Abstract vocabulary. Vocabulary in advertising texts (abstract and concrete, common and special, neologisms, jargon, phraseological units) Concrete and abstract vocabulary

Words denoting specific, physically tangible objects: table, desk, person, tree, potato, corn, etc. In the artistic speech of K.l. helps to clarify the statement: Near the path, at the turn, a large spruce grew. Its branches hung over the path, and a shadow fell on the sand, so thick that three or four sunny circles in it could be counted, no more.. The proportion of specific vocabulary in colloquial speech is high.

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  • - the totality of all the words of a language, its vocabulary...

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  • - - the totality of all words of a language, its vocabulary. L. reflects history and current state people - native speakers of this language...

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  • - a direction in music that uses sounds made by household objects and technical devices: ஐ “At first the telephones began to ring, and in such numbers that from all this a concrete sound emerged...

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  • - The name that French acoustic engineer Pierre Schaeffer gave to his noise concerts in 1949, a year after the first such concert was broadcast on French Radio...

    Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

  • - 1) the entire set of words, the vocabulary of the language; 2) a set of words characteristic of a given version of speech; one or another stylistic layer...

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  • - task to the expert, formulated in the resolution on the appointment of the examination. Solution Z.e. formulated in the form of expert conclusions...

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  • - "...2.1.4...

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  • - musical works created by recording on tape tape natural or artificial sounds that, at the discretion of the author, can be subjected to various acoustic...
  • - elementary flora, a set of plant species confined to a limited part earth's surface and genetically intact...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - a set of words, the vocabulary of a language. The literature of any language or dialect is studied by lexicology and semasiology, the literature of writers and individual works - by stylistics and poetics...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - musical works created by recording onto tape tape natural sounds, noises that can undergo various acoustic transformations and mix...

    Modern encyclopedia

  • - 1) the entire set of words, the vocabulary of the language. 2) A set of words characteristic of a given version of speech, one or another stylistic layer, for a given writer or one literary work...

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  • - a piece of music created by recording natural sounds and noises on tape, which can be subject to various acoustic transformations and mixed...

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  • - Same as the significant connective...

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  • - 1) A set of words that denote specific objects or substances in everyday speech, but in context scientific speech acquiring a generalized abstract meaning...

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Vocabulary and phraseology

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From the book Russian erotic poems, riddles, ditties, proverbs and sayings author Sidorovich A.V.

