Increase in salaries for school teachers this year. How to calculate the salary of a primary school teacher. When will there be a promotion?

Teaching is one of the most difficult and noble professions. It is these people who invest all the kindest and brightest things into our children. The work of a teacher is not easy. Only by putting your soul into your students can you become a real teacher. However, despite the importance of the profession, teachers’ salaries are still at a low level. Will there be an increase in salaries for teachers in 2017 and how much can their salaries be increased?

According to research results, teachers working in Moscow schools have the highest salaries. This is not surprising, because the most prestigious schools in the country are located in the capital. This is where the children of officials and businessmen study. The average salary of an ordinary teacher in the capital is approximately 70,000 rubles.

In addition to wages, more comfortable working conditions have been created for teachers in Moscow. Modern school equipment makes it much easier educational process. The introduction of an electronic knowledge assessment system allows you to work more closely with parents, which means that children are under comprehensive control.

The situation in the regions is completely different. It is especially difficult for teachers in rural schools. Here teachers often receive wages equal to the subsistence minimum. In addition, the schools have absolutely no equipment. Teachers have to make their own teaching aids, sit at night checking notebooks. The work of these people is like a daily feat.

Incentive payments

The latest news never tires of telling us about the system of incentive payments in 2017 for teachers. However, this system also has its drawbacks.

Today, many experts believe that the system for calculating these bonuses is not yet perfect and there is still a need to increase the basic salary of teachers.

Of course, teachers need to be encouraged. Each of them should strive to improve their qualifications, but what should those who do not have the opportunity to improve their level of professionalism, those same teachers from villages and villages, do?

Last news

Today, the federal authorities are actively advocating for an increase in teacher salaries in 2017. According to many, these investments will improve the quality of education, because a teacher cannot fully devote himself to his work when hungry children are waiting for him at home. In addition, people in this profession also need good rest. Only in this case can we count on truly productive work by teachers.

Also, increasing teachers' salaries will help raise the prestige of this difficult profession. What situation do we see today? Experienced and highly professional teachers often go to work in private educational institutions or engage in personal tutoring. There is a shortage of experienced teachers in regular schools, which is why the level of education of children is also suffering.

The latest news says that teacher salaries will still be increased in 2017. However, the amount that teachers can count on has not yet been determined.

Crisis and wages

The program for increasing teachers' salaries was planned for 2016-2018. However, the difficult economic situation in the country has made its own adjustments. Promised increases are being delayed. However, salaries are indexed annually so that teachers do not suffer from inflation and price increases.

According to government statements, everything possible is being done today to find funds to increase teachers’ salaries in 2017. The president cut the salaries of his staff and refused to index the salaries of certain groups of officials who, in his opinion, already receive a good salary.

However, these measures are not enough. The latest news does not promise us rapid economic growth. Sanctions and low prices oil prices have led to a severe budget deficit, and of course it will not be possible to fill it overnight.

Profession by vocation

Today, many of us are accustomed to comparing the salaries of teachers in our country with the salaries of teachers in Europe and America. Of course, with such a comparison we do not win at all. However, we should not forget that the price level in these countries is also completely different. It should also be taken into account that Russia is still at the stage of economic development.

Compared to what happened in our country in the 90s, one can still observe an increase in salaries and general level life.

We must pay tribute to the teachers who were able to survive those difficult times with the country and did not give up their calling.

Nowadays you can also meet preschool and school education who, no matter what, love their work and devote themselves to it to the fullest. It is these teachers who need to be supported, according to the government. A teacher, like a doctor, must be selfless, and of course his work must be appreciated.

According to the president's statements in the latest news, these categories of public sector employees will receive wage increases first. The system of incentive payments will also be improved to encourage young professionals to strive for advanced training and career growth.

Analysts' forecasts

Today the whole country is waiting for the situation on the world oil market to improve. Raising oil prices will solve many problems in the country and finally fill the budget. According to analysts, hydrocarbon prices should rise in 2017. If the price of oil rises, we can safely say that the program to increase wages for public sector employees will work in full force.

