Masons. Who are they really? Freemasons: a secret society or a society with secrets Who are the Freemasons

Symbol of free masons.

Every Freemason honors God while in Freemasonry, he is addressed as the “Great Builder (Architect) of the Universe,” and is allowed to practice any traditional religion. Freemasonry is not a religion or a replacement for religion, Freemasonry does not have its own theology, and discussions on religious matters are excluded from Masonic meetings. Each Mason continues to profess the religious views with which he came into the lodge, and his greater attention to his religion is welcomed. The recognition of faith in God as the basis of Freemasonry and its principles goes back to the founders of modern speculative Freemasonry in early XVIII in and this is adhered to by the dominant majority of world Freemasonry (the so-called regular or Conservative Freemasonry), there is an emphasis on obligatory monotheism.

Freemasonry is positioned as a moral and ethical system, expressed in allegories and illustrated by symbols, most of the symbolism is borrowed from other cultures, legends with biblical characters are played out in rituals. The attention of Masons is drawn to the need for moral self-improvement, as well as spiritual growth within the framework of the religion that each of them professes. The philosophy of Freemasonry includes external elements from both Christianity and other religions.

The Radiant Delta reminds the Mason of the all-permeation of the Creator, the Supreme Being. This is the main Masonic symbol of the first degree, the degree of apprentice. Stylistically, the eye is often replaced by a circle inscribed in a triangle. In liberal Freemasonry, the Radiant Delta is considered a sign of enlightenment or the principle of consciousness.

One of the symbols of Freemasonry is also the acacia, which is considered one of the main symbols used in Freemasonry, and is associated with the so-called Legend of the Death of Master Hiram - the thematic basis of the Master Mason degree. Further: a plumb line - a symbol of the desire for perfection, a level - a symbol of equality, a square - a symbol of balance and reconciliation of the constant desire for perfection with what is actually achievable, a symbol of the earthly, a compass - a symbol of moderation and prudence, as well as the desire for the highest and spiritual, a trowel - a symbol of strengthening fraternal ties, etc. In Freemasonry, the biblical legend about the construction of Solomon's Temple is widely used.

Loyalty to the authorities of those countries and territories where Freemasonry exists is one of the Masonic principles. Working for the benefit of society is considered one of the Masonic virtues. For the majority of Freemasons in the world, this is realized by their participation in charitable activities.

Regular Freemasonry

Regularity (see also Freemasonry, Regularity) is the mechanism by which relationships in Freemasonry (fraternal relations) are established. It is implemented practically through a system of recognition of Grand Lodges (GL) by each other on a reciprocal basis.

The concept of regularity in Freemasonry is relatively young; it arose at the beginning of the 20th century, as a result of the spread of Freemasonry in the world. The Basic Principles (see also) were first published by the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLA) in 1929, and later confirmed by it in 1938 in the document Aims and Relationships of the Craft. Other Grand Lodges of the world, with minor variations, have adopted similar principles and standards of regularity. At present, adherence to regularity and its recognition allow, with the autonomy of the national Grand Lodges and mutual respect for their sovereignty, global regular Freemasonry to be in an integrated state and create conditions for the preservation of Masonic traditions, indicating commitment to basic Masonic values.

Among the regularity standards:

With organizations that are not recognized as regular, but nevertheless consider themselves Masonic, relations in regular Freemasonry are excluded, and regular Masons are not allowed to attend their meetings. Grand Lodges usually publish in special publications lists of Masonic jurisdictions (Grand Lodges, Grand Orients) in recognition relations with them (see, for example, UGLE Recognized Grand Lodges).

Issues of recognition and relations are often dealt with by special commissions (systematizing information and developing expert opinions regarding the compliance of a particular Grand Lodge with regularity standards), in the USA, where there are Grand Lodges in each state, and in Lately The Grand Lodges of Prince Hall (created by African Americans) are also regularly recognized, and there is a general recognition commission that meets annually.

In many countries (including Russia) there is a principle that within a country or territory there can be only one regular Grand Lodge, however, historically and currently there are countries in the world where more than one VL operates in one territory if there is between these VL agreements on the so-called. "division of territory" or mutual recognition.

Regular Freemasonry is the strongest and most numerous in the world. IN modern Russia it is represented by the Grand Lodge of Russia (GLR). This is the only organization in Russia related to regular Freemasonry.

Requirements for candidates

The main requirements for candidates arise from general principles movements. The candidate affirms his belief in God, the Supreme Being. The Book of Constitutions, compiled by the London preacher James Anderson, instructed the Freemason to be “neither a foolish atheist nor an irreligious freethinker” and to support civil authorities. The candidate must be mature age(in most Grand Lodges of the world at least 21 years of age), decide to become a Freemason of their own free will, be in good standing, and be “free and of good morals.”

The traditional rule for joining the Order sounds like “to be a Mason, ask a Mason about it”, “2 be 1 ask 1”, the initiative to become a member of the lodge must come from the candidate. The candidate can apply to the Lodge at his place of residence. To join a lodge, you need recommendations from its full members; one way or another, entry is preceded by a certain period of acquaintance with the Masons who recommend the candidate. Some jurisdictions require a candidate to apply for entry 3 times, however this is becoming less common. Some jurisdictions have made entry information public so that potential candidates know where to find more information.

The decision to join the lodge is made by closed vote. Members voting to join use white stones (balls are most often used in the ritual); those who are against are black. The number of dissenting votes required to reject a candidate's application is set by the local Grand Lodge, and in some jurisdictions is 1 vote.

Lodge membership and religious beliefs

A candidate's religious beliefs are a matter of his conscience. Upon entry, the candidate makes a commitment to Holy Book the faith that he professes, and which embodies the Revelation beyond his faith, this can be the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, etc. Usually the candidate belongs to one of the traditional faiths, respectively, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc. (in lodges, recognized as regular), however, in the irregular lodges of continental European Freemasonry, the requirements for the candidate’s faith are weakened, the candidate is allowed to accept the philosophy of deism or God - the “Great Architect of the Universe” as an abstract idea-symbol, or are generally canceled, and atheists and agnostics.

