What is cognition? An elastic conscience eliminates any psychological dissonance. Cognitive process and cognition

K. analysis (study of the processes of human cognition of the surrounding world, as well as a person’s ability to acquire new knowledge).

K. human system (central nervous system and the sense organs through which a person perceives the world and himself).


1. Psycho. Associated with consciousness, thinking.

(a direction in psychology based on the recognition of the primacy of human mental activity, and not his behavioral reactions, which is characteristic of behaviorism).

(a direction in linguistics that arose at the end of the 20th century, studying the patterns of reflection in language of cognitive processes occurring in the mind of the speaker).

The word cognitive

The word cognitive in English letters (transliterated) - kognitivnyi

The word cognitive consists of 11 letters: v g i i y k n o t y

Meanings of the word cognitive. What is cognitive?

Cognitive style, English. Cognitive style (from Latin cognitio - knowledge and Greek stylos - literally writing rod) is a term used in cognitive psychology to designate stable characteristics of how different people think.

COGNITIVE STYLE (English cognitive style - cognitive style; from Latin cognitio - knowledge, cognition) - a set of interrelated techniques, methods that develops in the process of ontogenesis, characteristic of an individual...

Cognitive style is a term that refers to the characteristic style or method used by an individual in approaching problem solving. The following cognitive styles are distinguished: 1. impulsiveness-reflexivity – emotionality...

COGNITIVE MARKER A hypothetical idea of ​​an individual’s mental processes. The term was introduced by R. Omstrein in his theory of perception of time intervals. According to Omstrein's theory, the phenomenal passage of time is primarily...

Oxford Dictionary of Psychology.

Cognitive marker is a term by R. Omstrein, meaning that the subjective perception of the duration of time intervals depends on the number of cognitive actions performed during this period of time.

Zhmurov V.A. Big Dictionary terms on psychiatry

Cognitive marker is a term associated with R. Omstrein's hypothesis, according to which the subjective perception of the duration of time intervals depends on the number of cognitive actions performed during this period of time.

Cognitive dissonance (from the English words: cognitive - “cognitive” and dissonance - “lack of harmony”) is a state of mental discomfort of an individual caused by a collision in his mind of conflicting ideas: ideas, beliefs.

Sociology: Encyclopedia.

COGNITIVE DISSONANCE (lat. dissonans - discordant sounding, cognitio - knowledge, cognition) - concept in social psychology, which explains the influence of a system of cognitive elements on human behavior...

The latest philosophical dictionary / Comp. A.A. Gritsanov

A cognitive map (from Latin cognitio - knowledge, cognition) is an image of a familiar spatial environment. Cognitive maps are created and modified as a result of the active interaction of the subject with the outside world.

Cognitive map - a subjective picture: - created as a result of active actions in environment; - having spatial coordinates: top-bottom, right-left, close-far; - localizing individual perceived objects.

COGNITIVE MAP (eng. cognitive map) - a subjective idea of ​​the spatial organization of the external world, the spatial relationships between objects, and their position in the environment.

COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS, the most common (especially in Europe) name for the direction of linguistic research, which emerged in the second half of the 1970s and subsequently had a significant number of followers.

Cognitive linguistics is a direction in linguistics that explores the problems of the relationship between language and consciousness, the role of language in the conceptualization and categorization of the world, in cognitive processes and generalization of human experience.

COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS According to researchers, one of the most spectacular and radical innovations in linguistics in the last quarter of the twentieth century.

Zherebilo T.V. Terms and concepts of linguistics: General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-reference book.

COGNITIVE SCIENCE (cognitive science) is a complex of sciences that study cognition and higher thought processes based on the use of information-theoretic models.

COGNITIVE SCIENCE (eng. cognitive science) is a broad interdisciplinary field of research and knowledge, as well as a set of many disciplines that study primarily the intellect (mind), but attempts are made to cover the entire mental sphere.

Large psychological dictionary.

Cognitive science is the science of thinking, dealing with a broad area of ​​mental structures and processes, including perception, memory, problem solving; The goal of cognitive science is to determine the nature of the mechanisms available to humans in the process of thinking...

Shashenkova E.A. Research activities.

COGNITIVE SCIENCE (from Latin cognito - knowledge; English cognitive science - the science of cognitive processes) is a field of interdisciplinary research that studies cognition and higher thought processes using information models.

COGNITIVE SCIENCE (English cognitive science; from Latin cognitio - knowledge, cognition) is a field of interdisciplinary research that studies cognition and higher cognitive functions using models of cognitive information processing.

Prokhorov B.B. Human ecology.

COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY (from Latin cognitio - knowledge, cognition), one of the leading areas of modern science. zarub. psychology, studying the structure and flow of cognition. human processes.

Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia / Ed. V.G. Panova.

COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY (from Latin cognitio - knowledge, cognition). The formation of this trend in psychology is usually associated with the name of Amer. scientist W. Neisser, who published the book in 1967. under the same name...

Modern Western philosophy.

Cognitive psychology– one of the leading areas of modern foreign psychology. It arose in the late 50s - early 60s. XX century as a reaction to the behaviorist denial of internal structural organization mental processes and belittlement...

Dictionary reference book for social work.

COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL PSYCHOTHERAPY The first experience of using behavioral therapy was based on the theoretical principles of I. P. Pavlov (classical conditioning) and Skinner (V. F. Skinner), (operant conditioning).

Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, also Cognitive behavioral therapy, is a general concept that describes psychotherapies that are based on a premise.

COGNITIVE PSYCHOTHERAPY The basic principles of cognitive psychology were formulated by Beck (A. T. Beck) independently of Ellis (A. Ellis), who in the 1950s. developed a method of rational-emotional psychotherapy.

Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia / B.D. Karvasovsky.

Cognitive development (from English Cognitive development) - the development of all types of mental processes, such as perception, memory, concept formation, problem solving, imagination and logic.

Cognitive development, the acquisition, systematization and use of knowledge by a child from infancy to adulthood. Naib, authoritative theory of K.r. was put forward by Piaget...

Orthographic dictionary. - 2004

Usage examples for cognitive

This is an unexpected effect, since standard methods of treating epilepsy, as a rule, cannot compensate for cognitive deficits.

