What scholarships, benefits and benefits can students receive? Governor's stipend how much is the governor's stipend

Supporting gifted students and schoolchildren is one of the priorities for the development of education at the federal and regional levels. Encouraging talented youth is carried out both at school and at university. Governor's Scholarship paid to students of educational institutions if they have merit in various areas study.

The payment is intended to stimulate talented young people to achieve achievements and education in a specific science.

G Governor's scholarship 2019 not regulated by federal law.

She is appointed in accordance with the order of the head of the region or region. As a result, the conditions for obtaining it, as well as the size, vary in different regions of the Russian Federation.

The Governor's Scholarship is awarded only for local level. Therefore, in some regions it may be completely absent.

In other regions it is prescribed monthly or as a one-time payment. It is recommended to check the size and conditions of receipt with the Education Department at your place of residence.

How to get a governor's scholarship.

Governor's scholarships for gifted children, Most often, they are prescribed when the following conditions are met:

  • The student is enrolled in the full-time department of a university or technical school, on a budget-funded form of education.
  • A teenager should not study with “good” or “excellent” grades.
  • The child has special achievements in various fields of science and education, victories in Olympiads and competitions, publications in printed publications, research projects, etc.

In many regions, sporting achievements are encouraged. A student can be nominated for a scholarship if he wins competitions in various sports.

As a rule, a list of candidates for promotion is compiled by an educational organization. The document is sent to the Education Department at the place of residence, from where it is transmitted to higher authorities.

The governor's allowance is assigned by a special commission that reviews and evaluates the level of student achievement. The meeting is held before the start of the school year.

The educational institution that nominated the candidates is notified of the results of the consideration of personal files, and they bring the information to the attention of students.

Scholarship amount.

Since the amount of payments is regulated in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is difficult to say Governor's scholarship, how much is due to talented youth with achievements.

The following financial support measures are established in the regions:

  • In the Perm Territory, payments are assigned to school graduates who receive a Unified State Exam score above the established norm. The size of the one-time benefit is about 5,000 rubles.
  • In the Astrakhan region, the governor's scholarship is paid to students of 2nd year and above upon receipt of secondary specialized and higher education. To receive payment, you must have achievements in your field of activity.
  • In the Samara region, more than 100 personalized scholarships are awarded annually to students with sports, scientific or technical achievements.
  • In the Moscow region, schoolchildren under 18 years of age can receive a governor's scholarship if they are prize-winners and winners of Olympiads and competitions in sports, culture, and art. Its size is 27,000 rubles per year.
  • In the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug, talented youth are supported by a monthly stipend increase of 1,000 rubles. If you have sporting achievements, this amount can increase to 2000 rubles.
  • In the Sverdlovsk region, a bonus of 20,000 rubles is paid annually. 65 students who excelled in academics and sports.
  • In Kirov, graduates who do an excellent job in their final exams are encouraged. If the sum of points for the Unified State Exam in 3 subjects is above 250, schoolchildren are paid 2,500 rubles. The amount of the benefit increases to 4,000 rubles if one of the exams is written with 100 points.
  • In Chelyabinsk, the 100 most successful students receive a one-time annual payment of 15,000 rubles.
  • In Volgograd, schoolchildren and students can apply for a scholarship of 1,500 rubles if they study excellently and become regional-level winners in Olympiads.
Moscow Scholarships are paid to adolescents under the age of eighteen, citizens Russian Federation demonstrating achievements in scientific fields. The student is issued a special personal identification card. Size is 27,000 rubles per year.
Saint Petersburg 4,000 rubles– students who are disabled, orphans, left without parental care, demonstrating achievements in scientific fields, art and sports.
Ufa 2,000 rubles– as social assistance to incompetent students who are successful in studies, sports and other areas.
Perm region Paid 5,000 rubles school graduates who have scored a certain number of points on the Unified State Exam.
Novosibirsk Assigned once a year, funds are transferred monthly in the amount 1,400 rubles. In addition to good academic results, the applicant's innovations are also taken into account.
Kemerovo 3,000 rubles paid for achievements in the fields of science, art and sports.
Stavropol region Assigned to students of higher and secondary educational institutions according to 22 and 15 thousand rubles respectively, which seek high results V scientific work, in art and sports.
Nizhny Novgorod Provided 8,000 rubles for achievements in science, physical education and sports, as well as in the activities of public organizations.
Astrakhan The applicant must study for a year or more. For students of secondary educational institutions, the size is 3.5 thousand rubles, higher – 4,5 .
Volgograd Paid to first year students. As a rule, it is appointed for prizes in subject Olympiads and competitions. The size is not fixed.
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug The scholarship amount is 1 000 rubles, and for achievements in sports and creative disciplines - 500 .
Samara The payment from the head of the region is 10,800 rubles in half a year. The number of applicants is limited to one hundred, but another two hundred bonuses are provided for those students who have chosen a specialty that is scarce in the region and are excellent students.
Kirov The applicant must successfully pass the Unified State Exam and demonstrate further success in his studies at the university. Those who dialed Unified State Exam results in three subjects 250 points and more will be paid 2,500 rub., and if the maximum result is shown in any discipline 100 points, the amount of state support will be 4,300 rub. every month.

