Basic personality traits of a safe type of behavior. Social characteristics of a person with a safe type of behavior. Anticipation of danger involves

Social side of LBTP characterized by:

Rational and humanistic activity of a person in society;

The ability to use safe methods of self-realization in the process of interaction with nature, information and infrastructure of the city and community, entering into social and legal relations;

The ability to communicate harmoniously with other people;

Constantly improving the level of your intellectual, emotional and physical development.

In particular, this is expressed in the fulfillment of official duty to protect the Motherland, in the ability to build relationships with government, administrative and law enforcement agencies, in healthy interfaith, interethnic relations, in the development of the family and the state, strengthening the humanistic worldview, in the real practice of life, etc.

The following main factors contribute to the formation of such qualities in LBTP: psychological and pedagogical conditions:

Awareness of the unity of nature, society, man in all existing spheres of life;

Understanding your capabilities in ensuring the safety of nature, society and personal safety;

Knowledge of the dangers affecting humans in society and nature;

Mastering the methods of rational and humanistic interaction with nature, technology, people;

Acquiring the ability to create for oneself the necessary resources for a safe existence;

The ability to organize safe life activities for yourself and other people.

Safe behavior assumes the presence of four main components:

Anticipation of danger;

Avoiding the influence of danger;

Overcoming danger;

Creating security resources.

Anticipation of danger assumes:

Knowledge of the dangers surrounding a person;

Knowledge physical properties hazards affecting humans;

Anticipation of danger from the environment (natural, man-made, social, in cases of military situations);

Anticipation of danger from one's own self (to oneself, the environment, other people);

Systematic training and preparation of a person for safe life activities.

To avoid the influence of danger, a person must understand the nature of the occurrence, the nature of the development of dangerous situations, be aware of the real possibilities for overcoming the danger, be able to correctly assess the situation and rationally distribute their forces.

The life safety teacher is obliged to instill in the student confidence that he, even if it is impossible to avoid the influence of danger, is capable overcome its impact, if one behaves adequately to the complexity of a dangerous situation (in society, on water, in the forest, during a fire, in the mountains, etc.), knows and applies methods of protection (methods of advance shelter from danger, methods of protection during exposure hazards, as well as combating the consequences of hazards); possess the skills of self- and mutual assistance (in case of injury, in conditions of autonomous survival in nature, in case of burns, in case of electric shock, in case of insect bites, etc.). To do this, it is necessary to mobilize the motivational attitudes, emotions, will, intelligence, personal and activity orientation of students.

Educational work on the formation safe behavior carried out in two directions:

Assisting students in dealing with external difficulties (failures in life, illness, misfortune, disaster, accident, etc.);

Formation of such personal qualities like nobility, honesty, kindness, generosity, etc.

General the purpose of forming the LBTP is development of certain skills and abilities that allow you to structure your behavior in such a way that the level of dangers emanating from the individual is reduced, as well as their prevention in the world around a person.

Sources of danger, as a rule, are of a combined nature. Therefore in modern conditions it is necessary to ensure the functioning of a comprehensive mechanism of readiness for safe life activities. This mechanism includes:

Acquisition and transfer of knowledge and skills for personal development in various life situations;

Formation of an ecological worldview;

Training to act in conditions natural disasters;

Development of the ability to adequately respond and behave in acute situations social conflicts in society;

Formation of readiness to defend the interests of the Fatherland.

The main components of a personality model of a safe type of behavior are:

Social-collectivist motives of citizen behavior;

Respect for the environment;

Literacy in all areas of life safety;

Availability of legal skills to protect against threats to nature, people, oneself, emanating from external sources and from myself.

Safe behavior involves:

Anticipation of danger;

Avoidance of danger;

Overcoming danger;

Giving help.

The main link of the LBTP model is the anticipation of danger both from the environment (natural, man-made, social, etc.) and from one’s own self (caused to oneself, the environment, other people). It includes:

Correct assessment of the situation (type of danger, nature of the danger’s development and its consequences, legal orientation of behavior);

Organization and planning of actions to prevent the impact of a specific hazard;

Creation of a material and spiritual base to provide assistance to victims.

