International Military Historical Association. Nizhny Novgorod Encyclopedia Baranov Nikolai Mikhailovich

Nikolai Mikhailovich Baranov(July 25 (August 6), 1837 - July 30 (August 12), 1901) - lieutenant general, mayor of St. Petersburg (from March 21 to August 24, 1881); inventor of the Baranov system rifle arr. 1869.


Born in the family estate of Luchkino, Kologrivsky district, Kostroma province, in an old, but poor noble family.

Naval career

Following the example of his father and uncle, Nikolai Baranov chose the career of a naval officer. Educated at the Marine cadet corps from where it was released in 1854. Participated in Crimean War, in 1856 he was promoted to the first officer rank. In 1858 he moved from navy in the Russian Society of Shipping and Trade (ROPiT), then returned to the fleet again, headed the model workshop of the St. Petersburg port. In 1866-1877 he headed the Maritime Museum, brought it to a brilliant state, was engaged in the creation of naval expositions at various Russian and international exhibitions. He carried out work to deepen the Kronstadt harbor.

the day before Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878 suggested, based on his ROPiTovsky experience, to arm and use high-speed commercial vessels for attacks on enemy sea lanes. He was one of the first to realize such an idea, having received the Vesta steamer under his command. On July 15, 1877, he was awarded the Order of St. George of the 4th degree and then granted to the adjutant wing. During the campaign on the Black Sea, this ship withstood an unequal battle with the Turkish battleship Fekhti-Bulen (another transcription is Fekhti-Bulend). Subsequently, commanding the ship "Russia", he captured the Turkish transport "Mersin" with numerous enemy landing forces. He received all-Russian fame and was promoted to captain of the 1st rank. However, this was followed by a scandal: Lieutenant Z. P. Rozhestvensky published an article in which he described the battle as a “shameful flight” and accused N. M. Baranov of exaggerating the merits of Vesta. In July 1878, a trial of this episode was scheduled, but a year later the Naval Ministry terminated the process against Rozhdestvensky, suggesting that Baranov sue the lieutenant for insulting civil order. The offended captain asked for his resignation, but he was refused, after which he filed with the admiral-general. book. A memorandum to Konstantin Nikolaevich, in which he listed all the grievances inflicted on him, including the underpaid prize money for the capture of Mersina. The enraged Admiral General brought the note to the attention of Alexander II, after which Baranov was put on trial "for indecent and offensive expressions" used in this note. In December 1879, Baranov was found guilty by the St. Petersburg Naval Court and dismissed from service. On January 14, 1880, "the most merciful order was to consider him dismissed from service in view of his military merits."

In St. Petersburg he lived on Znamenskaya street, 25.

public service

In 1880, at the request of M.T. Loris-Melikov, Captain 1st Rank Nikolai Mikhailovich Baranov was pardoned and transferred to the police, "with the renaming of a colonel", and sent abroad to organize supervision of Russian revolutionaries.

In early 1881, Baranov was appointed acting governor of the Kovno province.

After the assassination of Emperor Alexander II in March-August 1881, he took up the post of St. Petersburg mayor, to fight terror " People's Will". His candidacy was advised to Alexander III by Chief Prosecutor K. P. Pobedonostsev, who wrote:

I also dare to remind Your Majesty about Baranov. This is a person devoted to you. I know - and able to act when necessary. … Here in St. Petersburg there will be people maybe. Baranov will come here tomorrow; once again I dare to say that this man can render Your Majesty a great service, and I have moral authority over him.

The metropolitan police, together with the gendarmes, arrested everyone who in one way or another was involved in the assassination of the emperor. Five of the main terrorists were publicly executed on the Semyonovsky parade ground, the rest received various terms of imprisonment.

Genus. in 1836, entered the service in the Navy in 1854. He invented a gun loaded from the treasury, which was subsequently adopted in the Navy. AT Turkish war was given command of the steamer. "Vestu", one of the best ships Rus. total shipping and trade, adapted for military operations.

