The meaning of the name Dora for a girl. Dora (female name). Name as a phrase

Dora's name day

There are no name days for women with the name Dora, since saints with that name do not appear in the calendar.

The meaning of the name Dora

Dora means "bestowed" (this is a translation of the name Dora from ancient Greek).

origin of the name Dora

It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Dora with its origin. The history of the name Dora has Greek roots. Initially, it was a short form of Western European names ending in "-dora": Theodora, Isidora, Theodora, etc.

What does the name Dora mean according to D. Zima and N. Zima

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Dora by D. Zima and N. Zima, its owner is very proud and appreciates her independence very much. The energy of this name suggests considerable firmness, steadfastness and some deepening into oneself.

Outwardly cold Dora is likely to be very vulnerable and sensitive person trying to hide their emotional experiences behind a mask of indifferent calmness. Or she will play the exact opposite role of such a windy and careless woman. Neither one nor the other will be able to rid her pride of pain, since here it is much more important to have a genuine peace of mind, rather than creating its appearance.

It is most favorable if Dora's sense of humor is directed at herself - kind self-irony has not yet been able to harm anyone in the world, but it has brought benefits to more than one hundred people. By smoothing out her slight vulnerability from everyone and becoming more open, Dora will be able to ensure herself really normal relationships both in the family and at work. And her career will go much faster, because, having got rid of painful experiences, she will free up her energy for more interesting activities.

The nature of the name Dora is such that it is far from always possible to guess the state of mind of its bearer and her real thoughts, sometimes she is mocking, sometimes cold, sometimes reckless, but usually this is just a way of self-defense or self-affirmation. Never forget that you are dealing with a strong, but very vulnerable woman, whose simple feelings are heightened and who, just like everyone else, needs simple human warmth and participation.

Characteristics of the name Dora according to B. Higir

According to the description of the name Dora according to B. Higir, the woman bearing this name is outwardly charming, impressionable, very receptive, extremely active. He will never leave social and professional activities for the sake of the hearth. There is a spirit of contradiction in it. Dora is not characterized by either self-confidence or arrogance, but she does not give in to other people's influence either. But Dora has a habit of pre-thinking all her future plans and actions. She has an amazing intuition, a strong, but not conspicuous will.

Dora carefully chooses a specialty and an educational institution, and persistently moves towards her goal. She is prone to purely "male" professions, especially those that are associated with risk. As a rule, it achieves its intended goals. Likes to criticize others, but without malicious intent and sarcasm.

A woman with this name is not very sexy. Her sensuality appears only under the condition of absolute trust in a partner. Dora strictly adheres to generally accepted norms of morality, is faithful to her husband, and is very worried about his betrayals. She sees through men, and it is not easy to deceive her. Knows how to choose his friends. Dishonesty does not forgive. Capable of revenge.

The weak point of the body is the liver. In addition, Dora is prone to infectious diseases.

Derivatives of the name Dora

Variations for the name Dora: missing.

Diminutive name Dora: Dorachka, Dorik, Dorya, Dorushku, Dorka.

Dora name in different languages

  • Dora's name English language: Dora (Dora).
  • Dora's name German: Dora (Dora).
  • Dora's name Spanish: Dora (Dora).
  • Dora's name Portuguese: Dora (Dora).
  • Dora's name Italian: Dora (Dora).
  • Dora's name in Catalan: Dora (Dora).
  • Dora's name in Hungarian: D?ra (Dora).
  • Dora's name in Ukrainian: Dora.
  • Dora's name in Dutch is Dora (Dora).
  • Dora's name in Danish: Dora (Dora).
  • Dora's name in Swedish is Dora (Dora).

Famous Doras:

  • Dora Carrington is an English artist.
  • Dora Angela Duncan (Isadora Duncan) - American dancer, wife of Sergei Yesenin.
  • Dora Stock is a German artist.
  • Dora Menichelli is an Italian actress and singer.
  • Dora Alonso is a Cuban writer.
  • Dora Baret is an Argentine film actress.
  • Dora ( full name Dora Maria Reis Dias de Jesus is a Portuguese pop singer.
  • Dora Schwarzberg is an Austrian violinist and music teacher of Russian origin.
  • Dora Maar is a French artist and photographer.
  • Dora Bakoyannis is a former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece.

