Birthday number in numerology. The secret code of your birthday If you were born

Useful tips

A person’s horoscope is not limited to just the sign in which the Sun is located. This is a complex and multifaceted mechanism,collection of special threads and weaves , a photograph of the sky that can be used to read one’s destiny and predict the future.

The time of birth determines not only exactly how your horoscope will look visually, but also distributes all its points according to certain places- houses of the horoscope.

It is these places that determine how a person has the opportunity realize his qualities in life, where his energy will be directed and how his destiny will develop.

People who were born on the same day but at different times, have a similar character, but fate develops differently.

A “day” horoscope will not be similar to a “night”, “evening” or “morning” one. Moreover, your character, even if you initially have the same set of qualities with a person born on the same day as you, over time through the prism of events and internal changes will also begin to change.

An important factor that gives very bright characteristics, is birth during a change of day, there are four such points in a day: dawn, noon, sunset and midnight. We will tell you more about this time of birth.

But, of course, many of us were born somewhere between these periods, read about this below.

Time of birth of a person

Dawn: King

The moment of birth at dawn (plus/minus 10 minutes) is a very important indicator that indicates that this person is special. Astrologers often call this birth "birth of the King" because it is born very bright and willful personality.

At worst, he is an egocentric person who cares only about himself; at best, he is a leader, a self-confident person, capable of leading others. He has a strong character, usually knows very well what he wants, knows how to use his talents and achieves a lot in life. This will be especially true for LEOs and ARIES, but other signs can demonstrate leadership qualities.

But LIBRA or AQUARIUS, born at dawn, are often prone to egocentrism, have a painful sense of pride, and can step over other people in pursuit of your goal. They can be arrogant and very selfish.

People who were born at dawn or about 10 minutes before or after it do not tolerate criticism well, but more often they do not show their insult and behave very proudly. If the soul strives for development, then such a person easily overcomes all obstacles, asserts himself, and finds his own path. In any case, this is a very fortunate time of birth.

After dawn (about 10-90 minutes):

Gray mouse or depressive nature

People who were born around in 10-90 minutes after the Sun rose, one might say, the least fortunate. They don't have those bright ones anymore leadership qualities and the desire to lead others, like people born near dawn or 2 hours before it.

Typically, such a person faces loneliness, various misfortunes, and misunderstandings from loved ones in life. He is pessimistic, depressed and often cannot find himself, hiding behind someone else's back. It is believed that at least a third of this person's life will be miserable, and only very great efforts and the pursuit of happiness will help him achieve what he wants.

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Loneliness and exile will be very familiar to him. A person can use them to his advantage: for example, choose to work alone at home, or travel independently. Work in charitable organizations, hospitals, that is, where he may be useful. He may choose to work as a psychologist, but he will also be interested in occult knowledge, esotericism, etc.

In the worst case, such a person may end up in places such as a hospital, prison, or psychiatric hospital. His psyche quite unstable and is subject to various changes, it is easy to suggest something to him, easy to convince him of something. such people are often victims of scammers and dishonest people.

Most likely, this man had an affair with his father. cool relationship, or did not know his father at all.

Noon: Careerist

If you were born around 12 noon (plus/minus a few hours), When the Sun was very high, in its highest position during the day, you have the quality of striving for career growth. Usually such a person is open to society, swims in a certain environment, has ambitious plans and is ready to work hard and hard to achieve professional success or success in the activity he performs.

Even if a person does not choose a leadership position, he will most likely shine in the work he does. Many politicians and businessmen are born in the middle of the day . Leaders and executives Those born at noon most often become ARIES, TAURUS, LEO, VIRGO, SAGITTARIUS. CAPRICORN,

If you were born under a water sign (CANCER, SCORPIO, PISCES), you can achieve success in independent work , in which you need to show your imagination and creative qualities. But GEMINI, LIBRA or AQUARIUS, born at noon, achieve heights more easily through connections and acquaintances, ability to negotiate.

Time of birth: horoscope features

Sunset: Popular Personality

If you were born at sunset or around 2 hours before, then your fate will be closely intertwined with the fate of other people, you will depend more on them, you will not be so independent in making decisions, and your need for society will be very high.

