The world around the middle group is the theme of autumn. "Gifts of Autumn" on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group. outline of the lesson on the world around (middle group) on the topic. The course of continuous educational activities

Synopsis of direct educational activities"Gives autumn miracles" for children of the middle group (4 - 5 years).

Author: Akinina Zhanna Anatolyevna, teacher of MBDOU No. 22 "Smile", Stary Oskol, Belgorod region.
Material Description: This book is designed for 4-5 year olds middle group). It can be used by educators to work on environmental education and familiarization with the outside world. Develops in children curiosity, observation, aesthetic perception of natural phenomena.

Target: the formation of ideas about autumn, based on familiarization with essential features season.

1. To develop curiosity, creative imagination, coordination of movements with speech, auditory and visual perception, the ability to distinguish between leaves of different trees, dexterity.
2. Learn to understand the content of poetic texts, exercise in education different forms verbs, improving the grammatical structure of speech (education plural nouns), enrichment activation vocabulary on the subject of autumn.
3. To educate children in emotional responsiveness in relation to nature, interest and caring attitude to the plant world.
4. Arouse interest in your own hand, introduce you to the possibility of creating images based on the same elements.

vocabulary work : autumn, turned yellow, turned red, turned golden, howls, buzzes, moans, pours, goes, drizzles.

Preliminary work: examining the leaves of trees on a walk, observing the autumn sky, trees, and the phenomena of inanimate nature.

Equipment: plot pictures depicting the seasons, a tape recorder, a cassette recording "Autumn Songs" by P.I. Tchaikovsky, tree leaves made of colored paper, a box - a parcel, a folding umbrella, subject pictures depicting fruits and vegetables, a ball, a sheet of A3 cardboard , gouache paints, easel, napkins for each child.

Friends, today we will go on an extraordinary journey. To a wonderful country, a mysterious country, full of secrets.
“But there are no trains going to this country,
And the plane does not fly there,
What is the name of this country?
A country that is within reach!”

And here is a simple secret. You can only get there if you say magic words(the teacher includes a recording of "Autumn Song" by P.I. Tchaikovsky). Close your eyes and repeat after me: “One, two, three! Open the door to our fairy tale! Open your eyes, it seems we are in place (the children look at the panels depicting the autumn season, admire the bright colors. The teacher reads a poem about red autumn).

"Summer garden"
The summer garden turned a little red.
Take it and repaint it!
It's autumn - red cat -
On a dark night, she crept into it.
Where I stepped on soft paws,
She left her mark there.
Oak crown - in yellow patches
Maple burns with fiery foliage.
On the lawn - see for yourself -
Not grass, but red wool!
This cat is tired of climbing
And I decided to sit down in the grass.
G. Novitskaya

Can you guys tell me what this poem is about? (about autumn).
With whom does the poet compare autumn? (with a red cat).
Do you want autumn to come? (Yes).
It is sad to say goodbye to summer, but autumn will delight us with its miracles. Autumn, like a skilled artist, chose the brightest colors to decorate nature.
Children, what color do you think autumn is? (yellow, red, orange).
Can you say that autumn is colorful? (Yes).
Guess the autumn riddle: “Are gold coins falling from a branch?” (these are leaves).
Look what a miracle this autumn bouquet of leaves is (the teacher distributes the leaves to the children). Aspen leaves are red. So what did they do? (blushed). What do aspen leaves look like? (for coins). Maple leaves are yellow. So what did they do? (yellowed). What do you think maple leaves look like? (on the palm). And what tree has lost this leaf that looks like a feather? (Rowan). Golden rowan leaves. So they are golden. Let's say this word together (pronounce in unison).
What wind blows in autumn? (cold, piercing, evil). What does the wind do? (howls, hums, groans, roars). And suddenly an autumn breeze blew. The leaves scattered. How many leaves! Yes, we have a whole tree here, like on the site kindergarten.

Mobile game: "Leaves"
Autumn leaves are spinning quietly (circling in place, arms to the sides)
Leaves quietly lie under our feet (squat)
And rustling underfoot, rustling (move hands to the right - to the left)
As if they want to spin again (spin in place, on toes).

