Nazi Cossacks. Russian Cossacks in the service of the German fascists. Cossack camp in the service of the Fuhrer

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Colleague Byakin, for you personally I am laying out the tricks of the first Goebbels cloning specialist. You can also get acquainted with why Stalin's adamant demand for the allies was the mandatory extradition of the Cossack troops. I hope that the blinkers of the communist mythologists will open a little, and you will look at the world with a wide view.

St. George's ribbons during World War II were worn only by "Cossacks who served Great Germany." Now, with the assistance of the authorities of the Luhansk region, a heroic image is being created from these people Don Cossacks, which has always faithfully served the "native fatherland".
On May 9, we celebrate the victory over the worst enemy of mankind - Nazi Germany. We honor those who, not sparing their own lives, made their contribution to this victory. But they should also know those "fighters for the fatherland" whose participation in this war is deliberately not made public.
Assisted by former secretaries of the Communist Party and the Komsomol, the current officials, in the Lugansk region, the heroic image of the Don Cossacks, which has always faithfully served the "native fatherland", is persistently created. At the same time, the service of the Donchaks of Nazi Germany during the Second World War is carefully hushed up.
And there is something to talk about. After all, numerous Cossack regiments, divisions and even corps fought as part of the Wehrmacht and the SS troops.
In the territories occupied by the Germans, Cossack police battalions operated, which had the main task of fighting the partisans. The Cossacks of these battalions often served as overseers of Red Army prisoners of war.
Under the German commandant's offices, there were Cossack hundreds who performed police tasks. The Don Cossacks had two such hundreds in the village of Luganskaya and two more in Krasnodon. The civilian population of the Lugansk region, as well as local partisans and underground fighters who resisted the Nazis, suffered many troubles from them.

On August 12, 1942, near the farm of the Pshenichny Stanichno-Lugansk region, Cossack policemen, together with the Germans, defeated a partisan detachment commanded by I.M. Yakovenko.

Cossacks with Nazi stripes

At the end of September 1942, in the city of Krasnodon in the Luhansk region, an underground youth organization "Young Guard" was created, which began the fight against the German invaders. And on October 24, 1942, a “Cossack parade” took place in Krasnodon, with which the Don Cossacks showed their devotion to the Nazi command and the German administration.
“The celebration was attended by 20 representatives of the German military command and local authorities. Mayor of Krasnodon P.A. made patriotic speeches to the Cossacks. Chernikov, the ataman of the Gundorovskaya village F.G. Vlasov, the old Cossack G. Sukhorukov and a German officer.
All the speakers were unanimous in their call to the Cossacks to establish close cooperation with the German liberators and to unite their efforts in the fight against the Soviets, Bolshevism and the Red Army troops.
After a prayer service for the health of the Cossacks and a quick victory German army A letter of greeting to Adolf Hitler was read and accepted.

Here is an excerpt from that letter:

“We, the Don Cossacks, the remnants of our compatriots who survived the Jewish-Stalinist cruel terror, fathers and grandsons, sons and brothers of those who died in a fierce struggle against the Bolsheviks and were tortured in damp basements and gloomy dungeons by the bloodthirsty executioners of Stalin, we send you, the great commander, the brilliant statesman, builder of New Europe, Liberator and friend of the Don Cossacks, your warm Don Cossack greetings!
Death to Stalin and his guardsmen! Heil Hitler! Long live Hitler! Long live our organizer and commander, Cossack General Pyotr Krasnov! For the final victory over our common enemy!
For the Quiet Don and the Don Cossacks! For the German and Allied Armies! For the leader of New Europe, Adolf Hitler - our mighty, cordial Cossack "hurrah!".
The example of the elders was followed by the "young Cossacks".
"In the newspaper" New life» No. 54 of December 20, 1942, a letter was published to Adolf Hitler, “the leader of the great German people” from the students of the village of Luganskaya: “We, students of the special agricultural school of the village of Luganskaya, send warm greetings to our Liberator Adolf Hitler.”
The continuation of the letter spoke of the obligation of the students of this school "to become as cultured as the German people."
From December 1942 near Krasnodon, in the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky Rostov region, the Cossack escort hundred under the German commandant's office was commanded by T.N.
This Cossack unit was created at the end of July 1942. It included many people from the Gundorovskaya village (now the city of Donetsk, Rostov region).
“Cossacks of the escort Cossack hundreds took part in the protection railway, carried patrol service, combed the forest on the left bank of the Seversky Donets in search of escaped Soviet prisoners of war. In January-February 1943, these same Cossacks scoured the village of Gundorovskaya and farms in search of underground members from the defeated Krasnodon Young Guard.
“... In July 1942, one of the artillery regiments of the Red Army entered the Uryv forest in the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsk to hide from the Messers during the day. A resident of the Uryvsky farm, a future policeman, betrayed Soviet artillerymen to the Germans.
The Germans, pitying the manpower of their troops, deployed guns and a tank in the direction of the forest and began to methodically fire at the Red Army men lurking in the forest. It was not a battle, but the complete destruction of all life in this forest.
This story is very similar to the history of Erokhinskaya gully in the same area and in the same period - July 1942; the same betrayal of a Cossack policeman from the Erokhin farm. There, the Germans placed guns and mortars on a hillock and began to methodically destroy all living things that were in the area of ​​​​the beam. Then a light tank went to the beam area and machine guns fired at the Red Army soldiers fleeing across the field.
There were many German collaborators among the Kuban, Terek, Ural, Siberian, Astrakhan and other Cossacks - but in all the Cossack formations that served Nazi Germany, the overwhelming majority of the soldiers were precisely the Don Cossacks.
Collaborationism among the Don Cossacks was massive.

Cossacks at the banner in the colors of the Don Cossack army. 1942

“Initially, on the right chest, all Cossacks wore emblems specially designed for the “warriors from the East” in the form of a swastika-kolovrat inscribed in a rhombus with horizontal “wings”, but since 1943 they switched to wearing a standard Wehrmacht eagle with a swastika-kolovrat in its claws.
The Cossacks of the 5th Don cavalry regiment of I.N. Kononov wore on their headdresses a silver “dead head” (from German “Totenkopf”) of the so-called “Prussian type” - a symbol of fidelity to the grave.
The Cossacks of the guard squadrons on the sleeves of their uniforms and overcoats below the elbow had St. George's black and orange chevrons "corners" with the point up.
The formation of the Cossack units was carried out under the leadership of the head of the Main Directorate of the Cossack Troops of the Imperial Ministry of the Eastern Occupied Territories of Germany, Wehrmacht General Pyotr Nikolaevich Krasnov.
According to the oath he had drawn up, the Cossacks, like himself, swore allegiance to the "Führer of the German people, Adolf Hitler." And here are some statements by P.N. Krasnova:
“Hello, Fuhrer, in Great Germany, and we are Cossacks on quiet Don. Cossacks! Remember, you are not Russians, you are Cossacks, an independent people. Russians are hostile to you.
Moscow has always been an enemy of the Cossacks, crushed and exploited them. Now the time has come when we, the Cossacks, can create our own life independent of Moscow.
Russians must be locked up in the framework of the old Moscow principality, from where the advance of Moscow imperialism began. God help the German arms and Hitler!
On March 30, 1944, the Main Directorate of the Cossack Troops was transferred from the Imperial Ministry of the Eastern Occupied Territories of Germany to the Main Directorate of the SS of the Third Reich.

Monument to General Krasnov in the village of Yelanskaya, Rostov Region. 2010

For the information of the reading public, I propose one of the orders of P.N. Krasnov, which he sent around Berlin. On June 20, 1944, this "Cossack-general" wrote:
“Major Miller sent me a telegram dated June 19th and informed me that the Marching Ataman, Colonel Pavlov, in a battle with partisans west of Gorodishche, on June 17th, died a heroic death.
Colonel Pavlov from the very first days of the connection of the Don Cossacks with the German army for the common struggle against the Bolsheviks, from the summer of 1942, that is, for two years, courageously and valiantly, all the while waging continuous battles with the enemies of the Cossacks, created Cossack units, raised and trained them. His death is an irreparable loss for the Cossacks and for his native Don Host.
I grieve with my native Donets over the grave of the fallen hero great war with the Bolsheviks, I am proud that the Army had him in its ranks in such difficult fighting times. To his widow, Feona Andreevna Pavlova, I offer my deepest condolences for the loss that has befallen her. Let there be consolation to her and her daughter that their husband and father died such an honorable, real Cossack death.
For the feats accomplished during the long campaign in the battles of the Cossacks, led by the Marching ataman Pavlov, I posthumously promote him to major general, which is to be included in his track record.
As noted by P.N. Krasnov, the Cossacks began extensive cooperation with the Nazis in the summer of 1942, but several Cossack units appeared in the German army as early as 1941:
“The 102nd volunteer Cossack unit of I.N. Kononov at the headquarters of the commander of the rear area of ​​the Army Group Center, the Cossack reconnaissance battalion of the 14th tank corps, the Cossack reconnaissance squadron of the 4th security scooter regiment, the Cossack reconnaissance and sabotage detachment of the reconnaissance Abwehr command NBO".
On August 22, 1941, the commander of the 436th regiment of the 155th rifle division of the Red Army, I.N. Kononov. Together with him, a large group of fighters and commanders of this regiment went over to the Germans. Immediately after that, Kononov suggested that they create a volunteer Cossack unit to fight against the Red Army.
Having received the consent of the German command for this, he formed it already before October 28, 1941, at number 102, consisting of two cavalry squadrons, two squadrons of scooters, one horse-drawn cannon platoon and one anti-tank gun platoon. This military unit began the creation of the 5th Don Cossack Cavalry Regiment.
“When, in mid-October 1941, units of the 14th German tank corps approached the Mius River, behind the front line, in the rear of the Red Army, a battle was already underway. Being sure that the battle was being fought by German airborne units or motorized units, somehow surrounded, the tankers rushed to the rescue.
Imagine their surprise when they discovered that the "German paratroopers" who attacked the defensive orders Soviet army from the rear, there was a Cossack hundred under the command of a hereditary Don Cossack - Senior Lieutenant Nikolai Nazarenko. In mid-October, this group was sent as a marching battalion to the Mius River, where it took up a position in the rear of the Soviet 9th Army.
The detachment itself by that time was a rather impressive force, in Taganrog all its fighters were fully equipped with small arms and a sufficient amount of ammunition, as well as food and medicine. In addition, upon arrival at the place, 5 artillery pieces were attached to the detachment as a reinforcement.
Having waited for an opportune moment, Nazarenko decided to "stab in the back" to the Soviet units and break through towards the advancing German tank units.
Unfortunately for the Cossacks, a few hours before the attack, a regrouping of troops was carried out, and several Soviet regiments at once found themselves in the rear of the rebel detachment. Having taken the “volunteers” into the ring, they began to methodically destroy them, but here the long-awaited help from the German side arrived in time, saving a detachment of Cossack collaborators.
In German documents, the Nazarenko detachment was listed as "Cossack reconnaissance battalion of the 14th tank corps of the Wehrmacht." All Cossacks received German uniforms and small arms from the warehouse. Their only difference from German soldiers there were large white armbands with a black letter “K” sewn on them, and Nazarenko had a blue-red cockade of the Don army on a German officer's cap.

