Official dates for the OGE of the year

The examination procedure remains the same. Until 2014, students took 4 compulsory subjects, but then the number was reduced to 2. This innovation had a negative impact on the overall level of training of schoolchildren, since most of the students refused to take exams in additional subjects; there were about 10% who wanted to, so the Ministry of Education and Science again decided to increase the number of exams. Due to the small number of subjects taken, there was a significant lack of knowledge among students in certain industries.

In 2015, all ninth-graders had to pass only 2 compulsory subjects and, if desired, could take exams in two more disciplines. But this year changes will come into force; now schoolchildren will take 4 exams - 2 mandatory and 2 chosen at random.

OGE-2017. Tests for the Unified State Exam 2017

OGE-2017. Schedule of the OGE 2017




Early period

Geography, Computer Science and ICT

Geography, Computer Science and ICT

Russian language

Russian language

history, chemistry

history, chemistry

mathematics B, P


foreign languages ​​(oral)

foreign languages, biology, physics

social studies, literature

social studies, literature

reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral), history

reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, history

reserve: foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology

reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P

reserve: Russian language, mathematics



foreign languages

foreign languages

literature, history, biology, physics

Russian language

Russian language

computer science and ICT, social studies, chemistry, geography

reserve: foreign language

reserve: foreign language

reserve: Russian language

reserve: Russian language

reserve: literature, history, biology, physics

reserve: mathematics

reserve: mathematics

reserve: computer science and ICT, social studies, chemistry, geography

Main stage




foreign languages

foreign languages

foreign languages

foreign languages

Geography, Computer Science and ICT

Geography, Computer Science and ICT

Russian language

Russian language

mathematics B

mathematics B

history, biology, physics, literature

mathematics P

physics, computer science and ICT

physics, computer science and ICT

social science

social science



physics, literature

physics, literature

social studies, geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT

Russian language

Russian language

foreign languages, biology

foreign languages, biology

foreign languages ​​(oral)

foreign languages ​​(oral)

chemistry, history

chemistry, history

reserve: computer science and ICT, history, biology, literature

reserve: geography, computer science and ICT

reserve: Russian language

reserve: Russian language

reserve: literature, chemistry, physics, social studies

reserve: foreign languages

reserve: foreign languages

reserve: biology, history foreign languages

reserve: mathematics

reserve: mathematics

reserve: foreign languages

reserve: social studies, geography, physics, chemistry

reserve: mathematics B, mathematics P

reserve: mathematics

reserve: for all subjects

reserve: for all subjects

reserve: Russian language

reserve: Russian language

reserve: for all subjects

reserve: for all subjects

reserve: for all subjects

reserve: for all subjects

Additional period (September terms)




Russian language

Russian language

Russian language

Russian language

mathematics B




literature, history, biology, physics

literature, history, biology, physics

social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, geography

foreign languages

foreign languages

reserve: mathematics B, Russian language

reserve: mathematics, Russian language

reserve: Russian language

reserve: Russian language

reserve: geography, history, biology, physics

reserve: mathematics

reserve: mathematics

reserve: computer science and ICT, social studies, chemistry, literature

reserve: foreign languages

reserve: foreign languages

  • athletes: going to training camps, competitions, shows, candidates for Russian national teams;
  • participants in international school Olympiads, competitions and competitions;
  • students sent for treatment and preventive measures;
  • graduates of schools abroad or those traveling abroad to continue their studies.

IN additional deadlines, but no later than the beginning of the next academic year can take:

  • graduates who missed OGE 2017 By good reason;
  • students studying abroad;
  • received an unsatisfactory rating.

OGE-2017. How do OGE results affect the school certificate?

Ratings for OGE 2017 They don’t go directly into the certificate, but they influence it. Moreover, if earlier this was true only for the basic subjects - Russian language and mathematics - now 2017 results will also influence the grades on the certificate OGE optionally.

How this will be accomplished is not yet known exactly. Judging by the latest edition of the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates, the rule for final grades in Russian language and mathematics is correct: grade for the year X grade for the exam / 2 = grade in the certificate, rounded up. That is, a combination of grades “5” and “4” will still give a “5” in the certificate, a combination of “4” and “3” will result in a “4” in the certificate. It is logical to assume that the same mechanism will remain for elective items.

