Examples. Þ slowness and passivity - in the first case, he does what is needed, but all this is done at a slow pace. Introductory turnover. Introductory words, phrases and sentences. Placement of punctuation marks In the first case it will be

Complex cases placing commas when using introductory words are associated with the following rules:

1. When combining two introductory words, they are separated by commas according to the basic rule, that is, each one is highlighted - Fortunately, I think I know the correct solution to the problem. First of all, you see, I've never been to Paris.

2. If an introductory word or phrase is at the beginning or end of an already isolated phrase (a separate definition, circumstance, clarification, explanation, accession), then it is not separated from the phrase by a comma - He came home late, apparently after midnight. He looked at her for a long time, probably not understanding what she was talking about. The lecturer, probably for clarity, began to draw a diagram on the board. In the middle of such a turn, the introductory word is highlighted on both sides general ruleMy neighbor passed by, apparently not noticing me. Especially often, the word FOR EXAMPLE appears at the beginning and end of a separate phrase - Many of Pushkin’s poems, for example “The Prophet,” are devoted to the theme of creativity.

3. It is necessary to distinguish between the use of an introductory word as part of a separate phrase and its use between two members of a sentence. Compare: He gave me his new book, probably just published and not yet available for sale.– the introductory word is at the beginning of a separate definition. We prepared a set of beautiful, it seems, French glasses for her as a gift.– the introductory word stands between two heterogeneous definitions.

4. The introductory word can come after the coordinating conjunction ("and", "a", "but"). In this case, the conjunction can connect parts of a sentence, or can be attached to an introductory word. In the first case, the introductory word is separated by commas, that is, separated from the coordinating conjunction (to check, you can rearrange the introductory word to another place in the sentence) - All the suitcases have already been packed, and probably tomorrow we will be able to take our time. Vasya read the text of the textbook several times, but, unfortunately, did not understand anything. I didn’t come to sort things out, but, on the contrary, to make peace with you. In the second case, the introductory word is not separated from the conjunction (usually this happens with the conjunction “a”) – The calculations were made inaccurately, and therefore the conclusions are incorrect. We need to prepare for exams, and also write several essays.
The homogeneous member of the sentence, standing after the words “and therefore”, “and therefore”, is not isolated and not separated from the introductory word itself - This chapter, and therefore the entire section, needs to be redone.

5. If after the initial conjunction “and”, “a”, “but” there is an introductory word, it is usually not separated from the conjunction - However, we need to try to test your idea. And finally, main reason your failures are lack of concentration. But of course you have to work more on yourself.

6. If the introductory phrase forms an incomplete construction, then a dash is placed in place of the missing member of the introductory construction and the comma. Most often, such punctuation occurs in combination ON THE ONE HAND ON THE OTHER HAND if the word “sides” is omitted in the second combination - On the one hand, I want to buy this dress, but on the other hand, I feel sorry for the money. She decided to read the novel for two reasons: on the one hand, to make up her mind about it. own opinion, on the other hand, to have something to talk about with Andryusha.

7. If the introductory word comes after a dash, there are two options for arranging characters. In the first case, when the dash is after the group homogeneous members before a generalizing word, the summarizing “word” is most often used - In the yard, behind the house, on the street - in a word, there is snow everywhere. There is no comma before the dash, since the introductory word is inside a simple sentence. True, if there is a separate phrase before the dash or subordinate clause, then the dash is placed - Masha, Galya, Katya, who is in tenth grade - in a word, all my friends have dogs. In the second case, a dash is placed between the parts of a complex sentence, and an introductory word is placed between the parts. Then there is a comma before the dash, that is, we can say about the use of a double sign - a comma and a dash. – The dog disappeared - someone must have stolen it. The “News” presenter could not confirm any facts - obviously, these are still just rumors.

Task 3. Fill in any missing punctuation marks. Analyze what rules you used when working on the text.

Unfortunately, I can’t say exactly when I first learned about the rules of punctuation for introductory words. I think I always knew that this was one of the most difficult sections of punctuation, but I really didn’t even suspect that it was so difficult. It didn’t seem very difficult to remember that commas are placed on both sides of introductory words, however, by the way, it turned out that there are a number of features that, in turn, need to be specially remembered.