“... In November 1941, the Cossacks of the village of Sinyavskaya, when the German troops approached, killed the local authorities, took away all the available weapons and went to the Donskie plavni, where they waited for the arrival of the German troops.
Turning to the liberators with a speech, they asked to assist them in creating a Cossack hundred. The Germans granted their request and provided the Cossacks with horses and weapons.
Soon, the Soviet troops launched a counterattack and threw the enemy back to Taganrog. The Cossacks retreated along with their new allies, and already under official name: Cossack reconnaissance squadron of the 4th security scooter regiment of the Wehrmacht.
In addition, at the end of 1941, other Cossack units were created as part of the German army:
"444th Cossack Hundred as part of the 444th Security Division, 1st Cossack Hundred as part of the 1st Army Corps of the 18th Army, 2nd Cossack Hundred as part of the 2nd Army Corps of the 16th Army, 38- I am a Cossack Hundred as part of the 38th Army Corps of the 18th Army, the 50th Cossack Hundred as part of the 50th Army Corps of the 18th Army.
And in May 1942, one Cossack hundred was created in all army corps of the 17th field army of the Wehrmacht and two Cossack hundreds - at the headquarters of this army.
In the summer of 1942, the cooperation of the Cossacks with the Nazis acquired a different quality. Since then, not Cossack hundreds, but Cossack regiments and divisions were created as part of the troops of the Third Reich.
The modern Russian government and its lackeys in Ukraine mercilessly stigmatize German collaborators all over the world, but never mention Russian Cossack collaborators.
In Moscow, near the Church of All Saints, a memorial plate was erected to P.N. The inscription on this plate is stunning: "To the Cossacks who fell for their faith and Fatherland."

For faith, fatherland and Fuhrer

In the village of Elanskaya, Sholokhov district, Rostov region, you can see a monument to General P.N. Krasnov. In addition to this, in Luhansk, on the street named after Karl Marx, there is a memorial sign on which is written: "Cossack who gave his life for the Fatherland." The inscription is almost the same as in Moscow. Are we talking about the tsarist gendarmes, White Guards and German servants? Yes, they were the Don Cossacks, these uninvited aliens in Lugansk!
At times Russian Empire the city of Lugansk was part of the Yekaterinoslav province, and the village of Luganskaya belonged to the Don Cossack Region. However, they are located almost nearby - two dozen kilometers from each other.
Cursing before royal authority, Don residents repeatedly came to Luhansk to suppress strikes and riots among the workers of the city. In May 1919, the Don Cossacks, as part of Denikin's White Guard army, broke into Lugansk, breaking the resistance of its defenders.
Now Oboronnaya Street stretches from the center of the city of Lugansk to Ostraya Mohyla in its southern suburbs. The street got its name in honor of the defenders of the city, who then resisted Denikin's army.
The fighting at Ostraya Mogila lasted from April 21 to April 30, 1919. A majestic monument to the defenders of the city was built there in 1919. Lugansk once again saw the Don Cossacks when in January 1943 they, as part of the troops of "Great Germany", fled west from the Red Army.
On the outskirts of the city and, in particular, on the Sharp Grave, this flight was then covered by the military units of the Third Reich - the liberators of the Don Cossacks. In the battles for Lugansk against the Red Army, the Don Cossacks "did not particularly distinguish themselves", but soon made up for it on the Mius Front.
If only one of the mentioned Lugansk officials and numerous local "fighters against fascism" were outraged by this. “Everything is silent in all languages, for it prospers!” They also have no desire to build monuments to the soldiers of the Red Army and civilians who died on the territory of the Luhansk region at the hands of the soldiers of the Cossack formations of Nazi Germany.
This is how, in early 1943, the Don Cossacks fought "for the fatherland" a hundred kilometers east of Lugansk, in the neighboring Rostov region.
"Cossacks of the 1st Sinegorsky regiment of military foreman Zhuravlev in January 1943, together with German troops held defenses on the right bank of the Seversky Donets River.
Here, at the Yasinovsky farm, a separate hundred under the command of the centurion Rykovsky, who managed to throw the Soviet troops that had broken through back across the river, in one of the counterattacks, especially distinguished themselves.

Flag of the 1st Sinegorsk Cossack Regiment. Photo:

The last Red Army men running back were cut down by a cavalry platoon of Cossacks right in the Donets. Out of 800 people, less than two dozen survived. During the reorganization of the Cossack formations, the military foreman Rykovsky was entrusted with the regiment. There is evidence that he also taught a lesson to the red "Cossacks" of the 5th Corps - recruited and dressed in Cossack uniforms, katsaps of the Voronezh, Tambov and Rostov regions.
Note that the 5th Cavalry Corps of the Red Army had the name "Don Cossack".
In February 1943, the one hundred and twelfth Bashkir Cavalry Division (later the 16th Guards Bashkir Cavalry Division) of the Red Army participated in a campaign in the rear of the Nazi troops to the junction railway station of Debaltsevo.
As a result, the movement of German trains to the railway lines connecting Debaltseve with the stations Nikitovka, Alchevsk and Petrovenki was stopped. The Nazis then suffered many losses in manpower and military equipment.
The division moved to break through from the enemy rear on February 23, 1943. During a fierce battle near the village of Yulin (between the village of Petrovsky and Shterovka in the Luhansk region), the commander of this division, General M. M. Shaymuratov, was seriously wounded and captured.
“He was captured by the Germans and the Don Cossacks, who were in the service of the invaders. They dragged the general into one of the huts, drove the owners out. Instead of showing generosity to a wounded enemy, as required by the rules and customs of war, these people began a bloody orgy, gouging out his eyes with a bayonet, carving epaulettes on his shoulders, and a “star” on his back.
The mutilated body was buried by captured cavalrymen, among whom was the adjutant of the divisional commander - in the presence of the hostess of the house, they buried the stables under the wall.
Residents of the Luhansk region are well aware that from February to August 1943, the Red Army fought fierce battles on the Mius Front.
But few residents of Lugansk know that here, as part of the 29th Corps of the 6th Army of the Wehrmacht, the “Cossack grouping of the 1st Don Cossack Regiment named after Ataman M.I. Platov, the 17th Don Cossack Plastunsky Regiment T.G. .Budarina, Separate Cossack cavalry regiment of Shvedov, 6th Semigorievsky Cossack plastunsky regiment, Shakhty Cossack battalion of the city police.
There were about eight thousand Cossacks in these units. For more than six months, they stubbornly destroyed the fighters of the army of their "native fatherland" here. As part of other German units the I/454th, II/454th, III/454th, IV/454th and 403rd “Cossack divisions” also fought on the Mius Front.
The battles near Rostov-on-Don are described in the memoirs “Don, Kuban and Terek in World War II” by another “Cossack veteran” - P. N. Donskov.
“In the battle near Bataysk in early February 1943, with the support of the aircraft of the German military aviation Luftwaffe, the Cossacks stopped the tank raid of the Reds by anti-tank artillery, Cossack infantry, cavalry (including the mounted Cossack police), a detachment of Cossack fighter-tank ov, armed with “anti-tank fists (grenade launchers -“ panzerfausts ”, also known in Russian-language literature as“ faustpatrons ”) and bottles with flammable liquid.
The defense of the city of Novocherkassk was also stubborn. The Cossacks managed to defeat the advanced units of the 2nd Guards Army of the Reds and capture 360 ​​prisoners, which surprised the worldly German officers a lot.
During the retreat of the Germans in 1943, hundreds of thousands of Cossacks and members of their families, that is, "traitors to the Motherland", moved along with the army of "Great Germany". Among these traitors were 135,850 Don Cossacks. From the territory of the Lugansk region and the local stud farms, they drove to the west great amount horses and cattle.
The Cossacks then fled from the Red Army in two ways. The first route ran along the northern coast of the Sea of ​​Azov, and the second - from the Taman Peninsula through the Kerch Strait to the Crimea.
In the south of Ukraine and in the Crimea, from among these Nazi henchmen, the Germans then formed the “Consolidated Cossack cavalry division of the field police“ Von Schulenburg ”and the Cossack plastun brigade of the field police of General Dukhopelnikov.
During the Second World War, the soldiers of the German army were "engaged" by the field gendarmerie. On the other hand, the field police were responsible for observing the occupation regime, and when the Germans retreated, they turned the front line into the "Scorched Earth Zone".

Warsaw, August 1944. Nazi collaborators suppress Polish uprising. In the center is Major Ivan Frolov, along with other officers. The soldier on the right, judging by the patch, belongs to the Russian Liberation Army (ROA) of General Vlasov. Photo:

The field police brigade was not the first Cossack formation that the Nazis created in the Crimea. Back in December 1941, in the town of Tavel, Simferopol region, they formed a "Cossack reconnaissance and sabotage detachment of the reconnaissance Abwehr command of the NBO (from German "Nahrichtenbeobachter")."
The detachment was subordinate to the commander of the German naval forces of the southeastern basin, specialized in naval intelligence in the Black and Azov seas, sabotage against the North Caucasian and 3rd Ukrainian fronts and the fight against Soviet partisans.
This Cossack unit was located in Simferopol until October 1943. In February 1942, one of the squadrons of the "Cossack cavalry regiment "Jungshults" was created in the city of Simferopol. Finally, in August of the same 1942, from the Don and Kuban Cossacks of the Simferopol prisoner-of-war camp, the Germans formed the “1st Andreevskaya Hundred Cossack Regiment special purpose Abvergroups-201".
This hundred was commanded by a German - Lieutenant Hirsch. It was used for reconnaissance of the near rear Soviet troops. Separate Cossacks were sent to the Soviet tya with sabotage and reconnaissance missions. Apparently, the modern "Crimean Cossacks" are the heirs of these scum, because they had no other predecessors in the Crimea.
The total number of Cossacks who fought on the side of the Third Reich in 1941-1945 reached one hundred thousand. These "fighters for the fatherland" fought together with the Nazis against the Red Army until last days war. They left a trail of blood behind them from Stalingrad to Poland, Austria and Yugoslavia.
The Luhansk officials did not publish the above historical information. They show great awareness of those German collaborators who fought thousands of kilometers from the Luhansk region, but they know nothing and do not want to know about Hitler's Cossack collaborators in local and neighboring territories.
A few words about St. George ribbons”, which are now clinging in honor of the victory over Nazi Germany in the Second World War.