Let's put a beautiful bouquet in a vase. Let him please us with his beauty (children sit on the carpet). The teacher reads the poem.

"What happened"
Oh what was
What happened!
The door quietly opened
And it closed quietly.
We judged, we rowed
Yes, and gave up thinking:
Who are we across the threshold
Threw a yellow leaf -
A letter from autumn?
O. Driz

The teacher shows the box, opens it and says that our group received a package from autumn. Guys, do you know the signs of autumn? (Yes). Let's play the game "Autumn Signs". When I name the signs of autumn, say “yes” in unison. If the signs refer to a different time of the year, say “no” in unison. You are ready? (Yes). Give the correct answer:
Do flowers bloom in autumn? (No).
Do mushrooms grow in autumn? (Yes).
Clouds cover the sun? (Yes).
Does it often rain? (Yes).
Do fogs float in autumn? (Yes).
Well, do birds build nests? (No).
Animals mink close? (Yes).
Is everyone harvesting? (Yes).
Are the birds flying away? (Yes).
Is the sun very hot? (No).
Does everyone swim in the river? (No).
Can children sunbathe? (No).
Well, what should be done? Jackets, hats to wear? (Yes).
Boots for everyone? (Yes).
Well done! Do you know the signs of autumn? I'll give you a riddle, listen carefully. Mystery:
“A blot appeared in the sky
If the blot roars,
All the people will scatter ”(cloud).
It often rains in autumn. What does rain do? (drizzles, goes, makes noise, pours). Look, it has become cloudy, it seems to be raining (the teacher opens the umbrella).
Mobile game: "Rain"
Drop times, (jump on toes, hands on the belt)
Drop two, (jump on toes, hands on the belt)
Very slow at first (four jumps on toes, hands on the belt)
And then, then, then (eight jumps on toes, hands on the belt)
All run, run, run.
We opened our umbrellas, (spread your arms to the sides)
Sheltered from the rain. (close hands over head in a semicircle).

The rain has passed. The sun came out. Sit down on a forest clearing (carpet). "Today, friend, do not yawn, harvest." Didactic game"One is many." Let's play ball. I throw the ball and name one vegetable or fruit, and you catch the ball, throw it to me and name a lot of vegetables or fruits (cucumber - cucumbers, tomato - tomatoes, apple - apples).
Drawing "Colored palms" (autumn leaves). Today we will draw leaves, but we will not draw with paints and pencils. Guys, you know, you can draw with your hands. There is an expression "our hands are not for boredom." Today we will paint our palms with gouache multi-colored paints and put prints on sheets of paper. The teacher lowers his hands into plates with diluted gouache paint, puts his palm with fingers apart to a sheet of paper placed on an easel. What does my palm look like? (on maple leaves). The teacher invites the children to transfer the "pens" to a large sheet of white paper. This is how we got leaf fall, the leaves are yellow, red, green fly.

Well done!

1. Gorkova L.G., Kochergina A.V., Obukhova L.A. Scenarios of classes on environmental education of preschoolers (middle, senior, preparatory group). - M.: VAKO, 2005. - 240s. - (Preschoolers: teach, develop, educate).
2. Lykova I.A. Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines. Senior group. - M.: "KARAPUZ - DIDACTICS", 2008. - 208 p., 16 p. incl., reissue revised. and. add.
3. Nishcheva N.V. Summaries of subgroup speech therapy classes in the middle group of the kindergarten for children with OHP. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2008. - 656s.

Lyubov Yakupova
Abstract of the lesson on the world around in the middle group "Autumn"

Target lessons: summarize children's knowledge on the topic « Autumn» .



Build children's understanding of autumn like about the time of year. Contribute to the expansion of children's knowledge about characteristics autumn.

Summarize children's knowledge about changes in inanimate nature autumn;


Strengthen children's knowledge about autumn changes in nature;

Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic « Autumn» ;

To form the ability to form adjectives from nouns;

Develop observation.


Cultivate love for autumn nature.

Cultivate a sense of beauty.

Used equipment:

Multimedia prefix with a presentation on the topic « Autumn» , models of vegetables and fruits, a basket, a magic bag.

Lesson progress:

(music plays)

Hush hush. Silence

The story has come to visit us.

You guys don't make noise

You won't scare us away!