The procedure for receiving payment is indicated in the order of the governor of a particular region.

Despite the fact that the candidacy is approved by the commission at educational institution, a scholarship applicant may need to prepare the following documents:

  • a passport with permanent registration in the region where you plan to receive the payment;
  • characteristics from the administration of the educational organization, scientific supervisor, leading teachers;
  • document confirming high marks(statement sheet, grade book, etc.);
  • diplomas, thanks, certificates, etc.;
  • confirmation of research publications in specialized journals;
  • application with bank account details for depositing funds.

The governor's scholarship is an optional payment and is regulated by administrative acts of the head of the region. They indicate the procedure for obtaining financial support, as well as its amount.

In some regions of the Russian Federation it is a one-time grant and is awarded to talented youth once a year, in others it is a monthly increase in the educational stipend.

There are regions where schoolchildren can apply for payment, including the Moscow and Kirov regions, the Perm region.

At the same time, a prerequisite is the successful passing the Unified State Exam and the result is above the established norm.


A governor's scholarship is awarded not only if they are excellent students, but also if they have special achievements. Most often, both conditions must be met to receive financial support.

The payment is determined by a commission under the administration, to which lists of candidates are sent by the Department of Education.

The governor's scholarship may be replaced by other incentive measures, including vouchers to health centers, if this is provided for by the order of the head of the region.

Governor's Scholarship.

Many students who do well in school lack financial support. To stimulate schoolchildren and students, a governor's scholarship was created.

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This type of assistance also includes the Governor's Scholarship, which is very supportive of students.

She encourages every hardworking student and contributes to his great achievements and prospects. At the same time, you need to know who can apply for this scholarship.

Main aspects

Many students need benefits. In this regard, government scholarships are awarded. In the general complex there is also a governor's scholarship, which was created for regional assistance to talented students.

The scholarship does the following:

  • rewards and provides state assistance for children in the areas that study;
  • improves the prestige of studying in regional educational institutions;
  • encourages very promising and capable children to study in regional educational institutions.

The governor's scholarship is prescribed separately in a separate region and is indicated personally by the governor.

Initial Concepts

The Governor's Scholarship is a benefit that is awarded to a student for special academic achievements.

This scholarship is used by regions to reduce the migration of adult children from their home region in search of better living conditions and education.

Who is entitled to

Candidates for a grand from the governor are children who have achieved important results in:

  • research sector;
  • sports or creative sector;
  • public sector – active participation in student life.

Regardless of the volume and frequency of scholarship payments, the list of conditions for students applying for a grant from the governor is usually the same.

The student must:

  • receive education at a full-time budget department;
  • have only the highest grades in your record book.

The list of candidates for the grant is prescribed by the academic council or a specially created commission at educational institutions.

The list along with certificates must be confirmed by a higher executive body; this happens in the Department of Education.

The governor's grant is not considered a mandatory payment, so the presence or absence of it in different areas need to find out on the spot.

Legal basis

The procedure and volume of awarding incentives to students is regulated by the following regulations:

  • Order “On the establishment of scholarships for students”;
  • Order “On the establishment of increased stipends for students”;
  • Order “On the creation of a scholarship commission for 2016-2017 academic year»;
  • Regulations “On scholarships and other forms of material support for students, graduate students and doctoral students of an educational organization”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1663;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 945;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 679;
  • Regulations “On the Governor's Scholarship”.

How to get a governor's scholarship

The governor's scholarship is awarded based on the results of a competition, which is financed by the municipal budget.

The governor of each district determines the amount and certain requirements for receiving a grant.

Candidates for a grand from the governor are proposed by municipal authorities that are responsible for education in the area, as well as by the heads of public or private educational institutions.

To receive the Governor's Grand, a number of actions must be taken:

  • submit a petition;
  • file an accompanying submission;
  • submit to the rector of the educational institution, which must be submitted before the start of the academic year to a specially created council for awarding a grant from the Governor, where all submitted certificates are carefully analyzed and a decision is made.

Conditions for payment

To receive a grant from the governor, you must meet the following conditions:

  • study excellently;
  • reach high heights in a certain field of activity;
  • apply for a grant;
  • have all the necessary information available.

Instructions for registration

The approval of the Governor's grant occurs after summing up the results of the competition, which is always financed by the municipal budget.

The amount determined and the list of additional requirements depend on the Governor’s decree. The selection of candidates is carried out by the municipal educational authority and the heads of educational institutions.

The application and petition, certified by the rector, should be sent to the council, which is responsible for assigning payment from the governor before the academic year begins.

