The weakest armies. The most powerful armies in the world are the best in combat effectiveness and weapons. Japan Self-Defense Forces

The ranking of the ten strongest armies in the world for 2018 was compiled based on data Global Firepower. Military power each state was assessed according to more than 50 different criteria. The economic situation of the states also played a significant role in its place in the ranking.

10 Germany

10th place - German Army

Germany opens the top ten strongest armies in the world. Until July 1, 2011, in Germany, all adult citizens of the country were required to serve under conscription (6 months of military service or alternative labor service in social and charitable organizations). Now the Bundeswehr has moved to a fully professional army. Germany has been a member of NATO for many years, so in the event of any military threats, it can count on the help of the United States and other allies.

9 Türkiye

9th place - Turkish Army

Ninth place is the Turkish Armed Forces. Military service is mandatory for all male citizens aged 20 to 41 who have no medical contraindications. The service life in all types of aircraft is 12 months. A Turkish citizen can be exempted from conscription after paying an amount of 16-17 thousand Turkish liras to the country's budget. One of the strengths of the Turkish army is its extensive combat experience: the Turks have been fighting various terrorist organizations near their borders for many years.

8 Japan

8th place - Japanese Army

The total strength of the Japan Self-Defense Forces is 248 thousand people, in addition, there are 56 thousand reservists. The Japan Self-Defense Forces are equipped with on a voluntary basis. This country has the third largest economy in the world, so it is not difficult for Japan to allocate serious money for the maintenance and development of its army. Japan's military budget is $44 billion, which is quite significant for a military of its size. The main rivals that the Japanese fear are China and North Korea. In addition, the Japanese still have not concluded a peace treaty with Russia.

7 South Korea

7th place - Army South Korea

The official date of the creation of the South Korean armed forces is considered to be November 30, 1948, when the “Law on the Establishment of national army"and a system of military conscription was introduced. Military service in South Korea is compulsory for all men over 18 years of age, and its duration, depending on the type of military service, ranges from 21 to 24 months. The upper age limit for conscripts is 36 years. South Korea has been at war for more than 60 years—peace has never been concluded between Pyongyang and Seoul.

6 UK

6th place - British Army

The armed forces of the United Kingdom have a long history, having participated in many European and colonial wars, including: Seven Years' War, Napoleonic Wars, Crimean War. In Great Britain, conscription was introduced only for short periods, primarily due to the world wars of the 20th century, and the last conscripts were demobilized from the army in the 60s. Meanwhile, Great Britain participates in almost all military conflicts where the United States is present (wars in Iraq, Afghanistan). Therefore experience british army don't borrow.

5 France

5th place - French Army

Fifth place is occupied by the armed forces of the French Republic. On the eve of the First World War, France had the most big army in Europe. France is a nuclear weapons country. The official position of the French government has always been the creation of a "limited nuclear arsenal at the minimum necessary level." Since February 1996, the army in France has transferred from a conscription system to a contract system. However, at the beginning of 2018, speaking to representatives of the country’s armed forces, French President Emmanuel Macron said: “I want to assure everyone that universal conscription will be introduced. It will be managed by all ministries related to this, not just the Ministry of Defense,” Macron emphasized.

4 India

4th place - Indian Army

The fourth place in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world in 2018 is occupied by the Indian armed forces. There is no compulsory conscription in India. India ranks first in the world in terms of arms imports. He is also a member of the nuclear club. IN modern history India had three bloody wars with Pakistan and great amount border incidents. There are unresolved territorial disputes with huge China.

3 China

3rd place - Chinese Army

The top three are opened by the People's Liberation Army of China. There is military conscription in this country, but it is not compulsory. Military service is voluntary and prestigious. The conscript must pass various tests, since it is very difficult to get into the army. The armed forces of the People's Republic of China are divided into five military command zones and three fleets, organized according to territorial principles: east, north, west, south and center.