Under the command of B. "Vesta" participated in cruising to the Anatolian and Rumeli coasts, together with the steamer "Vladimir" and the yacht "Livadia". Upon returning to Sevastopol, Vesta went on an independent cruise to the Rumeli coast and on July 11, 40 miles from Kyustendzhi, she met with the Turkish battleship Fehti-Bulend. The enemy began chasing the Vesta, all the time conducting an artillery battle, but after a 5-hour battle, he stopped the pursuit.

For this battle, which cost Vesta the loss of 2 officers and 9 matri. killed, 5 officers and 15 matriarchs. wounded, B. promoted to cap. 2nd rank, awarded the rank of adjutant wing and awarded the order St. George 4th step. In August of the same year, Vesta, under the command of B., brilliantly completed the risky operation of transporting our troops from Gagra to Novorossiysk.

In December 1877, B., commanding the newly adopted steamer "Russia", made a successful raid to Penderaklia, where he took the Turkish steamer "Mersina" with a landing force of 800 people as a prize. and brought him to Sevastopol.

For this case, B. was promoted to cap. 1st rank. The misunderstandings that arose later, when the question was raised about the correctness of the assessment of the fight "Vesta" with the tour. battleship, forced him to ask for investigation and trial, which ended unfavorably for B.: he was forced to leave the service in the navy and retired.

Having then entered the service in the field foot artillery, B. from 1881 held administrative positions: and. d. Governor of Kovno, St. Petersburg mayor, governor in Arkhangelsk and Nizhny Novgorod; was appointed senator.

He died in 1901 with the rank of lieutenant general.

For all his talent, rare energy, great initiative and individuality, B. was a failure.

He was put forward by exceptional circumstances: war, Time of Troubles, cholera epidemic.

On the contrary, the peaceful, everyday atmosphere oppressed him and invariably upset him after every upsurge caused by special occasions.

In B. there were many character traits related to S. O. Makarov, whose career began at the same time, at the same military Black Sea theater, with the same dizzying speed.

Both of them were hard workers, inventors in the best sense of the word, real military people, born administrators and commanders.

In N.-Novgorod, B. was not called an eagle for nothing; they said that he was acting "outside the law", but they listened and carried out his orders, because they knew that B. always took responsibility and knew how to protect his subordinates. He was the first to call "the consequences of a crop failure" in 1891 a famine, and he fought this famine in the way that emergency circumstances required.

Acting "outside the law," B. saved his province.

When in 1892 a cholera epidemic began in N. Novgorod, B. with the same determination, with the same enthusiasm, saved the All-Russian fair not only from the epidemic, but also from the panic associated with it.

And, indeed, saved. From the point of view of B.'s personal characteristics, this fight against cholera is especially interesting.

On the Volga, floating hospitals-barracks were organized; when there was not enough space in them, B., without hesitation, took his house under the cholera hospital - the governor's "palace". When the first signs of sinister cholera riots appeared, B. gives a brief order: "I will hang the instigators in front of everyone and on the spot ..." And the riots stop, because everyone knows that B. will not go wrong with the word, especially in this case : B. saved the all-Russian fair, that is, the nerve of commercial and industrial Russia, and, undoubtedly, would have hanged anyone responsible for public panic.

A man with an iron will in matters to which he attached national importance, B. in private life was gentle and extremely kind person.

Full of debt, pawning his own things, he helped not only acquaintances, but even more often his subordinates.

characteristic feature B. had respect for the press.

With excellent pen skills, he published articles in periodicals at various times and on various issues.

And when B. was already a governor, during the cholera epidemic in N. Novgorod, the same press helped him best of all to fight all sorts of absurd rumors that embarrassed the people. He insisted that the newspapers print accurate, correct information about the course of the epidemic at a time when these figures were hidden in other cities: B. himself believed and knew how to convince others that the truth saves, and lies and deceit always only destroy. In memory of B. one of the squadrons, destroyers in the Black Sea is named "Cap. Leit. Baranov". (Military enc.) Baranov, Nikolai Mikhailovich (1836-1901) - originally served in the Navy, but in 1877 he was forced to leave the service due to a misunderstanding with his superiors that arose in connection with his demand for remuneration for raising the vessel, which he was denied.

In 1880 he was sent by Loris-Melikov abroad to organize supervision of Russian. revolutionaries, then appointed governor in Kovna, and after March 1, 1881 - St. Petersburg mayor; in this position, B. was involved in the implementation of the plans of the government - to find support among the bourgeoisie against the revolution.