It is unlikely that you have met this name on the territory of Russia, it is more popular in European countries, however, it is not often found there either. What does the name Dora mean? Let's look into this in more detail.

It came from another name - - and at first it was its abbreviated form, but later became independent. It translates as "given by God."

There is also a version that Dora came from the Greek name Isidore and is translated as "bestowed by Isis." If we turn to the ancient Greek language, then Dora takes on a different meaning - “God's gift” - and originates from the name.

A girl with such a rare name is also called:

  • Dorina.
  • Dorothy.
  • Doreen.
  • Doro.

In the Orthodox calendar, Dora does not have a name day, but celebrates them in the Catholic faith - February 1.

Influence on character

What impact does this have woman's name to your host? Dora is outwardly very attractive, but internally quite impressionable and receptive to all the little things.

But at the same time she is active and enterprising. She will never be puzzled by the choice between professional activity and family values. She will definitely choose the second, the family for her is the main thing in life.

Dora has a spirit of contradiction, she cannot be called a self-confident person, but Dora does not adapt to the opinions of others. The girl will think it over several times before making a decision. And this is a great feature for an adult. In addition, which is very important for a woman, she has a subtle intuition and a strong will, which is not noticeable to people at first sight.

To the choice of profession and educational institution the girl approaches very responsibly. Most of all, she is attracted to specialties that are suitable for men and are associated with risk. And almost always she achieves everything that she has in mind. The material side is not a priority for Dora, the main thing is that she should be engaged in a business that brings her satisfaction.

How does this female name characterize its owner from the love side? She will open her heart only to that man who can not only win her over, but also win the girl's trust.

And no romantic tricks can mislead her. However, having managed to achieve this location, her man will receive the most loving and devoted wife as a reward.

The meaning of the name Dora reveals organizational abilities in her bearer. She easily finds mutual language and communicates with others, making rather high demands on them. But she makes the same demands on herself.

Dora is characterized by the desire to show everyone how rich inner world she has. Friends accept her for who she is and do not try to change her. Dora appreciates this and is ready to move mountains for them. In addition, she is sympathetic and will always come to the aid of the needy, protect the weak.

Another feature of the girl is criticism of others. But she does it diplomatically, without insults and ridicule, since she also treats herself quite self-critically.

The female name Dora influences its bearer in such a way that she never puts her problems and worries on display. Even close friends and relatives do not always know about them. The girl will be outwardly calm and smiling, demonstrating cheerfulness. She prefers to solve her own problems.

In order to achieve the maximum in life, it is important for Dora to set ambitious goals for herself and strive to achieve them. Insignificant goals will make her scatter over trifles and waste her energy, which may prevent her from achieving what she wants.

As for health, Dora needs to make time for a healthy lifestyle, because most often she does not have the time or desire to do this. The main attention should be paid to the prevention of liver diseases and infectious diseases. Author: Natalia Chernikova

The desire to look fashionable and stylish is one of your main priorities in life. Your clothes are always different non-standard and correspond to the "latest trends". However, one should not completely ignore the well-known truth that says: "It is better to be half a step behind fashion than one step ahead." Clothing should first of all correspond to the moment and emphasize your advantages, and not create them. Again, they see off all the same according to the mind, and the flashy appearance does not in any way indicate its presence.

Doru name compatibility, manifestation in love

Dora, you know how to love sincerely, deeply and reverently. With your characteristic maximalism, you give priority to your feelings. And if the partner is ready to reciprocate and at the same time meets all your requirements - as his appearance, and the inner content - love can take possession of your whole being for a long time, become the meaning of life. At the same time, your desire to dominate, coupled with the inability or unwillingness to demonstrate the depth of your feelings, can greatly complicate relationships for your partner: You are passionately in love, but cold and withdrawn; You are ready to idolize, but at the same time constantly “put in place”.


The basis of motivation for you is the desire for an independent position. That is why you always choose the path that no one else has walked. If the direction is not mastered, it means that there are no “authorities”, and no one will be able to correct your actions, indicate how and where you need to move.