Rite of passage

Rite of passage

At the beginning of the ceremony, the candidate for Freemasonry is led into the Room of Reflection, painted black, the furnishings of which correspond to the name; it may contain objects that remind the candidate of the frailty of existence. In it, the candidate will write on paper a moral and philosophical will, his wishes and vows regarding himself and other people, his country, family and humanity as a whole. Then he will be asked to reaffirm his faith in God.

Before entering the temple where initiation takes place, the candidate is blindfolded. As a sign of humility, the candidate is “neither dressed nor undressed” (partially undressed, and the left breast is exposed as a sign of openness of heart), all valuables (“metals”) are taken from him, his right trouser leg is rolled up and his left shoe is removed. A rope is placed around his neck, symbolizing the bonds of human imperfection. The candidate is taken to the temple premises (the meeting room of the lodge), where he goes through ritual tests, listens to instructions of a moral and philosophical nature, and participates in small scenes and dialogues, the purpose of which is to clearly present the moral instructions of the ritual. At the end of the ceremony, he makes a solemn pledge to the Holy Book of the religion he professes (usually the Bible, with a compass and square also placed on it). Next, the candidate is removed from the bandage, saying that he has now “passed the test and is worthy of the Light”, a Masonic apron is put on him, and then the presiding officer at the ceremony (the Worshipful Master) announces to those present that they have now found a new brother and calls on them to help him in difficulties, being confident that he, too, will help them in difficult times. Often the initiation ceremony is performed with musical accompaniment, which further enhances the candidate's experience.

The initiation rite was described by L.N. Tolstoy, who himself was initiated into the first degree, in “War and Peace” (episode with the dedication of Pierre Bezukhov), but there are also more modern scientific sources about Masonic rituals.

Freemasonry in Russia

Freemasonry appeared in Russia in the middle of the 18th century. In Masonic legends, Peter I and his associates Franz Lefort and Patrick Gordon are often named as the founders of Freemasonry in Russia. This version, however, has no documentary evidence. The first reliable news of the beginning of Freemasonry in Russia dates back to 1731, when the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of London, Lord Lovell, appointed Captain John Philips as Provincial Grand Master for Russia. The wide spread of Freemasonry in Russia began with the founding of several lodges by Russian service general James Keith in the 1740s. The documents of the Grand Lodge of England indicate that in 1740 he was appointed Provincial Grand Master for Russia. Initially, the majority of members of Russian lodges were foreigners - officers in the Russian service and merchants, but soon the number of Russian Freemasons by birth began to grow. In the 1750s, a lodge operated in St. Petersburg under the leadership of Count R. I. Vorontsov.

An alternative to the Elagin Masonic system was the so-called Swedish or Zinnendorf system, founded by the former chamberlain of the Braungsweig court, P.-B., who came to Russia in 1771. Reichel. In 1772-1776, Reichel founded several more lodges: “Apollo” (St. Petersburg), “Harpocrates” (St. Petersburg), “Apollo” (Riga), “Isis” (Revel), “Gorus” (St. Petersburg) , “Latona” (St. Petersburg), “Nemesis” (St. Petersburg) and “Osiris” (St. Petersburg - Moscow). In 1776, after negotiations, the Elagin and Reichel lodges merged into a single system.

New stage in the development of Russian Freemasonry is associated with the name of N. I. Novikov, who joined the Freemasons in 1775 in one of the Elagin lodges. Together with Johann Schwarz, Novikov launched widespread propaganda in Moscow, where the center of activity of Russian Freemasonry had shifted. On August 1, 1822, Masonic lodges were officially closed by the highest rescript of Alexander I.

A new stage in the spread of Freemasonry in Russia dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, when Russia received widespread lodges of the so-called “Grand Orient of France” - then transformed into the “Grand Orient of the Peoples of Russia”. Freemasonry at the beginning of the 20th century was overtly political in nature.

After October revolution 1917, Masonic organizations were banned, Freemasons were persecuted by the Cheka - GPU - NKVD.

A small number of Russian lodges worked in exile, primarily in France. Over time, the number of Russian Freemasons decreased due to the aging of emigrants. During German occupation In France, during World War II, the remaining Russian lodges were closed along with all French lodges.

Historians of Freemasonry

  • Sergey Karpachev

Freemasonry in cinema

  • The mystery of Villa Gretta ()
  • The Bankers of God ()

"All-Seeing Eye" on banknotes

The “All-Seeing Eye” is depicted on the banknotes of several countries. So on the back of the 1 US dollar bill since 1935 there has been the Great Seal of the United States, which depicts a truncated pyramid with an eye. The initiators of the change in the banknote were G. Wallace and F. Roosevelt, its designer was Edward M. Weeks, supervisor of the Engraving Department of the Bureau of Currency and Securities at the US Department of the Treasury (the artist Nicholas Roerich, to whom some authors mistakenly attribute the idea of ​​​​the banknote design, is not has nothing to do with this). The “All-Seeing Eye” is also depicted on the Nicaraguan banknote (1 cordoba) and on the Ukrainian banknote of 500 hryvnia (the author of the picture is Grigory Skovoroda).

Miscellaneous links


  1. After amalgamation in 1813 with another Grand Lodge of Ancient Masons, formed in 1751, see History of the OGLA, 18th/19th century.
  2. which in turn refer to more ancient origin For this and other basic Masonic principles, see, for example, Anderson's Constitution of 1823.
  3. T. A. Sherkova. “Eye of Horus”: symbolism of the eye in predynastic Egypt. "Bulletin of Ancient History", No. 4, 1996
  4. Amulets and symbols of the Egyptians
  5. Pendant "Eye of Horus"
  6. Landmarks are ancient commandments, a set of traditional principles of Freemasonry, the Masonic lodge, “milestones” that separate Freemasonry from what is not Freemasonry. The most famous set of landmarks is the Mackay Landmarks. Landmarks are reflected in the constitutions of modern lodges and the principles of regularity.
  8. S. P. Karpachev, Secrets of the Masonic Orders, M., Yauza Press, 2007.
  9. V. S. Brachev. Masons in Russia
  10. "Charter of Freemasons"
  11. About the Grand Lodge of Russia, VLR website.
  12. S. P. Karpachev, Guide to Masonic secrets (Freemason Library), M., “Center for Humanitarian Education”, 2003.

