World Poetry Day. When is Poetry Day celebrated?

Few people have not tried to write poetry in their lives, so World Poetry Day can be considered a national holiday. Poetry is a truly brilliant invention of mankind, since rhymed lines are the easiest way to express the emotions that overwhelm the soul. In poems, poets dream of a wonderful future and remember the heroic past, dedicate lines to one specific person and address all of humanity.

Of course, not everyone is given the talent to write brilliant poetry, but even if primitive, but certainly sincere lines during a period of emotional upsurge, almost everyone composes. And this is wonderful, even if no one sees a simple poem except its author, even in this case, it will become a contribution to the spiritual prosperity of mankind.

History of appearance

The history of the holiday is interesting. It began to be celebrated unofficially back in the thirties of the last century in the USA. The initiator of organizing the Day, which unites poets and poetry lovers, was an American poetess named Tesa Webb.

For many years the holiday fell on October 15th. The date was chosen in honor of the birthday of Virgil, the famous philosopher and poet.

At the very end of the 20th century, on the initiative of UNESCO, it was decided to give the holiday official status. This was done to revive and inspire “new exploits” in the international poetry movement. The holiday was celebrated for the first time in official status 21 March 2000 and since then, this date has become a generally recognized international holiday dedicated to poetry.

On the role of poetry in the life of society

The word "poetry" is of Greek origin. It can be translated as “creation”, “creation”. Indeed, any poem is a work created using the emotions of the imagination and spiritual strength of the poet.

You can write poetry only in a special state of mind, when it is easy to see the sublime behind the everyday. It’s not for nothing that people often write their first rhymes during the period of falling in love.

Good poetry has a special energy. They force the listener or reader to experience those feelings and experience the emotions that the author puts into them. That is why good poetry always gives rise to a special feeling in the soul.

Of course, not every poet has great talent. Geniuses like Pushkin are not born often. But good poems outlive their creators for a long time, delighting more and more generations of readers with their extraordinary purity and poignancy.

Often brilliant poems are born during periods of great upheaval. Thus, during the Great Patriotic War, during the years of the most difficult trials that befell the peoples inhabiting Soviet Union, appeared a whole galaxy bright poets. Poems created during the war are distinguished by a variety of genres. This is bright journalism, and heartfelt lyrics, and caustic, evil satire.

But even in peacetime, poetry does not remain aloof from the life of society. Poems can become answers to the deepest questions arising in the souls of our contemporaries. Pictures and images created by poets can attract public attention to the most complex and pressing issues of our time.

Is it possible to imagine our life without poetry? Without poems that touch the deepest strings of the soul, without wonderful songs and even without naive but touching holiday greetings composed by a child for his mother? Isn't it true that such a life will be incredibly gray and boring? After all, it will not have that explosion of emotions and experiences that poetry gives us.


On the day when Poetry Day is celebrated, a wide variety of events are held. Despite the fact that it was officially recognized only recently, certain celebration traditions have already developed.

On this evening, various literary readings and poetry evenings are held, and meetings of poets with admirers of their work are organized. Competitions are often held for aspiring poets, this allows them to identify young talents and give them the opportunity to develop their abilities.

On Poetry Day, various events are held in educational institutions: schools, philological faculties of universities, as well as in libraries and publishing houses

If we talk about events on an international scale, it is worth remembering the poetry festival, which is held annually in the small Macedonian town of Struga. This festival was first held in the early sixties, when only local poets took part in it.

The event was organized in honor of the famous enlighteners Miladinovs, who lived in the 19th century. Since the brothers were born in the town of Struga, poetry events in their honor are held in their homeland.

A year after its founding, writers from all over Yugoslavia took part in the festival, and at the same time a prize was established, which was awarded to the author best book poems published by a local publishing house.

Four years after its founding, the event became international. The scale of the award, which it was decided to call the “Golden Crown,” also changed. It began to be awarded for achievements in the field of poetry.

Over the years, famous people have also received the award. Soviet poets– Okudzhava, Voznesensky, Rozhdestvensky. Photos of these talented people will forever remain in the gallery of festival laureates.

Over the years of the existence of the poetic festival, the town of Struga has received several thousand poets as guests and participants in the festival, as well as translators involved in poetry and literary reviewers representing almost a hundred different countries peace.

IN Russian capital A literary biennale is held annually, bringing together poets from different countries. In addition, two literary prizes are awarded annually: “Moscow Account” for Muscovite poets and “Moscow Transit” for Russian poets.

Poetry Day is a great opportunity for young poets to express themselves. In addition, this day allows small publishers to come to the fore. After all, the works of modern poets are most often published by small publishing houses and literary associations.