What is COGNITIVE? Meaning and interpretation of the word kognitivnyj, definition of the term

oh, oh, psychol. Associated with consciousness, with thinking. Cognitive processes. Cognitive psychology (a direction in psychology based on the recognition of the primacy of human mental activity, and not his behavioral reactions, which is characteristic of behaviorism).

You may be interested in knowing the lexical, literal or figurative meaning of these words:

YACHT CLUB - yacht club, m. A sports organization that unites people involved in sports.

YACHT - s, f. Sailing, motor or steam vessel.

YACHTMAN - a, m., soul. Sailing athlete.

JASHMA - s, plural. no, w. Opaque ornamental stone.

ARIUS - Ultimate component foreign language nouns with meaning.

BIOS - The final part of compound words, meaning “connected.”

GAMIA - The second component of compound words, meaning: “relating.”

GEN - The second component of compound words, meaning “connected.”

GENE - The second component of compound adjectives, meaning “connected.”

The meaning of the word "cognitive"

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What does the word "cognitive" mean?

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Cognitive is:

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Lexical meaning: definition

The general stock of vocabulary (from the Greek Lexikos) is a complex of all the basic semantic units of one language. The lexical meaning of a word reveals the generally accepted idea of ​​an object, property, action, feeling, abstract phenomenon, impact, event, and the like. In other words, it determines what a given concept means in the mass consciousness. As soon as an unknown phenomenon gains clarity, specific signs, or awareness of the object arises, people assign it a name (sound-letter shell), or rather, a lexical meaning. After that, it enters the dictionary of definitions with an interpretation of the content.

Dictionaries online for free - discover new things

There are so many buzzwords and highly specialized terms in each language that it is simply unrealistic to know all their interpretations. IN modern world There are a lot of thematic reference books, encyclopedias, thesauruses, and glossaries. Let's go over their varieties:

  • Explanatory You can find the meaning of a word in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Each explanatory “article” of the interpreter interprets the desired concept in terms of native language, and considers its use in content. (PS: You will read even more cases of word usage, but without explanation, in the National Corpus of the Russian Language. This is the most voluminous database of written and oral texts of native speech.) Authored by V.I. Dahl, S.I. Ozhegov, D.N. Ushakov . The most famous thesauruses with interpretation of semantics in our country have been released. Their only drawback is that the publications are old, so the vocabulary is not updated.
  • Encyclopedic Unlike explanatory ones, academic and encyclopedic online dictionaries provide a more complete, detailed explanation of the meaning. Large encyclopedic publications contain information about historical events, personalities, cultural aspects, and artifacts. Encyclopedia articles tell about the realities of the past and broaden one’s horizons. They can be universal or thematic, designed for a specific audience of users. For example, “Lexicon of Financial Terms”, “Encyclopedia of Home Economics”, “Philosophy. Encyclopedic glossary", "Encyclopedia of fashion and clothing", multilingual universal online encyclopedia "Wikipedia".
  • Industry-specific These glossaries are intended for specialists in a specific profile. Their goal is to explain professional terms, the explanatory meaning of specific concepts in a narrow sphere, branches of science, business, and industry. They are published in the format of a dictionary, terminology reference book or scientific reference guide (“Thesaurus on advertising, marketing and PR”, “Legal reference book”, “Terminology of the Ministry of Emergency Situations”).
  • Etymological and borrowings The Etymological Dictionary is a linguistic encyclopedia. In it you will read versions of the origin of lexical meanings, from what the word was formed (original, borrowed), its morphemic composition, semasiology, time of appearance, historical changes, analysis. The lexicographer will determine where the vocabulary was borrowed from, consider subsequent semantic enrichments in the group of related word forms, as well as the scope of functioning. Will give options for use in conversation. As an example, an etymological and lexical analysis of the concept of “surname”: borrowed from Latin (familia), where it meant family nest, family, household members. Since the 18th century it has been used as a second personal name (inherited). Included in the active vocabulary. The etymological dictionary also explains the origin of the subtext catch phrases, phraseological units. Let's comment on the stable expression “genuine truth”. It is interpreted as the absolute truth, absolute truth. Believe it or not, etymological analysis revealed that this idiom originates from a method of medieval torture. The defendant was beaten with a whip with a knot tied at the end, which was called a “line.” Under the line, the man revealed everything frankly, the real truth.
  • Glossaries of obsolete vocabulary How do archaisms differ from historicisms? Some items consistently fall out of use. And then lexical definitions of units fall out of use. Words that describe phenomena and objects that have disappeared from life are classified as historicisms. Examples of historicisms: camisole, musket, king, khan, baklushi, political instructor, clerk, purse, kokoshnik, Chaldean, volost and others. You can find out what the meaning of words that are no longer used in oral speech is from collections of outdated phrases. Archaisms are words that have retained the essence by changing the terminology: piit - poet, brow - forehead, tselkovy - ruble, overseas - foreign, fortecia - fortress, zemsky - national, tsvibak - sponge cake, cookies. In other words, they were replaced by synonyms that are more relevant in modern reality. This category includes Old Church Slavonicisms - vocabulary from Old Church Slavonic, close to Russian: grad (Starosl.) - city (Russian), child - child, gate - gate, fingers - fingers, mouth - lips, dragging - dragging your feet. Archaisms are found in the circulation of writers, poets, and in pseudo-historical and fantasy films.
  • Translation, foreign Bilingual dictionaries for translating texts and words from one language to another. English-Russian, Spanish, German, French and others.
  • Phraseological collection Phraseological units are lexically stable phrases, with an indivisible structure and a certain subtext. These include sayings, proverbs, idioms, idioms, aphorisms. Some phrases migrated from legends and myths. They give literary style artistic expressiveness. Phraseological phrases are usually used in a figurative sense. Replacing any component, rearranging or breaking a phrase leads to speech error, unrecognized subtext of a phrase, distortion of the essence when translated into other languages. Find figurative meaning similar expressions in the phraseological dictionary. Examples of phraseological units: “In seventh heaven”, “A mosquito won’t spoil your nose”, “Blue blood”, “Devil’s Advocate”, “Burn bridges”, “An open secret”, “As if I was looking into water”, “To throw dust in my eyes”, “Work carelessly”, “Sword of Damocles”, “Gifts of the Danaans”, “Double-edged sword”, “Apple of discord”, “Warm up your hands”, “Sisyphean labor”, “Climb the wall”, “Keep your eyes open”, “Throwing pearls before swine”, “With a gulkin’s nose”, “Shot sparrow”, “Augean stables”, “Caliph for an hour”, “Puzzling”, “Doting your soul”, “Flapping your ears”, “Achilles’ heel”, “Eate the dog”, “Like water off a duck’s back”, “Grab at a straw”, “Build castles in the air”, “Be on trend”, “Live like cheese in butter”.
  • Definition of neologisms Language changes are stimulated by dynamic life. Humanity strives for development, simplification of life, innovation, and this contributes to the emergence of new things and technology. Neologisms are lexical expressions of unfamiliar objects, new realities in people's lives, emerging concepts and phenomena. For example, what does “barista” mean - this is the profession of a coffee maker; A coffee professional who understands the varieties of coffee beans knows how to beautifully decorate steaming cups of drink before serving to the client. Every little word was once a neologism, until it became commonly used and became an active vocabulary general literary language. Many of them disappear without even being actively used. Neologisms can be word-forming, that is, completely newly formed (including from Anglicisms), and semantic. Semantic neologisms include already known lexical concepts endowed with fresh content, for example, “pirate” is not only a sea corsair, but also a copyright infringer, a user of torrent resources. Here are just some cases of word-forming neologisms: life hack, meme, google, flash mob, casting director, pre-production, copywriting, friending, PR, moneymaker, screenshot, freelancing, headliner, blogger, downshifting, fake, brandalism. Another option is that a “copymaster” is the owner of the content or an ardent supporter of intellectual rights.
  • Other 177+ In addition to those listed, there are thesauri: linguistic, various areas linguistics; dialectal; linguistic and cultural studies; grammatical; linguistic terms; eponyms; abbreviations; tourist vocabulary; slang. Schoolchildren will find useful lexical dictionaries with synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, paronyms and educational dictionaries: spelling, punctuation, word-formation, morphemic. Orthoepic reference book for setting stress and correct literary pronunciation (phonetics). Toponymic dictionaries-directories contain geographical information by region and names. In anthroponymic - data about proper names, surnames, nicknames.

