Medal "xx years of the workers' and peasants' red army." Award medals of the USSR What the order of military awards looks like

Collectibles must and always belong to a memorable era. The Great Patriotic War belongs precisely to such eras and the awards that were awarded to the most courageous defenders of our Motherland will always be in value, and over the years their value will only increase. Orders and medals of the Great Patriotic War are collectibles for citizens of different countries; their value today according to the catalog on the black market in some cases exceeds the cost of a new car.

Some regalia, even if produced in large quantities, have their own history and as a result their cost is significantly higher than the catalog average, but such cases are quite rare. We decided to publish a list of orders and medals of the Great Patriotic War and their value today in Russia. In the countries of the former Soviet Union, prices for such orders and medals are lower, therefore, in order not to mislead site visitors, we will publish prices in rubles that are relevant for Russia and for the so-called “black market”, because the circulation of these awards is not officially permitted . Remember this when trying to both buy and sell orders and medals. In more understandable terms, never do this.

The cost of orders and medals of the Great Patriotic War

1. Order "Victory"

Description: A pentagonal star surrounded by diamonds is the most expensive award today not only in Russia, but also in the world. The order is made of silver, gold and platinum and inlaid with diamonds and rubies.
Price: According to experts, its value today on the black market exceeds 20 million US dollars. All existing orders of this type are permanently stored in state museums and storage facilities.

2. Order of Suvorov (1st class)

Description: a convex five-pointed star with Suvorov’s profile and diverging rays. It was awarded to commanders of the Red Army for outstanding achievements in command and control of troops.
Price: from $25,000

3. Order of Kutuzov (1st class)

Description: a convex five-pointed star, the surface in the form of diverging rays. This order is made of gold and silver and represents an image of Kutuzov’s profile.
Price: from $22,000

4. Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky (1st class)

Description: weight 42 grams, made of gold and silver. Weight 42 grams. A total of approximately 323 units were completed. Awarded for fearless actions to both officers and soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.
Price: from 25,000 dollars.

5. Order of Ushakov (1st degree)

Description: Made from platinum, gold and silver. In the central part of the five-pointed star with diverging rays is the face of Admiral Ushakov. It is the “naval analogue” of the Order of Suvorov. Very rare - only 47 units produced. Only officers were awarded this order.
Price: from $250,000.

6. Order of Nakhimov (1st degree)

Description: 10-pointed star with diverging rays and anchors at the ends of 5 of them. Contains gold, silver, 5 rubies. awarded to Navy officers.
Price: from $150,000

7. Order of the Patriotic War (1st class)

Description: diameter - 45 mm, composed of gold and silver. One of the most common awards for WWII. In total, approximately 2,860,000 units were issued.
Price: suspended - from 1000 dollars, screw - from 200 dollars

8. Order of the Red Star

Description: weight 33.3 grams, made of silver.
Price: from 750 to 15,000 dollars.

9. Order of Alexander Nevsky

Description: junior, but one of the smallest circulation among the awards for awarding the commander of the Red Army.
Price: from 1500 to 7000 dollars

10. Order of Glory (1st class)

Description: diameter 46 mm, execution - gold.
Price: from 500 to 8000 dollars, depending on the date of issue and condition.

11. Order of Lenin

Description: 31.3 grams, material - gold and platinum.
Price: from 1000 to 50,000 dollars. The rarest is the so-called “tractor” on a propeller; in total, about 800 pieces were produced.

12. Order of the Red Banner

Description: Height - 40 mm, width - 36.3 mm, made of gilded silver. About 1.5 million units were produced in different variations.
Price: from 120 to 3500 dollars

13. Medal "Gold Star"

Description: A five-pointed gold star with smooth dihedral rays on the front side. material - 950 gold. Persons who achieved the highest degree of distinction - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union - were awarded.
Price: from 8000 dollars

14. Medal "Ushakov"

Description: material - silver, weight - 28 grams. Sailors, midshipmen and warrant officers of the Navy were awarded.
Price: from 1500 to 3500 dollars

15. Medal "Nakhimov"

Description: medal with the profile of Admiral Nakhimov, made of bronze. Sailors, midshipmen and warrant officers of the Navy were awarded.
Price: from 1200 to 2200 dollars

16. Medal "For Courage"

Description: weight - 25.8 grams, material - silver.
Price: from 50 to 1000 dollars.

17. Medal “For Victory over Germany”

Description: made of brass. Persons who took direct part in hostilities and in work to support the front were awarded.
Price: from 20 dollars

18. Medal “For the Capture of Berlin”

Price: from 20 dollars

19. Medal “For the Defense of the Caucasus”

Price: from 20 dollars

20. Medal “WWII Partisan” (1 a.)

Price: from 200 to 1000 dollars

21. Medal “For the Liberation of Warsaw”

Price: from 20 dollars

22. Medal "For Military Merit"

Price: from 90 to 600 dollars

23. Medal “For the Defense of the Arctic”

Price: from 80 dollars

24. Medal “For the Capture of Budapest”

Price: from 60 dollars

25. Medal “For the Defense of Kyiv”

Price: from 50 to 600 dollars

26. Medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”

Price: from 20 dollars

27. Medal “For the Liberation of Prague”

Price: from 40 dollars

28. Medal “For the Defense of Odessa”

Price: from 400 dollars

29. Medal “For the Liberation of Belgrade”

Price: from 300 to 900 dollars

30. Medal “For the Capture of Koenigsberg”

Price: from 20 dollars

31. Medal “For the Defense of Moscow”

Price: from 20 dollars

32. Medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad”

Price: from 20 dollars

33. Medal “For the Capture of Vienna”

Price: from 100 dollars

34. Medal “For the Defense of Sevastopol”

Price: from 500 dollars


Military awards are the brightest monuments of our military history, reminiscent of the glorious pages of the struggle against the enemies of the Fatherland.


Date of establishment: April 16, 1934
First award: April 20, 1934
Last awarded: December 24, 1991
Number of awards: 12772

The highest degree of distinction of the USSR. An honorary title awarded for accomplishment of a feat or outstanding merit during hostilities, and also, as an exception, in peacetime.
The title was first established by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated April 16, 1934; an additional insignia for the Hero of the Soviet Union - the Gold Star medal - was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 1, 1939.
On April 16, 1934, by resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was established as amended: “To establish the highest degree of distinction - the awarding of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for personal or collective services to the state associated with the accomplishment of a heroic deed.” No insignia were provided; only a certificate from the USSR Central Executive Committee was issued.
All eleven pilots, the first Heroes of the Soviet Union, received the Order of Lenin for their rank. The practice of awards was formalized by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee in the Regulations on the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on July 29, 1936. In this edition, citizens awarded the title, in addition to a diploma, were also entitled to the Order of Lenin.
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 1, 1939, a special distinctive sign was introduced for Heroes of the Soviet Union - the “Hero of the Soviet Union” medal. Another Decree of October 16, 1939 approved the appearance of the medal, which was called the “Gold Star”. Unlike the original Regulations, the possibility of multiple awards with the “Gold Star” was now provided for. Twice the Hero of the Soviet Union was given a second Gold Star medal and a bronze bust at home. Three times the Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded a third Gold Star medal, and his bronze bust should be installed at the Palace of the Soviets in Moscow. The issuance of Orders of Lenin when awarding the second and third medals was not provided for. The Decree did not say anything about awarding the title for the 4th time, nor did it say anything about the possible number of awards for one person.
The numbering of medals for the first, second and third awards was separate. Since the construction of the grandiose Palace of Soviets in Moscow was not completed due to the war, busts of three Heroes were installed in the Kremlin.


Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 17, 1938.
The medal "For Military Merit" was awarded to:
. military personnel Soviet army, Navy, border and internal troops
. other citizens of the USSR,
. as well as persons who are not citizens of the USSR.
The medal was awarded to distinguished individuals for:
. For skillful, proactive and courageous actions in battle that contributed to the successful completion of combat missions military unit, division;
. For courage shown in defense state border THE USSR;
. For excellent success in combat and political training, mastering new military equipment and maintaining high combat readiness of military units and their subunits, and other merits during active service military service.
The medal “For Military Merit” is worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of other USSR medals, is located after the Ushakov medal.
As of January 1, 1995, the Medal for Military Merit had been awarded to 5,210,078.


Diameter - 37 mm
Date of establishment: October 17, 1938
Number of awards: 4,000,000

State award of the USSR and Russian Federation. It was established on October 17, 1938 to reward soldiers of the Red Army, Navy and Border Guards for personal courage and courage in battles with the enemies of the Soviet Union while protecting the inviolability of state borders or when fighting saboteurs, spies and other enemies of the Soviet state. Among the first to be awarded this medal were border guards N. Gulyaev and F. Grigoriev, who detained a group of saboteurs near Lake Khasan. By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of March 2, 1992 No. 2424-1, the medal was retained in the Russian Federation award system. Re-established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 2, 1994 No. 442.
The Medal “For Courage” is awarded to military personnel, as well as employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and other citizens of the Russian Federation for personal courage and bravery shown:
. in battles in defense of the Russian Federation and its state interests;
. by doing special tasks to ensure state security of the Russian Federation;
. when protecting the state border of the Russian Federation;
. when performing military, official or civil duty, protecting the constitutional rights of citizens in conditions involving risk to life.
The medal “For Courage” is worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of other medals of the Russian Federation, is located after the medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, II degree.


Diameter - 32 mm
Material: brass

Number of awards: 1,470,000

Established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 22, 1942. The author of the medal project is the artist N. I. Moskalev.
The medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” was awarded to all participants in the defense of Leningrad:
. military personnel of units, formations and institutions of the Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops who actually participated in the defense of the city;
. workers, employees and other civilians who participated in hostilities to protect the city, contributed to the defense of the city with their dedicated work in enterprises, institutions, participated in the construction of defensive structures, in air defense, in protecting public utilities, in fighting fires from raids by enemy aircraft, in the organization and maintenance of transport and communications, in the organization Catering, supply and cultural services for the population, caring for the sick and wounded, organizing child care and carrying out other measures for the defense of the city.
The medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” is worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of other medals of the USSR, is located after the medal “For the rescue of drowning people”.
Persons awarded the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” have the right to be awarded the later established anniversary medal"In memory of the 250th anniversary of Leningrad."
As of 1985, the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” was awarded to about 1,470,000 people. Among them are 15 thousand children and teenagers under siege.


Diameter - 32 mm
Material: brass
Date of establishment: December 22, 1942
Number of awards: 30,000

Established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 22, 1942. The author of the design of the medal is the artist N. I. Moskalev.
The medal “For the Defense of Odessa” was awarded to all participants in the defense of Odessa - military personnel of the Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops, as well as civilians who took a direct part in the defense. The period of defense of Odessa is considered to be August 10 - October 16, 1941.
The medal was awarded on behalf of the USSR PMC on the basis of documents certifying actual participation in the defense of Odessa, issued by unit commanders, heads of military medical institutions, and the Odessa regional and city Councils of Working People's Deputies.
The medal “For the Defense of Odessa” is worn on the left side of the chest and, if there are other medals of the USSR, is located after the medal “For the Defense of Moscow”.
As of 1985, about 30,000 people were awarded the medal “For the Defense of Odessa”.


Diameter - 32 mm
Material: brass
Date of establishment: December 22, 1942
Number of awards: 52540

Established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 22, 1942. The author of the approved design of the medal is the artist N. I. Moskalev.
The medal “For the Defense of Sevastopol” was awarded to all participants in the defense of Sevastopol - military personnel of the Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops, as well as civilians who took a direct part in the defense. The defense of Sevastopol lasted 250 days, from October 30, 1941 to July 4, 1942.
The medal “For the Defense of Sevastopol” is worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of other medals of the USSR, is located after the medal “For the Defense of Odessa”.
As of January 1, 1995, approximately 52,540 people were awarded the medal “For the Defense of Sevastopol”.


Diameter - 32 mm
Material: brass
Date of establishment: December 22, 1942
Number of awards: 759560

Established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 22, 1942. The author of the medal design is artist N. I. Moskalev
The medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad” was awarded to all participants in the defense of Stalingrad - military personnel of the Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops, as well as civilians who took a direct part in the defense. The period of defense of Stalingrad is considered to be July 12 - November 19, 1942.
The medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad” is worn on the left side of the chest and, if there are other medals of the USSR, is located after the medal “For the Defense of Sevastopol”.
As of January 1, 1995, the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad" had been awarded to approximately 759,560 people.


Diameter - 32 mm
Material: brass

Number of awards: 870,000

The medal “For the Defense of the Caucasus” was awarded to all participants in the defense of the Caucasus - military personnel of the Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops, as well as civilians who took a direct part in the defense.
The medal “For the Defense of the Caucasus” is worn on the left side of the chest and, if there are other medals of the USSR, is located after the medal “For the Defense of Kyiv”.
As of 1985, about 870,000 people were awarded the medal “For the Defense of the Caucasus.”


Diameter - 32 mm
Material: brass
Date of establishment: May 1, 1944
Number of awards: 1,028,600

Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 1, 1944. The author of the design of the medal is the artist N. I. Moskalev.
The medal “For the Defense of Moscow” was awarded to all participants in the defense of Moscow:
. all military personnel and civilian personnel of the Soviet Army and NKVD troops who participated in the defense of Moscow for at least one month from October 19, 1941 to January 25, 1942;
. civilians who took a direct part in the defense of Moscow for at least one month from October 19, 1941 to January 25, 1942;
. military personnel of the Moscow air defense zone and air defense units, as well as civilians, were the most active participants in the defense of Moscow from enemy air raids from July 22, 1941 to January 25, 1942;
. military personnel and civilians from the population of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region who took an active part in the construction of defensive lines and structures of the defensive line of the Reserve Front, Mozhaisk, Podolsk lines and the Moscow bypass.
. partisans of the Moscow region and active participants in the defense of the hero city of Tula.
The medal “For the Defense of Moscow” is worn on the left side of the chest and, if there are other medals of the USSR, is located after the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”.
As of January 1, 1995, approximately 1,028,600 people were awarded the medal “For the Defense of Moscow.”


Diameter - 32 mm
Material: brass
Date of establishment: December 5, 1944
Number of awards: 353,240

Established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 5, 1944. The author of the image of the medal is Lieutenant Colonel V. Alov with modifications by the artist A. I. Kuznetsov.
The medal “For the Defense of the Soviet Arctic” was awarded to all participants in the defense of the Arctic - military personnel of the Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops, as well as civilians who took a direct part in the defense. The period of defense of the Soviet Arctic is considered to be June 22, 1941 - November 1944.
The medal “For the Defense of the Soviet Arctic” is worn on the left side of the chest and, if there are other medals of the USSR, is located after the medal “For the Defense of the Caucasus”.
As of January 1, 1995, approximately 353,240 people have been awarded the medal “For the Defense of the Soviet Arctic.”


Diameter - 32 mm
Material: brass
Date of establishment: June 21, 1961
Number of awards: 107540

Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 21, 1961. The author of the medal project is the artist V. N. Atlantov.
The medal “For the Defense of Kyiv” was awarded to all participants in the defense of Kyiv - military personnel of the Soviet Army and the troops of the former NKVD, as well as all workers who took part in the defense of Kyiv in the ranks people's militia, on the construction of defensive fortifications, who worked in factories and factories that served the needs of the front, members of the Kyiv underground and partisans who fought the enemy near Kiev. The period of defense of Kyiv is considered to be July - September 1941.
The medal “For the Defense of Kyiv” is worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of other medals of the USSR, is located after the medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad”.
As of January 1, 1995, approximately 107,540 people were awarded the medal “For the Defense of Kyiv.”