Federal State Autonomous Educational

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(Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "KFU named after V.I. Vernadsky")

College of Water Reclamation and Mechanization Agriculture


Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "KFU"them. V.I. Vernadsky"

in the village of Sovetsky


extracurricular activity on the topic of: " Souls have beautiful impulses »


Methodological development reviewed at a meeting of the cycle commission of study group curators

Protocol No.___ dated “___” ___________ 2016

Chairman of the commission_______________ V.A. Martynova


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Kutsyuk E.A., 2015

© College of irrigation and mechanization of agriculture

farms (branch)

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "KFU named after. IN AND. Vernadsky", 2015

M event dedicated to IN World Poetry Day.

« Souls are beautiful new impulses"

1) introducing students to the world of poetry;

2) formation of artistic taste;

3)development creativity, expressive reading skills

Equipment: Multimedia projector, laptop

Decor: statements about poetry,volumes of poetry, table, chairs (tablecloth), portraits of poets.

Progress of the event:

Leading 1 : Good afternoon, dear guests, poetry lovers. The wonderful month of March has arrived. And it’s not in vain that March was chosen to celebrate the wonderful, romantic holiday of Poetry Day. After all, March represents the beginning of spring, the rebirth and awakening of nature.
World Poetry Day was established by delegates to the 30th session of the UNESCO General Conference in 1999. The first World Poetry Day was held in Paris on March 21, 2000. Since then it has become a good tradition to celebrate this wonderful holiday.

Presenter 2. It seems to me that writing poetry is like being able to fly like a bird. This cannot be learned, but everyone can learn to understand poetry. Our meeting today is dedicated to poetry. The real hostess of our meeting will be poetry, and the main guests will be poetry.
Yesenin, Pushkin, Nekrasov, Tyutchev, Lermontov, Blok, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva and many other poets still warm our hearts and give admiration regardless of where we live.
We invite you to a literary competition dedicated to World Poetry Day. The hostess of this evening will be poetry, and the long-awaited guests will be poetry.

Leading 1 : Before we start our event, we would like to introduce you to the jury who will evaluate your artistic reading and sums it up.

So, meet me

Martynova Valentina Anatolevna

Bugaeva Larisa Valerievna

Tonievich Lyudmila Vitalievna

Presenter 2.

Only a few poets develop their own, completely personal relationship with poetry. Such poets, of course, include the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. And the more you get to know him, the more you understand: he was not just involved in the world of poetry - the world of poetry was contained within him, and he was its ruler...
We invite you to listen to the poem
performed Timofeeva Tatyana, student of group 15.
Reader 1

A.S. Pushkin “What’s in my name for you?”
What's in a name?
It will die like a sad noise

It's on the memorial sheet

Tombstone inscription pattern
In an unknown language.

What's in it? Long forgotten

It won't give your soul
Memories pure, tender.

But on a day of sadness, in silence,
Say it in sadness;
Say: there is a memory of me,

Leading 1 :
At all times, poetry has enjoyed great attention in society and occupied a special place. The people always appreciated her high and sacred mission. Every person needed poetry. They looked for consolation in her, the beauty of feelings and peace, they loved her...As a rule, poetry found nourishment in folklore and folk songs, so the poet was always in the midst of the people. Cases of transition of poetic creations into songs, poems, and folklore are not uncommon. A clear confirmation of this is the poet whose poem will be read now. Poem S.A. Yesenin "will introduce himKovalenko Maria, student of group 15.

Reader 2.
S.A. Yesenin " I do not regret, do not call, do not cry..."

Withered in gold,

I won't be young anymore.

A heart touched by a chill,

And the country of birch chintz

It won't tempt you to wander around barefoot.

You stir up the flame of your lips.

Oh my lost freshness,

He rode on a pink horse.

Leading 2 : Have you ever wondered why a person starts writing poetry? Where does the amazing gift of making words sound differently, in a new way, from which other people take their breath away and their heart beats faster? How can you make a person feel the whole world in just two lines? PoemF.I. Tyutchev “She was sitting on the floor”, readsNessonov Artem, student of group 14. Reader 3.
She was sitting on the floor

And I sorted through a pile of letters,

And, like cooled ash,

She picked them up and threw them away.

I took familiar sheets

And I looked at them so wonderfully,

How souls look from above

The body thrown on them...

Oh, how much life there was here,

Irreversibly experienced!

Oh, how many sad moments

Love and joy killed!..

I stood silently on the sidelines

And I felt terribly sad,

As from the inherent sweet shadow.

