Which of the Tatar khans led their army during the campaign against Russia? The end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia: history, date and interesting facts. How Russia lived under the Mongol-Tatar yoke Lev Gumilyov about the Tatar-Mongol yoke

Where did the term "Tatars" originally come from - the first answers were not bad. But here it would be necessary to recall the further development of the Golden Horde. It was also a huge empire, stretching in the west from the Crimea, and the southeastern territories of Ukraine to the Caucasus and Central Asia in the south, and Western Siberia in the East. The question is: how could it exist at all, and not fall apart immediately? And because there were unifying factors peculiar to the Ulus of Jochi (the rest former territories The Mongol Empire also had its own):

Turkic peoples lived throughout the entire territory of the Golden Horde. Nomadic, or recently former. Differences in language among the majority were not critical; so they were basically mutually intelligible. As a language of communication and official used, in different versions, the Old Turkic language, or Turks. Which at the very least could be understood by the Polovtsy (the main ancestors Crimean Tatars); and the ancestors of the Uzbeks; and Bulgars from the Volga region; and those Turks who settled in the Caucasus, etc.

Yes, like nomads, a huge part of the population had no fundamental contradictions, as such, with the Mongols. They fit perfectly into the Mongolian war machine. The Mongols were originally a minority. Quite quickly they assimilated among the surrounding Turkic population.

Islam was soon adopted as the official religion. This strengthened the sympathy for the country of those who ended up on the territory of Z.O. Muslim Turks from the Volga region and from Central Asia. Their culture and socio-economic structure were a kind of cementing factor. And they allowed many non-settled peoples to develop simultaneously.

Both non-Turkic and non-Muslim peoples lived in the Ulus of Jochi. Say, numerous Finno-Ugric, or those who lived in the North Caucasus. But it was the Turks who professed Islam (both nomadic and settled) in such an empire, almost everything suited; they eventually began to perceive it as "their" state, and support and protect it. It was possible to create a certain community of them within the framework of such an empire.

For the Russians of the XIII-XV centuries, meanwhile, there was no particular difference between the Mongols and the Turks. There were just those villains of oriental appearance, speaking an incomprehensible language, who came on horseback to collect tribute, and periodically staged raids. He continued to call them the word under which the information about the Mongols was initially horrified in all the surrounding countries.

After Golden Horde nevertheless, it fell apart, for a Russian person, the Turks on horseback, professing Islam, with whom they had to fight as they overcame the next khanate, all the same were "Tatars". Moreover, horsemen who believed in Allah, speaking in dialects indistinguishable to the Slavic ear, did indeed appear from the Crimea and Western Siberia. And then, as the country expanded, and the creation of the Russian Empire, the rule spread to almost all Turkic peoples. Roman wrote: “In general, “Tatars” in Russian is something like “Germans” (those who do not speak an understandable language, that is, “dumb”, incapable of speaking humanly), this is not the name of any particular people, but a general term for "foreign", nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes from somewhere in the East." - but after all, Tatars were called, for example, not at all nomadic Azerbaijanis - "Transcaucasian Tatars." (This is what takes out the brain while reading fiction literature XIX century, associated with the Caucasus). Karachays - "Mountain Tatars", Nogais - "Nogai Tatars", Khakasses - "Abakan Tatars", etc. In the story "The Enchanted Wanderer" by N. Leskov, the Tatars mean the Kazakhs. Even though few of them called themselves that, and the differences between, say, Karachays and Chulyms are huge.

Historically, several peoples nevertheless took the word as the official name of the ethnic group: Volga Tatars, Crimean Tatars, and Siberian Tatars. And then, it finally happened only in the XX century.

So initially, we can say that when the Mongols just invaded the territory of the Russian principalities, the Tatars were not among them either in the original (exterminated Mongol tribe) or in the subsequent sense. But when the state of Ulus Jochi appeared - the Golden Horde, through which, first of all, the so-called yoke was carried out, the majority of the population very quickly became Tatars there.

I will supplement the previous excellent answer by Roman Khmelevsky with a remark to the second part of your question. The fact is that the term "yoke" is the traditional name for the system of relationships that developed between the ulus of Jochi and the Russian principalities in the 13th-15th centuries. At the same time, the term itself has a relatively late origin and was first used by the Polish chronicler Jan Dlugosz in the 15th century. In Russia, the term "yoke" appears no earlier than the middle of the 17th century, and the very expression "Mongol- Tatar yoke"was first used in 1817 by the German author Christian Kruse in the Atlas of European History." Thus, the term "yoke" is not applicable to refer to the medieval state of the nomadic Mongols, it is used only to refer to the relations that developed between them and the ancient Russian lands (and in At present, the correctness of its use - not the phenomenon itself, but the term "yoke" - has been called into question).

As for the term "Golden Horde", it's a bit more complicated. Traditionally, this name is used in historiography to designate public education nomadic Mongols, which existed since the 30s. XIII approximately to the end of the XV century. The word "horde" is of Turkic origin (from ordu - a fortified military camp) and at that time it meant the khan's headquarters, the place of residence of the commander in chief. It was first used by Ibn Battuta, an Arab traveler of the XIV century - this is how he called the golden tent of Khan Uzbek. It quickly took root, especially since it was quite appropriate in the context of the Mongolian tradition to designate the main and secondary headquarters of the khans. So, after the conquest of the territories included in the Juchi ulus (the inheritance of the eldest son of Genghis Khan, who was supposed to conquer it for himself), it was divided into several inheritances, which were headed by the grandchildren of Genghis - Batu’s part was called the White Horde, and part of his older brother was the Blue Horde (in the Mongolian tradition, white denoted the west, blue - the east). But they themselves did not call their state, which had separated from the great khan by the middle of the 13th century, the Golden Horde - they simply called it "ulus", the state, adding various epithets to it (the word "ulug", great, or the name of an acting or famous in the past khan). Nevertheless, the name "Golden Horde" seems to be correct, because. has long been accepted in historical science. One can draw a parallel with Byzantium - this state itself was never called that (although this name was sometimes used by the Romans for the sublime naming of Constantinople), but in modern historiography this designation is most common for the Eastern Roman Empire, and even the very science of it is called Byzantine studies.