IN this year You can only retake two subjects. If you fail exams in two subjects at once or in one subject twice, a certificate will not be issued, and retaking will be possible no earlier than September 1, 2017.

OGE-2017. OGE and GVE - and again the final exam

IN Lately Unfamiliar abbreviations have begun to appear more and more often on the Internet (and not only there) - OGE And GVE, often interpreted as “new exams” or “exams that now need to be taken instead of the State Examination and Unified State Examination”. The further such “discussions” went, the more confusion they caused in the minds of high school students who were already tired of endless school reforms. But there is nothing complicated here. Let's figure it out together.

Before we had time to get used to the fact that after the ninth grade we need to take GIA, and after eleven - Unified State Exam, how some other OGE and GVE appeared. The decoding of these abbreviations is “Main State exam" and "State final exam" - do not bring any clarity. Where did they come from? What is the difference? Do they now exist instead? GIA?

What is OGE?

It's actually simple. Let us remind you, first of all, that since 2014 the GIA (State Final Certification) has become mandatory for all ninth-graders in Russia. According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2013, the GIA 2015 is carried out in two forms - OGE in the 9th grade and GVE in the 9th grade. Let's take an excerpt from the same order (with some abbreviations):

GIA is carried out:

a) in the form of the main state exam (hereinafter referred to as OGE) using control measuring materials... (hereinafter referred to as CMM) - for students educational organizations, including foreign citizens, stateless persons, including compatriots abroad, refugees and internally displaced persons who have mastered educational programs main general education in full-time, part-time or correspondence forms, as well as for persons who have mastered educational programs of basic general education in the form of family education or self-education and were admitted to the State Examination Institute this year;

b) in the form of written and oral examinations using texts, topics, assignments, tickets (hereinafter referred to as the state final examination, GVE) - for students who have completed educational programs of basic general education in special closed educational institutions, as well as in institutions those executing a sentence of imprisonment, ... as well as for students with disabilities health, studying disabled children and disabled people who have completed educational programs of basic general education.

What is GVE?

9th graders who do not have health restrictions or do not study in closed special institutions will take the State Examination Test at OGE form, that is, according to standard tests - KIMs. And 9th graders who have appropriate restrictions take the GIA in the form of the GVE.

11th graders of the same category (with appropriate restrictions) also take the Unified State Exam in the GVE format.

OGE-2017. How much time is allocated for passing the OGE?

In 2017, the following amount of time is allocated for each subject to pass the Main State Exam (OGE) in the 9th grade.

OGE-2017. What OGE subjects are required to be taken?

All ninth graders are required to pass four subjects OGE 2017: Russian, mathematics and two electives. At their discretion, students choose two exams from the following list of subjects:

  • biology;
  • social science;
  • physics;
  • Informatics;
  • chemistry;
  • geography;
  • English language;
  • story;
  • literature;
  • Spanish;
  • French;
  • German.

State exams after the ninth grade are needed to obtain a certificate of incomplete (secondary) education. In addition, by concentrating on several state exams, you will gain experience preparing for the Unified State Exam, which is necessary for admission to universities.

Let us remind you that the sum of Unified State Examination points is important for university admissions committees, so the result for each exam is important.

OGE-2017. What can you use on the OGE?

When passing some subjects when passing the State Final Certification (SFA), you can and should use permitted reference and computational materials.

Below is a list of permitted additional materials.

Russian language - spelling dictionary;
- mathematics (algebra) - table of squares double digit numbers, root formulas quadratic equation, factorization quadratic trinomial, formulas of the nth term and the sum of the first n terms of arithmetic and geometric progressions. Calculators are not used in the exam;
- physics - non-programmable calculator (for each student) and experimental equipment;
- chemistry - periodic table chemical elements DI. Mendeleev; table of solubility of salts, acids and bases in water; electrochemical voltage series of metals; non-programmable calculator;
- biology - not used Additional materials;
- geography - ruler, non-programmable calculator and geographical atlases for grades 7, 8 and 9 (any publisher);
- social studies - no additional materials are used;
- history of Russia - no additional materials are used;
- literature - full texts works of art and collections of lyrics;
- computer science - for parts 1 and 2 no additional materials are used, for part 3 - a computer with software familiar to the student;
- English / German / French / Spanish - sound reproducing and recording equipment for listening and recording the answer to an oral question.

