Declassified documents about the first days of the Great Patriotic War. Declassified unique documents of the first months of the war Declassified the beginning of the war

federal Service Russian security declassified a large number of documents of Soviet and Western intelligence, our army staffs, control bodies of border formations and units of the NKVD, revealing many dramatic and heroic pages of the first months of fascist aggression in the USSR.

Stalin did not believe the "Corsican"

IN Lately In the West, the myth fabricated by Goebbels is being actively revived that the leadership of the USSR actually provoked the Great Patriotic War. Hitler, they say, was forced to deliver only a preemptive strike. But this myth does not stand up to criticism, since there is a lot of evidence to the contrary. One of them is a letter from Hitler Mussolini dated June 21, 1941, which was handed over to the FSB by the Italian secret services.


I am writing this letter to you at a moment when nervous waiting has ended with the most difficult decision of my life...

England has hitherto waged her wars with continental countries. With the destruction of France, the British warmongers are turning their eyes to where they were trying to start the war: the Soviet Union. Behind these states stands the North American Union in a pose of instigator and waiter.

Actually, all available Russian troops are on our borders. With the onset of warm weather, defensive work is being carried out in many places ... The situation in England is bad. The will to fight is fed only by hopes for Russia and America. We do not have the ability to eliminate America. But to exclude Russia is in our power. I hope that we will soon be able to secure a common food base in the Ukraine for a long time.

Cooperation with the USSR weighed heavily on me. I am happy to be freed from this moral burden."

From this letter, an unbiased reader will certainly understand that Hitler started the war for internal motivation and by no means as a result of a mythical external provocation.

The fact that the leadership of the USSR not only did not seek war, but dismissed as provocative any information about preparations for it from Germany, quite obviously follows from the inadequately complacent position of Stalin in 1940-1941.

It is known with what skepticism he reacted to the disturbing reports of Richard Sorge, others Soviet intelligence officers who warned the Soviet leadership about the impending German attack on the Soviet Union. Here is another typical document.

“The NKVD of the USSR reports the following intelligence data received from Berlin.

1. Our agent "Corsican" in a conversation with an officer of the headquarters of the High Command learned that at the beginning of next year Germany would start a war against Soviet Union. The preliminary step towards the commencement of military operations against the USSR will be the military occupation of Rumania by the Germans, preparations for which are now underway and supposedly should be carried out within the next few months.

The aim of the war is to seize from the Soviet Union a part of the European territory of the USSR from Leningrad to the Black Sea and to create on this territory a state entirely dependent on Germany. In the rest of the Soviet Union, according to these plans, a "German-friendly government" should be created.

2. An officer of the headquarters of the High Command (department of military attaches), the son of the former Minister of the Colonies, told our source No. months, Germany will start a war against the Soviet Union.

(October 1940).

Stalin, having read this message, summoned Beria. He, knowing the mood of the “Master”, said: “I will drag this “Corsican” to Moscow for disinformation and put him in jail.” The secret pseudonym "Corsican" was an employee of the German Ministry of Economy, one of the leaders of the underground anti-fascist organization in Berlin "Red Chapel" Arvid Harnak. In 1942 he was arrested and executed by the Gestapo. Stalin posthumously awarded him the Order of the Red Banner. But then, in 1940, he did not believe the "Corsican".

Distrust of their own intelligence is one of the reasons for the notorious "surprise", which resulted in numerous casualties and confusion on the fronts at the beginning of the war. Here are some documents showing this.

"Top secret

Report of F. Ya. Tutushkin, Deputy Head of the 3rd Directorate of the NPO of the USSR, on the losses of the Air Force of the North-Western Front in the first days of the war.

State Defense Committee

Comrade Stalin

Due to the unpreparedness of the Air Force units of the PRIBVO for military operations, the indiscretion and inactivity of some commanders of air divisions and regiments bordering on criminal actions, about 50% of the aircraft were destroyed by the enemy during raids on airfields.

The withdrawal of units from under the blow of enemy aircraft was not organized. There were no anti-aircraft defenses for airfields, and there were no artillery shells at those airfields where there were funds.

The leadership of the combat operations of the air units on the part of the commanders of the 57th, 7th and 8th air divisions, as well as the headquarters of the Air Force of the Front and the District, was extremely poorly delivered, communication with the air units was almost absent from the beginning of hostilities.

Aircraft losses on the ground in the 7th and 8th air divisions alone amount to 303 aircraft.

The situation is similar for the 6th and 57th air divisions.

