People from Mars migrated to earth. Boriska is an unusual boy from Russia who remembers his previous life on Mars. Reincarnation as an option for the journey of the soul

Children who remember their past lives are not a new phenomenon in science. They met before, only nowadays the study of reincarnation is more and more captivating representatives of the scientific community. The American astronomer and astrobiologist Carl Sagan recognized the fact that the reincarnation of the soul in a new guise deserves close attention. According to the scientist, children sometimes report such details of a past life that, in fact, turn out to be absolutely accurate. Some features, such as those that happened many centuries ago, they could not learn from anywhere except from their own experience. Only reincarnation makes it possible for young children to talk about the details and details of their past existence.

illustrative examples

University of Virginia psychiatrist Jim Tucker is perhaps the most well-known expert in this field. From his professional experience, there are several significant examples that lead us to think about the reality of reincarnation. In 2008, an American scientist published a review of the case, which described typical cases of reincarnation. It is curious that in 100 percent of cases children are not mistaken, remembering the details of their past life.

The average age at which visions begin to come to babies is 2 years and 11 months. Children describe all the events and experiences associated with their past life in amazing detail. They remember things that, due to their age, could not have known about the person they claim to have been. For example, children indicated exact addresses, names of members of their "former" families, profession and much more that could be easily verified.

Reincarnation as an option for the journey of the soul

Many people tend to believe in the reality of reincarnation. At least in the fact that after the death of the physical shell, the soul continues to exist. She can live in the other world, but she can choose a different path for herself: to get inside the baby that is about to be born. Assuming that all of the stories detailed by Jim Tucker are indeed plausible, we have good reason to believe that rebirth is indeed possible.

Some progressive people believe that the possibilities of the soul are limitless. After the death of the physical body, it can freely penetrate other planets and move into alien beings. In addition, in addition to reincarnation, the soul is subject to travel to other dimensions, and at the same time the test of life outside the physical shell. Perhaps reincarnations will be real until a certain lesson is learned or a certain destiny is fulfilled.

The unique story of a Russian boy

Here is the story of Boris, a boy from the city of Volzhsky (Volgograd region), who, according to his mother, had outstanding abilities from early childhood. His story is different from other similar ones, because Boriska is convinced that his previous life flowed not just anywhere, but on distant Mars. His first word was spoken at four months, and his first phrase three months later. At the age of two, he read newspaper publications freely and became a local celebrity, thanks to educators in kindergarten. He was so smart that from an early age he told others about the structure of the solar system, as well as distant galaxies. Adults were amazed, where did the information that could not be found even from textbooks for high school come from in the brain of this little boy? He knew so much about astronomy that any university student could easily envy him.

Stories about the device of alien aircraft

But most of all, adults were struck by the accuracy with which Boriska described the structure of the Martian flying ships and what the ancient Martians were doing. This case immediately attracted the attention of scientists from different countries peace. Here are some excerpts from the boy's stories: “Martians could travel to many galaxies and planetary systems. Some aircraft resembled airplanes, others were triangular in shape, and still others looked like a drop. Gasoline engines were used only for flights over short distances. For more long-distance travel the Martians harnessed the power of ion plasma."

Tales of teleportation

Another amazing confession of Boriska was the story of teleportation in time. He spoke of a portal that could slow down time, and in turn open doors to another portal that could speed things up. However, the boy remembers this feature from a past life vaguely: “I can’t say for sure ... I don’t remember well. The portal opens on one side, and after a few seconds or even minutes, it opens another area of ​​space.

Tales of ships and innovations

According to Boriska, not all Martian aircraft had the same principle. For example, ships equipped with plasma engines could travel only within the solar system, and on high speed. But teardrop-shaped devices were carriers for other aircraft. Why were the Martians able to design different types technology? The boy answers this question in this way: “Each race brought something of its own to innovation. Some could design devices equipped with ion engines, while others could design plasma ones. He talked a lot about beings from other planets, friendship with them and wars. Boris admitted that the Martians still live on the red planet, they were simply forced to leave the surface deep inside. According to the boy, his past brothers do not need oxygen, but they need carbon dioxide to breathe.