I agree with the author above. With the Tatars among the Mongols, the topic is very muddy. But in short, it goes like this:
There were Mongols, there were Tatars. There was a man named Yesigei, who at first simply fought with his brave horsemen, then decided to unite all the territories north of China, inhabited by nomads, whom the Chinese themselves called "black Mongols", while the "whites" assimilated in the northern provinces. And inside the black Mongols there was a distribution directly to the Mongols and those who are commonly called Tatars. And so the brave Yesigei Baatur with his allies killed all the enemies, including the Tatars, and united Mongolia for the first time in history. But the then Mongolian savages did not know the word "honor", and very soon Yesigei, who spent the night with the Tatars on the way home, was poisoned. Then the hunt for his family began, but now the main thing for us is that a boy named Temujin survived, who saw how the Tatars cut everything he loved. Then he grew up, found those who remained faithful to his father and declared war on the Tatars, whom he considered guilty (rightly) of the death of his father. Everything was decided in one big battle, at night, when Temujin managed to defeat the united Tatar army and took many soldiers prisoner. You yourself understand that it is better not to give exact figures here, because everything will be a lie. So Temujin became Genghis Khan, and the Tatars were forcibly poured into the Mongol army.
What did I lead all this to? I led this to the fact that, according to Mongolian military traditions, prisoners always marched as infantry in the forefront and died very quickly, because death awaited them on both sides: both in front and behind the Mongols, if they decided to retreat. So we can safely say that by the campaign of the grandson of Genghis Khan Batu to Russia and Europe, there were few original Tatars in the army, and those that remained, with long service and loyalty, achieved commanding ranks among the Mongols and finally assimilated among their conquerors.

It's a complex and confusing story. First, "Tatars" in " Tatar-Mongol yoke"these, in general, are not at all the" Tatars "that are in present-day Kazan and Tatarstan, and this creates the first confusion. Tatars in Tatarstan are rather descendants of the population Volga Bulgaria, partly Polovtsy, they always lived there on the Volga, and have nothing to do with the Mongol tribes (although, of course, there has been a lot of confusion there, since then, as elsewhere). During the period of the Golden Horde (Ulus Jushi), these Tatars, like many other peoples, were part of it.

Those "Tatars" who are "Mongol-Tatars" - it was a Mongol tribe, subjugated at one time by Genghis Khan (Temuchin), and, in the process of subjugation, practically destroyed and assimilated (there Long story why so, they killed Temujin's father and he took revenge).

In general, "Tatars" in Russian is something like "Germans" (those who do not speak an understandable language, that is, "dumb", incapable of speaking humanly), this is not the name of a particular people, but a general term for "foreign", nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes from somewhere in the East.2. Tatars even before Genghis Khan were numerous and made up tribal associations otuz Tatars (thirty Tatar tribes) Tokuz Tatars (nine Tatar tribes). This is written on the monument to Kul-Tegin, the Turkic commander. There is no evidence that Genghis Khan destroyed all 39 Tatar tribes.
3. The Tatars were Türkic-speaking - on the monument to Kul-Tegin they are described as Türks. Later, mingling with the Mongol-speaking peoples, they adopted their language.
4. The Mongols of the Middle Ages are mostly Turks and they have nothing to do with modern Mongols (Khalkha). The fact that Genghis Khan was a Khalkha Mongol can be successfully refuted on the grounds that he did not speak Mongolian, but Tatar. This is evidenced by the story of the Flemish monk - the Franciscan Guillaume de Rubruk, who at one time visited the headquarters of Batu Khan. Rubruk retells a widespread parable of the time. An Arab who came to the headquarters of Mengu Khan (one of the grandsons of the Shaker of the Universe) began to describe his dream to him, saying that he dreamed of Genghis Khan, who demanded that Muslims in his possessions be executed everywhere.
And then Mengu Khan asked the Arab: “What language did my illustrious ancestor speak to you?” "In Arabic," was the answer. “So you’re all lying,” Mengu Khan was angry. “My ancestor didn’t know any other language except Tatar.”
And the same story almost one to one leads in his "Collection of Chronicles" and Rashid-ad-Din.



o (Mongol-Tatar, Tatar-Mongol, Horde) - the traditional name for the system of exploitation of Russian lands by nomadic conquerors who came from the East from 1237 to 1480.

This system was aimed at the implementation of mass terror and robbery of the Russian people by levying cruel requisitions. It acted primarily in the interests of the Mongol nomadic military-feudal nobility (noyons), in whose favor the lion's share of the collected tribute came.

The Mongol-Tatar yoke was established as a result of the invasion of Batu Khan in the 13th century. Until the early 1260s, Russia was ruled by the great Mongol khans, and then by the khans of the Golden Horde.

The Russian principalities were not directly part of the Mongol state and retained the local princely administration, the activities of which were controlled by the Baskaks - representatives of the khan in the conquered lands. The Russian princes were tributaries of the Mongol khans and received from them labels for the possession of their principalities. Formally, the Mongol-Tatar yoke was established in 1243, when Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich received a label from the Mongols for the Grand Duchy of Vladimir. Russia, according to the label, lost the right to fight and had to regularly pay tribute to the khans twice a year (in spring and autumn).

On the territory of Russia there was no permanent Mongol-Tatar army. The yoke was supported by punitive campaigns and repressions against recalcitrant princes. The regular flow of tribute from the Russian lands began after the census of 1257-1259, conducted by the Mongolian "numerals". The units of taxation were: in cities - the yard, in rural areas - "village", "plough", "plough". Only the clergy were exempt from tribute. The main "Horde hardships" were: "exit", or "Tsar's tribute" - a tax directly for the Mongol Khan; trading fees ("myt", "tamka"); transport duties ("pits", "carts"); the content of the khan's ambassadors ("fodder"); various "gifts" and "honors" to the khan, his relatives and associates. Every year, Russian lands left in the form of tribute great amount silver. Large "requests" for military and other needs were periodically collected. In addition, the Russian princes were obliged, by order of the khan, to send soldiers to participate in campaigns and in battue hunts (“catchers”). In the late 1250s and early 1260s, tribute from the Russian principalities was collected by Muslim merchants (“besermens”), who bought this right from the great Mongol khan. Most of the tribute went to the great khan in Mongolia. During the uprisings of 1262, the "besermen" from Russian cities were expelled, and the duty of collecting tribute passed to the local princes.

The struggle of Russia against the yoke was gaining more and more breadth. In 1285 Grand Duke Dmitry Alexandrovich (son of Alexander Nevsky) defeated and expelled the army of the “Horde prince”. At the end of the 13th - the first quarter of the 14th century, performances in Russian cities led to the elimination of the Basques. With the strengthening of the Moscow principality, the Tatar yoke is gradually weakening. Moscow Prince Ivan Kalita (reigned in 1325-1340) won the right to collect "exit" from all Russian principalities. From the middle of the XIV century, the orders of the khans of the Golden Horde, not supported by a real military threat, were no longer carried out by the Russian princes. Dmitry Donskoy (1359-1389) did not recognize the khan's labels issued to his rivals and seized the Grand Duchy of Vladimir by force. In 1378 he defeated the Tatar army on the Vozha River in the Ryazan land, and in 1380 he defeated the Golden Horde ruler Mamai in the Battle of Kulikovo.

However, after the campaign of Tokhtamysh and the capture of Moscow in 1382, Russia was again forced to recognize the power of the Golden Horde and pay tribute, but already Vasily I Dmitrievich (1389-1425) received the great reign of Vladimir without the khan's label, as "his fiefdom." Under him, the yoke was nominal. Tribute was paid irregularly, the Russian princes pursued an independent policy. The attempt of the Golden Horde ruler Edigey (1408) to restore full power over Russia ended in failure: he failed to take Moscow. The strife that began in the Golden Horde opened before Russia the possibility of overthrowing the Tatar yoke.