Not a single soldier of the Red Army during the war received any award or distinction under the name "Georgievskaya":
St. George's crosses, award weapons and chevrons were then received by the Cossacks who served in the "Great Germany".

Every year on May 9 in the Luhansk region and, in particular, in Ostra Mogila, in Krasnodon and on the Mius Front, during the celebrations and celebrations on the occasion of Victory Day, the authorities say: "We honor our history and will not allow anyone ...".
In a place of honor they usually have Don Cossacks with "George" "awards". Only portraits of Krasnov, Pavlov, Domanov, Kononov and other leaders of the Don Cossacks are missing. “But the brethren are silent to themselves, wide-eyed! Let, he says, maybe that's how it should be. And obediently, too, everywhere clings to "St. George's ribbons."

), the First Cossack Cavalry Division of the Wehrmacht / SS (German: Kosaken-Kavallerie-Division).

KRASNOV P.N. (Brigadier Fuhrer fascist troops SS) - Cavalier of the Order of St. George 4th degree and Golden St. George weapons with St. George ribbons, general of the Russian Imperial Army, ataman of the All-Great Don Army (unrecognized state on the Don). Born in St. Petersburg, from the nobility of the Don Cossacks. During the Great Patriotic War By decree of the head of the SS Reichsführer P.N. KRASNOV was appointed head of the Main Directorate of the Cossack Troops of the Imperial Ministry of the Eastern Occupied Territories of the Third Reich. In May 1945, he and 2,400 Cossack officers were transferred from the British command to the Soviet command. By the decision of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the country, P.N. KRASNOV together with A.G. SHKURO, T.N. DOMANOV, Sultan-Girey Klych, S.N. P.N. Krasnov was sentenced to hanging and executed by decision of the Collegium of the Supreme Court of the country in 1947 - for treason. Nationalist and monarchist organizations in Russia and abroad have repeatedly requested the rehabilitation of these and other Russian traitors who fought against the USSR on the side of Hitler. In 1997, P. N. KRASNOV, A. G. SHKURO, SULTAN-GIREY KLYCH, S. N. KRASNOV, and T. I. Domanov were recognized as not subject to rehabilitation.

SS Brigadenfuehrer Krasnov P.N.and Gruppen-Fuhrer SS Pannwitz (shot by court order, not subject to rehabilitation)

KRASNOV S.N.(Brigadier Fuhrer fascist troops SS) - Krasnov's brother P.N., who was hanged together with his traitor brother. His sonMiguel KRASNOV - Brigadier General of Pinochet's intelligence in Chile during the reign of the Pinochet junta - convicted by a Chilean court on charges of involvement in crimes against humanity from 1973 to 1989.

SHKURO A.G. - Cavalier of the Golden St. George's weapon and the Cross of Salvation of the Kuban 1st degree with the St. George ribbon, commander of the Cossack Kuban corps during the Civil War in Russia, lieutenant general. In 1944, SHKURO, by a special decree of the head of the SS Reichsführer HIMMLER, was appointed head of the Reserve of Cossack troops at the Main Headquarters of the SS troops, enlisted as a Gruppenfuehrer (German Gruppenfuhrer ) SS with the right to wear a general's uniform and receive maintenance for this rank. The head of the Gestapo Müller had the same rank in the SS. Shkuro was sentenced to hanging and executed by decision of the Board of the Supreme Court of the country in 1947 - for treason, together with KRASNOV, PANNVITZ, DOMANOV.

Helmut von Pannwitz (Gruppen Fuhrer of the fascist SS troops) cavalryman, participant of the First and Second World Wars, Supreme Marching Ataman of the Cossack Camp, SS Gruppenführer, Lieutenant General of the SS troops. Knight John. Although he was not Knight of St. George, but was the closest associate of Krasnov, Shkuro and a prominent leader of the Russian Cossacks in the service of Hitler. Examples of activities are as follows.In the course of repulsing the Soviet offensive in the North Caucasus in the winter of 1942-1943, the “von Pannwitz Combat Group”, which included mounted and foot Cossack units, a tank detachment, a Romanian cavalry brigade, a Romanian battery of motorized heavy artillery, separate rear and transport units and several anti-aircraft guns destroyed the 61st Soviet division that broke through the front, then the 81st Soviet cavalry division and the Soviet rifle division (under Pimen Cherny / Nebykov). In March 1943, in the town of Milau, Pannwitz led the 1st Cossack Cavalry Division, formed from the Cossack regiments of von Renteln, von Jungshultz, von Bezelager, Yaroslav Kotulinsky, Ivan Kononov, 1st Sinegorsky Atamansky and so on. The division since October 1943 participated in the battles in Croatia against the communist partisans of Tito. In connection with the reassignment of the corps to the command of the SS troops, on February 1, 1945, he received the rank of SS Gruppenführer and Lieutenant General of the SS troops. The Cossack division was deployed in the XV Cossack Cavalry Corps of the SS, which on April 20, 1945 was reassigned to the KONR. In 1945, he was unanimously elected by the All-Cossack Circle in Virovititsa as the Supreme Marching Ataman of the "Cossack camp". He perceived his election as a great responsibility and the highest honor - since 1835, the title of Supreme Ataman of the Cossack Troops was borne by the Heir to the Russian Imperial Throne (thus, Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich was the immediate predecessor in this post of Helmut von Pannwitz). pannwitzsentenced to hanging and executed by decision of the Board of the Supreme Court of the country in 1947, along with KRASNOV and other Russian Nazis.

Domanov T. I. - Cavalier of St. George's Crosses of the 1st degree, 2nd degree, 3rd degree, 4th degree with St. George's ribbons. Centurion of the White Army. He was left as an agent of the NKVD in the territory occupied by the Nazis, but voluntarily went over to the Nazis - as a lieutenant of the Don Cossacks. Major-General of the Nazi Wehrmacht, field ataman of the Cossack camp of the Main Directorate of Cossack Troops under the Ministry of the Occupied Eastern Territories of the Third Reich. He especially distinguished himself with punitive operations against partisans in the Zaporozhye region and in Belarus. Formed, for example, 2 Cossack regiments (about 3 thousand people) to fight the partisans. Sentenced to hanging and executed by decision of the Board of the Supreme Court of the country in 1947 - for treason, together with KRASNOV, SHKURO, PANNVITZ.

SEVASTYANOV A.N. (Major General of the Nazi Wehrmacht) - Cavalier of the St. George Cross of the 4th degree with the St. George ribbon. Brigade commander of the Red Army, and then changed his oath and became a major general of the ROA. In June 1943, he participated in the construction of defensive structures for German troops in the Oryol and Bryansk regions, organized the evacuation of the families of the leaders of the 29th RONA assault brigade. In 1945 he was Deputy Commander of Personnel of the Armed Forces of the KONR. For treason to the Motherland Sevastyanov A.N. sentenced to hanging and executed by decision of the Board of the Supreme Court of the country in 1947.

SEMENOV G.M. - Cavalier of the Order of St. George 4th class. and the Golden Weapon "For Courage" with St. George's Ribbons. Supreme Commander of the Far Eastern Army during the Civil War, Lieutenant General. He awarded the Cross of the Special Manchurian Detachment with the St. George Ribbon. In 1945, he announced his subordination to the Armed Forces of the KONR, General Vlasov. In 1946 he was sentenced to death penalty through hanging with confiscation of property - as "an enemy of the Soviet people and an active accomplice of the Japanese aggressors."

Shteifon B.A. (Lieutenant General of the Nazi Wehrmacht) - Cavalier of St. George's weapons, commander of the Russian Corps, lieutenant general. Major General (08.1920). Major General of the Wehrmacht (10.1941). Graduated from Chuguevskoe military school(1902) and the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff (1911). Participant Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905: Lieutenant of the 124th Voronezh Infantry Regiment. Member of the First World War: in the Caucasian army, a member of the campaign against Erzrum; awarded the St. George weapon for reconnaissance operations near Erzrum. In the White Movement: Chief of Staff of the 3rd Infantry Division; commander of the Belozersky and Arkhangelsk regiments; Chief of Staff of the Poltava Detachment, General Bredov N.E. Member of the Bredovsky campaign and breakthrough to Poland as part of the Russian Volunteer Army of General Bredov (about 6000 bayonets); 12.1919-02.1920. Interned in Poland, 02-07.1920. He returned with part of the army of General Bredov from Poland to the Crimea, to the Russian army of General Wrangel; 08.1920. Promoted to major general. General in the headquarters of General Wrangel, 09-11.1920. Evacuated from Crimea to Gallipoli (Turkey) 11.1920. Head of the Gallipoli camp. In exile: Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, France, Germany. Worked in ROVS; 1921 - 12/12/1926. Engaged in journalism and literature. During the Second World War, he collaborated with the German troops, opposing the USSR. Chief of Staff of the Russian Guard Corps in Yugoslavia (Serbia), 10.1941. Commander of the Russian Corps, 10.1941-30.04.1945. He died suddenly in Zagreb (Croatia) on 04/30/1945 (according to another version, he was killed). He was buried in the city of Kranj (Yugoslavia, Serbia), buried at the German military cemetery at his request. Under his command, the corps fought against the Yugoslav partisans of Tito, and then with the regular units of the Red Army after it entered the Balkans at the end of 1944. He demanded that the German command be transferred to the Eastern Front, but he was refused. STEIFON Born in Kharkov. Father, shop foreman, from baptized Jews, later became a merchant of the 3rd guild. Mother is the daughter of a deacon. In 2010, in Kharkov, in the Orthodox Church of St. Alexandra The Moscow Patriarchate, with the blessing of Metropolitan Nikodim of Kharkov and Bogodukhovsky, was installed for the ranks of the Drozdov division, members of the Kharkov underground center "Colonel B.A. Shteyfon" (!?). AT tsarist Russia to join many educational establishments one had to be an "Orthodox Christian", so the Jews were forced to accept Christianity and even marry the daughters of deacons.