Leading 1. Poetry. What definition can be given to this truly magical phenomenon? Poetry is a word that comes not so much from the mind as from the heart. Life itself breathes in poetry - everyone knows this.
This poetess cannot be confused with any other poet. You can recognize her poems unmistakably - by their special chant, unique rhythms, not by their general intonation. PoemMarina Tsvetaeva “To my poems written so early”, performedAleksentsev Danila, student of group 13.
Reader 4.

Like sparks from rockets

- Unread poems! -

Your turn will come.

Leading 2. One of the most favorite themes in poetry is love. How many lines have been written by poets about this sublime feeling, how much paper, papyrus, and ink have been translated by poets. The great bright feeling is sung by almost all poets of the world. Love inspired poets to great deeds; they dedicated their best creations to their loved ones.

Love... It has a huge, almost magical power over people, it makes them experience suffering, and joy, and doubt, and hope, and jealousy. It’s not without reason that they say that a lover is like a madman. Poem A. Akhmatova " Twenty first. Night. Monday.",read by Alexey Evdunov, student of group 13.

Reader 5. A. Akhmatova « Twenty first. Night. Monday."

The outlines of the capital in the darkness.

What love happens on earth.
And out of laziness or boredom
Everyone believed, and so they live:

And they sing love songs.
But to others the secret is revealed,
And silence will rest on them...
I came across this by accident

Let's listen to R. Rozhdestvensky's poem “It All Starts with Love” performed Filippova Tamila, student of group 12.

Reader 6. Poem by R. Rozhdestvensky “It all starts with love”

They say:
"At first
And I declare again:
It all begins
with love!..

It all starts with love:
and insight,
and work,
flower eyes,
child's eyes -
everything starts with love.

It all starts with love
With love!
I know that for sure.
even hatred -
and eternal
sister of love.

It all starts with love:
dream and fear,
wine and gunpowder.
and feat -
everything starts with love...

Spring whispers to you:
And the whisper will make you sway.
And you will straighten up.
And you will begin.
It all starts with love!

Leading 1. It would seem that if two people love each other, then nothing else matters. However, in life, feelings are not always given a primary role. Resentments and ambitions, one’s own views on certain events and norms of behavior - all this poisons the existence of loved ones and is the cause of stupid quarrels and misunderstandings.

The following poem “Date” by B.L. Pasternak is about this, performed byNina Zasypalova, student of group 11.

Reader 7. “Date” Boris Pasternak
The snow will cover the roads,
The roof slopes will collapse.
I'll go stretch my legs:
You are standing outside the door.

Alone, in an autumn coat,
Without a hat, without galoshes,
Are you struggling with anxiety?
And you chew wet snow.

Trees and fences
They go into the distance, into the darkness.
Alone in the snow
You're standing on the corner.

Water flows from the scarf
Along the cuff of the sleeve,
And drops of dewdrops
Sparkles in your hair.

And a strand of blond hair
Illuminated: face,
Kerchief, and figure,
And this is a coat.

The snow on the eyelashes is wet,
There's sadness in your eyes,
And your whole appearance is harmonious
From one piece.

As if with iron
Dipped in antimony
You were led by cutting
According to my heart.

And it stuck in him forever
The humility of these features
And that's why it doesn't matter
That the world is hard-hearted.

And that’s why it doubles
All this night in the snow,
And draw boundaries
Between us I can't.

But who are we and where are we from?
When from all those years
There are rumors left
Are we not in the world? Leading 2. And nowPlatov Artem, student of group 13 , will perform a poem by I.A. Bunin "Loneliness".

Leading 1. Our competition dedicated to World Poetry Day has come to an end. We have touched only the smallest part literary works poets. And we sincerely hope that this day and our meeting will remain in memory for all of you as a good and happy day. We are confident that every year there will be more and more poetry fans.

Leading 2. Bye the jury fails results of the competition, we invite you to listen to the poem “The Ballad of a Smoky Car” by A. Kochetkov, performed byAleksentseva Anna, student of group 21.

Split under the saw.
The wound on the heart will not heal,
Will shed pure tears,
The wound on the heart will not heal -
It will spill with fiery resin.

Soul and blood are indivisible, -
As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you -

You will carry it with you everywhere
Native land, sweet home.

But if I have nothing to hide with
From incurable pity,
But if I have nothing to hide with
From the cold and darkness?
Don't forget me, darling,
After parting there will be a meeting,
We'll both come back - you and me.

But if I disappear into obscurity -

But if I disappear into obscurity

- I will pray for you,
So as not to forget the earthly path,
I will pray for you,
May you return unharmed.


Shaking in a smoky carriage,
He was half crying, half sleeping,

When the train is on a slippery slope
The wheels were torn off the rails.