For a person who has chosen the path of personal development, mastering the laws of magic and seeking to attract a lot of money with its help, it would not be amiss to study the relevant sections of history. A serious step towards this is the study of ancient magical orders and the secrets of their success. After all, it is in centuries-old traditions, both the physical and subtle worlds, contain ancient magical secrets of attracting good luck. What valuable secret of attracting money can the ancient Masonic order ? What are their amazing achievements and who are they really?

Freemasonry, according to interpretation explanatory dictionary, is a religious and ethical movement that arose in the 13th century, presumably in England, and is an ancient mystical secret organization with its own symbols, rites and rituals. Although they themselves masons prefer a different wording: no « secret society», A "a society with secrets" In short, this is a special esoteric society aimed at comprehending unknown world laws and ways to control reality. But what is their true ideology, origin, what do their symbols mean? , and what power does it have? ancient Masonic amulet for money, capable of attracting good luck and wealth, read on.


There are many theories of the origin of the Masonic movement: from the fact that the movement began from the times King Solomon, to the point that former "Knights of the Temple" ( Templars) after their defeat by the French king Philip the Fair. Or that radical philosophers and scientists were hiding from the government under the guise of Freemasons. Or what order, now a world famous and influential Masonic organization, has its origins in the medieval elite fraternity mason-builders Gothic architecture.

The theory of the origin of the Masonic orders from the once former Knights Templar- one of the basic and firmly rooted historical concepts, shrouded in their mysterious connection. This hypothesis is based on two main points that are rarely disputed by scientists. First: after the actions of the French king Philip IV, who was jealous of wealth, power and general success Templars, not all of them were destroyed "Knights of the Temple". Only the ruling and especially radical figures of the great order were punished. The remaining representatives remained at large or entered other knightly orders, distributed throughout Europe. From this fact it follows that Templars quite likely they could have saved and passed on their secret knowledge and traditions, right up to the 13th century, in the future moving into order secret society - Freemasonry.

Second position demonstrates the success and viability of the secret organization at the time of the creation of Masonic lodges and, in fact, to this day. Suspecting an imminent attack by Philip the Fair, including reprisals by the Inquisition, Templars managed to hide most of their money, and secret knowledge about the meaning of its symbolism and amulets on money, on which it later began to develop influential Masonic organization.

The following hypothesis of the origin of Freemasonry is less mysterious, but no less reliable among the opinions of various scientists.

In the Middle Ages, the Gothic style of architecture flourished in Western Europe, giving rise to a special clan (group) "free stone masons"(in translation - free - mason ) , who built temples and palaces amazing in their size and beauty. "Free stones", in contrast to ordinary stones, at that time softer natural stones (marble and limestone) were called, used in Gothic architecture for fine, bas-relief processing. Special privilege "Free stonemasons" gave the advantage of free movement throughout Europe for the construction of unique Gothic structures and the number money, which they received as payment. Even then the first masons were very rich people.

Why exactly "clan" masons? Not all builders possessed this unique skill, but only rare masters dedicated to Gothic art. These secret knowledge was passed on only to those who passed special tests and a special test of “strength.” Even then, in the group of “free masons”, rites and rituals of initiation into builders of this kind began to be present, and there was also a statutory program and a special internal hierarchy. Since then, modern Freemasonry inherited hierarchy and degrees (degrees) "student - journeyman - master" and symbolism (apron, plumb line, level, square, compass, hammer). And modern efforts to this day are based on the idea of ​​​​building Gothic temples, though not in the physical, but in the spiritual plane. masons.

Subsequently, when the Gothic style lost its former significance, the differences between groups of masons were erased, but the reputation of the privileged “Freemasons” remained. Subsequently, the so-called "speculative (thinking) Freemasonry». Speculative masons were not mason-builders, but were honorary members of the Masonic lodge. Earliest record of attendance at a Masonic meeting lodge honorary Mason dates back to June 8, 1600, when the Edinburgh Lodge received John Boswell, landowner of Auchinleck from Scotland. Like the stonemasons of the Middle Ages, modern representatives ancient order working on processing "wild stone" , trying to give it correct and perfect forms, only this stone is now symbolic - imperfect life and soul of man.


One of the main principles of the ideology of Freemasonry is moral improvement, which involves belief in influencing all things Higher power (God/Absolute). Great importance given to charity, strengthening friendship, brotherhood within lodge and adherence to its constitution. Every Mason must necessarily believe in one God or another, follow one or another monotheistic religion. At the same time, which religion is not important. In the Masonic bed It is not customary to discuss religious and political issues and views, i.e. why this or that representative lodge believes in this God and follows this religion. Therefore, under talk about Supreme entity, Christian, can freely understand Holy Trinity, Muslim - Allah, and the Hindu - Parabrahmana etc. But it is important to understand that Freemasonry- this is not a religion at all, and not its replacement. Masonic philosophy is based on the faith of the members lodge in God, but its main goal is moral and ethical relations between people. Masons They are also loyal to existing authorities and politics. The main focus and virtue of the Masons is helping society through charity. On the one side Freemasonry- This "Renaissance" with its humanism, social utopia and attention to man as an individual, on the other - a pronounced religious consciousness, genuine interest in mysticism and belief in the supernatural and mysterious. Religions undoubtedly left their mark on the philosophy of Freemasonry. Christianity introduced the basic postulates into the ideology of Freemasonry - kindness, equality, peace and justice. Judaism- passion for some lodges Hebrew Kabbalah(treatises: "Radiance" (Zohar) and "Book of Creation" (Sefer Shetzir) dedicated to interpretation Old Testament.Islam reflected as a ban on the image of a deity and in the performance of obligatory alms (charity). A Buddhism introduced the search by the Masons "middle way" and the pursuit of general consensus.

Masonic Society divided by three levels, or lodge. First level box - Blue, is divided into three grades - according to the type “private”, “corporal”, “junior sergeant”.