As a result, you do not recognize the right of anyone to claim that your opinion is erroneous, and the choice is not sufficiently justified. Turning you off the path, making you doubt your abilities is almost impossible. On the contrary, any criticism spurs you on, provoking even more decisive steps.

The fact that you never try to “shift” responsibility for your actions onto someone else definitely speaks in your favor. If you want to succeed in singles, you are ready for the fact that, in case of failure, it will be you who will be blamed for it.

However, a clear mind and courage, which, as you know, “takes cities”, make such an outcome unlikely. Therefore, they believe in you and willingly follow you.

  • Woman's name
  • The meaning and origin of the name Dora: Dora means "Gifted". The name arose as an abbreviation of the Greek name Dorothea, which means "Gifted by God", or from the name of Isidore - "Given by Isis."
  • Energy named after Dora: Depth of feelings, firmness, concentration

Dora is very proud and values ​​her independence very much. The energy of this name suggests considerable firmness, steadfastness and some deepening into oneself. In general, the name is very balanced and has the necessary stability, it is only a pity that it lacks some plasticity and mobility, and this unnecessarily exacerbates Dora's sensitivity. In this regard, the full forms of the name are much more beneficial, after all, not a single passport office can forbid Dora to call herself Dorothea or Isidora. I want to make a reservation that the second option, in my opinion, is more acceptable for modern Russia. So, feeling like Isidora, Dora can rid herself of some, albeit distant, but very unpleasant associations, I won’t specify which ones, but in addition, she can feel a little more inner looseness and emotional freedom.

Otherwise, the outwardly coldish Dora is likely to be a very vulnerable and sensitive person, trying to hide her emotional experiences behind a mask of indifferent calmness. Or she will play the exact opposite role of such a windy and careless woman. Both will not be able to rid her pride of pain, since here it is much more important to have a genuine peace of mind, and not to create its appearance.

It is most favorable if Dora's sense of humor is directed at herself - kind self-irony has not yet been able to harm anyone in the world, but it has brought benefits to more than one hundred people. By smoothing out her slight vulnerability from everyone and becoming more open, Dora will be able to ensure herself really normal relationships both in the family and at work. And her career will go much faster, because, having got rid of painful experiences, she will free up her energy for more interesting activities.

What do you think about the name Dora?

The female name Dora was originally an abbreviation of the ancient Greek name Theodora, which means "God's gift." Over time, it separated from Theodora and is now an independent name that does not have a clear meaning. In Russia, the name Dora does not have a long tradition; girls have been called it in the last two decades. This name does not have much popularity in our country.

Characteristics of the name Dora

Phonosemantically, the name Dora gives the impression of something solid, persistent, and Dora's character often corresponds to this impression. As a rule, the owner of this name is really a very independent, strong-willed woman, prudent, carefully considering her every step, striving to make a career. In childhood, this is a charming, very impressionable child who takes his studies seriously and actively participates in social life. She takes her failures hard, because in many ways she is proud and arrogant. In general, Dora retains this disposition in adulthood. A distinctive feature of her character is insight, sometimes even psychic abilities, but, as a rule, the owner of this name does not use her gift to achieve her life goals. The strong but vulnerable Dora has few friends, as she is well versed in people and maintains friendly relations only with those who are really sincere with her.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

This name is suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio, that is, from October 24 to November 22. Scorpio is similar to Dora with determination, fighting qualities, under his influence she will become brave, straightforward, secretive, never losing heart.

Pros and cons of the name Dora

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name Dora? It should be said that this name has almost no shortcomings, because it is beautiful, energetically strong, goes quite well with Russian surnames and patronymics, has several harmonious diminutive forms (Dorushka, Dorusha, Dorunya), in addition, the owners of this name, like usually have a strong but friendly character.


Dora's health is not very strong. She is prone to infectious diseases, often has problems with the liver.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Dora does not show herself in the best way, often preferring work rather than relatives, but you can’t call her a bad wife either, because she is very faithful, non-conflict, loves cleanliness, takes care of children with great dedication.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Dora demonstrates great efficiency, often choosing “male” professions. She can make a successful policeman, engineer, auto mechanic, military man, stuntman, winemaker, security guard, taxi driver, dog handler.

name day

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