Superhuman strength

Superhuman strength
She threw earthly things off the ground.
And didn't protect anyone
The promised meeting in the distance,
And didn't protect anyone
A hand calling in the distance.

- Don’t part with your loved ones!
- Don’t part with your loved ones!

When you leave for a moment!

Leading 1. To sum up the results, the jury gives the floor:.....

Winner's reward ceremony

Leading 2.

I really want to end our poetic hour with these words from Boris Kunyaev from the poem “Poetry”.

“They love poetry beautiful people,

Poetry makes the earth beautiful."

B. Kunyaev “Poetry”

I think you agree with me, poetry plays a very important role in our lives. And our meetings should be annual.

A. Akhmatova
Twenty first. Night. Monday.
The outlines of the capital in the darkness.
Composed by some slacker,
What love happens on earth.
And out of laziness or boredom
Everyone believed, and so they live:
Looking forward to dates, afraid of separation
And they sing love songs.
But to others the secret is revealed,
And silence will rest on them...
I came across this by accident
And since then everything seems to be sick.

Reader. Poem

R. Rozhdestvensky

"It all starts with love"

It all starts with love...
They say:
"At first
And I declare again:
It all begins
with love!..

It all starts with love:
and insight,
and work,
flower eyes,
child's eyes -
everything starts with love.

It all starts with love
With love!
I know that for sure.
even hatred -
and eternal
sister of love.

It all starts with love:
dream and fear,
wine and gunpowder.
and feat -
everything starts with love...

Spring whispers to you:
And the whisper will make you sway.
And you will straighten up.
And you will begin.
It all starts with love!

A. S. Pushkin

What's in a name?
It will die like a sad noise
Waves splashing onto the distant shore,
Like the sound of the night in a deep forest.

It's on the memorial sheet
Will leave a dead trail like
Tombstone inscription pattern
In an unknown language.

What's in it? Long forgotten
In new and rebellious unrest,
It won't give your soul
Memories pure, tender.

But on a day of sadness, in silence,
Say it in sadness;
Say: there is a memory of me,
There is a heart in the world where I live...

S. A. Yesenin “Goodbye...”

Goodbye, my friend, goodbye.
My dear, you are in my chest.
Destined separation
Promises a meeting ahead.

Goodbye, my friend, without a hand, without a word,
Don’t be sad and don’t have sad eyebrows, -
Dying is nothing new in this life,

M. Tsvetaeva

To my poems, written so early,
That I didn’t know that I was a poet,
Falling off like splashes from a fountain,
Like sparks from rockets

Bursting in like little devils
In the sanctuary, where sleep and incense are,
To my poems about youth and death,
- Unread poems! -

Scattered in the dust around the shops
(Where no one took them and no one takes them!),
My poems are like precious wines,
Your turn will come.

S.A. Yesenin " I do not regret, do not call, do not cry..."

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry ,

Everything will pass like smoke from white apple trees.

Withered in gold,

I won't be young anymore.

Now you won't fight so much,

A heart touched by a chill,

And the country of birch chintz

It won't tempt you to wander around barefoot.

The wandering spirit! you are less and less often

You stir up the flame of your lips.

Oh my lost freshness,

A riot of eyes and a flood of feelings.

I have now become more stingy in my desires,

My life! or did I dream about you?

As if I were a booming early spring

He rode on a pink horse.

All of us, all of us in this world are perishable,

Copper quietly pours from the maple leaves...

May you be blessed forever,

What has come to flourish and die.

F.I. Tyutchev “She was sitting on the floor”
She was sitting on the floor

And I sorted through a pile of letters,

And, like cooled ash,

She picked them up and threw them away.

I took familiar sheets

And I looked at them so wonderfully,

How souls look from above

The body thrown on them...

Oh, how much life there was here,

Irreversibly experienced!

Oh, how many sad moments

Love and joy killed!..

I stood silently on the sidelines

And I was ready to fall on my knees, -

And I felt terribly sad,

As from the inherent sweet shadow.

Marina Tsvetaeva “To my poems written so early”

To my poems, written so early,
That I didn’t know that I was a poet,
Falling off like splashes from a fountain,
Like sparks from rockets

Bursting in like little devils
In the sanctuary, where sleep and incense are,
To my poems about youth and death,
- Unread poems! -

Scattered in the dust around the shops
(Where no one took them and no one takes them!),
My poems are like precious wines,
Your turn will come.

Poem by R. Rozhdestvensky “It all starts with love”

They say:
"At first
And I declare again:
It all begins
with love!..

It all starts with love:
and insight,
and work,
flower eyes,
child's eyes -
everything starts with love.

It all starts with love
With love!
I know that for sure.
even hatred -
and eternal
sister of love.

