History of economic security units. The case of stealing police informants Heroes and professionals bhss bep

Education OBHSS. By order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 0018 of March 16, 1937, the Department for Combating the Theft of Socialist Property and Speculation (OBKHSS) was organized in the apparatus of the Main Directorate of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia. On this new structure The following main tasks were assigned:
- management of the work of peripheral police agencies to combat theft and profiteering;
- ensuring special work in order to prevent and solve these crimes at enterprises of the state trade system, consumer, industrial and disabled cooperation, in procurement organizations, in savings banks, etc.;
- investigation of cases of theft of socialist property in these organizations, arising both on the basis of data from their special apparatus, and on the basis of materials transmitted by state security departments (about petty sabotage, etc.);
- combating speculation, counterfeiting, bribery;
- operational management of commandants of procurement points of the Zagotzerno system.

In the republican, regional and regional police departments of large industrial centers, departments, divisions and groups of the BHSS were created. Where such devices were not created, the fight against theft and profiteering continued to be carried out by other police services, including the criminal investigation department. The apparatus of the OBKhSS was formed mainly from workers who had previously undergone good training. practical school in the economic departments of the Main Directorate of State Security and in the criminal investigation units.

In 1939, investigative groups began to be created in the republican, regional and regional divisions of the service, which began to investigate criminal cases initiated for economic crimes. At the same time, the work of BHSS units begins to be built on a territorial principle, which made it possible to move away from the narrow specialization of employees, which in turn contributed to improving their interaction with district and city police departments.

Just before the start of the Great Patriotic War, in 1941, the BHSS apparatus was additionally charged with the responsibility of fighting currency traders and smugglers. This work was carried out most actively in the regions of Western Ukraine, Western Belarus and the Baltic republics. However, in general, it was just beginning to unfold, and the extent of currency crimes and smuggling activities in the USSR was small at that time.

Combating waste and theft. In the last pre-war years, the performance indicators of the BHSS units have improved markedly. Strengthening the fight against waste and theft in the state trade system and consumer cooperation led to a decrease in these types of crimes. Thus, if the amount of embezzlement and theft identified in 1939 is taken as 100%, then in 1940 it was established at 62% under the state trade system, and 54% under the consumer cooperation system.

The decline in embezzlement and theft is explained by the fact that from direct theft and embezzlement material assets criminals who operated in trade moved to indirect ones. Measuring, weighing customers, re-grading goods, etc. became widespread. By deceiving buyers, criminals created large surpluses and then appropriated them.

An important role in uncovering these offenses was played by the NKVD order of May 26, 1940, which announced instructions for supervising the use in trade of correct scales, weights and other similar equipment that have established marks. This made it possible for the police, together with the prosecutor's office and the state trade inspection under the People's Commissar of Internal Trade of the USSR, to launch an offensive against those who violate trade rules - those who weigh, measure and cheat customers.

The fight against profiteering and counterfeiters. Along with active participation in “strengthening socialist property,” BHSS units solved important tasks of exposing and suppressing the activities of speculators.

In the pre-war years, speculation in industrial goods prevailed mainly. Speculation became especially widespread in Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk and other large industrial centers. In this regard, the BHSS apparatus took a whole range of measures aimed at eradicating profiteering. As a result of their efforts, in 1940, 242 large groups of speculators were neutralized and 1,242 people were brought to justice. Valuables worth 3,065 thousand rubles were confiscated from the criminals.

In the pre-war years, in the territory of a number of republics and regions of the USSR, the appearance of counterfeit banknotes of 10, 5 and 1 ruble denominations was noted. OBKhSS employees had to put a lot of effort into exposing the counterfeiters. Only in 1940, the BHSS authorities exposed 4 groups of criminals who produced counterfeit money using printing and lithographic methods, as well as 7 groups who counterfeited banknotes manually.

Thus, in the Georgian SSR, a group of 12 counterfeiters operating in Tbilisi was arrested. During the search, 17 cliches with images of bank notes of 3 ruble denominations, 44 drawings of banknotes, tools and other devices for counterfeiting banknotes were confiscated from the criminals.

In the Azerbaijan SSR, by the efforts of the staff of the BHSS of the republic and Rostov region A group of counterfeiters involved in the production and sale of 10-ruble banknotes in Baku was liquidated. Money counterfeited by this group was seized not only in the Azerbaijan SSR, but also in Rostov, Saratov, Moscow and a number of other regions.

High quality What was different were the 10 ruble bills, which were counterfeited by a group of 6 people in Moscow. During the search, 274 counterfeit 10-ruble banknotes, counterfeit passport forms, and a large number of counterfeit stamps and seals, devices for making counterfeit money. In total, in this case, BHSS employees seized counterfeit 10-ruble banknotes in the amount of 52,200 rubles. and confiscated almost 17 thousand genuine money.

General results of the activities of the OBHSS. The OBHSS device has proven to be highly effective. As a result of a large-scale attack on economic crime in 1939, 268 organized groups of plunderers were exposed in supply and distribution organizations alone, and 1,886 criminals were prosecuted. The following year, 1940, these figures doubled - 538 groups, 3573 robbers.

In general, in all spheres of the economy in the country in 1940, over 2 thousand organized groups of plunderers, speculators and counterfeiters were identified, more than 11 thousand criminals were brought to justice - also 2 times more than in the previous year. During the investigation of criminal cases, it was established that the robbers caused damage to the state of almost 49 million rubles. More than 10 million rubles worth of money and valuables were confiscated from them. and a significant amount of property was described. In addition, police officers seized money, valuables and securities worth more than 80 million rubles from speculators and turned them into state income.