Today it is too early to make long-term forecasts regarding teacher salary increases in 2017. Everything will become clear with the coming of the new year. However, we can say for sure that there will be indexation and teachers will not have to starve. Today the whole world is going through a crisis. Unemployment is growing and cases of non-payment of wages have become more frequent. According to the government, today everything possible is being done to prevent our teachers from finding themselves in such a difficult situation. In the meantime, we need to wait and hope for the best.

The current crisis has hit the country's financial reserves hard. Considering this fact, the government is today calculating how much it will cost to raise public sector wages. Let's find out whether teachers' salaries will be increased.

It is clear that the country has a budget deficit, so one cannot count on a significant increase. At the same time, the government is aware of its responsibility and therefore refuses to increase social security. does not plan standards.

Teachers will not succeed without an increase in salaries

It is worth noting that school teachers in modern Russia never could boast of high earnings. With the onset of the crisis, their position became even more unenviable. This has led to a decrease in the prestige of the teaching profession, and this is a serious problem. After all, without new young teachers it is unlikely that we can talk about the rise of the country.

Everyone knows that it is the teacher who stands at the origins of the emergence of personality. With its help, any person begins his journey into the world of knowledge. Thanks to the patience, skill and talent of our teachers, new specialists in their field grow.

On the other hand, it is not clear how all this can be achieved given the current state of education and teachers’ salaries. As you know, you have to be born a teacher, so you can’t waste your most valuable personnel. It is necessary to correct the situation and improve as quickly as possible financial situation teachers.

Today, according to Rosstat, teachers’ salaries are 18-25 thousand rubles, and even less in small towns and villages. It is impossible to live on such a salary and, moreover, to instill optimism and confidence in the future.

How will earnings change in 2017?

The country's leadership understands the complexity of the situation and therefore decided to increase teachers' salaries by 150 percent by 2018. V. Putin mentioned this back in 2012. It is clear that no one guessed then that:

  1. a crisis will come;
  2. energy prices will fall;
  3. There are sanctions against Russia.

However, this year there was a small ray of hope. The galloping rise in prices for everything has been stopped. There was confidence that everything would soon return to normal. It is not for nothing that the budget for the next three years again includes salary indexation. Let’s hope that already in 2017 the “ice will break” and the situation of teachers will improve. For now, we can say with confidence that in 2017-19, teachers’ salaries will increase by about five percent, that is, by the amount of inflation. A complete economic recovery is just around the corner, and perhaps by 2018 teachers’ salaries will rise significantly.

Teachers' salaries in Moscow

In the capital, the situation with teacher salaries is the best. Here, teachers receive up to 70 thousand rubles for their work. In most schools, there are many factors that stimulate salary growth. This includes additional hours in the subject, electives and preparation of students for the Olympics. Thanks to per capita funding, the situation in Moscow schools has improved significantly. Out of nearly 2,000 schools, about 700 school complexes were created. For example, one such school conglomerate may include several schools, up to school institutions, and its number reaches several thousand. Hence the incentives, high salaries and good equipment. All this attracts talented personnel from the regions of the country. The results of such success were not long in coming. IN last years The number of school graduates entering prestigious universities has sharply increased.

Position by region

As you know, salaries in Russia vary greatly by region. The same applies to teacher salaries. In some places it has caught up with the average for the subject, but in others it is significantly behind.

Teachers' salaries increase annually by about 6-7 percent per year. According to the Ministry responsible for Education and Science, average salary teachers across the country reached 33 thousand rubles. The spread of income is very wide: from 80 thousand rubles in the capital to 20 in the regions. Just a few years ago such a salary could not have been dreamed of. Basically, most teachers received 11-12 thousand rubles.