However, in the middle of the 15th century, Muscovite Russia itself experienced a period of internecine war, which weakened its military potential. During these years, the Tatar rulers organized a series of devastating invasions, but they were no longer able to bring the Russians to complete obedience. The unification of the Russian lands around Moscow led to the concentration in the hands of the Moscow princes of such political power, which the weakening Tatar khans could not cope with. The Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III Vasilyevich (1462-1505) in 1476 refused to pay tribute. In 1480, after the unsuccessful campaign of the Khan of the Great Horde Akhmat and “standing on the Ugra”, the yoke was finally overthrown.

The Mongol-Tatar yoke had negative, regressive consequences for the economic, political and cultural development of the Russian lands, was a brake on the growth of the productive forces of Russia, which were at a higher socio-economic level compared to the productive forces of the Mongol state. It artificially preserved for a long time the purely feudal natural character of the economy. Politically, the consequences of the yoke were manifested in the disruption of the natural process of the state development of Russia, in the artificial maintenance of its fragmentation. The Mongol-Tatar yoke, which lasted two and a half centuries, was one of the reasons for the economic, political and cultural backwardness of Russia from Western European countries.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources.

Russia under the Mongol-Tatar yoke existed in an extremely humiliating way. She was completely subjugated both politically and economically. Therefore, the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia, the date of standing on the Ugra River - 1480, is perceived as major event in our history. Although Russia became politically independent, the payment of tribute in a smaller amount continued until the time of Peter the Great. The complete end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke is the year 1700, when Peter the Great canceled payments to the Crimean khans.

Mongolian army

In the XII century, the Mongol nomads united under the rule of the cruel and cunning ruler Temujin. He mercilessly suppressed all obstacles to unlimited power and created a unique army that won victory after victory. He, creating a great empire, was called by his nobility Genghis Khan.

Having conquered East Asia, the Mongol troops reached the Caucasus and Crimea. They destroyed the Alans and Polovtsians. The remnants of the Polovtsians turned to Russia for help.

First meeting

There were 20 or 30 thousand soldiers in the Mongol army, it has not been precisely established. They were led by Jebe and Subedei. They stopped at the Dnieper. Meanwhile, Khotyan was persuading the Galich prince Mstislav Udaly to oppose the invasion of the terrible cavalry. He was joined by Mstislav of Kyiv and Mstislav of Chernigov. According to various sources, the total Russian army numbered from 10 to 100 thousand people. The military council took place on the banks of the Kalka River. A unified plan was not developed. performed alone. He was supported only by the remnants of the Polovtsy, but during the battle they fled. The princes of Galicia who did not support the princes still had to fight the Mongols who attacked their fortified camp.

The battle lasted for three days. Only by cunning and a promise not to take anyone prisoner did the Mongols enter the camp. But they did not keep their word. The Mongols tied the Russian governor and the prince alive and covered them with boards and sat on them and began to feast on the victory, enjoying the groans of the dying. So the Kyiv prince and his entourage perished in agony. The year was 1223. The Mongols, without going into details, went back to Asia. They will return in thirteen years. And all these years in Russia there was a fierce squabble between the princes. It completely undermined the forces of the Southwestern Principalities.


The grandson of Genghis Khan, Batu, with a huge army of half a million, having conquered the Polovtsian lands in the south in the east, approached the Russian principalities in December 1237. His tactic was not to give a big battle, but to attack individual units, breaking them all one by one. Approaching the southern borders of the Ryazan principality, the Tatars demanded tribute from him in an ultimatum: a tenth of the horses, people and princes. In Ryazan, three thousand soldiers were barely recruited. They sent for help to Vladimir, but no help came. After six days of siege, Ryazan was taken.

The inhabitants were destroyed, the city was destroyed. It was the beginning. The end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke will take place in two hundred and forty difficult years. Kolomna was next. There, the Russian army was almost all killed. Moscow lies in ashes. But before that, someone who dreamed of returning to his native places buried it in a treasure trove of silver jewelry. It was found by chance when construction was underway in the Kremlin in the 90s of the XX century. Vladimir was next. The Mongols spared neither women nor children and destroyed the city. Then Torzhok fell. But spring came, and, fearing a mudslide, the Mongols moved south. Northern swampy Russia did not interest them. But the defending tiny Kozelsk stood in the way. For nearly two months, the city resisted fiercely. But reinforcements came to the Mongols with wall-beating machines, and the city was taken. All the defenders were cut out and left no stone unturned from the town. So, the whole North-Eastern Russia by 1238 lay in ruins. And who can doubt whether there was a Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia? From the brief description it follows that there were wonderful good neighborly relations, right?

Southwestern Russia

Her turn came in 1239. Pereyaslavl, the Principality of Chernigov, Kyiv, Vladimir-Volynsky, Galich - everything was destroyed, not to mention smaller cities and villages and villages. And how far is the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke! How much horror and destruction brought its beginning. The Mongols went to Dalmatia and Croatia. Western Europe trembled.

However, news from distant Mongolia forced the invaders to turn back. And they didn’t have enough strength to go back. Europe was saved. But our Motherland, lying in ruins, bleeding, did not know when the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke would come.

Russia under the yoke

Who suffered the most from the Mongol invasion? Peasants? Yes, the Mongols did not spare them. But they could hide in the woods. Townspeople? Certainly. There were 74 cities in Russia, and 49 of them were destroyed by Batu, and 14 were never restored. Artisans were turned into slaves and exported. There was no continuity of skills in crafts, and the craft fell into decay. They forgot how to pour dishes from glass, cook glass for making windows, there were no multi-colored ceramics and decorations with cloisonne enamel. Stonemasons and carvers disappeared, and stone construction was suspended for 50 years. But it was hardest of all for those who repelled the attack with weapons in their hands - the feudal lords and combatants. Of the 12 princes of Ryazan, three survived, of the 3 of Rostov - one, of the 9 of Suzdal - 4. And no one counted the losses in the squads. And there were no less of them. Professionals in military service have been replaced by other people who are used to being pushed around. So the princes began to have full power. This process later, when the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke comes, will deepen and lead to the unlimited power of the monarch.

Russian princes and the Golden Horde

After 1242, Russia fell under the complete political and economic oppression of the Horde. So that the prince could legally inherit his throne, he had to go with gifts to the "free king", as our princes of khans called it, in the capital of the Horde. It took quite a long time to be there. Khan slowly considered the lowest requests. The whole procedure turned into a chain of humiliations, and after much deliberation, sometimes many months, the khan gave a "label", that is, permission to reign. So, one of our princes, having come to Batu, called himself a serf in order to keep his possessions.