OGE-2017. If you got a “D” and how to retake the OGE

In case of receiving an unsatisfactory grade in one or two subjects, the graduate is allowed to retake the subject at additional times before the start of the next academic year.

If a student does not receive a satisfactory grade and is retaken, the graduate will not be issued a certificate. Instead, a certificate of completion of training will be provided. The certificate indicates the subjects for which an unsatisfactory grade was received, and next year only these subjects can be retaken.

In this material we will try to clarify the main points that relate to retakes GIA-9. If you have any additional questions, please contact your local school or education department.

You can pass the State final certification for the 9th grade several times, this year or next. Eat main spring-summer period with reserve dates And two additional: in August and September. The exam takes approximately 10 days to complete.

If you couldn't pass GIA-9 during the main period due to illness or other extenuating circumstances, then elective subjects can be taken later, on reserve days. A from the 2016/17 academic year, the opportunity to retake optional subjects before the start of another academic year(until September 1. – Prim.) appeared .

Retake GIA-9 in the current calendar year you can if you:

  • received unsatisfactory results in compulsory subjects;
  • were unable to attend the exam for a valid reason and documented this;
  • were unable to complete the exam for valid reasons and documented this;
  • filed an appeal about violation of the procedure for conducting the exam, and it was satisfied by the conflict commission;
  • received 0 points from the State Examination Committee due to violations of the established procedure for conducting the exam.

These rules have nuances. If you received a "failure" one compulsory subject, then it can be retaken in August. At the same time, schoolchildren with a satisfied appeal or work canceled by the State Examination Committee can take the GIA-9 again.

When "failed" both Russian and mathematics pass GIA-9 again in September (since it is considered that the new academic year begins on September 1. – Prim.). Also in the fall, those who can retake the exams can due to good reasons, I was unable to pass a compulsory subject in August. But there is one important condition: in this case you don't get a certificate. After passing GIA-9 in September, there may be several options for the development of events: you go to college, go back to the 9th grade, or study the 10th grade program at home on your own (and take the State Exam again next year, plus tests for the 10th grade).

In all cases of retake GIA-9 you need to apply to take part in the exam.

For almost 15 years, ninth grade students have been taking mandatory exams. Many consider this system to be incompetent, but, nevertheless, there are no plans to cancel exams in the near future. However, in 2017, some changes were introduced in the system of passing the OGE - a mandatory state exam.

For your information.

The procedure for conducting the OGE has not yet changed. From 2002 to 2014, ninth-grade secondary school students took 4 subjects, however, now this number of compulsory subjects has been reduced to two. Due to this, the level of training of schoolchildren has decreased significantly. In 2015, ninth grade students had to pass 2 compulsory exams, and 2 other subjects were optional, that is, they could not be taken at all. In 2017, secondary school students must take 4 exams again - 2 optional and 2 compulsory.

Main changes in the OGE.

Students can choose additional subjects for passing the OGE in 2017 on their own. 2 disciplines can be chosen from the following:

  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Geography
  • Biology
  • Story
  • Literature
  • Foreign language
  • Computer science
  • Social science

In the future, the number of subjects required to pass the OGE will increase. In 2018, students will have to take exams in 5 disciplines. And by 2020, their number will be increased to 6. Many experts in the field of education argue that increasing the number of subjects for passing the OGE will help improve the level of knowledge among students in Russian schools.

Previously, the GPA was influenced only by exam grades in two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics. In 2017 on GPA The certificate will also be affected by the grades for two additional exams.

But it is worth noting that a ninth grade student will be able to receive a certificate only if he has positive grades.

OGE schedule for 2017 for Russian schools.

It is already possible to say on what date the OGE exam in 2017 will be held among ninth grade students. The certification date is from May 26 to June 9. The OGE will begin with passing an exam in a foreign language, followed by an exam in mathematics. The OGE certification will end on June 9.

Retaking the OGE in 2017 for Russian schools.

In case of receiving unsatisfactory grades on the OGE, ninth grade students will be able to retake the exam in only two subjects. If a student receives an unsatisfactory grade in three or four disciplines, then he will be able to retake them only in September. Thus, the student remains for the second year.

