Design research work on history. Themes of research projects on history. Battle of Borodino through the eyes of the French

Topics for research projects in history

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Russian history

    Vikings and Slavs: the history of relationships.

    Real and mythological images of ancient Russian princes.

    Heroes of Russian epics and their real prototypes.

    Princely congresses of the XII-XIII centuries. and their real meaning.

    The historical reality of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", "The Prayer of Daniel the Sharpener", "Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh" and other works of ancient Russian literature.

    The political system of the medieval republics (Novgorod, Pskov).

    The history of the Christianization of the East Slavic territories.

    The history of the canonization of princes Boris and Gleb.

    Russian medieval monastery as a landowner and intellectual center.

    International relations of Kievan Rus.

    "Vlesova book": the history of falsification.

    Problems of "feudalism" in the works of Russian historians.

    Church reform of 1666: causes and results.

    History of the Siberian Old Believers.

    History of Old Believer printing.

    The history of the Old Believer hermitage.

    History of Old Believer Entrepreneurship (dynasties of Morozov, Ryabushinsky, etc.).

    Old Believer self-immolation: myths and reality.

    Images of monarchs of the 18th century (Peter I, Catherine II, Paul I) in Russian journalism of the 19th–20th centuries, school textbooks.

    Political symbolism: crowning the kingdom, coronation celebrations, inaugurations.

    Russian social thought and the search for national identity (on the example of the works of M.M. Shcherbatov, Slavophiles and Westerners). N.I. Novikov and Russian Freemasonry.

    Russian illegal and banned editions of the 19th century

    Decembrist G.S. Batenkov and his library.

    Utopias of place in Russian folk culture(the legend of Belovodye, the city of Kitezh, "earthly paradise").

    My family tree.

    Political portrait of members " The chosen one is glad"(Sylvester, A.Adashev and others).

    Metropolitan Macarius and Ivan IV: a) the formation of the political doctrine of Ivan IV; b) characteristics of the relationship.

    Ivan Peresvetov in Russian political thought: is he typical?

    Psychological and historical portrait of Ivan the Terrible (you can also take other figures: A. Adashev, Sylvester, Metropolitan Macarius, Boris Godunov, etc.).

    Troubles: "the main characters" (characteristics of False Dmitry I and his entourage, False Dmitry II, resistance leaders: M.V. Skopin-Shuisky, P. Lyapunov, K. Minin, D. Pozharsky).

    Reasons for the split of the Russian Church in the 17th century.

    Worldview of the Old Believers.

    Personality and activities of Patriarch Nikon.

    The leaders of the Old Believers of the 17th century: Avvakum, John Neronov, deacon Fedor - personality, activity, worldview.

    Agriculture and settlement of Russians in the Tomsk district of the 17th century.

    Colonization of Siberia in the XVII-XVIII centuries.

    Raising children in the family of Alexei Mikhailovich.

    Place of the Armory in the artistic culture of Russia.

    Personal contribution of Peter I to the reforms of the first quarter of the 18th century.

    Genus of nobles Demidovs in the second half of the 18th century.

    Figures of the reign of Catherine II: A.R. Vorontsov, A.A. Bezborodko, A.G. Potemkin, A.V. Suvorov, N.A. Rumyantsev, F.F. Ushakov, N.I. Novikov.

    Russia through the eyes of M.M. Shcherbatov and A.N. Radishchev.

    Public life of a provincial city on the example of Siberian cities.

    The labor movement in Russia in the XVII-XIX centuries.

    Public organizations and self-government bodies during periods of revolutionary crises.

    Finding ways of communication.

    History of technology in Siberia.

    Regional control centers.

    Evolution of the volost government

    Alexander I as a diplomat.

    Regional governing bodies in the formation of Russia's eastern policy.

    Siberia and central Asia in historical retrospect.

    Russia and the countries of Central Asia.

    Romanovs in Everyday life.

    Raising children in the royal family.

    Everyday life royal family in the era of Alexander I (according to the memoirs and diaries of contemporaries)

    Palace and park ensembles of the Romanovs.

    Alexander I and Adam Czartoryski: the history of "friendship" through diaries and letters.