Firstly, it turned out that the list of introductory words is surprisingly huge and there are entire groups of introductory words. First of all, it was necessary to remember these groups and then learn to classify the actual introductory words. It is during the classification process that the first and most importantly unpleasant errors occur. Many people tend to either remember not all the words, but only the easiest ones, or, on the contrary, greatly increase these lists for themselves.

Secondly, to my amazement, it turned out that there are words that can be either introductory or not. In the text of the textbook, I found many clarifications and, most importantly, special notes that I had not paid attention to before. To master this section of the rule, by the way, I simply composed a series of sentences in which I used the words indicated in the reference books, for example, “finally,” “actually,” “means.” It was a very fun job and therefore useful. Even now I don’t remember all of Rosenthal’s examples, but I remember my own very well, mostly the funny ones.

Third small print no less than 20 words were listed that were not introductory, among which, in turn, I found 15 that I always isolated in writing. Armed with sheets of paper, I naturally rewrote these words in large print in the amount of 10 copies and hung them on the most visited points of the apartment, in particular on the mirrors. Now, even when looking at myself in the mirror, I will repeat the rules of the Russian language. Not once, but probably five times a day, I was forced to look through my notes and finally memorized both the text of the rules and the introductory words themselves.
Thus, I can now be considered a true expert in the field of introductory words. On the one hand, this is pleasant, but on the other, it has become much more difficult for me. After all, in our newspapers we often come across illiterate articles, which are certainly interesting to read, but certainly unpleasant. It really seems to many journalists that the rules of the Russian language are established only for passing exams when entering the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, so after admission they stop repeating them, which ultimately leads to the appearance of articles that, in my opinion, violate the rights of everyone educated person in the country.

Introductory sentences and plug-in constructions in texts created independently are less common than introductory words. By the way, usually fewer errors are associated with them - the writer sets off these constructions with commas, feeling that they have some independence in the text. However, not everyone remembers exactly what other signs can be used to highlight the named structures. Therefore, below for reference is an overview of the rule for highlighting in the text introductory sentences and insert structures.


Introductory sentences coincide with introductory words in the nature of the meanings they express. Introductory sentences look like simple sentences– they can contain a subject and a predicate, they can have one main member, can be both uncommon and widespread. Depending on the degree of prevalence of the sentence, a punctuation mark is chosen - paired commas or paired dashes.

Commas highlight:

Two-piece unexpanded proposals like “I think”, “I remember”, “I heard” and the like - I don't think you will object to my proposal. He, I heard, is going to go to America to study.

One-part sentences containing one minor member - “it seems to me”, “he was told”, “it seemed to her” - In this bookstore, he was told, you can always buy books a little cheaper. It seems to me that the snow is not over yet.

Common sentences introduced using conjunctions and allied words - Petya, as his parents claimed, was a boy of rare abilities. Little Red Riding Hood was a pretty girl and, what is no less important, well-mannered. There was a real snowstorm outside, as we learned from Katya..

The dashes are highlighted:

Suggestions more common than those listed in the previous paragraph - Animated films, or – as they are affectionately called by both adults and children – “cartoons”, are drawn by people who love children.

Introductory sentences are interrogative and exclamatory, that is, different in their purpose and intonation from the main sentence - He - can you imagine? – has been filming an action movie with Stallone for a week now.

In principle, it is possible to highlight with a dash and a “short” introductory sentence – He doesn’t play sports at all and – what’s worse – he doesn’t even want to do exercises.


Plug-in structures introduce additional information, comments, clarifications, and explanations into the main sentence. These constructions fall out of the general structure of the sentence, often quite abruptly. Unlike introductory sentences, these constructions do not express the speaker’s attitude to the statement, do not contain an evaluation, and do not indicate the source of the message. Typically, plug-in constructions occur in the middle or at the end of a sentence and are separated by parentheses or dashes.

