Lesson - workshop “Distinguishing adverbs and adjectives. An open lesson in the Russian language on the topic "the formation of adverbs from nouns and adjectives" Lesson the formation of adverbs from adjectives 8 view

So, open the textbooks on page 249. Let's read the first part of the rule.

So, many adverbs are formed from adjectives with the help of suffixes -O, -E.

Now we will practice forming adverbs from adjectives using the suffix -O.Let's execute ex. 447 in writing.

Read the task under letter a,b. What needs to be done in this exercise? (from words, form adverbs with the suffix o and highlight suffixes)

Read these words. What part of speech are these words? (adjective).

So, let's try to form a slow adverb from an adjective using the suffix -O. What happens? (slowly). Guys, look how much n in the adjective is slow? (2). We write the same amount in the dialect. Write down and highlight the suffix. (the teacher helps to make 1 example, then 2-4 at the blackboard, then on their own). Finished. Let's check. Let's make a conclusion. How do we form adverbs?

And now, guys, let's practice forming adverbs from adjectives using the -E suffix.Let's execute exercise 448 a, b.Read the assignments. What needs to be done?

What part of speech are these words? (adj.)

Let's form an adjective clumsy, an adverb with the suffix -E. What happens? (clumsily). (the teacher helps to make out 1 example, then 2-4 at the blackboard, then on their own.) Finished. Let's check. Let's make a conclusion. How did we form adverbs in this exercise?

Guys, let's make a general conclusion. From what part of speech and with what help did we form adverbs?

Guys, now read the second part of the rule.

So, what is the peculiarity of the composition of words in adverbs? (there is no ending. Including zero ones)

And now, we will confirm this with you Let's execute exercise 450.

Read the task. What needs to be done? (sort out the words in composition)

Look at these words. What part of speech are they? (adverbs). We read the rule and found out that adverbs do not have endings, including zero ones, let's confirm this.

To begin with, let's repeat the order of parsing words by composition. (On the slide)

1. Define the word as a part of speech.

2. Find the ending (if any). Check the correctness of the selection of the ending by changing it.

3. Indicate the basis of the word.

4. Select the root (for this you need to pick up words with the same root).

5. select prefixes and suffixes (if any).

So, let's take a look at the word boldly.

1. Adverb.

2. Based on the rule, adverbs have no endings, including zero ones, which means that the word boldly has no endings.

3. The basis of the word is boldly.

4. Root: bold, bold, daredevil. So the root is bold.

5. Suffix about. (one word at the blackboard, the rest of the children in a notebook)

Russian language lesson in 4th grade on the topic

"The Formation of Adverbs"

Lesson type: learning new material

Target: acquaintance with the formation of adverbs based on the language experience of students.


    to update the knowledge of students acquired in the study of the Russian language;

    to introduce the formation of adverbs from the name of the adjective and the name of the noun

    help students see their progress and realize the need for new knowledge.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment, message of the topic and objectives of the lesson

Hello guys! Today you are hosting many guests, so I suggest that you greet all those present.

Every new day should start with a good mood. I think a sincere smile is a great way to cheer yourself up. I wish you success and creative success! They smiled at their partner in the face, bowed to their partner in the stretch. Have a seat. Sit right, back straight.

II. Repetition. Actualization of the subjective experience of students.

Let's play the game "Tell a couple". Your task is to continue the sentence, choosing the opposite word according to the meaning. When the children answer, the teacher fixes the answer cards on the board.

I will say the word "high", and you will answer - "low ».

I will say the word "far", and you will answer - "close ».

I will say the word "slowly", and you will answer - "fast".

I will say the word "loudly", and you will answer - "quiet ».

What part of speech are the words you named? (adverb )

I invite you to remember what we already know about the adverb .

To do this, let's play the game "Yes-no-ka". If you agree with the statement, get up; if not, stay where you are. Ready?