Sometimes such a person can become public figure, for which attention from the public is important. He chooses the appropriate professions. The opinions of other people are important to him, as well as what others think about him personally. If he is praised, he will act even better; if he is scolded, he will withdraw into himself and lose optimism. Even if he does not become a celebrity, he will strive to surround himself with people who will compliment him and praise him, he will always be popular in his circle.

Such a person often hesitates in his decisions. Even if he was born under the fire sign of ARIES, he will not make decisions so easily and quickly.

Midnight: Family Man

People born in 00:00 hours (plus/minus an hour), very immersed in their inner world, have a strong dependence on family members and strong roots with the family. Usually these people strive for family life, because family values ​​are not an empty place for them.

There is usually no career for them of great importance, this is especially true for women. But men have it more difficult: even if they try to achieve something in society and fly up the career ladder, it is not easy for them to do this, constantly there are some restrictions and obstacles that prevent them from making a great career, and they often underestimate their talents. However, most often such people do not strive for great heights. Their lives are usually opposite to those born at noon.

Before Dawn: Successful Personality

People born around from 2 hours to 10 minutes before dawn, are self-confident and successful individuals. This is a very fortunate time of birth, when a person carries with him great potential that he will realize in life.

Such a person is very passionate about what he does. He is interested in life, it is interesting to learn everything new, he expects a lot from life, sees prospects, is not used to being discouraged, even if there are difficulties along the way, does not like to be criticized.

Need for self-affirmation such people have a very high level, so they do everything to represent themselves, achieve something, become the best in their niche, and so on. This is very good time birth, perhaps the best of all!

Free horoscope by birth time

If your birth takes place between periods that divide the day into 4 equal parts (dawn, noon, sunset or midnight), then you will have different characteristics.

ATTENTION! The approximate times indicated below may vary slightly if you were born, for example, in more northern latitudes. It is relevant for central and southern Russia. For example, sunrise in St. Petersburg in summer can take place at 5 am, and sunset at 23:00, almost midnight!! Therefore, this must be taken into account if we talk about the time “between periods”. To determine exactly what period you were born in, you should build a horoscope of your birth to a specific area!

Between the period "after dawn" and the period "noon": Friends and groups of like-minded people are very important to you. Various pleasant surprises in life are prepared for you, including help from influential people and even winnings in the lottery. Particular success should be expected in the middle of life and in its second half.

Intuition and understanding of another person are very useful in life for those born on the twenty-first. After all, they can and in most cases derive personal benefit from these qualities of the deuce. It is easier for them to achieve their goals and, in general, they achieve significant results in their lives, symbolized by the number “3”. Naturally, they need to control their emotions and be more practical. Often these people appear on the stage of life in the form of an actor, drawing applause from the public.

If you were born on the 22nd

Yes..... Those born on this number are “Mobile in Movable”. The initial qualities of the Soul of the two collide in their manifestation with the no less emotional qualities of the people around her, which should, finally, out of endless hesitation and reflection, uncertainty, turn her into a person of action and uncompromising struggle. For only such qualities are suggested by the “cross” of the number “4” for manifestation in life. Work, naturally, will bring both moral and material satisfaction.

If you were born on the 23rd

Those born on the twenty-third can often use their emotionality with much greater success than other people. For the lucky three welcome their feelings with open arms. But just feeling the state of another is not enough. Seeing a benevolent mood and successfully developing circumstances on his part is also not enough. It is necessary to use the useful practical qualities of the number “5”. Intelligence, the ability to work with documents, information, study, and simply work in a disciplined manner.

If you were born on the 24th

Those born on the twenty-fourth have to actively bring their sensuality into life. Because the vibrations of the four leave them no other choice. It is necessary to dance, sing, create relationships while under the imperative influence of the four. But..... As a result of this work, the magnificent number “6” appears, associated with beauty, harmony, feelings and love. Indeed, a magnificent prize for all life’s stresses and hardships. Besides feelings, money will not forget about twenty-fours.

If you were born on the 25th

Those born on this day will face a rebirth that is not at all as simple as it might seem at first glance. The energy of feelings and emotions, your intuition and the feeling of your partner must be used very rationally and practically. Get rid of chaos and misuse of your talents and partnerships over time. After all, it is necessary to achieve the maximum associated with matters designated by the number “7”, which does not forgive sloppiness and relaxation. There is a lot to be achieved, albeit not so quickly, albeit not so easily, but forever!