Diameter - 32 mm
Material: brass

Number of awards: 70,000

Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 9, 1945. The design of the medal was created by artist A.I. Kuznetsov.
The medal “For the Liberation of Belgrade” is awarded to military personnel of the Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops - direct participants in the heroic assault and liberation of Belgrade during the period September 29 - October 22, 1944, as well as the organizers and leaders of military operations during the liberation of this city.
The medal “For the Liberation of Belgrade” is worn on the left side of the chest and, if there are other medals of the USSR, is located after the medal “For the Capture of Berlin”.
About 70,000 people were awarded the Medal for the Liberation of Belgrade.


Diameter - 32 mm
Material: brass
Date of establishment: June 9, 1945
Number of awards: 701,700

Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 9, 1945. The author of the medal project is the artist Kuritsyna.
As of January 1, 1995, approximately 701,700 people had been awarded the Medal for the Liberation of Warsaw.
The medal “For the Liberation of Warsaw” is awarded to military personnel of the Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops - direct participants in the heroic assault and liberation of Warsaw in the period January 14-17, 1945, as well as the organizers and leaders of military operations during the liberation of this city.
The medal is awarded on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the basis of documents certifying actual participation in the liberation of Warsaw, issued by unit commanders and heads of military medical institutions.
Delivery is made:
. persons located in military units of the Red Army and Navy - commanders of military units;
. persons who retired from the army and navy - by regional, city and district military commissars at the place of residence of the recipients.
The medal “For the Liberation of Warsaw” is worn on the left side of the chest and, if there are other medals of the USSR, is located after the medal “For the Liberation of Belgrade”.


Diameter - 32 mm
Material: brass
Date of establishment: June 9, 1945
Number of awards: 395,000

Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 9, 1945. The authors of the medal design are artist A. I. Kuznetsov and artist Skorzhinskaya.
The medal “For the Liberation of Prague” is awarded to military personnel of the Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops - direct participants in the heroic assault and liberation of Prague from May 3 to May 9, 1945, as well as the organizers and leaders of military operations during the liberation of this city.
The medal “For the Liberation of Prague” is worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of other medals of the USSR, is located after the medal “For the Liberation of Warsaw”.
As of 1962, the medal “For the Liberation of Prague” had been awarded to over 395,000 people.


Diameter - 32 mm
Material: brass
Date of establishment: June 9, 1945
Number of awards: 1,100,000

Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 9, 1945 in honor of the capture of Berlin during the Great Patriotic War.
According to the Regulations on the medal “For the Capture of Berlin” it was awarded to "military personnel The Soviet Army, Navy and NKVD troops were direct participants in the heroic assault and capture of Berlin, as well as the organizers and leaders of military operations during the capture of this city.”
In total, more than 1.1 million people were awarded the medal “For the Capture of Berlin”.
The medal “For the Capture of Berlin” is round, 32 mm in diameter, made of brass. On the front side of the medal, the inscription “For the capture of Berlin” is minted in the center. Along the lower edge of the medal is an image of an oak half-wreath intertwined with a ribbon in the middle part. Above the inscription is a five-pointed star. The front side of the medal is bordered by a border. On the reverse side of the medal is the date of the capture of Berlin by Soviet troops: “May 2, 1945”; below is a five-pointed star. All inscriptions and images on the front and back of the medal are convex. At the top of the medal there is an eyelet, with which the medal is connected by means of a ring to a metal pentagonal block, which serves to attach the medal to clothing. The shoe is covered with a red silk moire ribbon 24 mm wide. There are five stripes running down the middle of the ribbon - three black and two orange.


Diameter - 32 mm
Material: brass
Date of establishment: June 9, 1945
Number of awards: 362,050

The medal “For the Capture of Budapest” was awarded to military personnel of the Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops - direct participants in the heroic assault and capture of Budapest during the period December 20, 1944 - February 15, 1945, as well as the organizers and leaders of military operations during the capture of this city.
The medal “For the Capture of Budapest” is worn on the left side of the chest and, if there are other medals of the USSR, is located after the medal “For the Victory over Japan”.
As of January 1, 1995, approximately 362,050 people had been awarded the Medal for the Capture of Budapest.


Diameter - 32 mm
Material: brass
Date of establishment: June 9, 1945
Number of awards: 277,380

Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 9, 1945 in honor of the capture of Vienna during the Great Patriotic War.
The medal “For the Capture of Vienna” is awarded to military personnel of the Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops - direct participants in the assault and capture of Vienna during the period March 16 - April 13, 1945, as well as the organizers and leaders of military operations during the capture of this city.
The medal “For the Capture of Vienna” is worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of other USSR medals, is located after the medal “For the Capture of Koenigsberg”.
As of January 1, 1995, approximately 277,380 people had been awarded the medal for the capture of Vienna.


Diameter - 32 mm
Material: brass
Date of establishment: June 9, 1945
Number of awards: 760,000

Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 9, 1945. The author of the medal project is artist A. I. Kuznetsov.
The medal “For the Capture of Koenigsberg” is awarded to military personnel of the Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops - direct participants in the heroic assault and capture of Koenigsberg in the period January 23 - April 10, 1945, as well as the organizers and leaders of military operations during the capture of this city.
The medal “For the Capture of Koenigsberg” is worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of other USSR medals, is located after the medal “For the Capture of Budapest”.
As of 1987, about 760,000 people were awarded the medal “For the Capture of Koenigsberg”.


Diameter - 32 mm
Material: brass
Date of establishment: June 9, 1945
Number of awards: 14,933,000

Medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 9, 1945. The authors of the medal are artists E. M. Romanov and I. K. Andrianov.
Medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" were awarded:
. all military personnel and civilian staff who took direct part in the ranks of the Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops on the fronts of the Patriotic War or ensured victory through their work in military districts;
. all military personnel and civilian staff members who served during the Great Patriotic War in the ranks of the active Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops, but left them due to injury, illness and injury, as well as transferred by decision of state and party organizations to another work outside the army.
Medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of other USSR medals, is located after the medal “For the Defense of the Soviet Arctic”.
As of January 1, 1995, the medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" approximately 14,933,000 people were awarded.


Diameter - 32 mm
Material: brass
Date of establishment: September 30, 1945
Number of awards: 1,800,000

Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 30, 1945. The author of the medal project is the artist M.L. Lukina.
The medal "For Victory over Japan" is awarded to:
. all military personnel and civilian personnel of units and formations of the Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops who took direct part in the hostilities against the Japanese imperialists as part of the troops of the 1st Far Eastern, 2nd Far Eastern and Transbaikal fronts, the Pacific Fleet and the Amur river flotilla;
. military personnel central departments NGOs, NKVMF and NKVD, which took part in supporting the combat operations of Soviet troops in the Far East.
The medal “For Victory over Japan” is worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of other medals of the USSR, is located after the anniversary medal “Forty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” It is interesting that Stalin looks to the right (towards Japan), and in the medal “For Victory over Germany” he looks to the left (towards Germany).
The total number of people awarded the medal “For Victory over Japan” is about 1,800,000 people.


Diameter - 32 mm
Material: copper
Date of establishment: June 6, 1945
Number of awards: 16,096,750

Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 6, 1945. The authors of the medal design are artists I.K. Andrianov and E.M. Romanov.
Medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" are awarded:
. workers, engineering and technical personnel and employees of industry and transport;
. collective farmers and specialists Agriculture;
. workers of science, technology, art and literature;
. workers of Soviet, party, trade union and other public organizations - who, with their valiant and selfless labor, ensured the victory of the Soviet Union over Germany in the Great Patriotic War.
Medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of other USSR medals, is located after the medal “For the Liberation of Prague”.
As of January 1, 1995, the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” approximately 16,096,750 people were awarded.