Here's what teacher salaries look like in Russian cities:

City Average salary in the region in rubles Average teacher salary in rubles
Moscow 58760 57780
Saint Petersburg 38935 41725
Saratov 21280 21525
Kirov 20265 22045
Ivanovo 19750 23040
Bryansk 20240 23445
Pskov 20343 24430
Tver 23825 25690
Voronezh 22930 25930
Tula 24665 26060
Vladimir 21875 26795
Kaluga 26950 27600
Lipetsk 22315 27877
Kaliningrad 26010 28110
Krasnodar 25440 31435

Here's how teachers' salaries differ by region:

  • Dagestan - 17,449 rubles;
  • Altai Territory - 20,140 rubles;
  • Chechnya – 22,080 rubles;
  • Mordovia – 19,940 rubles;
  • Udmurtia – 24,434 rubles;
  • Ingushetia – 25,080 rubles;
  • Chuvashia – 26,390 rubles;
  • Tatarstan – 33,670 rubles;
  • Primorsky Territory - 41,694 rubles;
  • Komi - 54,200 rubles;
  • Kamchatka – 69,480 rubles;
  • Chukotka – 76,715 rubles;
  • Yamalo-Nenets District – 83,175 rubles.

The question arises: “What is the reason for such a difference in teachers’ salaries in different regions of Russia?” According to the findings of experts from High school economy, the reason is that not all schools in the regions have switched to the normative per capita method of financing, and not all subjects of the Russian Federation have yet created the corresponding legislative acts. Hence the underfunding of the educational sector.

The modern model for evaluating a teacher’s work provides for the dependence of a teacher’s income on his costs. In recent years, the procedure for calculating salaries has changed. Previously, the bare salary was taken into account in accordance with the tariff schedule. At the moment, it is possible to take into account the individual abilities of the teacher. It’s a shame that not all regions understand this, much less apply it. It turns out that in order to earn extra money, teachers “run” from school to school in the hope of getting additional hours of work.

IN Lately Russia is not characterized very well high level financing of the education system, which is why teachers are dissatisfied with their salaries, which are impossible to feed their families. Many government agencies and ministries are puzzled by finding ways to increase salaries for Russian teachers in 2017. Since Russia has not fully coped with the crisis in which it has been for several years, public sector workers have to feel its blows themselves.

School teachers have never received high salaries, and after the economic crisis developed, the situation completely worsened. The financial component really plays a huge role in choosing a profession, so the prestige of a teacher began to gradually decline.

Rosstat specialists conducted a survey that helped them identify that teachers in general education schools receive approximately 18-20 thousand rubles.

Moreover, the income of residents was taken into account major cities. In small populated areas The situation here is even worse: teachers there earn about 13-15 thousand rubles.

In this regard, the authorities have adopted a number of new bills aimed at increasing teacher pay this year.

Moreover, the scientific workload will also be increased, which will affect both teachers and school students, and such innovations should be paid accordingly.

Previously, the president signed a decree that public sector salaries should increase annually and by 2018 their level should increase by 150% compared to 2012.

After the decree was signed, indexation was carried out, and the budget allocated a fairly large amount to increase the salaries of public sector employees. However, after the outbreak of the crisis, activities to fulfill the requirements indicated were suspended.

The indexing procedure was frozen and then only partially carried out. It must be said that the indexation of teachers’ salaries in 2017 is planned in in full, that is, they increase by 5.5%, while inflation reaches 6%. Such indexing will make it possible to fully cover the increase in the cost of food and utilities. Despite this, it would not be possible to call this salary large.

Discussing the question of what will happen to teachers’ salaries in the near future, members of the government decided to reorganize the education system of the Russian Federation and introduce “effective contracts,” which are employment contracts. In these documents, in addition to job responsibilities, criteria for the quality and efficiency of work are also discussed. Consequently, only those employees who will take their job duties seriously and constantly strive for self-improvement will be able to count on high wages.

In fact, an increase in teachers' salaries should become a motivation for teachers to strive to improve their qualifications: writing scientific works, defending dissertations and obtaining new academic titles. And this will best affect the quality of education of school students.

It should be noted that teachers in regular schools have never been able to boast of high salaries. In addition, during the crisis the situation deteriorated so much that the prestige of the teaching profession dropped significantly. The authorities cannot but react to this, because it is teachers who give children knowledge.

Therefore, it is important that schools come to those who can not only read the material and give grades, but also help them develop as individuals.

Not everyone can fulfill these responsibilities, so it is not surprising that many believe that one must be born and not become a teacher.

Without the prestige of the profession, one should not expect that the best of the best will go to schools. In addition, there is no hope that, given the low level of income of teachers, children will receive a quality education.

