Projects at the pace of 2nd grade. Search for presentations. Choosing the most convenient glue

Municipal educational institution average comprehensive school No. 42 Vladikavkaz

Primary School.

Theme: "Cats"

Class: 2 "B"

Supervisor: Magkaeva Zh. S.

Project name:« Cats"

Project goals:


Project objectives:

1). Educational:

  • expanding knowledge about domestic animals - cats;

2). Educational:

3). Educational:

Fundamental question:

What do we know about cats?

  • Where did cats come to us from?
  • What types of cats are there?
  • This is interesting.

Group 1:

Bolatov Georgy

Bokoeva Diana

Bolloeva Kristina

Valieva Valeria

Valieva Roxana

Valiev Roland

Chiaeva Ellina

Tsirikhov Uruzmag

Tsopboeva Kamilla

Khugaev Arsen

Group 2:

Gabarev Tamerlan

Khadaeva Angelina

Dzeranov Georgy

Khabalov Arthur

Daragan Oleg

Tekhov Khetag

Dzusova Diana

Sotnikov Marat

Dzhioev Arthur

Zaseeva Arina



Project plan:

1.Getting to know cats.

2.Where did cats come to us from?

3.The diverse world of cats.

4.Cats in folklore.

5. Cats in literature.

6. This is interesting.


1.Getting to know cats

(Group 1.)

Every cat is secret behind seven seals" Colette.

During her life, Meow rolled around like cheese in butter in Egypt. They were revered and looked after. If a person accidentally or intentionally killed a cat, he was expected the death penalty.

If a cat died in an Egyptian family, it was a great misfortune, and all family members shaved off their eyebrows as a sign of mourning. The deceased cat was embalmed and lowered into a special “coffin”. These boxes were different and depended on the welfare of the family: ordinary people buried in wooden boxes, richer people - in bronze, and richer people - even in gold.

In those distant times, thousands of years distant from us, it was from Africa from the most ancient state- Nubia and the very first tamed and domesticated cats were brought to Egypt. This first domestic cat originates from the wild Nubian, or Libyan, as it was also called the steppe cat.

Cats attracted people with their independence - and at the same time, love for bliss and affection. Both in life and in science, little furry friends have played a big role. However, the study of cats as a species and breeds of cats began only in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

"Even the most little cat a complete masterpiece"

Leonardo da Vinci

(Group 2)


The cat got its name from the city of Angora (now Ankara, the capital of Turkey). This is a natural breed that supposedly originated from the Pallas's cat, the Chinese desert cat. It was brought to France at the beginning of the 16th century. Many modern long-haired breeds originated from it. The Turkish Angora is an independent, active and intelligent cat. She loves to ambush and needs freedom of movement.

Persian cat


Character and temperament:


Russian blue cat

Character and temperament:

Siamese cat

Character and temperament

(Group 1)

Cats smell 14 times more strongly than humans.

Domestic cats live for about 15 years, wild cats from 3 to 5 years.

Cats sleep 16 hours a day. One third of the rest of the time they take care of themselves. When you hear the word “cat,” you usually imagine soft fur and a gentle purr. The specialist will probably remember the teeth, of which cats have no more than 30 - fewer than other predators. TO characteristic features Cats include fine hearing, large eyes, long whiskers, and claws that retract while running. Cats do not have normal collarbones. Thanks to this disadvantage, cats are able to squeeze their body through the smallest holes where the cat's head fits. The average adult cat can crawl through a hole, for example, in a fence, that is only 10 cm wide. The cat is a great acrobat. Her front legs can rotate in almost any direction and both halves of her body can move in opposite directions! Cats have five toes on their front paws, but only four on their back paws. A cat's hearing is much more sensitive than that of a human or a dog.