The attitude towards all subjects for passing the OGE in 2017 has become more responsible. A special state independent commission will evaluate the work of ninth-grade students. Such control will make the calculation of results more fair. When checking the work, members of the independent commission will not know which student it belongs to. Therefore, any influence on the commission is completely excluded.

The school year has already begun, which means that the time has come for students in grades 9 and 11 to think seriously about the upcoming exams. After the serious innovations that last year’s graduates had to face, teachers and future applicants are trying not to miss important news about the upcoming OGE and State Examination. Rosobrnadzor has already presented a draft schedule Unified State Examinations and OGE for 2018 and we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most likely test schedule for students in grades 9 and 11.

The final essay is the first test for graduates who dream of successfully entering a university on a budget-funded form of education. As with the main GIA subjects, in 2018 students will have the opportunity to retake the essay if the first attempt is unsuccessful, because Rosobrnadzor included three official dates in the draft schedule:

  • December 6, 2017;
  • February 7, 2018;
  • May 16, 2018

Particular attention should be paid to preparing for those who plan to enter the humanities and take the subject “Literature”. You can read more about what innovations are possible, how the exam will be held and how to properly prepare for it, in the materials on our website.

Unified State Exam calendar for 11th grades in 2018

As before, students will take exams in three stages:

  1. early;
  2. basic;
  3. additional.

Early period of the Unified State Exam 2018

Graduates of previous years, as well as 11th grade students who, for good reason (documented) will not be able to attend the main session of the Unified State Exam, have the right to take the exam early.

The official draft schedule for the State Examination for 2018 suggests the following dates for the early stage:

Day of the week

geography, computer science

Russian language

history, chemistry

mathematics (base and profile)


foreign languages ​​(written part), biology, physics

social studies, literature

Reserve days

geography, chemistry, computer science, foreign languages ​​(oral part), history


foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology

Russian language, mathematics base and profile

Please note that to participate in an early session, you must submit an application to the school principal before March 1!

Main session of the Unified State Exam 2018

Most 11th grade graduates and future applicants who want to undergo certification to apply to Russian universities can focus on the dates of the main session.

Day of the week


geography, computer science

mathematics ( a basic level of)

mathematics (profile level)


chemistry, history

Russian language

foreign languages ​​(oral part)

foreign languages ​​(oral part)

social science


biology, foreign languages

literature, physics

Reserve days

geography, computer science


mathematics (basic and specialized)

Russian language

history, chemistry, biology, foreign languages

literature, physics, general science

foreign languages ​​(oral part)


all things

Additional period (retake of the Unified State Exam) in 2018

The autumn retake is the last chance to get a certificate and enroll in a university, at least for a contract form of study. Some universities extend enrollment in specialties that are not very popular among applicants, which makes it possible to become a student even after the fall retake. Read more about the right to rights in the corresponding article on the pages of our information portal.

The approved draft schedule from Rosobrnadzor gives those taking the State Examination Test in 2018 a last chance in the following numbers:

Day of the week

Russian language

mathematics (basic level)

Reserve day

mathematics (basic level), Russian language

OGE calendar for 9th grade in 2018

In comparison with the exam calendar for 11th grades, ninth graders were given more days for the September retake. And the range of subjects that can be retaken is much wider.

Dates for early passing of the OGE in 2018

The proposed draft schedule confirms that 9th grade students eligible for early completion will be able to take the OGE in March 2018. The following dates for the preliminary session have been approved:

Day of the week



Russian language

foreign languages

Reserve days



history, biology, physics, geography

Russian language


computer science, social studies, chemistry, literature

foreign languages

Like 11th grade graduates, ninth graders will need to collect Required documents, confirming the need to reschedule the exam. We recommend that you contact the director with this question. educational institution back in February and find out all the important nuances.

The main stage of the OGE 2018

For the bulk of graduates high school exams will begin on May 25 with tests in foreign languages. Rosobrnadzor proposes the following draft main schedule for the OGE for 2018:

Day of the week

foreign languages

foreign languages

Russian language

history, biology, physics, geography

physics, computer science


Reserve days


history, biology, physics, geography

Russian language

foreign languages


social studies, chemistry, computer science, literature

all things

September retake of the OGE 2018

The September session will give a chance to those who cannot pass the exam in the main period due to illness or receive unsatisfactory grades. Also, these dates will be relevant for those whose results will be canceled for reasons beyond their control.