Middle stock- Rite of York or Red Lodge has ten degrees. When a Mason reaches top level, he can already enter the great Scottish Rite, in which there are already thirty-two degrees. But it’s not at all easy to get to high positions, and the ideas and tasks there are completely different.

Despite the apparent behind-the-scenes nature, the influence of Freemasonry on the world process, according to some information, is very great. It’s not in vain, after all, practically All masons- these are successful, rich and highly intelligent people. And get into this order very difficult. Masons are located in almost all administrative structures of power throughout the planet and control almost everything: information reaching the masses, military actions and clashes, the economy, etc. In a word, everything is decided, but few people know about it.

Famous Freemasons were outstanding figures of mankind, such successful and influential personalities as Winston Churchill, Henry Ford, Mozart, Voltaire, Duke Ellington, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Jackson, Franz Liszt, Joseph Haydn, Ludwig van Beethoven, Niccolo Paganini, Jacob Sibelius, writers Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Rabindranath Tagore, Walter Scott, Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain, poets Alexander Pope, Robert Burns, Rudyard Kipling. Theodore Roosevelt and thirteen other American presidents. After all, it is masons created the American Constitution and were the first to put it at its head human rights.

And Russian Freemasons were no less outstanding persons who influenced the culture and science of our country - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov, Sumarokov, Novikov, Bazhenov Voronikhin, Levitsky, Borovikovsky, Zhukovsky, Griboyedov, M. Voloshin, M. Aldanov, M. Osorgin, Adamovich, Gazdanov and even Lev Tolstoy was involved in his views with Freemasonry.

From all of the above, we can conclude that members of the Masonic Order are truly influential, rich, successful, and most importantly spiritually and intellectually developed personalities. Yes, this is a secret, ancient, and perhaps not known to everyone, society. But what these people have secrets of reality control, have access to valuable information accumulated over centuries, there is no doubt. Masons- This is the elite of the world community and they know and control a lot.

There are more than a dozen secret organizations in the world that date back to the Middle Ages. They have a lot of rituals hidden from the eyes of outsiders, and not even all dedicated members of the community know about all the goals of the organization. The most closed and mysterious organization is the Masonic lodge. This society has been causing big interest among adventurers and those who dream of knowing the true meaning of their existence. However, no one has ever managed to get to the Freemasons just like that, because the secret organization is very careful in choosing its new brothers. Few people know that Masonic lodges also exist in Russia. They do not advertise their activities too much and deliberately demonstratively avoid pressing political issues, but modern society increasingly interested in their activities. Therefore, we decided to devote our article to the topic of Freemasonry in Russia and the history of the formation of this secret society.

A few words about the Masons

It is difficult to find a country in which at least one Masonic lodge does not currently operate. This secret society has managed to stretch its threads to almost every state, and it is almost impossible to find out whether this or that politician is a member of the Masonic society, unless he himself wants to reveal this fact. None of the members of the organization will ever voice the names of their brothers; this is one of the most important laws for everyone who has joined the Masons.

Masons are often accused of controlling the world's main leaders in their own interests and a lot of terrible things, which, however, no one can confirm. They themselves claim that they are far from the political arena and are only determined to act for the good of their country. However, many journalists spend their energy trying to uncover the secret motives of the Freemasons and reveal them to the world community.

Where did such suspicions come from? And what exactly is a Masonic lodge? This is quite difficult to explain, even after studying all the available information about this society. After all, more than ninety percent of the rituals and rules of this brotherhood remain outside the prying eyes of the uninitiated. Therefore, we have a very rough idea of ​​the activities and main goals of the Freemasons.

If we make a literal translation from in English, then a Masonic lodge is a workshop or shelter where members of society gather to carry out their rituals and work. The brothers meet regularly and, by a common majority of votes, decide all issues important to the lodge.

History of Freemasonry

The secret organization has existed in the world for more than three hundred years. Official date Its foundation is considered to be the twenty-fourth of June 1717. It was then that in London, ordinary artisans involved in the construction of temples united into a single Grand Masonic Lodge. It is worth noting that it consisted of four different lodges, which previously met in various taverns, and it was from this time that the march of the secret brotherhood began around the world, affecting almost every major state on the planet.

Initially, the Freemasons, who, as artisans, spent many years building cathedrals, learned to subordinate themselves to common goals and ideals. They elevated mutual assistance to the rank of piety, and even acquired their own philosophy. Therefore, when the need for craft associations disappeared, Freemasons arose, dreaming of building a free, humane and fair society. It is not for nothing that they have been called “free masons” since ancient times.

Gradually, representatives of the intelligentsia, aristocrats, merchants and financiers began to join the secret organization. They all dreamed of finding answers to their questions about the meaning of life and self-realization here. Over time, the society grew to incredible proportions. For example, today there are about two million Freemasons in the United States, and in Great Britain there are three hundred thousand members of a secret society. Russia, of course, cannot compare with European countries in the number of Masons, but now we already have more than one thousand people. Masonic lodges in Russia are actively developing and increasing the number of their members. However, skeptics argue that in reality there are much more Masons in our country than official statistics say. It’s just that many prominent politicians and oligarchs carefully hide their affiliation with a secret society. Whether this is actually true, no one knows.

Classification of lodges

It is interesting that among Masons there is a certain classification of lodges that is not officially established. However, it is she who influences all members of the fraternity. For example, there are closed lodges focused on scientific research. They do important work and never accept new members into their fraternity. An event like this could be a very rare exception to the rule. Some lodges consist of brothers living and working in the same locality. And others may be united by common interests or the same profession.

Also, all lodges are divided into three categories:

  • Ioannovsky.
  • Andreevskie.
  • Reds.

These associations represent the Masonic hierarchy, but all members of the secret society are considered equal and free.

In the entire history of its existence, not a single woman has been accepted into the Masonic lodge. There is no information in the society's charter about the ban on admitting female members to the fraternity, but this unspoken rule has been observed for almost three hundred years.

Each lodge meeting ends with a dinner, during which the first toast is made to one's country, the second to the head of state and the third to the chairman of the lodge and all its members.