I degree

Diameter - 32 mm
Material - 1st degree - silver

Number of awards: 1st degree - 56,883

II degree

Diameter - 32 mm
Material - 2nd degree - brass
Date of establishment: February 2, 1943
Number of awards: 2nd degree - 70,992

Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on February 2, 1943. The author of the medal drawing is the artist N.I. Moskalev, the drawing is taken from the unrealized project of the medal “25 Years of the Soviet Army”.
The medal “Partisan of the Patriotic War” was awarded to partisans, commanding staff of partisan detachments and organizers of the partisan movement for special merits in organizing the partisan movement, for courage, heroism and outstanding successes in the partisan struggle for the Soviet Motherland behind the lines of the Nazi invaders.
The medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War" of the 1st and 2nd degree is awarded to the partisans of the Patriotic War, the commanding staff of partisan detachments and the organizers of the partisan movement who showed courage, perseverance, and courage in the partisan struggle for our Soviet Motherland in the rear against the Nazi invaders.
The medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War" of the 1st and 2nd degree is awarded by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
The medal “Partisan of the Patriotic War”, 1st degree, is awarded to partisans, commanding staff of partisan detachments and organizers of the partisan movement for courage, heroism and outstanding successes in the partisan struggle for our Soviet Motherland behind the lines of the Nazi invaders.
The medal “Partisan of the Patriotic War”, 2nd degree, is awarded to partisans, commanding staff of partisan detachments and organizers of the partisan movement for personal combat distinction in carrying out orders and assignments of the command, for active assistance in the partisan struggle against the Nazi invaders.
The highest grade of the medal is 1st grade.
The medal “Partisan of the Patriotic War” is worn on the left side of the chest and, if there are other medals of the USSR, is located after the medal “For Labor Distinction” in order of seniority of degrees.
Until 1974, this medal was the only USSR medal that had 2 degrees. As of January 1, 1995, the medal “Partisan of the Patriotic War”, 1st degree, was awarded to 56,883 people, 2nd degree - 70,992 people.


Diameter - 36 mm
Material - bronze
Date of establishment: March 3, 1944
Number of awards: 14,000

The medal was made according to the design of the architect M. A. Shepilevsky.
The Nakhimov medal was awarded to sailors and soldiers, foremen and sergeants, midshipmen and warrant officers of the Navy and maritime units of the border troops.
The Nakhimov medal was awarded to:
. for skillful, proactive and courageous actions that contributed to the successful completion of combat missions of ships and units in naval theaters;
. for the courage shown in defending the state maritime border of the USSR;
. for dedication shown in the performance of military duty, or other merits during active military service in conditions involving risk to life.
The Nakhimov medal is worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of other USSR medals, is located after the medal “For Military Merit”.
In total, over 13,000 awards were made with the Nakhimov medal.


Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on March 3, 1944.
The Ushakov Medal was awarded to sailors and soldiers, foremen and sergeants, midshipmen and warrant officers of the Navy and naval units of the border troops for the courage and bravery shown in defending the socialist Fatherland in maritime theaters, both in war and in peacetime.
The Ushakov medal was awarded for personal courage and courage shown by:
. in battles with the enemies of the socialist Fatherland in naval theaters;
. when protecting the state maritime border of the USSR;
. when performing combat missions of ships and units of the Navy and border troops;
. when performing military duty in conditions involving risk to life.
The Ushakov medal is worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of other USSR medals, is located after the medal “For Courage”.


On May 21, 1943, for military personnel of units and formations awarded the rank of guards, it was established Chest sign"Guard". The artist S.I. Dmitriev was commissioned to make a drawing of the future sign. As a result, a laconic and at the same time expressive project was adopted, representing a five-pointed star framed by a laurel wreath, above it a red banner with the inscription “Guard”. Based on the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 11, 1943, this sign was also placed on the banners of armies and corps that received the title of guards. The difference was that on the banner of the Guards Army the sign was depicted in a wreath of oak branches, and on the banner of the Guards Corps - without a wreath.
In total, during the war, until May 9, 1945, the title of guards was awarded to: 11 combined arms and 6 tank armies; horse-mechanized group; 40 rifle, 7 cavalry, 12 tank, 9 mechanized and 14 aviation corps; 117 rifle, 9 airborne, 17 cavalry, 6 artillery, 53 aviation and 6 anti-aircraft artillery divisions; 7 rocket artillery divisions; many dozens of brigades and regiments. The Navy had 18 surface guard ships, 16 submarines, 13 divisions of combat boats, 2 air divisions, 1 brigade Marine Corps and 1 naval railway artillery brigade.


Date of establishment: September 16, 1918
First award on September 30, 1918
Last award 1991
Number of awards 581,300

Established to reward special courage, dedication and courage shown in the defense of the socialist Fatherland. The Order of the Red Banner was also awarded to military units, warships, state and public organizations. Until the establishment of the Order of Lenin in 1930, the Order of the Red Banner remained the highest order of the Soviet Union.
It was established on September 16, 1918 during the Civil War by decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. Initially it was called the Order of the Red Banner. During the Civil War, similar orders were also established in other Soviet republics Oh. On August 1, 1924, all orders of the Soviet republics were transformed into a single “Order of the Red Banner” for the entire USSR. The statute of the order was approved by the Resolution of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of January 11, 1932 (on June 19, 1943 and December 16, 1947, this Resolution was amended and supplemented by Decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR). The latest edition of the order's statute was approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 28, 1980.
The Order of the Red Banner was awarded to the Komsomol, the newspaper "Red Star", the Baltic State Technical University "Voenmekh", the cities of Leningrad (Petrograd), Kopeisk, Grozny, Tashkent, Volgograd (Tsaritsyn), Lugansk, Sevastopol.


Date of establishment: April 6, 1930
First award: V. K. Blucher
Last awarded: December 19, 1991
Number of awards: 3876740

Established by the Resolution of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated April 6, 1930. The statute of the order was established by the Resolution of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of May 5, 1930.
Subsequently, issues related to the awarding of the Order of the Red Star were amended and clarified by the General Regulations on Orders of the USSR (Resolution of the Central Executive Committee and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated May 7, 1936), Decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 19, 1943, February 26, 1946, October 15, 1947 and December 16, 1947. The Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 28, 1980 approved the Statute of the Order of the Red Star in a new edition.


Dimensions: height: 38-45 mm
width: 38 mm
Material: gold, platinum
Date of establishment: April 6, 1930
First award: May 23, 1930
Last awarded: December 21, 1991
Number of awards: 431,418

The history of the order dates back to July 8, 1926, when the head of the Main Directorate of the Red Army V.N. Levichev proposed issuing a new award - the “Order of Ilyich” - to persons who already had four Orders of the Red Banner. This award was to become the highest military decoration. However, since the Civil War in Russia had already ended, the draft of the new order was not accepted. At the same time, the Council of People's Commissars recognized the need to create the highest award of the Soviet Union, awarded not only for military merit.
At the beginning of 1930, work on the project of a new order, called the “Order of Lenin,” was resumed. Artists from the Goznak factory in Moscow were tasked with creating a drawing of the order, the main image on the sign of which was to be a portrait of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. From many sketches, we chose the work of the artist I. I. Dubasov, who took as the basis for the portrait a photograph of Lenin taken at the Second Congress of the Comintern in Moscow by photographer V. K. Bulla in July-August 1920. On it, Vladimir Ilyich is captured in profile to the left of the viewer.
In the spring of 1930, the sketch of the order was transferred to the sculptors I. D. Shadr and P. I. Tayozhny to create a model. In the same year, the first insignia of the Order of Lenin were made at the Goznak factory.
The order was established by a resolution of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on April 6, and its statute was established on May 5, 1930. The statute of the order and its description were amended by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated September 27, 1934, Decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Council dated June 19, 1943 and December 16, 1947.
By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 28, 1980, the statute of the order was approved in its final edition.