Thus, in the pre-war years, the BHSS bodies, representing a new type of police service, in practice proved the necessity of their existence, becoming an effective means of protecting the economy of the USSR.

In the 1930s, crimes in the economic sphere began to be more often committed by organized criminal groups, sometimes operating in conditions of strict secrecy, using disguised and sophisticated methods. In such conditions, it became increasingly difficult for criminal investigation officers to simultaneously combat purely economic and ordinary crimes, since special knowledge and skills were required to prevent and solve crimes of a purely economic nature.

Taking into account these circumstances, as well as Stalin’s speech at the March Plenum of the Central Committee, by Order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 0018 of March 16, 1937, a department was organized in the apparatus of the Main Directorate of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia to combat the theft of socialist property and speculation (OBKHSS), which was entrusted with the following main tasks: managing the work of peripheral police agencies to combat theft and profiteering; ensuring special work in order to prevent and solve these crimes at enterprises of the state trade system, consumer, industrial and disabled cooperation, in procurement organizations, in savings banks, etc.; investigation of cases of theft of socialist property in these organizations, arising both on the basis of data from their special apparatus, and on the basis of materials transmitted by state security departments (about petty sabotage, etc.); the fight against speculation, counterfeiting, bribery; operational management of commandants of procurement points of the Zagotzerno system.

The structure of the department, which included 4 departments, looked accordingly.

In the republican, regional and regional police departments of large industrial centers, departments, divisions and groups of the BHSS were created. Where such devices were not created, the fight against theft and profiteering continued to be carried out by other police services, including the criminal investigation department.

Since 1941, the competence of the BHSS apparatus included the fight against smuggling. The BHSS apparatus was mainly formed from workers who had undergone good practical school in the economic departments of the system of the Main Directorate of State Security and in the criminal investigation departments. From the first days of its existence, employees of the new service launched active efforts to identify and expose disguised groups of plunderers, speculators, bribe-takers and counterfeiters, and ensure the safety of state and cooperative property. They prevented and solved many crimes, saved significant funds and inventory items from theft and squandering, and achieved compensation for material damage caused by criminals to the state.

As a result of a large-scale attack on economic crime, by the end of 1939, 268 organized groups of plunderers had been exposed and 1,886 criminals brought to justice. The following year, 1940, these figures doubled.

In 1939, investigative groups began to be created in the republican, regional and regional divisions of the service, which took part in the investigation of criminal cases initiated for economic crimes. At the same time, the work of BHSS units begins to be built on a territorial principle, which made it possible to move away from the narrow specialization of employees, which in turn contributed to improving their interaction with district and city police departments.

The feasibility of creating a specialized sectoral service for the protection of socialist property in the system of internal affairs bodies of the country became especially obvious in 1939, when, with the outbreak of World War II, the threat of a military attack loomed over our country. The current situation required the adoption of measures aimed at increasing the discipline of economic leaders and citizens, strengthening order in production and the struggle for the safety of socialist property, and ultimately, strengthening the defense capability of the Soviet state.

In the pre-war years, the BHSS service was further strengthened, the forms and methods of combating the theft of socialist property, speculation and counterfeiting were improved. The main efforts of the BHSS apparatus during this period were aimed at increasing the operational awareness of employees, in order to penetrate deeper into the plans of plunderers, speculators and counterfeiters; to organize special events to minimize waste and theft in organizations and enterprises of state trade and consumer cooperation. The fight against theft in supply, marketing and procurement organizations has been intensified.

In the last pre-war years, indicators have been improving in all areas of work of the BKhSS units of the police forces of the union and autonomous republics, territories and regions. At the same time, the strengthening of the fight against embezzlement and theft in the system of state trade and consumer cooperation has led to a decrease in these types of crimes. This was largely due to a change in the tactics of the robbers. So, if the number of detected embezzlement and theft in 1939 is taken as 100%, then in 1940 it was 62% under the state trade system, and 54% under the consumer cooperation system. From direct thefts and embezzlement of material assets, criminals entrenched in trade moved on to indirect ones. Measuring, weighing customers, re-grading goods, etc. became widespread. By deceiving buyers, criminals created large surpluses and then appropriated them.

An important role in the disclosure of these offenses was played by the order of the NKVD of May 26, 1940, which announced instructions for the supervision of the use in trade of correct scales, weights, and other similar equipment that have established marks. This made it possible for the police, together with the prosecutor's office and the state trade inspection under the People's Commissar of Internal Trade of the USSR, to launch a decisive offensive against persons violating trade rules by weighing, measuring and cheating buyers.

A change in the tactics of businessmen in state and cooperative trade required the BHSS apparatus to improve the forms and methods of exposing embezzlers in this system. Operational officers focused their efforts on uncovering disguised groups of criminals engaged in robbing customers.

Serious measures were taken by the police to expose the thieves operating in the food industry and in supply and marketing organizations.

Taking advantage of the lack of control over a short period of time, swindlers caused major damage to state and public property and stole people's property for huge sums. Thus, the BKhSS department of the Moscow regional police department and the Pavlo-Posad city police department uncovered a group of seasoned robbers consisting of 63 people operating at the Pavlo-Posad bakery during 1939 -1940. The criminals stole bakery products and other material assets worth over a million rubles. At the same time, the republican apparatus of the BKhSS of the Georgian SSR uncovered and liquidated two large groups of plunderers in the Food Industry Union system. One of them numbered 45, the other - 25 people. Criminals have been stealing public funds for a long time. The investigation established that several million rubles ended up in the pockets of the criminals.