    Russia through the eyes of foreigners (XVI-XIX centuries)

    European literature and Russian society in the second quarter of the 19th century.

    Europe through the eyes of P.A. Tolstoy.

    The idea of ​​royal power in Russia and its ritual design at the end of the 15th - the first half of the 16th centuries.

    Diplomacy and foreign policy concept Russian state in the XV-XVII centuries.

    Russian policy in Transcaucasia in the first third of the 19th century. (Based on the materials of the Caucasian Archaeographic Expedition)

    Women's education in Russia.

    Charters Russian universities in the 19th century

    "Turgenev girl" or a Russian nobleman in search of a feminine ideal.

    Russian noblewoman in the 18th century. (according to memoirs, diaries and letters)

    Hunting in the life of the Russian nobility (XVIII-early XX centuries)

    "Order" and "disorder" in the ideas of the townsman and state power in the 17th century.

    Russia and Lithuania through the eyes of descendants and contemporaries.

    Party of Cadets in 1905-1907

    Program and tactics of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party.

    The Black Hundred Movement at the Beginning of the 20th Century.

    Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905

    Russian army in the First World War.

    Memoirs of S.Yu. Witte as a source for studying the political history of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

    The life of the family of Nicholas P.

    Sources on the history of Russia in the cycle of novels by A.I. Solzhenitsen "The Red Wheel".

    Russia and the Monarchy in the Works of the Great Thinker of the Russian Abroad I.A. Ilyin (1883-1954).

    Mathematical methods in history.

    Features of Russian culture.

    The personality of P.A. Stolypin in the novel by A.I. Solzhenitsen "August the fourteenth".

    "People's Monarchy" by Ivan Solonevich.

    Russian monarchy at the beginning of the 20th century.

    The social and estate structure of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

    Russian Orthodox Church at the beginning of the 20th century.

    The Kuril Islands in Russian-Japanese Relations in the 18th-20th Centuries.

    Features of the parliamentary system of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

    Eurasian concept Russian Empire.

    Civil society in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

    "Milestones" as a turn in the worldview of the Russian intelligentsia.

    Higher school in Russia in the late XIX - early XX centuries.

    Memoirs of V.V. Shulgin as a source on the history of Russia.

    Zemstvo self-government in Russia.

    Union of Michael the Archangel.

    The main features of Russian civilization.

    Russian mentality. The main features of the Russian national character.

    National policy of P.A. Stolypin.

    P.A. Stolypin.

    Features of Russian imperial statehood.

    The ruling class in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

    Orthodox features in Russian spirituality.

    Emperor Alexander II. Liberator or Hangman?

    Emperor Nicholas I as a statesman.

    Peasant reform of 1861 in the assessments of contemporaries.

    The concept of historical alternative in historiographical practice.

    "Russia and the West" N.Ya. Danilevsky. Types and degrees of social development.

    Russian intelligentsia and revolution. (Vekhi interpretation).

    Populist revolutionism as a type.

    The relationship between the concepts of "serfdom" and "feudalism" in Russian literature.

    The real meaning of the autocracy of the Russian state.

    Historical chronology and historical metrology. Number, counting and measurement as a concept of culture. Counting systems and representations of time in various cultural traditions. Computing and measuring devices, instruments weight measurements, length, volume, area in the Russian historical tradition. Government policy regarding weights and measures.

    The phenomenon of play in culture. Gambling and commercial games in the everyday life of various classes of Russian society. "Russian roulette". Gambling. The image of the game in Russian literature and journalism.

    Historical geography. The role of the natural environment in the socio-economic, political and cultural life of Russian society.

    Life and customs of Russian society. Categories of labor, idleness and leisure in the worldview and way of life various classes of Russian society.

    Leisure and holiday realities of a provincial town.

    Russian feast and national cuisine.

    The tax system in Moscow and Imperial Russia (and methods of tax evasion)

    Secret police in Russia in the 19th-early 20th centuries.

    A.P. Ermolov: military leader, diplomat, politician

    Crimean War (1853-56)

    History of the Black Sea Fleet.

    The Image of a Russian Official in Journalism and Literature

    I.A. Bunin: a look at Russian history, the Russian people, the intelligentsia and the revolution.