I degree

Date of establishment: May 20, 1942
First award: June 2, 1942
Number of awards: more than 9.1 million

II degree

On May 20, 1942, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On the establishment of the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st and 2nd degrees” was signed and along with it the statute of the new order. For the first time in the history of the Soviet award system, specific feats were listed, for which awards were given to representatives of all major branches of the military.
The Order of the Patriotic War, I and II degrees, could be received by privates and commanding officers of the Red Army, Navy, NKVD troops and partisans who showed bravery, fortitude and courage in battles with the Nazis, or who through their actions contributed to the success of military operations of the Soviet troops. The right to this order was specifically stipulated for civilians who were awarded for their contribution to the common victory over the enemy.
The Order of the 1st degree is awarded to the one who personally destroys 2 heavy or medium or 3 light enemy tanks, or as part of a gun crew - 3 heavy or medium tanks or 5 light ones. The Order of the 2nd degree could be earned by someone who personally destroys 1 heavy or medium tank or 2 light tanks, or as part of a gun crew 2 heavy or medium or 3 light enemy tanks.


Diameter - 50 mm
Material: silver
First award: November 5, 1942
Number of awards: 42,165

The architect I. S. Telyatnikov won the competition for the drawing of the Order of Alexander Nevsky. The artist used a frame from the film “Alexander Nevsky”, which was released shortly before, where the Soviet actor Nikolai Cherkasov starred in the title role. His profile in this role was reproduced in a drawing of the future order. The medallion with a portrait image of Alexander Nevsky is in the center of a five-pointed red star, from which silver rays extend; Along the edges are ancient Russian military attributes—crossed reeds, a sword, a bow and a quiver of arrows.
According to the statute, the order was awarded to Red Army officers (from division commander to platoon commander) for their initiative in choosing the right moment for a sudden, bold and successful attack on the enemy and inflicting a major defeat on him with few losses for their troops; for the successful completion of a combat mission with the destruction of all or most of the superior enemy forces; for commanding an artillery, tank or aviation unit that inflicted heavy damage on the enemy.
In total, during the war years, the Order of Alexander Nevsky was awarded to more than 42 thousand Soviet soldiers and about 70 foreign generals and officers. More than 1,470 military units and formations received the right to attach this order to the battle banner.

I degree

Date of establishment: July 29, 1942
First award: January 28, 1943
Number of awards: 1st degree – 675
II degree - 3326
III degree - 3328

II degree

III degree

The Order of Kutuzov (project of the artist N. I. Moskalev) 1st degree could be received by the commander of a front, army, his deputy or chief of staff for good organization of the forced withdrawal of large formations with the delivery of counterattacks to the enemy, the withdrawal of their troops to new lines with small losses; for skillfully organizing the operation of large formations to combat superior enemy forces and maintaining their troops in constant readiness for a decisive offensive.
The statute is based on the fighting qualities that distinguished the activities of the great commander M.I. Kutuzov - skillful defense, exhausting the enemy and then launching a decisive counter-offensive.
One of the first Orders of Kutuzov, II degree, was awarded to Major General K. S. Melnik, commander of the 58th Army, which defended the section of the Caucasian Front from Mozdok to Malgobek. In difficult defensive battles, having exhausted the main forces of the enemy, K. S. Melnik’s army launched a counter-offensive and, having broken the enemy’s defense line, fought in the Yeisk region.
The regulations on the Order of Kutuzov, III degree, contain the following clause: the order can be given to an officer “for skillfully developing a battle plan that ensures clear interaction of all types of weapons and its successful outcome.”

I degree

Date of establishment: July 29, 1942
First award: January 28, 1943
Number of awards: 7267

II degree

III degree

In June 1942, a decision was made to establish orders named after the great Russian commanders - Suvorov, Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky. These orders could be awarded to generals and officers of the Red Army for excellence in battles against the Nazis and for skillful leadership of military operations.
The 1st degree of the Order of Suvorov was awarded to commanders of fronts and armies, their deputies, chiefs of staff, operational departments and branches of troops of fronts and armies for a well-organized and carried out operation on the scale of an army or front, as a result of which the enemy was defeated or destroyed. One circumstance was particularly stipulated - victory had to be won by smaller forces over a numerically superior enemy, according to the famous Suvorov rule: “The enemy is beaten not by numbers, but by skill.”
The Order of Suvorov II degree could be awarded to the commander of a corps, division or brigade, as well as his deputy and chief of staff for organizing the defeat of a corps or division, for breaking through the enemy’s modern defensive line with its subsequent pursuit and destruction, as well as for organizing a battle in an encirclement, escape from encirclement while maintaining the combat effectiveness of their units, their weapons and equipment. The II degree badge could also be received by the commander of an armored formation for a deep raid behind enemy lines, “as a result of which a sensitive blow was dealt to the enemy, ensuring the successful completion of an army operation.”
The Order of Suvorov, III degree, was intended to reward commanders of regiments, battalions and companies for skillfully organizing and carrying out a victorious battle with forces smaller than those of the enemy.

I degree

Diameter: 55 mm
Date of establishment: October 10, 1943
First award: October 28, 1943
Number of awards: 8451

II degree

III degree

In the summer of 1943, the Soviet army was preparing to liberate Soviet Ukraine. The idea of ​​an award bearing the name of an outstanding Ukrainian statesman and commander, belongs to the film director A.P. Dovzhenko and the poet M. Bazhan. Pashchenko's project was recognized as the best. The main material for the order of the 1st degree is gold, II and III - silver. The statute of the order was approved along with the Decree establishing the order on October 10, 1943. The Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky was awarded to soldiers and commanders of the Red Army, as well as partisans for their distinction in battles during the liberation of Soviet land from fascist invaders.
The Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, 1st degree, could be received by the commander of a front or army for a successful operation using skillful maneuver, as a result of which a city or region was liberated from the enemy, and the enemy was seriously defeated in manpower and equipment.
The Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, II degree, could be earned by an officer from corps commander to regiment commander for breaking through a fortified enemy line and a successful raid behind enemy lines.
The Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, III degree, could be received, along with officers and partisan commanders, by sergeants, petty officers and ordinary soldiers of the Red Army and partisan detachments for the courage and resourcefulness shown in battles, which contributed to the fulfillment of the assigned combat mission.
In total, about eight and a half thousand awards were made with the Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, including 323 first class, about 2,400 second class, and more than 5,700 third class. Over a thousand military units and formations received the order as a collective award.

I degree

Diameter: 46 mm

First award: November 28, 1943
Number of awards: more than 1 million.

II degree

III degree

In October 1943, N.I. Moskalev’s project was approved by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. At the same time, the color of the ribbon of the future Order of Glory proposed by the artist was approved—orange and black, repeating the colors of the most honorable military award of pre-revolutionary Russia—the Order of St. George.
The Order of Glory was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on November 8, 1943. It has three degrees, of which the highest I degree is gold, and II and III are silver (the second degree had a gilded central medallion). This insignia could be issued for personal feat on the battlefield, were issued in strict order - from lowest to highest degree.
The Order of Glory could be received by the one who was the first to break into the enemy’s position, who in battle saved the banner of his unit or captured the enemy’s, who, risking his life, saved the commander in battle, who shot down a fascist plane with a personal weapon (rifle or machine gun) or destroyed up to 50 enemy soldiers, etc.
In total, about a million badges of the Order of Glory, III degree, were issued for distinction during the Great Patriotic War, more than 46 thousand - II degree, and about 2,600 - I degree.