No less significant blows were dealt by the workers of the OBKhSS against the thieves operating in the system of procurement and agricultural organizations. In the last pre-war year, 633 large groups of robbers were discovered and liquidated there and 3,153 people were brought to justice. Employees of the OBKhSS of the Police Department of the Ukrainian SSR in the Zagotzerno system (Kiev) exposed a group of criminals who stole 400 tons of grain, and employees of the Yaroslavl regional police department exposed a group of 13 people who stole 40 tons of grain. Employees of the Pskov OBKhSS exposed a group of schemers from a jewelry store. Gold worth 96 thousand rubles was returned to the state.

Along with active participation in strengthening socialist property, BHSS units solved important tasks of exposing and suppressing the criminal activities of speculators, thereby contributing to the normal operation of state trade enterprises and consumer cooperation.

In the pre-war years, speculation in industrial goods prevailed mainly. The main centers of speculators' activity were cities and workers' settlements. Speculation became especially widespread in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk and other large industrial centers. In this regard, the BHSS apparatus took a whole range of measures aimed at eradicating profiteering. As a result of their efforts, in 1940, 242 large groups of speculators were discovered and neutralized and 1,242 people were brought to justice. Valuables worth 3,065 thousand rubles were confiscated from the criminals.

In the pre-war years during this period, the appearance of counterfeit banknotes of 10, 5 and 1 ruble denominations of various series was noted on the territory of a number of republics and regions. OBKhSS employees had to put in a lot of effort and show great operational persistence to expose the counterfeiters. The fact that during the war there were no serious occurrences of counterfeit banknotes was the result of a wide system of diverse operational, investigative and other measures carried out by police officers, which made it possible to deal significant blows to counterfeiters.

In 1940 alone, 4 groups of criminals, numbering 23 people, were exposed, producing counterfeit money using printing and lithographic methods, and 7 groups, numbering 17 people, counterfeiting banknotes manually. Thus, in the Georgian SSR, a group of counterfeiters consisting of 12 people was arrested, operating in Tbilisi and in the Tkvibul district. During the search, 17 cliches with images of 3-ruble banknotes, 44 drawings of banknotes, tools and other devices for counterfeiting banknotes were seized from the criminals.

In the Azerbaijan SSR, a group of counterfeiters engaged in the production and sale of 10-ruble banknotes in Baku was liquidated by employees of the BHSS of the republic and the Rostov region. Money counterfeited by this group was seized not only in the Azerbaijan SSR, but also in Rostov, Saratov, Moscow and a number of other regions. The 10 ruble banknotes, which were counterfeited by a group of 6 people in Moscow, were distinguished by their high quality. During the search, 274 counterfeit 10-ruble banknotes, counterfeit passport forms, a large number of counterfeit stamps and seals, and devices for making counterfeit money were found and confiscated from the organizers of the criminal group. In total, in this case, BHSS employees seized counterfeit 10-ruble banknotes in the amount of 52,200 rubles and confiscated almost 17 thousand genuine money.

Along with counterfeit banknotes, during this period, police officers identified many cases of counterfeit numbers of government loan bonds and cash and clothing lottery tickets, which resulted in large winnings. Timely measures made it possible to eliminate several criminal groups involved in counterfeiting bonds.

The case of counterfeit bonds produced by an extensive group of 17 people, arrested in April 1941, received particular resonance. It operated on the territory of the Kazakh, Uzbek SSR, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Altai Territory and Chelyabinsk Region.

The investigation found that criminals in 42 cities of the country received about 300 thousand rubles from savings banks using counterfeit bonds. The Altai Regional Court sentenced 10 members of this criminal group to capital punishment, and the rest to imprisonment for a term of 5 to 10 years.

Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, in connection with the abolition of the economic departments of the NKVD, the apparatus of the BKhSS were entrusted with the responsibility of fighting currency traders and smugglers. This work was carried out more actively in the regions of Western Ukraine, Western Belarus and the Baltic republics. However, in general, it was just beginning to unfold, and the extent of currency crimes and smuggling activities in our country was small at that time.

The organizational strengthening of the apparatus of the BKhSS was facilitated by the strengthening of the leadership of their activities by the Main Police Directorate of the NKVD of the USSR. Thus, at the cluster meetings held by the Center of the heads of police departments of the republics, territories and regions, attention was paid to great attention increasing the efforts of this service, improving its organization, forms and methods of activity. Service levels were increased by 30%.

As a result of the measures taken, the operating efficiency of BHSS devices has increased significantly. In 1940, for example, according to far from complete data, over 2 thousand organized groups of plunderers, speculators and counterfeiters were identified in the country. More than 11 thousand criminals were brought to justice, that is, 2 times more than in the previous year.

During the investigation of criminal cases, it was established that the robbers caused damage to the state of almost 49 billion rubles. More than 10 million rubles worth of money and valuables were seized from them and a significant amount of property was described. In addition, police officers seized money, valuables and securities worth more than 80 million rubles from speculators and turned them into state income.

Thus, in the pre-war years, the BKhSS bodies, which essentially represented a new type of police service, in practice proved the necessity of their existence, becoming a powerful means of protecting the economy of the Soviet socialist state, making a significant contribution to strengthening its economic foundation.