    City self-government in Russia and Siberia.

    Diplomatic etiquette: from Ivan III to Putin.

    Russia is the birthplace of terrorism. Narodnaya Volya and the “hunt for the king”.

    "Cudgel people's war»: partisan movement in Russia in 1812.

    Cooperation with Napoleon in the territories of Russia occupied by the French.

    Activity of the English Muscovite Company in Russia (1554-1649): prospects and limits of British colonialism in relation to Moscow Rus.

    "Gold Rush" in Siberia (30-40s of the 19th century)

    Folklore (fairy and everyday tales, legends, bylichki, proverbs and sayings) as a historical source.

List of possible topics for design and research work.


Opening speech.

The list is only a starting point for choosing a research topic. You determine the topic of your research yourself, approving it from your supervisor. You can either come with your theme or choose one of the following. If you are interested in any particular area of ​​history, you can ask for help in choosing a topic. I would like to draw your attention to the section "History of Childhood in the USSR", which we think of as a separate project that combines several research works, which we would like to develop and continue. Within its framework, other topics that you suggest yourself are welcome.

In any case, remember the main thing: topic should beinteresting just for you and we will try our best to help you choose the right one.

Story ancient world

    Ancient navigation according to the "Odyssey" (Umansky Leonid)

    Ancient Greek tare amphorae (stand design)

    Spinning and weaving in the ancient world (stand design) - Lyuba Grigoryan

    Roman military presence in Tauric Chersonese.

    Construction inscriptions of the Bosporan kings as a historical source

    Gladiators in ancient inscriptions. (Puchkov Evgeny)

    Battle of Sardis as recounted by Herodotus and Xenophon

    Augean stables - myth and reality

    The Athenian Agora in the Comedies of Aristophanes

    Exchange of Gifts in Homer's Poems (Korneev Boris)

    Vases on ancient Greek tombstones / in vase painting

    Animals on ancient tombstones / vase painting

    Fruits of plants on ancient tombstones / in vase painting

    Weapons in ancient vase painting

    Cypriot kingdoms and the Ionian uprising against the Persians.

    Cyprus in the classical period according to the works of Isocrates.

    Reflection of everyday life in ancient Greek tombstones

    Ancient shipwrecks. (Gleb Sukachev)

    Model of an Ancient Greek Vessel from a School Museum: Problems of Attribution

    Images of wreaths on the lists of priestly staff from Olympia (Mitya Zharov)

History of the Middle Ages

    Christian and Russian personal names in Novgorod birch bark letters.

    Boris Godunov in ancient Russian inscriptions.

    Foreigners about monetary circulation in Muscovite Russia.

    Fishing in Galich Mersky in the XVI - early XVII centuries (with stand design).

    Storm of Galich in 1450

    Medieval "zoology" based on materials from bestiaries.

    Old Russian princes - owners of seals from Mogutovo.

    The lifestyle of the inhabitants of Mogutovsky estates.

    Old Russian cuisine according to Domostroy

    Sayings of the Seven Wise Men in the Old Russian "Bee": the problem of selection

    Hospitaller Order in Cyprus.

    Richard the Lionheart in Cyprus

    Griffins of Tsarskoye Selo: on the issue of archaeological and numismatic sources of the image. (Volodina Anastasia)

    Structure of inscriptions on old Russian spindle whorls (Maria Balakshina)

    Tombstones of the Nikolo-Perervinsky Monastery (Ogorodnikov Sergey)

    Dalmatian cities of the late Middle Ages: Split, Dubrovnik, Trogir.

    Piracy in the Adriatic Sea in the 16th-17th centuries Uskok movement.

    The role of women in the crusades.

    Formation of a new historical consciousness of the Renaissance (Analysis of the views of N. Machiavelli)

Patriotic War of 1812

    Partisan actions of Denis Davydov (mapping)

    The life of the Russian province in the rear great army» Napoleon.

    Worldview of Denis Davydov.

    Geographical and cultural characteristics of Russia in the memoirs of the soldiers of the "Great Army" of Napoleon I.

    Inscriptions on French cannons (Galeev Oscar)

Story XIX in.

    Implementation of Zemstvo reform through the eyes of eyewitnesses.

    Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum as a socio-pedagogical project.

    Animals in the service of the imperial family.

    The economy of royal luxury: the construction and maintenance of the Tsarskoye Selo palace complex in the 18th-19th centuries.

    Unification of Italy (1848-1870). Risorgimento in faces.

History of the Cuban Revolution

    The image of a revolutionary and a partisan way of life in the works of Che Guevara

    The Mystery of Che Guevara's Departure.

    Cuban film revolution

    Che Guevara in peacetime.

    Socialist Cuba in a unipolar world.

Modern history, anthropology and sociology

    Conference "Vyshgorod": topics of reports and geography of participants for 6 years (2005-2010)

    Story project activities at the Intellectual School.

    Personal names and nicknames of students of the Intellectual school.

    The collapse of the USSR in the light of numismatics and bonistics.

    Changes in the symbolism of domestic coins in 1991-1998.

    The story of my family.

    Inscriptions on the shovels of the Phanagoria archaeological expedition and the subculture of archaeologists

    Russian poetic epitaph of the XX-beginning of the XXI century.

    "Cyprus problem" in the Soviet media in the 1970s-1980s

    The image of the "Wild West" on both sides of the "Iron Curtain" (based on cinematography)

    The Great Patriotic War in the reflection of Soviet and modern Russian cinema (comparative analysis).

    Rome through the eyes of Italian filmmakers of the second half of the 20th century. (R. Rossellini, F. Fellini, M. Antonioni)

History of childhood in the USSR

    The cult of pioneer heroes in the USSR.

    Rituals of transition in the life of a Soviet child

    Soviet ritual of admission to the pioneers.

    Elite children in the USSR.

    The study foreign languages in the Soviet school: features of the presentation and content of regional studies material.

    America in the perception of Soviet children

    Comics in the USSR

Interdisciplinary Research

    Folk calendar in the works of A. Melnikov (Pechersky) "In the forests" and "On the mountains".

    Riddles of the phonetics of old Russian inscriptions.

    Stone-pointer of the way in Russian folklore and literature.

    Pits in the cultural layer of Phanagoria.

    Design of the website of the department of history

    Design of the Internet page of the Mogutovskaya archaeological expedition

    Vasily Grigorovich-Barsky and P. S. Pallas: two travelers of the 18th century.

    Orders of chivalry, royalty and the papacy in the era crusades(possible on the example of the Cypriot kingdom).

Social projects

84. Waste paper collection system at the school "Intellectual"

SELECTION OF THE TOPIC THE TOPIC OF THE RESEARCH IS A SCIENTIFICLY SIGNIFICANT MAJOR PROBLEM TO BE STUDYED. WHEN SELECTING A TOPIC: 1. Consider your own capabilities; 2. Do not take too broad or narrow topics; 3. Do not choose well-studied topics if you are not sure that you can contribute something fundamentally new; 4. Have some knowledge in the chosen field of study. 5. Consider the availability of sources and literature. 6. The topic must be relevant and solvable. 7. The topic should be problematic, i.e. oriented towards new knowledge.

TOPIC TITLE REQUIREMENTS EXAMPLES OF CORRECT TOPIC TITLE: 1. Evolution government controlled Russia in the first half of the 19th century. 2. Socio-economic development of the city of Divnogorsk in the years. 20th century SAMPLES OF INCORRECT TOPIC TITLE: 1. Authorities of the Russian Empire in the first half of the 19th century. 2. heroic feat builders. TOPIC TITLE 1. Concreteness. 2. Problematic. 3. Definition of concepts. 4. Brevity. 5. The title of the topic reflects the subject or object of study.

STRUCTURE OF WORK GENERALLY ACCEPTED STRUCTURE Introduction Main body (not written in the text): Chapter 1 (Title) Section 1.1 (Title) Section 1.2 (Title) Section 1.3 (Title) Chapter 2… (Title) Chapter 3… (Title) Conclusion STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS: 1. Introduction - the relevance of the topic, subject and object of research, review of literature and sources, goals and objectives of the work, research methods, chronological and territorial framework. 2. The main part - a statement of the essence of the study. 3. Conclusion - the conclusions of the study.