It all starts with love:
dream and fear,
wine and gunpowder.
and feat -
everything starts with love...

Spring whispers to you:
And the whisper will make you sway.
And you will straighten up.
And you will begin.
It all starts with love!

"Date" Boris Pasternak
The snow will cover the roads,
The roof slopes will collapse.
I'll go stretch my legs:
You are standing outside the door.

Alone, in an autumn coat,
Without a hat, without galoshes,
Are you struggling with anxiety?
And you chew wet snow.

Trees and fences
They go into the distance, into the darkness.
Alone in the snow
You're standing on the corner.

Water flows from the scarf
Along the cuff of the sleeve,
And drops of dewdrops
Sparkles in your hair.

And a strand of blond hair
Illuminated: face,
Kerchief, and figure,
And this is a coat.

The snow on the eyelashes is wet,
There's sadness in your eyes,
And your whole appearance is harmonious
From one piece.

As if with iron
Dipped in antimony
You were led by cutting
According to my heart.

And it stuck in him forever
The humility of these features
And that's why it doesn't matter
That the world is hard-hearted.

And that’s why it doubles
All this night in the snow,
And draw boundaries
Between us I can't.

But who are we and where are we from?
When from all those years
There are rumors left
Are we not in the world?

“The Ballad of a Smoky Car” by A. Kochetkov

- How painful, dear, how strange,
Connected in the ground, intertwined with branches, -
How painful, honey, how strange
Split under the saw.
The wound on the heart will not heal,
Will shed pure tears,
The wound on the heart will not heal -
It will spill with fiery resin.
- As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you -
Soul and blood are indivisible, -
As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you -
Love and death are always together.
You will carry it with you everywhere -
You will carry with you, my love, -
You will carry it with you everywhere
Native land, sweet home.

- But if I have nothing to hide with
From incurable pity,
But if I have nothing to hide with
From the cold and darkness?

Don't forget me, darling,
After parting there will be a meeting,
We'll both come back - you and me.

- But if I disappear into obscurity -
Short daylight beam -
But if I disappear into obscurity
Beyond the star belt, into the milky smoke?
- I will pray for you,
So as not to forget the earthly path,
I will pray for you,
May you return unharmed.

He became homeless and humble,
Shaking in a smoky carriage,
He was half crying, half sleeping,
When the train is on a slippery slope
Suddenly he bent with a terrible list,
When the train is on a slippery slope
The wheels were torn off the rails.

Superhuman strength
In one winepress, crippling everyone,
Superhuman strength
She threw earthly things off the ground.
And didn't protect anyone
The promised meeting in the distance,
And didn't protect anyone
A hand calling in the distance.
- Don’t part with your loved ones!
- Don’t part with your loved ones!
- Don’t part with your loved ones!
Grow into them with all your blood, -
And every time say goodbye forever!
- And every time say goodbye forever!
And every time say goodbye forever,
When you leave for a moment!

21 March for grades 5a and 5b under the guidance of Mertyeva A.S. and Ustyugova I.V. a music lounge lesson was held, where poetry was the hostess, and the long-awaited guests were poetry! Musical director Krylova V.V. prepared creative performances.
In 1999 special organization UNESCO Educational, Scientific and Cultural Affairs Committee decided to celebrate World Poetry Day on March 21 of each year. Courses of lectures, author readings, and presentations of new poetic literature are held all over the world. The students of our school also did not remain indifferent to this event. Poems and musical compositions were sung during the lesson.
How many different peoples are there in the world?
How different you can live,
But there is only one holiday in the world,
Allowing us all to create!
Congratulations on Poetry Day,
May spring only bloom in your heart,
We wish you well today
To everyone who is friends with poetry, lives!
Makovkina Margarita opened the literary lounge with the song “Golden Bells in an Open Field.” Thematically, the lesson was divided into 4 blocks: poems about the nature of the native land, poems about freedom, about war, and poems dedicated to the 55th anniversary of Yu.A.’s flight. Gagarin.
Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin was proud of the power and immensity of his country, the strength that lies in it:
I will chant
With the whole being of the poet
Sixth of the land
With a short name “Rus”.
Logutenkov Maxim read a poem by S.A. Yesenin "Go you, my dear Rus'." Freedom is one of the highest human values, and the more valuable it is for a person, the more he feels its lack. Stadnitsky Andrey performed the song “Free Bird”, and Makovkina Margarita I read I.A.’s fable. Krylov "Paper Kite". Last year our country celebrated a significant date - 70th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War. There is not a single family in our state that would not be affected by this event. Poets, composers and other creative people perceived this event more keenly than others. The story that was told Sorva Alexander and Emelcheva Elizaveta , happened in reality. The author of the poem, Andrei Dementyev, recalls: “Once I was in a sanatorium in the Caucasus, I was very bored. And now I’m listening to the receiver, where they are transmitting short information about a mother from a Georgian village. She was waiting for her son from the war, who went missing, and suddenly the mother sees her child on the screen documentary film. I came up with the rest of the words myself, and immediately wrote a poem that day "The Ballad of Mother".
Maslova Karina And Kozlova Anastasia read a poem by V.S. Vysotsky “They don’t put crosses on mass graves”, and Bochkina Yulia recited Yu. Drunina’s poems “No, this is not merit, but luck...”. The symbol of all nameless heroes is a monument To the unknown soldier. How many of them are unknown heroes who died in attacks on nameless heights or until the last bullet, fighting in unknown trenches? We know the most important thing: at the cost of their lives, these soldiers saved their homeland and defended peace on earth. Olga Polyakova’s song “Nameless Soldier” was performed Andrey Stadnitsky, Margarita Makovkina, Elizaveta Emeleva, Elizaveta Yakovleva, Anastasia Kozlova, Elena Krylova.
Another very an important event awaits us this year. April 12, 2016 marks the 55th anniversary of Yu.A.’s flight. Gagarin into space. The 108 minutes he spent in space paved the way for other researchers outer space. In a short time since the first flight into space, man visited the Moon and explored almost all the planets solar system, but that first flight was the most difficult and dangerous.
The children were shown a short documentary video of the flight. Krylova Elena I read a poem "Yuri Gagarin".