Such losses of our aircraft are explained by the fact that within a few hours after the attack by enemy aircraft, the command of the District forbade flying out and destroying the enemy. The Air Force units of the District entered the battle late, when a significant part of the aircraft had already been destroyed by the enemy on the ground.

The relocation to other airfields took place in a disorganized manner, each division commander acted independently, without instructions from the Air Force of the District, they landed wherever they wanted, as a result of which 150 vehicles accumulated at some airfields.

So, at the Pilzino airfield, the enemy, having discovered such a cluster of aircraft, attacked by one bomber on June 25 of this year. destroyed 30 aircraft.

The camouflage of airfields has not yet received attention. The order of the NPO on this issue is not being carried out (especially with regard to the 57th Air Division - division commander Colonel Katichev and the 7th Air Division - division commander Colonel Petrov), the Front and District Air Force headquarters do not take any measures.

At this time, the air units of the Air Force of the North-Western Front are incapable of active combat operations, since they have units of combat vehicles in their composition: the 7th air division - 21 aircraft, the 8th air division - 20, the 57th air division - 12.

The crews, left without materiel, were idle and are only now heading for materiel, which arrives extremely slowly ...

There is a shortage of spare parts for aircraft and aircraft engines in the warehouses of the Okrug (MiG planes, VISH-22E and VISH-2 propellers, 3 MGA spark plugs, BS cartridges, and other parts)

Deputy Head of the 3rd Directorate of the NPO of the USSR Tutushkin.

By June 22, 1941, the enemy had concentrated 4,980 combat aircraft along the western borders of the Soviet Union in three strategic directions. In the very first hours of the war, he launched a series of massive attacks on the airfields of the western border districts.

26 airfields of the Kiev, 11 airfields of the Baltic special districts and 6 airfields of the Odessa military district were subjected to air raids. As a result, these districts suffered heavy losses in aircraft. The greatest damage was inflicted on the Western Special District, on which the Germans dealt the main blow. If on the first day of the war the entire Red Army lost about 1,200 aircraft, then this district alone lost 738 aircraft.

The main reason for this situation was that the Soviet military leadership failed to fully comply with the resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of February 25, 1941 "On the reorganization of the aviation forces of the Red Army." According to this decree, it was planned to form 25 directorates of aviation divisions and more than 100 new aviation regiments during the year, and equip half of them with new types of aircraft. At the same time, the aviation rear was restructured according to the territorial principle.

However, by the beginning of the war, the deployment of aviation and the restructuring of rear aviation on a territorial basis had not been completed. By June 22, 1941, only 19 new aviation regiments were formed, 25 air divisions did not complete the formation, flight personnel underwent retraining. There was a lack of new equipment, maintenance and repair facilities. The development of the airfield network lagged behind the deployment of aviation. The Air Force was armed with aircraft of various designs, most of them had low speed and weak armament. The new aircraft (MiG-3, Yak-1, LaGG-3, Pe-2, Il-2, etc.) were not inferior to the aircraft of the Nazi army in terms of combat capabilities, and surpassed them in a number of indicators. However, their entry into the Air Force began shortly before the war, and by June 22, 1941, there were only 2,739 of them. The incoming aircraft were, as a rule, crowded and did not disperse over field and other airfields, being a target for enemy aircraft.

In the Red Army at the beginning of the war, there was an acute shortage of anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons. As a result, our troops and airfields turned out to be defenseless against both tank attacks and enemy air strikes.

The state of affairs in the Red Army Air Force was significantly affected by the belated communication of the directive to bring the troops to full combat readiness to the command of the military districts. Some military units and divisions learned about the content of the directive after the start of hostilities.

The opinion prevailing at that time that there would be no war, “that Hitler is provoking us” and we “should not succumb to provocations” also had a negative effect. Even when the war had already begun, some commanders believed that this was not a war, but an incident.

But despite the heavy losses, Soviet pilots showed great courage, bravery and mass heroism. On the first day of the war, they made 6,000 sorties, inflicted significant damage on advancing enemy tank formations and aircraft, and shot down over 200 enemy aircraft in air battles.

Order No. 270: "Not a step back!"

The beginning of the war for our aviation turned out to be catastrophic. Things were no better in the infantry units.

“Special message of the NKVD of the USSR No. 41/303 to the State Defense Committee, the General Staff of the Red Army and the NPO of the USSR on the investigation of the causes of heavy losses of the 199th Infantry Division

On July 6, in the Novo-Miropol area, the 199th Infantry Division was defeated, suffering heavy losses in people and materiel.