Important announcement from NASA

Perhaps some of you will see behind Boriska's stories a wild fantasy or a desire to become famous. Undoubtedly, his story should be studied by professionals working with indigo children. But here's what's interesting. Not so long ago, NASA called a special press conference at which it made an important announcement: apparently, there really is life on Mars. During the briefing, new details about the red planet were revealed to journalists. In fact, water rivers flow on the surface of Martian rock formations. This became known thanks to images from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter satellite. Once upon a time, people imagined their nearest neighbor in solar system completely lifeless, with a surface entirely consisting of arid rocky deserts. But now we are sure that there is water on Mars. This means that one of the conditions for the origin of life on the planet is observed.

Is there life on Mars?

If earlier such a question sounded like a rhetorical question, now it is becoming relevant. Indeed, mountain water streams clearly indicate that life must be somewhere nearby. Among other things, scientists from NASA provided reporters with a complete report on the atmosphere of the red planet, as well as on the state of its surface. Professionals who study space, we are sure that once upon a time there was a civilization on Mars. Here is what Alfred McEwan, principal investigator of the HiRISE project, said: “The possibility of life on Mars has always been potentially very high. Somewhere in the crust of the planet there is water. And it is very likely that life can flow inside, in its various forms. The scientist gives several explanations for how the climate on the red planet has changed, noting that the more NASA experts observe Mars, the more more information receive, the more sympathy is imbued with him.

Now, thanks to detailed images from the Curiosity Rover satellite, it has become clear that once upon a time our nearest neighbor was very similar to Earth. There were vast salty seas, freshwater lakes and mountain ranges whose peaks were covered with snow. There were clouds and a water cycle that led to the changing of the seasons. But something happened and the planet lost its water. Now scientists have come to grips with identifying the causes of climate change.


Let's return to our hero. Perhaps the soul of a distant Martian was reborn in Borisk in order to warn earthlings of a potential threat. We are closer than ever to global change climate, which means that we are doing something wrong. In an interview given to Kerry Cassidy, the boy mentions this.

John Brandenburg, a nuclear physicist and Ph.D., argues that life on Mars could have been eliminated by powerful nuclear fallout from a nuclear war between several intelligent civilizations in ancient history.

According to the ancient Babylonian tradition, the annual cycle consists of 36 decans, and each decan is patronized by one of the seven planets of the spectrum: the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. People born under the influence of a certain planet, although at different times of the year, have a lot in common, much more than representatives of the same zodiac sign. 'Cause it's the dean of birth that has on the man greatest influence: it gives a detailed breakdown of the state of the Sun every 10 days of the year. The ruling planet of the decan leads a person through life, determines his essence, purpose.

So, today I propose to get to know the wards of Mars better.

People of Mars were born on January 1 - 10, March 11 - 21, March 21 - April 1, June 1 - 12, August 13 - 23, October 23 - November 2.

Strengths and weaknesses of iron man

Under the rule of Mars, extroverts are born, people who direct their energy into external world. As a rule, they are efficient, active, strong (both physically and psycho-emotionally). It is extremely important for them to find a constructive use of their colossal energy, otherwise it can become destructive, and not only those around them, but also the Martians themselves will feel it. Sports career, work in law enforcement agencies, military service ideal for all wards of Mars.

Discipline plays a huge role in the life of the people of Mars. They themselves must adhere to strictly defined rules, and control others, and obey higher authorities. They need to show determination, pressure, take on a big load and in no case be lazy: any vigorous activity will benefit them.

People of Mars should not avoid conflicts, difficult situations. Of course, this is not about creating trouble themselves - on the contrary, their calling is to solve complex issues. It is in tense moments that the Martian fully reveals his potential, shows best qualities. Of course, this applies not only to the security forces: Mars' wards make effective crisis managers, employees of regulatory bodies, and so on.

From the point of view of alchemy, Mars corresponds to iron. The animal symbol of the planet is the wolf - a smart, strong, brave and faithful animal that is able to reliably protect its own and at the same time inspire awe in strangers, in those who are hostile towards him and his relatives.