It was necessary to stipulate the tribute that the principality would pay. At any moment, the khan could summon the prince to the Horde and even execute the objectionable in it. The Horde pursued a special policy with the princes, diligently inflating their strife. The disunity of the princes and their principalities played into the hands of the Mongols. The Horde itself gradually became a colossus with feet of clay. Centrifugal moods intensified in her. But that will be much later. And in the beginning its unity is strong. After the death of Alexander Nevsky, his sons fiercely hate each other and fiercely fight for the throne of Vladimir. Conditionally reigning in Vladimir gave the prince seniority over all the others. In addition, a decent allotment of land was attached to those who bring money to the treasury. And for the great reign of Vladimir in the Horde, a struggle flared up between the princes, it happened to the death. This is how Russia lived under the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The troops of the Horde practically did not stand in it. But in case of disobedience, punitive troops could always come and start cutting and burning everything.

Rise of Moscow

The bloody strife of the Russian princes among themselves led to the fact that the period from 1275 to 1300 Mongol troops came to Russia 15 times. Many principalities emerged from the strife weakened, people fled from them to more peaceful places. Such a quiet principality turned out to be a small Moscow. It went to the inheritance of the younger Daniel. He reigned from the age of 15 and led a cautious policy, trying not to quarrel with his neighbors, because he was too weak. And the Horde didn't pay close attention to him. Thus, an impetus was given to the development of trade and enrichment in this lot.

Immigrants from troubled places poured into it. Daniel eventually managed to annex Kolomna and Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, increasing his principality. His sons, after his death, continued the relatively quiet policy of their father. Only the princes of Tver saw them as potential rivals and tried, fighting for the Great reign in Vladimir, to spoil Moscow's relations with the Horde. This hatred reached the point that when the Moscow prince and the prince of Tver were simultaneously summoned to the Horde, Dmitry of Tver stabbed Yuri of Moscow to death. For such arbitrariness, he was executed by the Horde.

Ivan Kalita and "great silence"

The fourth son of Prince Daniel, it seemed, had no chance of the Moscow throne. But his older brothers died, and he began to reign in Moscow. By the will of fate, he also became the Grand Duke of Vladimir. Under him and his sons, the Mongol raids on Russian lands stopped. Moscow and the people in it grew rich. Cities grew, their population increased. In North-Eastern Russia, a whole generation has grown up that has ceased to tremble at the mention of the Mongols. This brought the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia closer.

Dmitry Donskoy

By the time of the birth of Prince Dmitry Ivanovich in 1350, Moscow was already turning into the center of the political, cultural and religious life of the northeast. The grandson of Ivan Kalita did not live long, 39 years, but bright life. He spent it in battles, but now it is important to dwell on the great battle with Mamai, which took place in 1380 on the Nepryadva River. By this time, Prince Dmitry had defeated the punitive Mongol detachment between Ryazan and Kolomna. Mamai began to prepare a new campaign against Russia. Dmitry, having learned about this, in turn began to gather strength to fight back. Not all princes responded to his call. The prince had to turn to Sergius of Radonezh for help in order to collect civil uprising. And having received the blessing of the holy elder and two monks, at the end of the summer he gathered a militia and moved towards the huge army of Mamai.

On September 8, at dawn, a great battle took place. Dmitry fought in the forefront, was wounded, he was found with difficulty. But the Mongols were defeated and fled. Dmitry returned with a victory. But the time has not yet come when the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia will come. History says that another hundred years will pass under the yoke.

Strengthening Russia

Moscow became the center of the unification of Russian lands, but not all princes agreed to accept this fact. Dmitry's son, Vasily I, ruled for a long time, 36 years, and relatively calmly. He defended the Russian lands from the encroachments of the Lithuanians, annexed Suzdal and the Horde weakened, and it was considered less and less. Vasily visited the Horde only twice in his life. But even within Russia there was no unity. Riots broke out without end. Even at the wedding of Prince Vasily II, a scandal erupted. One of the guests was wearing Dmitry Donskoy's golden belt. When the bride found out about this, she publicly tore it off, causing an insult. But the belt was not just a jewel. He was a symbol of the great princely power. During the reign of Vasily II (1425-1453) there were feudal wars. The prince of Moscow was captured, blinded, his whole face was wounded, and for the rest of his life he wore a bandage on his face and received the nickname "Dark". However, this strong-willed prince was released, and the young Ivan became his co-ruler, who, after the death of his father, would become the liberator of the country and receive the nickname Great.

The end of the Tatar-Mongol yoke in Russia

In 1462, the legitimate ruler Ivan III took the throne of Moscow, who would become a reformer and reformer. He carefully and prudently united the Russian lands. He annexed Tver, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Perm, and even the obstinate Novgorod recognized him as sovereign. He made the emblem of the double-headed Byzantine eagle, began to build the Kremlin. That is how we know him. From 1476, Ivan III stopped paying tribute to the Horde. A beautiful but untruthful legend tells how it happened. Having received the Horde embassy, ​​the Grand Duke trampled on the Basma and sent a warning to the Horde that the same would happen to them if they did not leave his country alone. Enraged Khan Ahmed, having gathered a large army, moved to Moscow, wanting to punish her for her disobedience. Approximately 150 km from Moscow, near the Ugra River on the Kaluga lands, two troops stood opposite in autumn. Russian was headed by the son of Vasily, Ivan Molodoy.

Ivan III returned to Moscow and began to carry out deliveries for the army - food, fodder. So the troops stood opposite each other until the early winter approached with starvation and buried all the plans of Ahmed. The Mongols turned around and left for the Horde, admitting defeat. So the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke happened bloodlessly. Its date - 1480 - is a great event in our history.

The meaning of the fall of the yoke

Having suspended the political, economic and cultural development of Russia for a long time, the yoke pushed the country to the margins of European history. When the Renaissance began and flourished in Western Europe in all areas, when national self-consciousness of peoples took shape, when countries grew rich and flourished in trade, sent a fleet in search of new lands, there was darkness in Russia. Columbus discovered America in 1492. For Europeans, the Earth grew rapidly. For us, the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia marked the opportunity to get out of the narrow medieval framework, change laws, reform the army, build cities and develop new lands. And in short, Russia gained independence and began to be called Russia.

from his horse ... "Which of the first Kiev princes
according to legend, this is how he ended his life?




2. “Our land is great
space and rich in bread, but there is no state structure in it. Go to
us to reign and govern" - so he wrote ...

Metropolitan Hilarion

Nestor the chronicler

3. The first stone temple
called in Russia...

Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv

Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod

Tithe Church in Kyiv

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

4. Are the following correct?

A fresco is a water-based painting on wet plaster.

The construction of the first Christian churches in Russia was led by Varangian masters

only A is true;

only B is true;

both judgments are correct;

both judgments are wrong.

5. Are the following correct?

Vladimir was the son of Svyatoslav from his concubine housekeeper Olga Malusha, meanwhile
how Yaropolk and Oleg descended from the legitimate wives of Svyatoslav.

The last wife of Saint Vladimir was Rogneda, who bore him Boris and Gleb.

only A is true;

only B is true;

both judgments are correct;

both judgments are wrong.

6. Are the following correct?

Boris and Gleb were the first saints of the Russian Orthodox Church.

only A is true;

only B is true;

both judgments are correct;

both judgments are wrong.