The Masons have many secret signs that initiates exchange with each other. Thanks to them, members of the brotherhood will not go unnoticed in a foreign country. There is also a special phrase that notifies that there is a stranger among the members of the lodge.

Lodge Initiation

You can’t just become a Freemason like that. An outsider has absolutely no chance of touching the ancient secret society. After all, at least two members of the fraternity must vouch for him.

If you have such guarantors, then you have a chance to become an equal member of the Masonic lodge. The brothers gather together once a month, it is at this time that the initiation procedure for newcomers takes place.

She looks very unusual and mysterious. The applicant is blindfolded and taken to a secret place where they ask many questions. Membership of the Freemasons will depend on the answers to them. Usually the questions concern the purpose of joining the lodge and the benefit that the newcomer can bring to his country and brothers.

Each member of the fraternity votes for or against the applicant's admission to the secret society. Voting takes place using black and white balls. white. Interestingly, if a person collects three black balls, then he loses all chances of ever being accepted into the Masons. Moreover, this applies not only to the lodge where the voting took place, but also to all associations on the planet.

If the candidacy is approved by the brothers, then the initiation ritual itself follows. Its details still remain secret.

Masons in Russia: historical facts

Masonic lodges in Russia were very common. Many aristocrats were their members, which gave rise to a large number of rumors and gossip about secret society conspiracies against the current government. In fact, these conversations had some basis, it was given by the very manner of the monarchs. Russian politics, resolving all issues behind the scenes. A similar habit formed back in the days Byzantine Empire and smoothly moved into the palaces Russian monarchs. It was on this fertile ground that rumors arose that the Masonic lodges of Russia are practically the creators and ideological inspirers of the country’s domestic and foreign policy.

Masonic lodges in Moscow and other cities reached their heyday in the first half of the nineteenth century with the blessing of Alexander I. The emperor himself was also a member of the fraternity; in addition to him, Peter I, Paul I, and even great poet Alexander Pushkin. Members actively interfere in the country's politics, and in 1822, Alexander I issued a decree banning the activities of the secret society on Russian territory.

During this period, many Masons left the country and continued their activities abroad. Meetings were held especially often in France, where all active members of the society came.

Revival of Freemasonry in Russia

The Grand Masonic Lodge of Russia was created in the ninety-fifth year of the last century. It has connections with more than a hundred other lodges in the world, including the English one. Without this, the lodge does not have the right to conduct its work, because recognition is a kind of patent that makes it possible to touch the ancient secrets of society and be its full members.

Initially, four Masonic lodges were created in our country: two in Moscow and one each in St. Petersburg and Voronezh. However, their number quickly increased - a year after the founding of the Grand Masonic Lodge of Russia, there were already two shelters for free masons in the northern capital, and three in Moscow.

Georgy Dergachev was elected Chairman of the Masonic Lodge of Russia, holding this title until 2007.

Masonic lodges today

According to the latest data, there are already more than sixteen Masonic lodges in Moscow; in addition, they exist in more than thirteen cities of Russia. These include St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Kazan and Krasnodar. All members of the fraternity report to the Chief Master and pay dues annually.

Interestingly, being a Freemason is far from a cheap pleasure. After all, monthly fees, for example, in Russia are about three hundred dollars. To this figure it is necessary to add voluntary donations, and you get a fairly round sum, which is accessible only to very wealthy people. In each country in the world, the amount of contributions may be different, this is determined internal charter brotherhood. For example, in the USA, Masons pay no more than one hundred dollars a month.

Chairman of the Masonic Lodge of Russia

Since 2007, the same person has been elected Master of Russian Masons - Andrei Bogdanov. According to the regulations, the chairman is elected for a term of five years, and thereafter he has the right to re-election. The next elections will take place in the Masonic lodge in 2020.


Many journalists like to write articles that, thanks to a conspiracy of Freemasons, the world will soon plunge into chaos, and only a select few who are members of the brotherhood will survive. Interestingly, no evidence or refutation of this theory has yet been found. We can only wait for the Freemasons to show the world their most main secret- the goal of their three-hundred-year existence.

The main characters of conspiracy theories, the main suspects in the desire for world domination and participation in political conspiracies, the main keepers of secret knowledge, the main lovers of secret symbols and intricate handshakes... “Around the World” figured out who the Freemasons really are.

They say that the Freemasons secretly rule the world. This is true?

It's a delusion. They simply could not do this: at lodge meetings it is forbidden to argue about public policy and religion. This is spelled out in the Anderson Constitution - a Masonic charter developed by a member of the Grand Lodge of England, Brother James Anderson, in 1723. Freemasons “build” the world only in matters of culture, science and spiritual values. These laws are still observed today. The goal of the Masons is not to take over the world, but to make it better, more perfect.

What is a perfect world, from their point of view?

In Masonic symbolism there are three virtues - beauty, strength and wisdom. The ideal world is one where everyone builds a temple within themselves on these supports. Freemasonry is based on a sense of the unity of Life and the Supreme Moral Law. The rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is a law for a free mason. Brothers must strictly follow it both in the lodge and in the world of “profane” - uninitiated people. Each order has its own purpose: the Hospitallers practiced medicine, the Templars created, in fact, the very basis of statehood and the economic system of the world, and the Masons developed culture and science.

What about construction? After all, the Masons call themselves “free masons”?

Initially, Freemasons were indeed professional masons who entered into secret alliances to spread secret technologies among their circle. This was called operational Freemasonry. At the beginning of the 18th century, people who had nothing to do with construction began to be accepted as Freemasons - this is how speculative symbolic Freemasonry appeared. Today people come to lodges to make it easier to acquire knowledge and become spiritually enriched.

Student: understand yourself

But knowledge can be acquired in appropriate institutions. Why do our contemporaries need to become Freemasons for this?

The Masonic lodge is also a kind of institution, and in addition a group of like-minded people. This is a brotherhood of people with common goals to improve themselves and the world. There are two ways to comprehend the world. One scientific - when the world is studied as a collection of atoms, molecules or elementary particles, breaking it down into its components. And there is a spiritual way, in which the world is perceived as a single whole, a temple where the Spirit dwells. It is for this Spirit, for the Mystery that they join the Masons.

