Flight tickets Luxembourg ✈ Cologne. Low cost Luxembourg to Cologne flights Flight stats for Luxembourg to Cologne flights

The air ticket calendar is updated in real time from the official websites of airlines and agencies. Luxembourg - Cologne one way flights Luxembourg - Cologne round trip flights To navigate through prices, select a month and check the necessary filters. Do not delay buying a ticket if you find a cheap flight. The calendar displays special offers and promotions for flights from all known airlines. In the calendar you can compare ticket prices from Luxembourg to Cologne and back for every day of the month, including today. Convenient navigation for choosing the date and time of departure will allow you to see all the options and the exact cost of the Luxembourg - Cologne flight ticket.

The cheapest round trip ticket Luxembourg - Cologne: found on the official website of the airline with a departure date of 01/01/1970 and a cost of rubles.

Which airlines fly from Luxembourg to Cologne? Most airlines flying from Luxembourg to Cologne use Airbus and Boeing airliners.

Airports operating flights from Luxembourg to Cologne Airports in Cologne where planes fly from Luxembourg

Airfare Luxembourg - Cologne

The price of an air ticket Luxembourg - Cologne includes: service fare, fuel surcharges and airport service charges. You can see the dynamics of changes in the price of tickets from Luxembourg to Cologne for today, the data is updated every 2 hours. According to statistics, the closer the departure date, the less free seats on the plane, which leads to an increase in the cost of air tickets from Luxembourg to Cologne. The cost of a seat per passenger on a morning flight will be higher than on an evening flight with a probability of 87%.

One way


Flight schedule from Luxembourg to Cologne

The current flight schedule from Luxembourg to Cologne for 2019 with detailed information: flight number, departure time, aircraft arrival and flight time.

The most popular flights from Luxembourg to Cologne and back

List of popular plane tickets for the next departure dates. The selection of aircraft is based on the convenience of the route and the statistics of the choice of our customers.

Flight information for Luxembourg to Cologne

  • Distance between cities: 0 kilometers
  • Flight time from Luxembourg to Cologne: 0 h. 00 min.

We have collected for you the best and most reliable airlines selling air tickets from Luxembourg to Cologne and back for a flight to Germany. You can buy the cheapest plane tickets to Cologne for regular flights in the off-season, a good time when you can fly to Germany without additional fees like in the high season. Compare how much a ticket costs for a direct flight and with a transfer by choosing Findel Airport.
A good way to buy a plane ticket to Cologne is to book them two to three months in advance and go straight there and back. If you book an economy class ticket without luggage, where only hand luggage is allowed on the plane, it will be cheaper than a ticket with luggage.

The price of a flight ticket Luxembourg — Cologne is very time dependent: the earlier you buy a plane ticket, the cheaper it will be, we have found you the best price for a ticket from Luxembourg to Cologne costing . The cost varies depending on the day. Therefore, it is very important to compare prices not only for one specific date, but also for neighboring days - in this case, you can find a much cheaper air ticket.

Best months to visit Cologne: March, April, May, June, July, August, September- and hence the highest prices for air tickets. Do not forget to plan your return flight in advance - find flights on the route Cologne - Luxembourg, and / or. Check out today's flight schedule.

Our Price Dynamics widget allows you to make such a comparison quickly and conveniently. View flight schedules and flight arrivals from Luxembourg to Cologne and flights from Luxembourg. Study the prices for the next two weeks and choose the best option that suits you both in terms of cost and time. Sometimes flightsLuxembourg - Cologne "round trip" are cheaper than one-way tickets.

November 17, 2015 10:04 pm Luxembourg, Cologne - Germany, Bialystok - Poland August 1995

Completion of a series of notes on the first excursion trip to France in August 1995. Last note.

Day nineteen. Luxembourg, Cologne.

This day was one of the longest. We have traveled over a thousand kilometers. We drove from France through Luxembourg and Germany all the way to Poland. At first, I had enough strength for a rather fruitful tour of Luxembourg.

Covers of my travel guide to Luxembourg

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg gained independence at the Congress of Vienna in 1815. At the same time, its area was reduced by four times. Parts of the territory were ceded to neighboring France and Germany. And with the formation of Belgium, a significant part of the territory of Luxembourg ended up there. Now Luxembourg is stretched along the meridian for 70 kilometers, and in latitude - for 30-40 kilometers. 400 thousand people live here and the largest per capita income in Europe is about 20 thousand dollars.

Luxembourg was conquered in 1443 by Philip of Burgundy, then belonged to the Spanish crown for two hundred years, was twice part of France - under Louis XIV and Napoleon Bonaparte. And in the interval belonged to the Austrian Habsburgs for a hundred years. After Napoleon, Luxembourg was captured by a confederation of German states.

The first dukes of Luxembourg were from the House of Ardennes. Then the branch that was formed as a result of the marriage of Ermesinda of Luxembourg and Valerian of Limburg prevailed. Four rulers of the Holy Roman Empire descended from this branch: Henry VII, Charles IV, Wenceslas and Sigismund. In 1815, the Royal House of the Netherlands - Nassau-Orange became Dukes of Luxembourg. In 1890, the board passed to the Nassau-Wilburg branch - Adolf I.

The current Duke of Luxembourg, Jean, married in 1953 Josephine, daughter of King Leopold III of Belgium and Queen Astrid. In 2000, Jean handed over the reign to his son Henri.