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Abstract vocabulary Prepared by Natalya Kornilova, 1st year master's student in the field of " Teacher Education: Language education" FEFU School of Pedagogy Introduction In linguistics, since the time of Ferdinand de Saussure, it has been customary to distinguish between language and speech. Speech is a product of human verbal activity, realized in sound and written forms. Speech is concrete: we hear sounds, words, phrases, or we can read letters and their combinations in the text; when producing speech, there is movement of the articulatory apparatus, when writing - physical movements of the hand, etc. Unlike speech, language is a kind of construct, a kind of generalization of what is in speech. In its specific manifestations speech is multivariate: the same word, the same phrase can be pronounced in different ways: loudly, in a whisper, (down to the smallest shades of meaning). The result of abstraction from the actually sounding speech is certain ideas about how language works. These representations are abstract: they do not involve this or that specific sound, this or that specific utterance, but an image of a sound, a certain generalized syntactic construction. The more ordered such representations are, the more likely it is that they correctly reflect the structure of the language. Unlike speech, language is systematic and structured. Each element in it is conditioned by others and, in turn, conditions them. The mechanism of linguistic abstraction from speech concreteness operates at different levels of linguistic structure - from phonology to syntax. We will look at the category of abstract in vocabulary. 1 Category of abstraction in vocabulary Abstraction and the process of abstraction itself are extremely characteristic of language. The opposition between the abstract and the concrete permeates all tiers of the linguistic structure and is reflected both in the word and its meaning, and in other units of language. The most obvious example of abstraction in the field of vocabulary is the division of significant words into concrete and abstract. The first ones denote things, devices, mechanisms, substances, natural objects etc., the second - properties, signs, processes, states. Compare: house, suitcase, string, trousers and freshness, warmth, development. In addition, categories of abstract vocabulary may differ from each other in the degree of abstraction. We can agree that an action is more abstract than a thing, an object (see and eye, hear and ear). In its turn, physical action more specific than a mental action (break, split, cut - think, count, opinion). The meaning of a word is also an abstraction and reflects the basic semantic properties of the word. We judge the meaning of a word by the contexts in which the word is used. When interpreting the meaning of a word, we take into account all typical contexts and reject atypical, uncharacteristic, random contexts; thereby, there is a distraction, an abstraction from speech reality. 2 The concept of “abstract vocabulary” Abstract vocabulary is a set of words with an abstract meaning of quality, property, state, action. Usually this number includes only abstract nouns that have a grammatical expression of the category of abstraction (certain word-forming suffixes, the absence, as a rule, of the form plural, incompatibility with cardinal numbers). Shine. Fuss. Hardening. Studying. Industrialization. Property. Essence. Silence. Enthusiasm. In a broad sense, based only on the semantic principle, words from other parts of speech can be included in abstract vocabulary. Thus, comparing, on the one hand, the adjectives stone, round, blue, loud, sweet, fragrant, rough, etc., denoting external materialized signs perceived by one of the senses, and on the other hand, the adjectives kind, sincere, experienced, moral, smart, sad, lazy, etc. (especially adjectives formed from abstract nouns), we find in the second group words with a greater degree of abstraction, which with the specified reservation, i.e. That is, without taking into account grammatical indicators, it can be classified as abstract vocabulary. A similar distinction can be made between verbs of concrete action (write, read, chop, walk, throw, etc.) and verbs expressing feelings, internal state etc. (love, hate, have fun, be sad, hope, etc.): verbs of the second group have a more pronounced abstractness (cf. their correlation with abstract nouns love, hate, fun, sadness, hope). The question of the broader use of the term “abstract vocabulary” is subject to further study by linguists. Grammatically abstract (abstract) nouns are characterized by the fact that most of them have only forms singular(brilliance, noise, fuss, silence, community, patience, good, evil, etc.). Only a few of the abstract nouns can be used in the plural when specifying the meaning (joy of life, beauty of nature, murmurs in the heart, etc.). Some abstract nouns have only plural forms (more precisely, they are grammatically formulated as plural nouns): vacations, twilight, etc. Currently, there is a tendency to expand the scope of use of plural forms in abstract nouns (such as reality, givenness, agreement, heterogeneity). The range of words that can take these forms has increased significantly. This partly reflects the desire of language for greater accuracy and specificity of statements. This is especially noticeable in special language(for example, acclimatization of fish). Another group of words that actively take plural forms are verbal names with the meaning of action (watering, throwing, selling, shooting). Commonly used in manufacturing, agricultural, and military activities. 3 Word formation of abstract nouns The most productive way of forming nouns with an abstract meaning is suffixal. In modern Russian literary language the most productive suffixes of this group are the following: 1) -ost (-nost), with the help of which nouns are formed (from the stems of adjectives and passive participles) with the meaning of an abstract quality, property (vigor, flexibility, sophistication, elegance, readiness); similar words are most often used in book speech, their range is expanding more and more (Russianness, newspaper character); 2) -ability (-ability), with the help of which nouns are formed (from the stems of the verb) with the meaning of the state (morbidity, resistance); words with these suffixes are especially common in book speech (for example, in scientific style); 3) -ni-e (-n-ye), -eni-e, used to form nouns (from verb stems) with the meaning of action, process (achievement, recovery, invention, structure, coupling); words of this kind are characteristic of book speech; 4) -atsi-ya (-yatsi-ya), -fikatsiya-ya, with the help of which nouns with the meaning of action are formed from the stems of the verb (militarization, agitation, heating, calculation); words with these suffixes are used in bookish styles of speech (for example, production and technical); 5) -k-a, with the help of which nouns are formed (from verb stems) with the same (see paragraph 4) meaning (pasting, filling, rejecting); 6) -i-e (-e), with the help of which nouns are formed with the meaning of attribute, property (abundance, diligence, expanse); 7) -stv-o (-estv-o), used to form nouns (from nominal stems) with the meaning of state, position, activity (authorship, chairmanship, apprenticeship); words with the complicated suffix -ianstv-o (-yanstv-o) name an ideological direction, trend (Kantianism, Voltairianism); such words are characteristic of a bookish style of speech; 8) -ism, with the help of