A cat's eyes are larger than those of any mammal (relative to body size). Cats do not have eyelashes. Cats' eyes are positioned so that both look in the same direction, just like ours (unlike, for example, dogs) - for us this is a more familiar type of face, maybe that's why we consider cats such cute animals? :) A cat cannot see in absolute darkness, but its “night vision” is unrivaled. The cat doesn't see anything right under its nose. That's why she doesn't immediately find the tidbit you gave her on the floor. A cat has approximately 60 to 80 million olfactory cells, a human has 5 to 20 million. Compared to humans, cats certainly have a highly developed sense of smell. A cat's normal pulse is 110-170 beats per minute, breathing is 20-40 breaths per minute. The normal body temperature of a cat is 38 Celsius. A cat can jump 5 times its height. Each cat's nose print is unique; no two prints are alike. Other American scientists have determined that cats, unlike dogs, saturate the air with negative ions, which are beneficial to human health.

5. This is interesting. Healthy adult cats spend approximately 15% of their lives in deep sleep, 50% in light sleep, and just 35% awake. The cat's daily toileting is explained not only by its cleanliness. Another purpose of “washing” is to lick from the fur a certain amount of a substance containing vitamin B, which is necessary for regulating mental balance. If you deprive a cat of this opportunity, it will become nervous and may even die. A cat's predilection for mice has a physiological explanation: mouse fur contains a lot of sulfur, which cats simply need to avoid being bald. As you know, cats do not hurt themselves when they fall, even with high altitude. Why? Cats benefit from the so-called “parachute effect”: their legs lengthen and their bodies expand, reducing the speed of their fall. At a minimum height, cats use, first of all, the elasticity of their paws. Cats are living longer. If in 1930 they were an eyesore for their owners for 8 years on average, now they have to be tolerated for 16 years. The oldest cat in the world was called Puss (Kiss in Russian) - he died in America and lived for 36 years. By the position of the cat during rest, you can determine the temperature environment. If the cat is curled up in a tight ball, it means it’s quite cold; if it’s lazily stretched out, it means it’s hot. If she hides her nose, as we all know, it will be colder than in this moment. A cat can walk on a hot roof.


Oh, how many cats there are in the world,

and it rings blue Star.


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“Project work 2 “B” class.”

Municipal educational institution

Secondary school No. 42.

Elementary School.

Information and creative project

Theme: "Cats"

Class: 2 "B"

Supervisor: Magkaeva Zh. S.

Project name:« Cats"


Project goals:


    use additional literature;

    find and organize information on the topic;

    distinguish between some cat breeds;

    see the relationship between man and nature;

    formalize the results of work using computer technology.

Project objectives:

1). Educational:

    expanding knowledge about domestic animals - cats;

    teaching a caring attitude towards animals, a sense of their defenselessness, empathy and sympathy for them;

2). Educational:

    formation of cognitive processes;

    learning to participate in a conversation, learning to construct a statement, developing students’ attention and speech;

3). Educational:

    promote the harmonious development of the child’s personality;

    fostering responsibility for your pets;

    environmental education of students.

Fundamental question:

What do we know about cats?

Questions educational topic(problematic):

      Where did cats come to us from?

      What types of cats are there?

      What abilities do cats have?

      This is interesting.

Group 1:

Bolatov Georgy

Bokoeva Diana

Bolloeva Kristina

Valieva Valeria

Valieva Roxana

Valiev Roland

Chiaeva Ellina

Tsirikhov Uruzmag

Tsopboeva Kamilla

Khugaev Arsen

Group 2:

Gabarev Tamerlan

Khadaeva Angelina

Dzeranov Georgy

Khabalov Arthur

Daragan Oleg

Tekhov Khetag

Dzusova Diana

Sotnikov Marat

Dzhioev Arthur

Zaseeva Arina


This information and creative project covers the following educational areas: the world, Russian language, technology, iso, information Technology.

Practical work and independent research help elementary school students answer the question: “What do we know about cats?” and expand their horizons about the breeds, life, and abilities of cats. The project introduces children to new words: Egypt, breed, origin, abilities of cats, cat language, etc. During lessons on the world around them, children can practically apply their knowledge. The project helps to develop a friendly attitude towards animals in students and increase interest in studying the subject. .

The project is dedicated to training search engines, information activities.

Children master the first skills of search and research work. Working together helps unite the children's team and unites children and parents.