List of required documents

To receive a grant from the governor, you need to achieve certain results and provide the necessary certificates:

  • the head of the educational institution submits documents that contain personal data about the candidate (initials, date of birth, place of registration, achievements achieved, where he studies, argument for awarding benefits);
  • a certificate confirming state accreditation in an educational institution, that is, a notarized copy of it;
  • in the case where the candidate is an orphan, then a certificate issued by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities;
  • a handwritten request indicating the personal account to which the money will be sent;
  • an academic record book (its copy) signed by the rector, which proves academic success and the absence of academic debt;
  • provide certificates, letters of gratitude, diplomas, scientific publications and all other evidence that indicate that the candidate is actively involved in public, scientific life and plays sports.

Amount of incentives received

The governor's grant to students in 2020 is larger than the usual academic scholarship and is awarded through a competition to a select portion of young people studying - representatives of the region's gifted youth who have achieved success in the field of science or in the field of art and sports.

This can be illustrated by the example of the following cities:

Region Characteristic
Moscow Provides Governor's scholarships to children and adolescents under 18 years of age who are citizens of Russia and have achievements in the field of science or other subjects. The amount of the scholarship from the governor is 27,000 rubles per year, which is proven by a special personal identification card
Saint Petersburg Provides a monthly grant of 4,000 rubles to disabled, talented children - orphans and children without parental care who have achievements in the field of science or in the field of art and sports
Ufa Provides a grant from the governor in the amount of 2040 rubles as social assistance to students who are incapacitated and who have different achievements in studies, science, sports or other areas of study and city life
Perm region The amount of the scholarship from the governor is 5,000 rubles. School graduates have the right if they can receive the Unified state exam required number of points
Sverdlovsk region Provided in the amount of 1,500 rubles for achievements in the field of science or in the field of art and sports
Kemerovo region Provides up to 3,000 rubles for achievements in the field of science or in the arts and sports sector
Stavropol region Provides students of higher and secondary educational institutions with 22,000 rubles and 15,000 rubles, respectively, who have achieved a lot in the field of science or in the field of art and sports
Novosibirsk Provides it once a year and pays it every month in the amount of 1,400 rubles, while in addition to good studies and success in science and sports, attention is paid to the innovations of the student applying for a scholarship
Nizhny Novgorod Provides 8,000 rubles to students who have good achievements in the field of education and science, physical culture and sports, in the field social activities

Is it possible for schoolchildren

No region is interested in the outflow of young specialists, so that young people do not try to leave hometown, and need a scholarship from the governor.

A scholarship from the governor is needed for the following purposes:

  • support youth in your area;
  • increase the prestige of local educational institutions;
  • encourage talented students not to change their area to another.

The governor's stipend is set by the governor himself, so its amount may vary in each region.

A variety of categories of young people have the right to apply for scholarships from the governor. Based on this, it can be awarded to schoolchildren who were able to achieve certain academic successes:

What is the governor's scholarship: how much is it and what is it awarded for. . Features of the calculation of the governor's scholarship in Yaroslavl, Moscow, Samara and other regions of Russia in 2019: who is eligible, conditions for provision, amount for schoolchildren or students, additional bonuses for special merits

Governor's scholarship amounts

All amounts of such payments are established in accordance with the welfare of the region. In the same way, the frequency with which the scholarship will be paid, the number of places available for applicants and other conditions are selected. Funds allocated for education and scholarships for higher educational institutions are also taken into account. In the regions under consideration, the amounts of gubernatorial payments take the following values:

  • The governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug decided that the amount of the scholarship is 1000 rubles and it is paid every month. At the same time, the number of places is not clearly specified; it all depends on the circumstances. There are also payments for great creative success, which are monthly in the amount of 500 rubles. 60 places are allocated for them. And the last point is a scholarship paid for sports success. The size is the same as in the case of the creative one, but there are fewer seats - only 20.
  • Governor Samara region decided that students who complete their sessions with grades of at least 4 can apply for a scholarship of 10,800 rubles. It is paid once a semester and 100 people can apply for it. The same amount is provided to the 200 students who passed the exams at 5 and who are studying in the specialties specified in the governor’s decree.
  • Governor Chelyabinsk region decided to pay scholarships in the amount of 15,000 rubles to one hundred students who distinguished themselves in their studies. These payments are made once, at the beginning of the school year.
Important fact

There is a reservation in the text of the resolution of the governor of the Samara region. If at the end of the semester it is not possible to fill all 200 places for the scholarship provided, then those who completed the session with grades of at least 4 can apply for it.

Governor's scholarship in 2019 - how to get it, amount, for schoolchildren

Many students who do well in school lack financial support. To stimulate schoolchildren and students, a governor's scholarship was created.

This type of assistance also includes the Governor's Scholarship, which is very supportive of students.

She encourages every hardworking student and promotes great achievements and prospects. At the same time, you need to know who can apply for this scholarship.

Main aspects

Initial Concepts

Who is entitled to

The student must:

Legal basis

How to get a governor's scholarship

The governor's scholarship is awarded based on the results of a competition, which is financed by the municipal budget.