TURKUL A.V. (Major General of the Nazi Wehrmacht) - Knight of the Order of St. George 4th degree, Golden Weapon "For Courage", St. George's Cross 3rd degree, St. George's Cross 4th degree with St. George ribbons. In 1941-1943, Turkul tried to restore the activities of the RNSUV (Russian National Union of War Veterans). He collaborated with the German authorities, in 1945 he was the head of the department for the formation of parts of the ROA and the commander of a volunteer brigade in Austria. After 1945 in Germany, chairman of the Committee of Russian defectors. He died in 1957 in exile in Munich.

The most smiling in the photo SS Gruppenführer Shkuro (shot by court order, not subject to rehabilitation)

Some more holders of the St. George awards.

  • Colonel of the ROA KROMIADI, head of the personal office of Lieutenant General Vlasov, died in exile in 1990.
  • Chief of the Propaganda Department of the KONR Air Force Headquarters, Major ALBOV, died in exile in 1989.
  • Camping Ataman of the Terek Cossack Army, Colonel KULAKOV - "tortured by the Chekists" in Austria in 1945
  • Commander of the 3rd Regiment of the Russian Corps of the ROA of the General Staff, Major General GONTAREV, was awarded the Order of St. George, 4th class. He died in 1977 in exile in Austria.
  • Chief of Staff of the 1st Aviation Regiment of the KONR Air Force, Major SHEBALIN - died in exile in 1964.
  • Commander of the 1st Cossack Regiment of the Russian Corps of the ROA, Major General ZBOROVSKY, awarded the St. George weapon. He died in a military hospital on October 9, 1944 in Graz (Austria) from wounds received in battle with the "red gangs".
  • Colonel GALUSHKIN, commander of the 1st battalion of the 5th regiment of the Russian Corps of the ROA, was awarded the St. George weapon, died in exile in 1964.
  • Doctor of the 1st Regiment of the Russian Corps GOLUBEYEV, was awarded the St. George Cross of the 4th degree in November 1941 for having received two wounds under fire from Serbian partisans but continued to bandage the wounded.
  • The commander of the 3rd battalion of the 5th regiment of the Russian Corps of the ROA, Major General IVANOV, was awarded the St. George weapon. He died on May 11, 1972 in exile in Venezuela.
  • Chief sergeant major of the 2nd company of the 3rd regiment of the Russian Corps of the ROA Colonel LYUBOMIROV, awarded the order St. George 4th class He died on September 9, 1972 in exile in France.
  • Fighter of the 3rd regiment of the Russian Corps ROA cornet MIKHAILOVSKY. During the 1st Civil War, he was awarded two St. George's Crosses. He died on May 17, 1964 in exile.
  • The commander of the artillery platoon of the 3rd regiment of the Russian Corps of the ROA, Colonel MURZIN, was awarded the St. George weapon. He died on 12/16/1978 in exile.
  • The company commander of the 4th regiment of the Russian Corps of the ROA, lieutenant colonel NEVZOROV, was awarded the St. George weapon. Died 04/30/1978 in Australia.
  • Colonel NESTERENKO, commander of the 9th company of the 2nd regiment of the Russian Corps of the ROA, was awarded the St. George weapon. Killed while working at a mine in Argentina on February 28, 1952.
  • Commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 2nd Regiment of the Russian Corps of the ROA, Major General SKVORTSOV, was awarded the St. George weapon. He died on April 19, 1967 in exile.
  • Commander of the Russian Corps, Major General SKORODUMOV, awarded the Order of St. George 4th class. He died on 11/15/1963 in exile.
  • Junior officer of the 6th hundred of the 1st Cossack regiment of the Russian Corps of the ROA, Major General STARITSKY, was awarded the St. George weapon. He died on May 16, 1975 in emigration.
  • Commander of the 3rd Battalion of the 1st Regiment of the Russian Corps of the ROA, Major General CHEREPOV, awarded the Order of St. George 4th Art. and George arms. He died on February 15, 1964 in exile.
  • The commander of the PAK company (anti-tank guns) of the Russian Corps of the ROA, Colonel SHATILOV, was awarded the St. George weapon, died on 03/20/1972 in exile.
  • Junker of the 4th machine-gun platoon of the 1st cadet company of the 1st regiment of the Russian Corps ROA SHAUB, in December 1941 was seriously wounded in the lung during the defense of the Stolitse mine in Serbia, awarded the St. George Cross of the 4th degree, lived in Switzerland.
  • The commander of the 1st battalion of the 1st regiment of the Russian Corps of the ROA of the General Staff, Captain SHELL, was awarded the St. George weapon, died in 1963 in West Germany.
  • Commander of the 10th company of the 2nd regiment of the Russian Corps of the ROA, Colonel YAKUBOVSKY. Awarded with the St. George weapon. He died on January 23, 1974 in exile.
  • Fighter of the 6th hundred of the 1st Cossack regiment of the Russian Corps ROA GOLOSHCHAPOV, awarded the St. George weapon and the Order of St. George 4th class, died in 1963 in exile in Brazil. By the way, now it is clear why Gubarev, sending visitors from Russia to their death, addresses them: "Fighters! ...".

Hitler's Reichsminister Goebbels awards Don Cossacks for their valiant service in the SS(1944)

Modern metamorphoses of the St. George Ribbon are displayed on many sites Russian Federation, where the memory of the true winners of the Great Patriotic War is still preserved. It should be noted that without the help of the United States, Great Britain and other fighters against fascism in Europe there would have been no Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The so-called “Banderites” were actually never citizens of the USSR and fought for the creation of a free Ukraine, for the opportunity to go to church, against collectivization, against the communists, against drinking vodka in “glasses”, etc. They were right, and 1991 proved it. No one will live in the Soviet Union anymore and no one wants to live in the same country as Putin and Zhirinovsky (Eidelstein).

Unlike the "Bandera", the holders of the St. George's regalia betrayed their homeland to Russia in the most difficult hour of mortal trials for her during the Great Patriotic War. Modern media" St. George ribbons"are the blood relatives and spiritual heirs of the traitors of Russia during the Great Patriotic War, the elderly participants lowered by themGreat Patriotic War, and deceived by them young people who do not know history. Most of this entire audience are blood relatives of traitors.

After the Second World War, Germany repeatedly admitted its mistakes, the Kremlin never, but always tries to teach morality to all near and far neighbors again. Because the leaders of the Russian Federation are outcasts among leaders who turn their country and people into outcasts among countries and peoples. All external and internal propaganda of the Russian Federation is aimed at quarreling "everyone with everyone and everyone with everyone."

The St. George ribbon has nothing to do with the winners of the Great Patriotic War, the awards of the USSR and the soldiers of the Red Army (Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army) and the Soviet Army , for she was attached to the Order of St. George, which was officially awarded in the Russian Empire, in the hated Soviet people royal army.

In 1917-1924, the rebel soldiers and sailors killed tens of thousands of White Guard officers for their boorish attitude towards the people. This award has been revived only in Putin's Russia in recent years.

In our Soviet Army and in the army of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, they were awarded the Order of Glory and the medal "For the Capture of Berlin" on which there was a Guards Ribbon, with orders and medals being the main ones, and the ribbons on them had no special symbolic meaning 60 years after the Victory, until Zhirinovsky (Eidelstein) and Putin did not triumph in the Russian Federation.

Gitsevich L.A. has been playing the role of “son of the regiment” and “war hero” in the center of Moscow every May 9 for many years recent years and collect the maximum number of "classes" in "Odnoklassniki", "Vkontaktik" and "My World".

The revival of the Cossacks - one of the Russian service classes - is exactly the same cultural props as the revival of the merchants, the nobility or the "imperial family". It is funny as long as it is harmless, and it is harmless only until the current “Cossacks” (definitely non-registered ones) start playing “those”, real ones. The registered ones have at least a mandate for certain actions on behalf of the state, the non-registered ones have more legitimacy than calling the "eschniks" ( employees of department "E" - the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for combating extremism.Ed.), No. Therefore, when they take up whips (and this is a cold weapon, even wearing which is an administrative offense, and using it is a criminal one), they cease to be mummers, but become socially dangerous subjects like “titushki” (the term comes from the name of the Kyiv athlete Vadim Titushko and his comrades, contracted to disperse the student Maidan). A crime, of course, is the Cossack "flogging", no matter whether with the consent and approval of the flogged or not.

The state mandate to the registered Cossacks changed over time. Historically, the Cossack mandate is the right to protect the borders and colonize the border lands of the Empire. In the era of the territorial expansion of Russia, they were charged with duties and purely conquistador functions - reconnaissance, robbery and annexation of new lands: Ermak Timofeevich and Yerofey Pavlovich are the loudest names here.

And by 1904-1905, when the imperialist trend was blown away, and the lid rattled in the country under the pressure of the revolutionary masses, there was a fundamental change in the functionality of the Cossacks. Since then, the Cossacks have worked out their privileges, becoming an authorized tool, or rather, an instrument for suppressing mass popular unrest and dispersing demonstrations. Before the revolution, the Cossacks were not noticed in the Jewish pogroms, unless, of course, one counts front-line excesses during the First World War, when the warring Cossacks suddenly found themselves in the very thickness of the Pale of Settlement and in the thick of the area inhabited by Austro-Hungarian Jews 1 . And even in the days of Kaledin and Shkuro, they did not disdain pogroms: “Lubo!”

It is not surprising that during the revolution and the Civil War, the majority of the Cossacks maintained their traditional loyalty to the tsar-father. It is also not surprising that the Soviet government, having won, took away all the privileges and freedoms from them and proceeded to decossackization, that is, the dismantling of the estate. It was the Cossacks - not all, but all those from the villages listed on the "black boards" - that became almost the first in Soviet history deported contingent. The delights of dispossession sung by Sholokhov are only a rose on the cake, but not the cake itself.

The most interesting knot is the Cossacks during World War II.

The military pragmatists of the Third Reich quickly saw in the Cossacks their natural fifth column. And cynical ideologists willingly spread tales about the fact that the Cossacks are the descendants of the Ostrogoths, that is, good Aryan people. Cossack chieftains from among the emigrants only smiled at this, twisted their mustaches, but did not argue or be impudent: they knew that among those who once wrote to the Turkish sultan there were anyone, even Jews!

Unlike the amusing, in essence, Vlasov ROA, which never outgrew the scale of the propaganda experiment 2 , the Germans trusted the Cossacks much more, clearly specializing them in what they always liked - in the role of punishers.

Actually, there were not one, but several large and combat collaborating Cossack formations. And not all consisted of traitors and traitors to the oath.