Story: Behind the stone wall

According to legend, the secret society of Freemasons was founded by followers of the architect Hiram, the main builder of the Temple of Solomon. The word "Freemason" is translated from Old French as "freemason." The philosophy of the Freemasons is based on the charters, codes and regulations of the ancient construction guilds and the philosophy of monotheistic religions. It is believed that the first Masonic convention was held in York in 926. In 1717, the first meeting of the Grand Lodge took place, and in 1721, Brother Anderson was commissioned to compile a set of regulations from the surviving documents of building societies. This charter was recognized by the Constitution of the new order. In 1731, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England, Lord Lovel, appointed Captain John Phillips as Provincial Grand Master of Russia, and in the 1740s, Russian nobles began to join Masonic lodges. Freemasonry in Russia was banned by four emperors: Catherine II, Paul I, Alexander I and Nicholas I. After the October Revolution, the movement was also persecuted. New Masonic lodges began to appear only in 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when they were officially permitted.

How do new people get into the lodge if it is a secret organization?

Most lodges have official websites where you can apply for membership. But the selection is very strict, and it is desirable that at least two brothers act as guarantors of the applicant and bear responsibility for him. The applicant must be over 21 years of age. An exception is made only for children of Masons: they are accepted into the lodge from the age of 18. After all, they have been brought up in this environment since childhood and they already have guarantors. In any case, the applicant must be an independent and financially independent person who understands why he decided to take this step. The brothers' hands and thoughts are pure - the future Freemason is obliged to have no debts, criminal records, or conflicts with the existing government authorities.

What if your thoughts are not pure? If a person wants to become a Freemason for reasons of personal gain?

It is unacceptable. Even in the rituals there is a symbolic warning to those who want to join the Masonic lodge out of curiosity or for selfish and career reasons. But there are always those who are looking for useful acquaintances and other benefits, therefore, before accepting a layman into their ranks, the brothers take a long look at him. So-called open meetings are practiced, where guests and Masons discuss issues of culture, art and science. Usually such meetings are held in a cafe or restaurant. When a fraternity introduces a new member into its circle, a “blindfold survey” is practiced, repeatedly described in the literature: the applicant is blindfolded and taken to the temple, where he is asked why he wants to join the lodge. After which the masters vote with black and white balls. If the candidate collects three black balls, he will be denied entry and will no longer have the opportunity to enter the temple again.

What is a Masonic temple, what does it look like?

The temple is a purely symbolic designation. This is a room that symbolizes the place in front of Solomon's Temple, where the ancient builders lived and worked. Any place decorated according to the canons with an altar and chairs for meetings of the brothers can become a temple. In Russia, Masonic meetings are held in private or rented houses, which do not stand out in any way from the city landscape.

Does the religiosity of an applicant matter for joining the Masonic lodge?

The first Masons tried to create a union of people of free and good morals of all races, nationalities and religions. The motto of the free masons is “Freedom. Equality. Brotherhood". But it so happened historically that only those who believed in God and the immortality of the soul were accepted into the Freemasons. It does not matter whether the brother is a Christian, a Muslim or a Buddhist. In Freemasonry there is the concept of a universal higher power - the Great Architect of the Universe. For some it is the Christian God, for others it is Allah. A layman takes an oath by placing his hand on a book that is sacred to him - on the altar of a Masonic temple, the Bible, Koran and Torah can lie nearby. Now the so-called liberal Freemasonry has appeared, where, unlike regular Freemasonry, they began to accept atheists and agnostics.

Are women accepted into Freemasons?

According to Anderson's constitution, the Freemasons are a male fraternity, but, for example, the Grand Orient of France began to accept women into its ranks in 1774. Today there are women's lodges in Russia, for example, Ursa Major. In order to avoid discord between brothers, women and men still comprehend Masonic truths separately and meet only in the joint work of the Grand Lodge. In any case, it is believed that, regardless of religious beliefs, gender and nationality, a worthy applicant believes in the highest purpose of Man and Humanity and, thanks to this faith, improves the surrounding reality.

Journeyman: explore the world

By entering the box, a layman begins to change the world. Who can guarantee that he is doing it right?

To change the world, you need to know it. The path of knowledge involves three stages: student, journeyman, master. To become a master, that is, a full-fledged Mason, a brother must engage in self-development, study sciences such as geometry, astronomy, philosophy, and alchemy. He must defend the architectural work he has completed, which will reflect his understanding of the symbolism of the order and his own perception of the world. This is not necessarily a report. For example, Beethoven expressed his understanding of Freemasonry in musical works, and Pushkin wrote poetry. When a brother's level of knowledge begins to correspond to the next level, the lodge conducts a ritual of transition with mandatory symbolic tests. Upon reaching the level of a master, the road of knowledge does not go upward, but, as it were, in breadth. All masters are equal.

But there are different positions in the lodge?

Undoubtedly. At the head of the local lodge is the Worshipful Master, or, according to some charters, the Master of the Chair. The most worthy of the brothers is chosen for this post, thereby honoring him. The Worshipful Master, in turn, proposes officers for voting - the First and Second Guardians, the Treasurer and others. But the position in no way distinguishes the brothers from other masters, but simply means the work for which they are responsible. Each officer has his own role in the rituals. Plus, there are purely practical tasks: collecting money for the maintenance of the lodge, solving economic issues, correspondence with foreign colleagues - everything is like in any organization that works with the outside world.

What about them? Brotherly world

Member of the Masonic Lodge since 2012, Mark B. of New York , told Around the World correspondent Marina Sokolovskaya about the life of foreign Freemasons

In the public consciousness, Freemasonry is shrouded in secrets and mysticism. Many people like to think that they will become part of some Great Secret and will be involved in something that others do not know. But Masonic secrets have long been posted on YouTube, rites and rituals can be found on the Internet, at least the main ones.