The governor of each district determines the amount and certain requirements for receiving a grant.

Candidates for a grand from the governor are proposed by municipal authorities that are responsible for education in the area, as well as by the heads of public or private educational institutions.

To receive the Governor's Grand, a number of actions must be taken:

  • submit a petition;
  • file an accompanying submission;
  • submit a petition from the rector of the educational institution, which must be submitted before the start of the academic year to a specially created council for awarding a grant from the Governor, where all submitted certificates are carefully analyzed and a decision is made.

Conditions for payment

To receive a grant from the governor, you must meet the following conditions:

  • study excellently;
  • reach high heights in a certain field of activity;
  • apply for a grant;
  • have all the necessary information available.

Instructions for registration

The approval of the Governor's grant occurs after summing up the results of the competition, which is always financed by the municipal budget.

The amount determined and the list of additional requirements depend on the Governor’s decree. The selection of candidates is carried out by the municipal educational authority and the heads of educational institutions.

The application and petition, certified by the rector, should be sent to the council, which is responsible for assigning payment from the governor before the academic year begins.

List of required documents

To receive a grant from the governor, you need to achieve certain results and provide the necessary certificates:

  • the head of the educational institution submits documents that contain personal data about the candidate (initials, date of birth, place of registration, achievements achieved, where he studies, argument for awarding benefits);
  • a certificate confirming state accreditation in an educational institution, that is, a notarized copy of it;
  • in the case where the candidate is an orphan, then a certificate issued by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities;
  • a handwritten request indicating the personal account to which the money will be sent;
  • an academic record book (its copy) signed by the rector, which proves academic success and the absence of academic debt;
  • provide certificates, letters of gratitude, diplomas, scientific publications and all other certificates that indicate that the candidate takes an active part in social, scientific life and plays sports.

Amount of incentives received

The governor's grant to students in 2019 is larger than the usual academic scholarship and is awarded through a competition to a select portion of young people studying - representatives of the region's gifted youth who have achieved success in the field of science or in the field of art and sports.

This can be illustrated by the example of the following cities:

Is it possible for schoolchildren

No region is interested in the outflow of young specialists, so that young people do not want to leave their hometown, and a scholarship from the governor is needed.

A scholarship from the governor is needed for the following purposes:

  • support youth in your area;
  • increase the prestige of local educational institutions;
  • encourage talented students not to change their area to another.

The governor's stipend is set by the governor himself, so its amount may vary in each region.

A variety of categories of young people have the right to apply for scholarships from the governor. Based on this, it can be awarded to schoolchildren who were able to achieve certain academic successes:

In order to receive a scholarship, you must be a full-time student and have the highest grades in all subjects.

Can be provided to those who study in secondary educational institutions that have excellent marks based on academic results, achievements in the field of science, sports, art, they actively take part in competitions, competitions, olympiads, and organizations.

To participate in competitive selection You need to document the child’s achievements - attach diplomas, certificates, patents.

From the above we can conclude that the governor's scholarship is different in each region. Individual regions have different requirements for obtaining it.


Fellows must have achievements in the scientific sector or in the arts and sports sector.

: how to get grants or scholarships

Main aspects

Many students need benefits. In this regard, government scholarships are awarded. In the general complex there is also a governor's scholarship, which was created for regional assistance to talented students.

The scholarship does the following:

  • rewards and provides state assistance for children in the areas that study;
  • improves the prestige of education in regional educational institutions;
  • encourages very promising and capable children to study in regional educational institutions.

The governor's scholarship is prescribed separately in a separate region and is indicated personally by the governor.

Initial Concepts

The Governor's Scholarship is a benefit that is awarded to a student for special academic achievements.

This scholarship is used by regions to reduce the migration of adult children from their home region in search of better living conditions and education.

Who is entitled to

Candidates for a grand from the governor are children who have achieved important results in:

  • research sector;
  • sports or creative sector;
  • public sector – active participation in student life.

Regardless of the volume and frequency of scholarship payments, the list of conditions for students applying for a grant from the governor is usually the same.

The student must:

  • receive education at a full-time budget department;
  • have only the highest grades in your record book.

The list of candidates for the grant is prescribed by the academic council or a specially created commission at educational institutions.

The list along with certificates must be confirmed by a higher executive body; this happens in the Department of Education.

The governor's grant is not considered a mandatory payment, so you need to find out on the spot about its presence or absence in different areas.

Legal basis

The procedure and volume of awarding incentives to students is regulated by the following regulations:

  • Order “On the establishment of scholarships for students”;
  • Order “On the establishment of increased stipends for students”;
  • Order “On the creation of a scholarship commission for the 2016-2017 academic year”;
  • Regulations “On scholarships and other forms of material support for students, graduate students and doctoral students of an educational organization”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1663;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 945;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 679;
  • Regulations “On the Governor's Scholarship”.