The first Cossack combat unit in time was the “Russian Security Corps” (“Russian Security Corps Serbia”) under the command of Major General M.F. Starodubov, and later A.B. Steyfon - created in September 1941. Created from Russian Cossack emigrants in the Balkans, diluted with Soviet prisoners of war from the camps. The personnel - about 17.5 thousand bayonets and about 5000 more Cossacks and Cossacks.

They were not allowed on the Eastern Front, they spent the entire war in Croatia and Slovenia, fighting Tito's partisan army. At the end of April 1945, after the sudden death of Shteifon, Terek Cossack and Colonel Anatoly Ivanovich Rogozhin (1883-1972) became the corps commander. He withdrew the corps from Slovenia to Carinthia and managed to prove to the British the inexpediency and illegality of issuing the corps to the USSR (he did not operate with ridiculous categories of humanism). The corps was stationed at Kellerberg near Klagenfurt, the capital of Carinthia.

A more complex genesis in the 15th Cossack Corps under the command of General Helmut von Pannwitz. He absorbed several scattered and small Cossack units operating in different theaters of hostilities - from the Soviet Cossack regiment of Major I.N. Kononov, August 22, 1941, almost in in full force(only some commissars refused) who defected to the Germans in the operational zone "Mitte", to the Cossack battalion "Feodosia", whose chief at one time was exactly von Pannwitz. On the basis of his former regiment and prisoners of war from the dulags of the Mitte operational zone, Kononov gathered about 3,000 people in a year, brought together in the 600th regiment of the Don Cossacks (later the 600th Don Cossack battalion). And only in April 1943, the battalion was included in the 1st Cossack division under the command of Pannwitz, which was formed from March to October 1943 in the Polish town of Mlawa.

Starting in October 1943, the division took part in the hostilities in Croatia against units of the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia and against the local population who supported the partisans. Her cruelty and sadism knew no bounds. On November 4, 1944, the division was reassigned to the command of the SS troops. And at the end of December, she fiercely - and successfully - fought directly with units of the Red Army near the Croatian city of Virovitica. The Cossack division under the command of Pannwitz was deployed to the 15th SS Cossack Cavalry Corps. At the end of March 1945, Pannwitz was unanimously elected by the All-Cossack circle in Virovititsa as the Supreme Camp Ataman of the "Cossack camp". By the end of the war, a corps of more than 20 thousand people held the front against the Yugoslav and Bulgarian units on the southern bank of the Drava. To avoid capture, Pannwitz withdrew his corps to the British occupation zone in Carinthia, in the city of Volkersmarkt, where on May 10-12 he surrendered to the British and disarmed.

The Wehrmacht reached the actual Cossack lands in the USSR - the Lower Don - in the second year of the war - in the summer of 1942. And immediately began to form the Cossack units. In October 1942, at the Cossack meeting in Novocherkassk - the historical capital of the Don Army Region - the Don Army itself was revived and its headquarters was elected. Sergey Vasilyevich Pavlov (1896-1944), a modest engineer at a locomotive plant in Novocherkassk and a former colonel in the tsarist army, becomes an ataman.

The functionality of the Nazi Cossacks is traditional - not combat, but punitive. Until death, they love and are accustomed to the circle of patronized victims - partisans, Bolsheviks, Jews. They were going to serve "at home" - on the Don and in the Caucasus, but did not happen. The Red Army, without asking, launched a counteroffensive, it would not have been possible to come to an agreement with it. So the Cossacks, along with their families, had to withdraw from their homes. They reached Kirovograd, where other Cossacks from all over occupied Russia began to flock, mainly from dulags for Soviet prisoners of war. In January 1843, an 18,000-strong Cossack camp was formed - a cross between the Wild Division and a nomadic gypsy camp.

Pavlov became its first marching ataman. On March 31, 1944, under the leadership of the legendary Pyotr Krasnov, the Main Directorate of the Cossack Troops was created under the Ministry of the Eastern Occupied Territories of Rosenberg. A few months before his strange, "by misunderstanding", death on June 17, Pavlov was his deputy. Colonel Timofei Domanov was elected (more precisely, appointed by Krasnov) as a marching ataman.

In March 1944, Stan was relocated from Kirovograd to the Sandomierz region, from there - in June - to the Novogrudok region west of Minsk, in July - to the Bialystok region, and in August - to Warsaw. Tasks? The liquidation of Polish and Belarusian partisans and the harsh suppression of the Warsaw Uprising. For thousands of killed and captured insurgents, it rained on the Cossacks from the Iron Crosses, and Domanov, their marching ataman, who personally did not participate in the actions, received from those who participated, a box with jewelry 3 .

In July 1944, the Cossacks were transferred to the southern front for Berlin - to northeastern Italy, in the vicinity of Tolmezzo (Karnia-Friuli region) - to fight the Italian partisans. Nearby "settled" and several thousand Caucasians from the Turkic division (mainly Adyghes, Karachays and Ossetians; their commander was Prince-General Klych Sultan-Girey - an old emigrant, one of the commanders of the Wild Division and Wrangel's associates).

The Cossacks liked it here, they felt Karnia as their new homeland and even renamed it Cossackia; villages and towns were named villages and also renamed in their own way - in general, they felt and behaved at home, since there were three times more Cossacks than unarmed local residents.

Here, in Cossackia, they learned about changes in their status. In February 1945, they were withdrawn from the Wehrmacht and reassigned to SS 4. In April, the Cossack camp itself was reorganized, becoming a separate Cossack corps under the command of a marching ataman, Major General Domanov 5 . And at the end of April, another command authority was added - General Vlasov (the emigrant Cossack head did not like Vlasov himself and his ROA).

However, the thoughts of the ataman were completely different: it became dangerous to stay in Cossackia - the partisans became impudent, and the rumor about the fate of Mussolini had probably already reached Tolmezzo. Only the allies had to surrender: but the Americans are far away, but the British are close - beyond the pass, in the Tyrol and Carinthia liberated and controlled by them.

And on May 2, the 35,000-strong camp, or corps, withdrew from its place and, in eight days, relocated with all its belongings and horses to the picturesque environs of Lienz in East Tyrol. The capitulation of the Third Reich found them on the descent into the Drava valley, along which the camp entered Lienz and camped in the places indicated by the British. The Caucasians of Sultan-Girey again “settled” side by side, but in somewhat smaller numbers: many of them, not succumbing to the landscape charm, immediately fled. On the same day, May 10, they were joined by a reserve Cossack regiment of 1,400 bayonets from another legendary Cossack general, Andrei Shkuro.

And on May 11, the British arrived and seized weapons, including whips. And events began to roll to their climax, namely, to the extradition of the Cossacks by the British Soviet authorities at the junction of May and June 1945 - from East Tyrol and Carinthia (the British zone of occupation of Austria) to the "Soviet" Styria.

St. George's ribbons during World War II were worn only by "Cossacks who served Great Germany." Now, with the assistance of the authorities of the Luhansk region, a heroic image of the Don Cossacks is being created from these people, who have always faithfully served their “native fatherland”.

On May 9, we celebrate the victory over the worst enemy of mankind - Nazi Germany. We honor those who, not sparing their own lives, made their contribution to this victory. But they should also know those "fighters for the fatherland" whose participation in this war is deliberately not made public.

With the assistance of the former secretaries of the Communist Party and the Komsomol, the current officials, the heroic image of the Don Cossacks, which has always faithfully served the "native fatherland", is being persistently created in the Lugansk region. At the same time, the service of the Donchaks of Nazi Germany during the Second World War is carefully hushed up.

And there is something to talk about. After all, numerous Cossack regiments, divisions and even corps fought as part of the Wehrmacht and the SS troops.

In the territories occupied by the Germans, Cossack police battalions operated, which had the main task of fighting the partisans. The Cossacks of these battalions often served as overseers of Red Army prisoners of war.

Under the German commandant's offices, there were Cossack hundreds who performed police tasks. The Don Cossacks had two such hundreds in the village of Luganskaya and two more in Krasnodon. The civilian population of the Lugansk region, as well as local partisans and underground fighters who resisted the Nazis, suffered many troubles from them.

On August 12, 1942, near the farm of the Pshenichny Stanichno-Lugansk region, Cossack policemen, together with the Germans, defeated a partisan detachment commanded by I.M. Yakovenko.

At the end of September 1942, in the city of Krasnodon in the Luhansk region, an underground youth organization "Young Guard" was created, which began the fight against the German invaders. And on October 24, 1942, a “Cossack parade” took place in Krasnodon, with which the Don Cossacks showed their devotion to the Nazi command and the German administration.

“The celebration was attended by 20 representatives of the German military command and local authorities. Mayor of Krasnodon P.A. made patriotic speeches to the Cossacks. Chernikov, the ataman of the Gundorovskaya village F.G. Vlasov, the old Cossack G. Sukhorukov and a German officer.

All the speakers were unanimous in their call to the Cossacks to establish close cooperation with the German liberators and to unite their efforts in the fight against the Soviets, Bolshevism and the Red Army troops.

After a prayer service for the health of the Cossacks and the speedy victory of the German army, a letter of greeting to Adolf Hitler was read and accepted.

Here is an excerpt from that letter:

“We, the Don Cossacks, the remnants of our compatriots who survived the Jewish-Stalinist cruel terror, fathers and grandchildren, sons and brothers who died in a fierce struggle against the Bolsheviks and were tortured in damp cellars and gloomy dungeons by Stalin’s bloodthirsty executioners, we send you, the great commander, the brilliant State to the figure, the builder of New Europe, the Liberator and friend of the Don Cossacks, your warm Don Cossack greetings!

Death to Stalin and his guardsmen! Heil Hitler! Long live Hitler! Long live our organizer and commander, Cossack General Pyotr Krasnov! For the final victory over our common enemy!

For the Quiet Don and the Don Cossacks! For the German and Allied Armies! For the leader of New Europe, Adolf Hitler - our mighty, cordial Cossack "hurrah!".

The example of the elders was followed by the "young Cossacks".

“In the newspaper Novaya Zhizn, No. 54, dated December 20, 1942, a letter was published to Adolf Hitler, “the leader of the great German people” from the students of the village of Luganskaya: “We, students of the special agricultural school of the village of Luganskaya, send warm greetings to our Liberator Adolf Hitler.”

The continuation of the letter spoke of the obligation of the students of this school "to become as cultured as the German people."

From December 1942, near Krasnodon, in the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov Region, the Cossack convoy hundred under the German commandant's office was commanded by T.N. .

This Cossack unit was created at the end of July 1942. It included many people from the Gundorovskaya village (now the city of Donetsk, Rostov region).