    The adverb is independent part speech. (Yes)

    adverb - service unit speech. (No)

    The adverb has no ending. (Yes)

    An adverb is an inflected part of speech. (No)

    The adverb most often explains the verb. (Yes)

    In a sentence, an adverb plays the role of a circumstance. (Yes)

    An adverb can answer a questionhow many ? (Yes)

    Can an adverb be changed by case? (No)

    Adverbs are divided into groups according to their meaning. (Yes)

    Is the adverb formed from other words? (Yes)

III. Work on the topic of the lesson:

What question caused you difficulty?

What parts of speech do you think we can form an adverb from?

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

"Formation of adverbs from adjectives and nouns"


1) Read the words and say what part of speech they belong to?Write these words down in your notebook.

Highlight the ending, the stem of the word.

Try to form adverbs from these words. Let's check what words you got.

slide 2

good - good

fast - fast

Easy - easy


(the basis)

What is discarded?(the ending)

What is joining?(-o-suffix)

slide 3

What can be the conclusion? (Adverbs are formed from adjectives with the suffix -o).

2) Form and write adverbs from the given adjectives. While completing the task, you can communicate with each other.

slide 4





What can you add to the previous conclusion?

What part of speech are adverbs formed from?

Make a conclusion. ( Many adverbs are formed from adjectives with the help of suffixes -o, -e). ( Adverbs have no endings .)

And hereadjective NEW

slide 5

Let's try to form an adverb using the suffix -o-, -e

Does not work. But with different prefixes and suffixes as much as you like.





in a new way

Inference Adverbs are formed from adjectives using suffixes O, E, and a prefix can also help. If the suffixes are after the hissing ones, then -o is written under stress, -e without stress.

IV. Physical education minute

Left bend over, right bend over,

Down get down -up get up,

And now jump a little:

Left, right turn around

Andquietly sit down.

We continue our work.

slide 6

Write the sentences in your notebook.

Summer gathers and winter eats.

Walk in the summer, get hungry in the winter.

What can be said about these proposals?

Ask a question to the words of the first and second sentences.

Who agrees with my statement raise your hand.

“We have nouns in the first sentence, and adverbs in the second.”

What part of speech is this adverb derived from?(on behalf of a noun)

What can be the conclusion? (Adverbs can be formed from im. nouns with the help of suffixes -om, -oy, -yu).

Let's see how adverbs can still be formed.

Slide 7

(what?) bottom - (where?) bottom

(what?) far- (from where?) from afar




Is it possible to form adverbs from these words only with the help of suffixes? Form adverbs.

Then "Mix", we are looking for a pair, we call the resulting adverbs. If you didn’t come up with this, we write down the partner’s adverb in a notebook.

I put it on the boardslide 8. Tell me, who got different words.

I ask 2-3 students.

What can be the conclusion? (We remove the ending, prefixes and prepositions help in the formation of adverbs).

V. Consolidation of the studied material .

Ex. 476. Verification. If there is time.

Ex. 478. Checking in groups. We read one word at a time, starting with the second partner.

VI. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

We did a good job with you today. Rate your progress today. Let's play a game of tic-tac-toe. If you know the answer to the question - put a cross, if not - zero.

1. Blitz - poll.

What part of the word is preserved in the formation of adverbs?

What is discarded?

What is joining?

Raise your hands who has 4,3,2 crosses?

Well done boys! Who put all 4 crosses, you can safely rate your work today in the lesson at 5.

Who put 3 and 2 crosses, I hope that the implementation homework at a pace convenient for you will help to consolidate the knowledge gained in the lesson

VI. Homework

Ex. 473

Thank you for the lesson. I enjoyed working with you!

During the classes.

I. Approximately - motivational stage.

1. Self-organization.

2. Updating knowledge and setting a learning task.

Please listen to a poem by Eli Kuklina and think about what words attracted the attention of the poetess. The correct answer to this question will help to reveal the topic of our lesson.

Slide number 1. Our language is both modest and rich.

There is a wonderful treasure hidden in every word.