Amount of incentives received: who will be paid and how much

In order to get an idea of ​​the state of affairs in the field of provincial encouragement of talented youth, it is necessary to consider some regions of Russia in which this practice has long been implemented.

Perm region

In the Perm Territory, payments are made to persons who, when entering a university, have more points on the Unified State Examination than indicated in the regulations. For the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics there is a threshold of 225 points in three subjects. For applicants to humanities and economics, 260 and 240 points, respectively.

The payment amount is 5,000 rubles and this is a fixed, unchangeable amount.

Astrakhan region

In the Astrakhan region, students who have studied in an educational organization for more than a year and meet the basic requirements for candidates can qualify for a governor's scholarship. Encouragement is provided not only for university students, but also for those receiving education in mid-level institutions. For university students the payment will be 4,500 rubles, and for others 3,500 rubles.


Volgograd authorities encourage talented schoolchildren and first-year students who have won competitions or olympiads. A prerequisite is good academic performance at “four” and “five”. Such students are awarded a scholarship in the amount of 1,500 rubles.

Sverdlovsk region

The governor of the Sverdlovsk region established an additional payment to the main scholarship for students who showed outstanding results in academic or scientific activity.

The amount of such additional payment varies from 700 to 1,500 rubles, depending on the number of achievements and the type of educational institution. In addition to students, talented high school students can count on such payments.

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

To stimulate talented youth, the governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug established additional payments for special merits. For promotion scientific ideas an additional payment to the academic scholarship is assigned in the amount of 1000 rubles. If a student has achieved certain success in sports or cultural activities, then the amount of the incentive will be 500 rubles.

Chelyabinsk, Samara, Kirov

In Chelyabinsk there is a bonus system for students who study with excellent marks. Such persons can count on a one-time payment of 15,000 rubles. However, the number of such awards is limited to 100 students.

Samara students who distinguished themselves during educational process, can apply for a special incentive payment. It is paid once every six months in the amount of 10,800 rubles. The number of students receiving such an award should not exceed one hundred. Another 200 places are provided for students in priority areas for the region, so the prestige of these specialties is quite high. high level.

The city of Kirov took a very scrupulous approach to awarding incentives to talented youth. The condition for receiving a governor's scholarship seems to be very successful completion Unified State Examination and further studies at the university with excellent marks.

If a student scores more than 250 points in three exams, he is awarded a bonus of 2,500 rubles. Achieving a 100-point result in at least one subject is a good reason for receiving a special monthly scholarship in the amount of 4,330 rubles.

A specialty in short supply will give an applicant an advantage for a gubernatorial scholarship and a chance to receive a personal payment in the amount of 5,000 rubles. However, to do this, you will need to sign an agreement that after completing your studies, the student will work in your specialty for at least three years.

Moscow and region

The capital of Russia provides special conditions for talented youth. Unlike other cities, Moscow awards gubernatorial scholarships to individuals under 18 years of age who have proven themselves in the scientific field. Also, the grounds for such payments are achievements in the field of culture, sports or social activities.

Required condition: Candidates must receive education in municipal educational institutions.

The size of the governor's incentive in Moscow is 27,000 rubles per year.

Are the Governor's scholarships awarded?

Since the governor sets the procedure for calculating and the amount of the governor’s stipend, any such payment automatically bears his name and refers to personal payments.

The governor's scholarship is a very effective tool for retaining talented youth in educational institutions in a particular region or city. After all, the availability of qualified personnel in the future and, as a consequence, the development of the region depends on this. The prestige of educational institutions and the province is increasing.

For students, this seems to be another incentive to work hard and achieve impressive results in their studies or other areas.

How to get a scholarship from the head of the region

How to get a scholarship from the head of the region

All the rules for receiving such encouragement from the head local authorities are indicated in the document “Regulations on the governor’s personal scholarships” of each subject of the Federation.

It states:

  • under what conditions can you receive a scholarship?
  • the total number of such awards and the number of applicants for them from each educational institution;
  • who has the right to apply for this financial support;
  • system for reviewing applicants’ documentation;
  • terms and frequency of payments.
Attention! You can obtain information about whether the governor's scholarship is paid in a particular region from the territorial department of education of the region.

Who can apply for

This incentive payment is awarded for success in:

  • activities of a research nature (a grant for an invention, etc.);
  • achievements in sports or creativity (victory or prize-winning place in competitions or national competitions);
  • social life of the region, region, etc.

The list of requirements for the applicant is also the same everywhere:

  • Full-time education with payment from budget funds;
  • have only high grades of “four” and “five” in all subjects.

Head of the body local government determines the amount and circumstances under which one can qualify for incentive payments (for example, completing the academic year with only “excellent” marks or gaining a certain number of points on the Unified State Exam, etc.). Therefore, the main task of the applicant is to comply with the conditions for receiving the governor’s award.

The applicant's candidacy is nominated by the educational institution where he is studying. Submission of the application takes place within the allotted period (before the start of the next year of study) to the special council under the head of the region. There the submitted documentation of the applicant is reviewed for compliance with the designated circumstances.