The Chinese army is constantly improving its technical level. If 10-15 years ago, most types of military equipment in service with the PLA were outdated copies of Soviet models, today the situation has changed dramatically. Currently, the PRC is working on the creation of a fifth-generation fighter; its latest developments in the field of tank building and missile weapons are not much inferior to models made in Russia or the West. Considering the enormous resources (financial, human, technological) that China has, the armed forces of this country in the coming years will become a formidable rival for the countries that occupy the first positions in this ranking.

2 Russia

2nd place - Russian Army

Second place goes to the Armed Forces Russian Federation. Military service in the RF Armed Forces is provided for both by contract and by conscription. Military service is regulated by Federal Law No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and military service" Males aged 18 to 27 years are subject to compulsory military service.

The Russian army has the world's largest stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, and a well-developed system of means of delivering them. Russia's problem is the fact that most of its army's weapons are outdated Soviet models; new military equipment is entering the troops, but this process is slow. Rearmament costs enormous amounts of money; it is not a fact that the Russian economy will be able to withstand this burden. It is worth noting that in the coming years, Russia may be displaced from second place by China.


1st place - US Army

For many years, the US Army has confidently held first place in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world. Americans have their military bases almost all over the world. American soldiers have the most modern military equipment, which is updated frequently. The United States has a huge nuclear potential, which includes about 7 thousand nuclear warheads. The navy has 20 powerful aircraft carriers, and the state also has the largest air fleet in the world, which numbers about 13,362 units.

The strength of modern armed forces largely depends on their funding (here the United States is the leader by a wide margin). Therefore, the huge American defense budget is one of the main components of its success. It allows the Americans to develop and purchase the most modern (and most expensive) weapons systems, supply their army with the highest level, simultaneously conduct several military campaigns in different parts of the world.

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    There are countries that have their own Armed forces They need it like a goat needs an electric guitar. This is, for example, the Principality of Liechtenstein, where there is only a police force of 120 people. These are Iceland, Costa Rica, Andorra, etc. But not everything is so simple, because if you bark very loudly at Moska, the elephant can sneak up unnoticed. All these states have an impressive “roof”, which is guaranteed to them by major global players in the military arena.

    But there are also countries that seem to have Armed Forces, but looking at their state, you can’t help but think that it would be better for these states to abandon them altogether. Why spend money on a worthless army when you can work on the economy or grow garlic on your balcony?

    In this article you will find the five most insignificant armies in the world, which would be better off not existing at all.

    #5: LIBYA

    Until 2011, Libya had a very powerful army. And how could it be otherwise if the country was ruled by a talented military man, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi? The army consisted of ground forces, naval forces and air force. The total number of military personnel reached 50,000 people. As for weapons and equipment, Libya had “full stuffing”: airplanes, helicopters, air defense systems, tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery, submarines and so on. Most of this variety of Libya was supplied by the USSR at one time. After the collapse Soviet Union There was no one to supply the Libyans, and because of the imposed sanctions, the country could not modernize or simply repair equipment that was failing. Sanctions were lifted only in 2004, but Gaddafi did not have long to rule the country.

    In 2011, Libya was unleashed Civil War. Gaddafi was killed, and rebel forces came to power and disbanded the old army in an attempt to create a new one. However, nothing worked out for them, because a bad manager is bad in everything. The main problem was the inability of the new government to put the country on the path to de-escalate the conflict.

    Eventually, modern army Libya has almost 90,000 people, but there is no army. The Armed Forces, due to the chaos in the country, were divided into so-called brigades, some of which are subordinate to the authorities, and some of which are at war with them.

    At the end of 2013, there were FOUR main armed groups in Libya:

    Libyan Shield (a coalition of factions controlled from Misrata);

    Ministry of Defense forces controlled from the city of Zintan;

    "Guard for the Protection of Oil Facilities";

    "Army of Bark", subordinate to the Council of Cyrenaica;

    Now there may be many more of them. Add here the ISIS terrorists, as well as all the lethal weapons the country inherited from Gaddafi. Agree that it would be better to have such a powder keg in North Africa and there wasn’t at all, but let’s say “thank you” to NATO. They, as always, got rid of a threat that did not exist. So Libya does not have any Armed Forces as such. There is chaos, and it can be a hundred times more dangerous.

