Where did the military equipment disappear in Chernobyl. Chernobyl technology: where is it "hidden"? Where did the cars go

The world-famous and terrible fact is what happened in 1986 near the city of Pripyat, 150 kilometers from Kyiv. Thirty kilometers of territory turned into a dead non-residential piece of land, where everything suffered: people, animals, plants in the forest, fruits and vegetables in the garden, Chernobyl equipment.

Wildlife suffered losses that are still clearly visible. Thousands of broken human destinies, hundreds of animals abandoned to the mercy of fate, frightened wild animals. The pearl of this whole chain is, which is still being cleared of radioactive radiation. According to experts, only after about twenty thousand years, nature will be able to completely free itself from the yoke of radiation and will be able to please its inhabitants again.

But not everything that suffered in Chernobyl will be able to free itself from radioactive elements on its own. A lot of houses, equipment and various inanimate objects remained on the territory of Pripyat and the Exclusion Zone. It cannot be said that the level of pollution after thirty years is kept at the same level, but nevertheless, the Chernobyl equipment is still terribly phony.

Now all the abandoned equipment in Chernobyl is located in one of the villages of the Kiev region. This village was named Rassokha, a cemetery of Chernobyl equipment. Once it was a prosperous village, but now it has even lost the status of a settlement. This is a full-fledged dump of equipment in Chernobyl, consisting entirely of deadly garbage. In total there are more than 400 units of various machines.

When the Chernobyl accident happened, all people were evacuated to the nearest one due to the high level of radiation. locality- Makarovsky district, Kolonshchina. Soon, abandoned equipment from the Chernobyl region began to be brought there. These machines have formed a new dead city, which thirty years later continues to amaze with its uniqueness.

The cemetery of military equipment in Chernobyl was formed there after the participation of these Vehicle in liquidation. Absolutely all cars, helicopters and other abandoned equipment in Chernobyl were so covered with radioactive particles that it was simply impossible to use them in the future. The government decided to bury this technique, simply transporting it to a certain place and leaving it there forever.

Not far from this place, called the cemetery of contaminated equipment in Pripyat, there was a sanitary station that dealt with the issue of Chernobyl equipment being able to go back into operation. Scientists and liquidators developed various methods for neutralizing the burial ground of equipment in Chernobyl.

Workers to neutralize the place where the Chernobyl equipment was, it was decided to bury in the ground those machines that were very heavily infected and could not be restored. So the Chernobyl equipment burial ground appeared. But the problem is that not all Chernobyl technology has turned into a literal cemetery of technology in Chernobyl. A lot of cars remained standing in the same place when they were left after the Chernobyl disaster.

Chernobyl equipment at the RWRO Buryakovka

Another parking lot in Chernobyl is located at a distance of 50 kilometers from Chernobyl nuclear power plant. It was named after the village of the same name - Buryakovka, and is now known as Buryakovka - a cemetery of contaminated equipment. This cemetery is not located in the village itself, but four kilometers from it. But, anyway, the settlement lost its status, no one lives in it, and now this area is considered one of the dead villages.

Full name of the place where the abandoned military equipment in Chernobyl - burial point radioactive waste, which is abbreviated as PZRO. Such a PZRO, called Buryakovka, equipped the Institute of Leningrad. Abandoned equipment after the Chernobyl accident is not only located on the area of ​​the cemetery. Just like in Rassokha, it is buried in the ground.

The trenches that hide the terribly noisy equipment used in the aftermath of the accident have a depth of 25,000 cubic meters. And there are more than 30 such trench graves in Buryakovka.

PZRO Buryakovka is a very important disposal site for radioactive equipment. Scientists and liquidators chose its location not in vain. Buryakovka is located very far from water bodies, which, as you know, carry radioactive particles very quickly and are capable of infecting the entire planet.


Thus, even radioactive machines buried in the ground do not pose a great danger, since radiation does not penetrate into the water. Also, the processes that take place in the geological structure of our earth in no way affect the buried machines. Scientists perfectly calculated all the options, weighed all the pros and cons, and as a result they chose a place where no one lives and will not live for a long time, and where all conditions are characterized by high protection and can prevent radiation leakage.

Much worse is the buried equipment, which is not in the ground, but on its surface. These cars are very eye catching. different people who are chasing easy money. AT recent times rumors began to circulate that equipment had disappeared from Chernobyl. The question of where the equipment from Chernobyl disappeared has caused great concern among scientists around the world.

Where did the cars go?

To date, all the cemeteries of radioactive equipment are fixed by satellites as empty. All cars, helicopters, excavators and armored personnel carriers simply disappeared. Many journalists, scientists and other people who are interested in the fate of Chernobyl equipment have conducted an investigation and found out where the equipment from Chernobyl went.

The concern of scientists is understandable. All the equipment was terribly dirty (in the sense of being contaminated with radioactive elements), and if it is used somewhere in everyday life, then people who interact with it are exposed to deadly radiation.

During the investigation, it turned out that until 2013, radioactive equipment or its spare parts were taken out of the Exclusion Zone three times.