Addressing all inhabitants of the Earth before the launch on April 12, 1961, Yuri Alekseevich said: “Dear friends, relatives and strangers, compatriots, people of all countries and continents! In a few minutes, a mighty spaceship will take me into the distant expanses of the Universe. What can I tell you during these last minutes before the start! My whole life seems to me now to be one beautiful moment. Everything that has been lived, everything that has been done before, was lived and done for the sake of this moment. You understand that it is difficult to understand our feelings now, when the hour of testing has come very close, for which we have been preparing for a long time and passionately. It is hardly worth talking about the feelings that I experienced when I was offered to make this first flight in history. Joy!". Stadnitsky Andrey read a poem "Gagarin's Smile". A little over an hour after the flight, Yu.A. Gagarin will become the most famous person on the planet, but the first orbit around the Earth of a spaceship with a person on board was the merit of many, many people and, first of all, the general designer spaceships Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. Prepared another space poem Abrahamyan Ashot "Flight". At the end of this thematic unit and lesson Stadnitsky Andrey performed the song “You Know What Kind of Guy He Was.” On this musical note, the cozy lesson dedicated to World Poetry Day has come to an end! We wish our guys new creative success!

As part of World Poetry Day 2016, Moscow literary projects and platforms offer:

March 17, Thursday, at the Museum Silver Age(Bryusov House, 30 Mira Ave., metro station "Prospekt Mira") the opening of the World Poetry Day program according to UNESCO "All Moscow / general gathering" will take place (curators of Moscow literary projects, venues, salons, clubs present their programs and authors). Announcement of the exhibition - “Literary Atlantis of the 1990-2000s”. Starts at 19.00.

In the salon “Classics of the XXI century” (Chekhovsky Cultural Center, Strastnoy Blvd., 6, building 2, metro station “Chekhovskaya”) there will be a presentation of German Vlasov’s book “Girl with a Hoop”. Starts at 19.00.

March 18, Friday, at the A.N. Tolstoy (Spiridonovka, 2/6, metro station "Arbatskaya") there will be a poetry evening by Evgeny Nikitin and Arkady Shtypel. Starts at 19.00.

On Saturday, March 19, a poetry evening by Galina Nerpina will take place at the Chukovsky House-Museum (Peredelkino village, Serafimovicha St., 3). Starts at 16.00.

The Museum of the Silver Age (Bryusov House) will host an evening from the series “Metamorphoses. Conversations about literary translation": Maria Falikman. Hosted by Alyosha Prokopyev. Starts at 19.00.

March 20, Sunday, at the Dacha on Pokrovka club ( Pokrovsky Boulevard, 18, metro station “Kitai-Gorod”) there will be a presentation of the textbook “Poetry”. Conducted by authors Natalia Azarova, Kirill Korchagin, Dmitry Kuzmin. Starts at 19.00.

March 21, Monday, at the cafe “Jean-Jacques” ( Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 24, bldg. 1, metro station "Tsvetnoy Boulevard") there will be an evening "The Poetry Magazine "Air" - 10 years old." Starts at 19.00.

