China has published amazing pictures of alien bases on the moon. Is there any reason to believe the moon was created by aliens? Are there aliens on the moon

Evidence of the hypothesis of lunar alien bases is becoming more and more every year. And new evidence is emerging at an ever-increasing pace. However, let's begin to state the essence of the version in order.

Also in ancient China in the X-XI century BC, astrologers wrote numerous treatises on the starry sky. However, there is no mention of the Moon in any of them. In this regard, it can be assumed that the Earth's satellite had not yet appeared at that time. Comparing this version with the legend of Deluge, some researchers come to the conclusion that it was the appearance of our current night luminary in near-Earth orbit that became the root cause of this catastrophe of antiquity. According to scientists, it was precisely by the historical period associated with the acquisition by the Earth of its natural satellite, include the first mention of strange creatures that came to Earth from outer space. One of the confirmations of this hypothesis is the drawings of the ancient Mayan peoples, which depict people descending from the moon in unusual attire.

In 1968 the Astrophysical Information system NASA has released a catalog containing descriptions of about six hundred anomalies on the lunar surface. These include moving unidentified flying objects of various shapes and sizes, lunar craters appearing and disappearing, iridescent fogs, the appearance of shadows and flashes bright light. And the Russian astronomer Kozyrev managed to fix several flashes of red color on the Moon. Such anomalies were most often recorded in the area of ​​​​one of the largest craters, the diameter of which is about a hundred kilometers. The crater was named "Alphonse", it is the most mysterious place on the moon.

In the 1960s, the American astronomer Carl Sagan claimed that caves were found in the lunar soil, the shapes and sizes of which suggest that they were created in an unnatural way. The inner space of the largest cave is about one hundred cubic kilometers. American astronauts once made it clear that all missions of the Apollo spacecraft from 1968 to 1972 were tracked by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. Moreover, cases of contact of aliens with astronauts were recorded. The aliens communicated with earthlings using a code cipher. The version about the existence of a special cipher is confirmed by the Japanese astronomer Kenzahuro Toyoda in 1958. A scientist from the Land of the Rising Sun saw seven huge letters on the surface of the moon, which disappeared after a few nights. The appearance of these symbols has remained unexplained.

And not so long ago, the press leaked the phrase of the American astronaut Neil Armstrong, uttered by him immediately after landing on the moon: “Oh, God! There are other spaceships here, lined up along the far side of the crater. They're watching us!" Soviet astrophysicist Iosif Shklovsky believed that the Moon could well be an inactive ship of another civilization. Later, a similar version was proposed by the Russian radio astronomer Alexei Arkhipov. He suggested that the Earth's satellite is an alien station created specifically to monitor life on our planet.

Researchers, including NASA officials, claim that world government banned informing people about the presence of aliens on the moon. However, the existence of photographs depicting various structures and traces of equipment on the lunar soil testify to the opposite. Presumably, alien bases are located on the far side of the moon. Participants of the Apollo mission became witnesses of the lunar kingdoms. According to rumors, castles and towers made of a transparent material resembling rock crystal were found on the far side of the Moon, as well as various equipment and vehicles, which leave traces.
More are waiting for us amazing discoveries. It is not for nothing that the Night Luminary has seemed mysterious to people since ancient times, and with inexplicable force attracts their attention to itself.

What was not found on the surface of the planet, studying its pictures, ufologists. With each new discovery, the confidence that the Earth's satellite is inhabited grows stronger among specialists and stimulates further search for relevant evidence. Popular UFO hunter George Graham kept his word and posted a video on the network, which clearly shows the base of aliens on the moon.

Another proof of his innocence that the object is inhabited, he discovered by studying images of the Chang'e 3 interplanetary research station of the PRC. The video clearly shows the building, shaped like the Russian letter "G". You can also see other buildings with multi-colored domes around the structure, located at a mathematically correct distance from each other, which in natural conditions is very rare. The discovery of an alien settlement on the satellite of our planet is a confirmation that humanoids live on the Moon. Previously, ufologists have already reported that they know the approximate number of lunar settlers, there are about 250,000 of them.

At the end of the year, virtual hunters for brothers in mind have already posted photos of the lunar surface on the network, on which a figure with a backpack is clearly visible. The picture of the humanoid was provided to thrill-seekers by the same Chang'e 3 station. The fact that the image turned out to be fuzzy and made from a long distance did not stop the ufologists. They continued to insist that a humanoid with a backpack against a background of moonstone was not in other photos of the earthly apparatus.

In the 20th of December of the past year, a video of the movement of alien ships over the surface of the moon appeared on the network. The famous Scottish ufologist streetcap1 became the author of the sensation. Apparently not fully trusting what he saw, the UFO specialist signed the published find, asking subscribers what they actually see. Those, in turn, supported their guru and replied that huge UFOs really move on the Moon. This video strengthened the confidence of virtual Earth satellite researchers that the space object is a transshipment base for humanoids.

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Moon colonization

There are numerous mechanisms and structures on the surface of the Moon.
Many phenomena recorded on the surface of the Earth's satellite suggest the incredible: the Moon is an artificially created space base, reports the portal of Russian ufologists.

In 1968, NASA (US Aerospace Agency) published a catalog of lunar anomalies containing 579 observations made over several centuries. Back in the 18th century, astronomer William Herschel first drew the attention of scientists to the lights, lines and geometric shapes on the surface of the moon. Since then, anomalous phenomena on its surface have been observed constantly.