Such are the majority of the people of Mars. The main thing for them is not to hold back energy, not to direct it inward. If everything is calm and there is no need to save anyone, you need to find another use for your strength. For the people of Mars, the ideal way to get rid of tension, throw out accumulated emotions is sports. And, of course, they must feel the line between pressure and aggression, rigidity and cruelty.

Martians are different...

Born January 1st to 10th when Mars is in Capricorn, should directly interact with money. These people are able to perfectly manage financial flows, control the movement of capital. They are perfect for working in a bank, tax police, collection service. Moreover, it is important to be not just a performer, but, one way or another, to participate in the organization of work. In addition, the people of the first dean of Mars work well in production, manage commodity-money transactions.

Those who were born from March 11 to 21 (Mars in Pisces) have great emotional power. Sometimes they are prone to excessive manifestation of feelings, including negative ones. They need to learn to control emotions, and even better - to direct them in the right direction: then they will be able to achieve a lot. For example, to become successful politicians, top managers, officers: these are excellent managers who can competently manage a large number of people. The sphere of art is also suitable for them: if they manage to transform their emotions into something creative, they will become talented writers, artists, filmmakers.

People who were born between March 21 and April 1 (when Mars is in Aries), extremely energetic, assertive, sometimes aggressive. They need to show leadership skills, work for authority. Career success has for them great value: they are not afraid of responsibility, they want to lead, manage a team, make decisions on their own. They are interested in working on major projects(no matter in what area), to build the future. These are talented strategists who are able to predict events, develop effective business plans and implement almost any ideas.

Those born between June 1st and 12th (Mars in Gemini) it is better to engage in intellectual activity. However, whatever they do, they should rely on their own mind, education, creative abilities. It is good for such Martians to lead a research laboratory, to lead scientific work to develop new programs technical innovations, information products and services and so on. They are able to defend their positions, promote innovative projects in a word, step by step to make a fairy tale come true. In addition, they are born diplomats: they can not only speak convincingly, but also listen carefully, which allows them to start useful contacts and in right time contact the right people.

Born August 13 - 23 (when Mars is in Leo) natural leaders. It is extremely important for them to show independence, manage people and processes, decide difficult situations. And, most importantly, they are great at it. The ideal option for those born during this period is to open their own business and control absolutely everything - from A to Z. Another way of professional implementation is to work in law enforcement agencies, preferably in leadership positions. However, you can start from the bottom - thanks to perseverance, self-discipline, dedication and a huge amount of energy, they quickly storm the career ladder.

Born October 23 - November 2 (when Mars is in Scorpio) discipline is as essential as air. Moreover, both external (strict rules, life according to a charter or a clear routine), and internal (self-restraint, following one's own rules and principles, control over one's feelings and emotions) - this gives them strength, allows them to achieve goals, manage other people. Another key to success is the desire for self-improvement. Such Martians should not stop there, especially rest on their laurels: this corrupts them, makes them weak and vulnerable, sometimes vicious. Therefore, they need to always strive forward, remember that there is no limit to perfection and clearly understand that the fall is often very painful.

Children with unusual abilities are born on Earth. What is it for?

For the first time I heard about an unusual boy named Boriska from the stories of the expedition members in anomalous zone in the north of the Volgograd region, known in our country as the "Medveditskaya ridge".

“Imagine, when everyone was sitting by the fire in the evening, a sort of kid, about seven years old, suddenly loudly and demandingly asked for silence: he would talk about the inhabitants of Mars and their flights to Earth,” one of the witnesses shared his impressions. - Well, some people still continued to talk in an undertone about their own, and then the boy strictly demanded full attention, otherwise "there will be no story." And the extraneous conversations subsided. Yes, and there was a reason: a chubby little boy with big eyes, in a summer T-shirt and a cap with a dashing visor, not in the least embarrassed by adults, led a story about the incredible. O martian civilization, about megalithic cities and Martian spaceships, about flights to other planets, and about the earthly country of Lemuria, whose life he knew firsthand: he himself once flew from Mars to a huge continent in the ocean and had friends here ...