It has a practical orientation.

At the end of the lessons, students prepared creative reports: drawings, booklets, an exhibition of crafts “My Favorite Cat”, a slide show, a photo exhibition.

Children's reports on this topic were heard.

Project plan:

1.Getting to know cats.

2.Where did cats come to us from?

3.The diverse world of cats.

4.Cats in folklore.

5. Cats in literature.

5.Are cats similar to people? (Habits, abilities)

6. This is interesting.


We, 2nd grade students, talked about our pets during our lessons about the world around us, and during our Russian language lesson we wrote an essay “My Favorite Pet.” Many children spoke and wrote essays about cats; it turned out that most of the children have this favorite animal. We decided to expand our knowledge about these wonderful animals, and present to your attention our information and creative project “Cats”.

In preparation for the project, we split into groups. We collected various materials, drew pictures, made crafts, slide shows, and presentations.

Our helpers were encyclopedias and books about animals and, of course, our parents.

1.Getting to know cats

(Group 1.)

“There are no ordinary cats.

Every cat is secretbehind seven seals"


Having a cat in our house is, of course, a great pleasure. Fluffy soft fur, fast energetic movements. The animal is affectionate, gentle, carrying positive energy.

The cat has lived next to humans for many thousands of years, but still remains a largely mysterious creature.

We find the very first information about the cat from the Greek historian Herodotus, who lived in the 5th century BC. He wrote that the Egyptians, 5 thousand years ago, already had tamed domestic cats, which they elevated to the rank of “sacred animals,” believing that there was some kind of unknown and mysterious connection between the god Ra and cats. Cats were members of the family and were treated with all respect, both during life and after death.

During her life, Meow rolled around like cheese in butter in Egypt. They were revered and looked after. If a person accidentally or intentionally killed a cat, he faced the death penalty.

If a cat died in an Egyptian family, it was a great misfortune, and all family members shaved off their eyebrows as a sign of mourning. The deceased cat was embalmed and lowered into a special “coffin”. These boxes were different and depended on the welfare of the family: ordinary people buried in wooden boxes, richer people - in bronze, and richer people - even in gold.

2. Where did cats come to us from?

In those distant times, thousands of years distant from us, it was from Africa, from the ancient state of Nubia, that the very first tamed and domesticated cats were brought to Egypt. This first domestic cat originates from the wild Nubian, or Libyan, as it was also called the steppe cat.

Cats attracted people with their independence - and at the same time, love for bliss and affection. Both in life and in science, little furry friends have played a big role. However, the study of cats as a species and breeds of cats began only in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Today there are about 500 million domestic cats in the world. However, there are countries (Peru, Gabon) whose residents are not familiar with domestic cats.

Cats were adored by the kings of Europe, the emperors of Japan and China. Cats often became loyal friends of prominent writers. It is known that Ernest Hemingway had about 30 cats, and Mark Twain had 10. The mysterious grace of these animals has inspired many artists.

"Even the most little cat a complete masterpiece"

Leonardo da Vinci

The diverse world of cats. Breeds.

(Group 2)

There are 30 species of cats in total. The world of cats is diverse. There are long-haired, semi-long-haired and short-haired cats.


The cat got its name from the city of Angora (now Ankara, the capital of Turkey). This is a natural breed that supposedly originated from the Pallas's cat, the Chinese desert cat. It was brought to France at the beginning of the 16th century. Many modern long-haired breeds originated from it. The Turkish Angora is an independent, active and intelligent cat. She loves to ambush and needs freedom of movement.

Persian cat

Origin: Persia (now Iran). This breed has been known for over 100 years. It is possible that "Persians" are descended from the wild cats of Asia.

Character and temperament: have a calm, balanced character. They are affectionate and sociable, obedient and patient.

Color: There are 13 main variations of Persian cat coat color in the world. In total there are over 60 of its colors.

Russian blue cat

Arkhangelsk, a city on the White Sea, is considered the birthplace of this cat. In the mid-19th century, it came to England on merchant ships and was a valuable commodity.