7. What event
happened before the others?

the murder of Igor by the Drevlyans;

campaigns of Svyatoslav Igorevich;

Oleg the Prophet's campaigns against Tsargrad;

Olga's reform.

8. What term is




9. What term is
generalizing for everyone else?




10. Which one
literary works appeared earlier than others?

"The Tale of Bygone Years" by Nestor the chronicler;

"Sermon on Law and Grace" by Metropolitan Hilarion;

"Teaching Children" by Vladimir Monomakh;

"The Journey of Hegumen Daniel".

11. Who from
Vladimir-Suzdal princes took Kyiv from the battle and subjected the city to a terrible

Andrei Bogolyubsky;

Yury Dolgoruky;

Alexander Nevskiy;

Vsevolod the Big Nest.

12. Are the following correct?
judgments about the Novgorod Republic?

In the intervals between the convocation of the veche, the council of gentlemen was the supreme governing body,
consisting of the posadnik, the thousandth, the archbishop, chosen at the veche,

The prince not only did not manage state affairs, but also did not have the right to own
property in Novgorod.

only A is true;

only B is true;

both judgments are correct;

both judgments are wrong.

13. Are the following statements about Tatar correct?

A. After the fall of Ryazan, the struggle
against the enemy headed the voivode Yevpaty Kolovrat.

B. none
from Russian cities could not hold out against the Mongols for more than 10 days.

A) right
only A;

B) right
only B;

C) are true
both judgments;

D) both
judgments are wrong.

14. Which of the Tatar khans led their army
during a campaign against Russia?

Genghis Khan;


15. Metropolitan Cyril said: “My children,
know that the sun of the land of Suzdal has already set! About the death of which prince it was so

A) Andrew

B) Yuri Dolgoruky;

Alexander Nevskiy;

D) Vsevolod Bolshoi

Fill in the gaps in the table "Batu campaigns against Russia" Date Event 1235. The Council of Mongol Khans decided

start a campaign against Russia. The army was led by the grandson _____________ Batu

The Mongols defeated ________________________.

The Mongols subjugated the Polovtsy and began preparations for a campaign against Russia.

December 1237

The siege and capture of the Mongols - Tatars __________________________________________________

January 1238

The capture of Kolomna by the Mongol-Tatars and ______________________

The siege and capture of Vladimir by the Mongol Tatars

The battle on the river ____________________ of Russian troops led by the Grand Duke of Vladimir ________________ and Mongol - Tatar troops. The defeat of the Russian army and the death of the Grand Duke.

March 1238

The siege and capture of the shopping center _____________________. The return of the Mongolian army, which did not reach 100 miles to ________________________________, to the southern steppes.

The beginning of the 50-day siege by the Mongol-Tatars of a small Russian city __________________________________

Summer 1238

The exhausted detachments of Batu rested in the steppes near the Don.

Autumn 1238

Batu's invasion of Ryazan land. Destruction of cities


Batu's invasion of the lands of Southern Russia. Burning cities ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The siege and capture of the monogolo - Tatars ______________________


Imagine that in the 12th century, during a brief truce between the Crusaders and Muslims, a Knight Templar invited a nobleman to a joint lion hunt.

Muslim warrior from the troops of Salah ad-Din (Saladin). Describe their conversation during the hunt and the feast in which each would explain the justice of his cause and predict the future outcome of the confrontation!

Task: FIND THE ERRORS IN THE GIVEN TEXT AND POST THEM. Ivan Isaevich Bolotnikov led a popular uprising. He was formerly a merchant, possessed

outstanding mind and military talent. Bolotnikov promised the peasants and serfs freedom. And people went to him and went. the rebels, led by their leader, headed for the capital. Near Moscow, their army united with the noble rebel army. At the decisive hour, the rebels were dealt a strong blow: the nobles, led by Lyapunov and Pashkov, went over to the side of Shuisky. The situation changed dramatically, and the rebels in December 1605 The city retreated to Kaluga. But this was not the end. Bolotnikov won a number of more victories, but they did not turn the tide of events. the scales tipped in favor of government troops. During one of the battles, Bolotnikov was captured and executed, and the rebels went home.

Feats, achievements and destinies from the very beginnings to the twentieth century

By the Defender of the Fatherland Day, it is customary to remember the heroes of past years and talk about military traditions. The famous names of Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov and Georgy Zhukov need no special introduction. Another thing is the generals, military organizers and war heroes representing the Tatar people (as well as people who influenced the formation of the Tatars). " real time” made their top 25, trying to make this list reflect the complex turns and contradictions of history, without being silent about those figures whose position does not fit into someone's picture of the world.

The origins of the Tatar military art

  • Mode (234-174 BC)

“The Xiongnu have fast and bold warriors who appear like a whirlwind and disappear like lightning; they herd cattle, which is their occupation, and hunt along the way, shooting with wooden and hornbows. Chasing wild animals and looking for good grass, they do not have a permanent residence, and therefore they are difficult to seize and curb. If we now allow the frontier districts to abandon tillage and weaving for a long time, then we will only help the barbarians in their constant occupation and create an advantageous position for them. That is why I say that it is more profitable not to attack the Xiongnu,” with these words the Chinese dignitary Han An-guo urged Emperor Wudi not to quarrel with his northern neighbor. It was in 134 BC. A series of khaganates and empires originated from the Xiongnu (Xiongnu) empire, as a result of which the Tatar people also formed in the north of the Eurasian continent. The founder and ruler of the Xiongnu empire - Mode was a real problem for the powerful emperors of China, who, with all the advantages, could not do anything with the steppe enemy. For the first time, he united the peoples of the Great Steppe under a single authority and forced the Middle State to speak with him on an equal footing. Some historians believe that the title "Genghis", taken by the founder of the Mongol Empire, Temujin, is the title "chanyu" that has been transformed over the centuries, which was worn by Mode.

  • Kubrat (7th c.)

In the 7th century, the historical ancestors of the modern Volga-Ural Tatars, the Bulgars, came to the fore. tribal association Great Bulgaria in the northern Black Sea region is headed by Khan Kubrat. To survive in the era of the Great Migration of Nations, Kubrat had to wage constant wars with the Avar Khaganate and byzantine empire. With the latter, he managed to conclude an alliance. Only after the death of its founder Great Bulgaria disintegrates. The Bulgars begin to settle in different countries, and one of their parts comes to the Volga. The Pereshchepinsky treasure, found in 1912, became a monument to the power of Kubrat. Among the finds is a sword that supposedly belonged to the ruler.

  • Genghis Khan (1162-1227)

The personality of this commander is of global importance, since he created the largest empire of antiquity and the Middle Ages. Our list would not be complete without him, because the tactics, strategy, organization, intelligence, communications and weapons of the army of Genghis Khan continued their lives in the Golden Horde and the Tatar states that arose after its collapse. The military art of the Tatar state influenced the army of Moscow Russia.