“Cossacks of the escort Cossack hundred took part in the protection of the railway, carried out sentinel service, combed the forest on the left bank of the Seversky Donets in search of escaped Soviet prisoners of war. In January-February 1943, these same Cossacks scoured the village of Gundorovskaya and farms in search of underground members from the defeated Krasnodon Young Guard.

“... In July 1942, one of the artillery regiments of the Red Army entered the Uryv forest in the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsk to hide from the Messers during the day. A resident of the Uryvsky farm, a future policeman, betrayed Soviet artillerymen to the Germans.

The Germans, pitying the manpower of their troops, turned their guns and tanks towards the forest and began to methodically fire at the Red Army men lurking in the forest. It was not a battle, but the complete destruction of all life in this forest.

This story is very similar to the history of Erokhinskaya gully in the same area and in the same period - July 1942; the same betrayal of a Cossack policeman from the Erokhin farm. There, the Germans placed guns and mortars on a hillock and began to methodically destroy all living things that were in the area of ​​​​the beam. Then light tanks went to the area of ​​​​the beam and machine guns fired at the Red Army soldiers fleeing across the field.

There were many German collaborators among the Kuban, Terek, Ural, Siberian, Astrakhan and other Cossacks - but in all the Cossack formations that served Nazi Germany, the overwhelming majority of the soldiers were precisely the Don Cossacks.

Collaborationism among the Don Cossacks was massive.

“Initially, on the right chest, all Cossacks wore emblems specially designed for the “warriors from the East” in the form of a swastika-kolovrat inscribed in a rhombus with horizontal “wings”, but since 1943 they switched to wearing a standard Wehrmacht eagle with a swastika-kolovrat in its claws.

The Cossacks of the 5th Don cavalry regiment of I.N. Kononov wore on their headdresses a silver “dead head” (from German “Totenkopf”) of the so-called “Prussian type” - a symbol of fidelity to the grave.

The Cossacks of the guard squadrons on the sleeves of their uniforms and overcoats below the elbow had St. George's black and orange chevrons "corners" with the point up.

The formation of the Cossack units was carried out under the leadership of the head of the Main Directorate of the Cossack Troops of the Imperial Ministry of the Eastern Occupied Territories of Germany, Wehrmacht General Pyotr Nikolaevich Krasnov.

According to the oath he had drawn up, the Cossacks, like himself, swore allegiance to the "Führer of the German people, Adolf Hitler." And here are some statements by P.N. Krasnova:

“Hello, Fuhrer, in Great Germany, and we are Cossacks on the quiet Don. Cossacks! Remember, you are not Russians, you are Cossacks, an independent people. Russians are hostile to you.

Moscow has always been an enemy of the Cossacks, crushed and exploited them. Now the time has come when we, the Cossacks, can create our own life independent of Moscow.

Russians must be locked up in the framework of the old Moscow principality, from where the advance of Moscow imperialism began. God help the German arms and Hitler!

On March 30, 1944, the Main Directorate of the Cossack Troops was transferred from the Imperial Ministry of the Eastern Occupied Territories of Germany to the Main Directorate of the SS of the Third Reich.

For the information of the reading public, I propose one of the orders of P.N. Krasnov, which he sent around Berlin. On June 20, 1944, this "Cossack-general" wrote:

"Major Miller by telegram from 19th This June, he informed me that the Camping Ataman, Colonel Pavlov, in a battle with partisans west of Gorodishche, 17th this June, died a heroic death.

Colonel Pavlov from the very first days of the connection of the Don Cossacks with the German army for a common struggle against the Bolsheviks, from the summer 1942 years, that is, for two years, courageously and valiantly, all the time waging continuous battles with the enemies of the Cossacks, created Cossack units, educated and trained them. His death is an irreparable loss for the Cossacks and for his native Don Host.

I grieve with my native Donets over the grave of the fallen hero of the great war with the Bolsheviks, I am proud that the Army had him in its ranks in such difficult fighting times. To his widow, Feona Andreevna Pavlova, I offer my deepest condolences for the loss that has befallen her. Let there be consolation to her and her daughter that their husband and father died such an honorable, real Cossack death.

For the feats accomplished during the long campaign in the battles of the Cossacks, led by the Marching ataman Pavlov, I posthumously promote him to major general, which is to be included in his track record.

As noted by P.N. Krasnov, the Cossacks began extensive cooperation with the Nazis in the summer of 1942, but several Cossack units appeared in the German army as early as 1941:

"102nd volunteer Cossack unit of I.N. Kononov at the headquarters of the commander of the rear area of ​​the Army Group Center, Cossack reconnaissance battalion 14th tank corps, Cossack reconnaissance squadron 4th security scooter regiment, Cossack reconnaissance and sabotage detachment of the reconnaissance Abwehr command of the NBO.

On August 22, 1941, the commander of the 436th regiment of the 155th rifle division of the Red Army, I.N. Kononov. Together with him, a large group of fighters and commanders of this regiment went over to the Germans. Immediately after that, Kononov suggested that they create a volunteer Cossack unit to fight against the Red Army.

Having received the consent of the German command for this, he formed it already before October 28, 1941, at number 102, consisting of two cavalry squadrons, two squadrons of scooters, one horse-drawn cannon platoon and one anti-tank gun platoon. This military unit began the creation of the 5th Don Cossack Cavalry Regiment.

“When, in mid-October 1941, units of the 14th German Panzer Corps approached the Mius River, behind the front line, in the rear of the Red Army, a battle was already underway. Being sure that the battle was being fought by German airborne units or motorized units, somehow surrounded, the tankers rushed to the rescue.

Imagine their surprise when they discovered that the “German paratroopers” who attacked the defensive orders of the Soviet army from the rear turned out to be a Cossack hundred under the command of a hereditary Don Cossack, Senior Lieutenant Nikolai Nazarenko. In mid-October, this group was sent as a marching battalion to the Mius River, where it took up a position in the rear of the Soviet 9th Army.

The detachment itself by that time was a rather impressive force, in Taganrog all its fighters were fully equipped with small arms and a sufficient amount of ammunition, as well as food and medicine. In addition, upon arrival at the place, 5 artillery pieces were attached to the detachment as a reinforcement.

Having waited for an opportune moment, Nazarenko decided to "stab in the back" to the Soviet units and break through to meet the advancing german tank new parts.

Unfortunately for the Cossacks, a few hours before the attack, a regrouping of troops was carried out, and several Soviet regiments at once found themselves in the rear of the rebel detachment. Having taken the “volunteers” into the ring, they began to methodically destroy them, but here the long-awaited help from the German side arrived in time, saving a detachment of Cossack collaborators.

In German documents, Nazarenko's detachment was listed as "Cossack reconnaissance battalion of the 14th tank corps of the Wehrmacht." All Cossacks received German uniforms and small arms from the warehouse. Their only difference from the German soldiers was large white armbands with a black letter “K” sewn on them, while Nazarenko had a blue-red cockade of the Don army on a German officer's cap.

“... In November 1941, the Cossacks of the village of Sinyavskaya, when the German troops approached, killed the local authorities, took away all the available weapons and went to the Donskie plavni, where they waited for the arrival of the German troops.
Turning to the liberators with a speech, they asked to assist them in creating a Cossack hundred. The Germans granted their request and provided the Cossacks with horses and weapons.

Soon, the Soviet troops launched a counterattack and threw the enemy back to Taganrog. The Cossacks retreated along with their new allies, and already under the official name: Cossack reconnaissance squadron 4th security scooter regiment of the Wehrmacht.

In addition, at the end of 1941, other Cossack units were created as part of the German army:

"444th Cossack Hundred as part of the 444th Security Division, 1st Cossack Hundred as part of the 1st Army Corps of the 18th Army, 2nd Cossack Hundred as part of the 2nd Army Corps of the 16th Army, 38- I am a Cossack Hundred as part of the 38th Army Corps of the 18th Army, the 50th Cossack Hundred as part of the 50th Army Corps of the 18th Army.

And in May 1942, one Cossack hundred was created in all army corps of the 17th field army of the Wehrmacht and two Cossack hundreds - at the headquarters of this army.

In the summer of 1942, the cooperation of the Cossacks with the Nazis acquired a different quality. Since then, not Cossack hundreds, but Cossack regiments and divisions were created as part of the troops of the Third Reich.

The modern Russian government and its lackeys in Ukraine mercilessly stigmatize German collaborators all over the world, but never mention Russian Cossack collaborators.

In Moscow, near the Church of All Saints, a memorial plate was erected to P.N. The inscription on this plate is stunning: "To the Cossacks who fell for their faith and Fatherland."

In the village of Elanskaya, Sholokhov district, Rostov region, you can see a monument to General P.N. Krasnov. In addition to this, in Luhansk, on the street named after Karl Marx, there is a memorial sign on which is written: "Cossack who gave his life for the Fatherland." The inscription is almost the same as in Moscow. Are we talking about the tsarist gendarmes, White Guards and German servants? Yes, they were the Don Cossacks, these uninvited aliens in Lugansk!

During the Russian Empire, the city of Lugansk was part of the Yekaterinoslav province, and the village of Luganskaya belonged to the Don Cossack Region. However, they are located almost nearby - two dozen kilometers from each other.

To curry favor with the tsarist authorities, the Don people repeatedly came to Lugansk to suppress strikes and unrest among the workers of the city. In May 1919, the Don Cossacks, as part of Denikin's White Guard army, broke into Lugansk, breaking the resistance of its defenders.

Now Oboronnaya Street stretches from the center of the city of Lugansk to Ostraya Mohyla in its southern suburbs. The street got its name in honor of the defenders of the city, who then resisted Denikin's army.

The fighting at Ostraya Mogila lasted from April 21 to April 30, 1919. A majestic monument to the defenders of the city was built there in 1919. Lugansk once again saw the Don Cossacks when in January 1943 they, as part of the troops of "Great Germany", fled west from the Red Army.

On the outskirts of the city and, in particular, on the Sharp Grave, this flight was then covered by the military units of the Third Reich - the liberators of the Don Cossacks. In the battles for Lugansk against the Red Army, the Don Cossacks "did not particularly distinguish themselves", but soon made up for it on the Mius Front.

If only one of the mentioned Lugansk officials and numerous local "fighters against fascism" were outraged by this. “Everything is silent in all languages, for it prospers!” They also have no desire to build monuments to the soldiers of the Red Army and civilians who died on the territory of the Luhansk region at the hands of the soldiers of the Cossack formations of Nazi Germany.

This is how, in early 1943, the Don Cossacks fought "for the fatherland" a hundred kilometers east of Lugansk, in the neighboring Rostov region.