Undoubtedly, there are applicants who expect to receive benefits from membership: they imagine that they will become eminence grise, they will rule “from behind the scenes,” well, if not the world, then certainly some country. This is very funny! According to our rules, Masons must be loyal to their own state and honor its laws. What kind of global conspiracy are we talking about? After all, if war happens, Masons are obliged to fight for their country, even against each other.

Perhaps a hundred years ago all the rulers were members of the lodge, but now I do not see Freemasons among the world's main politicians. In general, over the past 70 years the composition of the lodge has changed a lot. Those over 70 are completely different Masons. I saw these in Israel, I see them in the USA. This is the elite. Now the elitism has disappeared. It is still preserved, for example, in the main lodge - in England (it is from there that licenses are issued to other countries): there, everyone cannot become a brother. Or in Norway, where lodge members have traditionally been representatives royal family. « VIP-box” and in Jordan, the king enters it.

And in the USA, for example, you can even find handymen in the lodge: joining costs about $100, and we also pay $20 a year. Everything is simple here: submit an application via the Internet, go through an interview, where the main thing is to show yourself as an adequate person - and welcome to the Freemasons! I have not yet met anyone who was refused in the USA. But in Israel it costs at least a thousand to join and the annual fees are higher; in my opinion, there are only about two thousand Masons there.

There are few Masons in Russia. The head of the Masonic lodge here is a prominent political figure, as far as I remember, from the Communist Party. Which clearly contradicts the principles of Freemasonry. However, no one took the license from them.

It is in the traditions and rules of our society to help each other. But in reality... When I moved from Israel to the USA, I had no connections at all. And I came to the meeting and said that I had just arrived. No one asked if help was needed, although according to the rules they should have.

Then I asked myself if there was a job for me. In response, people shook their heads - and that was all. I didn’t ask anyone else and achieved everything myself.

But in general, our life is like ordinary people, life like ordinary people. The difference is that sometimes we gather for our rituals, and we also know special passwords, without which we can’t go anywhere.

And how do Masons work with the outside world?

The main “external” activity of Masonic lodges is charity. Masons organize funds and make private donations to hospitals, hospices, and orphanages. The lodge has several sources of income. First, there are entrance and membership fees. On the website of the Grand Lodge of Russia it is indicated that the initial payment is 10–20 thousand rubles, and the annual payment is 6–10 thousand. This money is usually spent on maintaining the lodge and running it. Secondly, after each meeting, the “widow's cup” is filled - a vessel into which any brother can put the amount at his discretion. The money from here goes both to the mutual aid fund and to charity. But more often, fraternity members take part in charity regardless of these contributions, even if they are not very wealthy people.

Are there many of these among the Masons? After all, it is believed that this circle includes pop stars, politicians and businessmen? Which Russian media personality is now a member of the Masonic lodge?

You won't find this kind of information anywhere. According to the Masonic charter, laymen should not know who is a member of the lodge until the brother himself publicly declares that he is a Mason. It is not prohibited to disclose your own status, but you cannot talk about those people whom the Mason saw at a lodge meeting. The only thing we can say about the Freemasons in Russia is that today they are representatives of the middle class. And there's not much there famous personalities. In our country, the Masonic movement is not as popular as, for example, in the USA. Abroad, the lodges include many well-known and influential people. But the Masonic temples there are quite official. In the USA, Great Britain, and Israel you can see signs on buildings indicating that the Grand Lodge is located here. And in Russia, a lodge can be registered as a limited liability company. For example, the Russian Grand Regular Lodge is registered as a Non-Profit Partnership “Association for the Development of the Art of Stone Working “Russian Grand Regular Lodge””, and the Grand Lodge of Russia is registered as a Non-Profit Partnership of the Society of Ancient Accepted Masons of the Scottish Rite.

Master: Conquering Death

If everything is so encrypted, then how can you recognize a Mason among ordinary people?

A Mason can only be recognized by another Mason. The system of secret words and handshakes has been preserved, but in the age modern technologies they are more of a tribute to tradition. Today there are already Masonic certificates, and if a brother goes to a foreign lodge, an email is sent there. And meetings are now announced on social networks and instant messengers, and with foreign brothers philosophical questions discussed on forums. Of course, every Mason should have an apron, gloves and a baldric among his external attributes, but these items are worn only for temple rituals and should not be used in the world. Even talking about their purpose and ritual symbolism is strictly prohibited.

What will happen if the brother breaks the ban and reveals the secret of the lodge?

For the disclosure of Masonic secrets, the order's charter prescribes a punishment: a Freemason can be “put to sleep.” This means that the brother is permanently excluded from the ranks of initiates and can no longer attend meetings or enter the temple. But he who once became a Freemason remains a Freemason forever. That is why the expelled brothers are called those who have fallen asleep. Such punishment may also follow for systematic failure to attend meetings without good reason, for unworthy behavior, such as leaving the family. The Masonic court examines each case separately. They can also be expelled for participation in extremist, terrorist, Nazi or any other political organizations whose goals contradict the idea of ​​peaceful creation. The brother’s Masonic certificate, which opens the doors of other lodges, will be taken away, and he will never be accepted into their ranks again.

This is very reminiscent of expulsion from the party. Is it possible to draw such a parallel?

As you know, Stalin was not a Freemason. The question with Lenin still remains open. But Soviet Union really resembles an attempt to create an ideal Masonic state, where any son of a tractor driver can become the leader of a collective farm. The same motto - “Freedom. Equality. Brotherhood", the same designations - Secretary General, The Supreme Council. The structure of the Masonic order is similar to that of any knightly or monastic order, but everyone has different goals. All closed societies differ from each other in what they bring to this world. Everyone builds their own temple within themselves and their own ideal world around them.

Map: Iconic places of Moscow

1. Moscow State University on Mokhovaya- six-pointed stars, false columns.

2. Yushkov's house(Myasnitskaya, 21) - the building was built in the shape of a cornucopia.

3. St. Basil's Cathedral- six-pointed stars (the symbols are located inside).

4. Cathedral of Christ the Savior- six-pointed stars in the decoration of the temple.

5. Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”(B. Ordynka, 20) - six-pointed stars, columns, the canopy of the Great Master on the site of the iconostasis.