Russian fighters against economic crime are celebrating today, March 16, their professional holiday - the Day of Formation of Economic Security Units in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The predecessor of this service was the famous department for combating the theft of socialist property and speculation (OBKhSS), created on March 16, 1937 as part of the Main Police Department People's Commissariat Internal Affairs of the USSR. The adopted regulations on the OBKhSS, in particular, stated that it was created to “ensure the fight against the theft of socialist property in organizations and institutions of state trade, as well as to combat profiteering.”

Tasks of economic security units

Currently, employees of economic security units are actively working in the areas of control over the use of budget funds for their intended purpose, counterfeiting and combating bribery and corruption. The tasks of economic security units in the Ministry of Internal Affairs include identifying and suppressing violations of laws regulating the circulation of national and foreign currency in the sphere of foreign and domestic economic operations. The authority is responsible for illegal acts in the theft of precious and non-ferrous metals, the financial and credit system, strategic materials and other government resources, as well as counterfeiting of securities and government treasury notes.

In February 1992, the Main Directorate for Economic Crimes (GUEP) was created within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which five years later was renamed GUBEP. In June 2001, it became part of the Criminal Police Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and two years later it began to operate within the structure of the ministry federal Service on economic and tax crimes. As a result of administrative reform, it became the Department of Economic Security.

The issues of reliable protection of state and public property in our country and the organization of the fight against acquisitive crimes have constantly been in the focus of attention of the government and local authorities.

Of course, the specialists of the country’s economic security units are only highly qualified employees with higher legal or economic education, who also participate in operational and official activities. On the holiday of March 16, the Day of Formation of Economic Security Units in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ceremonial events are held to reward specialists, and gratitude is also given to distinguished professionals.

History of the BHSS – BEP service

In fact, the beginning of the formation of the BKhSS-BEP service occurred in 1919, when the NKVD, having examined the state of security existing at enterprises, decided to immediately organize the so-called industrial police, which was entrusted with the task of combating the theft of national property, the disorganization of the economic and industrial life of the country with illegal use of nationalized means of production and raw material reserves for private interests.

The period 1927-1930 is characterized by the expansion of the functions of the NKVD, the assignment of new tasks to it, due to the deployment of the construction of a new socialist economy throughout the country, the need to strengthen the protection of national property, and the intensification of the fight against economic and official crimes.

In March 1920, an industrial police department was formed as part of the Main Police Directorate of the NKVD of the RSFSR, whose functions included the protection of national economic facilities and the fight against theft and petty theft of socialist property.

In May 1922, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR approved the Regulations on the NKVD of the RSFSR, which entrusted the police with the task of protecting civil institutions and structures of national and exceptional importance: telegraph, post office, water supply system, structures on all routes of communication, stations and backwaters, factories, factories, mines , forests, plantations, state nurseries, fuel warehouses, raw materials, agricultural products, etc.

In August 1932, the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution “On the protection of the property of state enterprises, collective farms and cooperatives and the strengthening of public socialist property.”

On March 16, 1937, as part of the Main Police Directorate of the NKVD of the USSR, a department was formed to combat the theft of socialist property and speculation - OBKhSS GUM NKVD of the USSR. The Regulations on the OBHSS were also adopted. It said: “The OBKHSS is being created to ensure the fight against the theft of socialist property in organizations and institutions of state trade, consumer, industrial and disabled cooperation, procurement bodies and savings banks, as well as to combat speculation.”

The apparatus of the BHSS is established in the republican and local authorities police.

During the war years, protecting the national economy from criminal attacks acquired vital importance. During this difficult time, the apparatus for combating the theft of socialist property and profiteering, fully aware of the significance of the tasks assigned to them, focused on strengthening the protection of rationed essential items used to support the army and the population, suppressing the criminal activities of plunderers, speculators, fraudsters and counterfeiters .

The BHSS service took procurement and supply organizations, food industry enterprises and retail chains under special control.

A characteristic feature of the thefts of that time was that criminals most often stole not money, but inventory items, putting them on sale at speculative prices, resorting in some cases not to large, but to petty thefts and squandering of products.

The activities carried out by BHSS employees made it possible to identify shortcomings and restore order in the distribution of products, improve their accounting and safety, ensure reliable storage of strict reporting forms, receipts, invoices, orders, passes for the export of goods and other documents. The security of food warehouses was strengthened, order was restored in the printing houses where coupons were printed, and a monthly change in their grid was introduced, which excluded the possibility of their reuse. In general, thanks to the intense, dedicated and painstaking work of the BHSS service, during the war years it was possible to ensure the effective functioning of the entire infrastructure of the region, its employees made a significant contribution to strengthening the economic power of the country, returned significant material assets and funds to the state, and created the necessary conditions for achieving victory .

The main task of the police during the period post-war reconstruction The national economy was the elimination of the consequences of the war in the field of maintaining public order and fighting crime.

IN difficult conditions In the post-war period, the fight against speculation, bribery, and abuse in the card system acquired particular importance.

An order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs issued in 1947 determined measures to revise the staff of operational departments and the criminal investigation department in order to maximize the number of qualified operational workers.

In June 1947, the BKhSS department of the GUM of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was transformed into the Department for Combating the Theft of Socialist Property and Speculation (UBKhSS). The BHSS service was entrusted with the task of organizing the fight against the theft of socialist property in state trade, consumer cooperation, ORS and food supplies of industrial enterprises and industrial cooperation, in supply and sales departments, in industries producing food and industrial consumer goods. An important task was the fight against speculation, bribery, counterfeiting, private enterprise and speculation in currency values.

In October 1949, the police were transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of State Security of the USSR (MGB USSR).