ACTUALITY ACTUALITY (from late Latin actualis - real, modern): the importance, significance of something for the present moment, topicality. The relevance of the topic is its relevance in social theory and practice. The relevance of the topic is the main requirement for scientific research. To substantiate the relevance means to explain the need to study this topic at the present time. The main aspects of the relevance of the topic: Theoretical. Informative. Educational. Practical.

SUBJECT AND OBJECT OF RESEARCH Example: Topic: Krasnoyarsk HPP as a city-forming factor in the development of the city of Divnogorsk. Object of study: Krasnoyarsk HPP: Subject of study: the impact of the Krasnoyarsk HPP on the formation and development of the city of Divnogorsk. The object of study is a certain process or phenomenon that generates problem situation. The subject of research is a specific part of the object within which the search is conducted. The subject of research can be phenomena as a whole, their individual aspects, aspects and relationships between individual parties and the whole (a set of elements, connections, relations in a specific area of ​​the object).

PURPOSE AND TASKS OF THE RESEARCH The goal should be: 1. Concrete; 2.Achievable; 3.Verifiable; 4.Ultimate. Permissible initial formulations: Reveal, determine, establish, substantiate, find out. Unacceptable initial formulations: Study, investigate, analyze, learn, tell about something. The purpose of the study is the end result that the researcher would like to achieve when completing his work. The task of the study is the choice of ways and means to achieve the goal in accordance with the hypothesis put forward. Objectives are best formulated as a statement of what needs to be done in order for the goal to be achieved.

Novelty of results NOVELTY - new knowledge obtained as a result of research. Novelty criteria: 1. Novelty of the question. 2. Novelty of the methodology. 3. Content novelty (or novelty of the result). 4. Formal novelty (or novelty of the form of expression). 5. Novelty of interpretation. 6. Novelty of practical use.

HYPOTHESIS Hypothesis - form theoretical knowledge, which contains an assumption formulated on the basis of a number of facts, true value which is indefinite and needs to be proved. The hypothesis is probabilistic; Requires verification and proof; Not necessarily confirmed by research; A scientific hypothesis should suggest ways to solve the research problem. The formulation of the hypothesis should be specific and not contain well-known truths.

LITERATURE AND SOURCES Sources - annals, act, stationery documents, statistics, memoirs, personal letters, information materials periodicals, journalism, fiction, the results of sociological surveys, policy papers parties and organizations. Literature - monographs, scientific articles, study guides, reviews, dissertations, analytical articles in periodicals. SOURCES - monuments of material and spiritual culture, which are the result of certain events, phenomena and processes, carrying certain information. LITERATURE - analytical works on a specific topic.

Styles of presentation STANDARDS OF PRESENTATION OF THE TEXT 1. Avoid false pathos and stereotyped expressions. 2. Do not repeat well-known truths. 3. Observe the uniformity of terminology. 4. Do not use ambiguous words and expressions. 5. Observe the stylistic norms of the Russian language. 6. Observe the logical connection of parts of the text.

CONCLUSIONS Conclusion - the final part of the work, which shows the specific results of the study. The conclusion is a generalized summary of the study. NECESSARY! Highlight your results clearly. Indicate how the results obtained differ from the results of predecessors. Avoid general phrases and abstract expressions. Compare the conclusion with the purpose and objectives of your research. Confirmation of the hypothesis must be real, not imaginary. The representation of the conclusions is preferably in the form of an enumeration.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, history projects can be completed by schoolchildren individually or in a group of 3-4 people. Such activities are mandatory after the introduction of new educational standards.

Modern Requirements

Currently modern society urgently needs creative, educated, caring young people.

It presents the school with a social order for the education of a mobile, literate person who is aware of his cultural, historical, spiritual belonging to the country, understands his duties and rights.

Significance of research activities

Any creative project in history involves the application of standard knowledge in new conditions. not only learns to use a variety of historical sources, but also forms the skills of conducting a scientific discussion.

The topics of history projects can be general, relating to certain stages development of mankind, and also have a narrow direction - the study of individual events, periods, people. Regardless of the type of activity, any research work involves serious and lengthy preparation, systematization of the material.