The following are highlighted in brackets:

Plug-in constructions that complement the meaning of the main sentence. – Katya was not at home (she went to a friend for a chemistry textbook), so her mother was able to secretly check her diary;

Plug-in structures representing incidental author's remarks. – “You know,” my mother said quietly (her voice trembled a little with excitement), “we will soon move to live in another city”;

Plug-in constructions that serve to clarify individual words in the main sentence. – Murzik (that’s the name of our neighbor’s favorite cat) often comes to visit us through the common balcony.

It should be said that the boundary between groups of plug-in structures is not always clear enough. Primarily used in literary works, plug-in constructions are rarely found in texts independently created by schoolchildren. But if, nevertheless, the created insertion structure requires the use of brackets, you need to know that a punctuation mark is not placed before the opening bracket, it is placed after the closing bracket - He was afraid not of the questions on the ticket (he knew the text of the textbook by heart), but of the examiners and their tricky questions. He had three dreams (he could talk about this all the time): a trip to Paris, a mink coat and dinner with the President.

The dashes are highlighted:

Insert designs expressing the author's feelings. They are often exclamatory sentences, so there is an exclamation point before the second dash that closes the plug-in construction - I returned home and - oh horror! - I saw my mittens on the clean living room carpet, torn to shreds by the cat.

If, according to the conditions of the context, the inserted construction stands between the parts of the sentence and the structure of the first part requires a comma, then the comma is placed before the dash - She looked at the mess that was in the room - what a nightmare! - and the hands dropped by themselves. – in the first part there is a subordinate clause, which is separated by commas.

If the structure of the second part requires a comma, then the comma is placed before the second dash - When he started to get depressed - and this happens to him every five days - it means he wants to be pitied. – in the main part there is an introductory word, which should be separated by commas.

To consolidate the rule for highlighting introductory constructions in texts, we can recommend the method tested by the heroine of our last assignment. Try to create coherent text or individual sentences using as many introductory words as possible. The more fun and memorable your own examples are, the easier it will be for you to remember the rule.

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In complex sentences consisting of three or more predicative parts, combinations of two subordinating conjunctions (WHAT IF, WHAT WHEN, etc.) and combinations of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions (AND HOW, AND ALTHOUGH, etc.) may occur.

1. Two subordinating conjunctions in a row can occur in complex sentences with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Compare two sentences:

And I'm telling you, What I'll go with you If you will go.
And I'm telling you, what if you will go, I will go with you (L. Tolstoy).

In the first example, the main part ( And I'm telling you...), followed by a subordinate clause (... I'll go with you...), relating to the main part. Such parts of the assumption are called clauses of the first degree. And the sentence is completed by the subordinate clause (... if you go), relating not to the main part, but to the first subordinate clause. Such parts of a sentence are called subordinate clauses of the second degree.

In the second case, the subordinate parts are rearranged: after the main part of the sentence there is a subordinate clause of the second degree, and then a subordinate clause of the first degree. It was in this situation that two subordinating conjunctions found themselves side by side: the conjunction WHAT, with the help of which a subordinate clause of the first degree is attached, and the conjunction IF, which attaches a subordinate clause of the second degree. In such a sentence, there is a comma between two subordinating conjunctions.

Please note: from such a sentence the subordinate clause of the second degree ( ...if you go...) can be easily removed without destroying the entire syntactic structure: And I'm telling you that... I'll go with you.

Now let's change this sentence a little again:

And I'm telling you, what if you will go, That I'll go with you.

In this example, the correlative word TO appeared in the last subordinate clause. This is the second part composite union IF...THEN. As a result, there is no comma between the conjunctions WHAT and IF. Please note: here we cannot omit the second degree clause ( ...if you go...), since the word TO, which refers to the last part of the sentence, will be retained in the sentence.

It turns out that the conjunction THAT joins a single structure of two parts, connected by union IF... THEN, and therefore, a comma between the words WHAT and IF is not needed. Consider two more similar sentences, only with the conjunctions WHAT and WHEN.

This is because what, when the carriage stops, the speed slows down throughout your whole body (A. Tolstoy).
Egor made a remark that was unexpected for Levin: what when he lived with good gentlemen, Then he was pleased with his masters (according to L. Tolstoy).