Interpretation of words online: the shortest path to knowledge

It is easier to express yourself, to express thoughts specifically and more succinctly, to enliven your speech - all this is possible with expanded vocabulary. With the help of the How to all resource, you will determine the meaning of words online, select related synonyms and expand your vocabulary. The last point can be easily completed by reading fiction. You will become a more erudite, interesting conversationalist and support conversations on a variety of topics. To warm up the internal generator of ideas, it will be useful for literati and writers to find out what words mean, say, from the Middle Ages or from a philosophical glossary.

Globalization is taking its toll. This affects writing. Mixed spelling in Cyrillic and Latin, without transliteration, has become fashionable: SPA salon, fashion industry, GPS navigator, Hi-Fi or High End acoustics, Hi-Tech electronics. To correctly interpret the content of hybrid words, switch between language keyboard layouts. Let your speech break stereotypes. The lyrics excite the senses, pour elixir into the soul and have no expiration date. Good luck with your creative experiments!

The How to all project is developing and expanding modern dictionaries with real-time vocabulary. Stay tuned. This site helps you speak and write Russian correctly. Tell everyone who studies at university, school, or is preparing for passing the Unified State Exam, writes texts, studies Russian.


Morphological and syntactic properties Edit

kog - nor - tiv - ny

Pronunciation Edit

  • IPA: [kəɡnʲɪˈtʲivnɨɪ̯]

Semantic properties Edit

Meaning Edit

  1. Philosopher , psychol. associated, correlating in meaning with the noun cognition or cognition ◆ The structure of cognitive experience includes methods of encoding information, conceptual mental structures, “archetypal” and semantic structures. V. N. Druzhinin, “Psychology general abilities", 2007
  2. specially studying cognition - the process by which information is processed by our consciousness, based on the concept of cognition ◆ In cognitive linguistics, cognitive structures and processes in the human mind act as model constructs.

Synonyms Edit

  1. knowable, partial: intellectual
  2. partial: educational

Antonyms Edit

Hypernyms Edit

Hyponyms Edit

Related words Edit

  • nouns: incognito, cognitor, cognitive science, cognitivist, cognition, cognition, cognitology
  • adverb: incognito

Etymology Edit

Derived from the noun cognition and further from Lat. cognitio "I recognize"

Phraseologisms and stable combinations Edit

Translation Edit

  • English en: cognitive
  • French fr: cognitif
  • Add all semantic connections (absence can be indicated with a dash, and uncertainty can be indicated with a question symbol)
  • Add at least one translation for each value in the “Translation” section

This refers to a person’s ability to perceive and process information coming from the outside world. Psychologists use this concept as characterizing the mental processes of an individual, and especially the definition refers to a person’s various intentions, desires or beliefs. If the term is used in a broad sense, then it means knowledge, or the act of cognition. Interpretations in a social and cultural sense are possible when we're talking about about the so-called formation of certain concepts and knowledge, expressed in action and thoughts. The concept of cognitive processes is often applied to the perception of action, memory, and imagination.

Cognitive functions play a special role in mental development humans, and their impairment is the most common neurological symptom. Since cognitive functions are directly related to brain activity, cognitive failure can naturally develop if there are diffuse and focal brain lesions. Cognitive disorders are often found in older people. Statistics show that up to twenty percent of patients over sixty-five years of age suffer from fairly severe cognitive disorders in the form of dementia.

Milder cognitive disorders in the elderly are even more common, according to some data, ranging from forty to eighty percent of patients, taking into account age. Currently, there is a trend towards a significant increase in life expectancy, and therefore there are more elderly people in the population. At the same time, the problem of cognitive impairment is becoming increasingly popular and is becoming relevant not only for neurologists, but also for other medical specialists. Doctors call cognitive functions the functions of the brain that are especially complex; with their help, rational knowledge of the world occurs. Cognitive functions are speech, memory, gnosis, praxis, and of course, intelligence.

Causes of cognitive impairment

Currently, experts have proven that cognition is the work of the brain, and the opinion that the nature of any cognitive processes is controlled by the brain is not denied. However, the theory of cognition does not in all cases define these processes as associated with brain activity, as well as with other manifestations. Recent research by scientists in the field of cognitive science has been aimed at finding out exactly how the human brain processes information. These studies help to understand what causes influence the occurrence of cognitive impairment. They can be identified by contacting a specialist who will establish a nosological diagnosis.