9. Characteristics of extremes mental states:

Panic- this is a spontaneously arising state and behavior of a large population of people who are in conditions of behavioral uncertainty in heightened emotional arousal from an uncontrolled feeling of fear. It is known that panic does not arise in every crowd of people; The decisive factor is the combination of many conditions, the action of various factors, the most important of which are the following:

1. The general psychological atmosphere of anxiety and uncertainty of a large group of people in cases of danger or as a result of a prolonged period of experience negative emotions and feelings (for example, living under regular bombing). Such an atmosphere is pre-panic, that is, it precedes and contributes to the occurrence of panic.

2. One of the decisive factors is the presence of rumors that excite and stimulate panic, for example, fueling the upcoming danger or its degree negative consequences(this was often the case in radioactively contaminated areas after the Chernobyl disaster).

3. The personal qualities of people and the presence of those predisposed to panic, the so-called alarmists, are fundamental. A very important condition for the occurrence of panic is the proportion of such people in a large group. It is known that sometimes 1% of people panicking is enough for the entire large group of people to panic.

4. Panic occurs when not only general, but also various private and specific living conditions of a large group coincide in each specific period of time. Such contingencies are the most difficult to envisage due to the multiple characteristics of the physical and social environment.

The occurrence of panic conditions turned out to be associated with a number of characteristics of people, especially important among which are socio-demographic characteristics. High level education, awareness of cosmic phenomena inhibited the development of panic states. The opposite characteristics, i.e., low levels of education and awareness, contributed to people's panicky mood. Another important sign was property status: people from poor families, with low level material well-being. At the same time, it was not the status itself that had an influence, but the general feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, which constitute the psychological readiness of this class of people for a panicky perception of events. Gender and age characteristics were also important: women and children experienced more strong fear and gave in to panic much more easily. Along with socio-demographic characteristics, a significant role is played by the psychological properties of the individual, especially such as uncritical thinking, pronounced personal anxiety and increased suggestibility - qualities that predispose to the occurrence of panic states.

The starting points that determine the content of a safe type personality are the person’s capabilities and abilities to satisfy the needs for self-realization, self-determination, self-affirmation, independence and self-esteem , what constitutes the core of personality. According to the qualities inherent in personality, people are divided into those who have opportunities and abilities, and those who have them to some extent limited. Therefore, to highlight limitations in human behavior, it is proposed to consider personality in two aspects: psychophysiological and social.

The psychophysiological aspect, or side, of a secure type of personality is the activity of the human psyche and brain, the relationship between the social and the biological in the psyche of the individual. When faced with various circumstances in the process of life, which can be ordinary situations and situations of an extreme nature (temporary, requiring great effort of a person’s entire willpower), an unprepared person will have great difficulties, his behavior is difficult to predict, which can lead to dangerous actions towards himself , people, nature and society. Thus, a person of a safe type must be distinguished by a certain level of psychological stability and psychological readiness to act in various life situations.

The psychological stability of a safe type personality is determined by persistent communal-collectivist motives in behavior; knowledge of the surrounding world; awareness of possible threats and dangers towards oneself. Psychological readiness a safe type of personality is explained by the anticipation of dangers; awareness of opportunities to avoid dangers; having the ability to overcome danger.

The social characteristic of a person of a safe type is expressed in a person’s activity in society, in the use of dangerous and safe methods of self-realization in conditions of interaction with nature, city infrastructure, social and legal relations in society, communication with other people, one’s personal physical development and performing other actions, and namely: military service, relationships with government, administrative and law enforcement agencies, etc.

Based on the requirements placed on humans by their habitats (nature, society, man-made environment), the main The personality traits of a safe type can be called:

· social and collective motives of citizen behavior;

· careful attitude towards the environment;

· literacy in all areas of ensuring safe life;

· presence of skills to protect against threats of nature, people emanating from external sources and from oneself.

· anticipation of danger;

· avoidance of danger;

· overcoming danger.
Anticipating danger involves:

· correct assessment of the situation (type of hazard, nature of the development of the hazard, consequences of the hazard, legal and regulatory-practical preparedness);

· anticipation of danger from the environment (natural, man-made, social), military actions;

· anticipation of danger from one’s own “I” (threatening oneself, the environment, other people).

Main Feature avoid danger, a person must know the nature of the occurrence and nature of the development of dangerous situations; call on your strengths and capabilities to overcome danger; be able to correctly assess the situation. In addition, it is necessary to form confidence in a person that, even if he fails to evade danger, he will still able to overcome its consequences. A person must be able to behave adequately to the complexity of a dangerous situation (on water, in the forest, during a fire, in the mountains, etc.); know methods of protection and have the skills to use them (shelter from danger or during danger and the use of methods to combat the consequences of dangers); possess the skills of self- and mutual assistance (in case of injury, burns, electric shock, poisonous snake bites, in conditions of autonomous survival in nature, etc.).