Photo by Maxim Platonov

When history and heroic epic went hand in hand

  • Tokhtamysh (1342-1406)

In Russian historiography, this khan is known for the capture of Moscow on August 26, 1382. Many copies have been broken around the question of why, having defeated Mamai, Prince Dmitry Donskoy so easily capitulated to Tokhtamysh. However, the history of the Khan, of course, is much broader than this episode. He spent his youth in exile at the court of Tamerlane. In 1380, having finally defeated the dictator Mamai, he united the Golden Horde. Being the most powerful of the descendants of Genghis Khan, he challenged Tamerlane. He made several successful trips to Iran and Central Asia, but then luck turned away from him. In the battles on Kondurcha on June 18, 1391 and on the Terek on April 15, 1395, he was defeated by Tamerlane, after which the Golden Horde was systematically defeated. He spent the last years of his life as an exile fighting for the throne. He died in Siberia, fighting with the troops of Idegeya.

  • Idegay (1352-1419)

The hero of the Tatar epic banned under Stalin was a real politician and a talented commander. He was not a descendant of Genghis Khan, but he was the last one who could keep different parts of the Golden Horde as part of a single state. He started as a close associate of Tokhtamysh, but then organized an unsuccessful plot and fled to Tamerlane in Samarkand. He participated in the battle of Kondurcha on the side of Tamerlane, and after the battle he separated from the winner and hid with his army in the steppes. In 1396, Tamerlane, having finally ruined the Horde, leaves for his possessions. Then Idegei and his army become the most powerful force in the devastated country. August 12, 1399 Idegei wins a brilliant victory over the troops of the Lithuanian prince Vitovt and Tokhtamysh in the battle on the Vorskla River. For almost 20 years he has ruled the empire through dummy khans, passed laws restricting slavery, and promoted the spread of Islam among nomads. The government is hampered by constant wars with the children of Tokhtamysh, in one of which the old commander died.

  • Ulu-Muhammed (d. 1445)

During the collapse of the Golden Horde, the Middle Volga region became an arena where different political formations competed against each other. The warring Horde khans used the Bulgar ulus as a springboard for the struggle for power in Saray. The old cities were ruined by Novgorod and Vyatka pirates-Ushkuiniki. Russian princes went to war here long before Ivan the Terrible. All this ended when Khan Ulu-Muhammed came to the Middle Volga. Having lost in the struggle for power to other Genghisides, he was forced to wander. On December 5, 1437, near Belev, Ulu-Muhammed managed to defeat the superior forces of the Russian princes Dmitry Shemyaka and Dmitry Krasny. After that, the Khan established himself on the Middle Volga, laying the foundation for a strong Kazan Khanate.

Photo by Maxim Platonov

  • Sahib Giray (1501-1551)

In 1521, after more than 20 years of Moscow protectorate, the Kazan Khanate regained full independence. This is connected with the accession to the throne of Khan Sahib Giray from the Crimean Girey dynasty. Almost from the first days, the twenty-year-old khan had to wage war with a powerful neighbor who saw the Kasimov Khan Shah-Ali on the Kazan throne. Under the command of Sahib Giray, the Crimean-Kazan army reached Kolomna, where they met with the army of the Crimean Khan Mehmed Giray, and the united army almost approached Moscow. This forced Grand Duke Vasily III to change tactics and launch an offensive against Kazan, using outposts prepared in advance. So Vasilsursk, the prototype of Sviyazhsk, appeared on the Sura River. In 1524, under the pressure of circumstances, Sahib Giray was forced to leave Kazan, leaving the throne to his nephew Safa Giray. In 1532, he became the Crimean Khan and carried out a major military reform. The army, organized on the basis of the Golden Horde, is being modernized in the Ottoman way. The Crimean Tatars have infantry armed with firearms and artillery.

  • Chura Narykov (d. 1546)

Chura Narykov is an interesting example of a politician and military leader, who is also a semi-mythical hero of the folk epic "Chura-batyr". The more famous Idegeya had the same combination. Each of these two images lives an eventful life, but there is a lot in common. Both the real Karachi-bek Chura Narykov from historical sources and the legendary Chura-batyr were successful warriors and great patriots. The historical Chura during the Kazan-Moscow war in the 1530s acted at the head of a large Tatar-Mari army in the Galician and Kostroma regions. At the same time, he was in opposition to the ruling Crimean dynasty in Kazan and advocated more constructive relations with a strong Moscow. In 1546, after the overthrow of Khan Safa Giray, he joined the government and supported the compromise candidacy of Khan Shah Ali from Kasimov. After the return of Safa Giray to the throne, he was executed. The legendary Chura-batyr himself was from the Crimea, but considered Shah-Ali his sovereign. Just like a real prototype, he fought a lot with Moscow and was invincible until the enemy came up with his own son to oppose the hero. During the battle with his son, Chura-batyr drowns in the waters of Idel, leaving Kazan defenseless.

  • Kuchum (died 1601)

Khan Kuchum is well known as Yermak's antagonist, but his image is lost somewhere in the crowd among the Tatar army in Surikov's painting. As if he is part of the "natural chaos" that must be subdued by Russian weapons. In fact, the story of Kuchum is much more similar to the universal plot of The Return of the King. A representative of the Genghisid Shibanid dynasty, which ruled in Siberia until the end of the 15th century, he returned to the land of his ancestors and took power away from the Taibugid family, which ruled for almost 70 years, from the point of view of Genghisides, illegally. As a legitimate khan, he does not recognize vassal dependence on the Grand Duke of Moscow, who has recently called himself tsar. This is what was at the heart of the conflict. Kuchum's war against Yermak's Cossacks did not end in 1581 with the occupation of Isker. The resistance continued for another 20 years and cost Yermak his life.

Photo by Mikhail Kozlovsky

In the service of the Russian state

  • Khudai-Kul (d. 1523)

After the collapse of the Golden Horde, many Tatar aristocrats went to the service of the Grand Duke of Moscow. Often they received high ranks, commanded military formations and made a significant contribution to the formation of Russia. The fate of the Kazan prince Khudai-Kul, who became Peter Ibragimovich in Moscow and married the sister of Vasily III Evdokia, is very indicative. He was the son of Kazan Khan Ibrahim and one of his wives Fatima. Paradoxically, the children of Fatima, led by Khan Ilham (Ali), had an uncompromising attitude towards Moscow, unlike the children of Queen Nur-Sultan. This cost them the throne in Kazan and exile to the north in Beloozero. Having become part of the highest Moscow aristocracy, Khuday-Kul participated in the wars with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and commanded a large regiment in 1510, when the Pskov land was annexed to Moscow. Genghisides was best friend Vasily III and, since the prince had no children for a long time, he even considered him as a possible heir. The Kazan prince was buried in the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, next to other builders of the Russian state.