Work structure

Topics for projects on history can be proposed by the supervisor, chosen by the students themselves. Despite the fact that the content of the works differs significantly, there are certain general rules that need to be taken into account.

Start your scientific activity it is necessary to think over the algorithm of actions, the choice of the topic and the purpose of the study. At this stage, the help of a teacher is allowed, the success of all subsequent work of the child directly depends on him.

First example

For example, if a student is interested in toy history, it is important to choose a specific object for study. It is impossible to mention all their types in one work, to collect information about appearance, use. Toy Story can be limited in its work to one city, family, time period. This gives the material great importance and significance, increases the uniqueness.

The topics of research papers on history related to toys are aimed at developing in the younger generation a sense of patriotism, pride in their city, family, and country.

Among the methods that will be required to carry out such work, we note: sociological survey, review of literary sources, processing of the obtained results. Special attention must be paid to the design of the work.

Second example

If a student decided to develop a project on the history of the city, this indicates his indifferent attitude to the past of his country. What can be taken to work? For example, as an object, the main historical monuments cities, the time of their creation. If the work is carried out by a group of schoolchildren, they can develop a route that will include the main attractions of the settlement, their detailed description.

Features of work

The topics of history projects can be related to folk traditions, national rituals, family photographs.

Such works allow us to connect several generations at once with a single thread, to develop in the growing Russians a sense of pride in their country. The children learn to independently plan their activities, make decisions, establish contacts with other participants in the educational process.

The topics of history projects that younger students choose mainly relate to a particular family, city. High school students have a large store of knowledge, so their work has a more global scale.

Material for work

We offer you topics of research papers on history. Perhaps they will be of interest to the younger generation of enthusiastic, caring Russian schoolchildren.

  • Macedonian in the Hellenistic era.
  • What do we know about Alfred Nobel?
  • Fortresses and castles of England.
  • Past and present of the English alphabet.
  • Socio-economic development of Greece.
  • Atlantis is a civilization worth learning more about!
  • Attica during the collapse of the slave-owning democracy in the work of Aristophanes.
  • The history and significance of balloons and airships in Russia before 1918.
  • The uniqueness of China.
  • Story
  • Combat equipment in Russia during the X-XVI centuries. and the nature of its creation.
  • Martial arts in the period of Ancient Russia.
  • Boris Godunov: life and meaning for the country.
  • What is the Time of Troubles?
  • Life of peasants in the Middle Ages.
  • The fate of the family in the history of the country.
  • Battle of Thermopylae
  • Bogatyrs past and present.
  • Battle of Borodino through the eyes of the French.
  • Gods ancient rome and Ancient Greece.

Examples of research papers related to Russia

For example, the creation history Slavic alphabet can become the basis of several works at once:

  • Life of the Slavs.
  • Culture and religion.
  • Beliefs of the Slavs.
  • The magical world of ancient Russian myths and legends.
  • Slavs and Vikings: features of relations.
  • Armament of the Slavs.
  • The appearance of the first writing.

Fans of the 17th-20th centuries may well study interesting facts associated with these historical milestones:

  • Great personalities in national history.
  • Virtual journey through the USSR.
  • The influence of time on popularity historical personality I. V. Stalin.
  • The influence of historical processes on the formation of Soviet power.
  • The impact of epidemics on the events that took place in Russia.
  • The emergence of Russian humanism.
  • War of 1812.
  • Electoral power as a factor in raising the standard of living of Russian citizens.
  • History of names and surnames.
  • Heraldry: an inflorescence of history, knowledge and art.
  • Cities of Russia in legends and traditions.
  • Public holidays as a reflection of the peculiarities of the political regime in our country.
  • Welcome to Moscow!
  • History of chess.
  • Friendship since ancient times.
  • Women in the history of our country.
  • Life of Lenin.
  • Forgotten Pomeranian Russian games.
  • Life of Queen Catherine II.
  • How did the Moscow region and Moscow.
  • The conquest of Siberia.
  • Ivan IV the Terrible - the first tsar of Russia.
  • Ivan the Terrible: a portrait of a personality based on an era.
  • Ivan Susanin is a true patriot of the Russian land.
  • The importance of the adoption of Christianity in Russia.
  • Iconography in Russia.
  • History of the Moscow Kremlin.
  • How coins appeared in Russia.
  • Russian pancakes - interesting facts.
  • History of Russian pancakes.
  • Sailing fleet in Russia.