The boughs of the fire crackled, the darkness of the night thickened around those sitting, and the bottomless starry sky above them was silent, as if it kept some great secret of its own. An amazing story went on for an hour and a half. One of the listeners guessed - he ran for the recorder, and now somewhere in Moscow there is a complete recording of that story. However, whether it will appear in print - God knows: not everyone has journalistic skills ...

Many were struck by two things. Firstly, unusual knowledge that a seven-year-old child should not seem to have: not every one of our history professors will be able to clearly tell about the legendary Lemuria and the Lemurians. You will not find any mention of them in school and university textbooks. Science has not yet proven the existence of other civilizations. And, secondly, Boriska's speech ... It was by no means the level of first-graders: there was such terminology, such details and facts from the Martian and terrestrial past that everyone was only amazed. Very competent, well-organized speech, and only increased emotionality betrayed a child in her.

- Why did Boriska talk like that? my interlocutor suggested. - Apparently, he was provoked to this by the situation in the expeditionary camp. Enthusiastic people gathered here, open-hearted, striving to unravel the many secrets of the Earth and space, and Boris, having heard a lot of conversations during the day, splashed out in his “speech” what had been kept unclaimed in his memory for a long time.

Maybe he was fantasizing? Seen enough films about all sorts of "star wars" and went to compose? ..

“Well, no… It doesn’t smell like fantasies,” my friend objected, “here, rather, the memory of the past, the memory of its former incarnations. You can’t imagine such details, you need to know them ...

The words about the memory of past incarnations decided everything: I realized that I must definitely get to know Boriska. Now, after meeting with him and his parents, I am trying to sort through the information received in order to understand the mystery of the birth of this young creature.

It is curious that he was born in the city of Volzhsky, in the regional maternity hospital, although in the metrics, in the column "place of birth" is Zhirnovsk, Volgograd region - at the place of registration. Date of birth - January 11, 1996 - maybe she will say something to astrologers.

His parents are nice and benevolent people. Nadezhda, Boris's mother, is a dermatologist in the city clinic, graduated from the Volgograd Medical Institute not so long ago, in 1991. Father, Yuri, a retired officer, at one time graduated from the Kamyshin Higher military school Now he works as a foreman at a construction site. They themselves would be happy to have someone help them in unraveling the phenomenon of their son, but for now they are looking at their miracle with curiosity.

“When Boriska was born, I noticed that at 15 days he was already holding his head,” recalls Nadezhda. - He uttered the first word "woman" at 4 months and since then, one might say, he spoke. He composed his first sentence at the age of 7 months, these were the words “I want carnations”: he saw a carnation in the wall, although children begin to speak in sentences much later. Most notably, his intellectual abilities were far ahead of his physical ones.

– And what did it mean?

- When Boris was a year old, I began to give him letters according to the Nikitin system, and, imagine, at the age of one and a half he was already reading large newspaper print. Easily and quickly learned colors with a variety of shades. At the age of two he began to draw, at the age of 2.5 - with paints. Could paint with shades.

Boris was taken to kindergarten after two years. Educators unanimously began to say that he had the ability to languages, an unusual development of the brain. Unique assimilation of the new, the richest memory ... However, the parents noticed that the replenishment of the son's knowledge occurs not only through the perception of the environment, but, it seems, also through other channels: he read information from somewhere outside!

“No one taught him,” recalls Nadya, “but he easily and somehow habitually sat down in the “lotus” position, and just listen to him here! He gave out such “pearls”, such details about Mars, about planetary systems, other civilizations, that our eyes climbed on our foreheads ... Well, how does the child know all this? .. Space, space plots in his stories are constant motives from about two years old.

Then Boriska said that he used to live on Mars, that the planet was inhabited, but survived the largest catastrophe in its history, lost its atmosphere, and now its few inhabitants live in underground cities. At that time, he often flew to Earth for trade and research purposes. He appears to have piloted the spaceship himself. It was during the time of the Lemurian civilization, and he had a Lemurian friend who died before his eyes...

- There was a catastrophe on Earth, mountains exploded, a huge continent collapsed and went under water, and suddenly a huge stone fell on the building where my friend was ... - said Boriska. I didn't have time to save him. And now on Earth we must meet ...

Boriska sees the picture of the death of Lemuria as if it happened the day before, and experiences the death of an earthling, as if he himself is to blame for it.