which nouns are formed (from nominal stems), which are the names of teachings, directions, inclinations (democracy, Leninism, materialism, optimism, tourism); words with these suffixes are used mainly in book speech; 9) -ur-a, which serves in the formation of words (foreign in origin) to designate a field of activity, a branch of art, a profession (architecture, advocacy, sculpture); words of this kind are used mainly in book speech; 10) - used in the formation of words for the name of an action (installation, instruction), quantity (footage, tonnage), as well as in the formation of words with a collective meaning (cartoning); this suffix stands out mainly in words of foreign origin; for the Russian language, the most characteristic is the use of this suffix in the formation of nouns denoting the quantity of something (listazh), and such words are most often used in industrial and technical speech. Looking closely at the collection of masculine suffixes with general meaning objectivity, one cannot help but pay attention to one of their features: only a few of them combine the abstract meanings of an action, state or quality with the meaning of a specific object. Of the purely Russian suffixes, this includes the suffix -ok (with the meaning of a specific movement or act, moment of action: throw, click, etc.), of the international ones -am (doctorate, levirate, etc.) and the almost indistinguishable international suffix -t (affect, effect, contact, etc.). Most of the suffixes that form abstract words remain outside the system of the solid masculine declension. Of the Russian suffixes of concrete action, only the non-productive suffix -ot, -et (without stress) is associated with a solid masculine inflection. It is found in verbal nouns, denoting sound, noise (sometimes movement associated with some sounds): murmur, stomp, laughter, roar, babble, trembling, etc. All these words are characterized by vowel harmony. Among the borrowed suffixes, three suffixes bear a deeper imprint of abstraction: 1. A very productive suffix -ism (unproductive version -azm), forming designations of abstract concepts, names of teachings, social, political, scientific views and directions, names of actions. states, qualities, inclination towards something: Leninism, Bolshevism, Marxism, communism, optimism, idealism, Machiavellianism, gliding, tourism, racism, etc. The suffix -ism in modern language widely used in combination with Russian basics, sometimes even of a bright colloquial coloring: tailism, naplevism, etc. (cf. V. Belinsky in “Literary Dreams”: stupidism). Two more abstract suffixes are more specific, but less freely distinguished: 2. -itet (German -ität), denoting abstract or collective concepts: a) authority, priority, neutrality, cf. piety, etc.; b) generals, cf. faculty, etc. 3. Little tactile international suffix -з, -zis, denoting a process, action or state, product of an action: genesis, phylogenesis (cf. ontogenesis), thesis, diagnosis, analysis, etc. In medicine, suffixes -oz , -ez, -azis are used to designate various diseases and abnormalities: neurosis, psychosis, furunculosis, elephantiasis, etc. 4 Classification of abstract vocabulary of moral semantics Abstract vocabulary includes quite a large number of words that carry evaluative semantics. Based on the study of materials explanatory dictionaries Russian language of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. As part of the vocabulary of moral content, more than 1000 verbal units were identified, reflecting categories of morality, different in thematic, grammatical, stylistic characteristics, as well as in origin. As the analysis showed, from the point of view of thematic relevance in the vocabulary of moral content, the following main groups of verbal units can be distinguished: 1) names of generalized moral concepts (morality, truth, duty, virtue, truth, good, evil, justice, etc.); d.); 2) names of a person’s moral qualities, including negative (unscrupulousness, lack of spirituality, dishonesty, cowardice, dishonesty, bad faith, etc.) and positive (selflessness, nobility, fidelity, good-naturedness, conscientiousness, compassion, honesty, etc.). 3) names of persons according to moral qualities defined in relation to other people and themselves (shameless, shameful, self-seeking, rogue, bashful, etc.), characteristics on the part of other people (sufferer, money-lover, truth-seeker, etc.), in relation to nature and society (traitor, lumpen, mankurt, traitor, sycophant, etc.). 4) names of actions reflecting moral moral qualities a person in actions, deeds, behavior (to have mercy, to submit, to sin, to act disorderly, to be ashamed, etc.). 5) names of areas of human activity in which his moral qualities are manifested (embarrassment, shaming, shaming, dishonor, defamation, etc.). 6) names of various social processes and phenomena (humanization, mankurtization, immoralism, etc.). 7) the name of human states (shame, dishonor, suffering, etc.). The thematic division of the vocabulary under study is closely related to the delimitation of verbal units by lexico-grammatical classes of words, that is, by parts of speech. IN quantitatively Russian vocabulary of moral content consists mainly of nouns (40.8%) and adjectives (34.7%), verbs make up 19.2%, and participles and gerunds make up only 3.2% of the total number of units studied. As research shows, a special group of words within the vocabulary of moral content in the Russian language consists of verbal units with positive semantics, having an initial good-, great- or good-, naming the moral and ethical properties and qualities of a person: good-naturedness, benevolence, generosity, decency, piety, generosity, kindness, etc. Most of the words in this group are traditionally associated with religious themes, which explains the peculiarities of their use, mainly in book speech. The basis of this group of words is lexical units, having the most general meaning of “moral qualities”: virtue, nobility and kindness. Conclusion The category of abstract and the process of abstraction itself are extremely important when teaching language. Observing speech, it is necessary to draw conclusions about the mechanisms that govern speech - grammatical rules, lexical-semantic relations and patterns. This kind of generalization of speech facts constitutes the process of abstraction, during which we form a holistic idea of ​​how language is structured, what are the non-random, systemic relationships between its units - phonemes, morphemes, words, syntactic constructions. Replenishment vocabulary students is a pressing problem schooling Russian language. Getting to know abstract concepts causes certain difficulties for younger students. This is due to the fact that children have more developed visual-figurative thinking. The teacher is required to be able to work to enrich children's vocabulary with abstract vocabulary. Abstract vocabulary of moral semantics is of particular importance, since its assimilation influences the formation of norms of behavior. References Sitnikova, O.V. Vocabulary of moral content in Russian: full text abstract of the dissertation [ Electronic resource] // Man and Science - library of dissertations on humanities- http://goo.gl/6G9w4F Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976. http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/lingvistic/ http://www.textologia.ru/slovari/lingvisticheskie-terminy/abstraktnaya-leksika/ ?q=486&n=279 http://www.textologia.ru/slovari/lingvisticheskie-terminy/abstraktnaya-leksika/?q=486&n=279 http://www.hi-edu.ru/e-books/xbook107/ 01/part-058.htm