Previously, such scholarships were received by young people studying at universities and graduate students. But the practice of recent years has shown that in some areas, school students with talents or outstanding young people belonging to the age category from 14 to 30 years old can also qualify for incentive payments.

The timing and regularity of payments are also set by the regional authorities, and they are determined by the circumstances under which the bonus is paid (for example, completing the academic year with “excellent marks”). Payments can also be urgent if they are made as a one-time reward for achievements in some event (for example, 1st place in a competition, etc.).

Worth knowing! Payments of the governor's scholarship occur on a competitive basis. The number of such incentives is limited.

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Required documents

The list of documents for receiving such a scholarship may differ depending on the region and the payment for which the person is applying. Typically, in order to receive incentive financial support from the head of the region, you should prepare the following documentation:

  1. A covering letter written by the director of the educational institution where the applicant is studying;
  2. Extract from the minutes of the meeting pedagogical council on the decision to nominate a student or graduate student for a governor’s scholarship;
  3. A copy of the license confirming the official status of the educational institution;
  4. A photocopy of the main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation with registration in the area of ​​receipt;
  5. Characteristics of the applicant;
  6. Information about the applicant’s academic performance (certificates or photocopy of the transcript);
  7. Photocopies of documentation certifying the applicant’s merits (certificates, diplomas, publications in the media, patents, etc.);
  8. A document from the guardianship authorities (if needed) proving the social status of the applicant;
  9. Application for transfer of finances indicating the account number at the banking institution.

Who is it entitled to?

The appointment of a governor's scholarship is usually associated with achieving special success in:

  • research activities (invention, patent, grant or publication);
  • sports or creative field, for example, victory in an international, all-Russian or regional competition;
  • social activities - active participation in the student association, etc.

Regardless of the size and frequency of the scholarship payment, the list of requirements for a student applying for a governor's scholarship is approximately the same.

So, the candidate must:

  • study at a full-time budget department;
  • have only the highest grades (“4” and “5”) in your grade book.

List of applicants the scholarship is drawn up by the academic council or a special commission at the university. Then the list, along with the documents, must be approved by a higher executive body, often the department of education.

The governor's scholarship is not a mandatory payment, so you need to find out on the spot whether it is available or not in a particular region.

In some cases schoolchildren also have a chance to receive a payment from the Governor. For example, in the Perm Territory, a graduate who has achieved the maximum number of points on the Unified State Exam can apply for this type of scholarship.

But, most often, the above-described privilege applies to students who have completed the 1st year with “excellent” marks.

What is a Governor's Scholarship?

Many schoolchildren, for whom the time has come to decide on their future and choose a university, prefer to leave their own city or region for Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of the Russian Federation. Of course, no region is interested in the outflow of young specialists, since in most cases they never return. As a result, the city and region are left with a minimum number of qualified personnel, who are often simply not enough to meet the needs of the region. It is precisely to ensure that young people do not want to leave their native land that the governor’s scholarship is needed. It is necessary for the following purposes:

  1. Supporting youth in your region.
  2. Increasing the prestige of local educational institutions.
  3. An incentive for talented students not to change their region to another.

Encouraging talented youth is an important part of the educational process. One of the ways to materially support schoolchildren and students who have shown hard work and achieved success is the governor's scholarship. This is a regional payment, the main goal of which is to stimulate a thirst for knowledge and new achievements among the younger generation of the region, region or republic.

Governor's scholarship and bonus - what are these payments?

Any regional payments, which include the governor's bonus and scholarship, are regulated by local law. Therefore, in different regions, the conditions of receipt, size and other nuances may differ significantly from each other.

In general, the governor's scholarship is a regular payment intended for schoolchildren and students receiving vocational education who have achieved certain successes and, in the opinion of the commission, deserve financial support. The scholarship is awarded either separately (for schoolchildren) or as an addition to the regular academic scholarship (for students) for 1 year.

This is a voluntary and optional payment for the governor: in some regions, gubernatorial scholarships are not provided for by law. It is paid from the local budget without the participation of funds from Moscow.

The governor's bonus is a one-time payment, also awarded for certain merits.

The tasks that regional incentive payments to representatives of talented youth are designed to fulfill:

  1. Encouraging effort and desire for development. Scholarships and prizes provide financial and moral support to schoolchildren and students: they know that their work is not in vain, and that their knowledge and skills are in demand.
  2. Increasing the prestige of education in the region and achievements in various fields among young people. Examples of payments inspire other students and motivate them to have a positive attitude towards the learning process and extracurricular activities.
  3. Preservation of intellectual resources and talented young people in the region. Very often, teenagers who show great promise enter universities in the capital and other metropolises (the most popular cities for studying are Moscow and St. Petersburg), believing that there more possibilities. And most graduates never return to their native land. locality. The unofficial name for this phenomenon is “Brain Drain”. As a result, regions are experiencing a shortage of qualified young professionals or athletes. Governor's scholarships and awards are designed to make studying in the region more attractive.