One day he saw a book that his mother brought: “Where did we come from?” Ernst Muldashev. You should have seen how excited the boy was. He looked at drawings of the Lemurians, photographs of the pagodas of Tibet, and for two hours non-stop talked about the Lemurian race and the highest level its development...

“But Lemuria died at least eight hundred thousand years ago…” I said cautiously, “and the Lemurians were nine meters tall… Do you remember all this?”

On another occasion, he began to remember a lot when he saw illustrations in the second book by E. Muldashev, "In Search of the City of the Gods." About the tombs, about the pyramids. He said that knowledge would not be found under the pyramid of Cheops, but under another. But she hasn't been found yet. “Life will change when the sphinx is opened,” he said, adding that the sphinx opens somewhere behind the ear, but he does not remember where. When inspiration comes, he enthusiastically talks about the Mayan civilization, believing that people know very little about this amazing people.

But the most striking thing is that Boriska believes that now the time has come on Earth when special children are born, because the transformation of the planet is coming, and new knowledge, a different mentality of earthlings will be needed.

– How do you know about gifted children, and why does this happen? I asked at our meeting. “Did you know that they are called indigo children?”

- I know that they are born, but I have not met them in our city. Well, maybe Yulia Petrova - she believes me, which means she feels something. Others just laugh when I tell. Something will happen on Earth, two catastrophes, that's why such children are born. They must help people. There will be a change of poles. In 2009 there will be the first major disaster with one large continent, and in 2013 - another, more powerful one.

- You are not afraid of this, because your life can be interrupted?

- No, I'm not afraid, we live forever. There was a disaster on Mars, where I used to live. There are people like us, but there was a nuclear war, and everything burned down. Some people survived, there were houses, new weapons. There was also a change of continents. Although the mainland itself was small. Martians breathe mostly carbon dioxide. If they flew to our planet, they would always stand by the chimney.

– Do you, if you are from Mars, breathe our air easier or do you need carbon dioxide?
– Since you got into this earthly body, then you breathe this air. But we hate earthly air, because your air causes aging. There, on Mars, people are mostly young, 30-35 years old, there are no old people. Every year more and more such children, from Mars, will be born on Earth. There will be at least twenty of them in our city.

– Boris, why do our space stations die when approaching Mars?

“Signals are being sent from Mars, and they are trying to shoot down the station. At these stations, harmful radiation.

I was amazed at the harmful radiation of "Phobos". That's right! Back in 1988, a resident of Volzhsky, Yuri Lushnichenko, a man with psychic inclinations, tried to go to the Glavkosmos of the USSR in order to warn Soviet leaders about the inevitable death of the first Soviet space stations"Phobos-1" and "Phobos-2". And precisely because of the radiations alien to the planet and the radioactivity of power supplies. His warnings were not heeded. They still do not consider it necessary to delve into it, although for success, according to Lushnichenko, it is only necessary to change the tactics of entering the field of Mars.

– Do you know about multidimensionality? Do you know that it is necessary to fly not along direct trajectories, but through multidimensional space? – I am cautiously interested in absolutely utterly unrealistic from the point of view of orthodox science.

Boriska immediately perked up and began to explain something violently about the UFO device: “We just took off, as we are already near the Earth!” And then he takes chalk and draws something plate-shaped on a slate board. “There are six layers,” he says excitedly. - 25 percent is outer layer made of durable material, 30 percent - the second layer, it is like rubber, the third layer - 30% - metal again, 4% is occupied by a layer with magnetic properties... - immediately writes numbers on the blackboard with chalk. “If you supply the magnetic layer with energy, then the devices can fly throughout the Universe…”

We adults look at each other. Are percentages taught in third grade?

No, of course, they didn’t get to that at school, but it turns out that Boriska has great difficulties with the school. After the interview, he was accepted immediately into the second grade, but ... then they tried to get rid of him. And who, tell me, will like it if the kid suddenly interrupts the teacher: “Marvanna, you are talking wrong! You're teaching wrong!" And so many times a day ... Now a teacher who taught at the school of Academician Shchetinin is studying with Boriska, and the boy will take subjects externally. The teacher believes that Boris should study at the Shchetinino school for gifted children. He will have, and already has, problems in communicating with ordinary children. 