In connection with this, the Special Department of the South-Western Front conducted an investigation, as a result of which it was established:

On July 3, the commander of the Southwestern Front ordered the 199th Infantry Division to occupy and firmly hold southern face Novograd-Volynsky fortified area. The command of the division complied with this order belatedly. Parts of the division took up defense later than the specified period, in addition, during the march, food was not organized for the fighters. People, especially the 617th Infantry Regiment, arrived at the defense area exhausted.

After occupying the defense area, the command of the division did not conduct reconnaissance of the enemy forces, did not take measures to blow up the bridge across the river. Sluch in the central sector of defense, which made it possible for the enemy to transfer tanks and motorized infantry. Due to the fact that the command did not establish a connection between the division headquarters and the regiments, on July 6 the 617th and 584th rifle regiments acted without any guidance from the division command.

During the panic created in the units during the enemy offensive, the command failed to prevent the flight that had begun. The divisional headquarters fled. Division commander Alekseev, deputy. political commander Korzhev and early. The headquarters of the German division left the regiments and fled to the rear with the remnants of the headquarters.

Through the fault of Korzhev and German, party documents, blank forms of party tickets, seals of the party and Komsomol organizations, and all staff documents were left to the enemy.

Division commander Colonel Alekseev, deputy. division commander for political affairs, regimental commissar Korzhev and early. division headquarters Lieutenant Colonel German arrested and tried by a military tribunal.

Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR Abakumov.

The 199th division is not an isolated case. Many units in June-July 1941 randomly retreated. And only an imperious iron hand could stop them. So the first "draconian" order appeared.

“Order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR I.V. Stalin to the military councils of the fronts, armies to bring to court a military tribunal of middle and senior command personnel who leave their positions without an order from the military command

In order to decisively fight alarmists, cowards, defeatists from the command staff, who arbitrarily leave their positions without an order from the high command,

I order:

to allow the military councils of the active armies to bring to trial by a military tribunal persons of middle and senior command personnel, up to and including the battalion commander, guilty of the crimes mentioned above.

People's Commissar of Defense I. Stalin".

After that, Stalin signed an even tougher order No. 270, popularly known as "Not a step back!" In accordance with it, even the families of those who went wrong at the front were subjected to repression.

And although the situation began to gradually stabilize, already in July the threat hung over the very capital of Russia.

“Message of the NKVD of the USSR No. 2210 / B to the Chief of the General Staff of the Red Army G.K. Zhukov about the plans of the German command to capture Moscow and Leningrad on July 14, 1941

According to the head of the Leningrad Directorate of the NKGB, the following data was obtained from captured German pilots in prison by operational equipment measures:

2. At this time, enemy aircraft are carefully studying and photographing the approaches to Leningrad and mainly airfields.

3. German air raids on Leningrad will be carried out by a large number of aircraft and should begin on Tuesday, i.e. from 15 July.

The head of the UNKGB informed comrades. Voroshilov and Zhdanov.

People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR L. Beria.

The enemy will be defeated!

And yet, even in those difficult days, the contours of future victories were already beginning to emerge. The bulk of the fighters and commanders showed the greatest courage and heroism, atoning for the mistakes of politicians with their blood.

From the journal of combat operations of the border troops of the Leningrad District (from June 22 to July 11, 1941):

“The head of the 5th outpost of the 5th KPO, junior lieutenant Khudyakov, a member of the CPSU (b), being surrounded by a several times superior enemy, being wounded, did not leave the battlefield, but, as befits the son of a socialist Motherland, continued to command the outpost . With a skillful organization of rifle and machine-gun fire, he managed to withdraw the outpost from the encirclement with an insignificant number of losses of his fighters, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy. Such behavior at this critical moment beginning. Khudyakov’s outpost says only one thing, that at that moment only one feeling led him - this is a feeling of love for the Motherland, for the party of Lenin-Stalin and a sense of responsibility for the work entrusted to him. The Red Army soldiers of the 8th outpost of the same detachment Kornyukhin, Vorontsov, Tolshshkur and Dergaputsky, pupils of the Leningrad Komsomol, brave and courageous border guards, honorably fulfilled their combat mission. Under heavy enemy fire, they crawled to the road along which 5 enemy tanks were supposed to move, skillfully disabled two tanks, thereby making it easier for their unit to complete the main task.

... The deputy head of the outpost for political affairs, Konkov V.I., at the time of the attack by superior enemy forces on the defense area of ​​the outpost, being seriously wounded in the leg and arm, refused to leave the battlefield.

Unable to move, he ordered the Red Army soldiers to bring him a light machine gun.