Moreover, it is always taken into account that any cognitive disorder is not always caused by a primary brain disease. For example, a cognitive impairment such as dementia can arise as a result of a systemic dysmetabolic disorder; they, in turn, are a complication of various somatic or endocrine diseases. Also, the cause of impaired cognition, which is of a dysmetabolic nature, is kidney disease, deficiency of folic acid, vitamin B12, liver disease, and hypothyroidism. In this regard, identifying various cognitive impairments requires a full examination, and the first place is the treatment of the patient’s endocrine or somatic diseases. Cognitive impairment can be caused by cardiovascular failure, metabolic disorders, alcohol or any other poisoning.

Perhaps the cause of impaired cognitive function is the emotional sphere. Therefore, all patients who have complaints of decreased memory and other problems associated with brain activity should be examined taking this direction into account. Often the reason lies in a depressive state, and this applies to patients of any age. Sometimes there is no objective confirmation of cognitive impairment, so the screening scales used in diagnosis have insufficient sensitivity. In this regard, identifying the cause of a violation requires not only an assessment emotional state, but it is also necessary to carry out repeated studies carried out at intervals of several days.

Treatment of cognitive impairment

Experts believe that cognitive indicators should be taken on a very individual basis, since it is known that from time to time each person may experience certain cognitive impairments. In this regard, you should not raise the alarm in isolated cases of memory or perception impairment. However, if the symptoms begin to recur more often, and this is noticeable to others, then it is worth contacting a neurological clinic in order to check the functioning of the brain. The peculiarity of cognitive impairment is that it does not go away on its own, and if treatment is not carried out, the impairment will only intensify. Sometimes cognition can be so impaired that dementia occurs.

Before starting treatment, the patient is prescribed neuropsychological testing, which is a method of objectifying cognitive impairment. These tests allow the patient to perform certain memorization exercises, as well as reproduce pictures and words. The tests contain tasks that test concentration. Based on this study, the state of the patient’s cognitive functions is determined, and the doctor makes a decision on further treatment methods. In this case, therapeutic tactics are selected based on the severity of the identified disorders, their etiology and other factors are taken into account, such as the patient’s age and a number of concomitant diseases.

For ordinary person the usual concept is mental or intellectual development, and not everyone can answer what cognitive means. Cognitive is a cognitive process in which the consciousness processes incoming information, mentally transforms it into knowledge, stores and uses the accumulated experience in everyday life.

Cognitive Research

What are the cognitive abilities of people is a topic of interest to psychologists, sociologists, linguists, and philosophers. Cognitive research in different areas science helps to understand and study the following processes:

  • man's knowledge of the world;
  • the influence of language and culture on the personal picture of the world (subjective);
  • what constitutes conscious and unconscious and how it relates to brain activity;
  • which cognitive abilities are innate and which are acquired at different age periods;
  • what does cognitive abilities mean in artificial intelligence (is it possible to create in the future an artificial intelligence that is not inferior to human intelligence).

Cognitive psychotherapy

Cognitive therapy is aimed at eliminating errors in thinking and changing illogical thoughts and beliefs to new, constructive ones. During a psychotherapy session, a cognitive psychologist pays full attention to what the client says and how he expresses his thoughts. The method of cognitive therapy was discovered by A. Beck, who successfully applied it to many patients suffering from depression and affective disorders.

Cognitive thinking

Cognitive abilities of the brain are mental functions high order: attention, gnosis, perception, speech, praxis, intelligence. Thinking is one of the most important cognitive processes, divided into three types:

  • visual-effective (prevails in children under 3 years of age) - solving specific problems, cognition and analysis of objects through manual manipulation.
  • visual-figurative – formed from 4 to 7 years. Solving problems using mental images.
  • abstract – operating with abstract concepts that are difficult to imagine.

Development of cognitive abilities

How to develop cognitive abilities at any age? Normal human development involves interest, curiosity and a desire for development - this is inherent in nature, so it is important to maintain this and be in a state of constant interest in the world and what is happening around. From the very moment of birth, the child’s cognitive abilities need to be developed - this should become one of the important tasks of parents.

Development of cognitive abilities in adults

Improving cognitive abilities is possible at different ages, and you need to approach it correctly, using a creative approach so that it does not seem like a chore. By discovering the spirit of exploration, a person improves his worldview, mood and helps the development of higher mental functions, which include cognitive abilities. Simple recommendations from psychologists for productive brain activity:

  • brush your teeth with your left hand (for left-handers - with your right);
  • when going to work, choose a new route;
  • choose your physical activity option;
  • start learning a foreign language;
  • solving crosswords, riddles, charades;
  • do simple things with your eyes closed a few minutes a day;
  • develop intuition;
  • give up junk food in favor of a healthy diet.

Development of cognitive abilities in children

Cognitive skills are important to develop from infancy. The modern selection of educational toys for children is huge, but you shouldn’t neglect the available tools that are in every home. Cognitive abilities in young children can be developed in the following ways:

  • playing with cereals and buttons (under the strict supervision of adults) - pouring from container to container);
  • various finger games with nursery rhymes and jokes (“magpie-crow”, “finger-finger where have you been”);
  • playing with water (pouring into containers).

Gradually, games and activities become more complex and are aimed at developing motor skills and speech:

  • drawing and coloring;
  • making puzzles, mosaics;
  • cutting out the image along the contour;
  • design;
  • memorizing poetry;
  • reading and retelling;
  • finding differences in two identical images;
  • writing stories.

Exercises to develop cognitive abilities

Training cognitive abilities is the key to productive longevity and a clear mind even in old age. The brain needs the same exercise as the body; it is important to devote 15 to 20 minutes a day to simple, but very useful exercises for brain activity:

  1. Synchronized drawing. You will need a sheet of paper and 2 pencils. Draw geometric shapes with both hands at the same time. You can start with the same shapes for each hand, then complicate the exercise, for example, draw a square with your left hand and a triangle with your right. The exercise balances the work of both hemispheres of the brain, develops cognitive abilities and motor skills.
  2. The words are the opposite. Several times during the day, try to pronounce words you hear from other people backwards to yourself.
  3. Calculation. Everything that needs to be counted is important to do through verbal mental calculations. Put the calculator away.
  4. Autobiography. There are 2 options for the exercise. In the first, a person begins to remember and write, starting from the present moment, and goes deeper year after year to his early childhood. In the second option, childhood years are described first.