- What is Boriska's mission on Earth? Does he know it? I ask both him and his mother.

“He said he guessed,” Nadezhda says. – He knows something about the future of the Earth. For example, that knowledge will be distributed according to quality and levels of consciousness. New knowledge will never get to vicious people with base morals - thieves, bandits, alcoholics, as well as to those who do not want to change themselves in better side. They will leave the planet. He believes that information will play an important role. The process of unity and cooperation will begin on Earth.

Boris, how do you know all this?

- Inside yourself.

... Once, at the age of five, he amazed his parents by talking about Proserpina, a planet that died hundreds of thousands, and maybe millions of years ago. And this word of Proserpine was said by him, and not heard somewhere, because the parents themselves almost for the first time heard from him about such a planet. “A beam cut through her, and she fell to pieces,” said Boriska. – Physically, the planet ceased to exist, but its inhabitants teleported into the fifth dimension, which you call parallel world. We watched the death of the planet from Mars…” he explained. And then he said something incredible... He said that the Earth, as a living intelligent being, began to accept the children of Proserpina for upbringing, therefore, they say, those who can remember their home planet and consider themselves aliens are sometimes born here! ..

But this phenomenon has already been noticed in scientific world, and I myself met Valentina-Kaina, who not only remembers Proserpina, but sometimes visits her compatriots in her dreams. And suddenly they both ended up in the same city, together they visit the Blue Mountain in the anomalous zone ...

And here is what was preserved in the records of Boris's mother, Nadezhda: “You are the forerunners. You've cleared a platform for us. In the higher realms, you are considered heroes. Your lot has been the hardest. I have come to the New Time. It has already stood out as a hologram code and superimposed on space. Everything will come to life in a new fire of thought, very fast, very fast… The transition from one world to another is carried out through the substance Time. I brought the New Time. I brought New Information…”

- Boris, tell me, why do people get sick?

- From the fact that they live incorrectly and do not know how to be happy ... You must wait for your cosmic halves, without intruding into other people's destinies, without breaking or destroying integrity, without suffering from mistakes made, but unite with the intended, ending the cycles of development, and go further to new heights, - these are the words he spoke. “You have to be warm-hearted. If you are beaten, you come and hug. If they offend, do not expect an apology, but kneel down and ask for forgiveness from the offenders yourself. If they insult and humiliate, tell them thank you for it and smile. If they hate, love them for who they are. These relationships of love, humility and forgiveness are the main thing for people. Do you know why the Lemurians died? I'm a little to blame for this too. They did not wish to develop further spiritually, deviated along the way, thus destroying the integrity of the planet. The path of Magic leads to a dead end. True Magic is Love...

– How do you know these words: “integrity”, “cycles”, “cosmos”, “magic”, “Lemurians”?..

“I know… Kaylis…

– What did you say?

“I said welcome! This is the language of my planet...

... Indigo children are born among us more and more often. Take a closer look at your children, grandchildren and granddaughters: what if it turns out that this is the same case? ..

On the verge of the impossible 3(334), 2004

After the fall of Lemuria, according to Thoth, two extraterrestrial races arrived - not one, but two completely different races. The first race was the Jews, who arrived from our future. He says they came from outside the planet, but I don't know exactly where. The Jews were like a child who had gone through the fifth grade and failed; now they had to go through it again. They did not pass the exams to reach the next level of evolution, and therefore they had to repeat this level. In other words, they were like a child who had already gone through this mathematics. They knew a lot of things that we didn't know yet.

To enter our evolutionary path at that moment they had official permission from the Galactic Command. According to Thoth, they brought with them many concepts and ideas that we had no idea about yet, because we had not yet entered those levels of consciousness. This intervention seems to me to be really favorable to our evolution. There was no problem with their arrival and arrangement on Earth. There probably wouldn't have been any problems at all if only another race hadn't arrived here.

The other race that arrived at that moment caused great problems. These entities came from the neighboring planet Mars.