“The Cossacks of the 1st Sinegorsk regiment of the military foreman Zhuravlev in January 1943, together with the German troops, held the defense on the right bank of the Seversky Donets River.

Here, at the Yasinovsky farm, a separate hundred under the command of the centurion Rykovsky, who managed to throw the Soviet troops that had broken through back across the river, in one of the counterattacks, especially distinguished themselves.

Flag 1st Sinegorsk Cossack regiment. Photo:

The last Red Army men running back were cut down by a cavalry platoon of Cossacks right in the Donets. Out of 800 people, less than two dozen survived. During the reorganization of the Cossack formations, the military foreman Rykovsky was entrusted with the regiment. There is evidence that he also taught a lesson to the red "Cossacks" of the 5th Corps - recruited and dressed in Cossack uniforms, katsaps of the Voronezh, Tambov and Rostov regions.

Note that the 5th Cavalry Corps of the Red Army had the name "Don Cossack".

In February 1943, the one hundred and twelfth Bashkir Cavalry Division (later the 16th Guards Bashkir Cavalry Division) of the Red Army participated in a campaign in the rear of the Nazi troops to the junction railway station of Debaltsevo.

As a result, the movement of German trains to the railway lines connecting Debaltseve with the stations Nikitovka, Alchevsk and Petrovenki was stopped. The Nazis then suffered many losses in manpower and military equipment.

The division moved to break through from the enemy rear on February 23, 1943. During a fierce battle near the village of Yulin (between the village of Petrovsky and Shterovka in the Luhansk region), the commander of this division, General M. M. Shaymuratov, was seriously wounded and captured.

“He was captured by the Germans and the Don Cossacks, who were in the service of the invaders. They dragged the general into one of the huts, drove the owners out. Instead of showing generosity to a wounded enemy, as required by the rules and customs of war, these people began a bloody orgy, gouging out his eyes with a bayonet, carving epaulettes on his shoulders, and a “star” on his back.
The mutilated body was buried by captured cavalrymen, among whom was the adjutant of the divisional commander - in the presence of the hostess of the house, they buried the stables under the wall.

Residents of the Luhansk region are well aware that from February to August 1943, the Red Army fought fierce battles on the Mius Front.

But few residents of Lugansk know that here, as part of the 29th Corps of the 6th Army of the Wehrmacht, the “Cossack grouping of the 1st Don Cossack Regiment named after Ataman M.I. Platov, the 17th Don Cossack Plastunsky Regiment T.G. .Budarina, Separate Cossack cavalry regiment of Shvedov, 6th Semigorievsky Cossack plastunsky regiment, Shakhty Cossack battalion of the city police.

There were about eight thousand Cossacks in these units. For more than six months, they stubbornly destroyed the fighters of the army of their "native fatherland" here. As part of other German units, the I / 454th, II / 454th, III / 454th, IV / 454th and 403rd “Cossack divisions” also fought on the Mius Front.

The battles near Rostov-on-Don are described in the memoirs “Don, Kuban and Terek in World War II” by another “Cossack veteran” - P. N. Donskov.

“In the battle near Bataysk in early February 1943, with the support of the aircraft of the German military aviation Luftwaffe, the Cossacks stopped the tank raid of the Reds by anti-tank artillery, Cossack infantry, cavalry (including mounted Cossack police), a detachment of Cossack tank fighters, armed “anti-tank fists (grenade launchers -“ panzerfausts ”, also known in Russian-language literature as“ faustpatrons ”) and bottles with flammable liquid.

The defense of the city of Novocherkassk was also stubborn. The Cossacks managed to defeat the advanced units 2nd Guards Army of the Reds and capture 360 ​​prisoners, which surprised the worldly-wise German officers a lot.

During the retreat of the Germans in 1943, hundreds of thousands of Cossacks and members of their families, that is, "traitors to the Motherland", moved along with the army of "Great Germany". Among these traitors were 135,850 Don Cossacks. From the territory of the Luhansk region and the local stud farms, they drove a huge number of horses and cattle to the west.

The Cossacks then fled from the Red Army in two ways. The first route ran along the northern coast of the Sea of ​​Azov, and the second - from the Taman Peninsula through the Kerch Strait to the Crimea.

In the south of Ukraine and in the Crimea, from among these Nazi henchmen, the Germans then formed the “Consolidated Cossack cavalry division of the field police“ Von Schulenburg ”and the Cossack plastun brigade of the field police of General Dukhopelnikov.

During the Second World War, the soldiers of the German army were "engaged" by the field gendarmerie. On the other hand, the field police were responsible for observing the occupation regime, and when the Germans retreated, they turned the front line into the "Scorched Earth Zone".

Warsaw, August 1944. Nazi collaborators put down the Polish uprising. In the center is Major Ivan Frolov, along with other officers. The soldier on the right, judging by the patch, belongs to the Russian Liberation Army (ROA) of General Vlasov. Photo:

The field police brigade was not the first Cossack formation that the Nazis created in the Crimea. Back in December 1941, in the town of Tavel, Simferopol region, they formed a "Cossack reconnaissance and sabotage detachment of the reconnaissance Abwehr command of the NBO (from German "Nahrichtenbeobachter")."

The detachment was subordinate to the commander of the German naval forces of the southeastern basin, specialized in naval intelligence in the Black and Azov seas, sabotage against the North Caucasian and 3rd Ukrainian fronts and the fight against Soviet partisans.

This Cossack unit was located in Simferopol until October 1943. In February 1942, one of the squadrons of the "Cossack cavalry regiment "Jungshults" was created in the city of Simferopol. Finally, in August of the same 1942, from the Don and Kuban Cossacks of the Simferopol POW camp, the Germans formed the “1st Andreevskaya Hundred of the Cossack Special Purpose Regiment of the Abvergroup-201”.

This hundred was commanded by a German - Lieutenant Hirsch. It was used in reconnaissance of the near rear of the Soviet troops. Separate Cossacks were sent to the Soviet tya with sabotage and reconnaissance missions. Apparently, the modern "Crimean Cossacks" are the heirs of these scum, because they had no other predecessors in the Crimea.

The total number of Cossacks who fought on the side of the Third Reich in 1941-1945 reached one hundred thousand. These "fighters for the fatherland" fought alongside the Nazis against the Red Army until the last days of the war. They left a trail of blood behind them from Stalingrad to Poland, Austria and Yugoslavia.

The Luhansk officials did not publish the above historical information. They show great awareness of those German collaborators who fought thousands of kilometers from the Luhansk region, but they know nothing and do not want to know about Hitler's Cossack collaborators in local and neighboring territories.

A few words about the "St. George's ribbons" that are now clinging in honor of the victory over Nazi Germany in World War II.

Not a single soldier of the Red Army during the war received any award or distinction under the name "Georgievskaya":

St. George's crosses, award weapons and chevrons were then received by the Cossacks who served in the "Great Germany".

Every year on May 9 in the Luhansk region and, in particular, in Ostra Mohyla, in Krasnodon and on the Mius Front, during celebrations and celebrations on the occasion of Victory Day, the authorities say: "We honor our history and will not allow anyone ...".

Betrayal, serving the Nazis during the war years is a delicate topic. The authorities have been speculating and are speculating in the most vile way, for their vile political purposes. When in the eighties the Crimean Tatars began to demand rehabilitation and return to the Crimean land, TASS immediately spread an article through all channels and newspapers that the Crimean Tatars fought on the side of Hitler, our children were burned in ovens; As soon as the Ukrainian issue escalated, they immediately remembered the SS division "Galicia", etc. And only about the Cossacks who served Hitler - not a word!

Moreover, with the advent of glasnost, the Nazi Cossacks began to be portrayed as fighters against Bolshevism and victims of the Red Terror.

In 2002, I was struck by an interview by an Izvestia correspondent with Chilean general Miguel Krasnov, who was convicted in Chile for mass crimes during the Pinochet era. (Miguel Krasnov is the son of General Semyon Krasnov and the great-nephew of Ataman Peter Krasnov). The reporter asked:

- Mr. General, you are aware of the events of 1945 in Lienz, when Great Britain handed over officers of the White Guard Cossack army to the NKVD. What is your attitude to those tragic days?

Miguel Krasnov replied:

- I consider this the most heinous crime ... Collusion between the allies is a real tragedy. Hundreds of thousands who once fled from the Red Terror were handed over by the British to Stalin. Among the tortured are my second cousin, Ataman Pyotr Nikolaevich Krasnov, my father, General Semyon Nikolaevich Krasnov, and all members of the top Cossack leadership.

Tell me, gentlemen, journalists, how much can you deceive people?! This tale about the extradition of the Cossacks by the West, who "fled from the Red Terror", has been walking through the pages of the press for a year now. Great Britain “gave the NKVD” not officers of the White Guard Cossack army, but the Nazi Cossack army. Many of them met the Nazis as their own when the Don and Kuban occupied the German armies and fought near Stalingrad on the side of Hitler, and then left with the Nazis from Soviet Union, and Hitler settled them in the south of Austria - the north of Italy ...

The Krasnovs and others were not "tortured", but shot and hanged as Hitler's accomplices. Yes, the UK acted legally dubious. Probably, she should have dealt with the fascist Cossacks in the same way as with other Nazi prisoners of war. But to deceive readers, to pass off fascist minions as White Guards, “victims of the Red Terror,” is even more outrageous. For some reason, none of the journalists says or writes that since the beginning of the attack Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union, the leadership of the Cossack troops abroad fully supported fascism and went over to the service of Hitler. The Main Directorate of the Cossack troops of the Wehrmacht was created under the leadership of Krasnov and Shkuro.

The trust between the Nazis and the Cossacks was so great that the Cossacks were excluded from the “racial theory”, they were recognized not as Slavs, and even more so not Russians, but as distant descendants of some ancient Germanic tribe. And because the Cossacks were accepted into the SS (Russians were not accepted into the SS, and Ukrainians - since 1944, when the SS division "Galicia" was created). Moreover, the Nazi Cossacks, as “descendants of the Aryans,” were allowed to create their own state and allocated land for it in the occupied territory of Belarus.

At first, I thought that Izvestia simply did not know about this. But at the end of the interview, “Izvestia’s Help” was cited, that is, something that claims almost absolute objectivity. And there it is written in black and white about Semyon Krasnov: “Since 1944 - the chief of staff of the Main Directorate of the Cossack troops who fought on the side of Germany ... Has not yet been rehabilitated.”

What does it mean? Is it time to rehabilitate Hitler's generals in Russia?