Day of the week

Russian language



history, biology, physics, geography

social studies, chemistry, computer science, literature

foreign languages

Reserve days


Russian language

history, biology, physics, geography


social studies, chemistry, computer science, literature

foreign languages

Read more about what awaits students at the OGE in 2018, dedicated to innovations for the upcoming academic year.

One of the forms of certification of ninth-graders is the OGE, which, despite many comments, will still be carried out in 2017. But this year, some changes were made to the procedure for conducting the OGE, which should be known to everyone who has to pass this not entirely easy test.

Features of the OGE in 2017

Let us remind you that ninth grade graduates have been taking the OGE since 2002. And, despite the fact that fourteen years have passed since the introduction of this form of certification, many still note its imperfections. Therefore, every year the Ministry of Education and Science tries to improve this procedure and makes some changes. So, if before 2014 there were four compulsory subjects, then after that this number decreased to two. It would seem that such an innovation should have a positive impact on the success of students. But as it turned out, the overall level of training in connection with these changes decreased significantly. After all, the students did not choose additional subjects to take. Only ten percent of all ninth graders did this. Therefore, it was decided to again increase the number of items required for delivery. So, already in 2015, it was necessary to take two compulsory subjects, as well as two additional ones, which students can choose on their own. In 2017, ninth-graders will have to take not four, but five subjects. As always, two of them will be mandatory, and three will be chosen by students at their own discretion. At the same time, the Ministry of Education and Science plans to add one subject every two years. Thus, in 2020, schoolchildren will have to take six exams. Such innovations should increase general level knowledge of children and help them be ready for admission.

Required and additional subjects for the OGE

Many people are interested in how many subjects must be taken for the OGE in 2017. So, a total of five disciplines are planned. At the same time, two of them will be mandatory, that is, those that schoolchildren will not be able to refuse. But the other three children will be able to choose on their own, but they are not exempt from taking the test.

As always, the main subjects remain mathematics and Russian. Therefore, ninth-graders need to study these disciplines with special care. As for additional ones, students can choose among nine subjects. These include geography, biology, chemistry, physics, as well as literature, history, computer science, social studies and foreign languages. As for the latter, among the list of languages ​​allowed before passing the test are:

  • English;
  • German;
  • French;
  • Spanish.

Please note that you will not be able to select items other than those listed above. Therefore, it is necessary to decide in advance on additional disciplines and begin preparing them before passing.

We would also like to note the features of calculating the average score of the certificate, taking into account the results of the OGE. Let us remind you that in 2016, to calculate the average score, only the results of passing compulsory subjects were taken into account. Thus, the main thing was to become compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics, and additional ones would not matter for this. If in 2016 students took the OGE with unsatisfactory grades, then they were not taken into account in the end. In 2017, some changes will be taken into account, namely, the results of the OGE for two compulsory and two additional ones will be taken into account in the average score of the certificate. Now the indicator will no longer depend on two, but on four items. Of course, good news for students will be that the results of the third additional subject will not be included when calculating the average score of the certificate. Another important change that cannot be ignored is the situation of passing subjects with unsatisfactory grades. So, in order to receive the long-awaited certificate of completion of the ninth grade, you need to get positive grades in compulsory subjects. Otherwise, your child will be kept in the second year.

Passing the OGE in 2017

Let us note that every year government officials draw up a detailed schedule for passing all exams and make it available to everyone. Most often this occurs at the end of May and ends in June. So the beginning of summer will have to be spent studying textbooks. It is interesting that since 2016 there is another feature when passing the OGE, which will be taken into account in 2017. It will now be possible to reschedule exam dates. But as for the reasons for such actions, they include the occurrence of emergency situations (natural or man-made disasters). This rule also applies to the venue, which may be changed for similar reasons.

So be careful and follow the OGE exam schedule for 2017.