6. Donskoy Monastery(on Shabolovka) - radiant delta.

7. Sklifosovsky Institute- radiant delta on the facade.

8. Embassy of the Republic of Abkhazia(Gagarinsky Lane, 11) - radiant delta, hammer, shells with pearls, square.

9. State Museum A. S. Pushkina(Prechistenka St., 12/2) - three rings on the facade.

10. Restaurant of the Central House of Writers- Masonic stars in the interior.

11. Church of Pimen the Great in Novye Vorotniki- an acacia branch above the main iconostasis.

12. House of the insurance company "Russia"- under one of the balconies there is a figurine of a salamander.

13. Don Cemetery- on grave monuments many radiant deltas.

14. English club(Tverskaya, 21) - on the left side of the central colonnade there is a window framed by two columns (Yakhin and Boaz), chimeras on the gate and on the building itself, a triune wreath, lions with human faces, lions with rings in their teeth (“lions of silence”)

15. Monument to Kalashnikov- a compass and a triangle on a pedestal are the subject of numerous discussions on the Internet. Many see in the image a hint of Masonic symbols. Sculptor Salavat Shcherbakov considers this nonsense.


Everything about one of the most secret and powerful associations in the world

Freemasons are the most closed society in the world. There are rumors about the amazing wealth of the Freemasons, about their powerful influence on world politics, about involvement in the overthrow of monarchs and revolutions... In a word, there are more than enough myths around the “free masons”. Which ones are true?

Where did they come from?

The exact date of birth of the Masonic organization is known - June 24, 1717. On this day, the first lodge of “free masons” began its work in England. The four societies located in London at that time were named the same as the taverns in which their members used to gather: “Goose and Tray”, “Crown”, “Apple”, “Brush of Grapes”. On June 24, they solemnly united and became the Grand Lodge of London. This day is still celebrated as the main holiday of the Masons.

Later, representatives of the nobility, intellectuals, and businessmen began to join the Masonic Society. Belonging to a secret brotherhood has become fashionable. In addition, intellectuals liked the ideas of equality and brotherhood, the desire for spiritual improvement, preached by the Freemasons. The Masons developed their own rituals and secret symbols that are still in effect today.

What goals are being pursued?

Why are Masonic lodges needed at all, what do they discuss when they get together, what tasks do they set for themselves?

As the Masons themselves explain, their first goal is to improve themselves and the world around them. Each person who joins the lodge tirelessly works on himself, helping others to become better: more educated, tolerant, understanding.

Second important goal Freemasons - charity. In some countries, Masonic lodges include hundreds of thousands of people, many of whom are very wealthy, they open hospitals in third world countries, provide assistance to the sick, and finance the work of educational institutions.

What is behind their rituals?

The Masons are sometimes called almost a religious sect. These thoughts are suggested by intriguing rumors about the mysterious, beautiful, deeply meaningful rituals of the Masonic lodge. For example, the head of the Lodge is called “Reverend Master”, they call each other “brothers”, it is impossible for an uninitiated person to attend the meeting - the place and time are kept in such secrecy. And yet this is not a sect. Moreover, Freemasons avoid talking about religion. And the mechanisms developed over centuries do not allow the Order of Freemasons to turn into a religious sect. For example, the leaders of a lodge are constantly changing - the Worshipful Master cannot remain so for more than three years.

Their secrets

Neither Freemasonry as a whole, nor its individual lodges hide the very fact of their own existence. In addition, any member of the Lodge has the right to declare his affiliation with the Freemasons completely openly.

But he has no right to say the same about other Masons - disclosure is under the strictest prohibition.

It is necessary to keep secret words and signs by which Masons recognize each other, and special rituals, in deep secrecy.

They and politics

It is believed that Freemasons rule the world. Most likely, this is a strong exaggeration caused by long-standing rumors about a “Jewish-Masonic conspiracy.” Yes, in many countries very influential people are members of the fraternity. However, Freemasons are not involved in politics - they have other goals. By tradition, almost all US presidents were Freemasons: it is not for nothing that even dollar bills have a Masonic sign.

In Russia today, completely different connections are valued. Of course, domestic Masons would like prominent politicians, oligarchs, and large businessmen to belong to their order. But do politicians and oligarchs need ancient romantic rituals and philosophical conversations? Do they have time for this? And do they want their names to be mentioned in connection with some secret meetings and projects? Very doubtful.

How to get there

As already mentioned, Freemasons have the right to speak openly about their affiliation with the order. If someone who wants to join knows about this, he must take the initiative; no one will invite him, because campaigning is prohibited.

If a person really wants to join the order, but doesn’t have a single Freemason acquaintance, it doesn’t matter: today you can find information about lodges on the Internet and apply e-mail. It will be reviewed. The candidate (“layman”) will need 2-3 guarantors, and he will also have to go through the ancient rite of passage, described in detail in the novel L. Tolstoy"War and Peace". Currently, the rituals have remained virtually unchanged. The members of the lodge vote, and three “no” votes are enough for a candidate to be barred from this path forever.

If it becomes clear that a person, striving to join the Lodge, is pursuing material gain or wants to achieve social benefits, the road there is barred to him. True Masons strive for one thing: to reveal their spiritual potential and help others.

Male privilege

Ladies are prohibited from joining Masonic lodges. This is how it happened historically. Although today in some countries they are beginning to practice “mixed lodges”, where women are allowed.

The poet and his wife and son. L. Gorodetsky / wikimedia

Which celebrity was a Freemason?

We can only talk about this with some degree of probability, given the strict secrecy of such data. In Russia, it is customary to classify Masons as: A.S. Pushkina, A.V. Suvorova, N.M. Karamzina, A.S. Griboyedova, A.F. Kerensky, N.S. Gumilyov.

By the way: One of the legends says that Mozart in his opera “The Magic Flute” he spoke about the secrets of the Masonic lodge, for which he was killed. To this day, Masons treat this work with special respect. When Mozart’s “The Magic Flute”, in particular the Master’s aria, is heard at the Vienna Opera once again, several dozen listeners in the hall, as if by agreement, stand up. These are the Masons.

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