As a recent survey conducted by Rosstat showed, employees of secondary school institutions today receive approximately 18-20 thousand rubles. But these statistics include the salaries of teachers in large cities. And in villages and small towns, teachers earn about 13-15 thousand rubles. Of course, salaries in private schools are higher, but there are not so many such schools in the country.

And the authorities are well aware that it is now difficult to live on a salary lower than 20 thousand rubles in Russia. Therefore, a number of new bills have been adopted that will increase teachers’ salaries in 2017. Thus, these changes imply an increase in the scientific workload, but it will also be paid accordingly.

According to the authorities, salary will act as an incentive for employees educational institutions performed their duties efficiently. The new level of salaries in schools will also help reduce corruption in this area. It will allow many teachers to refuse private students, who are free time they prepare for studying at universities, receiving additional remuneration for this. They will be able to devote the freed time to preparing for lessons. All this only means that increasing teachers’ salaries in 2017 is an urgent need.

The new method of calculating wages, adopted in 2015 (On Improving Statistical Accounting), lowered this figure by more than 12 percent. Based on this, the government does not plan to index payments to public sector employees and wages will not increase from January 1, 2017. Thus, teacher salaries depend on the regional average. Each region has been tasked with increasing teacher salaries in 2017, but it will be achieved in different ways. Judging by the news available at this moment, indexation for public sector employees will be officially carried out from April 1, 2017.

Thus, given the fact that the country is still struggling with the crisis, the government will not be able to allocate a large amount from the budget to increase the income of this category of the population. Previously, the president signed a decree describing the information that public sector salaries should increase annually so that by 2018 their level would increase by 150% compared to 2012 levels. We are talking about the so-called May decrees of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

After the signing of these decrees, indexation was carried out. A large amount was allocated from the budget to increase the salaries of public sector employees. Many Russians were happy about this, but with the onset of the crisis, the process of increasing teachers’ salaries stopped. The authorities had to freeze the indexing procedure and then carry it out, but only partially, but it must be said that the indexation of teachers’ salaries in 2017 in Russia is planned in full, that is, they will increase by 5.5%. But according to official forecasts, inflation could reach 6%.

In reality, inflation may be 1-2% higher. However, indexing will almost completely cover the increase in the cost of food and utilities.

Earlier, the government said that the education system in Russia would be reorganized. So-called “effective contracts” will appear. They are essentially reminiscent of employment contracts. But they also discuss quality criteria and work efficiency. When signing such a contract, only those employees of educational institutions who will take their job duties seriously and constantly strive for self-improvement will be able to count on a high salary.

In 2016, the government planned to increase teachers' salaries. According to the decree of V.V. issued in 2012. Putin, by 2018, wages should be increased by one and a half times (taking into account the indexation of wages for compensation). How fully are these plans being implemented? Is there any possibility of increasing wages in 2017? In this article we will discuss exactly this topic.

Current status and salaries of teachers

At the moment, the salary of a school teacher is approximately 27-30 thousand rubles. Moreover, there are very, very many factors that influence the individual salary, starting from the type of school (regional, federal or municipal). As a rule, the lowest salaries are in municipal educational institutions. Additionally, salaries vary greatly depending on location. educational institution- Let's say a teacher in Moscow is about 65 thousand rubles.

Salaries are indexed every year (except, by the way, for 2016 - indexation will be carried out in 2017), but this is clearly not the money that the average teacher expects. Salary indexation is intended to compensate for rising inflation, but at the same time prices are also rising - and as a result, the teacher again remains at a loss. Let us also remember the figures for the previous year - indexation was carried out at 7.5 percent, but the actual inflation rate was about 11. In fact, in this case, indexation is more likely to keep the situation at the same level than to increase welfare. Moreover, the government does not consider indexing wages, for example, for Moscow teachers a priority.

Let's try to figure out why the salary increase is noticeably different from the expected one; should we even expect a salary increase in 2017 and by how much?

Should we expect teacher salaries to increase in 2017?