Loss of cognitive abilities

Cognitive functions and abilities deteriorate with age, this is due to age-related changes, but more often this happens due to concomitant diseases and an unhealthy lifestyle. At the first symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor to prescribe maintenance therapy. Causes of cognitive impairment:

  • disruption of homeostasis and metabolism;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes types I and II;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • arterial hypertension (hypertension);
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • alcohol and drug use;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Parkinson's disease.

Classification of cognitive impairment:

  1. Mild cognitive impairment - test and psychometric scores may be normal or have minor abnormalities. A person begins to complain about memory problems, rapid fatigue, and attention also suffers - concentration decreases.
  2. Moderate cognitive impairment - about 15% of this form of impairment is subsequently transformed into Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia. Symptoms are increasing: deterioration in thinking, memory and speech.
  3. Severe cognitive impairment. They appear after 60–65 years of age. A pronounced clinical picture, symptoms characteristic of dementia (dementia). A person ceases to navigate in space and falls into “childhood” age. People with severe cognitive impairment require ongoing care and medication.

Cognitive - what does it mean?

Most likely, the adjective cognitive comes from the noun cognition.

Like most scientific terms, the word cognition has its roots in the “language of science,” that is, in Latin.

Translated from Latin (cognitio) means knowledge, awareness, study. It can be assumed that the adjective cognitive, derived from the noun cognition, means cognizable, cognitive or mental, and also associated with learning, awareness, cognition and thinking.

For example, cognitive activity is nothing more than cognitive activity.

The cognitive dissonance- a state of a person when opposing, conflicting ideas collide in his mind.

Since synonyms for the word “cognitive” are words such as cognitive and intellectual - this word is associated with our consciousness. Wikipedia says that these are processes occurring in our consciousness that are of a research or studying nature.

In addition, the adjective “cognitive” comes from the noun cognition, which is translated from Latin cognitio - “I recognize.” So it is definitely connected with our consciousness, our thoughts and other chemical reactions happening in our brain.

This word is associated with our consciousness in which knowledge is born. Synonyms for the word cognitive can be words such as cognitive, knowable. The processes associated with this word are most often a kind of study, research of some topics.

Cognition is a manifestation of mental activity, it is not about behavioral reactions. Cognitive processes include perception, attention, memory, imagination, and decision making. It so happens that emotions are not included in this group, although scientists are now actively studying their cognitive nature.

Thus, the definition of “cognitive” indicates to us the connection between the concept to which such a characteristic is given and a person’s ability to process external information and carry out mental perception.

The word “cognition” came into Russian from Latin. The basis of the word “cogniti” is translated as awareness, acceptance, study. Cognitive means thinking, studying. This word has some connotations in different fields of activity. Thus, in psychology, the concept of “cognition” is related to mental activity. In philosophy, cognition has to do with a person's perception of the world around them.

Cognitiveness, translated from Latin as “cognition, study, awareness”, is a term used in several, quite different contexts, denoting the ability to mentally perceive and process information from the outside. In psychology, this concept is identified with the mental processes of the individual and especially with the study and understanding of so-called “mental states” (i.e. beliefs, desires and intentions) in terms of information processing. This definition is especially common in areas where concepts such as knowledge, skill or learning are considered.

The word cognitive

The word cognitive in English letters (transliterated) - kognitivnyi

The word cognitive consists of 11 letters: v g i i y k n o t y

Meanings of the word cognitive. What is cognitive?

Cognitive style, English. Cognitive style (from Latin cognitio - knowledge and Greek stylos - literally writing rod) is a term used in cognitive psychology to designate stable characteristics of how different people think.

COGNITIVE STYLE (English cognitive style - cognitive style; from Latin cognitio - knowledge, cognition) - a set of interrelated techniques, methods that develops in the process of ontogenesis, characteristic of an individual...

Cognitive style is a term that refers to the characteristic style or method used by an individual in approaching problem solving. The following cognitive styles are distinguished: 1. impulsiveness-reflexivity – emotionality...

COGNITIVE MARKER A hypothetical idea of ​​an individual’s mental processes. The term was introduced by R. Omstrein in his theory of perception of time intervals. According to Omstrein's theory, the phenomenal passage of time is primarily...

Oxford Dictionary of Psychology.

Cognitive marker is a term by R. Omstrein, meaning that the subjective perception of the duration of time intervals depends on the number of cognitive actions performed during this period of time.

Zhmurov V.A. Large explanatory dictionary of terms in psychiatry

Cognitive marker is a term associated with R. Omstrein's hypothesis, according to which the subjective perception of the duration of time intervals depends on the number of cognitive actions performed during this period of time.

Cognitive dissonance (from the English words: cognitive - “cognitive” and dissonance - “lack of harmony”) is a state of mental discomfort of an individual caused by a collision in his mind of conflicting ideas: ideas, beliefs.

Sociology: Encyclopedia.

COGNITIVE DISSONANCE (lat. dissonans - dissonant sounding, cognitio - knowledge, cognition) is a concept in social psychology that explains the influence of a system of cognitive elements on human behavior...

The latest philosophical dictionary / Comp. A.A. Gritsanov

A cognitive map (from Latin cognitio - knowledge, cognition) is an image of a familiar spatial environment. Cognitive maps are created and modified as a result of the active interaction of the subject with the outside world.

A cognitive map is a subjective picture: - created as a result of active actions in the environment; - having spatial coordinates: top-bottom, right-left, close-far; - localizing individual perceived objects.

COGNITIVE MAP (eng. cognitive map) - a subjective idea of ​​the spatial organization of the external world, the spatial relationships between objects, and their position in the environment.

COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS, the most common (especially in Europe) name for the direction of linguistic research, which emerged in the second half of the 1970s and subsequently had a significant number of followers.

Cognitive linguistics is a direction in linguistics that explores the problems of the relationship between language and consciousness, the role of language in the conceptualization and categorization of the world, in cognitive processes and generalization of human experience.

COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS According to researchers, one of the most spectacular and radical innovations in linguistics in the last quarter of the twentieth century.

Zherebilo T.V. Terms and concepts of linguistics: General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-reference book.