    #4: ZAMBIA

    If we evaluate the Zambian Army in a global context, then we can safely say that the army of this African country has completely poor military potential. However, everything is not so bad if we consider Zambia within Africa alone. Zambia is even trying to buy something from China, if only they had the money.

    Although if you look at the list of Zambian weapons, it becomes unclear how this country could get into such a rating. The country's tank fleet, for example, includes 5 Soviet T-54s, about 20 T-55s and 30-50 light PT-76s.

    There are also Soviet BRDM-1 (Armored reconnaissance and patrol vehicle) and BRDM-2, 44 of each. There are 28 English Ferret armored vehicles, as well as 52 armored personnel carriers with various registrations.

    The artillery consists of 95 towed guns, 93 mortars and approximately 50 MLRS. Also in service are the Soviet Malyutka ATGMs and Strela-2 MANPADS, plus more than 150 anti-aircraft guns, which in the old days Zambia acquired from Yugoslavia and the USSR.

    The Zambian Air Force is armed with 5 old Soviet MiG-21 fighters and 5 very old Chinese J-6 fighters, which were a copy of the Soviet MiG-19. Zambia has 33 transport aircraft, including even the Soviet Yak-40. There are the most training aircraft - 83. Some of them, purely theoretically, can be used as light attack aircraft. There are 30 helicopters in the area. There is an air defense system with Soviet S-125 air defense systems and the English Rapier.

    Now the most important thing: why is such potential not a cause for concern? The fact is that there is no one to service all this wealth. A lot of equipment has long been out of order, and there is no talk of repairs and modernization, since there is no money. In principle, the Zambian Army can ensure the security of the country, but only if some more powerful country does not decide to attack it. For example, South Africa.

    #3: MALI

    Mali once had a relatively large army, thanks to the support of the same USSR. The help of the Soviet Union was very, very significant, and therefore Soviet equipment and weapons can still be seen in Mali. Be it T-34 tanks or MiG-21 aircraft. However, after the collapse of the USSR, a rapid degradation of Mali’s defensive potential began, which reached its climax in 2012, when the civil war began in Mali.

    As is known, many African countries Today they have armies not to attack their neighbors, but solely to restore order within the country. In 2012, what was left of the Malian army could not suppress unrest, armed clashes and riots. Today, there is practically nothing left of the Mali army (the total armed forces are approximately 7,500 people), and the country itself exists only thanks to the foreign military contingent located on its territory (the armies of France and Chad). However, according to many experts, the presence of foreign troops only increases the number of Islamists in the country. So, it is likely that this country will soon disappear completely from the pages of geographical atlases.


    Mozambique is today one of the poorest countries world, but in the 70-80s this country was the closest ally of the USSR in Africa. Therefore, the scenario was exactly the same as in the case of Mali, Zambia and Libya. The Soviet Union supplied Mozambique with weapons, thanks to which the country's government won a victory in the long-term civil war.

    However, the USSR soon collapsed. The supply of weapons stopped, and the old equipment began to slowly break down. The Armed Forces of Mozambique have begun a process of degradation similar to that in Mali. Mozambique does not have the money to buy new weapons, and therefore has to use what still works.

    However, unlike Libya and Mali, Mozambique was no longer rocked by civil wars. The situation in the country today is quite stable, so even though Mozambique cannot ensure the country’s defense, it does not need it yet, because no one is going to attack a country eking out a miserable existence.

    #1: SOMALIA

    The leader in our ranking of the most worthless armies in the world is Somalia. This country with a rich history has always attracted the attention of colonialists. It was conquered by one or the other. They were torn apart and divided into zones of influence by the European powers.