Courageously overcoming the pain from his wounds, he accurately shot at the pressing enemy. At the time of the critical situation of the outpost, the slogans “For the Motherland!”, “For Stalin!” managed to inspire the fighters, raise their faith in victory over the enemy ... "

Such heroic examples then became a symbolic guarantee that, despite the tangible losses of the first weeks of the war, the Soviet soldier, after four difficult years of fighting, would nevertheless reach the citadel of fascism and hoist the Banner of Victory over its ruins.

Yuri Rubtsov - colonel, member of the Russian Association of Historians of the Second World War

MOSCOW, June 22 - RIA Novosti. The USSR had information about the German attack two or three months before the invasion, and a day before it, the Chief of the General Staff, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR Georgy Zhukov ordered the border military districts to prepare for defense, follows from declassified documents about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, published on Friday on Ministry of Defense website.

According to them, the German attack caught some units and formations of the Red Army by surprise.

Infidel Assault

The command and headquarters of the Baltic Special Military District in 1941 had data on the German attack on the USSR two to three months before the invasion, according to a declassified letter from Lieutenant General Kuzma Derevyanko, deputy head of the intelligence department of the headquarters of the North-Western Front.

Derevyanko also pointed out that the group German troops on the eve of the war in the Memel region, in East Prussia and in the Suwalki region in last days before the war was known to the headquarters of the district quite fully and in detail.

"The opened grouping of Nazi troops on the eve of hostilities was regarded by the intelligence department of the district headquarters as an offensive grouping with a significant saturation with tanks and motorized units," he wrote.

According to Derevianko, starting from the second week of the war, great attention was devoted to the organization of detachments sent behind enemy lines for the purpose of reconnaissance and sabotage, as well as the organization of reconnaissance radio-equipped groups behind enemy lines and radio-equipped points on the territory occupied by our troops, in case of their forced withdrawal.

“In the following months, the information received from our groups and detachments working behind enemy lines improved all the time and was of great value. Reports were made on the personally observed concentration of German fascist troops in the border areas, starting from the end of February, on ongoing German officers reconnaissance along the border, the preparation of artillery positions by the Germans, the strengthening of the construction of long-term defensive structures in the border zone, as well as gas and bomb shelters in the cities of East Prussia," follows from a letter from the deputy head of the intelligence department of the headquarters of the North-Western Front.

Zhukov ordered

The Chief of the General Staff, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR Georgy Zhukov was informed about the German attack planned for June 22, 1941 and ordered the border military districts to prepare for defense.

"During June 22-23, 1941, a sudden attack by the Germans is possible on the fronts of the LVO (Leningrad Military District - ed.), PRIBVO (Baltic Military District - ed.), ZAPOVO (Western Military District - ed.), KOVO (Kyiv Special Military District Okrug - ed.), ODVO (Odessa Military District - ed.). The German attack may begin with provocative actions, "the ciphered message marked "Top Secret" says.

In the order, Zhukov, on the one hand, demanded not to succumb to provocative actions, but at the same time, the border military districts to be on alert, "to meet a sudden attack by the Germans or their allies."

In this regard, he ordered the troops to secretly occupy the firing points of fortified areas on the state border during the night of June 22, disperse all aircraft at airfields before dawn, and disguise other equipment, and put all military units on alert. He demanded to prepare blackout measures - to reduce lighting in cities and at strategic sites.

"No other events are to be held without special orders," the document says.

Bomb Köningsberg and Memel

The second Soviet order was the order for Soviet aviation to bomb Koenigsberg and Memel, to strike deep into German territory, but not to cross the border for ground troops.

"With powerful strikes by bomber and attack aircraft, destroy aircraft at enemy airfields and bomb the main groupings of his ground forces. Air strikes to a depth of German territory up to 100-150 km, bomb Koenigsberg and Memel. Don't do any raids on the territory of Finland and Romania until special instructions are given" , - says the document signed by People's Commissar of Defense Semyon Timoshenko, Chief of the General Staff Georgy Zhukov, member of the Main Military Council Georgy Malenkov.

“In connection with the German attack on the Soviet Union, unprecedented in its arrogance, I order: the troops, by all means and means, fall upon the enemy forces and destroy them in areas where they violated the Soviet border. From now on, until further notice, ground troops do not cross the border. Reconnaissance and combat aviation to establish the places of concentration of enemy aviation and the grouping of its ground forces," the document says.

The first titles of heroes of the Second World War - to pilots

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on its website published the details of air "rams" at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, for which their participants were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the first time since the beginning of the war. Among these documents are excerpts from a brief combat history of the 158th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Leningrad Military District, describing the exploits of junior lieutenants Pyotr Kharitonov and Stepan Zdorovtsev.