COGNITIVE SCIENCE (cognitive science) is a complex of sciences that study cognition and higher thought processes based on the use of information-theoretic models.

COGNITIVE SCIENCE (eng. cognitive science) is a broad interdisciplinary field of research and knowledge, as well as a set of many disciplines that study primarily the intellect (mind), but attempts are made to cover the entire mental sphere.

Large psychological dictionary.

Cognitive science is the science of thinking, dealing with a broad area of ​​mental structures and processes, including perception, memory, problem solving; The goal of cognitive science is to determine the nature of the mechanisms available to humans in the process of thinking...

Shashenkova E.A. Research activities.

COGNITIVE SCIENCE (from Latin cognito - knowledge; English cognitive science - the science of cognitive processes) is a field of interdisciplinary research that studies cognition and higher thought processes using information models.

COGNITIVE SCIENCE (English cognitive science; from Latin cognitio - knowledge, cognition) is a field of interdisciplinary research that studies cognition and higher cognitive functions using models of cognitive information processing.

Prokhorov B.B. Human ecology.

COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY (from Latin cognitio - knowledge, cognition), one of the leading areas of modern science. zarub. psychology, studying the structure and flow of cognition. human processes.

Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia / Ed. V.G. Panova.

COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY (from Latin cognitio - knowledge, cognition). The formation of this trend in psychology is usually associated with the name of Amer. scientist W. Neisser, who published the book in 1967. under the same name...

Modern Western philosophy.

Cognitive psychology is one of the leading areas of modern foreign psychology. It arose in the late 50s - early 60s. XX century as a reaction to the behaviorist denial and belittlement of the internal structural organization of mental processes...

Dictionary reference book for social work.

COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL PSYCHOTHERAPY The first experience of using behavioral therapy was based on the theoretical principles of I. P. Pavlov (classical conditioning) and Skinner (V. F. Skinner), (operant conditioning).

Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, also Cognitive behavioral therapy, is a general concept that describes psychotherapies that are based on a premise.

COGNITIVE PSYCHOTHERAPY The basic principles of cognitive psychology were formulated by Beck (A. T. Beck) independently of Ellis (A. Ellis), who in the 1950s. developed a method of rational-emotional psychotherapy.

Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia / B.D. Karvasovsky.

Cognitive development (from English Cognitive development) - the development of all types of mental processes, such as perception, memory, concept formation, problem solving, imagination and logic.

Cognitive development, the acquisition, systematization and use of knowledge by a child from infancy to adulthood. Naib, authoritative theory of K.r. was put forward by Piaget...

Orthographic dictionary. - 2004

Usage examples for cognitive

This is an unexpected effect, since standard methods of treating epilepsy, as a rule, cannot compensate for cognitive deficits.

What is cognition?

Cognitiveness (cognition) is a person’s ability to process and perceive information. In psychology, this term is widely used to explain psychological processes.

In psychology

Cognitiveness in psychology is interpreted as an act of cognition. Experts use this term to mean such processes as memory, attention, perception and making informed decisions. Emotions do not belong to cognitive states, since they arise uncontrollably and originate from the subconscious.

There is a separate direction in applied psychology known as the school of cognitivism. Its representatives consider human behavior through its cognitive processes. They believe that a person acts in a certain way based on the characteristics of his thinking. Cognition in this context is considered an acquired property that is in no way related to genetic or gender characteristics.

There is even a theory of cognitive correspondence, which was formed in the 50s of the last century. It describes the cognitive structure of personality in terms of balance. After all, the main motivation of a mature individual is considered to be maintaining integrity and achieving internal balance.

Understanding cognition has given rise to a separate section. Cognitive psychology studies the processes of cognition and is directly related to the study of memory, completeness of information perception, imagination, and speed of thinking.

Cognitive processes

Cognitiveness has not only philosophical, but also applied significance. As already mentioned, this branch of psychology specifically studies human cognitive abilities. They can be equally developed in all individuals, or vary depending on genetic characteristics, upbringing or individual personality traits.

Cognitive abilities are a manifestation of the higher functions of the brain. These include: orientation in time, personality and space, learning ability, memory, type of thinking, speech and many others. Psychologists and neurologists primarily pay attention to the degree of development or impairment of these functions.

Cognitive functions are primarily associated with the ability to recognize and process information, and also characterize the functioning of the brain. Scientists identify two main processes:

  • gnosis – the ability to recognize and perceive information;
  • Praxis is the transfer of information and the performance of purposeful actions based on this information.

If even one of these processes is disrupted, then we can talk about the occurrence of cognitive impairment.

Possible reasons

Cognitive disorders, like any pathological process in the body, do not arise out of the blue. Most often, neurodegenerative diseases, cerebral vascular pathologies, infectious processes, injuries, malignant neoplasms, hereditary and systemic diseases occur.

One of the most common factors in the occurrence of cognitive impairment can be considered atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels and arterial hypertension. Violation of the trophism of brain tissue often leads to structural changes or even death of nerve cells. Such processes are especially dangerous in places where the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures are connected.

Separately, we should talk about Alzheimer's disease. Cognitive impairment in this pathology is the leading symptom and significantly reduces the quality of life of the patient and his relatives. The main manifestation is dementia, impairment of short-term and long-term memory and recognition.


There are many classifications of cognitive impairment. According to the severity and reversibility of the process, the following are distinguished:

Also, by the loss of certain functions, you can determine the location of the damage:

  • Damage to the left hemisphere is characterized by writing and counting disorders (agraphia, acalculia). Apraxia and aphasia may also occur. The ability to read and recognize letters is impaired, and mathematical activity suffers;
  • The right hemisphere is responsible for spatial orientation and imagination. Therefore, the patient experiences disorientation in space and time, it becomes difficult for him to imagine or fantasize something;
  • Cognitive impairments with damage to the frontal lobes are as follows: the patient cannot formulate and express his thoughts, the ability to remember new information and reproduce old information is lost;
  • When the temporal lobes are damaged, a person suffers from the inability to recognize smells and visual images. Also, this part of the brain is responsible for accumulating experience, remembering and perceiving the surrounding reality through emotions;
  • When the parietal lobes are damaged, the symptoms can be quite varied: from impaired writing and reading to disorientation;
  • Visual analyzers are located in the occipital lobes of the brain, so disorders of this particular sense organ occur.