    Somalia gained independence only in 1960. The USSR immediately established diplomatic relations with the government of free Somalia, providing the country with the maximum possible support. It would seem that you can heal easily and freely, but that was not the case.

    After gaining independence, Somalia presented territorial claims Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti. The Somali government supported the rebels in these countries, playing a very trivial and unremarkable game. In the 70s, Somalia received significant military assistance from the USSR and decided to attack Ethiopia, which was also a Soviet ally. Moscow had to choose. The choice fell on a more reliable ally – Ethiopia. Somalia suffered a crushing defeat, never realizing the dream of creating a united Greater Somalia.

    A political crisis began in the country, and in the 80s a rebel war began in the north of the country. As a result, in 1991, the President of Somalia was overthrown, and the country plunged into total chaos of a civil war that continues to this day.

    The country was torn into many pieces. Different groups at different times appropriated certain territories for themselves, declaring new states on them. What kind of unified army can we talk about here? Somalia is still in complete chaos, despite the fact that the country has an internationally recognized government based in the capital, Mogadishu. Of Somalia's armed forces, only the police remain, there is no trace of the former air force, and the navy consists only of high-speed patrol boats, which the government leases. The strength of the Somali Navy is 200 sailors.

    Bottom line

    It turns out that all the countries that today have the weakest armies in the world once received support from the USSR. It turns out that with the collapse of the Soviet Union, not only Russia and the countries suffered former USSR, but also many African states. In this regard, the question arises: in how many countries will civil war and total degradation begin when the United States breaks up into 50 independent states?

    Publication rating:

    With the advent of the first state, the army became one of the main components of its independence and the security of citizens. The diplomatic part, as well as the allies on the map, are also important, but if you look at the history textbook, you will see that they are of little help in military conflicts. And as I said Alexander III: “We have only two true allies - domestic army and the fleet." This statement, naturally, is true not only for our country, but also for other powers. Today's political map there are more than 160 military personnel in the world state entities, differing from each other in numbers, weapons, some doctrines and their history.

    The famous commander Napoleon often said that big army always right, but today's realities dictate their own rules. So, these days there are slightly different concepts of strength and superiority over the enemy. Here, not only the number of troops is taken into account, but also the efficiency of equipment with the level of training of personnel, as well as their motivation.

    The most powerful armies in the world

    A modern army is far from a cheap pleasure, and mass conscription alone is not enough. One tank or helicopter costs tens and sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars, and only wealthy powers can fork out for such expensive equipment.

    Very often in the media, and in any other discussion fields, you can hear arguments about whose army is the strongest. This way of posing the question is not entirely correct, because a full-scale war would be needed to verify someone’s assertion. And in theory we have a large number of factors that show the advantage or weakness of a particular army.

    Let's try to make a rating of the most powerful armies in the world, which would include countries that are superior to their opponents in numbers, equipment and funding. We will also take into account the development of the military-industrial complex (military-industrial complex) and remarkable army traditions. When considering each participant in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world, the nuclear factor was not taken into account, so we will determine strength according to the old Slavic principle - “wall to wall.” By the way, the presence of weapons of mass destruction still keeps most large states from military conflicts, because war can lead not just to losses, but to the destruction of our planet.

    1. Russia.
    2. China.
    3. India.
    4. South Korea.
    5. Japan.
    6. Türkiye.
    7. Great Britain.
    8. France.
    9. Germany.

    Let's take a closer look at the participants.


    The Bundeswehr comes last in the ranking of the world's armies in terms of combat effectiveness. Germany has ground, air and medical forces. The number of troops fluctuates around 190 thousand fighters, and the entire German army consists of professional mercenaries, and the state budget includes a significant expenditure item of $45 billion.