Under him, the existing a short time a council of elected from the St. Petersburg population, the so-called. "ram's parliament", in which the bourgeoisie participated.

After the resignation of Loris-Melikov, on May 8, 1881, B. was transferred as governor to Arkhangelsk, and from 1883 to 1897 he was governor in Nizhny Novgorod, where he became famous for arbitrariness and repression during the famine of 1891-92 and in the years of cholera. He issued orders: "I will hang the instigators in front of everyone, on the spot." After 1897, B. retired as a senator.

One of the most famous Nizhny Novgorod governors in the entire history of the city, called by the embittered Ilyich "the famous Russian pompadour" (only Lenin knows what he had in mind ...), a naval combat officer ... We are talking about Nikolai Mikhailovich Baranov, who is still in our city no credit was given for his considerable merits...
On the Russian horizon, the name of Nikolai Baranov appears in the late 1860s. During the "Milyutinskaya" military reform it became painfully obvious that Russia was incredibly behind Prussia as a weapon. And then Baranov, not considering it right to wait for the inert state apparatus to shake (how many times in his life he will do the same and how he will pay for it ...), he proposed to convert the old six-line rifle into a rapid-fire rifle. He presented his project of the "Baranov system" to Tsarevich Alexander Alexandrovich, and, having received financial and moral support from him, convinced N.I. Putilov to begin production at his Izhora factories of a new, more advanced rifle. Baranov was incredibly energetic, which in Russian Empire extremely inappropriate and very expensive for the person himself ... The story with the Baranov rifle ended with the fact that the Austrian rifle of the Czech Krnka system entered service with the Russian army, which the resourceful Russian soldiers immediately called the “flap” and wings - what the world stood on ... And everything is simple - the interests of its creators were lobbied at court ... The Baranovskaya rifle - 10 thousand pieces, produced by Izhora factories, went into service with naval teams, where another sad page in the history of Russian military equipment
The beginning of the Russian-Turkish war also opens a new milestone in the biography of Nikolai Baranov: he writes a report to his superiors and takes command of a small steam ship, which until then had only made commercial flights. It was hastily put in order and re-equipped, but in terms of combat characteristics, the Vesta was very inferior to the cruisers. But the crew loved the commander, and everyone was driven forward by a patriotic feeling ... Famous in the national military history“The battle of Vesta and the Turkish battleship Fethi-Bulend took place on July 11, 1877, 35 miles from Constanta. The Turkish ship was both grandiose and well-equipped. The unequal battle lasted for about 6 hours, and the Turks could see the unparalleled courage of the Russians. Lieutenant Colonel Chernov, Lieutenant Pereleshin, Warrant Officer Yakovlev, ordinary riflemen and sailors died heroic deaths aboard the Vesta. The commander received a concussion. In battle, Prince Yu.P. Golitsyn-Golovkin - a volunteer of "selfless courage" ... "Vesta" lost more than half of the personnel - not many and not few ... Lieutenant Rozhdestvensky on the Russian ship fired a mortar shot ... A well-aimed shot. Ammunition exploded on Fethi-Buland, a fire started, and the battleship was not up to ramming. The picture of I.K. tells us about this naval duel. Aivazovsky. When "Vesta" returned to Sevastopol, the enthusiastic audience visited the heroic ship in droves, and many volunteers asked for Baranov's command. The next ship N.M. Baranov in the Russian-Turkish war was the auxiliary cruiser "Russia". His valiant deed was also included in the annals of Russian history - in December 1877, off the Anatolian coast, "Russia" captured the Turkish steamer "Mersina" with a whole landing force on board - 800 soldiers and officers! For his military exploits, Nikolai Baranov was awarded the Order of St. George of the 4th degree, the rank of captain of the 1st rank and the rank of adjutant wing. His portraits were distributed on matchboxes and stamps, as well as - long live the Fatherland - on chocolate bars ...