Character and temperament: has a highly developed hunting instinct. He has a pleasant and gentle disposition. She is unusually quiet and shy with strangers, sociable and affectionate with her family. Purring - distinguishing feature Russian blue. Cats of this breed have a quiet voice.

Siamese cat

This cat breed has been known since time immemorial in the kingdom of Siam, present-day Thailand. There cats were kept at temples and palaces.

Character and temperament: These cats are distinguished by their bright temperament, amazing perseverance and the ability to achieve their goal, no matter what. She is active and demanding, vocal, very jealous and demanding increased attention.

4. Are cats similar to people? (Habits, abilities)

(Group 3)

A cat's heart beats twice as fast up to 140 beats per minute.

Cats have 40 more bones than humans.

The cat's ear rotates 180 degrees. There are 32 muscles in each ear.

Cats smell 14 times more strongly than humans. Domestic cats live for about 15 years, wild cats from 3 to 5 years.

A cat's skeleton consists of 230 bones, which is 24 more bones than a human's.

Cats sleep 16 hours a day. One third of the rest of the time they take care of themselves. When you hear the word “cat,” you usually imagine soft fur and a gentle purr. The specialist will probably remember the teeth, of which cats have no more than 30 - fewer than other predators. Characteristic features of cats include keen hearing, large eyes, long whiskers and claws that retract while running.

Cats do not have normal collarbones. Thanks to this disadvantage, cats are able to squeeze their body through the smallest holes where the cat's head fits.
The average adult cat can fit through a hole, such as a fence, that is only 10 cm wide.

The cat is a great acrobat. Her front legs can rotate in almost any direction and both halves of her body can move in opposite directions!

Cats have five toes on their front paws, but only four on their back paws.
A cat's hearing is much more sensitive than that of a human or a dog.

There are tactile hairs on the cat's head and front paws - they help the cat not to lose orientation in space.

A cat's eyes are larger than those of any mammal (relative to body size).
Cats do not have eyelashes.

Cats' eyes are positioned so that both look in the same direction, just like ours (unlike, for example, dogs) - for us this is a more familiar type of face, maybe that's why we consider cats such cute animals? :)
A cat cannot see in absolute darkness, but its “night vision” is unrivaled.
The cat doesn't see anything right under its nose. That's why she doesn't immediately find the tidbit you gave her on the floor.

A cat has approximately 60 to 80 million olfactory cells, a human has 5 to 20 million.
Compared to humans, cats certainly have a highly developed sense of smell.
A cat's normal pulse is 110-170 beats per minute, breathing is 20-40 breaths per minute.
The normal body temperature of a cat is 38 Celsius.
A cat can jump 5 times its height.
Each cat's nose print is unique; no two prints are alike.

Other American scientists have determined that cats, unlike dogs, saturate the air with negative ions, which are beneficial to human health.

5. This is interesting.
Healthy adult cats spend approximately 15% of their lives in deep sleep, 50% in light sleep, and just 35% awake.

The cat's daily toileting is explained not only by its cleanliness. Another purpose of “washing” is to lick from the fur a certain amount of a substance containing vitamin B, which is necessary for regulating mental balance. If you deprive a cat of this opportunity, it will become nervous and may even die.
A cat's predilection for mice has a physiological explanation: mouse fur contains a lot of sulfur, which cats simply need to avoid being bald.

As you know, cats do not hurt themselves when they fall even from a great height. Why? Cats benefit from the so-called “parachute effect”: their legs lengthen and their bodies expand, reducing the speed of their fall. At a minimum height, cats use, first of all, the elasticity of their paws.

Cats are living longer. If in 1930 they were an eyesore for their owners for 8 years on average, now they have to be tolerated for 16 years. The oldest cat in the world was called Puss (Kiss in Russian) - he died in America and lived for 36 years.

By the position of the cat during rest, you can determine the ambient temperature. If the cat is curled up in a tight ball, it means it’s quite cold; if it’s lazily stretched out, it means it’s hot. If she hides her nose, as we all know, it will be colder than at the moment.

A cat can walk on a hot roof.