Governor's payments benefit both sides: the region retains promising young people, and job seekers receive financial support and recognition of their successes.

Scholarship amount

The size of the governor's scholarship differs in different regions, as do the conditions for receiving it. They are legally established by the head of the region (that’s why the payment is called “governor’s”), and every year the amount of money and the details of receipt may change. Standard payment term state scholarship– 1 year.

Data for some regions:

  1. In the Moscow region, gubernatorial scholarships are paid to minor children and adolescents. To receive an additional monthly payment, two conditions must be met: the applicant is studying in a state or municipal educational institution and has outstanding achievements in educational process, sports or art. Receipt of the payment is confirmed by a personal certificate, and the amount in 2017 was 27,000 rubles, and it is paid one-time for the entire year, which makes the scholarship not like a bonus.
  2. In the Samara region, students receive a governor's scholarship - 10,800 rubles per semester.
  3. In Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug payments are made every month. Their size and duration depend on the field of activity in which the teenager has achieved success. For example, outstanding young athletes receive 500 rubles monthly, but can receive no more than 20 such scholarships. The law is more beneficial for those who have demonstrated excellence in education and science: 1,000 rubles per month with no limit on the number of payments.

The spending of the scholarship is not limited in any way: the child can choose what to spend the money received from the governor on.

Who is entitled to payment?

As with the issue of the amount of payment, the conditions for receiving are controlled by local legislation. Each region has its own requirements for applicants. A special commission can award a governor's scholarship to schoolchildren and students, but applicants must meet the basic requirements:

  1. They study full-time and with budget funds at a state or municipal educational institution (school, college, university, etc.).
  2. They do not have grades lower than “good” (“4”) on intermediate assessments.
  3. Have achievements and are recognized as promising.

A student receiving a governor's scholarship must monitor his academic performance: if he receives a "C" in the interim assessment or for the year, the payment will be stopped.

Applicants may be nominated for a Governor's Scholarship if they have distinguished themselves and achieved success in:

  • scientific research activities (they are distinguished by their extensive knowledge, win prizes at Olympics, participate in research and innovative projects, have scientific publications and grants);
  • sports (outstanding performances and prizes);
  • creativity (participation in exhibitions and competitions);
  • social activities (they are members of youth associations or the government, participate in student government and take an active life position).

Compliance with three criteria - budget education, absence of "C" grades and outstanding achievements - allows you to count on receiving a payment.

How to get

The procedure for obtaining a governor's scholarship is strictly regulated in a special Regulation. Payments are awarded to applicants on a competitive basis. Typically, the amount allocated from the local budget to encourage young talents is limited. Therefore, the more applicants, the more difficult it is to receive payment.

Contestants must be recommended in a special application. It is drawn up by the municipal educational organization or the educational institution itself, which determine the list of candidates. The application is supported by a presentation or petition from the head of the school or university.

You will also need to collect a package of documents:

  • copy of passport;
  • certificate from place of residence;
  • a description with the personal characteristics of the candidate and his achievements signed by the head of the educational institution;
  • document about state accreditation educational institution;
  • a statement with information about the personal account to which the state scholarship will be transferred if the application is approved;
  • a copy of the grade book (report card);
  • grants, certificates, diplomas confirming the candidate’s achievements;
  • other documents established by the regional Regulations (for example, a certificate of family composition).

The application and package of documents are submitted to a specially created council responsible for awarding gubernatorial scholarships within the established time frame: usually before the start of the academic year. Council members will analyze the information and papers provided, consider each application and make a decision, which will be communicated to the applicant.

Detailed information about the features of obtaining a state scholarship in your region can be found by contacting the management of the educational institution and directly to the department of education.

You can also find up-to-date information on the Internet. Official resources indicate who is eligible for the scholarship, how much it is and how to receive the payment.

The governor's scholarship is voluntary support of talented youth by the head of the region. Its size, frequency and conditions of receipt are regulated by a special Resolution. If the application is approved, the student will receive a good payment, which he can spend at his own discretion.

It is an instrument of material incentives in the form of social payments to students studying well and excellently, engaged in social and sports activities, in cultural - mass events. The Governor's Scholarship is not universal throughout the country and varies in each region. The amount of payments, as a rule, exceeds the amount of academic fees. In some regions this support measure is not available.

The spread of this program is due to the outflow of promising young people from the regions to study in Moscow, associated with the opportunity to enter prestigious universities in the capital. Typically, young specialists do not return to their home region, which creates a shortage of qualified personnel. The main objectives of this support measure are:

  • strengthening the prestige of regional education;
  • increasing the attractiveness of local regional educational institutions;
  • attracting promising young people from other regions.

All aspects of receipt are regulated by the Regulations on personalized scholarships of the Governor of the corresponding region. It states:

  • conditions of receipt;
  • quotas for general education institutions on the number of scholarships;
  • selection criteria;
  • procedure for reviewing documents;
  • payment procedure.