The Adolf Bridge leaves the biggest impression. During its construction in 1900-1903, it was one of the largest stone bridges in Europe. The central arch is 46 meters high and spans 84 meters. The river Petrussa flows below.

In the center of the city, we visited the large ducal palace, the parliament building and the Cathedral of the Blessed Mother of God.

For four hundred years Luxembourg has been a fortress. Therefore, each period of dominion left its fortifications. Particularly impressive are the underground catacombs, which, as written in the guidebooks, are 21 kilometers long. From 1815 to 1867 Luxembourg was occupied by the Prussian garrison. Then the congress in London decided to permanently demilitarize the city and destroy the fortifications.

Before we had time to look back, France flashed by again, and we were already in Germany. Here we had planned an excursion to Cologne. Near Cologne, the intensity of car traffic increased greatly, so that we had to stand in traffic jams before entering the city.

Cologne was founded by the Romans in the year 50 Agrippina, the wife of Emperor Claudius. Even in the time of Charlemagne, Cologne was called the second Jerusalem. In 1164, Christian relics of the Magi were brought here. They were placed in the main city church, which has not survived. At the beginning of the 13th century, the idea was born to build a Catholic cathedral, similar to the French, but surpassing them in size. The prototype was taken from the cathedral in Amiens and the church of Sainte Chapelle in Paris. In 1248 the first stone was laid. It took three hundred years to bring the cathedral under the roof - this happened in 1560. The usable area of ​​the cathedral exceeded the area of ​​the Parisian Notre Dame by a quarter and could accommodate up to 20 thousand parishioners at the same time. However, at that time, St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome was already completed, three times the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe interior.

Covers of my guide to Cologne

The work was continued after 300 years in 1848 at the initiative of the Elector of Prussia, Friedrich-Wilhelm IV. In 1880, after 632 years, the Cathedral of St. Peter and Mary took its current final form. Its height is 157 meters, width - 86 meters, length - 145 meters. The window area is 10 thousand square meters. It has the world's largest hanging bell - 24 tons. It is visited by three million tourists a year. On a narrow stone staircase, having overcome 509 steps, you can climb to a height of 100 meters.

I took advantage of this opportunity by paying for the "pleasure" of climbing the five hundred Mark 3 steps.

The second symbol of Cologne is Cologne water - Eau de Cologne - cologne. In 1792, a monk from Chartres presented his friend, the merchant Mulens, with a secret recipe for the valuable water "Aqua Mirabilis" as a wedding gift. Since then, the blue and gold bottle of cologne has taken over the world.

I took advantage of my free time to buy small gifts for home. At the grocery store, I was impressed by the colorful boxes of Mozart chocolates. I bought mother and Irina a box each. A few years later, such boxes appeared in almost every candy store in Moscow, but then they looked very unusual. I bought French wine and champagne for work in France.

After lunch we left Cologne, again standing in a traffic jam. The further path turned out to be very painful. According to the program, we had an overnight stay near Hannover. But our leaders, apparently wanting to save money, moved the overnight stay to cheaper Poland.

Already in complete darkness we passed the German-Polish border. There was a huge line of cars. Our bus circled them for a long time, stopping from time to time. For some reason, we have not had green parking for a long time, and the women rioted, demanding a toilet. Bus dry closets were forbidden to use at the very beginning of the trip. Then they demanded to just stop on the road. This is absolutely not allowed in Germany. So the drivers refused again. The women made a fuss. It ended up that when we were standing in line at the border, they forced us to open the door, poured out into the street in a crowd, sitting almost under the wheels of the bus. At this time, the line of buses began to move, and they rushed back. Such entertainment somewhat overshadowed the excursion day, filled with "high" intellectual food.

Already late at night we crossed the border, drove up to a familiar hotel in Slubice, and spent the night.

Hotel in Slubice (photo from 2013)

Day twentieth. Slubice-Bialystok. Day twenty one. Bialystok. Day twenty-two. Moscow.

These three days were spent only on the way home. There is nothing special to remember. The first day was remembered by a tedious road from the western to the eastern border of Poland, traffic jams and rain. In Bialystok, a typical "soviet" provincial hotel was waiting for us. We spent the night in anticipation of being sent by train to Moscow the next day.

In the morning I walked around Bialystok. There are very few impressions. Only recently rebuilt churches in the modernist style are remembered. In addition, it turned out that the train to Moscow leaves only at 16.00. So I had to kill half a day aimlessly wandering around this uninteresting city. In addition, our hotel rooms were paid only until noon. Therefore, we had to collect all our suitcases in one room in order to free the rest of the rooms. I wanted to go home as soon as possible.

Polish church in traditional style

Polish church in modernist style

Finally, a day on the train, and - hello, Moscow.


I don’t know if I was able to answer the questions that I asked myself at the beginning? Was this trip worth it? Now, six years later, when I finish writing this travel diary, it seems to me that it was worth it! Then, in 1995, perhaps for the first time, I felt like a truly free person who does not only what he "needs" but also what he "wants."

Maybe in a few years this assessment will change, but now I remember my first sightseeing trip to Europe with great pleasure!

(recordings from 2001)

All France by day



Approximate mileage

Travel time (hours)

Time on excursions and on vacation (hours)



Slubice-Frankfurt an der Oder-Brussels





10th day


11th day


12th day


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