    Despite such a seemingly modest number of troops compared to other participants in the rating best armies world, the German military forces are provided with the latest weapons, have excellent combat training and unshakable military traditions that can only be envied. The Germans could be higher on the list, but foreign policy The country is relatively peaceful. Here, apparently, a significant role was played by the fact that they already fought quite a lot in the last century. In the ranking of the world's armies from Global Firepower, Germany shares its place with France and Great Britain from year to year.


    Despite its “romanticism,” the republic can stand up for itself if something happens. France found itself in ninth position in the ranking of the world's armies thanks to its rich military traditions, impressive military-industrial complex and considerable number of troops - about 230 thousand soldiers.

    To maintain the army, the country's budget includes a line item of $44 billion. The French military-industrial complex is able to provide its troops with everything they need - from pistols to tanks and orbital satellites. The country of romantics, like Germany, does not seek to solve external problems with the help of the army. In addition, it does not have any significant conflicts, as well as disputed territories.

    Great Britain

    Great Britain is in eighth position in the ranking of world armies. This country, with the help of smart politicians and generals, was a world military power that everyone took into account. But that was a long time ago, and current realities have not turned out in the best way for her.

    The number of British troops fluctuates around 190 thousand fighters, and the state budget includes expenditure items of more than $50 billion. The British have a completely decent military-industrial complex, which gives the army everything it needs: pistols, machine guns, tanks, helicopters, planes, satellites and a fleet. By the way, the latter is not much inferior to the United States in terms of tonnage and equipment.

    The UK is involved in most of the conflicts where the Americans conduct operations (the Middle East), so the soldiers have plenty of experience to gain from.


    Turkey, which is ambiguous in this regard, is in seventh position in the ranking of world armies. Its military formations are considered the strongest in the Middle East. It is not surprising: the descendants of the Janissaries, who were always looking for war, created a powerful military machine with a high-quality component that could well compete with the Israeli army.

    The number of troops fluctuates around 510 thousand fighters, but, unlike other countries, the state has budgeted a modest $20 billion for the military-industrial complex. The Turkish army was distinguished by the presence of a large number of ground equipment - about 3,400 units of armored vehicles, and operational combat aircraft - about 1,000 pairs of wings. In addition, Türkiye has a fairly impressive fleet on the Black Sea.


    Japan is in sixth position in the ranking of world armies. In general, the Land of the Rising Sun does not seem to have its own army at all. This function is performed by regular self-defense forces. Despite such a seemingly modest name, this military formation has more than 250 thousand soldiers.

    The Japanese have a solid air force, ground forces and an excellent navy. The latter is considered one of the best in the whole world. The Japanese army has about 1,600 units at its disposal air technology, 700 tanks, more than a dozen submarines and a couple of large aircraft carriers. The budget includes about $47 billion for military needs, which is quite enough and comparable to the size of the Armed Forces.

    South Korea

    The fifth position in the ranking of world armies is occupied by the Republic of Korea. The number of regular state troops fluctuates around 630 thousand fighters. The country has been at war with Pyongyang for several decades now, and some peace agreements and treaties cannot stop the military clashes between the parties.

    In such a situation, the South Korean army must always be in full combat readiness, therefore special attention is paid to training, discipline and the quality of conscription in the country. The state spends more than $34 billion on military needs. The Republic of Korea is largely devoted to and reveres the United States, so it does not experience any special problems with either additional funding or providing for the army military equipment and small arms.


    The country of elephants and tea - India - is in fourth position in the ranking of world armies. This is a state with a high population density and a fairly rapidly developing economy, as well as a military-industrial complex. More than $50 billion is spent from the budget to provide an army of 1.3 million soldiers.

    India has many territorial disputes with its neighbors Beijing and Islamabad, so the armed forces have to always be on alert. During the Soviet era, Indians purchased weapons from us, but after all the coups and economic torment, the government decided to give preference to Western models. In addition, the Indian government has outlined large-scale reforms, which also imply the development of its military-industrial complex, so preference is given to suppliers who are ready to open their production on their territory.