Baranov published a lot under various pseudonyms, again and again drawing public attention to problems and shortcomings in the maritime department ... Which, of course, earned considerable “attention” from ill-wishers - since then, there has been a history of his “butting” with the incredibly clumsy Russian bureaucratic machine ... In The Naval Ministry held a trial in 1879, and Baranov brilliantly defended himself, but he had to leave the service, however, as well as the adjutant wing ... He was brought closer to himself by General I.V. Gurko, who quickly promotes Nikolai Mikhailovich to colonel in the "foot artillery field". This is the era of the “heyday of terrorism”, when there was a real hunt for Alexander II, and Joseph Gurko needed talented, loyal and determined people, because each government defends itself with more or less humane methods - depending on the surrounding circumstances ... On the day of the assassination of the sovereign - liberator the whole liberal policy of M.T. Loris-Melikova was completed with a sharp stroke of history, and Nikolai Baranov became the new St. Petersburg mayor. K.P. Pobedonostsev welcomed the choice!. Baranov in those things, in those issues that he considered fundamental, showed a truly iron will ... The police received not only under him new form, but also a new impulse, a new motivation for her activities - she searched for and arrested suspicious persons, strictly supervised the unreliable, cleared the city bridges - after a group of young terrorists “worked” there ... Nikolai Mikhailovich served in St. Petersburg for less than six months, and at the request Minister of the Interior N.P. Ignatiev was relieved of his post. But this - underestimated page of his biography - was remarkably bright. Just as interesting are his 100 "Arkhangelsk" days - little in time, a lot in terms of the number of things done for the province ... But Nikolai Mikhailovich deserved the highest praise for his Nizhny Novgorod governor general. Since 1882, he was appointed to our city, and the province owes so much to him. And the first is, undoubtedly, the elimination of the Volga famine of 1891. In fact, it was called famine under the pressure of the opinion of Nikolai Mikhailovich. In 1892, he took unprecedented action against cholera, establishing a reservation on the island and floating hospitals, he limited the spread of infection and saved many lives. He severely suppressed cholera riots and crushed the attempt of such in the very bud. He paved a significant part of the old Nizhny Novgorod streets of the 1st Kremlin part, expanded the water supply system and installed gas lamps. In general, it would be correct to note the SPECIAL merit of Nikolai Mikhailovich Baranov in organizing and holding the XVI All-Russian Art and Industrial Exhibition on the Nizhny Novgorod land. Renovation of buildings and the creation of cheap hotels, an agreement with the Finnish light shipping company, which allowed for the duration of the Exhibition to ensure the delivery of guests across the rivers at an affordable price. And also the city theater and much, much more ... It was difficult for him with the strong and experienced Russian bureaucracy, which was no different in better side from the same public on an all-Russian scale: this brethren ate him - in 1897, General Baranov, who gave so much to Russia and the Nizhny Novgorod land, was removed from the post of Nizhny Novgorod governor and sent to his last appointment - to the Governing Senate. He died on August 12, 1901 on the shores of the Baltic Sea ... Not only scholarships in educational institutions of our city, but also - most importantly - the Black Sea destroyer Captain-Lieutenant Baranov.
Bright memory about someone can only be based on knowledge. And now, on the eve of the new day of our city, we want to give you the opportunity to get in touch with the person who played such a big role in the regional history and made such a significant contribution to the development of the region. The memory of Governor-General Nikolai Baranov is still not immortalized in Nizhny Novgorod and the region.