Oh, how many cats there are in the world,

You and I will never count them.

my heart dreams of sweet peas,

and the blue star rings.

Love cats! Take care of them! We are responsible for those we have tamed!


1. en.wikipedia.orgwiki/Cat_breeds


3. kotikoshka.ruMyths about cats


    Cats. Encyclopedia of Applied Creativity Technologies - Samara: Publishing House " Educational literature", Publishing house "Fedorov" / 2006.

    Cats: encyclopedia Michael Pollard: trans. from English P.S. Ripinskaya.-M.: AST: Astrel, 2009.

Research project

Tutukova Olga Semyonovna, primary school teacher.
Place of work: MCOU ZATO Znamensk secondary school No. 234.
Purpose of the material: Find out when a person started enjoying sweets, how healthy or harmful they are, whether it is possible to make sweets at home, and what is better: homemade sweets or factory-made ones.
Target: Studying the history of the appearance of sweets, how to make them yourself and determining the framework for the reasonable consumption of sweets.
- collect material about the history of the appearance of sweets;
- study the types, composition of sweets and the technology of their production;
- identify positive and negative sides eating sweets;
- learn to make candy yourself;
- develop a recipe for “your” candy, come up with a name.
Chapter 1. History of the origin of sweets.
Chapter 2. What kinds of candies are there, what they are made of.
Chapter 3. What are the benefits and harms of sweets.
Chapter 4. DIY sweets.

The candy can be simple or with fudge,
A little sour and sickly sweet,
In a shiny and unattractive wrapper,
Strawberry, raspberry and chocolate.
And soft, and hard, and even viscous,
There are a whole bunch of nuts in it.
And everyone who has tried it understands:
It is never unnecessary!

All children love sweets. It is very difficult to imagine our life without sweets. They are treated to candies, encouraged, and, conversely, left without candy as a punishment. The most favorite children's holidays are birthdays and New Year- can't do without sweets. The birthday boy treats his friends to sweets at school, and Santa Claus gives a sweet gift at matinees.
However, we often hear that sweets are harmful to health.
We decided to look into this issue and find out when a person started enjoying candy, how healthy or harmful they are, whether it is possible to make candy at home, and what is better: homemade candy or factory-made candy.
Literature review.
In different works of art The topic of sweets is also touched upon. Having analyzed a number of works, we noticed that different writers and poets have similar thoughts regarding sweets:
- everyone loves candy;
- children have a special sweet tooth, they are ready to eat candy instead of breakfast, lunch and dinner;
- sweets spoil your teeth and make your stomach hurt;
- you need to know when to eat sweets in moderation so as not to spoil your health.

Conclusion: The topic of our project is relevant and our research will be of interest to many.

Dear Colleagues! To everyone who is interested in this information research project, I suggest you go to the specified address:
The work is very large, many photographs, presentation, audio and video accompaniment.
Thank you for your attention.

In second grade, the success of projects depends on how interesting they are for children and how easy they are to complete. Often, project activities combine almost all subjects: fine arts, artistic work, Russian language, literature, mathematics, the environment, etc. When choosing a project topic, it is recommended to identify what attracts children most and what interests them. Thus, we give examples of project topics in various academic subjects.

Reading. Projects “Our favorite fairy tales”, “Travel through fairy tales”, “Poems about autumn”, “Fairy tales, riddles, fables”, “Fables”, “Folk and literary tales”, “Rhymes and jokes as small genres of oral folk art", "Counting books and fables" increase reading literacy and interest in fiction and folk art.

Russian language. Projects “My funny rules”, “Dividing soft sign", "Combinations of the letters CHK, CHN, SHN in words", "Related words in folklore", "Nouns in proverbs and sayings", "NOT with a verb in poems, proverbs, sayings" contribute to better memorization of the rules of the Russian language, show them communication with real life and develop skills to use them.

Mathematics. The project “Patterns and Ornaments on Dishes” helps to clarify the shape, alternation of elements, and the rules for their location relative to each other. Projects “Applying addition and subtraction skills in our lives”, “ Geometric figures around us”, “Measuring quantities” show the children the connection between science and real life. Thanks to such projects, thinking and imagination develop, schoolchildren learn to apply acquired knowledge in everyday life, and better remember new material.