    In third place in the ranking of the world's armies is the PLA from the Middle Kingdom (People's Liberation Army of China). Here the fighters, as they say, press with numbers. According to the most approximate estimates, the number Chinese army ranges from 2 to 2.5 million people, and this is the largest military formation on the planet.

    In order to feed such a horde, the country’s budget includes items worth more than $120 billion. China strives to top this rating, but, alas, it cannot be taken by numbers alone. A good half of all the equipment that is in service is already old and is breaking down. The purchase of a new one requires substantial financial expenditure, as well as the opening and development of one’s own production capacity. Therefore, the Chinese government is very close “friends” with Russia and receives a good discount on weapons.


    Despite the “silver” rating, the domestic Armed Forces are superior in many respects not only to the named participants in the rating, but also to its leader. As for numbers, here we are only in fifth place with 800 thousand personnel. Every year on Russian army more than $75 billion is spent.

    The Russian Armed Forces boast the most powerful ground forces in the world. More than 15 thousand tanks, a huge number of operational armored vehicles and helicopters of various classes - from medical rescue to military tactical models.

    The Russian Air Force is armed with almost 4 thousand aircraft of various types and purposes. Our strategic bombers pose a particular danger to other states. They are capable of delivering any targeted strikes, including nuclear ones, at a distance of thousands of kilometers from their home base.

    In addition, Russia has distinguished itself with a powerful navy, where only submarines with an impeccably trained crew instill fear in the ships of potential enemies and allies. Despite the venerable age of the surface forces and combat units outdated since the times of the USSR, the government has budgeted large sums for updating equipment, and in the near future the situation will change for the better for us. It should also be noted that the country’s military-industrial complex does not depend on third-party developers and manufacturers - war machine Russia is completely autonomous.


    The United States of America is in first place in our ranking. In terms of troop numbers, America is second only to China - 1.3 million personnel. One of the most significant factors that any general in another country would envy is the budget of the US Army - $612 billion!

    This funding made it possible to equip American army the most advanced technologies: the latest weapons, equipping fighters with modern gadgets for high-quality combat in any conditions, as well as an enviable salary and pension for contract soldiers. Such an attitude towards the army and its needs contributes to the introduction of its troops almost anywhere on the planet and conducting several military campaigns there at once.

    The United States also has one of the most powerful fleets in the world: about 10 aircraft carrier groups, about 80 submarines, as well as a large number of aircraft and auxiliary vessels attached to them. American defense enterprises attract the best specialists to work. They are developing not only the latest laser and robotic equipment for the army - there are breakthroughs in the medical military environment: prosthetics, “smart” suits that can significantly increase the army potential of a soldier, and other technological areas.

    Which army in the world is considered the most combat-ready? A question that does not have a clear answer; the real combat effectiveness of an army can only be determined in a real war. In peacetime, you can determine the combat effectiveness of an army by comparing several main characterizing components.
    For convenience, we will divide these components into points and, based on them, we will conduct the most unbiased, dry analysis of the combat effectiveness of the most powerful armies compared to each other:

    1. Combat and numerical strength of the army and navy
    2. Quantity and quality of weapons and military equipment
    3. Quality and training of command officers

    All these components of the army's combat effectiveness express the potential ability to carry out assigned tasks in real military operations.

    The following question arises: which countries’ armies are to be compared? For example, when such a question is asked on the same Internet, on various military and near-military forums and websites, Russia and the United States are unconditional on this list, China is also present everywhere, just as the constantly warring Israeli army is included in this list too. The Bundeswehr and the British Army are very rarely mentioned, but, oddly enough, the first place among European countries is occupied by a state that has not been at war with anyone for several centuries.

    Let’s take three countries for comparison: Russia, USA, China. So, let's begin. I would like to immediately note that the data is approximate, taken from open sources, the exact data is kept in safes by the district commanders, but even from these data it is possible to give a general assessment.