Then I wrote a few lines and sent them to Izvestia. The newspaper had a heading "Feedback", which published readers' responses to Izvestinsky materials. Called a week later. I was told that my letter had been printed (I don't know in what form), but in a regional issue. That is, away from Moscow, from the metropolitan scandal and metropolitan public opinion? So they understand what they've done? And cowardly hiding?

Then I took the note to the Literary Gazette. They did not refuse to refuse, but they did not print it either. Before I had time to survive the news from Izvestia and the affront of Litgazeta, the phrase flashed in Novaya Gazeta: “The British government after the war extradited more than twenty thousand Cossacks who fought against Stalin (emphasis added by me - S.B.)” So, in the Great Patriotic War, my father and millions of the living and the dead fought for Stalin? Is that how it works? By logic?

It remains only to call the Nazi Cossacks fighters against the totalitarian Stalinist regime.

And finally, the almighty television had its say. In the year of the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the news program “Vesti” of the Russian state television, a five-minute (!) report “Cossacks remember the tragedy of Lienz” appeared. It starts like this: “ Little known pages victorious 1945 - the victims, which were silent both in the USSR and in the West ... The British promised not to extradite the Cossacks to the NKVD, but they did not keep their promises. Few managed to survive. Today a prayer service was served in Lienz.”

In a huge report - not a single word about the fact that these Cossacks fought on the side of Hitler. But there are many prayers, the words “emigrants”, “white officers”, “issued by the NKVD”, etc. are repeated all the time. It ends like this: “In total, 50,000 Cossacks were detained and transferred to the Soviet zone of occupation by the Allied forces on the territory of Austria. Among them were the white generals Krasnov and Shkuro.”

Once again I repeat: in this particular case, Krasnov and Shkuro are not “white generals”, but “Hitler generals”. There is a difference. For example, Anton Ivanovich Denikin was and remains a white general, who categorically refused any kind of cooperation with Hitler.

And I can't figure out what's going on. They say: one case is just a case, two cases is a coincidence, but three cases is already a pattern. But these are the three cases that only I noticed. And surely there were others...

What does the press want? Silence the fact that these Cossacks fought on the side of Hitler? But then it is necessary to be silent deafly-deeply. At all. Because the slightest mention will cause a response from people who know something. And if the press is not silent, then the only conclusion left for me is that the press wants to rehabilitate the Nazis ...

Moreover, resorting to the most vile forgery and fraud, calling the Nazis White Guards.

I repeat: I cannot understand this. But a fact is a fact.

As I already said, not a single newspaper in Russia published this note of mine. She came out in Los Angeles, in the Russian weekly "Panorama" under the title "Do not forget about the swastika." Retired Colonel Yuri Ukraintsev from California responded to it with an article “Time and Chaos” (Panorama, No. 31, 2005), which puzzled me.

To begin with, I will quote from Ukraintsev’s speech: “In it, he (that is, in my note. - S.B.) writes about the fate of the Cossacks in Nazi Germany ... I think that the role of the Cossacks in World War II is a continuation of that tragic fate which they got as a result of the revolution in Russia”.

But I did not write “about the fate of the Cossacks in Nazi Germany” and not “about the role of the Cossacks in World War II”!

I wrote that the Russian press gives out the Cossacks-Nazis for the Cossacks-White Guards, “victims of the Red Terror”. About all the others who fought on the side of Hitler, one way or another they say: about the Russian liberation army of Vlasov, and about the Ukrainian division "Galicia", about Caucasians, Crimean Tatars…. And as soon as it comes to the extradition of the Cossacks-Nazis by the British authorities in Lienz, a shadow is immediately thrown over the fence: “Red Terror”, “White Generals Krasnov and Shkuro”, etc.

That is, I wrote about FALSE in the Russian press.

Willingly or involuntarily, but the same happens with Ukraintsev. He devoted a significant part of his article to the tragedy of the White movement and concluded the article with the phrase: “So we must understand and forgive the White generals and ordinary Cossacks!”

First, here, too, the replacement of the Nazis by the Whites. And secondly, after reading this, a person who is not familiar with my note may think that I called for revenge on white generals and ordinary white Cossacks. I hope that Yury Ukraintsev did it by accident...

The following passage is noteworthy, in which Y. Ukraintsev describes the retreat of the traitorous Nazi Cossacks after the defeat of the Wehrmacht troops near Stalingrad in the spring of 1943: “Thousands of columns of Cossacks with their families reached for the Crimea. ... Young Cossacks in cloaks and astrakhan hats pranced along on wagons with meager belongings next to their families. Frost gave way to thaw, mud. People endured unbearable hardships.”

It’s a pity for the Nazis… Maybe my father, in the name of humanism, should not have fought with them, but should have given them Moscow, Stalingrad and the whole country, then they wouldn’t have “suffered unbearable hardships”?!

Even more characteristic is Ukraintsev’s seemingly impeccable call for repentance and forgiveness: “Understanding, reconciliation and mutual apologies are the conditions that will help the “time” to form stability out of the modern world “chaos”. Convincing examples of Germany's repentance to the peoples who suffered from Hitlerism call for this; the address of the Bishop of Poland to the Catholics of Germany with the words: “We forgive you and we ourselves ask for forgiveness”; Spain's official apologies for the terror, the Inquisition, for the expulsion of the Jews in the 15th century.

And again here everything is randomly or not randomly mixed into one heap. To whom is an “example”? And what does “mutual apology” mean? They burned people at the stake and poisoned them in gas chambers, and we were on the other side. And here we can only talk about our forgiveness or unforgiveness.

Today's Germans, today's descendants of those who fought on the side of Hitler, are not to blame for the atrocities of their fathers and grandfathers. But those who fought THEN in the ranks of the Nazis, those who THEN ruined millions of human souls - I cannot forgive, I will not forgive and I have no right.

Nobody invited them here. They came to our land. They considered us subhuman. It was their Hitler who told them: “Moscow is not a city, and its inhabitants are not people!”

So let them hold the answer and ask for forgiveness from Him Who is more merciful than us.

Maybe He will forgive.

Monument to the SS

Attempts in one way or another to honor the memory of the OUN-Bandera in Western Ukraine, the Forest Brothers or the SS in the Baltic states cause an outburst of indignation in Russia. Both in the official authorities and in the general population. Which, accordingly, is reflected on the screens of the collective informer, propagandist and agitator - television.

But for some reason, television does not widely report on the monument to the SS men in Moscow, and the people, accordingly, are not indignant. But many people know about the monument, from various newspapers. First of all, he knows power. She was approached directly, directly. Passions around him have been boiling for ten years!

However, in order. As you know, Generals Krasnov and Shkuro during the Great Patriotic War headed the Main Directorate of the Cossack troops of the Nazi Wehrmacht. General Helmut Wilhelm von Panwitz, a regular officer of the Wehrmacht, who was born and raised in Germany, who fought against Russia back in the First World War, was also involved in them. world war. Since 1941, he commanded a shock detachment of the 45th German infantry division, and in April 1943, on the personal instructions of the Reichsführer SS Himmler, he formed the 15th Cossack Corps SS and commanded them in punitive operations against the Yugoslav partisans.

Here is his testimony given by him to the Soviet investigators and the court:

“Advancing from Brest-Litovsk to Kursk, the shock and other detachments of the 45th Infantry Division subordinate to me destroyed a number of villages and villages, destroyed Soviet cities, killed big number Soviet citizens and also robbed peaceful Soviet people….

In the winter of 1943-1944, in the Sunja-Zagreb region, on my order, 15 hostages from among the Yugoslav residents were hanged ...

At the end of 1943, in the area of ​​​​Frushka Gora, the Cossacks of the 1st Cavalry Regiment hanged 5 or 6 (I don’t remember exactly) peasants in the village. Cossacks of the 3rd, 4th and 6th cavalry regiments committed mass rape of Yugoslav women in the same area. In December 1943, similar executions and rapes took place in the area of ​​the city of Brod (Bosnia). In May 1944, in Croatia, in the area south of the city of Zagreb, the Cossacks of the 1st regiment burned one village. In June 1944, the same regiment committed mass rape of the residents of the city of Metlika. By order of the commander of the 4th cavalry regiment, lieutenant colonel of the German army Wolf, the village of Chazma, west of the city of Belovar, was burned. In the same period, that is, in the summer of 1944, the Cossacks of the cavalry regiment burned several houses in the Pozhego-Daruvar region. I also recall that in December 1944, the Cossacks of the 5th Cavalry Regiment under the command of Colonel Kononov during an operation against partisans in the area of ​​the Drava River, not far from the mountains. Virovititsa, committed massacre of the population and rape of women…”

End of quote.

On January 15-16, 1947, Krasnov, Shkuro, von Panwitz and others were declared war criminals by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR and sentenced to death by hanging.

And in 1994 in Moscow, on the territory of the Church of All Saints (near the Sokol metro station), an Orthodox memorial "Reconciliation of the peoples of Russia, Germany and other countries who fought in the 2 World civil wars". On one of the monuments of the memorial are the names of Krasnov, Shkuro, von Panwitz, Kononov and other generals and atamans who collaborated with Hitler and fought on the side of Hitler. The 15th SS Cossack Corps is not forgotten either. True, the “SS” was removed from the inscription, and it looks like this: “... to the Cossacks of the 15th cavalry corps, who fell for their faith and fatherland.”

So, it was they, the SS Cossacks, who fought "for faith and the fatherland"? What about my father then? And the whole country from small to large - for what?

Since then, some members of the public have been protesting, turning to all instances, including the prosecutor's office. Another such appeal took place in August 2005. In September, the Savelovsky inter-district prosecutor's office replied: the law does not provide for restrictions on the installation of a monument to criminals.

Does this mean that any public (religious) organization can erect a monument to the bloody maniac, rapist and murderer Chikatilo on its territory, open to free access? Or Hitler? And the reaction of the prosecutor's office will be the same: the law does not provide for restrictions on the installation of a monument to criminals ...

And here is the reaction of the church. The representative of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, commented on the situation as follows: “Every person has the right to Christian memory. I do not condone those who fought against their homeland. Although dissidents in the USSR also acted against their country. It's just a place of Christian remembrance."

I do not presume to argue with Father Vsevolod on the most subtle issues of the right to Christian memory. But on some facts - I dare. Wehrmacht General Helmut von Panwitz never "fought against his homeland" - Germany, the Third Reich. He fought, Father Vsevolod, against our Motherland. First against the Russian Empire, then against the Soviet Union. And dissidents never "acted against their country." The main, fundamental appeal of dissidents to power was this: "Observe the Constitution of the USSR!" That is, the right to freedom of speech, assembly, and the press. Including the right to freedom of religion...


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