The situation that has been created in the world makes it obvious that it is this very race that is still aggravating the main problems. The secret government and the world's trillionaires are of Martian origin, or they have mostly Martian genes, with little or no emotional/feeling body.
According to Thoth, a little less than a million years ago Mars was very similar to Earth. He was wonderful. There were oceans and water and trees and everything was just fantastic. But then something happened to them, and it had to do with the past "Lucifer rebellion."

From the very beginning of the experiment we are in - and all of God's creation is an experiment - there have been four attempts similar to the Lucifer rebellions (if you want to call them rebellions). In other words, in addition to Lucifer, three other entities tried to do the same, and each time it ended in complete chaos in the entire universe.

Over a million years ago Martians joined the third rebellion when life attempted its own experiment for the third time. It failed dramatically. The planets were destroyed everywhere, and one of them turned out to be Mars. Life tried to create a reality separate from God; in fact, it's the same thing that's happening right now. In other words, a part of life attempted to separate itself from all other life and create its own separate reality.

When someone tries to separate from God, they are cut off from the connection with Reality, maintained through love. Thus, when the Martians (and many others) created a separate reality, they severed their bonds of love - they disconnected the emotional body - and in doing so, they were left with a purely masculine principle, with little or no feminine in themselves. They were purely logical beings with no emotions. This has happened on Mars and in thousands, thousands of other places. It ended in continuous battles, because they did not know either compassion or love. Mars became a battlefield that continued uninterruptedly until, at last, it became clear that Mars would not survive. Apparently, they blew away their atmosphere and destroyed the surface of their planet.

Before Mars was destroyed, they built huge tetrahedral pyramids, which you will see in the photographs in the second volume. Then, they built three-sided, four-sided and five-sided pyramids, apparently creating a complex capable of creating a synthetic Mer-Ka-Ba. You see, it is possible to have a vehicle that looks like spaceship, or it is possible to have some other structures that perform the same task. They built a structure with which they could look forward and backward in time and space over incredibly vast distances and periods of time.

A small group of Martians tried to escape Mars before the planet was destroyed, and so they traveled to the future and found a great place to relocate before Mars was destroyed. That place turned out to be Earth, but that was in our past about 65,000 years ago. They saw a small uninhabited whirlwind located here in Atlantis. They didn't ask permission. As part of the rebellion, they did not go through the proper procedure. They just said, "All right, let's do this." They stepped right into this vortex and in doing so, they joined our path of evolution.

Martians commit violence against human children's consciousness and seize power

There were only a few thousand of these Martians using the time-space-dimension, or formation, consciousness machine. The very first thing they did when they arrived here on Earth was they tried to take control of Atlantis. They wanted to declare war and seize power. However, due to their small numbers and perhaps for other reasons, they were vulnerable, so they failed to do so. In the end, they submitted to the Atlanteans/Lemurians. We were able to prevent their capture, but we could not send them back. By the time this took place on our evolutionary path, we were in the state of a roughly fourteen-year-old girl. So, something like this happened there, that a fourteen-year-old girl was mastered by a man, much older in age, a man of sixty or seventy, who simply imposed himself on her. In other words, it was violence. We were taken by force, we had no choice. The Martians just came and said, "Whether you like it or not, here we are." They didn't care what we thought or felt about it. It really was no different from what we did in America with the local Indians.
At the conclusion of the initial conflict, it was agreed that the Martians would try to understand this female phenomenon, which they themselves were deprived of, this emotional feeling, which they did not have at all. Everything more or less settled down for a long time. But the Martians began to slowly introduce their left-brain technology, which the Lemurians had no idea about. All the Lemurians knew was right-brain technology, of which we now know very little. Psychotronic machines, willow twigs for finding underground water and minerals, and other such items are technologies of the right hemisphere of the brain. Many right-brain female technologies would shock you if you saw them in action. With the help of right brain technology, if its full potential is used, it is possible to do absolutely everything that one can imagine, just like it is done with the help of left brain technology. But then we really don't need any of them - it's great mystery which we forgot!