Total weight - 78 g:
platinum - 47 g,
gold - 2 g,
silver - 19 g,
rubies - 25 carats,
diamonds - 16 carats.
Date of establishment: November 8, 1943
First award: April 10, 1944
Last awarded: September 9, 1945
(February 20, 1978)
Number of awards: 20 (19)

By decree of November 8, 1943, the order was established, its statute and description of the sign were approved. The statute stated: “The Order of Victory, as the highest military order, is awarded to the highest command staff of the Red Army for the successful conduct of such military operations, on the scale of several or one front, as a result of which the situation radically changes in favor of the Red Army.”
In total, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, 19 awards were made with the Order of Victory. It was received twice by Generalissimo of the Soviet Union I.V. Stalin, Marshals G.K. Zhukov and A.M. Vasilevsky. Marshals I. S. Konev, K. K. Rokossovsky, R. Ya. Malinovsky, F. I. Tolbukhin, L. A. Govorov, S. K. Timoshenko and Army General A. I. each received one order for their skillful leadership of the troops. Antonov. Marshal K. A. Meretskov was awarded for distinction in the war with Japan.
In addition, five foreign military leaders were awarded the Soviet military order for their contribution to the overall victory over fascism. These are the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia, Marshal Broz Tito, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Army, Marshal M. Rolya-Zhimierski, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Expeditionary Armed Forces in Western Europe, General of the Army D. Eisenhower, the Commander of the Army Group in Western Europe, B. Montgomery and former king Romania Mihai.

I degree

Date of establishment: March 3, 1944
First award: May 16, 1944
Number of awards: more than 500

II degree

Artist B. M. Khomich.
Established on March 3, 1944 by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR: “On the establishment of military orders: the Order of Ushakov, I and II degrees, and the Order of Nakhimov, I and II degrees.”
The Order of Nakhimov was awarded “for outstanding success in the development, conduct and support of naval operations, as a result of which the offensive the enemy or active fleet operations are ensured, significant damage is inflicted on the enemy and one’s main forces are preserved; for successful defensive operation, as a result of which the enemy was defeated; for a well-conducted anti-landing operation that inflicted heavy losses on the enemy; for skillful actions in defending one’s bases and communications from the enemy, which led to the destruction of significant enemy forces and the disruption of his offensive operation.”

I degree

II degree

Established in 1944. Artist B. M. Khomich.
The Order of Ushakov is superior to the Order of Nakhimov. The Order of Ushakov is divided into two degrees. The 1st degree of the Order of Ushakov was made of platinum, the 2nd - of gold. For the Order of Ushakov, the colors of the St. Andrew's naval flag of pre-revolutionary Russia were taken - white and blue. Established on March 3, 1944 by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR: “On the establishment of military orders: the Order of Ushakov, I and II degrees, and the Order of Nakhimov, I and II degrees.”
The Order of Ushakov could be issued for an active successful operation, resulting in victory over a numerically superior enemy. It could have been a naval battle that resulted in the destruction of significant enemy forces; successful landing operation leading to destruction coastal bases and enemy fortifications; bold actions on the fascist sea communications, as a result of which valuable assets were sunk warships and enemy transports. In total, the Order of Ushakov II degree was awarded 194 times. Among the units and ships of the Navy, 13 have this award on their banners.

In preparing this page, materials from the following sites were used:

There is a claim that Stalin loved to read and could easily read 500 pages in one day. The main literature that the leader of the USSR preferred was historical works. He read almost all the works of ancient Greek and Roman chroniclers, read Stalin and the book written by Hitler - Mein Kampf.

Stalin's passion for historical works was also reflected in Soviet literature. Thus, the famous work of Alexei Tolstoy “Peter the Great” was written on the orders of Stalin. While writing the novel, at the direction of Stalin, the author gained access to state archives, and it was thanks to the data obtained that the book turned out to be truly historical. Stalin understood perfectly well that without knowledge of the past it is impossible to build the future, and therefore, at the height of the Great Patriotic War, he made an attempt to show his people how the formation of a great state took place.

It is obvious that it was the Russian Army of Peter I that prompted Stalin to introduce guards units into the Soviet Army. Many viewed the decision to rename four rifle divisions - 100, 127, 153 and 161 as the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Guards - with ambiguity and even some hostility. First of all, this was due to the emerging associations with the White Guard, but it was not for nothing that Stalin was a competent strategist and tactician, because it was at this time that Alexei Tolstoy’s work “Peter the Great” appeared, in which the guards are shown as real heroes who do not retreat from the battlefield , but showing heroism in confrontation with prevailing enemy forces. This is exactly what Stalin was counting on.

Guards units became models of heroism for other military units, and each of these units sought to prove that it was also ready to bear the valiant name - Guards. In May 1942, the insignia of the Guards was introduced, according to appearance it resembled the Order of the Red Banner, and every fighter considered it the highest award to wear this sign on his chest.

The guardsmen were Alexander Matrosov, who covered an enemy bunker with his body, Alexey Maresyev participated in air battles with prosthetic legs instead of legs, Ivan Kozhedub, who, according to official statistics alone, shot down 62 fascist planes. Indeed, Soviet soldiers valued the honor of bearing the proud title of guardsman and in every battle they proved that it was not in vain that they were awarded such an honor.

During the Great Patriotic War, other state awards were introduced for courage, valor and bravery.

In May 1942, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st and 2nd degrees was adopted. There is no family in the cities and villages of our Motherland where the military awards of soldiers that they earned during the Second World War are kept. One of these awards is the Order of the Patriotic War.

The badge of the order shines with golden rays that emanate from a five-pointed star, and the star itself lies on a cavalry saber and rifle. The first Soviet soldier to receive the award was Captain Ivan Ilyich Krykliy. Under his command, the artillery division of the 13th Guards Rifle Division destroyed 32 Germans in the battles near Kharkov. For this feat, on July 2, 1942, the hero was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree.

On July 29, 1942, the Order of Suvorov of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees was adopted. There is no peace without victories. “Victory is the enemy of war,” said the great commander Alexander Suvorov. The commander always taught his soldiers that they should never give up, even in front of a strong enemy, and they should always be prepared for battles and campaigns. It was Suvorov who wrote the words: “Nothing but an attack.” During the Great Patriotic War, the Order of Suvorov became the highest award for Soviet commanders. The first person to be awarded the highest award of military leaders was Georgy Zhukov. He was awarded for the victory at Stalingrad. Stalin also had the Order of Suvorov No. 112. Zhukov spoke beautifully about the significance of the award: “Receiving the first Order of Suvorov was not only an honor for me, but also an incentive for further victories. I couldn't disgrace my honor greatest commander Alexander Suvorov, whose order was presented to me by my state.”

On July 29, 1942, another of the orders was adopted, which recognized the merits of Soviet commanders - the Order of Kutuzov, 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree. One of the main mottos of Mikhail Kutuzov were the words: “One of the main goals of all our actions is to destroy the enemy to the last possible opportunity.” This motto inspired Soviet commanders during the Great Patriotic War, and many of them were awarded the Order of Kutuzov for their courage. The first recipient of the order was General Ivan Fedyuninsky, who distinguished himself during the breakthrough of the siege of Leningrad. Fedyuninsky received his award in the hospital where he was treated after being wounded.

Along with the orders of Kutuzov and Suvorov, another order was adopted, which was awarded Soviet officers for demonstrated courage and heroism - the Order of Alexander Nevsky. The order depicts the image of Alexander Nevsky. His words: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword. On this the Russian land stood and will stand,” were like a motto for everyone Soviet people. The first order was awarded to senior lieutenant Ivan Ruban on November 5, 1942. The commander of the Marine Corps battalion, Senior Lieutenant Ivan Ruban, received an award for the courage, ingenuity and military art that the young officer showed during the defense of Stalingrad. The battalion under the command of Ruban defeated the enemy regiment, which was supported a huge amount tanks.

In 1943, there were bloody battles for the liberation of Ukrainian cities and villages from fascist occupation. On October 10, 1943, four days before the liberation of Zaporozhye, the Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees was adopted. The first holder of the order was the commander of the 12th Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, Major General Alexey Danilov. This is how his merit in the liberation of the Ukrainian city was noted.