It is also worth paying attention to the features of retakes. Of course, such a possibility is provided, but it will be implemented as follows. Now you can retake only two subjects out of all that students take. So, this rule applies to both compulsory and additional subjects. Therefore, if your child receives an unsatisfactory grade in three or more subjects, he will not lose the right to retake. Of course, this opportunity will exist, but you can only take advantage of it from September 1, 2017. Thus, this will lead to the student being retained in the second year. Therefore, you need to take preparation seriously, because otherwise it can lead to undesirable consequences.

It is also interesting that now the organizers will take greater responsibility for the conduct of the OGE. Thus, the results will be calculated not by regional bodies, but by special state independent commissions. Note that their members will not know whose work they are checking. Thus, this will only further make the calculation of results independent and fair.

As you can see, the latest changes that relate to the process of passing the OGE in 2017 should improve this form of certification for ninth-graders. But whether this will really happen, time will tell. In the meantime, we invite you to learn about other changes in educational process in 2017, for example, the features of registering for school on. To do this, you only need to visit the website and you will be the first to track the latest educational developments in Russia and the world.

(2 votes, average: 5,00 out of 5)

After the end of the current academic season 2016-2017, Russian ninth-graders will need to take school state exams, the conditions of which have been changing, adjusted or supplemented annually for many years in a row.

“In this regard, it will not surprise” 9th grade students and the academic year 2017 with additional exams, which was no exception in terms of innovations - this season schoolchildren will needhand overalreadyfive (5) items, two of them will be mandatory, and three more can be chosen at their own discretion.

Mathematics and the Russian language will remain mandatory exams for 9th grade students in the academic year 2017, and students will take the GIA and OGE, these main subjects of study, by an independent state commission.

State final certification for ninth-graders of Russian schools is a necessary and mandatory stage in obtaining and consolidating knowledge based on the results of the completed course. educational process.

After it (9th grade and upon successful passing of exams), they will either remain in school further in order to obtain a school certificate of secondary education, or they will make their choice in favor of obtaining secondary education. special education, V educational institutions to obtain a profession (specialty).

About the forms of final exams for ninth-graders:

The main state exam (OGE) will be passed by the vast majority of schoolchildren, and it does not take into account how the student completed the course of study - full-time or part-time.

The main state exam is carried out using testing and measuring materials, the so-called KIMs.

The State Final Examination (GVE) is taken by those students who are studying in closed educational institutions - juvenile colonies and boarding schools, including disabled children and those who have completed a course of study abroad.

How many exams in 9th grade 2017 (subjects) -5!

Starting from the current 2017 academic year, schoolchildren will be required to take three exams from academic subjects (to choose from), of which the grade obtained in two of them will be included in the average score of the school certificate in the same way as in the two mandatory exams - Russian and mathematics.

The elective subjects (exams for 9th grade students) are:

- foreign language
- physics
- chemistry
- social science
- geography
- literature
- natural science
- Informatics
- biology.

For information - for those students who study regional, their native language, you are given the opportunity to select it as a selective exam.

According to schoolchildren, the most difficult exam is mathematics. Judging by statistics, not all ninth-graders are willing to learn this subject; many find it difficult.

Exact and cognitive sciences in general last years are not very revered in Russian schools, which is of course sad and a little alarming.

This means that fewer and fewer children are striving to study such unpopular subjects as mathematics, physics, and chemistry. website

For exams (GIA) in compulsory and selective subjects in 2017, ninth-graders, students and graduates of 9th grade should prepare in advance because careful preparation gives a great chance of successful passing and is a definite guarantee of success.

Those 9th grade students who receive an unsatisfactory grade for the exam will be given the opportunity to retake this subject.

When scheduling exams, the management of educational institutions reserves retake days for other situations. For what specific cases are they needed? There are several of them:

Inability to complete the exam for a good reason (the student is ill);
- failure of a student to appear for an exam for a valid reason;
- received unsatisfactory result - retake;
- when a student is removed from the exam because of his behavior, if the commission allows him to retake it;
- if two subjects (exams) are scheduled on the same day;

If a student does not show up for the exam on the appointed day and time for a good reason, for example, he was sick, he must present a certificate, which is submitted to the state commission, and it already schedules him to take the exam on one of the reserve days.