Dictionary of linguistic terms

Abstract vocabulary

(lat. abstractus - remote, abstract) A set of words with an abstract meaning of quality, property, state, action. Usually this number includes only abstract nouns that have a grammatical expression of the category of abstraction (certain word-forming suffixes, the absence, as a rule, of a plural form, incompatibility with cardinal numerals). Shine. Fuss. Hardening. Studying. Industrialization. Property. Essence. Silence. Enthusiasm. In a broad sense, based only on the semantic principle, words from other parts of speech can be included in abstract vocabulary. Thus, comparing, on the one hand, the adjectives stone, round, blue, loud, sweet, fragrant, rough, etc., denoting external materialized signs perceived by one of the senses, and on the other hand, the adjectives kind, sincere, experienced, moral, smart, sad, lazy, etc. (especially adjectives formed from abstract nouns), we find in the second group words with a greater degree of abstraction, which with the specified reservation, i.e. That is, without taking into account grammatical indicators, it can be classified as abstract vocabulary. A similar distinction can be made between verbs of specific action (write, read, chop, walk, throw, etc.) and verbs expressing feelings, internal state, etc. (love, hate, have fun, be sad, hope, etc.). p.): verbs of the second group have a more pronounced abstractness ( Wed their correlation with abstract nouns love, hatred, fun, sadness, hope).

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