Modern realities require young people to think logically, work in a team, and plan independent activities. Project and research activities fully contribute to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality who is ready to be responsible for his actions, will not experience difficulties in searching and processing the flow of information.

Today there is a constant increase in the flow of information in different areas knowledge. It's important to get skills rapid response on all changes, including political and historical areas. Such skills are formed in the younger generation during the project and research activities. That is why, after the introduction of new educational standards in Russian primary and secondary education, it became an obligatory stage for schoolchildren to conduct independent research or joint, collective creative projects.

Such activities allow teachers to solve certain educational and educational tasks:

  • development of critical and analytical thinking of schoolchildren in the course of creative activity and implementation of educational projects;
  • searching for talented and gifted schoolchildren and creating optimal conditions for their full development;
  • fostering a sense of patriotism in the younger generation of Russian citizens.

Project activities help children choose their future professional activity to avoid problems in social adaptation to achieve success in educational and various extracurricular activities.

Approximate names of topics on which work can be done by students of ordinary comprehensive schools are given above. They, at the discretion of young researchers and their supervisors, can be changed or supplemented.

Any projects related to the search for historical information about the city, country, era, outstanding personality, allow teachers to fully fulfill the state order.

The new realities impose special requirements on the content and forms of national education, including the study of the foundations of history. Projects carried out within the framework of individual topics will be an excellent way for self-improvement and self-development of the younger generation.

The project presents additional material for a literature lesson on the topic "M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino". The presentation is ready for playback. Equipped with sound effects and musical accompaniment. The material can be used in extracurricular work on history and literature.

  • Borodino - 200 years

    battle of Borodino- one of the glorious pages of Russian history. I chose this topic because I am proud of our soldiers, our commanders and generals of the 19th century. I am proud that I was born in Russia - a country that, at the cost of enormous efforts, won seemingly invincible battles. A country where every person, be it a nobleman, a peasant, a man or a woman, a teenager or a child, was ready to stand up for the defense of his country. The work reflects the main stages Patriotic War 1812, described in detail and shown in the diagram of the battle of Borodino. Created historical reconstruction- diorama of the battle of Borodino.

  • Borodino. Field of Russian glory. 200 years later

    The project is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. In the project, the author talks about visiting the monuments of military glory of the Russian people. In 1912, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, 33 monuments to regiments, divisions, corps, artillery companies and batteries were erected on the battlefield.

  • Borodino: historical discussion of two centuries

    The purpose of the work is to restore the history of the Battle of Borodino based on the study of various historical sources; to find out - what was the balance of forces of the parties, what plans Kutuzov and Napoleon managed to realize, which ones did not, and why. The work deals with the participation of the South Urals in the Patriotic War of 1812. The author used the materials of the museum-panorama Battle of Borodino.

  • Battle of Borodino

    The project is a presentation about the battle of Borodino in 1812. Having examined and illustrated the main stages of the battle of Borodino, the author briefly covers the activities of the Moscow militia in 1812. It is possible for students and teachers to use history in the lessons of the History of the Fatherland and local history of the Moscow region.

  • Battle of Borodino in Russian poetry and painting of the 19th century

    AT study study shows how the national character of the Patriotic War of 1812 was reflected in Russian literature and painting of the 19th century. on the example of the work of the poets Denis Vasilyevich Davydov and Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, on the example creative heritage Russian painter Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin. The author of the abstract is sure that works of art are also documents of the era, indispensable sources of knowledge, as well as documentary, historical evidence.

  • Battle of Borodino as a symbol of resistance and victory

    The project systematizes knowledge on the topic "Patriotic War of 1812": the causes of the war of 1812 are considered, the detailed course of the Battle of Borodino is described, and its results are summed up. Based on various points of view of domestic and foreign historians, eyewitness accounts, the winner of the Battle of Borodino is revealed. A special place in the work is given to the study of the fate of the French who found themselves in the service of the Russian army during the Napoleonic invasion.