You can find out about the availability/absence of scholarships in the region at the education department of the region of study.

How to get

The regional governor sets the amount and conditions for receiving (for example, a year of study with only “excellent” marks or high scores on the Unified State Exam, indicating threshold score). Therefore, the most important thing is to comply with these conditions. The applicant's candidacy is proposed by the educational body. The application is submitted within a certain period before the start of the school year to a special gubernatorial council. There, all documents are reviewed for compliance with the requirements within 30 days.

To receive a personal scholarship from the governor, applicants should collect a package of documents:

  • cover letter from the head of the educational institution;
  • decision of the teaching council or department meeting on applications for scholarships to candidates of a given educational institution;
  • a copy of the document confirming the availability of state accreditation of the educational institution;
  • a copy of the applicant’s passport with registration in this region;
  • characteristics;
  • data on academic performance (certificates and copies of transcripts);
  • copies of documents confirming the candidate’s participation in competitions, art shows, Olympiads, competitions, as well as proving the presence of inventions and scientific developments(diplomas, certificates, letters of gratitude and scientific publications);
  • if necessary - a certificate from the guardianship authorities confirming social status student;
  • application for transfer of funds indicating the personal account number.

Governor's scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis: a limited number of recipients can be established - for example, from 10 to 100 recipients per year, depending on the region.

In some regions, a governor's scholarship is offered to future students immediately after graduation, based on the results of the Unified State Exam and the chosen specialty of admission. In other regions, it begins to be paid starting from the second year of study at a university or secondary educational institution based on the results of training. The Governor's scholarship is paid not only to undergraduates, but also to graduate students.

If previously the scholarship was paid only to undergraduate and graduate students, now recent years in some regions, talented schoolchildren or even talented young people aged 14 to 30 can receive payments from the governor. Very often such support is provided to socially vulnerable orphans or disabled children.

The timing of payments can be established under certain conditions (studying only 5th grade or 4th and 5th grade) until the end of study, and can be urgent. One-time bonus possible young man for success in some event.

Payment amount

The amount of payments in each region is calculated differently. The scholarship is awarded for one academic year and is paid monthly. After the end of the academic year, you must apply for it again.

The amounts of payments in some regions are:

  • in Moscow - 27,000 rubles per year;
  • in St. Petersburg, talented orphans and disabled children left without parental care receive 4,000 rubles a month;
  • in Novosibirsk - 1,400 rubles. per month;
  • in the Perm region the amount of payments is 5,000 rubles. monthly;
  • in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is 1000 rubles. monthly;
  • in the Samara region - 10,800 rubles. per semester;
  • in the Chelyabinsk region - 15,000 rubles annually;
  • in the Stavropol Territory, students of universities and secondary schools can receive scholarships vocational education. For the first, the payment is 22,000 rubles. once a year, for the second - 15,000 rubles. per year.

In those regions where monthly payments are established, it is paid once a month, where annual payments are made once per academic year. In some regions, the amount of payments is differentiated depending on the area in which the recipient is successful - in the field scientific achievements- higher, in the field of sports - lower.

Some regional features

You can consider the conditions for obtaining it using the example of the Perm region. Graduates of the 11th grade are entitled to receive 5,000 rubles based on the results depending on the chosen specialty. How many points do students of different fields need to pass the Unified State Exam:

  • for physics and mathematics applicants, natural faculties, medical and engineering specialties, specialties in the field of IT technologies, the result of three Unified State Examinations must be 225 points;
  • for applicants who have chosen humanities specialties total score according to the results of the Unified State Examination must be 240 points;
  • For future managers and economists, the total score based on the Unified State Examination results should be 260 points.

A similar link to the size of the governor's scholarship has been developed in the Kirov region. Graduates who score 250 points and above receive 2,500 rubles monthly. If the graduate received 100 points in at least one of the exams, then the amount of payments increases to 4,330 rubles monthly. As training progresses, the payment continues based on training results of “good” and “excellent”.

There is also such a form of encouragement as the governor's scholarship for students studying full-time in the region's priority specialties. In the Kirov region, the priority is the specialty of a teacher, and the amount of payment is set at 5,000 rubles. The student must enter into an agreement with the department of education that he undertakes to work for 3 years in his specialty in a municipal educational institution of the Kirov region.

Scholarship for schoolchildren

Probably everyone knows that undergraduate and graduate students can apply for this scholarship. But few people know that the Governor's scholarship can be awarded to secondary school students educational institutions who have excellent grades based on academic results, achievements in science, sports, art, sports, who actively participate in competitions, competitions, olympiads, and exhibitions.

In order to apply for a gubernatorial scholarship, parents of a student need to collect a package of documents and participate in a competitive selection that will confirm the right to apply for its appointment. To participate in the competitive selection, you must also document the child’s achievements - attach diplomas, certificates, patents.

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