On August 23, 1950, the USSR MGB reorganized the Main Police Department. Three departments were formed within the GUM MGB of the USSR, one of them was the department for combating the theft of socialist property and profiteering (UBHSS GUM MGB of the USSR).

On March 6, 1953, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the USSR decided to merge the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of State Security into one ministry, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. In 1954, when the state security agencies were again removed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the UBKhSS remained part of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On April 11, 1955, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on the organization of the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR. Russian republic received its own department to combat the theft of socialist property and speculation.

By order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 0068 of November 24, 1958, the staff and structure of the Main Police Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was announced, which included the BKhSS department.

The period of the early 60s was characterized by significant stabilization of the country's socio-economic situation. This inevitably affected the criminal situation. In particular, the number of criminal cases initiated by the police decreased (by approximately 26%), as well as the number of persons brought to criminal liability (by approximately 34%).

In 1963, the Ministries of Internal Affairs of the Union republics were renamed the Ministries of Public Order. The BKhSS service became known as the UBKhSS MOOP RSFSR.

In February 1992, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR were merged into the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 35 of February 10, 1992, the Bureau of Crime in the Economy of the Criminal Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Economic Economic Crimes Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR were merged.

The new division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received the name - Main Directorate for Economic Crimes (GUEP MIA of the Russian Federation).

By the mid-1930s, our country's economy had strengthened significantly after the destruction caused by civil war, but at the same time there were more temptations for plunderers of people's and personal property. Economic crimes have swept the country. In Karelia, agricultural associations and objects of state and cooperative trade were especially subject to criminal attacks. In 1936, the police uncovered a massive forgery of Kareltorg documents with the aim of stealing funds in the amount of 52 thousand 224 rubles. 7 people were brought to criminal responsibility. And there were many such cases.

To detect such crimes, specially trained employees were required. By order of the NKVD of the USSR dated March 16, 1937, a department to combat the theft of socialist property and profiteering was formed within the Main Police Directorate - OBKhSS NKVD of the USSR. A regulation on the OBHSS was also adopted. It said: “The OBKHSS is being created to ensure the fight against the theft of socialist property in organizations and institutions of state trade, consumer, industrial and disabled cooperation, procurement bodies and savings banks, as well as to combat speculation.”

In the republican, regional and regional police departments, departments, divisions and groups of the BHSS were created. Where there were no such units, the fight against theft and profiteering continued to be carried out by the criminal investigation department.

On May 28, 1937, in accordance with the requirements of the order of the NKVD of the USSR, the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic issued an order “On the organization of a special group under the UR KM of the NKVD of the KASSR to combat the theft of socialist property, profiteering and sabotage.” A month later, this group was removed from the criminal investigation department and a department was created on its basis, and from July 15 - the BHSS department. It consisted of two departments: the anti-speculation department and the anti-theft department.

BHSS employees 1959

The Karelian apparatus of the BHSS was formed from workers who had undergone good practical school in the economic departments of the criminal investigation department. From the first days, they did a lot of work to identify and expose disguised groups of plunderers, speculators, bribe-takers, counterfeiters, and achieved significant compensation for material damage caused by criminals to the state and society.

The BHSS service has gone through several stages in its development. First of these was the period of the pre-war and war years until 1945.

To achieve results, the heads of the service needed to make maximum use of organizational and administrative abilities aimed at increasing the operational awareness of employees to better penetrate the plans of criminals, as well as to carry out special measures to significantly reduce waste and theft in organizations and enterprises of state trade and consumer cooperation.

In order to improve the quality of operational investigative work, the BHSS service, like the criminal investigation service, was organized on a territorial basis.

The measures taken have yielded positive results. The number of detected embezzlements and thefts in 1940, compared to 1939, decreased in state trade by 38%, and in consumer cooperation - by 46%. From direct thefts and embezzlement of material assets in the trading network, criminals have moved on to indirect ones. Measuring, weighing of buyers, and re-grading of goods became widespread.

BHSS employees 1967

A feature of the activities of the police during the war, primarily in the front line, which included Karelia, was the fight against looting, illegal purchase and resale of gold, speculation and counterfeiting. Work to identify these crimes was carried out actively, although there were significant difficulties. One of them: the majority of police officers, including the BKhSS service, took direct part in hostilities. Many died on the Karelian front.

Second phase The formation and development of the BHSS service should be attributed to the post-war period. From 1943 to 1952, the service was led by Pavel Ivanovich Bogatyrev, who came to the BHSS back in 1937.

The post-war period was a time of great enthusiasm. In Karelia, as throughout the country, work was carried out to restore the national economy destroyed by the war. Police officers took an active part in it, although it was not at all easy to do. Meager wages, almost no technical support, small staff numbers - all this negatively affected the fight against economic crimes. Mostly former front-line soldiers, accustomed to difficulties, were recruited into the service. Among them is S.G. Selyshev, B.Ya. Inyushin, V.M. Kuftyrev, N.D. Demkin, G.A. Sizov, P.D. Karavaev and many others.

The operational situation during this period was difficult. The war-ravaged economy had many “weak points,” which created a favorable environment for economic and official crimes. However, BHSS employees did not allow lack of control in the preservation of state property and actively identified thieves, bribe-takers and speculators.

employees of the OBKhSS Ministry of Internal Affairs of the KASSR 1989

In 1951, senior investigator of the ROBHSS Polyakov exposed a group of embezzlers in the Consumer Cooperation system. It operated in Petrozavodsk and the village of Sheltozero. Five defendants were sentenced to terms ranging from 5 to 10 years in prison.