For graduates of 9th grade in special cases provided early delivery OGE, namely:

For evening school students who are due to be called up for military service;
- those who travel abroad for training camps, competitions, contests, Olympiads, etc.;
- for schoolchildren leaving our country for a long time;
- those who are sent for long-term treatment.

9th grade trial exams in 2017

In order to best prepare for the 9th grade final exams in the 2017 academic year of State Examination and State Examination, students should take a responsible approach to preparation, for which there are many useful resources on the Internet, including in the form online tests, as well as all kinds of teaching aids.

Will not interfere with schoolchildren preparing for exams and additional classes, according to those educational materials and subjects about which they are unsure. Perhaps someone will have to hire a tutor for a fee if there is no other option. website

As for sites with online training and tests, they have an undoubted advantage, because they have round-the-clock access to this information, the ability to take tests at any time and for as long as needed, and immediately receive the test result.

Retake 2017 - when to retake the GIA and OGE in September

Retaking an exam for a student is a very difficult issue for him, exciting and, to some extent, alarming. How and within what time frame will it be possible to retake subjects with unsatisfactory grades and take a retest?

Only those students who were unable to pass one or two subjects are admitted during the summer. They will be assigned additional days during the summer.

Those schoolchildren who will not be able to pass more than two exams in 2017 will have to retake it in September, the new academic year 2017-2018, after the 1st day of the first month of autumn.

This rather rigid approach to education and passing exams is due to the fact that low level, according to experts, which is now observed in Russian schools.

Every year, which has long been a problem, the knowledge of Russian schoolchildren is weakening, their interest in learning is only decreasing. That is why they introduced such demanding conditions for passing exams, which is justified to a certain extent.

9th grade exams in the 2017 academic year - scores by subject

The system for converting points into grades for grade 9 obtained at the IGA and OGE was developed by the Ministry of Education Russian Federation, which after successful completion exams should be included in the school certificate.

Positive and minimum (satisfactory) marks in 9th grade exams will be considered:

Subject of studycomputer science and ICT- 5 points;
- subject of study
literature- 7 points;
- subject of study
mathematics- 8 points;

- subject of studyphysics- 10 points;
- subject of study
geography- 12 points;
- subject of study
biology- 13 points;
- subject of study
story- 13 points;
- subject of study
Russian language- 15 points;
- subject of study
social science- 15 points;
- subject of study
foreign language- 29 points.

In conclusion... important, interesting and useful information...

The subject of mathematics in the 9th grade is taken in modules (parts), the maximum score for the module “algebra” can be obtained - 17, but for the module “geometry” - already 11 points, and “ real math" - 8 points. The total number of points (maximum) may be 36.

The Russian language also has its own individual dialing system. maximum score for schoolchildren of 9th grade, where the number of spelling errors is calculated, grammatical, speech and punctual errors are taken into account.

Reach high results In the IGA and OGE examinations in 2017, only those ninth-graders and 9th-grade students who have approached their studies seriously and with full responsibility throughout the entire school season can take the 2017 exams. website

Parents, for their part, must monitor their “adult” children and help create comfortable conditions for study and homework.

If there is such a need when preparing for exams, it may be worth hiring a tutor in a subject in which your child is not confident in his abilities.

But no matter what we say, the main responsibility lies primarily with the 9th grade students themselves, who will take exams in 2017.

It is they who must be fully aware of the magnitude of responsibility that lies on them and must do everything in order to successfully pass this test called exams.

Remember that in modern world success is achieved only educated people, that is why a good education very in demand and highly paid.

We wish good luck and good mood in the 2017 school year to all schoolchildren, including those 9th grade students who will have to take final exams!

IGA and OGE 2017 - exams for 9th graders

For 9th grade students - exams and preparation for them

Modern school in Russia is no longer what we remember 20 or 30 years ago, now it is quite complex mechanism with its contradictions, pros and cons. And a competent, rationally drawn up lesson schedule and organization of leisure time is only a small part of the school process.

Class schedule at any time Russian school, is the result and result of the work of almost everything teaching staff of this educational institution, which should be organized wisely and correctly, on high level, taking into account modern requirements and trends.

The main goal of planning the educational process is to achieve the assigned task, planned activities, or one or another result. A well-planned schedule for school students will always help them improve their academic performance, improve the quality of knowledge acquired and normalize student behavior.

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