IN fighting against the Germans, the 158th Fighter Aviation Regiment entered on June 22, 1941. The regiment was tasked with covering the cities and communications of the Pskov region when approaching Soviet troops to conduct reconnaissance.

On the twenty-seventh of June, the pilots of the regiment opened an account of the destroyed German aircraft. The next day, June 28, Kharitonov and Zdorovtsev were the first on the Northern Front to make an aerial "ram". With a difference of one hour, they went on a ram in an air battle and cut off the tails of the German Junkers-88 bombers with the propellers of their aircraft. The actions of Kharitonov and Zdorovtsev are illustrated in diagrams also provided by the Ministry of Defense.

On July 8, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Kharitonov and Zdorovtsev were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. According to the published award material on Zdorovtsev, he was awarded "for battles with German fascism." The day after the signing of the decree, Zdorovtsev, while performing reconnaissance in the Pskov region, did not return from a combat mission. Colleagues saw how his plane was attacked and crashed.

In 1965, by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union, Junior Lieutenant Stepan Zdorovtsev was forever enrolled in the lists of the 332nd Separate Guards Helicopter Regiment.

The first hours of the defense of Brest

Soldiers of the 42nd Infantry Division Brest Fortress from the evening of June 22 to noon on June 23, 1941, four aircraft and up to 16 tanks of the Wehrmacht army were destroyed. The defense of the Brest Fortress is one of the first and most dramatic episodes of the initial period of the Great Patriotic War. Exactly 77 years ago, at four in the morning, the fortress was the first to take the blow of the German troops. Its defenders, soldiers of more than 30 nationalities of the USSR, without water, food and communications, with an acute shortage of ammunition and medicines, resisted for at least a month, remaining in the rear of the Wehrmacht advancing on Moscow.

"Under the influence of a heavy raid from the flanks of the enemy aviation and tanks, parts of the division began to withdraw, fighting by the method of mobile defense, and by the end of the day on June 22, 1941 to 12:00 on June 23, 1941, four aircraft and up to 16 enemy tanks were destroyed," the head's declassified political report says. Department of Political Propaganda of the 42nd Infantry Division.

In the political report of the head of the political department of the 6th Rifle Division, the remnants of which became part of the 55th Rifle Division, it is written that the area of ​​the Brest fortress and the fortress itself were bombarded with exceptional force. With the first shells, the enemy put out of action most of the commanding staff who lived in the fortress itself or near it, as well as the artillery park, stables, garages, warehouses and headquarters.

As noted, up to two-thirds of the personnel and over 90% of the materiel of the divisional and regimental artillery were lost. However, the anti-aircraft battery on duty with two guns disabled seven enemy aircraft. Another battery fired at the crossings, preventing the enemy from occupying the territory. As of July 5, 1941, 910 people remained in the division (state requirements - 13691). Of these, privates - 515 people, junior commanding staff - 123 people, middle and senior commanding staff - 272 people.

As follows from the declassified decree on awarding orders and medals of the USSR to the commanding and enlisted personnel of the Red Army dated July 22, 1941, the commander of the gun of the first battery of the 141st GAP, junior sergeant Ivan Andreev, the gunner of the 152-mm howitzer T. Medzhazhaev, the commander guns of the 111th Infantry Regiment, Senior Sergeant Vasily Rasskazov, Deputy Head of the Political Propaganda Department of the Fourth Army Vladimir Semenkov, and Deputy Commander of the Battery for Political Affairs Vladimir Tumanov (Andreev and Semenkov - posthumously).

On the occasion of the Day of Memory and Sorrow, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation published declassified archival documents about the first hours and the first bloody battles of the Great Patriotic War. On the website of the department, you can find a copy of the directive of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR No. 1 and the combat order of Marshal Semyon Timoshenko, as well as award lists that describe the exploits of Soviet soldiers and officers. In addition, a trophy map of the initial stage of the German invasion of the USSR, the Barbarossa plan, is presented. Previously unknown facts about the first days of the war - in the material RT.

RIA Novosti

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has published declassified documents about the first days of the Great Patriotic War. In the early morning of June 22, 1941, the Soviet Union was subjected to a large-scale treacherous invasion Nazi Germany and her allies. Since 1996, the anniversary of the start of the Second World War has been celebrated in Russia as the Day of Memory and Sorrow.

"Revealed group"

The materials of the Ministry of Defense convey the tragedy of the events of the initial period of the Great Patriotic War. According to the documents, the Soviet command was aware of the deployment of large enemy forces in the immediate vicinity of the state border.

