The price is a person's life. Why on earth should we give the lives of our people for such behavior? » « They will hang on poles, those impudent ones. How else? »

An open question provokes the reader or listener to answer - in the form of expressing his own opinion, or rather prepared by a politician - we are all witnesses of these events. The high emotionality of the question causes an equally emotional reaction.

Thus, questions of various types help the speaker to draw the attention of the listener or reader to a particular problem, as well as create the illusion of a dialogue. Skillful and correct use of questions contributes to maintaining contact with the audience and the implementation of manipulative tactics. The frequent use of questions in public speeches confirms not only the popularity of these techniques, but also their effectiveness.

Antithesis (opposition) as a stylistic device is often used in political speeches, as it allows you to draw attention to individual thoughts and has a high degree manipulation. Contrasting allows you to emphasize and enhance the differences between the components of the statement. By focusing on the differences, the speaker encourages the addresser to accept the opinion prepared by the speaker.

Contrasting is a popular technique of V.V. Zhirinovsky, as it allows not only to highlight a segment of the text, but also to express one’s attitude towards it:

« I understand, fire. Maybe it's on fire empty house. Gus. Might explode, but people are alive. But here the doctor is clearly going to meet the dying patient. ».

« And so is the nurse. would fit and fucked up on the windshield and he asks this scoundrel».

« Make way for an ambulance a everything else is gone!»

Just as the antithesis is the constant opposition of the words " their» - « strangers». His (fighters for justice) - we, the people, the party; strangers (those with whom you need to fight) - strangers, boors, scoundrels with an impudent mug, accomplices in crime, who do not allow an ambulance to pass. Conclusion: the people, having voted for the LDPR party, can to clean up in the country.

Along with opposition, and sometimes in combination with it, the technique of gradation is also used.

gradation- the arrangement of a number of expressions related to one subject, in a sequential order of increasing or decreasing semantic or emotional significance of the members of the series. The utterance component, expressed by gradation, is given additional significance, which distinguishes it from the general flow of speech. Gradation focuses attention on some separate component of the statement and this is achieved by manipulation.

« ... rude, shoot, turn around»;

« tough measures: car confiscation and a fine of five hundred thousand rubles. <…>And, of course, to be criminal penalty »;

« ... an ambulance, a car, does not bear any responsibility if it will scratch someone else's car remembers someone else's car»;

« There must be a punishment, because today [when we are not in power - K.M.] it's just: did not yield, violated some rules, did not yield to the transport giving a special signal ».

Another feature in Zhirinovsky's speech is the use of colloquial turns of speech (including vernacular). Thus, he confirms his image " like everyone else”, a native of the common people.

« disregard relate to public opinion: rude, shoot, turn around ».

« This one drives into the yard boor. got out ».

« ... because he will give the car back, because he has a lot fancy cars ».

« would fit and fucked up on the windshield, and he begs this scoundrel. And this one drunk bastard still resisting».

« Power applies. Authorities no. Huckster, thief ».

« Everyone stand while the ambulance arrives!

« Take he's right now "Drop in » to the yard. No, he's standing swears. Yes, you can die looking at him cheeky face."

« They will hang on poles, these insolent. How else?»

In the text of V. V. Zhirinovsky's speech, there are both phraseological turns and stable combinations:

« Give way to an ambulance, and everything else go to hell! »

Phraseology attracts listeners with its expressiveness, the potential ability to positively or negatively evaluate phenomena, express approval or condemnation, ironic, mocking or other attitude towards it.

The use of phraseological units in the speech of V.V. Zhirinovsky allows you to defuse the situation, translate " dangerous» moments in a comic form.

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