By 1955, the second stage of development of BHSS devices was completed. The national economy in the republic, for the most part, was restored. The internal affairs bodies have become stronger, the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel has increased. The Soviet and party bodies of the republic took a number of specific measures to preserve state property in sectors of the national economy. On September 29, 1955, the Criminal Code of the KP KFSSR adopted the Resolution “On strengthening the fight against embezzlement and theft in trade organizations, industrial cooperation and local industry.” The operational situation that had developed by 1955 made it possible to move on to a new period in the development of the BHSS service.

The third stage lasted until the beginning of 1991. It is characterized by an increase in the performance of the BHSS. Thus, in the summer of 1957, within five months, a group of robbers at a bakery plant and in the Medvezhyegorsk trading network was exposed. The audit found that the criminals had stolen more than sixty tons of bakery products worth about 70,000 rubles in a short period of time. 10 people were brought to criminal responsibility. In 1959, materials from solving this crime called “Freeloaders” were used as a guide in practical activities.

On third stage In the BHSS service, policemen appeared whose work one should emulate.

BEP employees 1993

Kuftyrev Vasily Moiseevich, born in 1924, participant in the Great Patriotic War, worked in the BHSS service from 1947 to 1983. As the most qualified employee, he was entrusted with zonal control and practical assistance to a group of city district internal affairs agencies through the BHSS. The results of his influence on the GO-ROVD were always positive. Thus, over two years (1982-1983) in the Kondopozhsky District Department of Internal Affairs, the number of detected crimes through the BHSS almost doubled - from 37 to 70, and the number of thefts - by only 15%. There are many such examples in his work. Vasily Moiseevich was awarded the “Excellence in Police” badge and was twice included on the Board of Honor.

Kuznetsov Leonid Ivanovich, born in 1935. He began his service in December 1957 as an investigator of the BKhSS Zaonezhsky police department. In 1962, he uncovered a large theft of timber from a timber trading base. That same year, he exposed the bribe-taker Smirnov, who was later sentenced to 8 years in prison. In 1963, as a result of the implementation of an operational case by Leonid Kuznetsov, 10 people who worked at the Petrozavodsk cold storage plant and committed the theft of products worth 11,000 rubles were brought to criminal responsibility. During 1964-1965, he personally identified 27 crimes. From 1971 to 1981, Leonid Ivanovich Kuznetsov was the head of the OBKhSS of the Petrozavodsk City Department of Internal Affairs. During this time, the number of crimes identified by his subordinates increased 1.7 times.

Balandin Viktor Alexandrovich, born in 1929. He worked in the BHSS service from 1964 to 1985. From 1969 to 1971 he headed the Petrozavodsk branch of the BHSS. During his service he received 26 commendations. In the early eighties, he successfully implemented operational materials regarding timber harvesters from Moldova and Ukraine. The damage from the illegal activities of the criminals amounted to about 50,000 rubles. The entire criminal group was sentenced to long terms. During the same period, Viktor Aleksandrovich revealed the theft of 11,000 rubles committed by the accountant of the trade union committee of the Pyaozersky private household plot.

Sidyakin Vladimir Semenovich, born in 1939. In 1972, he joined the police and spent more than twenty years serving in the BHSS. He started as a detective officer. Then, as an experienced employee, he was transferred to work in the OBHSS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1979, Vladimir Sidyakin was entrusted with organizing the fight against theft in construction organizations of the republic. This industry was particularly crime-prone at that time, but the facts of theft and the persons responsible were rarely identified. Over two years of work on this line, Vladimir Semenovich ensured the identification of 80 economic and official criminal acts. It is worth noting that before this their annual number did not exceed ten. Vladimir Semenovich took a direct part in solving the most complex economic crimes. During his service, he was encouraged by management over 20 times.

Barsukov Vasily Egorovich, born in 1924, participant in the Great Patriotic War. Since the spring of 1966, he served as deputy head of the OBKhSS of the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs. During his work, Vasily Egorovich, as a highly qualified lawyer, provided constant and qualified assistance to operational workers, and directly supervised the implementation of operational materials on complex economic crimes. Among them was a high-profile crime committed in the village of Shala, Pudozh region in 1966. Then a group of people, employees of one of the enterprises, committed theft on an especially large scale. The damage amounted to over 20,000 rubles.

Zhitkovsky Ivan Grigorievich, born in 1929. He worked in the BKhSS service for 16 years, including as deputy head of the OBKhSS Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition to managing operational work, Ivan Grigorievich was directly involved in the implementation of the most complex operational accounting matters. Under his leadership, two citizens were exposed for fraud on an especially large scale and were subsequently sentenced to long terms of imprisonment.

The organizational and practical measures taken at that time to combat economic and official crimes led to positive results in the work. Thus, from 1971 to 1980, the number of detected crimes through the BHSS increased by 10.4%, and the number of prevented crimes increased by 2.7 times.

Further development of the BHSS service in Karelia took place in the 80s of the last century. Yuri Kirillovich Olyushkin served as head of the BHSS department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from 1980 to 1985, and then Nikolai Nikolaevich Krotov. They continued the established traditions. The operational proficiency of employees has increased. As a rule, only workers with higher legal and economic education and competent specialists in various sectors of the national economy were sent to serve in the BHSS. Seminars were constantly held with BHSS employees, and a number of employees underwent retraining every year. Along with increasing demands on employees, an atmosphere of responsibility was created for everyone for the assigned work.

The measures taken made it possible to improve the operational and service activities of the BHSS. If in 1980 the number of crimes identified through the BHSS was 386, then in 1985 BHSS employees identified 624 such crimes.