The effective work of military intelligence is evidenced by a map of the initial stage of the capture of the European part of the USSR, called the Barbarossa plan. It marked the main directions of strikes and the groupings of the Red Army, which were supposed to be surrounded.

Trophy map of the initial stage of the German invasion of the USSR - "Plan Barbarossa"

The aggressive plans of the Nazi regime were mentioned in the reports of the military leaders of the Baltic and Kiev special military districts.

The attack on the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 turned into a monstrous tragedy for two hundred million people. As part of the plan...
“The grouping of Nazi troops on the eve of the war ... was known to the headquarters of the district quite fully ... The discovered grouping ... was regarded by the intelligence department as an offensive grouping with significant saturation with tanks and motorized units,” the report says, the deputy head of the intelligence department of the headquarters of the Baltic Special Military District, Lieutenant General Kuzma Derevianko.

Moscow closely followed the transfer of enemy troops, but did not increase the border grouping so as not to provoke Germany. The commander of the 8th Army of the Baltic Special Military District, Lieutenant General Pyotr Sobennikov, in a report to the General Staff, indicated that the personnel of the Red Army did not believe in the imminent start of the war.

“How unexpectedly for the approaching troops the war began can be judged, for example, by the fact that the personnel of the heavy artillery regiment, moving along railway at dawn on June 22, arriving at st. Siauliai, and seeing the bombing of our airfields, believed that “maneuvers had begun,” Lieutenant General Derevyanko noted.

Of greatest interest are the documents signed on June 22 by the high command of the Red Army. We are talking about Directive No. 1 of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, Marshal Semyon Timoshenko, which was handed over to the troops at 1:45. The document ordered the commanders of the 3rd, 4th and 10th armies not to succumb to the provocations of the Germans.

Combat order of the People's Commissar of Defense No. 2 of June 22, 1941

At 7:15 am, the Combat Order of the People's Commissar of Defense No. 2 was issued, drawn up by the Chief of the General Staff Georgy Zhukov. The document contained the following instructions:

“By all means and means will fall on the enemy forces and destroy them, where they violated the Soviet border.” At the same time, the Red Army aviation was ordered to strike at enemy airfields.

"The approach of war was felt"

One of the first hits military machine The Third Reich was taken over by the 55th Rifle Division, which was part of the 4th Army of the Kiev Special Military District. Despite the colossal superiority of the enemy, the soldiers showed extraordinary stamina.

So the battery of senior lieutenant Borisov destroyed 6 Wehrmacht tanks with direct fire, and the platoon of junior lieutenant Brykl set fire to 6 tracked vehicles of Nazi Germany.

The 99th Rifle Division, which covered Przemysl, inspired real horror in the enemy. On June 23, this unit, together with other units of the Red Army, recaptured the right-bank part of the city and restored the border.

Description of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, compiled by a group led by Colonel General A.P. Pokrovsky

“In the first few days of the fighting, the city changed hands three times. All this time, the enemy brought reserves into battle, persistently trying to seize the initiative in their own hands ... The command of the division decided to prevent the enemy from breaking through ... while continuing to hold the state border, ”the Defense Ministry quotes an award list of one of the commanders of the 99th division, Colonel Dementyev.

In an interview with RT candidate historical sciences Aleksey Isaev noted that the published documents, and in particular Directive No. 1, indicate that the Soviet command was aware of the inevitability of the imminent outbreak of war. However, the troops received instructions in an encrypted way, and this inevitably reduced the speed of response to military threats.
“This led to the fact that for the Red Army the Wehrmacht's strike was unexpected. However, it must be admitted that the Directive reached many parts, and in accordance with its provisions, the troops were put on alert. And yet, there was very little time left for the implementation of the Directive. Therefore, already in the first hours of the war, the army suffered very heavy losses, ”Isaev stated.

The expert said that the Red Army units made every effort to fulfill orders to repel aggression, and also often acted on their own initiative, showing skill and heroism.

According to Isaev, the surviving bombers of the Baltic Military District went to bomb enemy territory without waiting for the combat order, which was published by the Ministry of Defense. In addition, the air strike of the Soviet Air Force on the German tank division in the Ustinluga area near Volodymyr Volynsky (Western Ukraine).

“The approach of the war was felt, and the Soviet soldiers were ready to sell their lives dearly. The hour came when they had to do their duty, and they did it.

For the enemy, the staunch resistance of the Soviet military came as a complete surprise. The Red Army offered stubborn resistance along the entire length of the front - from Palanga to Przemysl, ”Isaev emphasized.