If you were born on the 26th

On the twenty-sixth, people are born with a very interesting life task..... They often become dependent on their overdeveloped sense of harmony and justice. The ability to communicate and be a diplomat can make them dependent on other people and their opinions, the opinions of society. It becomes difficult to take a step without regard for violating some commandments. But this is exactly what those born on this number need to do. For the sum of two and six gives us “8” - the number of infinite freedom!

If you were born on the 27th

The direction of life for those born on the twenty-seventh is initially somewhat rigid. The world and partners can respond to the two’s desire to communicate with coldness and the entirely practical, materialistic view of the number seven. A person may be haunted by certain material deprivations and problems that lead him to bitterness, but precisely this bitterness should not exist in his character! For the sum of two and seven gives us mystical number intuition and understanding of other people and circumstances - “9”. Understanding, experience and forgiveness, this is what those born on this day should develop in themselves over time.
Boris Grebenshchikov was born on this day

If you were born on the 28th

A huge number of ideas, thoughts, partnerships, changing like in a kaleidoscope, should help those born on the twenty-eighth to choose a landmark, a center, the basis of their existence, being. The surprises that surround them, and their own searches and tossing can greatly interfere with making the right decisions and going straight to the desired goal. But the sum of two and eight is “1”, requires being an individualist, being a person who makes decisions alone. Only this way and no other way can the potential of those born on this day be realized.

If you were born on the 29th

The twenty-ninth number makes the greatest specialist in partnerships out of those who resonate with it. Over time, circumstances requiring developed intuition and life experience turn those born on this day into an expert on human souls. This is a born psychologist, or a person who himself will need the help of a psychologist. Thin invisible threads of relationships and feelings connect him with other people. He is close and dear to everyone, into everyone’s soul, he can enter without asking and without knocking. The sum of two and nine gives eleven, and then the number “2”......

If you were born on the 30th

Thirty opens the most successful decade from the point of view of astro-numerology. That is why this decade is so short and consists of two days. A person born on the thirtieth day should bask in the wide variety of opportunities provided to him by fate. Very often, because of this, he does not see the point of straining to maintain results and turns into an ordinary lazy person, living his days without goals and results. The fact is that zero in the second position gives him absolute freedom of choice, and with freedom of choice, as we know from school curriculum physics, the body goes into a state of rest. But is this the right choice?

If you were born on the 31st

The thirty-first number, with all the favorable prospects promised by the troika, will not give a person any other choice but to independently and stubbornly go towards the goal. From all the variety of personal talents, one must be chosen, which will bring benefits throughout life. And, don’t forget that the sum of three and one gives the number “4”! And this figure assumes and requires from its owner maximum personal activity and participation in all matters. Here you can no longer sit in the trenches - you have to go into the attack with your chest against bullets and bayonets.....

This birthday gives you all the properties of the number “1” in their most vivid manifestation. You are the most inspired starter, but you may not have the patience to finish the job. As a natural leader, you always prefer to convey interesting tasks others - this is less of a problem for you than for other people with the number “1”. Although you are private and don't show your emotions, you thrive on praise and approval. You are smart and intelligent, but impatient and need to be multi-faceted at the same time just to keep you interested. You may be the most independent of all the number 1s, but you also need a lot of time,
to be alone.

You often feel misunderstood by others who think you can take care of yourself when they should get to know you better and realize that you are simply not used to showing emotions. This doesn't mean you're a great leader, but if you can develop your ability to ask for help (at least sometimes), you'll make your life easier. You must try to curb your tendency to control and direct other people's behavior. You need to overcome the feeling of jealousy that you experience both in love relationships and in ordinary friendships. Your emotions, once overwhelmed, can become destructive.

You love company and crazy parties when you're in a good mood, but some people still perceive you as unemotional. This happens because you sometimes spend too much time on yourself. You should try to make your needs known to your friends, because they cannot be expected to understand your deep and complex personality on their own. You know that you like to be first, but in nature there is always room for others. If you're worried that you might listen to advice that turns out to be inappropriate, don't worry, you can later discard ideas that don't fit your vision: listening to others is instructive, even if you don't agree with them.

Since you are a logical thinker, you probably know how to separate emotions from intellect and make objective decisions. You are practical and authoritative, idealistic and possessive. good imagination. This gives you great career opportunities, which we'll look at in more detail later, but the following ideas are most relevant to those born on the 1st.