The poetry evening “Poetry Day 2016, or Solid Complexes” will take place in the premises of Theater.Doc (M. Kazenny per., 12, metro station “Kurskaya”). Starts at 20.00.

A presentation of the anthology will take place in the theater hall of the Literary Salon in the Bulgakov House (10 Bolshaya Sadovaya, metro station Mayakovskaya). modern poetry"Poetic Atlas of Russia". Hosted by Andrey Korovin and Pavel Kryuchkov. Starts at 20.00.

On Tuesday, March 22, in the cafe “Jean-Jacques” (Maroseyka, 15, metro station “Kitai-gorod”) the ceremony of announcing the poetry prize “Difference”-2016 will take place. Starts at 19.00.

There will also be a presentation of the books by Oksana Vasyakina “Women’s Prose” and Ksenia Charyeva “On a Completely Strange Celebration”. Starts at 20.00.

On Wednesday, March 23, an evening of poet laureates will take place at the Chinese Pilot Zhao Da club (Lubyansky Prospect, 25, Kitay-Gorod metro station). literary prizes 2015. Starts at 19.00.

March 25, Friday, in library No. 76 named after. M.Yu. Lermontova (Barbolina, 6, Sokolniki metro station) will host the first evening of the Fourth literary readings"They are gone. They remained" (in memory of young poets who left at the end of the 20th - beginning of XXI century). Starts at 18.30.

March 26, Saturday, in library No. 76 named after. M.Yu. Lermontov will host the second evening of the Fourth Literary Readings “They Gone. They remained" (in memory of young poets who passed away at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century). Starts at 15.00.

In the Pasternak House-Museum (Peredelkino village, Pavlenko St., 3), as part of Dmitry Vedenyapin’s author’s project “Man in Other People,” an evening by Mikhail Yasnov will be held. Starts at 16.00.

As part of the Moscow Cultural Forum 2016 (Manege, Manezhnaya Square, 1, stand of the State Budgetary Institution of Moscow, Central Library of the North-Eastern Administrative District), a round table “Artist and poet: transformations” will be held. Participating: Danila Davydov, Alexey Sosna and others. Starts at 18.00.

In the Museum of A.N. Tolstoy will host the evening “Poems kultinfo. Publication 1/16": "South Stream". Poems of the IX Moscow international festival"Biennale of Poets". Starts at 19.00.

On Sunday, March 27, the third evening of the Fourth Literary Readings “They’re Gone. They remained" (in memory of young poets who passed away at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century). Starts at 15.30.

A poetry evening by Vasil Borodin will take place at the Pasternak House-Museum (Peredelkino village). Starts at 16.00.

The 4th Jean-Jacques reading: Timur Kibirov will take place in the cafe “Jean-Jacques” (Nikitsky Blvd., 12, metro station “Arbatskaya”). Starts at 19.00.

On Tuesday, March 29, the Dacha on Pokrovka club will host an evening from the series “Moscow and Non-Muscovites”: Maxim Amelin (Kursk) - Mikhail Aizenberg (Moscow). Starts at 19.00.

On Wednesday, March 30, the 5th Jean-Jacques readings will be held at the cafe “Jean-Jacques” (Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 24, building 1). Nikolai Zvyagintsev. Starts at 19.00.

The literary salon “Bulgakov House” will host the evening “The Corner of Nevsky and Tverskaya. Contemporary St. Petersburg poetry in Moscow." Participating: Vitaly Dmitriev, Oleg Levitan and others. Starts at 20.00.

March 31, Thursday, at Great hall Central House of Writers (B. Nikitskaya, 53, metro station “Barrikadnaya”) there will be a presentation of Waldemar Weber’s book “The 101st kilometer, then everywhere.” Hosted by Olga Medvedko. Starts at 18.30.

An evening from the “Poles” cycle will take place at the Silver Age Museum (Bryusov House): Alexey Kashcheev - Dana Sideros. Starts at 19.00.

On Sunday, April 3, a presentation of Andrei Korovin’s book “Snebafall” will take place at the Bulgakov House literary salon. Starts at 19.00.

On Tuesday, April 5, the Dacha on Pokrovka club will host a presentation of Anna Tsvetkova’s book “Con amore.” Starts at 19.00.

April 6, Wednesday, at the literary club “Contemporaries-XXI” (Russian state library for youth, B. Cherkizovskaya, 4, building 1, metro station " Preobrazhenskaya Square") a poetry evening by Konstantin Kedrov will take place. Starts at 19.00.

The ExLibris cafe (Bobrov lane, 6, building 1, metro station "Chistye Prudy", "Sretensky Boulevard") will host an evening of poets - graduates of the Moscow Printing Institute "Farewell to the Printing Institute". Starts at 18.00.