Sunday 22 June 1941 Nazi Germany and its allies attacked our country with an invasion army unprecedented in history: 190 divisions, more than 4,000 tanks, 47,000 guns and mortars, about 4,500 aircraft, up to 200 ships, a total of 5 million people.

The first blows were delivered by German aircraft at dawn. Hundreds of German bombers invaded air space Soviet Union. They bombarded airfields, areas where the troops of the western border districts were stationed, railway junctions, communication lines and other important objects, as well as big cities Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova.

At the same time, Wehrmacht troops concentrated along the entire length of the State Border of the USSR opened heavy artillery fire on border outposts, fortified areas, formations and units of the Red Army stationed in its immediate vicinity. After artillery and aviation training, they moved state border USSR throughout - from the Baltic Sea to the Black. The Great Patriotic War began - the most difficult of all wars ever experienced by the country.

It is these events of the first day of the war that are illuminated by the documents presented at the exhibition "The Beginning of the Great Patriotic War".

Among them are orders, directives, operational reports, intelligence reports for June 22, 1941 of the top military leadership of the Soviet Union and the command of the fronts.

It is no less interesting to get acquainted with intelligence reports, reports and other documents of the German troops, reflecting the events of the first day of the war. Such two-sided coverage of the military situation at the beginning of the war will allow us to see the true picture, to feel its scale and tragedy.

MOSCOW, June 22 - RIA Novosti. The USSR had information about the German attack two or three months before the invasion, and a day before it, the Chief of the General Staff, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR Georgy Zhukov ordered the border military districts to prepare for defense, follows from declassified documents about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, published on Friday on Ministry of Defense website.

According to them, the German attack caught some units and formations of the Red Army by surprise.

Infidel Assault

The command and headquarters of the Baltic Special Military District in 1941 had data on the German attack on the USSR two to three months before the invasion, according to a declassified letter from Lieutenant General Kuzma Derevyanko, deputy head of the intelligence department of the headquarters of the North-Western Front.

Derevyanko also pointed out that the grouping of German troops on the eve of the war in the Memel region, in East Prussia and in the Suwalki region in the last days before the war was known to the district headquarters quite fully and in detail.

"The opened grouping of Nazi troops on the eve of hostilities was regarded by the intelligence department of the district headquarters as an offensive grouping with a significant saturation with tanks and motorized units," he wrote.

According to Derevyanko, starting from the second week of the war, much attention was paid to the organization of detachments sent behind enemy lines for the purpose of reconnaissance and sabotage, as well as the organization of reconnaissance radio-equipped groups behind enemy lines and radio-equipped points on the territory occupied by our troops, in case of their forced withdrawal .

“In the following months, the information received from our groups and detachments working behind enemy lines improved all the time and was of great value. Reports were made on the personally observed concentration of Nazi troops in the border areas, starting from the end of February, on the reconnaissance conducted by German officers along the border, the preparation of artillery positions by the Germans, the strengthening of the construction of long-term defensive structures in the border zone, as well as gas and bomb shelters in the cities of East Prussia," follows from a letter from the deputy head of the intelligence department of the headquarters of the North-Western Front.

Zhukov ordered

The Chief of the General Staff, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR Georgy Zhukov was informed about the German attack planned for June 22, 1941 and ordered the border military districts to prepare for defense.

"During June 22-23, 1941, a sudden attack by the Germans is possible on the fronts of the LVO (Leningrad Military District - ed.), PRIBVO (Baltic Military District - ed.), ZAPOVO (Western Military District - ed.), KOVO (Kyiv Special Military District Okrug - ed.), ODVO (Odessa Military District - ed.). The German attack may begin with provocative actions, "the ciphered message marked "Top Secret" says.

In the order, Zhukov, on the one hand, demanded not to succumb to provocative actions, but at the same time, the border military districts to be on alert, "to meet a sudden attack by the Germans or their allies."

In this regard, he ordered the troops to secretly occupy the firing points of fortified areas on the state border during the night of June 22, disperse all aircraft at airfields before dawn, and disguise other equipment, and put all military units on alert. He demanded to prepare blackout measures - to reduce lighting in cities and at strategic sites.

"No other events are to be held without special orders," the document says.

Bomb Köningsberg and Memel

The second Soviet order was the order for Soviet aviation to bomb Koenigsberg and Memel, to strike deep into German territory, but not to cross the border for ground troops.