It is impossible not to recall a number of names of BHSS employees of those years, including Vladimir Mikhailovich Ivanov, Nikolai Ivanovich Mikhailov, Arvo Viktorovich Nevonen, Petr Aleksandrovich Telkinen, Dmitry Mikhailovich Mikhailov, Vladimir Nikolaevich Dubinin. All of them began working in the internal affairs bodies from the BHSS service, where they showed high organization and discipline and constantly improved in their work.

After the adoption of the USSR Laws “On State Enterprise (Association)” and “On Cooperation,” the country’s economic management system changed significantly, and the principle of full self-financing and self-financing was introduced. In this regard, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the KASSR developed and approved a Plan of Major Actions to restructure the activities of the BHSS service of the republic.

In 1987, a comprehensive target program was implemented to improve the activities of internal affairs bodies in the fight against unearned income for 1987-1990. As a result of these and a number of other measures, over three years, the BHSS apparatus identified 1,300 crimes, and 754 criminal cases were initiated based on them. 462 facts of theft were established.

Fourth stage. On December 29, 1990, by order of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the BHSS Department became known as the Department for Detection of Crimes in the Economic Sphere, and almost three years later, on September 14, 1993, it was renamed the Department for Economic Crimes. This was the beginning of the fourth stage in the development and improvement of the BHSS-BEP service. This period was the most difficult due to the novelty of the tasks facing the service, but very interesting.

In the summer of 2003, in connection with administrative reform state power The tax police were liquidated. It was replaced by a new service - the Service for Combating Economic and Tax Crimes, which until July 2011 included the Department for Combating Economic Crimes and the Department for Tax Crimes.

The first head of the service for tax and economic crimes - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Karelia was police colonel Fedor Ioganesovich Hirvonen.

I would like to note a number of experienced employees of the BEP service (BCSS), who made a huge contribution to the fight against economic crimes:

Police Colonel Iovlev Sergey Romanovich, Deputy Head of the Department for Economic Crimes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Karelia. Served in the police department from 1991 to 2007. For exemplary performance of duties and achieved high results in the service, he was repeatedly rewarded by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. During his service, he was rewarded with medals “For Impeccable Service” of 3 degrees.

Police Colonel Bilyk Anatoly Grigorievich, head of the department for identifying crimes in the consumer market, agro-industrial complex, in the field of extraction and processing of aquatic biological resources of the Department of Economic Crimes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Karelia. He began serving in the OBHSS in 1983. In 2002, he was the head of the Department of Economic Crimes of the Petrozavodsk Internal Affairs Directorate. For exemplary performance of duties and achieved high results, he was repeatedly rewarded by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. During his service, he was rewarded with medals “For Impeccable Service” of 3 degrees.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Efimchik Konstantin Mikhailovich, Head of the Department for Economic Crimes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Karelia. He served in the internal affairs bodies from August 1988 to September 2011. During his service, he was rewarded with medals “For Impeccable Service” of 3 degrees.

Police Major Pavlov Alexey Nikolaevich, Head of the Department for Economic Crimes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Karelia. He served in the police department from March 1994 to February 2008. In the BEP service he worked in various positions of middle and senior management.

In 2011, during the reform of the Russian internal affairs bodies, the position of Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Karelia for economic security was abolished, and the service received a new name - the economic security and anti-corruption division. Currently, the Department of Economic Safety and Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Karelia is headed by Police Major Timur Nikolaevich Gulyaev.

75 years have passed since the formation of the BHSS-BEP service, and these were years of great and thorough work. Currently, economic security departments employ high-class specialists who are able to overcome any difficulties. Employees of economic security units also go on business trips to the North Caucasus, where they serve to ensure order. For exemplary performance of their assigned tasks, Alexander Antropov, Roman Moiseenko and Valery Babsky were awarded medals “For Courage”, and Alexey Olyushkin, Leonid Svetlov and Sergey Smirnov - “For Excellence in the Protection of Public Order”.

Today, fighters against economic crime have sufficient technical, intellectual and professional potential to solve problems to protect the Russian economy. They carefully preserve traditions, continuity of generations and a kind, attentive attitude towards veterans. Therefore, meetings with veterans are a traditional event. Since 2006, the Veterans Council of the Office for Combating Economic Crimes has been operating. The first chairman of the Council was retired police lieutenant colonel Alexander Anatolyevich Zyablov, and since 2009 the Council was headed by retired police lieutenant colonel Alexey Mikhailovich Fomichev. On an ongoing basis, the Council of Veterans, together with the Economic Security and Commissariat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Karelia, organizes congratulations and honors for pensioners and service veterans, provides social and material assistance to war veterans, disabled people who have received a military injury, and family members of deceased BHSS-BEP employees. It is worth noting that thanks to the assistance of veterans of the BEP service, 24 economic crimes have been identified over the past three years. There is no doubt that the best traditions of service veterans will be preserved and enhanced.

The Soviet state highly appreciated the military work of the BKhSS workers; many of them were awarded orders and medals for their selfless work in protecting socialist property and fighting other crimes of an economic nature during the Great Patriotic War.


In the post-war period, the main task was to restore the national economy destroyed by the war. In the territories occupied by the Germans, thousands of cities and villages, plants and factories were completely destroyed, about a million residential buildings, schools and other social and cultural facilities were burned and destroyed. Restoring what was destroyed required enormous monetary, material and labor costs, and the state, to the best of its ability, did everything to restore destroyed factories, housing and other infrastructure. Under these conditions, it was especially important to prevent the theft and squandering of the people's property and to ensure the safety of all restoration resources.