Timely diagnosis and therapy

Cognitive impairment in the early stages is very difficult to suspect. At first, a person is only worried about weakness, fatigue, a slight decrease in certain functions or changes in mood. Very rarely such complaints are a cause for concern. A doctor is consulted only in later stages of the disease.

First of all, if you suspect loss or decline in cognitive functions, you must carefully collect anamnesis. After all, these symptoms cannot appear without an underlying cause, to eliminate which the main therapeutic measures will be aimed. When collecting anamnesis, it is necessary to ask about the presence of chronic diseases and the constant use of any medications. After all, many medications, penetrating the blood-brain barrier, can affect brain cells.

Diagnosis of disorders consists of considering the subjective complaints of the patient himself and his close circle (relatives, roommates), direct assessment of the neurological status and functional examination methods. There are special tests that can be used to accurately determine not only cognitive impairment, but also its severity. Such screening scales help detect pathologies such as stroke, vascular or senile dementia and others. Should not be used for diagnostic purposes complex tests. Their data will not be objective, since the complication of tasks will primarily indicate intellectual baggage, and not possible violations.

It is also important to assess the emotional sphere. Often, patients with depression experience problems with memory and concentration. It is also necessary to pay close attention to this, since screening neuropsychological tests do not always fully reveal the state of the psyche.

An MRI or CT examination can clarify many organic pathologies, for example, compression of areas of the brain by a neoplasm or hematoma.

Treatment of cognitive impairment should begin with the nosological disease that caused it. In the absence of an etiological disease, it is very difficult to prescribe pharmacotherapy.


[German kognitiv, French cognitif Large explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

Ed. S. A. Kuznetsova


[from lat. cōgnitio knowledge, cognition]

1. Book. Associated with cognition, with thinking; informative.

K. analysis (study of the processes of human cognition of the surrounding world, as well as a person’s ability to acquire new knowledge).

K. human system (central nervous system and sensory organs, with the help of which a person learns about the world around him and himself).


1. Psycho. Associated with consciousness, thinking.

(a direction in psychology based on the recognition of the primacy of human mental activity, and not his behavioral reactions, which is characteristic of behaviorism).

(a direction in linguistics that arose at the end of the 20th century, studying the patterns of reflection in language of cognitive processes occurring in the mind of the speaker).


Cognitiveness (Latin cognitio, “cognition, study, awareness”) is a term used in several, quite different contexts, denoting the ability to mentally perceive and process external information. In psychology, this concept refers to the mental processes of the individual and especially to the study and understanding of so-called "mental states" (i.e. beliefs, desires and intentions) in terms of information processing. This term is used especially often in the context of the study of so-called “contextual knowledge” (i.e. abstraction and concretization), as well as in those areas where concepts such as knowledge, skill or learning are considered.

The term "cognition" is also used in a broader sense, referring to the "act" of knowing or knowledge itself. In this context, it can be interpreted in a cultural-social sense as denoting the emergence and “becoming” of knowledge and the concepts associated with that knowledge, expressing themselves in both thought and action.

Cognition in mainstream psychology

The study of the types of mental processes called cognitive processes (cognitive processes themselves) is heavily influenced by those studies that have successfully used the “cognitive” paradigm in the past. The concept of "cognitive processes" has often been applied to processes such as memory, attention, perception, action, decision-making and imagination. Emotions are not traditionally classified as cognitive processes. The above division is now considered largely artificial, and research is being conducted to study the cognitive component of emotions. Along with this, there is often also a personal ability to become “aware” of cognitive strategies and techniques, known as “metacognition.”

Empirical studies of cognition typically use scientific methodology and quantitative method, sometimes also include the construction of models of a particular type of behavior.

Although almost no one denies that the nature of cognitive processes is controlled by the brain, the theory of cognition does not always consider these processes in their connection with brain activity or any other biological manifestations (cf. neurocognition). Cognitive theory often merely describes individual behavior in terms of information flow or functioning. Relatively recent research in fields such as cognitive science and neuropsychology has sought to bridge this gap between informational and biological processes, using cognitive paradigms to understand exactly how the human brain performs information processing functions, as well as how systems that deal exclusively with processing information (for example, computers) can imitate cognitive processes (see also artificial intelligence).

The theoretical school that studies thinking from a cognitive perspective is usually called the “school of cognitivism.”

The enormous success of the cognitive approach can be explained, first of all, by its prevalence as fundamental in modern psychology. In this capacity, it replaced behaviorism, which dominated until the 1950s.


The success of cognitive theory is reflected in its application in the following disciplines:

  • Psychology (especially cognitive psychology) and psychophysics
  • Cognitive neuroscience, neuroscience and neuropsychology
  • Cybernetics and the study of artificial intelligence
  • Ergonomics and user interface design
  • Philosophy of consciousness
  • Linguistics (especially psycholinguistics and cognitive linguistics)
  • Economics (especially experimental economics)
  • Learning Theory

In turn, cognitive theory, being very eclectic in its most general sense, borrows knowledge from the following areas:

  • Computer science and information theory, where attempts to build artificial intelligence and so-called "collective intelligence" focus on simulating the recognition abilities of living beings (i.e. cognitive processes)
  • Philosophy, epistemology and ontology
  • Biology and Neuroscience
  • Mathematics and probability theory
  • Physics, where the observer effect is studied mathematically

Unsolved problems in cognitive theory

How much conscious human intervention is required to carry out a cognitive process?

What influence does personality have on the cognitive process?

Why is it currently so much more difficult for a computer to recognize a human appearance than for a cat to recognize its owner?

Why is the “conceptual horizon” of some people wider than that of others?

Could there be a relationship between cognitive speed and blink rate?

If so, what is this connection?

Cognitive ontology

At the level of an individual living being, issues of ontology, although studied by various disciplines, are here combined into one subtype of disciplines - cognitive ontology, which, in many ways, contradicts the previous, linguistically-dependent approach to ontology. In the "linguistic" approach, being, perception and action are considered without taking into account the natural limitations of man, human experience and attachments that can cause a person to "know" (see also qualia) something that for others remains a big question.

At the level of individual consciousness, an unexpectedly emerging behavioral reaction, “popping up” from under consciousness, can serve as an impetus for the formation of a new “concept”, an idea leading to “knowledge”. A simple explanation for this is that living things strive to maintain their attention on something, trying to avoid interruptions and distractions at each of the levels of perception. This kind of cognitive specialization is exemplified by the inability of adult humans to hear differences in languages ​​that they have not been immersed in since youth.