The world. The projects “Predators and Herbivores”, “Pets”, “Guests from Distant Countries”, “Green Window Sill”, “Rare Plants”, “Red Book” expand, deepen and systematize knowledge about the flora and fauna, teach to love and appreciate the environment the world, take care of it.

The projects “Seasons in Fiction”, “Winter Fun”, “How My Family Relaxes in the Summer” aim to teach children to distinguish the signs of the seasons and understand what sports and recreation are typical for each of them.

Projects about health and proper lifestyle, for example “The Healthy ABC of Nutrition”, “Healthy Lifestyle”, “My Daily Routine” contribute to the acquisition of knowledge about human health, the importance of a regimen, the properties and significance of healthy foods and physical exercise.

Technology. Projects “Origami” and “Making toys from strips of paper” introduce children to the basic techniques of making crafts using a certain technique. In the process of independently making paper figures, they develop Creative skills and fine motor skills of the hands, perseverance and accuracy are cultivated, the horizons of children are expanded, and opportunities are created for their diversified development.

Projects related to school life deserve special attention. For example, “What can a school library tell you about”, “Hello, school!”, “How our school works.” They help children learn more about the history and structure of their educational institution, better navigate and feel more confident in it.

The purpose of any project activities is to increase the personal confidence of each student, develop the importance of teamwork, increase the role of cooperation, and develop research skills. Thanks to living a “success situation,” a second-grader feels significant, capable of overcoming various problematic situations, through awareness of oneself, one’s capabilities, one’s contribution, as well as personal growth in the process of completing a project assignment.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Gymnasium No. 19 named after. N.Z. Popovicheva, Lipetsk

Natural science

Secrets of the air

Los Alexander Dmitrievich

2nd grade student

Shkut Elena Vasilievna,

teacher at MBOU gymnasium No. 19 in Lipetsk

Lipetsk 2013

Table of contents

    Introduction. 3

    Purpose of the study. 4

    Main part. 5

    Experiments at home. 6

1 Experience. Does air have mass?

2 Experience. Does air take up space? 7

3 Experience.Will the weight of air change when heated? 8

4 Experience. What happens to the volume of air when temperature changes? 9

    Bibliography. 10


An incident made me think about the properties of air. While drinking tea, I accidentally spilled tea, and grandfather showed how water does not spill even from an upside-down glass. It turns out it has something to do with the air. Grandfather said that the air may not be like that.What can air do? Air can drive windmills and move sailing ships across the water. There is even a pneumatic post!I had many questions and decided to explore them. To begin with I needed collect theoretical material.This became the first stage of my research: collecting and studying existing literature. By studying reference literature, I learned new information about the properties of air. I read about a tornado in the encyclopedia.A tornado is an atmospheric vortex in the form of a funnel about 100 meters wide. The wind speed inside the tornado reaches 500 kilometers per hour!The educational television program “Galileo” showed and explained the principle of operation of a wind tunnel. When the pipe is positioned vertically, even a person is supported by the force of air movement!From a physics textbook by A.V. Peryshkin, I learned that air is a mixture of various gases and water vapor. The main component is nitrogen, it contains 78%, another 21% oxygen. All these substances are made up of very small particles called molecules. Molecules have weight and are in constant motion. How fast molecules move depends on temperature.The second stage included systematization of the collected material according to selected criteria. The third stage included practical research properties of air (simple experiments at home). On final stage, using various sources, having accumulated material, taking into account my own impressions and observations, I formalized the results and conclusions obtained in the work “Secrets of the Air”. The next stage of my research activities will be the study of the biological properties of air, as well as its role in human life. The work used various methods and methods of research: the method of collecting and processing data, analysis of reference literature, generalization of results, the immersion method and the project method. When conducting experiments, I used the “Big Book of Experiments for Schoolchildren” and Internet resources.

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: Conduct experiments to help understand the properties of air.