You have a gift for inspiring teaching on any subject or skill, and you also love to act in anticipation of the moment when you will be the center of attention. You have a talent for any work that involves invention and possibly design. These might include fashion, architecture, design technology and computer programming, although some of these areas would be more suitable if they had the support of the number “4” (for example, the predominance of the letters G, F or L in your name). The letters E, N, and C (relating to the number "6") in your name would lend support to your abilities in fashion or other creative endeavors.

But whatever you do, you definitely need to work independently and be left to your own devices without anyone interfering. You are allowed to follow your own thoughts and imagination. You have the ability to focus on getting things right, and you are something of an entrepreneur, quite willing to live on very little to get your business off the ground.

Where are you leading

Leadership is your most characteristic aspiration. Your number, as we have already said, is the “I” of numerology, just like the first sign of the zodiac with the element of fire - Aries. You always feel like you are in the center of the world, with a keen sense of own desires. However, do not allow yourself to become a real egoist. Regardless of the field of activity you choose, you demonstrate your ability to lead. Strangely, people with the number “1” are often confused when, for example, the milk runs out on the stove or the telephone lines are cut, but they are calm and cool during a serious crisis. That's why others always look to you as a beacon to navigate through a storm.

You can always take control of the situation and calm those who are causing panic. In any job you do, initiative and intuition help you achieve success. This is why numbers “1” never stay in a non-managerial position. The ability to be involved in all types of activities and the need to be in a leading place is what makes many representatives of the number “1” take up own business or, at least, gain freedom in decision-making in your position in someone else’s company. IN modern conditions Representatives of the number "1" are among those who most often prosper, although among people who put spiritual qualities in the foreground, you should under no circumstances behave selfishly.

Where your talent really shines

Here are some of the qualities that the number "1" brings to any job.
. Quick perception and good concentration mean you're always ahead of the curve, but you're more likely to create your own successful business, if you wish. Other talented people will join you where you lead.
. You have the ability to manage, which means you can overcome any obstacle that threatens to destroy your endeavor. Courage and originality help you overcome any difficulties that others are unable to overcome. You like to have good things, so you prefer high-paying jobs with an effective bonus system.
. Your conviction to never let life get boring pushes you towards success and engages you in interesting work, which changes from day to day. The minute your job becomes a chore, you decide to leave it. You have difficulty obeying orders even from those you respect.

All these qualities give you unlimited opportunities compared to people born under other numbers. Where they have one or two paths available to them, you have several of them at once. You can be successful in almost any job that gives you the capabilities described above. In a job that requires developing new connections, projects, or finding clients, you feel like a fish in water. These professions include the following.

Design (fashion/interior/graphic design). You have the strength and energy to take chances and break the rules, and you are able to stay ahead of the market. You also know how to recruit a team to compensate for any shortcomings you may have, and you know how to count money. You are attracted to bold colors and will not want to stick to classic canons.

Real estate management and development. Do you have an interest in learning land plots, and you love the freedom of movement during the workday. You see what can be done with a place or area, and are often able to come up with a finished project right away. Women with the number "1" will especially thrive in this area.

Publishing. Creating something is a challenging task that you throw yourself into, and in the field of book or magazine making, you will find yourself as an illustrator, writer or marketer. No matter how involved you are in the publishing industry, you are confident that you will find new ways to do things and be known as an innovator within your field.

Teaching and public speaking. Both of these professions require natural leadership. A good mind and memory help you skillfully fulfill the demands of these professions.

Invention. After everything you've already read about yourself, it should be obvious that the day number "1" fits perfectly into the life of an inventor, even if it means working for a big company.

Health industry, medicine, surgery. Many people have difficulty withstanding long shifts and operations, but a person with the number “1” can easily cope with this. Control and independence in a critical situation is what you need. An excellent memory and determination will guarantee success if you choose this field.

Art. People with the number "1" are often attracted to various types of art, as it guarantees privacy for creating work, as well as communication with beauty.

Information Technology. The world of computers is not boring for you, as you create new technologies. You can become a master at writing new computer programs or simply running a business - all of which will allow you to maintain a flexible schedule.

Theatre, cinema, TV. Do you feel at home in a job related to funds? mass media, because of its enormous potential for novelty as well as meeting more people. Many people are involved in this industry but are concerned about the lack of stability or the need to act on their own, which is attractive to number 1s. Directors, writers and actors find themselves in this field and enjoy the irregular work schedule.

This list is not exhaustive - a person with the number "1" can succeed in a variety of directions, as long as it offers freedom and the ability to work independently.

What does it take to be successful?

Whatever your job, you will reach your full potential if you use a name for your job that includes the letters A, I, or C. Keep this in mind when choosing a company name if you are running your own business. It will also help optimize your energy and relationship with colleagues if you decorate your workplace colors of sunrise, copper: fiery, scarlet, apricot. If you are going to an important meeting, these colors will allow you to achieve your goal.

From the book "Number of Life. Code of Fate" by Titania Hardy. - M.: Ripol classic, 2009

The birthday number itself indicates a person's character traits, but gives a more complete picture of him in combination with the path of life and the name number.
If you were born 1st, then you have creative inclinations, strong will and a sense of independence.
Mental work is balanced by physical exercise, and you feel excellent.
You are sensitive, but not ostentatiously, and therefore give the impression of being withdrawn.
It takes very little effort for you to get out of a bad mood.

Your date of birth - 2nd number. You are characterized by sensitivity, responsiveness, even some fussiness.
The desire for love, harmony, mutual understanding, which often determines the mood. Inner harmony may manifest itself in musicality.
Spirituality and thoughts about the common good affect behavior.
But don’t lose yourself in the quest to please everyone.

you were born 3rd. You are distinguished by liveliness, dreaminess with many plans.
You often grab onto everything.
You have to stop and decide. Also in feelings, which, like waves, can throw you from side to side.
You cannot live without society and need friends, and they need you.

4th People are born who have a sense of duty in work and family.
Creative spirit with aptitude for theoretical and practical work.
Strong views on the proper order of things, equal demands on oneself and others, which can complicate relationships with them.
Traveling and communicating with different people will help you relax.

5th those are born who are distinguished by their tireless greed in understanding the world around them.
It is advisable not to get lost and lose yourself.
Liveliness and sociability attract people, who, however, must remember the unreliability of communication with you, because you are accustomed to personal freedom and do not want to part with it.

you were born 6th. Responsibility is one of your main traits; it manifests itself both in society and in the family.
The feeling of beauty helps you create an ideal life partner, the choice of which is given great value.
Creative inclinations are not strong enough to manifest themselves particularly.

your birthday 7th day. You are distinguished by your thoughtfulness, thirst for learning and knowledge of the world.
Solitude, especially in nature, helps you relax and focus.
Intuition often helps you, but pay attention to those around you too.
Strong views, the concept of perfection and the desire for it must be combined with condescension towards those who do not possess these qualities - your personal life depends on it.
Creative inclinations can determine your lifestyle.

8th people are born with creative abilities, strong feelings, organizational skills and ambition.
Your efforts are externally focused.
You communicate with many people, but do not get along very closely.
Plans follow one after another, you are ready to work without rest, but you need to relax.
You succeed in many things; those around you are often forced to adapt to your firmness.

9th- the date of birth of those who are distinguished by love and good nature.
These qualities leave a noticeable imprint on their entire lifestyle, in which many changes occur due to participation in the destinies of other people.
They arrange their lives themselves, without allowing others to interfere much.
Their artistic talent can be actively used.

you were born 10th- it means you have a lively, clear mind and a strong will.
You do not rely on luck and someone else's help, but rely on your own strength.
Life can force you to do several things at once.
You are not very economical, but you are hospitable.

11th Those born are characterized by impetuosity, the ability to inspire others, and inconstancy, which prevents them from completing what they start.
What works best is what touches the feelings, but, remembering their fickleness, try to manage them as much as possible for the benefit of the matter.

If you were born 12th, which means you are eloquent and impatient.
People are looking for your help, and you like it.
But don’t scatter your efforts until you get tired.
Your mind will help you come to your senses.

13th. The combination of 1, 3 and the sum of these numbers - 4 - explains the inconsistency of character.
Various inclinations should find external expression in creative activity for internal self-soothing and gaining self-confidence.

14th Attractive personalities are born who are capable of thinking, feeling and succeeding in many areas.
The choice is often determined by intuition; preference is given to the type of activity that gives more freedom and opportunities for self-expression.
Many friends, but few close friends.