A comma between the conjunctions WHAT and WHEN is only in that sentence where there is no word THEN.

2. In addition to complex sentences with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses, a similar situation can arise in constructions where both coordinating and subordinating connection simultaneously. In this case, there may be nearby composing and subordinating conjunctions. Compare two sentences:

Curtain rose, And How As soon as the audience saw their favorite, the theater began to tremble with applause and enthusiastic cries (Kuprin).
Curtain rose, And How only the public saw their favorite, So the theater trembled with applause and enthusiastic shouts.

Please note: in both examples, AND and HOW are next to each other, but there is a comma only in the first sentence. The fact is that in the second example there were a simple conjunction AND and a compound conjunction AS... SO. The second (correlative) part of the compound conjunction follows after the subordinate tense.

Try removing the subordinate clause from the sentence, starting with the word HOW before the next comma. This is possible only in the first case, and in the second sentence the meaning will be destroyed, since the second part of the compound conjunction SO will remain in the subordinate clause.

Compare two more sentences:

and although her words were familiar to Saburov, they suddenly made his heart ache (Simonov).
The woman talked and talked about her misfortunes, and although her words were familiar to Saburov, But They suddenly made my heart ache.

In the second sentence, there is no comma between the conjunction AND and the conjunction ALTHOUGH, since the concessive subordinate clause is followed by the conjunction BUT, which actually takes on the function of connecting the first and third parts of a complex sentence. For this reason, in the second example, the words AND ALTHOUGH turn into a single conjunction that does not require separation in writing using a comma.

So, you need to remember the following rules.

1. With sequential subordination, subordinating conjunctions may appear nearby (WHAT and IF, WHAT and WHEN, etc.). A comma is placed between them only if there are no correlative words THEN or THEN later in the sentence.

2. If in complex sentence there were coordinating and subordinating conjunctions nearby (And and ALTHOUGH, AND and AS, etc.), then you need to find out whether after the subordinate part of the correlative words THEN, SO or another coordinating conjunction (A, BUT, HOWEVER, etc.). A comma is placed only when these words are missing after the subordinate clause.


    The hunting sign that if the first animal and the first bird are not missed, then the field will be happy, turned out to be true (L. Tolstoy).

    She knew that if the letter was shown to her husband, he would not refuse her (according to Tolstoy).

    He felt that if he faltered, then everything would immediately go to hell (Gogol).

    It always happened with Levin that when the first shots were unsuccessful, he got excited, annoyed and shot poorly all day (Tolstoy).

    It never occurred to him that if he and other foreign idealists were Russians in Russia, the Leninist regime would exterminate them immediately (Nabokov).

    In this case, the Foolovites surprised the world with their ingratitude, and as soon as they found out that the mayor was having a bad time, they immediately deprived him of their popularity (Saltykov-Shchedrin).

    In passing, he ran into a change shop and exchanged all his large paper for small ones, and although he lost it at the exchange, his wallet grew significantly fatter (according to Dostoevsky).

    In the penultimate room Andrei Filippovich met him, and although there were quite a few other people in the room who were completely strangers to Mr. Golyadkin at the moment, our hero did not want to pay attention to such a circumstance (Dostoevsky).

    By morning the temperature had dropped, and although I was as lethargic as a toad, I put on my purple robe over my maize yellow pajamas and went to the office where the telephone was (Nabokov).

    It may very well be that if the forms do not coincide with my requirements, I will abandon my legal claim (Tolstoy).

    Andrei Filippovich answered Mr. Golyadkin with such a look that if our hero had not already been completely killed, he would certainly have been killed another time (Dostoevsky).

    She, for example, became more and more convinced that if the general conversation was at times conducted in French, then this was done by conspiracy for the sake of devilish amusement (according to Nabokov).

    The regimental commander announced that if these scandals do not stop, then we must leave (Tolstoy).

    He felt that if he admitted this, it would be proven to him that he was saying nonsense that had no meaning (Tolstoy).

    Levin made the remark long ago that when it becomes awkward with people because of their excessive compliance and submissiveness, it will very soon become unbearable because of their excessive demands and pickiness (Tolstoy).