Say the word "high" -

And imagine the blue of the sky at once ...

You say: "White all around - white!" -

And you will see the winter village,

White snow hangs from the white roofs,

Can't see the rivers under the white snow.

If you say the word "dark"

At once the evening will look out the window.

If you say "fragrant" you -

Immediately remember lily of the valley flowers.

Well, if you say "beautiful" -

All of Russia is before you at once!

Why does the poetess, having said the word "beautiful", represent the whole of Russia?

What words did the poet pay attention to? (After the students' answers are projected onto the screen.Slide number 2. High, all around, white, dark, fragrant, beautiful. )

And what kind of person do you need to be in order to see something unusual and interesting in the simplest things?

Tell me what are these words? What do these words have in common? (They evoke different feelings. Answer the question HOW? - dark, fragrant, beautiful, white; WHERE? - high, all around.)

We have already met these words in the Russian language lessons, what were they called? (Adverb.)

Make up the story "What I know about the adverb" according to the plan.

Slide number 3. Answer plan:

1. Part of speech.

2. Questions.

3. What does it mean?

4. Member of the proposal.

5. From what parts of speech can be formed.

Listen to the answers of 2 - 3 students.

Today we will work on identifying the main ways of forming adverbs.

Write down today's date and classwork.

3. A moment of cleansing.

Proverbs on the screen.

Slide number 4.

Whoever serves the Motherland faithfully, fulfills that duty approximately.

Explain the meaning of the proverb.

What task can be performed in this proverb? (Find adverbs.)

Find adverbs. (Projected onto the screen.Slide number 5. Right, about.)

From what part is the adverb formed?

Select a suffix. This will be a minute of calligraphy.


II. Operational - performing stage.

Work on the topic of the lesson.

Collectively - individual work by textbook.

Exercise 207, p.8.

(Assignments: make phrases from verbs and adverbs and write them; indicate in adverbs formed from the selected adjectives, the root and suffix.)

Read the phrases you have.

Name the root and suffix of adverbs.

Fizminutka with musical accompaniment .

If the adverb is doing a squat, if the noun is leaning forward, if the adjective is leaning to the left, the verb is leaning to the right. (Show word cards.)

Fine, singing, high, often, snow, up, bitter, writes, left, river.

III. Reflective - evaluation stage.

1. Blitz - poll.

What parts of speech can adverbs be formed from?

What part of the word is preserved in the formation of adverbs?

What is discarded?

What is joining?

2. differentiated task.

Red cards.

Choose adverbs with opposite meanings. Select the prefix and suffix.

Early - ________________________, bottom - ______________________, sad - ______________________, left - ______________________,

loud - _______________________, dark - _____________________,

difficult - _______________________, away - _______________________,

slowly - _____________________, weakly - _____________________.

green cards .(I option.)

Write adverbs formed from the name of the noun. (5 words.)

Blue cards. (II option.)

Write adverbs formed from the name of the adjective. (5 words.)

IV. Homework.

Compose 6 - 7 sentences with adverbs.

V. The result of the lesson. Self-esteem.

What topic are we talking about today?

How was the lesson useful for you?

These include:

1. , consisting of a preposition and a form genitive singular noun.

    a). from a prepositionwithout and in the form of R. p. hours:uselessly , incessantly , without restraint , Mad , tirelessly , without waking up , without permission ;

    b). from a preposition from and forms of R. p. units. hours: from afar , from within , halfway through ; obsolete: from time immemorial , from time immemorial ;

    in). from a preposition with and forms of R. p. units. hours: straightaway , from below , in a big way , side , above , ever , in a row , behind , front , outside , from evil , with the wind , at first , shouldered ;

    G). from a preposition before and forms of R. p. units. hours: to the top , bottom , to the point , to failure , till you drop , to waste ;

    e). from a preposition from and forms of R. p. units. hours: partly , age .