    1. Combat and numerical strength of the army and navy
    According to these indicators, China is in the lead (more than 2,000,000 people), the United States is in second place (about 1,500,000 people), Russia is in third place, something like a million people. North Korea and India also have large armies.

    2. Quantity and quality of weapons and military equipment
    By number of tanks Russia is in first place (there are plans to reduce the number within the framework of the ongoing military reform), in second place is the USA, third place is China.
    By combat aircraft The USA is absolutely in the lead, Russia is in second place, China is in third.
    For combat helicopters The USA is in first place, Russia is in second, China, with a significant lag, is in third place.
    By number of warships in the fleet The United States traditionally leads, China takes second place, and Russia takes third.

    The most powerful armies in the world. Russia took second place in it, behind the United States. ​The first ten countries with the most powerful personnel fit for military service are in the RBC review.

    Population size: 323.9 million people

    145.2 million people, of which 1.3 million are active military personnel

    Air Force: 13.7 thousand units of equipment

    Ground troops: 5.8 thousand battle tanks

    Navy: 415 units of equipment

    Military budget:$587.8 billion

    Population size: 142.3 million people

    Personnel fit for military service: 70 million people, of which 798.5 thousand are active military personnel

    Air Force: 3.8 thousand units of equipment

    Ground troops: 20.2 thousand battle tanks

    Navy: 352 units of equipment

    Military budget:$44.6 billion

    Population size: 1.3 billion people

    Personnel fit for military service: 750 million people, of which 2.2 million are active military personnel

    Air Force: 2.9 thousand units of military equipment

    Ground troops: 6.4 thousand battle tanks

    Navy: 714 units of military equipment

    Military budget:$161.7 billion

    Photo: Zahid Hussain Bhat / ZUMA / Global Look Press

    Population size: 1.2 billion people

    Personnel fit for military service: 616 million people, of which 1.3 million are active military personnel

    Air Force: 2.1 thousand units of military equipment

    Ground troops: 4.4 thousand battle tanks

    Navy: 295 units of equipment

    Military budget:$51 billion

    Photo: Florian David / ZUMA / Global Look Press

    Population size: 66.8 million people

    Personnel fit for military service: 30 million people, including active military personnel 204 thousand people

    Air Force: 1.3 thousand units of military equipment

    Ground troops: 406 battle tanks

    Navy: 118 units of equipment

    Military budget:$35 billion

    Great Britain

    Population size: 64.4 million people

    Personnel fit for military service: 30 million people, of which 151.1 thousand are active military personnel

    Air Force: 856 units of equipment

    Ground troops: 249 battle tanks

    Navy: 76 units of equipment

    Military budget:$45.7 billion

    Photo: Nicolas Datiche / AFLO / Global Look Press

    Population size: 126.7 million people

    Personnel fit for military service: 54 million people, of which active military 248.5 thousand people

    Air Force: 1.5 thousand units of equipment

    Ground troops: 700 battle tanks

    Navy: 131 units of military equipment

    Military budget:$43.8 billion

    Photo: Osman Bekleyen / ZUMA / Global Look Press

    Population size: 80.2 million people

    Personnel fit for military service: 41.6 million people, of which 382.8 thousand are active military personnel

    Air Force: 1 thousand units of military equipment

    Ground troops: 2.4 thousand battle tanks

    Navy: 194 units of equipment

    Military budget:$8.2 billion


    Population size: 80.7 million people

    Personnel fit for military service: 37 million people, of which 180 thousand are active military personnel

    Air Force: 698 units of military equipment

    Ground troops: 543 battle tanks

    Navy: 81 units of equipment

    Military budget:$39.2 billion

    Population size: 94.6 million people

    Personnel fit for military service: 42 million people, of which 454.2 thousand are active military personnel

    Air Force: 1.1 thousand units of military equipment

    Ground troops: 4.1 thousand battle tanks

    Navy: 319 units of equipment

    Military budget:$4.4 billion

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