    Yankel turned to him and said that Ostap was sitting in the city dungeon, and although it was difficult to persuade the guards, he hoped to get him a date (according to Gogol).

    He also petitioned for the establishment of an academy, and when he received a refusal, without further thought he built a house for rent instead (Saltykov-Shchedrin).

    Even from the sound of light footsteps on the stairs, he felt her approach, and although he was pleased with his speech, he became afraid of the upcoming explanation... (Tolstoy).

  1. _ although no one asked themselves why anyone cared that the mayor was sleeping on a glacier and not in an ordinary bedroom, everyone was worried (Saltykov-Shchedrin).
  2. But their hopes did not come true, and when the fields were freed from snow in the spring, the Foolovites, not without amazement, saw that they were standing completely naked (Saltykov-Shchedrin).

    In a word, he thoroughly studied mythology, and although he loved to pretend to be pious, in essence he was the worst idolater (Saltykov-Shchedrin).

    I loved visiting them, and although I ate terribly, like everyone else who visited them, although it was very harmful for me, I was always glad to go to them (Gogol).

    She told him to hide under the bed, and as soon as the anxiety passed, she called her maid, a captive Tatar, and gave her orders to carefully take him out into the garden and from there send him over the fence (Gogol).

    The grammarians started first, and as soon as the rhetoricians intervened, they already ran away and stood on the heights to watch the battle (according to Gogol).

    1 in the first case, ... in the last case

    In the first case,... in the last case -- In the former case, Ra Ro, the steady state is approached from above while in the latter case , RaRo, the steady state is approached from below.

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    CHILDREN- CHILDREN. Contents: I. Definition of the concept. Changes in the body during R. Causes of R.................................................. 109 II. Clinical course of physiological R. 132 Sh. Mechanics R. ................. 152 IV. Maintaining R................... 169 V … Great Medical Encyclopedia

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    Insurance- I Theory C. Insurance policy. History of insurance. History of insurance in Russia. Syndicate agreement of fire insurance companies. Types of insurance. Fire insurance. Hail insurance. Livestock insurance. Transport insurance... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

    Rome, city- Contents: I. R. Modern; II. History of the city of R.; III. Roman history before the fall of the Western Roman Empire; IV. Roman law. I. Rome (Roma) the capital of the Italian kingdom, on the Tiber River, in the so-called Roman Campania, at 41°53 54 north... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

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I understood what it means to play chess. In the first case, she immediately

I received a lot of information about the game, but got confused in it

Consciously, they have lost harmony and clarity. Also because not everyone

This information was immediately useful to her in practice. In the second case

The rule arose every time when it was practically

Necessary, and used right away, so the rule was remembered

Not only with the mind, but also with the heart, it was absorbed faster and better.

Roughly the same thing happens at the moment of reconnaissance with the mind and

Intelligence by action. In the first case, the girl understood only one thing -

We must kill the king. In the second, I tried to find in what ways

You can achieve to kill this very king.

This example with chess expresses the essence of the method of effective

Analysis. However, it may be objected that in this example the girl

Already comprehends existing rules games and is led by a mentor,

whereas in “effective analysis” we rediscover each time

New rules for every play. Yes, every new play is new

A game with completely new rules. And the role of the mentor in this case

The rules of the game of this play, and they differ from the previous game, as

Chess is different from, for example, backgammon or checkers.

Studying what happens in the play along the lines of major events, the actor

I looked at what was happening from the outside. Now he has the most

The difficult thing is to imagine yourself in the place of the character. Need to

It is imperative to take into account that after "reconnaissance with the mind" information about actions,

Actions characters the actor has the most common ones, and one cannot hope

That the actor already understands the storyline of the role and the play clearly.

Therefore, the most important thing at the beginning of work is “reconnaissance by action” -

Free the actor from the overwhelming tasks that inevitably push

It's for playing.

It is better to start with simple sketches.