2. Adverbs consisting of a preposition and the dative form of the singular noun.

    a). from a preposition to and forms of D. p. units. hours: up , downward , by the way , to haste ;

    b). from a preposition on and forms of D. p. units. hours: in the middle , hearsay , on the occasion of , (not ) to the core , on top , behind , in the middle .

3. Adverbs consisting of a preposition and the accusative form of the singular noun.

    a). from a preposition on the and forms V. p. units. hours: sideways , inside out , hastily , to laugh , marvelously , flatly , straight ahead , at random , on the spot , contrary to , for show , all the way , snapped up , vying with each other , ran away , sobbing , to death , for rent , wide open , at random , inside out , obliquely , out of spite , back , ahead , on the side , up , towards , forever , violently , at random , outside , backhand , wide open ;

    b). from a preposition in and forms V. p. units. hours: up , down , hardly , sideways , instantly , forever , flight , aloud , randomly , level , awake , relish , old-fashioned , again , into the distance , skyward , in breadth , deep into , plenty , fit , after , biting , soft-boiled , secretly , by surprise , smashed , level , in a mess , indeed , henceforth , inside , at random , swim , jump ;

    in). from a preposition behind and forms V. p. units. hours: at once , abroad ;

    G). from a preposition about and forms V. p. units. hours: in reserve ;

    e). from a preposition under and forms V. p. units. hours: sometimes , matched , contract .

+ too , on the ground , obok .

4. Adverbs consisting of a preposition with and forms instrumental noun: with an eye , lazily , coolly , with flare .

5. Adverbs correlative with the form of the prepositional case.

    a). from a preposition in and forms P. p .: up , down below , away , near , ahead , locked up , at first , secretly , subsequently , together ;

    b). from a preposition on the and forms P. p .: upstairs , Aweigh , on the fly , in reality , on the run , alert , on the side , alert , the day before .

Here you can also distinguish adverbs formed from the preposition and the form plural noun.

    a). from a preposition on the and forms V. p. pl. hours: race , squatting , on all fours , on cams , forever ;

    b). from a preposition in and forms V. p. pl. hours: to smithereens , in launches , on loan ;

    in). from a preposition with and forms R. p. pl. hours: awake ;

    G). from a preposition on and forms D. p. pl. hours: in half ;

    e). from a preposition in and forms P. p. pl. hours: in the dark , in a hurry , in a hurry , on the run , in hearts , in years ;

    e). from a preposition on the and forms P. p. pl. hours: the other day , running errands , On knees , on tiptoe , for joy .

4th grade. System L.V. Zankov.

Russian language lesson.

Textbook: Polyakova A.V.

Theme of the lesson: "The formation of adverbs."

Lesson Objectives:

1. Improve the ability to form adverbs from other parts of speech;

distinguish between adverbs formed from nouns and adjectives;

2. Develop spelling vigilance; improve and complete vocabulary;

3. Develop speech, memory, logical and creative thinking;

4. To cultivate curiosity, inquisitiveness in obtaining knowledge; generate interest in learning mother tongue; cultivate a sense of mutual respect, mutual assistance.

Lesson type: general lesson.

Lesson equipment:

1.Multimedia projector.

2. Cards with the task.

During the classes.

I.Mobilizing beginning of the lesson.

Record number, classwork.

II .Calligraphy.

Letter letters o, e.

-Name the letters that are written on the board, name the sounds that are indicated by these letters.

Board writing:Take it together, it won't be heavy. (Slide 4)

-What is written on the blackboard? (Offer)

-What is this offer? (narrative, non-exclamatory)

-Is this a common offer? (Proverb)

-Explain the meaning of this proverb. .

Write down the proverb, underline the spelling.

III . Vocabulary work. (Guess riddles, riddles appear on the screen) slide 5 - 7.

Sleeps during the day

Flies at night

And scares passers-by. (Owl)

In the middle of the yard

Worth a mop:

Forks in front

Behind the broom. (Cow)

Touching the grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest

Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide. (Elk)

- Write out the adverbs. What parts of speech are they derived from? Prove it.