The problem of increasing education funding lies, in part, in difficult situation in the world as a whole, to which Russia is forced to respond by increasing its defense capability. IN federal budget As of 2016, there is a deficit of almost 2 trillion rubles. Compensation for this deficit will occur at the expense of the Reserve Fund. Naturally, this is reflected in the government’s plans to finance workers whose wages are based on. At the moment, the government’s priorities (based on the situation within the country and in the foreign policy arena) are as follows:

l The bulk of the funds spent by the government on financing the budget are planned to be spent on financing defense;

l Next priority is the funding of civil servants;

l The remainder of the funds is expected to be divided between financing health and education.

In numerical terms, the cost of financing and increasing salaries for teachers and health workers will decrease by about 33 billion compared to previous government plans. That is, the expected increase of 7% will decrease to approximately 2.5. Thus, an increase in funding is expected, but not in such volumes as planned.

In addition, the question was raised about dividing teachers’ salaries into a basic and an incentive part (in a percentage ratio of 70 to 30). According to the government’s logic, this should somehow encourage teachers to increase their workload. But how realistic is this?

Over the past five years, a trend has emerged towards increasing salaries for teachers, and this is indeed the case. But still, in order to receive an acceptable salary, teachers are forced to take on additional workload: classroom management, extracurricular and extracurricular activities, extra hours. Didactic material For in-depth study individual subjects are purchased either at the expense of the teacher or at the expense of the students’ parents - which, of course, does not add popularity to such classes, as well as to the teacher himself. Most teachers have to take advanced training courses, which are necessary to ensure an acceptable level of wages, at their own expense. Let's try to imagine the total workload on the teacher and roughly estimate whether these 30 percent will be so stimulating? Unlikely. This will only worsen the situation and lead to another decline in the standard of living of teachers, which will result in a decrease in both the number of teachers in schools and the number of young teachers who, after graduation, pedagogical universities will go to work in their specialty.

What the government is saying about increasing teachers' salaries

Many people are very skeptical about statements that salaries are planned to increase. This is quite justified - after all, the federal government constantly talks about the upcoming increase, but there are not so many results. Indexations, which, by the way, occur irregularly, do not solve the question posed. Let's figure out why this is happening and what the government is saying about increasing teacher salaries.

“The catch here is that the federal center does not directly increase wages,” notes the secretary of the Central Committee of the Trade Unions of Education Workers. “The federal center only distributes financial resources at the regional level, so that the region can realize the increase that is about we're talking about. But regional authorities decide at their own discretion how, to whom and by how much to raise.”

It turns out that for the effective implementation of a set of measures aimed at improving the living standards of teachers and workers public education, close cooperation between trade union organizations and regional authorities is necessary. Otherwise, even with money allocated to increase salaries, teachers’ wallets risk remaining empty.

Published 09/01/17 09:19

Increase in salaries for teachers in 2017 in Russia, last news: On September 1, Russian public sector employees will have their salaries raised.

Increasing wages for public sector employees in 2017 in Russia: latest news

Russian public sector employees will have their salaries increased from September 1, 2017. Income will increase for doctors, paramedical and junior medical staff, social workers, cultural workers, teachers in schools and institutions additional education, from kindergarten teachers, teachers working with orphans, and from researchers. There are 10 categories of workers in total. T

“I would like to confirm today that, as part of the implementation of presidential decrees, we have twice this year intkbbee We will increase wages for public sector employees. We are allocating more than 5.4 billion rubles for the May increase alone,” said Moscow Region Governor Andrei Vorobyov.

It is reported that from September 1, 2017, the salaries of doctors were increased by 6%, by 19% for nurses and by 10% for junior medical staff. Teachers of schools, kindergartens, additional education institutions, teachers working with orphans, as well as workers of cultural institutions will receive 5% more. But the salaries of educational and support staff of kindergartens (nannies) were increased by 70%. Thus, the average salary of school teachers will increase to 51.1 thousand rubles, kindergarten teachers - 58.9 thousand, nannies - 23.4 thousand rubles per month. The salary of cultural workers will be 42.3 thousand rubles in government and 39.2 thousand in municipal institutions culture.

Incentive payments to directors of schools near Moscow were also introduced.

1.8 billion payments are expected to be provided by optimizing the activities of institutions, the rest of the money will be taken from the regional budget. The increase will be most noticeable among junior teachers in kindergartens. Their salaries will increase by 70% from September 1.

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