The general goal of developing a safe type of personality should be reduced to developing skills and abilities that allow one to correctly structure one’s behavior and thus reduce the level of threats emanating from oneself, as well as to prevent the dangers surrounding a person in life. modern world.

Emergencies social nature and protection from them Gubanov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

4.4. Social characteristics of a person with a safe type of behavior

Social side of LBTP characterized by:

Rational and humanistic activity of a person in society;

The ability to use safe methods of self-realization in the process of interaction with nature, information and infrastructure of the city and community, entering into social and legal relations;

The ability to communicate harmoniously with other people;

Constantly increasing the level of your intellectual, emotional and physical development.

In particular, this is expressed in the fulfillment of official duty to protect the Motherland, in the ability to build relationships with government, administrative and law enforcement agencies, in healthy interfaith and interethnic relations, in the development of the family and the state, strengthening the humanistic worldview, in the real practice of life, etc.

The following main factors contribute to the formation of such qualities in LBTP: psychological and pedagogical conditions:

Awareness of the unity of nature, society, man in all existing spheres of life;

Understanding your capabilities in ensuring the safety of nature, society and personal safety;

Knowledge of the dangers affecting humans in society and nature;

Mastering the methods of rational and humanistic interaction with nature, technology, people;

Acquiring the ability to create for oneself the necessary resources for a safe existence;

The ability to organize safe life activities for yourself and other people.

Safe behavior assumes the presence of four main components:

Anticipation of danger;

Avoiding the influence of danger;

Overcoming danger;

Creating security resources.

Anticipation of danger assumes:

Knowledge of the dangers surrounding a person;

Knowledge of the physical properties of hazards affecting humans;

Anticipation of danger from the environment (natural, man-made, social, in cases of military situations);

Anticipation of danger from one's own self (to oneself, the environment, other people);

Systematic training and preparation of a person for safe life activities.

To avoid the influence of danger, a person must understand the nature of the occurrence, the nature of the development of dangerous situations, be aware of the real possibilities for overcoming the danger, be able to correctly assess the situation and rationally distribute their forces.

The life safety teacher is obliged to instill in the student confidence that he, even if it is impossible to avoid the influence of danger, is capable overcome its impact, if one behaves adequately to the complexity of a dangerous situation (in society, on water, in the forest, during a fire, in the mountains, etc.), knows and applies methods of protection (methods of advance shelter from danger, methods of protection during exposure hazards, as well as combating the consequences of hazards); possess the skills of self- and mutual assistance (in case of injury, in conditions of autonomous survival in nature, in case of burns, in case of electric shock, in case of insect bites, etc.). To do this, it is necessary to mobilize the motivational attitudes, emotions, will, intelligence, personal and activity orientation of students.

Educational work to develop safe behavior is carried out in two directions:

Assisting students in dealing with external difficulties (failures in life, illness, misfortune, natural disaster, accident, etc.);

Formation of such personal qualities as nobility, honesty, kindness, generosity, etc.

General the purpose of forming the LBTP is development of certain skills and abilities that allow you to structure your behavior in such a way that the level of dangers emanating from the individual is reduced, as well as their prevention in the world around a person.

Sources of danger, as a rule, are of a combined nature. Therefore, in modern conditions it is necessary to ensure the functioning of an integrated mechanism of readiness for safe life activities. This mechanism includes:

Acquisition and transfer of knowledge and skills for personal development in various life situations;

Formation of an ecological worldview;

Training to act in conditions of natural disasters;

Development of the ability to adequately respond and behave in conditions of acute social conflicts in society;

Formation of readiness to defend the interests of the Fatherland.

The main components of a personality model of a safe type of behavior are:

Social-collectivist motives of citizen behavior;

Respect for the environment;

Literacy in all areas of life safety;

Availability of legal skills to protect against threats to nature, people, oneself, emanating from external sources and from oneself.

Safe behavior involves:

Anticipation of danger;

Avoidance of danger;

Overcoming danger;

Giving help.