The Martians kept coming out with their left brain inventions, one after the other, one after the other, until they finally reversed the polarity of our evolutionary path, as we began to see through the left brain, and moved from the feminine to the masculine. We have changed the nature of our being. The Martians gradually seized power, until they had everything under control, and without any fight. They had all the power and all the money. The animosity between the Martians and the Lemurians - I refer to the Jews here as the Lemurians - never faded, even until the very end of Atlantis. They hated each other. The Lemurians, the feminine aspect, were essentially repressed and treated as inferiors. There was not much love in this situation. It was a marriage that the female half didn't like, but I think the male, Martian side really didn't care much whether they liked it or not. This remained so for a very long time, until about 26 thousand years ago, when the next phase slowly began.

Of course, we cannot say that man comes from Mars, however, as new research has shown, our most distant ancestors - the simplest organisms - were actually Martians, and only then "immigrated" to Earth.

The element, which is the most important element for the origin of life, was found exclusively on the Red Planet. Scientists believe that the "seeds" of life came to our planet along with meteorites that broke off the surface of Mars as a result of volcanic eruptions or collisions with space objects.

Researchers at the Westheimer Institute of Science and Technology (Gainesville, Florida, USA) have found evidence that the oxidized mineral form of the element molybdenum is a catalyst that allows organic molecules develop into the simplest living organisms.

Moreover, there are suggestions that the conditions that are suitable for the origin of life still exist on Mars. But for this it is necessary that molybdenum becomes highly oxidized.

On planet Earth, this form of molybdenum did not exist at the time life appeared here, because 3 billion years ago there was too little oxygen on the surface of the Earth. On Mars, in turn, there was then a sufficient amount of oxygen.

How did life appear on Mars?

All living organisms are made of organic material, but if you add heat or light to organic molecules and leave them to themselves, life will not arise. Instead, you will get something that looks like tar, oil or asphalt.

Some elements seem to be able to keep organic materials from turning to tar, especially boron and molybdenum, so if the materials contain both of these elements, then life could well arise, the scientists said.

An analysis of a Martian meteorite recently showed that there was boron on Mars, as well as an oxidized form of molybdenum.

On the other hand, it was very difficult for life to originate on our planet, because at that time, it is likely that its surface was completely covered with water. This would prevent the formation of large concentrations of boron, which today can only be found in very dry areas, such as Death Valley. Water is also detrimental to ribonucleic acid, which scientists believe was the first genetic molecule.

Although there was once on Mars liquid water, it occupied a much smaller area than on the young Earth.

Scientists say that in fact we are all Martians, since our most distant ancestors come from the planet Mars. Fortunately, man still appeared on Earth, since our planet is more suitable for sustaining life than Mars. Assuming that all living things remained on Mars, they would have little chance of surviving.

How Geologically Active Is Mars?

Scientists have found that Martian meteorites that have been found on Earth are 4 billion years younger than previously thought, meaning that Mars may still be geologically active.

A team of scientists have found that a Martian meteorite from the collection of the Royal Ontario Museum in Canada is about 200 million years old and is part of a solidified lava flow. Scientists were able to date such meteorites after the technology was invented using isotope and microstructural analysis.

These rocks left the surface of Mars about 20 million years ago. Before that, it was believed that meteorites were about 4 billion years old. More than 100 meteorites have already been discovered on the surface of the Earth, which are supposed to have arrived here from Mars.

Animals on Mars

On Mars, life will someday appear again, which will be transferred there from the planet Earth, scientists say. However, we will have to create special conditions for living beings.

Japanese scientists have opened a sperm bank for endangered animals in the hope that one day they will be able to recreate lost species on other planets.

Using the freeze-dry method, they banked the first samples taken from two species of rare primates and a giraffe.

Freezing of sperm of rare species was carried out according to new technology: the samples were placed in a special liquid. Then, using dry freezing, it was possible to ensure that the samples were stored at a temperature of only 4 degrees Celsius.

This temperature is much higher than the temperature in conventional freezing methods, but the method offers many advantages. For example, you don't need to use great amount expensive equipment and check the condition of sperm every 5 years.

Today it seems like the plot of a science fiction movie, but it is quite possible that the day will come when we can take the genetic information of Earth's animals with us to other planets. Thus, terrestrial beings will be able to live on Mars.

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