The first time the export of equipment was carried out in the Soviet Union. As always, there was a shortage of everything you could think of, and, of course, spare parts that could be found at the Chernobyl cemetery of radioactive equipment. Some spare parts were removed and taken out of the Exclusion Zone, and then they were used as if nothing had happened.

The second time the invasion of the cemetery of Chernobyl equipment was noticed in the 1990s. It was a very powerful wave of equipment export. Then they exported mainly engines and radiators, which were removed from trucks. Sometimes the hoods were also taken. The strange thing is that these spare parts were used not only in the intended place. Very often, radioactive spare parts were seen on the automotive market as far as Kharkov. It was not possible to determine who exported technical spare parts - the state, or people who got to the cemetery illegally.

The third wave of the export of technology was recorded already in the twenty-first century. What was left of the equipment in radioactive cemeteries was taken in pieces and handed over for scrap. There were no longer any prohibitions, the fear of contracting radiation had long since disappeared.

Infected equipment in Donbass?

In 2013, the liquidation of the repository of radioactive equipment was continued. Everything was cleared and taken out, but there is one “but”.

Today, to the question of where the equipment from Chernobyl went, others pop up Interesting Facts. It turns out that not all equipment disappeared from the Exclusion Zone in the early 2000s.

During the hostilities on the territory of the Donetsk region, rumors began to circulate that the soldiers were fighting on radioactive equipment. None of them knew that they were endangering their lives not only by going under bullets, but also by using military equipment. There is no confirmed information about this fact, but many other data indicate that this may be true. Even the very fact that military equipment was in short supply during the hostilities in the Donbass can already alert.

When will it be possible to use Chernobyl machines?

An area larger than twenty hectares was occupied by abandoned equipment in Chernobyl. A lot of people were attracted by these abandoned cars. It was rumored that the Chernobyl cemetery of technology in total value is equivalent to the number of 46 million dollars. These data were given as of the year when the accident occurred.

Those who were not afraid of getting infected with radiation and came to look at the cemetery of radioactive equipment in Chernobyl often wondered when it would be possible to buy out all the cars and sell them at an even higher price. Many serious people took advantage of the opportunity to see the cemetery of technology in Chernobyl from a satellite. Everyone really wanted to quickly take possession of such a valuable treasure as the technology of Chernobyl.

But, despite the announcement by the government that the Chernobyl technology dump is a place that will forever remain buried, Chernobyl had its own plans for abandoned technology: due to the enormous level of radiation, Chernobyl cars will never be used. They will rot, collapse tens of thousands of years before they are completely gone.

All contaminated equipment that was involved in the elimination of the accident disappeared from the exclusion zone in Chernobyl. After the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, about 100 thousand units of military and civilian equipment ...

All contaminated equipment that was involved in the elimination of the accident disappeared from the exclusion zone in Chernobyl. After the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, about 100 thousand units of military and civilian equipment were involved in the elimination of the accident.

Since the equipment was contaminated with lethal doses of radiation, it was decided to leave it in the exclusion zone. There was a lot of technology. This is how it looked from the satellite.

But judging by recent satellite images, more than 30 years later, the contaminated landfill turned out to be empty.

There are versions that the military equipment from there was repaired and sent to fight in the east of Ukraine.

At the same time, one of the stalkers filmed a video of looters removing mountains of cut batteries from the abandoned apartments of Pripyat. Several hectares of forest were also destroyed. Metal and wood will be processed and put into production, and people will not even know that they have purchased a radioactive product.

How terrible it is! Is any money earned from this worth this huge amount lives? What people don’t do for the sake of money… This catastrophe brought incredible losses and human losses to Ukraine, and the consequences of radiation contamination will not pass even after decades…

Contaminated military equipment has disappeared from the exclusion zone in Chernobyl. This is confirmed by satellite images of the area. man-made disaster that are available by open link. As you can see in the footage, the area, which is designated as a cemetery of equipment, is actually no longer such: not a single car is visible in the photo. After the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, about 100 thousand pieces of equipment, both military and civilian, were involved in the aftermath of the accident . Trucks, bulldozers, helicopters and even tanks were used in the work in the exclusion zone.
After the liquidation of the consequences of the explosion, all this radiation-contaminated equipment was sent to eternal parking at a special equipment cemetery in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. But now, 30 years after the disaster, according to satellite data, the landfill is empty. There are no official reports on where the contaminated equipment could have disappeared. However, according to numerous unconfirmed reports, Kyiv transferred equipment from a radioactive repository to the so-called ATO zone in Donbass. This was reported in 2015 by the DPR media with references to the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to this information, the command of the Ukrainian army makes up for the shortage of military equipment, including through the vehicles that were used to eliminate the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
It is possible that military equipment with increased radiation background the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine sent them to the combat zone, while the military personnel themselves were not informed about the radiation threat to health, sources in the DPR say. Back in January 2015, the Cyberkut hacker group published information that at least half of Ukrainian equipment had Soviet passports with marks of deployment in the Chernobyl zone.
Where could the infected machines actually go? Who might need them? Is it true that they were seen during the conflict in Donbass? And what other secrets does the worst man-made accident in history keep? About all this in the new

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