The main link of the LBTP model is the anticipation of danger both from the environment (natural, man-made, social, etc.) and from one’s own self (caused to oneself, the environment, other people). It includes:

Correct assessment of the situation (type of danger, nature of the danger’s development and its consequences, legal orientation of behavior);

Organization and planning of actions to prevent the impact of a specific hazard;

Creation of a material and spiritual base to provide assistance to victims.

Control questions

1. What are the causes of destructive behavior?

2. Describe the various types of destructive behavior.

3. List the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of LBTP qualities.

4. Name the main personality traits of a safe type of behavior.

5. What is included in the concept of “a person of a safe type of behavior”?

6. Describe the psychophysiological aspect of LBTP.

7. Expand the content of the components of behavior of a secure type personality.

8. Name the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of LBTP.

Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K. A. Personality development in the process of life. Psychology of personality formation and development. M., 1981.

Ananyev B. G. Man as an object of knowledge. L., 1968.

Andreev V.I. Dialectics of education and self-education creative personality. Kazan, 1988.

AsmolovA. G. Personality as a subject psychological research. M., 1984.

Safety life activity / Ed. S. V. Belova. M., 2000.

Safety Russia. M., 2001.

Gorshkova V.V. The problem of the subject in pedagogy. Khabarovsk, 1993.

Zhuravlev V. I. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences. M., 1990.

Modeling pedagogical situations. Problems of improving the quality and effectiveness of general pedagogical teacher training / Ed. Yu. N. Kulyutkina, G. N. Sukhobskoy. M., 1981.

Basics human life safety: Method, manual for teachers of grades 1–4 / Ed. L. A. Mikhailova. St. Petersburg, 1998.

Basics human life safety: Method, manual for teachers of grades 5–6 / Ed. L. A. Mikhailova. St. Petersburg, 1998.

Basics human life safety: Method, manual for teachers of grades 7–9 / Ed. L. A. Mikhailova. St. Petersburg, 1998.

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“Formative” personalities - this highest unity of man, changeable, just as his life itself is changeable, and at the same time preserving its constancy, its self-identity." The real basis of a person’s personality is the totality of his, social by nature, relationships to the world, but relationships that are realized, and they are realized by his activities, or more precisely, the totality of his diverse activities. This refers specifically to the activities of the subject, which are the original “units” psychological analysis personality, not actions, not operations, not psychophysiological functions or blocks of these functions; the latter characterize the activity, and not the personality itself. At first glance, this position seems to contradict empirical ideas about personality and, moreover, impoverish them, however, it is the only one that opens the way to understanding personality in its actual psychological concreteness.

An important fact is that during the development of a subject, its individual activities enter into hierarchical relationships with each other. At the level of personality, they by no means form a simple beam, the rays of which have their source and center in the subject. The idea of ​​connections between activities as being rooted in the unity and integrity of their subject is justified only at the level of the individual. At this level (in an animal, in a baby), the composition of activities and their relationships are directly determined by the properties of the subject - general and individual, congenital and acquired during life. For example, changes in selectivity and changes in activity are directly dependent on current conditions the needs of the body, from changes in its biological dominants. Another thing is the hierarchical relationships of activities that characterize a person. Their peculiarity is their “detachment” from the states of the body. These hierarchies of activities are generated by their own development, and they form the core of personality. In other words, the “nodes” connecting individual activities, are not tied up by the action of the biological or spiritual forces of the subject that lie within him, but they are tied up in the system of relationships into which the subject enters. Observation reveals those first “nodes”, with the formation of which the earliest stage of personality formation begins in a child. Personality is formed in the interaction that a person enters into with the world around him. In interaction with the world, in the activities carried out by him, a person not only manifests himself, but is also formed. That is why human activity acquires such fundamental importance for psychology.

The formation of personality involves the development of the process of goal formation and, accordingly, the development of the subject’s actions. Actions, becoming more and more enriched, seem to outgrow the range of activities that they implement and come into conflict with the motives that gave rise to them. The phenomena of such overgrowth are well known and are constantly described in the literature on developmental psychology, although in different terms; They form the so-called developmental crises - the crisis of three years, seven years, adolescence, as well as much less studied crises of maturity. As a result, there is a shift of motives to goals, a change in their hierarchy and the birth of new motives - new types of activities; previous goals are psychologically discredited, and the actions corresponding to them either cease to exist altogether or turn into impersonal operations. Domestic driving forces of this process lie in the initial duality of the subject’s connections with the world, in their double mediation - objective activity and communication. Its deployment gives rise not only to the duality of the motivation of actions, but due to this also to their subordination, depending on the objective relationships that open up to the subject into which he enters. The development and multiplication of these subordination, special in nature, which arise only in the conditions of human life in society, takes a long period, which can be called the stage of spontaneous formation of personality, not guided by self-consciousness. At this stage, which continues until adolescence, the process of personality formation, however, does not end; it only prepares the birth of a self-conscious personality.