Soldiers' roads are shrouded in gunpowder smoke, soldiers' banners are burned with flame, perhaps that is why the ribbon on which the soldier's Order of Glory is worn is made in the color of gunpowder and fire. During the Great Patriotic War, the Order of Glory was awarded to soldiers and sergeants for their courage in battles with the enemy. The first holder of the Order of Glory was the deputy commander of the sapper platoon of the 140th regiment of the 182nd Infantry Division, Georgy Israelyan. During all the years of the war, 2,456 soldiers of the Soviet army became holders of the order. Not only individual military personnel, but also entire units were awarded the order. Thus, for breaking through impregnable enemy shelters, which was carried out by soldiers of the 1st battalion of the 215th regiment of the 77th Guards Rifle Division, the military unit was awarded the honorary title “Battalion of Glory”.

An order that no one has ever been awarded is the Order of Stalin. The reason why the order, fully developed and adopted by the Presidium of the Supreme Council, never became a state award lies in the person after whom it was named. It was Joseph Vissarionovich who refused to approve the order as a state award in 1949; as a result, the order remained just a development.

Briefly: Anniversary medal, pendant on a rectangular block, no bars, no degrees.


The anniversary medal “XX Years of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army” has the shape of a regular circle with a diameter of 32 mm. The surface of the circle is matte, the 2.5 mm wide rim is shiny. On the front side of the circle there is a five-pointed red enamel star with a silver edge. At the bottom of the circle, between the lower rays of the star, there is a gilded number “XX” 8 mm high and 7 mm wide. The base of the number rests on the top edge of the rim.

On the reverse side of the medal there is a 25 mm tall figure of a Red Army soldier shooting from a rifle, dressed in a winter guard uniform; below to the right of the figure of the Red Army soldier is the date “1918-1938”.

The medal is made of oxidized 925 silver, the numbers “XX” are gold plated. The content of pure silver in the medal is 15.592 g, gold - 0.10 g.

Using an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a gray silk moiré ribbon with two longitudinal red stripes along the edges. The width of the tape is 24 mm, the width of the strips is 2 mm.


The anniversary medal “XX Years of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army” is awarded to personnel of the Red Army and Navy:

Having served in the ranks of the Red Army and the Navy by February 23 (Red Army Day) 1938 for 20 years and honored members of their homeland civil war and wars for the freedom and independence of the fatherland, consisting of cadres of the Red Army and the Navy;
awarded the Order of the Red Banner for military distinction during the Civil War.
Service in detachments and squads of the Red Guard and in Red partisan detachments that acted against enemies is counted as length of service in the ranks of the Red Army and the Navy. Soviet power in the period 1917-1921.

The Jubilee Medal “XX Years of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army” is awarded by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

If there are other medals of the USSR, the medal “XX years of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army” is located after the medal “For the development of subsoil and the development of the oil and gas complex Western Siberia


Features and types of medals.

Type 1. Rectangular hanging block.

The eyelet of the medal is made integrally with the medal itself. The ear has a characteristic trapezoidal shape. The medal had a rectangular hanging block with a slot-like frame at the bottom. The block was covered with a red ribbon passed through the bottom slot. In the first type of medal, the ribbon was fixed to the block using a thin rectangular plate with a hole in the center and four teeth along the edges. On the reverse side of the block there was a soldered threaded pin and a round clamping nut for attaching the medal to clothing. The clamping nut had a diameter of 18 mm. On the nut there was a stamp “MONDVOR” in raised letters and a stamped serial number of the medal. The number on the nut corresponded to the number of the certificate for the medal.

The weight of the medal without block and industrial link is 22.3 g. The weight of the clamping nut with the number is 2.54 g.

The minimum known medal number is 863, the maximum is 37672.

History of the medal.

The anniversary medal “XX Years of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army” is the very first medal established in the USSR. Although it was awarded to more than 37 thousand people - almost twice as many as, for example, the Ushakov or Nakhimov medals, by the end of the war there were very few holders of the “XX Years of the Red Army” medal left. Some of them were repressed in 1938, some died at Khalkhin Gol and during the Soviet-Finnish War. Many recipients of the medal died or were captured during the Great Patriotic War, especially at its beginning. Already in the fifties, this medal could be seen on the uniforms of only large quantity officers, generals or marshals.

In addition to the “XX Years of the Red Army” medal, by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the USSR there were only five orders (three of them could be awarded for military merit) and four medals (two of them were awarded for military merit). Thus, a career military man could be awarded only six different awards of the USSR - the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner, the Red Star and the medals “For Courage”, “For Military Merit” and “XX Years of the Red Army”. We do not take into account labor orders and medals, since they were awarded to Red Army officers extremely rarely. Military awards were given mainly to participants in armed conflicts, and there were only three such conflicts - Khasan, Khalkhin Gol and the Finnish campaign. Some officers were awarded for distinguished service in Spain. However, the majority of career officers at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War did not have any awards at all, except for the anniversary medal “XX Years of the Red Army”. For example, Colonel P.F. Moskvitin, who commanded the 161st Rifle Division in the fall of 1941, had only one award at the beginning of the war - the “XX Years of the Red Army” medal. And the future Chief of the General Staff, holder of two Orders of Victory and many military orders, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal A.M. Vasilevsky. at the beginning of the war, he only had the Order of the Red Star and the same medal “XX Years of the Red Army”

According to the report of the head of the Directorate for the Commanding Staff of the Red Army Shchadenko E.A. dated May 5, 1940, the award table indicates that in 1938, 27,575 people were awarded the anniversary medal “XX Years of the Red Army”, and in 1939 - 2,515 people.

As of January 1, 1995, the anniversary medal “XX Years of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army” was awarded to 37,504 people.

Awards of the Great Patriotic War were one of the methods of encouragement indicating recognition of special services to the Motherland. This fight with Nazi Germany, which lasted from 1941 to 1945, became the most difficult test for the Armed Forces and everything Soviet people. The war, which had truly enormous world-historical significance, ended in complete victory for the USSR. Soviet troops, at the cost of unimaginable losses, saved humanity from the fascist threat of enslavement and thereby saved world civilization.

For their exploits in the war, 11,603 people were awarded the great title of Hero of the USSR. Of these, 104 received this title twice, and A. I. Pokryshkin, I. N. Kozhedub and G. K. Zhukov - three times. Soviet awards of the Great Patriotic War were presented to more than 7 million people. In addition, military orders were also awarded to formations, ships and individual units of the Armed Forces. With great courage and dedication, fascist invaders Soviet underground fighters, partisans and militias also fought. During this bloody war, 25 medals and 12 orders were established, which were awarded not only for military merits, but also for labor feats in the rear.

General information

During the Second World War, the award system of the Soviet Union underwent significant changes in order to most fully designate all the heroism and courage of both soldiers and officers, as well as civilians who took an active part in the fight against Nazi Germany. Thus, the orders and medals that appeared eliminated the previously uncertain statuses of their pre-war counterparts. For example, at first there was no clear definition of what the award should be given for, but later specific combat circumstances were spelled out.

Order of the Patriotic War

He was one of the first. Its history began in April 1942, when J.V. Stalin ordered General A.V. Khrulev to prepare a draft order for military personnel who showed heroism in battles with the Nazis. The artists A. I. Kuznetsov and S. I. Dmitriev worked on the design of the award. At first the order was called differently, but when approved in May of the same year, it received its final name - “Patriotic War”. It was approved in two degrees, and the highest was the first of them. For each of the awards, the statute had detailed description feat.

Military personnel of all branches of the military without exception, as well as commanders and ordinary fighters of partisan detachments, were awarded these awards of the Great Patriotic War. It is impossible to list the names of all those awarded in this article, since in the period from 1942 to 1991 the order of the first degree was awarded 2,398,322 times, and the second - 6,688,497 times. The award was officially discontinued in 1947, but was revived from time to time. For example, in the 60s, this order was awarded to foreigners who in some way helped Soviet prisoners of war, underground fighters and partisans. Since 1985, it has been used as a reward for veterans of the Great Patriotic War on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany.