Sketch rehearsals are, in essence, “effective analysis”

Works. Everything else is done to prepare this

process. Both “reconnaissance with the mind” and “storytelling in action” are all for

So that the actor, when moving on to sketches, knows exactly what to look for in the action,

Rehearse - mean, learn, and investigate,

Construct an event series, and not just repeat it.

Before starting each etude, you need to set yourself three

Main questions and be sure to answer them during the rehearsal process.

1. What is the function of the event relative to the main event? What in

this event is happening for the main thing?

2. What action do you need to take for this? Find a move. “What” to play?

3. How to do this “what”, how to play?

Having realized the logic and sequence of actions, you need to do

The most important thing is to transfer yourself to those situations and circumstances

It is very important that sketch rehearsals take place in an atmosphere

Creative passion and interest. In no case

Such rehearsals cannot be turned into something like an exam when

The director sets a theme for improvisation and expects results from the actors:

“Well, show me what you are capable of?!” This cannot be done, because...

A moment of violence against the actor’s nature arises. It's no secret that

Very often the performer, especially at the beginning of the work, when making a sketch, does not

Can overcome embarrassment and physical stiffness.

When pronouncing an improvised text in a sketch, the actor sometimes does this

Clumsy. If workmates do not join in the work, then

The ability and desire to improvise is generally paralyzed.

Therefore, the director’s most important task is to quietly let the actor down.

To sketch rehearsals, so as not to frighten off his creative nature.

It is not at all necessary for the director to announce the start of sketches.

Rehearsals. Very often actors themselves strive for them.

This happened during the rehearsals of the play “Chinchraka”.* Under the guise

Jokes of Ramaz Chikvadze and Sergo Zakariadze to the laughter of their comrades

They groped for the main scenes of their roles. These were sketch rehearsals,

But no one announced it; they were born unnoticed. Just as unnoticed

Through improvisation, a ballet-and-dance solution was born

Main roles - heroes Bela Mirianashvili (Mzia) and Carlo

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Do you often hold doors for other people? Do you park next to someone else’s car in an almost empty parking lot? We do these and many other things almost unconsciously. In this article we found out what scientists think about this. It turned out that for every unspoken rule there is a simple explanation.

We are in website We collected 8 rules that are familiar to most and figured out why people follow them.

1. Reduce the sound or turn it off completely when driving in unfamiliar areas

Imagine that you are going to an important meeting in an unfamiliar part of the city. Most likely, you will stop chatting with fellow travelers, turn off the radio or turn down the volume and focus completely on the road so as not to get lost.

Stephen Yantis, a professor at the Department of Psychology at Johns Hopkins University, proved in his study that in moments when we focus on hearing, we are less oriented in visual information entering the brain. This is why we often need to turn off the noise so that, for example, we don’t have to take the right turn.

2. Gesture while talking

If our hands are not busy during a conversation, then we usually actively use them. And that's okay.

Professor Andrew Bass from Cornell University, as part of his research, found that we inherited the desire to gesture during communication through evolutionary history. Scientists have traced how the neural networks in the brain that help us gesture and speak evolved, and found that the social signals used by birds and mammals (including humans) originate from the hindbrain of fish. That's why speech and gestures are evolutionarily related.

3. In an almost empty parking lot, we prefer to park the car next to an already parked one.

4. Men don't use two adjacent urinals.

Public toilets are not a very pleasant place, even if they are perfectly clean. The whole point is that personal space and confidentiality are important to each of us. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule: shameless and tactless people.

But for the most part, no one would like to relieve themselves under the gaze of someone else. That is why men prefer to use urinals located at some distance from each other.

5. We don’t take the last piece of pizza/last donut.

6. Men prefer not to ask for directions.

We usually strive to spend our money wisely. Therefore, with rare exceptions, choose a product whose price and quality correlate well. That is why our gaze usually falls not on the most expensive goods, but also not on the cheapest. In the first case, in the buyer’s opinion, the cost may be greatly inflated, and in the second, the quality of the product may be poor.

And while this behavior seems reasonable to us, it's worth considering that marketers know about it too. And sometimes, in order to sell more of the same products, they deliberately place expensive and cheaper goods next to each other. Then buyers do not have a dilemma and in most cases they buy the cheaper one.

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