On Thursday, April 7, the bookstore “Order of Words” (Electrotheater “Stanislavsky”, Tverskaya, 23, metro station “Tverskaya”, “Pushkinskaya”) will host a presentation of Yan Nikitin’s book “Selected Texts: 1997-2012”. Starts at 19.30.

On Friday, April 8, a presentation of Sergei Kruglov’s book “Queen Saturday” will take place at the Museum of the Silver Age (Bryusov House). Starts at 19.00.

In the Central House of Arts Workers (Pushechnaya, 9/6, bldg. 1, metro station "Kuznetsky Most") there will be a poetry production of DOOS: Part I of the video chronicle of the 1st, 2nd, 6th and 7th world days poetry at the Taganka Theater (Yuri Lyubimov, Valery Zolotukhin, Dmitry Aleksandrovich Prigov, Nike Borzov, Andrey Voznesensky, etc.); Part II - poetry readings. Starts at 19.00.

On Saturday, April 9, at the “Magazine Hall” club (M. Gnezdnikovsky Lane, 9/8, building 3-a) Vasily Lomakin’s “Igitur” evening will take place. Starts at 19.00.

On Sunday, April 10, the Silver Age Museum will host the evening “Top Salesmen of the Book Store.” Starts at 19.00.

On Tuesday, April 12, the literary club “Sovremenniki-XXI” (Russian State Library for Youth) will host a literary and musical evening “Gagarin-Boogie-55”: Oleg Chilap and the “Bee-Band” group. Starts at 19.00.

On Wednesday, April 13, the literary salon “Bulgakov House” will host a presentation of Alexander Timofeevsky’s book “Backward Time. A book of poems." Starts at 20.00.

On April 14, Thursday, at the Museum of the Silver Age (Bryusov House) a meeting from the series “Coordinate System. Open lectures on Russian literature of the 1970s-2000s": "20 years of the Crimean Club." Read by Igor Sid. Illustrated by Tatyana Bonch-Osmolovskaya, Igor Levshin, Alexander Lyusy and others. Presentation of the collection of the Bosporus Forum. Starts at 19.00.

On April 15, Friday, in the Great Hall of the Central House of Writers an evening dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Gumilyov “You will remember me more than once…” will be held. Starts at 19.00.

On Saturday, April 16, the Museum of the Silver Age (Bryusov House) will host Sergei Vlasov’s performance “ Private story poetry" (based on poems by Alexander Pushkin, Sergei Yesenin, Vladislav Khodasevich, Sergei Gandlevsky, Leonid Kostyukov, Dmitry Vedenyapin and others) Starts at 19.00.

The most ancient poems, according to historians, were written back in the 23rd century BC. They were created by Princess En-hedu-ana and the discovery is confirmed by artifacts. The Princess is the earliest author known by name, as well as the first poet. She was the daughter of the founder of the Akkadian kingdom - King Sargon, and is known from the Sumerian hymns.

It is known that the first rhyming dictionaries appeared in the Middle Ages. It is interesting that, for example, the entire Koran is built on rhymes. And the first person to compare the cheeks of a young girl with a rose was a poet, as Salvador Dali once said.

In 1999, at the 30th session of the UNESCO General Conference, it was decided to celebrate World Poetry Day on March 21. The first holiday - World Poetry Day - was celebrated in Paris, where UNESCO headquarters is located.

“Poetry,” says the UNESCO decision, “can be the answer to the most pressing and profound spiritual questions modern man- but for this it is necessary to attract the widest possible public attention to it. In addition, World Poetry Day should provide an opportunity to more widely express themselves to small publishing houses, whose efforts mainly bring the work of modern poets to readers, and to literary clubs that revive the age-old tradition of the living, sounding poetic word.”

It has become a good tradition on this day to hold various events, celebrations and new competitions, to present rising poetic talents and their creative works, and to organize evenings for friends of art. The poem makes our culture immeasurably richer and more representative. The most striking works, treasures of the heart, rightfully open up the opportunity to fully experience the uniqueness of the invisible flight of the human soul, to touch greatest history each of us, because each look is beautiful and unique in its own way. It allows us to give not only beautiful poetic forms of words and rhymes, but also a significant part of life that contributes to our own development.

If you are partial to poetry, please accept our congratulations on this day! If you are a poet, then this date is your worldwide professional holiday. Happy holiday to you and us, we wish you all poetry!

Interesting facts for World Poetry Day

If you're writing a poem because you just want to capture a feeling you had, you don't need these tips. Just write what you think is necessary.. Details in the material “How to write a poem: 10 practical tips”, which can be used as a theme or script for an event or evening.

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