It must be said that the history of awarding this order knows cases when it was awarded to entire formations, military units, defense enterprises, military schools and even cities. There are many foreigners among those awarded. These are military personnel of the Czechoslovak corps and Polish troops, British sailors and French pilots of the Normandy-Niemen. There is also one American. This was the then US Ambassador to the Soviet Union, W. A. ​​Harriman.

Order of Suvorov

Some military awards of the Great Patriotic War were specifically designed to reward senior command leadership. In July 1942, the Soviet order first appeared, which occupied the highest level of the hierarchy. He had three degrees of seniority, which had not yet existed in the award system of the Land of the Soviets. The Order of Suvorov became such an award.

They started talking about its creation in June of the same year, when the Red Army was catastrophically losing to the German military vehicle. In addition, the well-known order No. 227 was issued, entitled “Not a step back!” At the same time, two more military orders were established - Kutuzov and Nakhimov. These three awards of the Great Patriotic War were radically different from the rest, since they were awarded exclusively to commanders with high positions. The highest was the Order of Suvorov.

The first award was made in December 1942. It was awarded to Major General V.M. Badanov, who commanded the tank corps and received the Order of Suvorov, second degree. Under his leadership, they prepared and then carried out a raid on the rear of the Nazis. As a result, the German airfield from which the Paulus group was supported at Stalingrad was destroyed. The Order of Suvorov, first degree, was awarded to 23 generals and marshals in January 1943, among whom were G.K. Zhukov, K.A. Meretskov, A.M. Vasilevsky and other military leaders. Also, about 30 senior officers serving in the armies allied to the USSR received this award.

Order of Kutuzov

In the summer of 1942, the Soviet government decided to establish several military awards at once. Among them was the Order of Kutuzov. The sign was designed by several famous artists and architects. Selection committee I reviewed all the submitted sketches and chose the work of G. N. Moskalev. It must be said that at first these awards of the Great Patriotic War had only two degrees. The third was approved only in February of the following year.

The Order of Kutuzov was considered “headquarters”, in contrast to the badge of Suvorov, and had a “defensive” character. This is supported by the fact that it was awarded to both army and naval commanders for conducting and developing successful military operations, which resulted in a serious defeat of enemy forces and maximum preservation of the combat effectiveness of Soviet troops.

Order of Ushakov

At the beginning of March 1944, the Order of Ushakov, which had two degrees, was established to reward Navy officers. He is the oldest of all naval awards. It was awarded for successful developments in military operations at sea, accompanied by victory over superior enemy forces.

It is worth noting that these awards of the Great Patriotic War were awarded to naval officers not only for the destruction of various warships, but also for the liquidation of coastal fortifications, bases, equipment, as well as for the successful conduct of landing operations.

Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky

It was established in October 1943. These military awards of the Great Patriotic War appeared just when the Red Army began active efforts to liberate Ukrainian territories from the fascist occupiers. Its creation was initiated by N. S. Khrushchev, A. P. Dovzhenko and the poet Nikolai Bazhan. A competition was announced to create a draft order, which was supposed to be made in three degrees. From a large number of works, the commission chose a drawing by the Ukrainian graphic artist and artist A. S. Pashchenko.

The Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky became the fourth and final award of all military leaders. Its difference was that it was awarded both to commanders and ordinary soldiers, and to units and formations of the army and navy. Also, these military awards of the Great Patriotic War could be awarded to both the command staff and ordinary soldiers of partisan detachments and formations operating in the occupied lands.

Order of Nakhimov

It was accepted simultaneously with the Order of Ushakov exclusively for presentation to military sailors. He had two degrees. Both of these awards of the Great Patriotic War (photo presented in the article) in accordance with the levels of the hierarchy were equal to the Orders of Kutuzov and Suvorov.

The initiator of its approval was the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral N. G. Kuznetsov. Work on the sketch began in mid-1943. The first of the projects submitted to J.V. Stalin were rejected due to the fact that they were made in too dark colors. The leader approved the second version of the order. In addition, he offered to decorate the award with rubies, and his wish was fulfilled. Thanks to this, the Order of Nakhimov, decorated with precious stones, became one of the most expensive signs of the USSR.

Order of Alexander Nevsky

Almost all highest awards during the Great Patriotic War they had two or three degrees. But this order did not have them. Despite this, it is considered almost the most beautiful and revered award badge for the entire existence of the USSR. It was established in July 1942.

J.V. Stalin entrusted its development to the then young architect I.S. Telyatnikov. Some difficulties arose in the process, since the portraits painted during the prince’s lifetime were not preserved. Therefore, we had to take the profile of actor Nikolai Cherkasov, who played the main role in the film “Alexander Nevsky”. Initially, the order consisted of several parts, which gave it special beauty and originality, but since 1943 it began to be made entirely stamped.

This order was awarded to commanders of regiments, divisions, brigades, etc. for personal courage and courage shown in battles, as well as for the destruction of superior enemy units with minimal losses to their own troops.

Order "Victory"

In 1943, the bloodiest and fiercest battles with the fascist occupiers took place. Stalingrad, Moscow, Kyiv, Kursk - these are significant milestones that became turning points during the war. From that moment on, the situation on the fronts changed dramatically in favor of the Red Army. At the beginning of November of the same year, they issued a decree establishing the highest award - the Order of Victory. Its author was the artist A.I. Kuznetsov, who also designed the “Patriotic War” sign. New order was the most expensive, since rubies, 174 small diamonds from 5 to 16 carats, as well as 2 grams of gold and 19 grams of silver were used in its manufacture.

The Order of Victory was awarded only to senior commanders. Badge No. 1 went to Marshal of the USSR G.K. Zhukov, and No. 2 to Chief of the General Staff A.M. Vasilevsky. These highest awards of the Great Patriotic War (you can see the photo on the page) were awarded on April 10, 1944. Interestingly, the order was awarded not only to Soviet military leaders. Among the recipients were generals D. D. Eisenhower and B. L. Montgomery, commander-in-chief of the Polish army M. Rolya-Zhimierski, Yugoslav leader Joseph Broz Tito and others.

Order of Glory

It was developed together with the “Victory” sign. The idea was suggested by J.V. Stalin himself. This order was supposed to be awarded to junior and private command staff for various kinds of heroic deeds performed on the battlefield. After it was approved, it practically became equal in status to the commander’s insignia. At first it was called the Order of Bagration, but then it was renamed.

Its author is the artist G.N. Moskalev, who made sketches for all the medals awarded for the defense of cities in the Soviet Union. The Order of Glory has three degrees. The highest sign is made of gold, the other two are made of silver. It was a so-called soldier's order, and was awarded exclusively for personal merit.

"Golden Star"

Despite the fact that this is a medal, it is valued higher than any of the orders. At first, Golden Stars were awarded to Soviet soldiers who fought on the side of the Spanish Republican Army on the Karelian Isthmus, as well as against the Japanese at Khalkhin Gol. It is interesting that quite often these badges are mistaken exclusively for awards of heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

But, nevertheless, the medal appeared in mid-1936, and the first award took place only three years later. It must be said that on its back at first there was the inscription “Hero of the SS” (Hero of the Soviet Union), but since later bad associations with the last two letters began to arise, they decided to replace them with the abbreviation USSR.


The first awards of this level were four badges simultaneously. They were medals for the defense of cities - Leningrad, Odessa, Stalingrad and Sevastopol, and a couple of years later two more were added to them, awarded for the defense of Moscow and the Caucasus. At the end of 1944, another one appeared - “For the defense of the Soviet Arctic.” All of these awards for participants in the Great Patriotic War were given for heroic defensive battles. After the end of the Second World War, medals were established for the capture of Berlin, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Prague, Koenigsberg and Warsaw.

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