In the pedagogical and psychological literature, either the younger preschool or teenage ages are constantly indicated as turning points in this regard. Personality is really born twice: the first time - when the child manifests in obvious forms the polymotivation and subordination of his actions (remember the phenomenon of “bitter candy” and the like), the second time - when his conscious personality arises. In the latter case, we mean some kind of special restructuring of consciousness. The task arises - to understand the need for this restructuring and what exactly it consists of. In the movement of individual consciousness, previously described as a process of mutual transitions of direct sensory contents and meanings that acquire one or another meaning depending on the motives of activity, movement now opens up in one more dimension. If the movement described earlier is figuratively imagined as movement in a horizontal plane, then this new movement occurs as if in a vertical direction. It lies in the correlation of motives with each other: some take the place of subordinating others and, as it were, rise above them, some, on the contrary, sink to the position of subordinates or even completely lose their meaning-forming function. The formation of this movement expresses the formation of a coherent system of personal meanings - the formation of personality.

Unambiguously, the formation of personality is a continuous process, consisting of a number of successively changing stages, the qualitative features of which depend on specific conditions and circumstances. Therefore, tracing its successive sections, as a rule, only individual shifts are noticed. But if you look at it as if from some distance, then the transition, which marks the true birth of the personality, acts as an event that changes the course of all subsequent mental development.

Knowledge and ideas about oneself accumulate already in early childhood; They apparently also exist in unconscious sensory forms in higher animals. Another thing is self-awareness, awareness of one’s Self. It is the result, the product of the formation of a person as an individual, this aspect is manifested in actions during difficult or emergency situations. A person taught to act in difficult situations under the influence of fear, is able to adapt to it and psychologically more often emerges victorious from extreme situation while helping other people. If the mind and will are to some extent subordinate to a person and regulated, then emotions often arise and act on behavior involuntarily, in addition to the will and desires. Therefore, it can be assumed that, influencing the human psyche special methods and by means of shaping his mind and will, he can be taught to understand and control such an emotion as fear on a conscious level. This is what all researchers of the human psyche do. What does a person need to know and be able to do in order to reduce feelings of fear and confusion, gain confidence, and achieve a comfortable state in an unfavorable situation? How to deal with anxiety, stiffness, fear, fussiness, panic, etc., that is, the companions of fear?

The content of a safe type personality includes a person’s capabilities and abilities to satisfy the needs for self-realization, self-determination, self-affirmation, independence and self-esteem, which constitute the core of personality. According to the above-mentioned qualities inherent in a person, people are divided into those who have these capabilities and abilities, and those who have them to some extent limited. A safe type personality is distinguished by a certain level of psychological stability and psychological readiness to act in various life situations. “The psychological stability of a safe type personality is determined by persistent communal-collectivist motives in behavior; knowledge of the surrounding world; awareness of possible threats and dangers towards oneself. The psychological readiness of a person of a safe type is explained by the anticipation of dangers, the awareness of opportunities to avoid dangers; having the ability to overcome danger.”

As a person, a person is characterized by the level of development of his consciousness, the correlation of his consciousness with public consciousness, which, in turn, is determined by the level of development of a given society. Possibilities are revealed in personality traits this person to participate in public relations. An essential aspect of a personality is its attitude towards society, towards individuals, towards itself and its social and labor responsibilities. A personality of a safe type, in the social aspect, is expressed in a person’s activity in society, in the use of dangerous and safe methods of self-realization in conditions of interaction with nature, city infrastructure, socio-legal relations in society, communication with other people, one’s personal physical development and the fulfillment of others actions, namely: military service, relationships with government, administrative and law enforcement agencies, etc. Mikhailov L.V. determines that “the main personality traits of a safe type can be called: social-collectivist motives of citizen behavior; respect for the environment; literacy in all areas of ensuring safe life; having the skills to protect against threats from nature, people, emanating from external sources and from oneself.” And “the content of the behavior of a person of a safe type is determined by the presence of three main components, the unity and reality of which significantly influence the acquisition of a comfortable level of interaction between the person and the human environment: anticipation of danger; avoidance of danger; overcoming danger."