Associated with consciousness, with thinking. Cognitive processes. Cognitive psychology (a direction in psychology based on the recognition of the primacy of human mental activity, and not his behavioral reactions, which is characteristic of behaviorism).||Cf. MENTAL.

What is COGNITIVE, COGNITIVE is, the meaning of the word COGNITIVE, origin (etymology) COGNITIVE, synonyms for COGNITIVE, paradigm (forms of the word) COGNITIVE in other dictionaries


Relating to cognition, the functions of the brain that enable the formation of concepts, the manipulation of them, and the acquisition of inferential knowledge. K. linguistics is a branch of linguistics that deals with the role of language in cognition.



Russian spelling dictionary. / Russian Academy Sci. Institute rus. language them. V. V. Vinogradova. - M.: "Azbukovnik". V. V. Lopatin (executive editor), B. Z. Bukchina, N. A. Eskova and others.. 1999 .


See what “cognitive” is in other dictionaries:

    COGNITIVE- [Dictionary foreign words Russian language

    COGNITIVE- (from Latin cognitio knowledge, cognition), knowable, corresponding to knowledge. Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: Soviet encyclopedia. Ch. editor: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983 ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    cognitive- adj., number of synonyms: 3 cognizable (15) cognitive (2) mental (25) ... Synonym dictionary

    cognitive- Educational Topics sexology… Technical Translator's Guide

    cognitive- cognitive (Source: Brief dictionary of sexopathological terms) ... Sexological encyclopedia

    cognitive- adj. Related to the study of consciousness and thinking. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    cognitive- informative … Explanatory translation dictionary

    cognitive- adj. informative … Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    cognitive - … Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    cognitive- oh, oh. [from lat. cōgnitio knowledge, cognition]. Book Associated with cognition, with thinking; informative. K. analysis (study of the processes of human cognition of the surrounding world, as well as a person’s ability to acquire new knowledge). K. system... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Cognitive analysis of subject names. Semantics and combinability, E. V. Rakhilina. This book is about what a native Russian speaker thinks about simple, concrete objects (such as a cup, a tree, the sea) when he talks about them. Explanation of linguistic behavior (primarily... Buy for RUR 1,668
  • Cognitive syntax of the Russian language. Study guide, Norman Boris Yustinovich. The cognitive direction is one of the most popular in modern linguistics. It studies language as a means of understanding the world; its tools are mental categories, concepts, metaphors...

Two mysterious and difficult words often plunged those who heard them at an unexpected moment into a stupor.

- I have cognitive dissonance!

But what does it mean? We analyze and explain them in simple language. So now let’s find out what this all means, how to remember it and use it correctly.

So, the cognitive dissonance comes from two Latin words: cognitio - “knowledge” and dissonantia - “dissonance”. In other words, this is some kind of internal disharmony or lack of comfort.

Cognitive dissonance in simple words

Now let's explain cognitive dissonance in simple words. What it is?

Firstly, this mental condition. Secondly, it is accompanied by a person’s internal discomfort when he is faced with some conflicting ideas in his understanding.

For example, you know one person well and don’t even suspect that he has a twin brother. But then one fine day you meet him, shake hands and suddenly find another person nearby, exactly the same.

From surprise (after all, you did not know about the twin), an acute contradiction arises inside you. It is this mental state that is called cognitive dissonance.

That is, in simple words, cognitive dissonance is characterized by a conflict of previously formed ideas about anything.

Cognitive dissonance theory

If you want to truly be smart, and not just show off with smart words, then you need to know both the etymology and the history of the origin of complex concepts.

So, in 1957, the American psychologist Leon Festinger proposed the theory of cognitive dissonance. This was very useful, because with its help in science it is possible to explain various conflict situations. And this is very important for working with a person as an individual.

This theory studies the influence of cognitive dissonance on a person, its types and ways to overcome psychological discomfort.

Leon Festinger even managed to formulate two hypotheses of this remarkable theory:

  1. As soon as a person feels the emergence of dissonance, he will make every effort to overcome it, since it is the cause of great internal discomfort.
  2. The second statement follows from the first. A person strives at all costs to avoid situations in which cognitive dissonance may increase.

That's probably the whole theory.

Examples of cognitive dissonance

At the end, in order to learn the new buzzword well, let's give some examples of dissonance.

For example, you met a person who seemed extremely kind, quiet and calm. He never raises his voice to others and behaves meekly with everyone, like a lamb. We are disposed towards him precisely because we perceive him as kind and good.

But then you accidentally meet him in the park, walking with his wife. He hasn’t seen us yet, so he behaves extremely naturally. And then you notice with horror that he is shouting at his wife, calling her extremely bad words and doing it very aggressively, waving his arms and distorting his face with genuine anger.

You, knowing him as a meek quiet person, are experiencing real cognitive dissonance, since his current behavior completely contradicts the idea that previously formed about him.

Or here's another example.

You got a job at a very large company. It has about 1,000 employees, and all have high salaries. That is, the CEO is, in fact, a millionaire.

One fine day you walk into the kitchen, which is attached to the office, and notice how this same director, who manages colossal amounts of money, is sweeping the floor. He simply decided to clean up after his workers, who made a little mess during lunch and forgot to sweep up.

That internal conflict, a contradiction or discrepancy in your understanding of the position of a person in a company and a broom for cleaning will be called cognitive dissonance.

Well, the last example.

You are walking down the street and see some beggar sitting near an underground passage and asking for alms. You need to wait for your friend, and you take this opportunity to watch the beggar. Five minutes pass, he suddenly gets up, collects all his bags and alms and heads to his own car.

The complete inconsistency of the idea of ​​homeless people owning cars will provoke real cognitive dissonance within.

How to remember?

To remember any complex term, you need to use it a couple of times in everyday life. When you meet your friend and he suggests that you go to the nearest establishment for a good meal, tell him that, due to your new convictions, you have decided not to eat in city eateries.

After he emotionally demonstrates his surprise to you, smiling slyly, say:

— What, cognitive dissonance has arisen, sir? I joked, let's go eat!

Along with the term described in the article, another word is often used, which we recommend getting acquainted with. This .

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