  • battle of Borodino

    The work is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. The material can be used in preparation for the class hour in elementary school.

  • Battle of Borodino in history and literature

    The paper presents the history of the battle of Borodino and how it was reflected in the literature.

  • Battle of Borodino in my illustrations

    After reading the historical literature about the Patriotic War of 1812, I decided to make the history of the Battle of Borodino a little more interesting... The presentation contains my drawings illustrating the main points of the Battle of Borodino.

  • Battle of Borodino through the eyes of M.Yu. Lermontov (based on the poem "Borodino")

    The educational project on history and literature is informational. The purpose of the study is to study the events of the battle of Borodino and their coverage in the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino".

  • Battle of Borodino through the eyes of the French

    The Battle of Borodino invariably arouses great interest among historians, writers and publicists, creating the illusion of a certain transparency and obviousness of its causes, course and consequences. In essence, all the books about the battle of Borodino with amazing consistency reproduce in each individual country the same nationally limited plots and evoke the same nationally defined feelings. historical memory of each nation that participated in the battle or watched it from afar, is based on some one, strictly defined myth, created under the influence of the collective ideas of this or that nation and thanks to various ideological manipulations produced by state power. In this article, we will turn to the myth of the battle of Borodino, which was formed in French historiography.

  • The battle of Borodino as a key to understanding Russian history

    In 2012, Russia hosted numerous commemorative events dedicated to the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino and the glorious victory of Russian weapons in the Patriotic War of 1812. In the history of Russia, this is a landmark event that has enduring significance. It is about the Battle of Borodino that one can say: "An inattentive and even dismissive attitude towards the past, which is considered obsolete, does not allow people to see even those constant strategic lessons that lie on the surface" (AT Mahan).

  • Battle of Borodino - the main battle of the Patriotic War

    The presentation contains materials about the Battle of Borodino. Part of the materials are the author's drawings and poems of students. This presentation can be used for discussions, extracurricular activities dedicated to the battle of Borodino.

  • Battle of Borodino. The Debate of Two Centuries

    Victory or defeat? For two centuries now, discussions have been going on about who won the Battle of Borodino. In his work, the author describes the causes of the battle, considers the assessments of historians, and also sets out his version of the outcome of the battle on the Borodino field.

  • Borodulino - a quasi-urban settlement

    The paper presents a typology of modern rural settlements, formulates the concept of "quasi-urban settlement", highlights the features that characterize it. It is proved that before the restructuring of the village. Borodulino was a typical rural locality, and at the present time has moved into the category of quasi-urban settlements.

  • Logbook: A Course in the Exploration of the Literary Sea

    “In September 1985, “Ship” headed for the study of the literary sea of ​​our region. The voyage was dedicated to the 250th anniversary of Chelyabinsk,” the first entries in the Logbook of our local history museum begin with these words. In the course of this work, we collected information on the history of the birth and development of the "Ship", met with the teaching staff of the MAOU secondary school No. 15, the asset of the "Ship" of the first years of its formation, developed a computer presentation dedicated to the anniversary of the "Ship" and designed an exposition dedicated to the traditions " Ship.

  • Borussia - winning team

    Your attention is presented to the work that introduces one of the most famous teams in Germany. Work done on German and can be used in the study of the topic "Sport".

  • Bor land raised 12 heroes Soviet Union. The presentation gives curriculum vitae, a description of the feat and a portrait of each hero. The work is aimed at instilling in students a sense of pride in their people, in their homeland.

  • Fight in my life

    In the presentation, I want to tell about myself, about how I go in for sports, and about my sporting achievements.

  • The struggle for information during World War II

    The paper presents a presentation about the struggle for information during the Second World War. The text document contains explanations of the presentation materials. Musical accompaniment complements the viewing of the presentation.

  • Struggle between patricians and plebeians

    The work tells about the emergence of civil strife shortly after the proclamation of the Republic in Rome and about the outbreak of the struggle between the patricians and the plebeians, which lasted about two hundred years. The main means of struggle were the "strike" of the army or National Assembly. As a result of the first military "strike", the state split into two parts, a "sacred law" was adopted on the election of people's tribunes.

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