Consciousness of one's separateness allows the individual to be free from arbitrary transient social conditions, dictatorship of power, not to lose self-control in conditions of social destabilization and totalitarian repression. Personal autonomy is its isolation from unworthy motives, momentary prestige and pseudo-social activity. Thus, the general goal of developing a safe type of personality should be reduced not only to the development of skills and abilities that allow one to correctly structure one’s behavior and thus reduce the level of threats emanating from oneself, as well as to prevent the dangers that surround a person in the modern world, but also to the education of spirituality. The core of personality is associated with its highest mental quality – spirituality. Spirituality is the highest manifestation of a person’s essence, his inner commitment to human, moral duty, man’s subordination to the highest meaning of his being. The spirituality of a person is his superconsciousness, the unquenchable need for a persistent rejection of everything base, selfless devotion to sublime ideals.

The starting points that determine the content of a safe type of personality are the capabilities and abilities of a person to satisfy the needs for self-realization, self-determination, self-affirmation, independence and self-esteem, which constitute the core of personality. According to the qualities inherent in the personality, people are divided into those who have these opportunities and abilities, and those who have them to some extent limited. Therefore, to identify limitations in human behavior, it is proposed to consider personality in two aspects: psychophysiological and social.

Psychophysiological aspect, or side, of a safe type of personality is the activity of the human psyche and brain, the relationship between the social and the biological in the psyche of the individual. When faced with various circumstances in the process of life, which can be ordinary situations and situations of an extreme nature (temporary, requiring great effort of a person’s entire willpower), an unprepared person will have great difficulties, his behavior is difficult to predict, which can lead to dangerous actions in relation to yourself, people, nature and society. Thus, a person of a safe type must be distinguished by a certain level of psychological stability and psychological readiness to act in various life situations.

The psychological stability of a safe type personality is determined by persistent communal-collectivist motives in behavior; knowledge of the surrounding world; awareness of possible threats and dangers towards oneself. The psychological readiness of a person of a safe type is explained by the anticipation of dangers, the awareness of opportunities to avoid dangers; having the ability to overcome danger.

Social characteristics a safe type of personality is expressed in a person’s activity in society, in the use of dangerous and safe methods of self-realization in conditions of interaction with nature, city infrastructure, social and legal relations in society, communication with other people, one’s personal physical development and performing other actions, namely service in the army, relationships with government, administrative and law enforcement agencies, etc.

Based on the requirements placed on a person by the environment (nature, society, man-made environment), The main personality traits of a safe type can be called:

    social-collectivist motives of citizen behavior;

    respect for the environment;

    literacy in all areas of ensuring safe life;

    having the skills to protect against threats from nature, people, emanating from external sources and from oneself.

    anticipation of danger;

    avoidance of danger;

    overcoming danger.

Anticipating danger involves:

    correct assessment of the situation (type of hazard, nature of the hazard’s development, consequences of the hazard, legal and regulatory-practical preparedness);

    anticipation of danger from the environment (natural, man-made, social), military actions;

    anticipation of danger from one’s own “I” (threatening oneself, the environment, other people).

Realizing the opportunity avoid danger, a person must know the nature of the occurrence and the nature of the development of dangerous situations, know his strengths and capabilities to overcome the danger, and be able to correctly assess the situation. In addition, it is necessary to form confidence in a person that, having failed to evade danger, he will still able to overcome its consequences. A person must be able to behave adequately to the complexity of a dangerous situation (on water, in the forest, during a fire, in the mountains, etc.), know methods of protection and have the skills to use them (shelter from danger or during danger and use methods to combat the consequences dangers), master the skills of self- and mutual assistance (in case of injury, burns, electric shock, poisonous snake bites, in conditions of autonomous survival in nature, etc.).

The general goal of developing a safe type of personality should be reduced to developing skills and abilities that allow one to correctly structure one’s behavior and thus reduce the level of threats emanating from oneself, as well as to prevent the dangers that surround a person in the modern world.

Control questions

1. What is a secure personality type?

2. What is the content of the levels of psychological stability of a safe type personality?

3. Determine the content of destructive behavior.

4. What is victim behavior"

5. Name the conditions for increasing the vulnerability of an individual.

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