  • Bayush Razgildeev (late 16th century - early 17th century)

During the Time of Troubles XVII century, when Moscow Rus actually ceased to exist as single state, many regions of the country were twitched by raids from the Nogai Horde. Territories with a Tatar population are no exception. In 1612, the Nogais made another raid on the Alatyr district with a motley ethnic composition, where the Tatars-Mishars, and Mordvins-Erzyas, and Chuvashs lived. But instead of an easy harvest, the steppe warriors were in for an unpleasant surprise. Murza Bayush Razgildeev gathered “Alatyr Murzas and Mordovians and all sorts of service people” and defeated the Nogais in the battle of the Pyan River. For this, the government of Prince Pozharsky granted him a princely title. In the documents of that time, the Razgildeevs are called both “Mordovian Murzas” and “Tatars”, professing the “basurman faith” (i.e. Islam), which is why every nation considers the hero to be their own.

  • Iskhak Islyamov (1865-1929)

The main merit of this Tatar naval officer can be seen on the map of Russia - this is the Franz Josef Land archipelago, which Islyamov proclaimed Russian territory on August 29, 1914. The uninhabited Arctic islands were discovered and named after their emperor by the Austrians. In 1913, the first Russian expedition to North Pole under the leadership of Georgy Sedov. The steam schooner "Gerta" under the command of Islyamov went in search. The Sedovites could not be found in Franz Josef Land: after suffering and burying their captain, they had already gone home. In view of the outbreak of the First World War, where Austria was the enemy of Russia, Islyamov raised the Russian tricolor over Cape Flora. Iskhak Islyamov is the highest-ranking naval officer of the Russian Empire of Tatar origin. He rose to the rank of Lieutenant General of the Hydrograph Corps. Born in Kronstadt, in the family of a naval non-commissioned officer Ibragim Islyamov, who presumably came from the village of Aibash, Vysokogorsky district. Iskhak Ibragimovich was a student of Admiral Makarov, took part in marine research in the North, the Far East and the Caspian, participated in Russo-Japanese War. After the revolution, he supported the whites and emigrated to Turkey. Cape Islyamov is located in Vladivostok on the Russky Island.

In defense of the faith of the ancestors

  • Kul Sharif (d. 1552)

It often happens in history that when politicians and the military cannot protect society, spiritual authorities come to the fore. So it was in the Time of Troubles in Russia, when Patriarch Hermogenes, a native of Kazan, acted as a generator of patriotic sentiments. So it was in the years of the decline of the Kazan Khanate. While various aristocratic parties spun intrigues, carried out coups and negotiated with external players, the head of the Islamic clergy, Kul Sharif, acted as a guarantor of local interests. It was he who was the first person in the government under the last Khan Yadygar-Muhammed, who came from Astrakhan, spent many years in the Russian service, and, therefore, did not have such authority among Kazanians as an Islamic scholar. In 1552, many Tatar feudal lords refused to defend their state, looking for benefits. Kul Sharif, guided by the defense of faith, went to the end and fell in battle along with his shakirds. "In the last years of the Kazan kingdom was scientist man named Kazy Sherif-kul. When the Russians besieged Kazan, he fought a lot and finally fell dead on his madrasah, was hit by a spear,” Shigabutdin Marjani wrote about him.

Cool Sharif. Photo kazan-kremlin.ru

  • Seit Yagafarov (second halfXVIIin.)

In the XVII-XVIII centuries, the Muslims of the Volga and Ural regions had to defend not only their land, but also their religion from the government's policy of converting all subjects to Christianity. A striking episode of Muslim resistance was the Seitov uprising of 1681-1684, which engulfed the territory of modern Bashkiria and the eastern regions of Tatarstan. The reason was the royal decree, according to which the Muslim aristocracy was deprived of estates and estates. The local authorities began to force the Tatars and Bashkirs to be baptized, which violated the conditions for the entry of the Bashkir lands into Russia. The uprising was led by Seit Yagafarov, who was proclaimed khan under the name Safar. The rebels kept Ufa and Menzelinsk under siege and attacked Samara. The government made concessions and announced an amnesty, after which some of the rebels laid down their arms. But Yagafarov continued to resist in alliance with the Kalmyks. The disturbed confessional balance was temporarily restored.

  • Batyrsha (1710-1762)

The Muslim theologian and imam Gabdulla Galiev, nicknamed Batyrsha, spoke out in defense of Islam at a time when the persecution of Muslims in the Russian Empire reached its peak. In 1755-1756 he led a large armed uprising in Bashkiria. Once in prison, he did not stop the fight and wrote the message "Tahrizname" addressed to the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, which became a manifesto of the religious and civil rights of the Tatars and Bashkirs. He died in the Shlisselburg fortress while trying to escape, when he managed to get an ax in his chained hands. Despite the defeat of the uprising of 1755-1756, its result was the gradual transition of the Russian Empire to a policy of religious tolerance.

On opposite sides of the barricades and front lines

  • Ilyas Alkin (1895-1937)

A military and political organizer who wanted the Tatars to play an independent role in the cataclysms of the early 20th century. Born into a Tatar noble family. His father was a deputy of the State Duma, and his grandfather was the chief of police in Kazan. Like many young people of the early 20th century, he was fascinated by socialist ideas. He was a member of the Menshevik Party, and then the Socialist-Revolutionaries. In 1915 he was drafted into the army. After the February Revolution, he initiated the creation of Muslim military units and, despite his young age, was elected chairman of the All-Russian Muslim Military Council (Harbi Shuro). The October Revolution was not accepted. At the beginning of 1918, he was the main figure in the 2nd All-Russian Muslim Congress in Kazan, where the proclamation of the State of Idel-Ural was being prepared. At that time, in the Tatar part of Kazan, there were power structures parallel to the Bolsheviks, called the “Zabulachnaya Republic”. After the liquidation of the Zabulachnaya Republic and his arrest, he participated in the Civil War as part of the Bashkir troops. First, on the side of the Whites, and then, together with the Bashkir corps, he went over to the side Soviet power. He was repeatedly arrested and shot in the year of the Great Terror.

  • Yakub Chanyshev (1892-1987)

The military biography of Lieutenant General Chanyshev is the history of the Red and Soviet Army, lived by a Tatar. He came from a noble Tatar family of princes Chanyshev, in 1913 he was drafted into the army and went through the First World War as an artilleryman. Since the beginning of the revolution, he supported the Muslim military organization Harbi Shuro, but then for the rest of his life he connected his fate with the Bolshevik Party. Participated in the October battles in Kazan and in the defeat of the Zabulachnaya Republic, personally arrested its leader Ilyas Alkin. Then there was Civil War against Kolchak and the fight against Basmachi in Central Asia. The regular red officer was not spared by a wave of repressions. However, after being under investigation for a year and a half, Chanyshev was released. He met the Great Patriotic War near Kharkov in 1942 and finished in the Reichstag, where he left his signature. After retiring, he took an active part in the Tatar public life. He fought for the rehabilitation of the name of Ismail Gasprinsky and the return of the Asadullayev house to the Tatar community of Moscow.

Yakub Chanyshev. Photo archive.gov.tatarstan.ru

  • Yakub Yuzefovich (1872-1929)

Polish-Lithuanian Tatars are an ethnic group living in Poland, Lithuania and Belarus. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the military traditions of the Golden Horde were kept for the longest time among this people. Their ancestors came to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with Khan Tokhtamysh and became part of the Polish gentry. From this people came a prominent military leader of the Russian Imperial Army and the White Movement, Lieutenant General Yakov (Yakub) Yuzefovich. He was born in Belarusian Grodno, studied in Polotsk cadet corps and the Mikhailovsky Artillery School in St. Petersburg. In the Russo-Japanese War, he received the Order of St. Anne, 3rd class, for distinction in battles near Mukden. A promising officer begins the First World War at the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, but a paper career was not to the liking of a descendant of the warlike Horde. A month later, he was transferred from Headquarters to the post of chief of staff of the Caucasian native cavalry division, which, under its own banners, united people from different peoples of the Caucasus and bore the unofficial name of the "Wild Division". In battles, he repeatedly risked his life and was wounded. During the Civil War, Yuzefovich was the closest ally and right hand Baron Pyotr Wrangel. He fights with the Bolsheviks in the Caucasus, near Kiev, near Orel and in the Crimea. After the defeat of the White Army, he lived in exile.

In the fire of mankind's greatest war

  • Alexander Matrosov (1924-1943)

Shakiryan Yunusovich Mukhamedyanov - that, according to one version, was the name of the Red Army soldier Alexander Matrosov, who on February 27, 1943 closed the embrasure of a German machine gun with his body and, at the cost of his life, helped his comrades complete a combat mission. The fate of Matrosov-Mukhamedyanov reflected the life path of a whole generation of times of devastation. He was a homeless child (it was at this time that he took the name with which he went down in history), was in a colony, took the outbreak of war as a personal challenge, asked to go to the front and died a hero.

  • Gani Safiullin (1905-1973)

The honored Soviet military leader was born in Zakazan, in the village of Stary Kishit, studied at a madrasah - a typical biography of many Tatar boys of the early 20th century. But the Civil War, famine and devastation made adjustments to this fate. Life brought Gani to the Kazakh steppes, and from there to the Cossack regiment. Once in the Red Army, Safiullin fought the Basmachi in Central Asia, guarded strategic facilities, but the high point, where he showed his talent as a commander, was the war with Nazi Germany. His military path went through the battle of Smolensk, an unsuccessful offensive near Kharkov in 1942, Battle of Stalingrad. In September 1943, the 25th Guards Rifle Corps under the command of Safiullin crossed the Dnieper. Reflecting numerous enemy counterattacks, the soldiers of the Tatar commander expanded the bridgehead on the right bank of the river to 25 km wide and 15 km deep. A month later he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1945 he was appointed to command the 57th Guards Rifle Corps. From near Prague, the corps was transferred to the Far East to defeat the Japanese Kwantung Army. After leaving the reserve, Lieutenant General Safiullin lived in Kazan.

  • Maguba Syrtlanova (1912-1971)

The U-2 biplane, despite the nickname "maize", was a formidable weapon in the mountains of the Great Patriotic War and was in service with the 46th Taman Guards Women's Night Bomber Aviation Regiment. Virtually silent planes appeared suddenly and inflicted enormous damage on the enemy, for which the Germans called the pilots on the “whatnots” night witches. Maguba Syrtlanova "fell ill" with aviation long before the war, studied at a flight school and constantly improved her skills. In the summer of 1941, she was drafted into the air ambulance, but tried to get into the 46th regiment. Soon she became a senior lieutenant of the guard and deputy squadron commander. During the war, Syrtlanova made 780 sorties and dropped 84 tons of bombs. Other pilots admired the punctuality and reliability of their combat friend. She ended the war in the sky over defeated Germany. In 1946, Syrtlanova was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Post-war years, the former "night witch" lived in Kazan.

Flight book of Maguba Syrtlanova

  • Makhmut Gareev (born 1923)

Great Patriotic War became the first test for the honored Soviet military leader, Army General Makhmut Gareev. After studying for only five months at the Tashkent Infantry School, Gareev asked to go to the front and in 1942 ended up in the infamous Rzhev direction. He managed to survive, but was wounded, despite which he continued to command. As for many fighters, Gareev's war did not end in Europe, but continued in the Far East. Then, in the track record of the general, the post of military adviser in the United Arab Republic (which included Egypt and Syria), work under Afghan President Najibullah after the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the country. But the main vocation of all life is military science, where the theory is backed up by one's own combat experience.

  • Gainan Kurmashev (1919-1944)

The name of Gainan Kurmashev is in the shadow of the poet-hero Musa Jalil, meanwhile, it was he who was the head of the underground cell in the Volga-Tatar Legion, and the Nazis titled the death sentence to the members of the organization "Kurmashev and ten others." The future hero was born in the north of Kazakhstan in Aktobe. He went to study in the Mari Republic at the Paranginsky Pedagogical College. The Paranginsky district is a territory of compact residence of the Tatars, and even for some time it was officially called the Tatarsky district. In Paranga he worked as a teacher, but returned to Kazakhstan in 1937, so as not to fall under the machine of repression for his kulak origin. Participated in the Soviet-Finnish war. In 1942, while performing a reconnaissance mission on enemy territory, he was captured. Having joined the legion created by the Germans, he organized subversive work, as a result of which the 825th Tatar battalion went over to the side of the Belarusian partisans. After the disclosure of the organization, he was executed along with other underground workers on August 25, 1944.

  • Musa Jalil (1906-1944)

The life path of Musa Jalil - the path of a poet, soldier and freedom fighter, rightfully makes him the most recognizable Tatar hero of the turbulent twentieth century. His military poetry from the "Moabit Notebook" is better known than "Idegeya" and "Chury-Batyr". He is certainly the brightest member of the underground group in the Volga-Tatar Legion and the voice of all prisoners of war, whose quiet heroism did not fit into the official Stalinist understanding of the war. Jalil is clearer and closer modern man than the epic heroes of the past, but his lines sometimes sound like medieval dastans.

Photo by Dmitry Reznov

On the go again

  • Marat Akhmetshin (1980-2016)

Palmyra has become the ideological stage of the Syrian war. Militants from Daesh banned in Russia staged demonstrative executions in an ancient amphitheater. In response to the barbaric methods of the terrorists, on May 5, 2016, against the background of the surviving treasures of the world architectural heritage, the orchestra conducted by Valery Gergiev gave a symphony concert. And on June 3, 2016, a mortally wounded officer was found near Palmyra, who was holding a grenade without a check in his hand. The ground was on fire. This officer was 35-year-old Captain Marat Akhmetshin, whose family remained in Kazan. It is known that on that day he was left face to face with two hundred militants and fought to the last. Akhmetshin is a military man in the third generation. Graduated from the Kazan Artillery School. He served in Kabardino-Balkaria and at a military base in Armenia, visited the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. In 2010, after the disbandment of the unit, he retired from the reserve, but was reinstated in the army six months before his death. They buried the Tatar warrior of Russia in the village of Atabaevo on the Kama. For his feat, he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

Mark Shishkin

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