Material prepared
chief librarian for local history work
A.A. Medvedeva

Successor Predecessor Nikolai Alexandrovich Bezak Successor Pavel-Simon Unterberger
1897 - 1901
Birth August 6 (18)
Luchkino estate, Kologrivsky Uyezd, Kostroma Governorate, Russian Empire Death August 12 (25)(64 years old)
Burial place Education Awards Military service Affiliation Russian empire Russian empire Type of army Navy Rank captain of the 1st rank (1877), lieutenant general Nikolai Mikhailovich Baranov at Wikimedia Commons

Nikolai Mikhailovich Baranov(July 25 (August 6) of the year - July 30 (August 12) of the year) - lieutenant general, mayor of St. Petersburg (from March 21 to August 24, 1881); inventor of the Baranov system rifle arr. 1869.

Biography [ | ]

Born in the family estate of Luchkino, Kologrivsky district, Kostroma province, in an old, but poor noble family.

Naval career[ | ]

Following the example of his father and uncle, Nikolai Baranov chose the career of a naval officer. He was educated at the Naval Cadet Corps, from where he was released in 1854. Participated in the Crimean War, in 1856 he was promoted to the first officer rank. In 1858 he moved from the navy to the "Russian Society of Shipping and Trade" (ROPiT), then returned to the fleet again, headed the model workshop of the St. Petersburg port. In 1866-1877 he headed the Maritime Museum, brought it to a brilliant state, was engaged in the creation of naval expositions at various Russian and international exhibitions. He carried out work to deepen the Kronstadt harbor.

General N. M. Baranov, Governor of Nizhny Novgorod. Engraving Hell. Boehme from a photograph by D. Leibovsky in Nizhny Novgorod (1892)

On the eve of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. suggested, based on his ROPiTovsky experience, to arm and use high-speed commercial vessels for attacks on enemy sea lanes. He was one of the first to realize such an idea, having received the steamer Vesta under his command. On July 15, 1877, he was awarded the Order of St. George of the 4th degree and then granted to the adjutant wing. During the campaign on the Black Sea, this ship withstood an unequal battle with the Turkish battleship Fekhti-Bulen (another transcription is Fekhti-Bulend). Subsequently, commanding the ship "Russia", he captured the Turkish transport "Mersin" with numerous enemy landing forces. He received all-Russian fame and was promoted to captain of the 1st rank. However, this was followed by a scandal: Lieutenant Z. P. Rozhestvensky published an article in which he described the battle as a “shameful flight” and accused N. M. Baranov of exaggerating the merits of Vesta. In July 1878, a trial of this episode was scheduled, but a year later the Naval Ministry stopped the process against Rozhdestvensky, suggesting that Baranov sue the lieutenant for insulting civil order. The offended captain asked for his resignation, but he was refused, after which he filed with the admiral-general. book. A memorandum to Konstantin Nikolaevich, in which he listed all the grievances inflicted on him, including the underpaid prize money for the capture of Mersina. The enraged Admiral General brought the note to the attention of Alexander II, after which Baranov was put on trial "for indecent and offensive expressions" used in this note. In December 1879, Baranov was found guilty by the St. Petersburg Naval Court and dismissed from service. On January 14, 1880, "the most merciful order was to consider him dismissed from service in view of his military merits."

public service[ | ]

Nikolai Baranov, 1892.

After the assassination of Emperor Alexander II in March-August, he took up the post of St. Petersburg mayor to fight the terror of Narodnaya Volya. His candidacy was advised to Alexander III by Chief Prosecutor K. P. Pobedonostsev, who wrote:

I also dare to remind Your Majesty about Baranov. This is a person devoted to you. I know - and able to act when necessary.

Here in St. Petersburg there will be people perhaps. Baranov will come here tomorrow; once again I dare to say that this man can render Your Majesty a great service, and I have moral authority over him.

The metropolitan police, together with the gendarmes, arrested everyone who in one way or another was involved in the assassination of the emperor. Five of the main terrorists were publicly executed on the Semyonovsky parade ground, the rest received various terms of imprisonment.

It seems that even under the patronage of the future Emperor Alexander III, when he was the heir, just shortly before the first of March, Baranov was again involved in the service, but not for the sea, but for the military; he was made a general and appointed governor in Grodno. After Grodno, when Emperor Alexander III ascended the throne, since it was very unsettled in St. Petersburg at that time, some revolutionary attacks were made, Baranov was transferred from Grodno as the mayor here, to St. Petersburg. He was the mayor for a very short time, he performed various tricks and, in the end, could not get along with the mayor, although Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev was very patronizing him all the time.

After his resignation from the post of St. Petersburg mayor, he tried to return to "big politics" by offering various projects. Later he was appointed governor of Arkhangelsk.

Since 1897 he has been a senator.

Some contemporaries considered him a tyrant, an intriguer, a charlatan, but others were convinced that Baranov

with his amazing activity, tireless work and reasonable manner of actions, he showed all of Russia good example, which can be created by an administrator who really stands at the height of his appointment and constantly guards the interests of the government and society source not specified 2260 days ] .


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