Among the first information - search engines One can name the “landmark” system, created in the OBKhSS of the Volgograd region and “Electron” - in the OBKhSS of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Gorky region, which immediately showed their effectiveness.

In 1977, a new “Regulation on the Directorate for Combating the Theft of Socialist Property and Speculation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR” was adopted, and then “Approximate Regulations on the Directorate (Department) of the BHSS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Union and Autonomous Republics, the Department of Internal Affairs of Regional Executive Committees.” These documents strengthened the legal position of the service, more clearly defined its place and role in the system of internal affairs bodies, contributed to increasing its authority, and ultimately influenced the increase in the efficiency of its activities.

A set of measures taken with the aim of professionally strengthening the BHSS apparatus, equipping them with the latest technical means, and developing scientifically based methods for the operational maintenance of sectors of the national economy, allowed them to bring their activities to a qualitatively new level.

The BHSS apparatus was especially active in implementing the guidelines of the leadership when the country set a course for a radical restructuring of the socio-economic sphere of our society and when demands for observance of the principles of social justice in society were especially acute. Thus, over the years, the total number of crimes detected by the BHSS apparatus has increased by 23.3%. Compared to the previous five-year period, thefts committed in large and especially large sizes, 40% more were uncovered, 32% more of disguised criminal groups operating in various industries and departments were exposed (78%). The number of convicted bribe-takers increased by 80%, and speculators by 30%. The most important guidelines for the activities of the BKhSS service were the provisions of the Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee dated July 2, 1984 “On the work of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs to improve the activities of the BKhSS service” and the resolution of the CPSU Central Committee and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated January 1, 2001 “On measures to strengthen the fight against unearned income ", in which an analysis was given of the state of the fight against theft of socialist property and other methods of obtaining unearned income and the main tasks of law enforcement agencies were identified.

The primary responsibilities of the BHSS service, in accordance with the requirements of these regulations, remained the prevention of theft, waste and mismanagement.

In preventive work, it was necessary to better use operational capabilities to identify channels and loopholes for the theft of people's property, strengthen contacts with other divisions and services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ministries and departments, improve interaction with public groups and labor collectives, and aim a special apparatus at the disintegration of criminal groups. Identify those with previous convictions who do not have the right, by decision of the judicial authorities, to occupy management positions and positions associated with financial responsibility.

Along with this, the main efforts of the BHSS apparatus should have been directed towards identifying and timely suppressing the criminal activities of large, deeply disguised groups of embezzlers, bribe-takers and speculators.

As a rule, large and especially large thefts during this period were committed by criminal groups, which included experienced business workers. At the same time, criminal combinations often covered related sectors of the national economy. At such enterprises, the accounting of material assets was most often deliberately neglected, timely checks of raw materials in warehouses and in production were not carried out, and inventories were carried out formally. Huge harm national economy caused by the anti-state practice of attributions and deliberate distortion of reporting. Thanks to all these negative phenomena, long-term machinations of thieves and bribe-takers conducting illegal transactions with cotton in the Uzbek SSR and other regions of the country became possible. As a result, hundreds of people were involved in the criminal sphere, and the damage caused to the state amounted to millions of rubles.

The agro-industrial complex required special attention. Workers of the BHSS apparatus had to master all the intricacies and details of the new economic and legal mechanism, full self-financing in agricultural production, collective contracting, standards for relations with processing and trading enterprises, procurement and procurement of products, in order to competently prevent and eliminate the causes and conditions of abuse. This was especially important in connection with the granting of collective and state farms the right to sell up to a third of planned purchases and all excess consumer cooperative products in the markets.

Despite the measures taken, criminal groups operated at a number of agricultural facilities. Thus, in the Voronezhplodovoshkhoz association, internal affairs bodies exposed 8 such groups that had been involved in theft for a long time. They caused material damage to the state amounting to 150 thousand rubles.

The tasks of combating thieves who had infiltrated the trade sector remained relevant. In 1985 alone, internal affairs bodies uncovered more than 20 thousand thefts there, and money and valuables worth 22.5 million rubles were confiscated from criminals. Dangerous groups have been exposed in a number of trade organizations in Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv, Moscow, Rostov, Andijan and a number of other regions.

The operational situation in the system of consumer services for the population and housing and communal services remained extremely difficult. Serious concern, in particular, was caused by the infiltration of businessmen - entrepreneurs who, bypassing the law, opened workshops for the production of “illegal” products and purchased equipment, raw materials, and materials with bribes.

The greatest concentration of such businessmen was observed in Georgia, Armenia, Dagestan, Checheno-Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Krasnodar, Stavropol Territories and a number of regions.

Serious abuses continued in light and local industries. A large amount of wool, leather and other types of raw materials were squandered here, which were sold for bribes to schemers operating at public service facilities.

There has been a noticeable increase in the number of crimes detected in the sphere of supply and distribution organizations. Their employees, acting in collusion with businessmen - tour operators, sometimes transferred them non-funded equipment and raw materials, thereby creating the opportunity to produce unaccounted for products and embezzle huge amounts of money.

A large volume of shortages and thefts began to be recorded at mechanical engineering enterprises. Taking advantage of the carelessness on the part of the regulatory authorities, officials used outdated standards for metal consumption to create “surpluses”, wrote them off in large quantities for the production of defective products, and plundered them under the guise of providing patronage assistance. Products from workshops producing consumer goods and cultural and household goods, products from subsidiary farms of enterprises, work clothes, and some types of expensive tools were stolen.

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