What words usually begin fairy tales? Correctly! Once upon a time there was a sorceress, and her name was ....

And to find out what her name was, you need to guess riddle:

The forest undressed

blue sky

This is the time of year...

(children's answers)

That's right guys autumn.

Today we will talk about autumn.

What are the signs autumn you know?

(children's answers)

There was a sorceress Autumn powerful and capricious. She often changed her mood. AT magic chest she kept her main treasure - a magic wand.

It was the magic wand that helped her to create many miracles. She will touch the leaves and ... But what is happening, we will see now.

-Autumn- a real sorceress and very kind. Look at what wonderful photos of her she sent us as a gift. Let's take a closer look at them.

What autumn we see in these photos? (children's answers)

What colors autumn brought us? (children's answers)

What is the weather like autumn, if it rains - rainy, the wind blows - windy, it's cold-cold outside, cloudy-cloudy, damp, sunny, clear?


Autumn came to visit us.

I brought my colors: yellow and red,

leaflets are different

the wind blew - one, two, three,

fly, look.

twirled and fell,

The earth was sent away with leaves.

autumn the leaves fall from the trees.

What is the name of this natural phenomenon? (children answer)

Look what leaves have fallen

This leaf is from birch. So what is he? (birch) This one is maple. What is he? (maple). From aspen-aspen, from oak - oak.

Finger gymnastics

Autumn came to visit us

And brought gifts

fragrant apples, (alternately bend fingers)

golden turnip,

Pot-bellied zucchini

And sweet carrots.

Okay guys, we got some rest.

And what is this basket? What's in the basket?

(children answer)

What's in the magic bag?

(children's answers)

Tell us about them (ex.: this is an apple, it is round, green growing in the garden. apple (fruit)

(children's stories)

While we were playing Autumn prepared a table for us. Look closely at the table. Something is lost here.

(children's answers)

Outcome lessons.

Have we got a fairy tale?

What did we talk about today?

What did you learn about autumn?

And now I would like to show our queen Autumn.

She looks like the one autumn that we were talking about? Next time we will go to another fairy tale.

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Summary of the GCD on the topic "What is autumn" in the middle group


To consolidate and clarify the knowledge of children about the characteristic signs of autumn and autumn phenomena.


To form in children ideas about autumn as the most beautiful time of the year;

To cultivate interest and respect for nature;

Continue to replenish children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the forest;

To teach children to see and feel the beauty of nature;

Educator:- If on trees
the leaves turned yellow
If in a distant land
the birds have flown
If the sky is gloomy
If the rain is pouring down
Guys, what time of year is it?
Children:- Autumn

Educator:- What are the autumn months?

  1. What autumn is early or late? Why?
  2. What happens in autumn in the life of birds?
  3. What happens in autumn in the life of animals?
  4. What is the weather like in autumn?

Guys let's play!I will ask questions and you answer!

Game yes or no

Do flowers bloom in autumn?

Do mushrooms grow in autumn?

Clouds cover the sun?

Animals mink close?

Is everyone harvesting?

Are the birds flying away?

Does it rain often?

Do we get boots?

Is the sun very hot?

Can children sunbathe?

Well, what should be done?

Jackets, hats to wear?

Educator:- Well done! You know everything, you know.

caregiver: - And what color is the grass and leaves in autumn?
Children:- The leaves are multi-colored: orange, yellow, red, brown. The grass is yellow and brown.caregiver: - Guys, why do animals stock up for the winter?
Children:- In order not to remain hungry, because in winter there will be no mushrooms, no berries, no spikelets under the snow.

Physical education "Leaves"
Autumn leaves swirl quietly(circling in place, arms to the sides)
Leaves lie quietly under our feet(squat)
And rustle underfoot, rustle(movement of hands to the right - to the left)
As if they want to spin again(circling in place, on toes).

caregiver: - Each season has its own signs. Now we will remember the signs of Autumn. (Children guess riddles and answer the teacher's questions)

What kind of invisible man Is this, Slamming the gate in the garden, Leafing through a book on the table, Scaring the mouse with a rustle, Tore off her grandmother's scarf, Rocked Dimka in the stroller, Played with leaves, believe me! Well, of course it is...(wind)

The autumn rain walked around the city, The rain lost its mirror. The mirror lies on the pavement, The wind will blow - it will tremble.(puddle)

He goes, and we run, He will catch up anyway! We are in a hurry to hide in the house, It will knock on the window to us, And knock and knock on the roof! No, we won't let you in, dear friend!(rain)


Educator:- Guys, what you are already adults, smart and answered all the questions! Did you like it?
Children:- Yes
Educator:- What do you remember the most?
What were we doing?

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 8 "Goldfish" of a general developmental type

urban district Strezhevoy"

Summary of the world around in the middle group

on the topic: "Golden autumn"

Educator: Starovoitova N.Yu

Strezhevoy 2018

Synopsis of GCD in the middle group "Golden Autumn"

Target : to consolidate children's ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn and autumn phenomena.

Tasks :

1. To teach children to name the signs of autumn, changes in nature; clarify and consolidate knowledge about trees.

2. Continue to develop memory, attention, thinking through games and game exercises.

3. Cultivate love for nature, caring attitude towards animals.

Preliminary work.

- Observation of animate and inanimate nature.

- Drawing up a herbarium from autumn leaves, etc.

GCD progress:

Good afternoon! Guys, now we will have an activity called activity in nature, that is, we will talk about the world around us.

Sit comfortably: backs straight, legs together, hands on knees. We are going on a journey.

Guys, look around. What do you see? What unusual things did you see in our group?

Yes, our group is decorated with leaves. Where did we get these leaves?

Leaves fall off the branches,

Birds fly south.

"What time of year?"- ask.

They will answer us: “This is ...” ( autumn)

We decorated our group with leaves, because it is autumn outside and our lesson about autumn is called:"Gold autumn" .

And now let's guess the riddles and find out the signs of autumn.

1. The leaves are spinning in the air,

Quietly lie down on the grass.

Sheds the leaves of the garden -

It's simple. (leaf fall)

- What do you think leaf fall is?

Leaf fall is the fall of leaves on trees and shrubs. Leaves can fall off at the same time all in a certain period of the year (autumn)

2. It became cold at night,

The puddles began to freeze.

And on the grass - blue velvet.

What is it? (Frost)

- What do you think frost is?

- Hoarfrost is a thin layer of snow resulting from evaporation on a cooling surface during cold weather (night).

3. The wind will call a cloud,

A cloud floats across the sky.

And over gardens and groves

It drizzles cold.(rain)

4. It became gloomy outside the window,

The rain is begging for our house.

The house is dry, but outside

Appeared everywhere.(puddles)

5. In the gray sky low

The clouds are moving close

Close the horizon.

It will be raining.

We took. (umbrella)

6. The autumn leaf circles for a long time,

And Varvara dries it.

And then we, together with Varya

We do at home ... (herbarium)

What do you think a herbarium is?

Herbarium is a collection of dried plants.

Game: "In autumn" (with a ball).

Guys, I offer you a ball game called" In autumn " .

To whom I throw the ball, he answers the question, and for the correct answer I will give you autumn leaf .

Leaves in autumn (what they do) - Leaves turn yellow in autumn, fall off, etc.

Rain autumn - rain drizzles in autumn, goes, etc.

Harvest autumn - Harvest is harvested in autumn.

Birds autumn - Birds fly away in autumn.

Trees autumn - Trees shed their leaves in autumn.

Beasts autumn - Animals prepare for winter in autumn changing coats.

Well done, answered the questions correctly, and now let's talk about autumn.

Guys, the first month of autumn is September. Let's repeat together!

What autumn is this? (children's answers)

Yes, it's early autumn. What happens in early autumn? (Children's answers. Leaves on trees begin to turn yellow, birds gather in flocks, people harvest crops from the garden, etc.)

How do animals prepare for winter? (Children's answers. Animals build minks, make stocks. Squirrels and hares begin to change their fur coats from summer to winter ones. Winter fur has thicker, more magnificent fur and the color matches winter nature. A squirrel stores in hollows, a bear eats subcutaneous fat, makes itself about large snags in a lair: stellite dry leaves, pulls spruce branches)

What kind of work do people have in the garden, in the field? (People are harvesting).

Guys, where do the leaves fall from?

From the trees!

Where do trees grow?(On the street, in the forest, in the park, in the square)

Why do people plant trees?(They benefit people)

What are the trees?(high, low)

What are the benefits of trees(purify the air, animals and birds feed on fruits)

Where do trees grow and where do people not live?(in the forest)

What are the parts of a tree?

(Exhibition of paintings depicting trees on the stand).

Name these trees(birch, maple, spruce, oak, mountain ash).

Well done boys! Let's get some rest!


We - autumn leaves.

We were sitting on branches.

The wind blew - we are a chain

They flew one after another.

Fly, fly

And they sat on the ground. (We squat down.)

The wind came up again

And lifted all the leaves

Turned them around, turned them around

And dropped to the ground.(We squat down again.)

Well done! And now let's collect our beautiful leaves in a basket.


Guys, our lesson is coming to an end. Let's remember the name of our lesson. What new did you learn in class today?

This is where our lesson ended. But we will return to the seasons more than once. We will observe changes in nature on walks.


Children with leaflets in their hands stand in a circle and together with the teacher recite a poem.

We - autumn leaves. (We move our head left and right.)

We were sitting on branches.(Slowly raise your hands up, then slowly lower them down.)

The wind blew - we are a chain(Children turn towards the driver.)

They flew one after another.(We run around the room for mom on toes.)

Fly, fly

And they sat on the ground. (We squat down.)

The wind came up again(Stand on tiptoes, stretch up with hands.)

And lifted all the leaves

Turned them around, turned them around(We circle around ourselves in place.)

And dropped to the ground.(We squat down again.)

Summary of the GCD on the theme "Autumn" in the middle group


To consolidate and clarify the knowledge of children about the characteristic signs of autumn and autumn phenomena.


To form in children ideas about autumn as the most beautiful time of the year;

To cultivate interest and respect for nature;

Continue to replenish children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the forest;

To teach children to see and feel the beauty of nature;

Stroke: Educator: - If on trees
the leaves turned yellow
If in a distant land
the birds have flown
If the sky is gloomy
If the rain is pouring down
Guys, what time of year is it?
Children: - Autumn

Educator: - What are the autumn months?

    What autumn is early or late? Why?

    What happens in autumn in the life of birds?

    What happens in autumn in the life of animals?

    What is the weather like in autumn?

Guys let's play!I will ask questions and you answer!

Game yes or no

Do flowers bloom in autumn?

Do mushrooms grow in autumn?

Clouds cover the sun?

Animals mink close?

Is everyone harvesting?

Are the birds flying away?

Does it rain often?

Do we get boots?

Is the sun very hot?

Can children sunbathe?

Well, what should be done?

Jackets, hats to wear?

Educator: - Well done! You know everything, you know.

caregiver : - And what color is the grass and leaves in autumn?
Children: - The leaves are multi-colored: orange, yellow, red, brown. The grass is yellow and brown.caregiver : - Guys, why do animals stock up for the winter?
Children: - In order not to remain hungry, because in winter there will be no mushrooms, no berries, no spikelets under the snow.

Physical education "Leaves"
Autumn leaves swirl quietly
(circling in place, arms to the sides)
Leaves lie quietly under our feet(squat)
And rustle underfoot, rustle
(movement of hands to the right - to the left)
As if they want to spin again(circling in place, on toes).

caregiver : - Each season has its own signs. Now we will remember the signs of Autumn. (Children guess riddles and answer the teacher's questions)

What kind of invisible man Is this, Slamming the gate in the garden, Leafing through a book on the table, Scaring the mouse with a rustle, Tore off her grandmother's scarf, Rocked Dimka in the stroller, Played with leaves, believe me! Well, of course it is...(wind)

The autumn rain walked around the city, The rain lost its mirror. The mirror lies on the pavement, The wind will blow - it will tremble.(puddle)

He goes, and we run, He will catch up anyway! We are in a hurry to hide in the house, It will knock on the window to us, And knock and knock on the roof! No, we won't let you in, dear friend!(rain)


Educator: - Guys, what you are already adults, smart and answered all the questions! Did you like it?
Children: - Yes
Educator: - What do you remember the most?
What were we doing?

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