15th People are born obsessed with plans, with a desire for improvement, with the ability to understand people well, see their weaknesses and treat this calmly.
These qualities allow you to succeed in the public sphere and thoughtfully approach the creation of a family and show the necessary care for it.

you were born 16th- this means that you tend to strive for the sublime and beautiful in thoughts and deeds.
Come down to earth more often to be clearer to people - for their and your own good.
Exaggerating the significance of events and phenomena complicates life and brings anxiety.
The need for solitude is strong, but family is also needed.

17th people are born with independence, dignity, courage, perseverance, self-control in difficult circumstances, and the ability to overcome obstacles in achieving a goal.
Such a person can be an entrepreneur who can do big things.
People will appreciate your reliability.

18th- your date of birth. Your strong views, independence, and perseverance allow you to go your own way and achieve what you want.
The mind of such people comes first, but their feelings are also strong.
They enjoy working with people. Changes do not depress them.

Date of Birth 19th. Feelings can play with you, throwing you up and down more often than you want.
However, this does not upset you, and you accept the challenges of fate.
Dependence on feelings makes you independent from society.
By explaining yourself, you master the word (not necessarily eloquence).
Your inner, personal life may differ markedly from your outer life.

you were born 20th- this means that your heightened sensitivity requires an environment of agreement and friendliness, into which your honesty and loyalty fit well.
A healthy, supportive environment for you - family and friends.
You are useful in painstaking, diligent work.
Don't let them take advantage of your gullibility.

21st curious and charming people are born.
Art and education can be their field of activity.
They are attracted to social work, but some imbalance can cause complications in their relationships with people.

If you were born 22nd, then you have a charge of energy that you need to be able to manage.
Look for the optimal application of your capabilities and abilities, do not waste time and do not work too hard.
Let your intuition guide you and stop you in time.
Don't chase profit - it's unnatural.
Strive for harmony between your inner and outside world.

23rd People are born with many abilities that it is difficult to choose their use.
There is a lot of hidden things, unnoticeable to others, to which they are, however, attentive and can be good friend and comrade.
Multilateral development helps them understand people and put themselves in their place.
You can choose teaching, medicine, scientific and creative activities and achieve success.

24th. What is inherent in nature must find external manifestation in you.
Changes in environment are helpful, and friends can provide more in this regard than family, although they have a calming effect.
You are no stranger to art.
As you age, you will become more concerned about your health.

25th. The desire to see perfection in everything, hence the high demands on others.
Attempts to convince you are met with stubbornness.
However, these same properties provide you with purposefulness, concentration, and developed intuition.
More openness and desire for mutual understanding with people - and internal tension will be relieved and your position in society will be strengthened.
Nature and music have a cleansing effect on you.

26th. Good organizational skills, ability to get along with people.
Natural talents can make up for a lack of education, but it is better, of course, if they complement it.
Wide field of activity.
A sense of pride in what has been achieved should not prevent you from looking forward.

27th. Sensitivity is combined with will, the desire to see everything through to the end.
The acuteness of perception of events can lead to excessive feelings and actions.
Responsibility to people pulls you up, inspires you, takes you out of solitude, which you nevertheless need.
A craving for spirituality, art, especially fine literature, brightens life and gives the necessary stability. number.

28th High thoughts, long-range goals and a strong will.
For changing achieved goal the next one appears, the good is the strength and ability to unite people with a kind attitude towards them.
With forced inactivity, the adequacy of perception of oneself and the surrounding world is lost.

29th. The desire for creative activity - and increased emotionality, imbalance.
You need to remain focused, and if you are confused, rely on your intuition.
When attracting people in a fit of enthusiasm, do not strive for perfection, remembering that the best is the enemy of the good.
You lack moderation. Ordinary activities, home and friends help you come to your senses.
Be attentive to people and do not hesitate to build bridges destroyed due to your irritability again and again.

30th. Sociability, the ability to work with people, loyalty in friendship and reliability in partnership can determine the conviction of one’s own infallibility. Experience will help you take right direction in life, and the encouragement of friends will increase your strength.

31st. People born on this day are characterized by complete dedication to their work.
To feel important and useful in life, they take on too much.
Overestimating your capabilities leads to disappointment and fatigue.
However, this lifestyle does not leave time and energy for personal life and recuperation.

From DA

13.11.2018 10:05

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