IV .Work on the generalization of knowledge about the formation of adverbs.

1. Message of the topic of the lesson.

What do you think the tasks can be set for the lesson?

Definition of lesson objectives. (Children participate)

2. Theoretical conversation.

What kind morphological features have adverbs?

What parts of speech do adverbs explain?

What questions do adverbs answer?

3.- Look at the screen, what part of speech is recorded? Select the base. (Slide 8).

Frosty - frosty.ê ô

Wonderful - wonderful.

Sincere - sincere.

Singing - melodious.

And what about the letters with a conventional sign? What part of the word is this? Assign this part of the word to the base of the adjective.

What part of speech have we formed? Prove it.

What part of the adjective is preserved in the formation of adverbs? What is added to the base?

The basis of the adjective + o e \u003d adverb. (Slide 9)

V .Fizkulminutka.

We'll get some rest

Let's get up, take a deep breath

Hands to the side, forward

A bunny is waiting at the edge.

Bunny jumped under a bush,

Inviting us into your home.

Hands down, on the belt, up,

We run away from everyone.

Sit quietly - quietly in the classroom,

Let's listen to the story.

VI .Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

1.- Form adverbs from nouns: (Slide 10)

day (when?) ...

circle (how?)

night (when?)

2. The teacher reads the phrases adjective + noun.

-Transform these phrases into adverbs + verb. (Slide 11)

Fast run - (run fast)

Peaceful sleep - (sleep peacefully)

Bright light- (shine bright)

Slow dance - (dance slowly)

Loud song - (sing loudly).

Analysis of the composition of formed adverbs.

VII . The game "The Fourth Extra". (Slide 12)

-Find in each line superfluous word explain why it is redundant.

Barely - barely, slightly - slightly, side by side, barely - barely.

Poor, poor, rich, meager.

Behind, ahead, above, frosty.

Right, again, right, first.

VIII .Repetition of material. (Slide 13)

Make and write sentences. Do parsing made proposal. (Work on cards in pairs).

1st row. first, legs, under, snow, crunches, softly.

2nd row. we, by, familiar, quickly, to, the river, ran, path

I X. Reflection . ( On the proverb screen, select a proverb that characterizes your mood in the lesson and your work). (Slide 14)

    Collect a berry - you will collect a box.

    The work of the master is afraid.

    An old song in a new way.

    Fear has big eyes.

    Through hardship to the stars.

    Learning to read and write is always useful.

    Oh, how tired I am of this fuss.

    Patience and a little effort.

    Where there is desire, there is skill.

    You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

X. Summary of the lesson .

What did you like about the lesson?

What would you change?

What type of work caused problems?


1.Volina V. Cheerful grammar. - M.: Knowledge, 1998.

2. Zankovskie readings in Belgorod. Compiled by Voronova A.I. - Samara: Publishing House " Educational literature": Publishing house "Fedorov", 2007.

Topic: Formation of adverbs


    know the ways and models of the formation of adverbs in the Russian language; be able to determine the method of formation of adverbs; develop skills morphemic parsing words; develop spelling vigilance, culture of speech of students; educate interest in the word and the Russian language in general.

Lesson type: combined

Equipment: didactic materials, orthographic dictionary, etymological dictionary, interactive board.

During the classes:

Organizing time:


Checking the readiness of the class for the lesson;

Psychological mood;

Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Linguistic workout.

Scanword "adverb". Find adverbs "hidden" in the cells.

Knowledge update. Work on theoretical issues(did. material):

What part of speech is an adverb?

What does the adverb mean?

What questions does it answer?

What part of the word is missing from the adverb? Why?

What part of the sentence is an adverb?

(mutual verification in the form of an interview)

For a poorly performing student - punch cards with "yes" or "no" answers:

You only need to answer yes or no.