"With powerful strikes by bomber and attack aircraft, destroy aircraft at enemy airfields and bomb the main groupings of his ground forces. Air strikes to a depth of German territory up to 100-150 km, bomb Koenigsberg and Memel. Don't do any raids on the territory of Finland and Romania until special instructions are given" , - says the document signed by People's Commissar of Defense Semyon Timoshenko, Chief of the General Staff Georgy Zhukov, member of the Main Military Council Georgy Malenkov.

“In connection with the German attack on the Soviet Union, unprecedented in its arrogance, I order: the troops, by all means and means, fall upon the enemy forces and destroy them in areas where they violated the Soviet border. From now on, until further notice, ground troops do not cross the border. Reconnaissance and combat aviation to establish the places of concentration of enemy aviation and the grouping of its ground forces," the document says.

The first titles of heroes of the Second World War - to pilots

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on its website published the details of air "rams" at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, for which their participants were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the first time since the beginning of the war. Among these documents are excerpts from a brief combat history of the 158th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Leningrad Military District, describing the exploits of junior lieutenants Pyotr Kharitonov and Stepan Zdorovtsev.

The 158th Fighter Aviation Regiment entered combat operations against the Germans on June 22, 1941. The regiment was tasked with covering the cities and communications of the Pskov region when Soviet troops approached, and conducting reconnaissance.

On the twenty-seventh of June, the pilots of the regiment opened an account of the destroyed German aircraft. The next day, June 28, Kharitonov and Zdorovtsev were the first on the Northern Front to make an aerial "ram". With a difference of one hour, they went on a ram in an air battle and cut off the tails of the German Junkers-88 bombers with the propellers of their aircraft. The actions of Kharitonov and Zdorovtsev are illustrated in diagrams also provided by the Ministry of Defense.

On July 8, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Kharitonov and Zdorovtsev were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. According to the published award material on Zdorovtsev, he was awarded "for battles with German fascism." The day after the signing of the decree, Zdorovtsev, while performing reconnaissance in the Pskov region, did not return from a combat mission. Colleagues saw how his plane was attacked and crashed.

In 1965, by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union, Junior Lieutenant Stepan Zdorovtsev was forever enrolled in the lists of the 332nd Separate Guards Helicopter Regiment.

The first hours of the defense of Brest

Fighters of the 42nd Infantry Division in the Brest Fortress from the evening of June 22 to noon on June 23, 1941 destroyed four aircraft and up to 16 tanks of the Wehrmacht army. The defense of the Brest Fortress is one of the first and most dramatic episodes of the initial period of the Great Patriotic War. Exactly 77 years ago, at four in the morning, the fortress was the first to take the blow of the German troops. Its defenders, soldiers of more than 30 nationalities of the USSR, without water, food and communications, with an acute shortage of ammunition and medicines, resisted for at least a month, remaining in the rear of the Wehrmacht advancing on Moscow.

"Under the influence of a heavy raid from the flanks of the enemy aviation and tanks, parts of the division began to withdraw, fighting by the method of mobile defense, and by the end of the day on June 22, 1941 to 12:00 on June 23, 1941, four aircraft and up to 16 enemy tanks were destroyed," the head's declassified political report says. Department of Political Propaganda of the 42nd Infantry Division.

In the political report of the head of the political department of the 6th Rifle Division, the remnants of which became part of the 55th Rifle Division, it is written that the area of ​​the Brest fortress and the fortress itself were bombarded with exceptional force. With the first shells, the enemy put out of action most of the commanding staff who lived in the fortress itself or near it, as well as the artillery park, stables, garages, warehouses and headquarters.

As noted, up to two-thirds of the personnel and over 90% of the materiel of the divisional and regimental artillery were lost. However, the anti-aircraft battery on duty with two guns disabled seven enemy aircraft. Another battery fired at the crossings, preventing the enemy from occupying the territory. As of July 5, 1941, 910 people remained in the division (state requirements - 13691). Of these, privates - 515 people, junior commanding staff - 123 people, middle and senior commanding staff - 272 people.

As follows from the declassified decree on awarding orders and medals of the USSR to the commanding and enlisted personnel of the Red Army dated July 22, 1941, the commander of the gun of the first battery of the 141st GAP, junior sergeant Ivan Andreev, the gunner of the 152-mm howitzer T. Medzhazhaev, the commander guns of the 111th Infantry Regiment, Senior Sergeant Vasily Rasskazov, Deputy Head of the Political Propaganda Department of the Fourth Army Vladimir Semenkov, and Deputy Commander of the Battery for Political Affairs Vladimir Tumanov (Andreev and Semenkov - posthumously).

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