2 balloons, rod, thread, needle; glass, newspaper, sheet of thin cardboard; pencil, thread, electric lamp, bottle, balloon, container with hot and cold water, camera.

1 Experiment “Mass of air”:

2 Experiment “Volume of air”:

3 Experiment “Relationship between temperature and air weight”:

4 Experiment “Behavior of air when temperature changes”:

Formulate the conclusions obtained as a result of the experiments.

Main part

Air is a natural mixture of gases that forms earth's atmosphere. It is necessary for the normal existence of most terrestrial . The oxygen contained in the air is used by them for breathing.Since air is a mixture of gases, it has their properties.In industry and in everyday life, atmospheric oxygen is used for combustion to produce heat and mechanical energy. Air is one of the most powerful elements. A person can live without fire, especially in hot countries. Didn't people live before without knowing fire? They also somehow managed without land; they learned to cultivate it much later than they learned about fire. But its fruits were used long before that... But, in particular, a person can survive for quite a long time without food. You can also live without water for several days. We can't live even five minutes without air. Well, the most trained, with a large lung capacity, can live for about ten minutes. But then oxygen starvation invariably sets in, and brain cells die. The process is irreversible and very fast. However, air is also the most mysterious of the basic elements. We can see and feel Water, Fire, and Earth, but Air cannot. By itself, without impurities, it is absolutely transparent, tasteless, odorless and colorless. Air: the unifying force of the Universe. One of the simplest and most effective ways to communicate with the element of air is through the winds that constantly blow across our planet. When you leave the house outside, pay attention to how the air begins to blow on the skin of your body. And whether this air current is the lightest breeze, or the most powerful wind, or even a storm, the air currents always bring with them freshness and a feeling of vitality.

Experiments carried out at home

At home, I conducted 4 experiments that helped me understand the properties of air. I present

description of these experiments.

1 Experiment “Mass of Air”

The purpose of my research: prove that air has mass.

Equipment: 2 balloons, rod, thread, needle.

Description of the experience: We fix two equally inflated balloons on the rod and balance them. Let's pierce one of the balls with a needle, that is, let the air out. We will see that the balance has changed.

Conclusion: air has mass.

2 Experiment “Volume of air”

Purpose of the study: make sure there is room for air.Equipment: a container of water, a glass, a piece of newspaper.

Description of the experience: Take a container of water, a glass, a piece of newspaper. We fix the paper at the bottom of the glass and, turning the glass over, immerse it in water. Then take the glass out of the water and the dry paper out of the glass.

Conclusion: VThe air has volume, it is because of it that the water did not wet the paper.

3 Experiment “Relationship between temperature and air weight”

Purpose of the study: make sure that the weight of air depends on temperature.

Equipment: sheet of thin cardboard, pencil, thread, electric lamp.

Description of the experience: We cut out a spiral from thin cardboard and hang it on a thread above a source of warm air. The spiral began to move because the hot air became lighter and it rose upward, while rotating the spiral.

Conclusion: The weight of air depends on temperature.

4 Experiment “Behavior of air when temperature changes”

Target: prove that a temperature difference leads to a change in air volume.

Equipment: bottle, balloon, container with hot water and a container of cold water.

Description of the experience: We put the ball on the neck of the bottle and lower the bottle into hot water- the balloon inflates because the hot air begins to rise. Now let's lower the bottle into cold water, the ball deflates because the air cools and falls down.

Conclusion: An increase in temperature causes the molecules that make up the air to move faster and hit the walls that limit their flight more often. As a result, the pressure inside this volume increases. When the temperature drops, the opposite effect occurs.


    Big children's encyclopedia. – M., Makhaon, 2007. Big Book experiments for schoolchildren. – M., Rosman, 2001.Fascinating experiments with air.” LLC, “Astrel Publishing House”

    Internet resources.

    Pleshakov A. A. “The world around us” 2nd grade. M., “Enlightenment”, 2000.

  1. Pimenova O. G. Air. Properties of air. Magazine "Primary School", No. 2, 2003.

    To the young erudite about everything”, Makhaon Publishing House, 2008.

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