1. An adverb is an independent part of speech. (Yes)

2. Adverb is a service part of speech. (no)

3. The adverb changes by gender, number, case, tense. (no)

4. The adverb has no ending. (Yes)

5. The adverb answers the questions who? what? which? what to do? (No)

6. The adverb answers the questions where? where? when? where? why? why? as? (Yes)

(collective check)

Parsing a sentence:

And in the morning, sparkling and shimmering in the sun, a snow-white blanket of winter lay everywhere.

Writing a sentence under dictation, self-determination of the members of the sentence, followed by verification (1 student at the blackboard).


Explain punctuation marks. ( Participial turnover always separated by commas)

Find adverbs, determine their rank by meaning. ( In the morning- when? - adverb of time; everywhere- where? - adverb of place).

Find an artistic definition, i.e. an epithet. What does this expression mean? (Snow-white blanket = snow)

(collective check)

Speech development.

Making sentences with adverbs. Selection of suitable adverbs.

What associations do you have with the word "snow"? (Student answers)

Multi-level tasks:

______ (when?) the long-awaited winter came. _____ (where?) fluffy snow lies. The sun shines ______ (how?) and blinds the eyes. _____ (where?) You can see the forest. _____ (when?) nature rests.

Reference words: finally, everywhere, brightly, far away, in winter.

Level 2: complete phrases with suitable adverbs, make and write sentences with them.

The sun is shining (how?), snowflakes are falling (how?), (when?) skiing, (where?) floating in the sky, (where?) footprints are visible.

3rd level:

Compose a text about winter from 5-6 sentences using adverbs of different meanings.

(control by the teacher of students' statements)

Repetition of the spelling of adverbs.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

1. Left ..., white ..., naked ..., from afar ....

2. Jump ..., marry ..., back ..., backhand ....

3. Kishmya (swarming), (in) the second, (some) where, (a long time ago).

Which word is missing in each row? Explain why?

(self-test by key)


Perform movements of the eyes, shoulder joint, torso, depicting them with adverbs to the left, right, up, down.

Learning new material. Repetition of information on word formation. Oral class survey:

What parts of the morpheme (parts of the word) stand out in words? (prefix, root, suffix, ending, word stem)

Which of them are used to form new words? (prefix, suffix)

Name the way of forming new words with the help of:

a) attachments (attachment);

b) suffix (suffixal);

c) prefixes and suffixes together (prefixed-suffixal);

From what parts of speech can adverbs be formed (from significant parts of speech)

Reporting the topic of the lesson, writing in notebooks

Studying the textbook material(buzzing reading) drawing up a reference schema-table given start:

Formation of adverbs

FROM WHAT: (from adjectives, nouns, verbs, numerals, pronouns, adverbs themselves)

WAYS of education:

    prefixed suffixed prefixed-suffixed addition of stems addition of synonyms

Filling the table with examples. Training exercise 228 page 108.

Determine from which part of speech the adverb is formed, in what way.

(explanatory letter, chain execution)

Cowardly (the adverb is formed from the adjective cowardly in a suffixal way)

Hastily (the adverb is formed from the adjective hot in a prefixed-suffixal way).

Anchoring. Textbook work. Commented letter ex. 237 p. 111.

Write the sentences by inserting the missing adverbs. Determine how adverbs are formed.

(self-execution with subsequent verification)

Working with phraseological units. Replace the expression with an adverb. Name the method of education.

    At hand - close At the middle of nowhere - far away Like snow on the head - unexpectedly Live in perfect harmony - together, peacefully Lick your fingers - tasty Work slipshod - carelessly

Vocabulary and spelling work.

Write the adverbs in a notebook, place the stresses:

Down to the ground, down the drain, wide open, yesterday, today, tomorrow, unbearable, on the alert, gradually, to smithereens, out.

The development of speech. Work on the etymology of words. (orally)

Introductory reading of dictionary entries on the origin of words


What new did we learn in the lesson?

What ways of forming adverbs in Russian have we learned?

How should a word be formed?

What did you find most interesting in the lesson?

What did you do best?

Read also: