Complex math puzzles. Mathematical puzzles for schoolchildren. Math puzzles and puzzles

In this article we will look at the most interesting puzzles designed for children and at the same time not subject to every adult. They managed to stun more than one Internet user and gained immense popularity on the Internet, as well as comic tests with answers - and how quickly can you handle them? The correct answers are waiting for you at the end of the article!

Where is the bus going?

If we talk about the most popular children's tasks on the Internet, then this is one of them. Here is a picture of a bus. In which direction is he heading?

How many dots are there?

Another task for attentiveness for the most vigilant users: how many black dots do you see at the intersections of lines?

Which circle is larger?

And now we will solve interesting graphic puzzles. Can you answer which of the yellow circles shown in the picture is larger in size?

We move matches

The following children's puzzles are also often given to first-graders to solve: they require you to move matches in a certain way in order to get a given figure.

Find a panda!

Internet blew up and the following graphic puzzle artists who in complex pictures posted a picture of a panda and suggested that other users find it. They hid the panda in a crowd of Star Wars stormtroopers, in a gathering of metalworkers, and even tried to hide it among a myriad of massage tables. Check your attentiveness!

Japanese IQ test

But what kind of IQ test was invented by the Japanese. On the shore stands a man with two sons, a mother with two daughters and a policeman with a criminal. In front of them is a raft on which they need to cross to the other side. Try to think about how they can be transported there, given the following interesting conditions:

  • Only two people can fit on a raft at a time, and it cannot sail without people at all.
  • Children can travel on a raft only with adults. But sons cannot remain alone with the mother of girls, and daughters with the father of boys.
  • And a criminal can't be alone with others without police supervision.

Did you find an answer? If not, then see the passage of this curious test in the video:

Right answers

This puzzle can have two correct answers. The first - the bus goes to the left, because on the other side, invisible to the viewer, there are doors through which passengers get inside. This answer is valid for our roads with right-hand traffic. But for countries where road traffic left-handed, the correct answer would be - to the right.

The picture shows parking spaces, and the car occupies one of them. If you turn the drawing over, you will realize that you originally saw the numbers upside down. Therefore, the number under the car is 87. No matter how much you try to calculate some ingenious polynomial here, such interesting puzzles are not designed for algebraic logic, but rather for ingenuity.

Missing value = 2. To solve such children's puzzles, you need to put yourself in the place of the kids. Can kids decide? complex equations, think arithmetic progressions? But they notice that the values ​​in the columns depend on the number of circles in each set of numbers. Take, for example, the row 6855: in the number 6 there is one circle, and in the number 8 there are two whole circles, so the output is 1 + 2 = 3, that is, 6855 = 3. And in the row 2581, only the number 8 has two circles, so the solution is 2.

In total, the figure shows 12 points. But our brain is designed in such a way that it does not allow us to see them all at the same time, so at one time we can only notice three or four black dots.

The mugs are exactly the same! Such simple puzzles based on visual illusion. The blue circles on the left side of the picture are large and some distance away from the yellow ones. The circles on the right side are small and stand close to the yellow circle, which is why it seems to us that it is larger than the first one.

And here is how interesting children's puzzles with matches are solved:

We expose the panda:

Mathematics - a rather difficult science However, everyone needs to learn its basics. Without these skills and knowledge, modern world nowhere.

Elementary mathematical techniques and tasks are laid in the memory of schoolchildren as early as lower grades. And "missing" the easier material, decide difficult tasks becomes unworkable. Long and serious math lessons make children especially restless, which means you need to submit information in a playful way, for example, using puzzles . Such tasks do not need to be forced to solve them under duress, the children themselves will willingly take on their solving.

The main thing in the article

The benefits of puzzles on a mathematical topic for the development of a child

Puzzles on a mathematical theme - these are the same riddles and puzzles that use drawings and graphics. They vary in difficulty depending on the age group of students.

Rules for compiling mathematical puzzles for children

  1. If you see before a word or picture comma , then you need to remove the first letter from this name . The same must be done if the comma is at the end of the word. When there are two commas near the picture, then two letters are removed, respectively. For example, the first picture shows juice - you need to remove the first letter "C", the hand - remove the syllable "ka", the letter "g" remains the same, the nose - the word remains in its entirety, five - remove the first two letters. encrypted word - "circle" .
  2. If a numbers denoting the sequence of letters in a word crossed out, then they must be thrown out of it . The same goes for letters. The second picture shows a circus - remove the last letter, you need to remove the letter “A” from the word “shark”, the ready answer is “compass”.
  3. When next to the picture are the numbers swapped , then in the name of the item itself, you need to swap the letters that are in sequence with the indicated numbers.
  4. If a the picture is shown upside down , then the answer must be read in reverse order: from right to left.
  5. For puzzles only the nominative case is used in words .
  6. Arrow pointer or mathematical sign"equal" means that you need to replace the letters one with another.
  7. in puzzles one value can be located inside another picture behind or below it. Then use the words: IN, ON, OVER, UNDER, FOR.
  8. Numbers in a row next to the image , indicate that you want to use letters from this value in the specified sequence of numbers.

Here are some examples of mathematical puzzles that follow the rules given:

Under the third picture, the word is encrypted "vector" , under the fourth - "degree" , under the fifth - "two" , under the sixth - "proof" .

How to come up with a mathematical puzzle?

Following general rules composing rebuses, try to come up with simple mathematical problems to start with, using numbers and mathematical terms. And then, having mastered simple tasks a little, move on to more complicated ones. Here are some sample math puzzles with answers to inspire you and show you how to do them:

Answers: first puzzle - "diameter" , second - "five" , the third - "cone" , fourth - "task" .

Fifth picture - "algebra" , sixth - "geometry" , seventh - "ruler" , eighth - "the equation" .

The ninth riddle "diameter" , tenth - "compass" , eleventh - "protractor" , twelfth - "cone" .

Features of mathematical puzzles for elementary school

It is best to introduce the child to solving mathematical puzzles in kindergarten, in the graduation group. This will serve as an excellent warm-up before school, it will refresh the child with all the material covered with the teacher.

Just keep in mind that such puzzles should be quite easy, and include only the knowledge that the child has already learned and knows. It can be a two- or three-part puzzle, the answer of which is fraught with a simple mathematical meaning.

The same puzzles will be useful for "warming up" first-graders. Going to school is already a huge emotional burden for a child, so you shouldn’t depress learning math so complex puzzles.The following examples will do:

Mathematical puzzles for grade 1 with answers

First graders are already well aware of the numbers and simple mathematical operations that can be included in puzzles. Moreover, such puzzles are characterized by the fact that the mathematical value can be present both in the riddle itself and in its meaning. Or it may happen that the answer will be completely unrelated to this exact science. Give your child the following math puzzles:

Mathematical puzzles for grade 2 with answers

In order to compose a mathematical rebus for a second grader, you need to navigate in his knowledge, that is, the proposed task should be feasible for him. Here is what a second grade student should know and be able to do:

  1. When solving problems, use right order numbers from 1 to 100 by pronouncing them correctly.
  2. Solve examples of addition and subtraction of numbers that do not exceed the number 20.
  3. In some cases, apply the mathematical operations of multiplication and division.
  4. Clearly know the rules for using parentheses in examples and solve them.
  5. Use units of length and volume in your vocabulary.
  6. Compare more or less numbers within 100.
  7. Be able to verbally add and subtract numbers within 100.
  8. Solve simple problems with four basic arithmetic operations, be able to increase (decrease) the number by (in) times (units).
  9. Using a ruler, draw and measure the length of the segment.
  10. Recognize flat corners.
  11. Recognize and voice flat geometric shapes.
  12. Be able to calculate the perimeter of polygons.

Mathematical puzzles for grade 3 with answers

To solve feasible mathematical puzzles, a third-grader in a mathematics lesson must:

  1. Count and name numbers up to a thousand.
  2. Performing the basic four arithmetic operations, call each component of the example by its name.
  3. Own the multiplication table and stipulate the result of the division action.
  4. Be able to solve examples with and without brackets.
  5. Know the units of measurement of quantities and express them in different interpretations.
  6. Orally solve math actions up to a value of 100.
  7. Divide a multi-digit number by a single-digit number using the multiplication table.
  8. Check the correctness of the calculation examples.
  9. Complete tasks in one or two steps.
  10. Come up with problems that are inverse to the original.
  11. Be able to write down the task.
  12. Calculate equations and inequalities.
  13. Draw simple geometric shapes, according to the initial data of the task, calculate their perimeter and area.
  14. Be able to use a compass to draw circles of given radii.

Mathematical puzzles for grade 4 with answers

In mathematics lessons, a fourth grader should:

  1. Be able to solve problems in a rational and irrational way.
  2. Solve problems by recording the progress of their solution.
  3. Have a representation of the calculation of volume and area geometric shapes based on the learned formulas.
  4. Draw geometric shapes, designate their components in Latin letters.
  5. Draw and measure angles with a protractor.
  6. Know the properties of equality.
  7. Solve tasks with the number of arithmetic operations from one to four.
  8. Know the properties of sides, angles, radii of geometric shapes.
  9. Subtract and add multi-digit numbers.
  10. Divide a multi-digit number into a one-digit number and a multi-digit number.
  11. Have the concept of a natural series.
  12. Multiply a fraction by a natural number.
  13. Correctly name and write fractions: numerator and denominator.
  14. Compare fractions.

Mathematical puzzles for grade 5 with answers

The mathematics program for the fifth grader is similar to the previous year, only it is more extensive. Not without reason, after all, in some schools the fourth grade is skipped, and the entire school program for the missed year is studied in the fifth grade.

Mathematical puzzles for grade 6 with answers

  1. In the sixth grade, geometry is actively studied, in particular its theorems.
  2. The child gets acquainted with famous scientists in the field of mathematics and other exact sciences.
  3. The student deals with the study of geometric figures on the plane, learns to calculate their volume and area according to the studied formulas.
  4. In algebra, the solution of equations with two unknowns, inequalities, is used.

Math puzzles with numbers with answers

The numbers depicted in mathematical puzzles can be of two types:

  • Those whose name or part of the name is used to answer.
  • Those that are near the image, and indicate that from the name of this image you need to borrow letters corresponding to the sequence of standing numbers in a row.

Mathematical riddles, puzzles, crossword puzzles

Mental activity is well trained not only by math puzzles, but also by logical, arithmetic riddles, crossword puzzles. They develop curiosity and ingenuity in children. And the game form of tasks helps to achieve a high speed of thinking and guessing.

For the little ones, the following tasks are suitable:

Solve the following crossword puzzles and tasks:

  • Solve the examples, connect the answer and the group of children corresponding to it with lines (first task).
  • Solve examples on oars, and then connect each of them with the boats that have the correct answer with lines (second task).

  • Fill in the missing cells with numbers in such a way that the answer is always 15 horizontally and vertically (third task).
  • Fill in the gaps and solve the examples (fourth task).

Solve crossword puzzles:

Here are more difficult puzzles:

How to solve math puzzles with letters?

Solving math puzzles with letters

All words are made up of letters, so many puzzles contain letters in their structure. Guided by the basic principles of solving puzzles, you can easily master mathematical puzzles with letters.

Math puzzles and puzzles

Such riddles and puzzles will be of interest not only to schoolchildren, but also to their parents:

The easiest math puzzles

Let the student practice for a start on simple mathematical puzzles. For example, on these:

Complex math puzzles

Try to provide your tomboy with these puzzles that will allow you to concentrate your wits and train your intelligence. This assignment is supposed to be for 5th grade students.

Our article provides examples of mathematical puzzles with answers of different levels of complexity, depending on the age of the student. Having studied the basic rules for solving puzzles, try to create interesting tasks for your children. Such activities will help the child to activate their intellectual abilities, develop perseverance and concentration, and also consolidate the material covered in mathematics. This exciting activity will help to rally relatives (comrades), and create a friendly atmosphere in the family and the school team.

The more developed the child is early age, the easier it will be for him in the senior classes and in the higher educational institutions. Regular activities with children school age and children in grades 1-2 help develop the ability to comprehend information, memorize material, develop perception and thinking. Thanks to these qualities, the child will be able to reason, it will be easy for him to communicate with peers and with teachers.

To refer parents to right direction in tips when and what to teach a baby, there is a wide variety of literature. One of the main directions are mathematical puzzles, which encourage the child to be quick-witted and stimulate theoretical and practical knowledge. One of the sources of knowledge is our site, where math puzzles for children are presented in the form of interesting tasks and games.

Taking into account the different ages of children, on our Childdevelop website you can use math puzzles for schoolchildren in grades 1-2. For kids preschool age It will be relevant to download math puzzle games. To understand what the essence of logical exercises is, the site has similar examples of puzzles for children.

Math puzzles download and print for free

We offer convenient use of sections with practical tasks where you can download free math puzzles. Accessible and fast, thanks to the initial knowledge, mathematical puzzles for children and schoolchildren will become the main platform for easy perception of information and knowledge in high school.

Comprehending new knowledge with the help of games will not only expand the horizons of the child, but will also interest him, and soon he himself will ask to "play with him." You, in turn, try to distribute mathematical puzzles for children from smallest to largest (from preschool age, and then mathematical puzzles for grades 1-2).

It is not worth talking about the fact that it is more profitable to use free literature. Today, not every parent will be able to buy books for every period of development. Therefore, the Childdevelop website gives you the opportunity to use absolutely free necessary knowledge. Choose for yourself what is better "cognitive math puzzle to print for free" or buy the same book "mathematics puzzle"?

Dates are in the range from 14 to 19. The numbers 18 and 19 occur once. If the birthday is on these dates, then Bernard would immediately say the month.

If Cheryl told Alfred that she was born in May or June, then the birthday could be May 19 or June 18. Since Alfred knows for sure that Bernard doesn't know the answer, then it's not about May or June. July or August remain.

In July and August, there are dates in the range from 15 to 17, and 14 occurs twice. If the birthday had been the 14th, then Bernard, after Alfred's remark, would still not have been able to give an exact answer. So, it's not about the 14th. Remain 16 July, 15 August and 17 August.

If Cheryl had told Alfred that she was born in August, then after Bernard's answer, Alfred would not have been able to find out the exact date of birth - after all, as many as 2 dates fall in August.
So Cheryl was born on July 16th.

This puzzle was shown to Kong by a friend's niece. She also played a TV presenter, saying that the puzzle is intended for 10-year-old schoolchildren.

The debate about how to solve the “simple” problem turned out to be serious. After 2 days, when most of the participants gave up, it turned out that the task was an Olympiad one for 14-year-old schoolchildren.

All puzzles with answers and solutions.

These puzzles are mainly intended for older school children. Joke tasks, riddle tasks, comic stories and intricate math problems develop students' curiosity and intelligence. At the same time, children develop intuition, conjecture, speed of thinking. Children show special mental activity in the course of achieving the game goal.

Here is an entertaining mathematical material varying degrees difficulties. It may also be of interest to adults.


Squirrel and nuts

The squirrel, making provisions for the winter, came across a large pile of nuts. She worked three nights filling her nest with nuts. How many nuts disappeared from the pile if on the first night the squirrel carried away half as many nuts as on both subsequent nights (combined), and on the last night - one less nut than on both previous ones?

(For 9 nuts. On the first night - 3, on the second - 2, on the third - 4)

How many cats?

The room has four corners. There is a cat in every corner. Opposite each cat are three cats. Each cat has one cat on its tail. How many cats are in the room?

(There are only four cats in the room)

cat and mice

The cat Vaska is sleeping, and in a dream he sees that he is surrounded by twelve gray mice and one white one. Vaska hears a voice in a dream: "You must eat every thirteenth mouse, counting all the time in one direction, so that the last white mouse is eaten." Vaska thought: what mouse to start with?

Help the cat solve the problem.

(Counting should start with the sixth mouse, counting clockwise from the white mouse (not counting it). To determine which mouse to start counting with, draw 12 dots and one cross on the circle and start counting from it. Cross out each dot and cross when it's his turn. Do this until there is one dot left. Replace it with a white mouse, and the cross will indicate which gray mouse to start with)

How many?

Vanya has as many brothers as sisters, and his sister has half as many sisters as brothers. How many sisters and how many brothers are in that family?

(3 sisters and 4 brothers)

All my ducks

Vanya watches the ducks swimming in the village pond.

One duck swims in front of two ducks, another duck swims between two ducks, and one duck swims behind two ducks. "We've never had so many ducks in our village pond," Vanya thinks. How many ducks does Vanya see?

(The boy sees 3 ducks in the pond)

Two shepherds

Two shepherds came together, Ivan and Peter. Ivan says to Peter: "Give me one sheep, then I will have exactly twice as many sheep as you have!" And Peter answers him: "No! You'd better give me one sheep, then we will have equally divided sheep!"

How many sheep did each have?

(It is clear that Ivan has more sheep. But how much more does he have than Peter? If Ivan gives one sheep not to Peter, but to someone else, will both shepherds have equal sheep? No, because they will have equal it would only be if Peter received this sheep. So, if Ivan gives one sheep not to Peter, but to a third party, then he will still have more sheep than Peter, but how much more? for one sheep, because if we now add one sheep to Peter's flock, then both will have equal numbers. It follows that until Ivan gives any of his sheep to anyone, he has two more sheep in the herd than Peter. Now let's take Peter. As we found, he has two sheep less than Ivan. So, if Peter gives, say, one of his sheep not to Ivan, but to someone else, then Ivan will have three more sheep, than Peter's. But let it be Ivan who gets this sheep, and not a third person. It is clear that then he will have four more sheep than Peter's left. But the problem says that Yves Ana in this case will have exactly twice as many sheep as Peter's. This means that four is exactly the number of sheep that Peter will have if he gives one sheep to Ivan, who will have eight sheep. And before the expected return, it means that Ivan had 7, and Peter had 5 sheep)

The division of camels

The old man, who had three sons, ordered that after his death they divide the herd of camels belonging to him so that the elder took half of all the camels, the middle one - a third and the youngest - a ninth of all the camels. The old man died and left 17 camels. The sons began to divide, but it turned out that the number 17 is not divisible by either 2, or 3, or 9. At a loss as to how to be, the brothers turned to the sage. He came to them on his own camel and divided according to his will. How did he do it?

(The wise man embarked on a trick. He added his camel to the herd for the time being, then there were 18 of them. Dividing this number, as stated in the will (the elder brother received 18 x 1/2 = 9 camels, the middle brother 18 x 1/3 = 6 camels , the youngest 18 x 1/9 = 2 camels), the sage took his camel back (9 + 6 + 2 + 1 = 18). are 1. Indeed, 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/9 = 17/18)

pack animals

A mule and a donkey, loaded with sacks, walk side by side. The mule says to the donkey, "I'll carry twice as much as you if I take your sack. And if you take my sack, we'll both carry equally."

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