Already in our time, having been systematically observing the Moon with an 800x telescope for more than 10 years, the Japanese Yatsuo Mitsushima repeatedly filmed passages of dark objects over different parts of the Moon with a video camera. The materials he received are sensational: the diameter of objects is on average about 20 kilometers, and the speed of movement is about 200 kilometers per second.

In preparation for landing a man on the moon, detailed study its surface by photographing with spacecraft. NASA specialists received more than 140,000 photographs. Most of them are of excellent quality, and the optical resolution of the equipment made it possible to find something on the Moon for which we were completely unprepared. That is why the conversations of astronauts from the orbit of the Moon were often so emotional. Many newspapers quoted Aldrin Houston as saying: "What is this? What the hell is the matter? I would like to know what it is? There are large objects! Huge! Large spaceships. They stand behind the crater, on its opposite side."

This message in the open channel was not refuted by NASA until the transition to coded.

The sensational discoveries on the Moon are the subject of George Leonard's book "There's Someone Else on Our Moon", which, after long censorship delays, was finally published and contained information previously unknown to the general public.

Analyzing the images transmitted by Ranger-7 after its safe landing near the crater and by astronauts from low orbit when flying around the Moon, the author, like NASA experts, came to an unequivocal conclusion: there are numerous mechanisms and structures on the surface of the Moon. According to J. Leonard, most of these huge mechanisms have been destroyed, but others clearly continue to work. Some objects change their shape, disappear or reappear on the slopes or bottom of a crater. The greatest activity is observed on the visible side of the moon.

So, in the zone of King's crater is a large number of mechanical devices, called "X-Drones" by the author because they resemble the shape of the letter "X". These "excavators" a mile and a half in size develop the slopes of the crater, breaking off the rocky soil and throwing it to the surface. J. Leonard believes that a pipeline about three miles long was laid from the crest of King Crater, the ends of which are covered with identical caps. Similar structures were discovered by the Japanese explorer Mitsui and described in the book Explorations of the Moon.

J. Leonard's book contains many impressive descriptions of various mechanisms towering above the surface of the Moon and tracking the movement of the Sun. “Seven miles from Bulliald, Ranger 7 took unique pictures. A large metal object, partly in shadow, has a rounded shape, a cylinder and a turret on its top. Holes are visible on the cylinder on equal distance from each other. Mist or steam comes out of the turret. Identification marks are visible on the objects.

Does the lunar technological activity relation to UFOs? An analysis of NASA photographs and some statements by astronauts give an affirmative answer to this question.

J. Leonard quotes astronaut Gordon ("Apollo 15"): "When we passed at 30-40 feet, a mass of objects flew nearby - so white and sparkling, they clearly had an engine." American astronauts had code words for Houston in case they discovered something unusual on or near the moon, for example: "Anibel" means a sparkling fire on or near the moon, "Barbara" is a structure, "Saint Nicholas" is a UFO .

"Anibel" was observed by astronauts in the Sea of ​​Crises.

2 and 3-story rectangular structures were also found here, with the upper floor being a similar rectangle, but smaller. Sometimes at the base of the lower rectangle one could see large round holes arranged in a row at the same distance from each other. At the bottom of the Copernicus crater is a structure in the form of a triangle placed on the base. On its lateral surface, one can distinguish signs resembling numbers and geometric figures. As for the signs, on the surface of the Moon, judging by the photographs, one can detect luminous (possibly in the reflected light of the Sun) signs, for example, in the form of blue crosses installed vertically in the ground. Usually the same sign is installed in those places where there are mechanisms united by some one technological function. So, near the craters in which X-Drones operate, blue crosses are installed. In other places, signs in the form of an arrow are visible.

J. Leonard believes that King's crater and its environs may be something like the base of another civilization, since it is there that platforms are located that rise above the surface by 0.5 miles. Many of them are 6 to 10 miles across. It is difficult for us on Earth to imagine a structure of this size.

It is impossible not to mention the very controversial assumption of J. Leonard: "Large areas of the surface are covered with the remains of something resembling a camouflage net of cables intersecting at right angles. Maybe once the surface of the Moon was masked with dust, pebbles, rubble and artificial craters under an ordinary planet? Now we see the remnants of disguise after the cataclysm on the moon. " It is the cataclysm that explains the researcher such a large destruction of mechanisms, pipelines and structures. To a large extent, this is supported by NASA photographs. Pipe systems have been discovered, laid on the surface and descending the slope of the crater to go deep into the moon. However, many pipelines have been destroyed.

What is the opinion of US official science about sensational discoveries on the moon? Here is what J. Leonard writes about this: "The US Academy is an adviser to the government and dissects information in its interests. It collects facts, but is very weak in analysis and revolutionary hypotheses."

The main conclusions of J. Leonard are as follows. The essence of the activity of aliens on the moon is the extraction of the necessary elements from the rocks of the lunar crust. The moon once suffered a fantastic catastrophe and was sent here for a long recovery process. Structures, mechanisms and, probably, systems under the surface of the Moon are being restored. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult for aliens to hide their activities after probing the moon and landing people on its surface.

In August 1995, it was announced International program global observation of anomalous phenomena on the Moon. The observatories of many countries, including the United States, participated in the implementation of the program, using the unique Hubble telescope operating in orbit of the Earth's satellite. Laureate Nobel Prize Francis Crick, who discovered the DNA code, said in an interview with the Italian magazine Espresso: “It is possible that“ they ”wanted to turn the Earth into something like a reservation or a natural intergalactic park, where living species that have not reached perfection in the process of evolution will be born and preserved. and left far behind the others, but still can be useful as gene reserves or simply as natural attractions."

The English ufologist A. Shutolwood spoke more specifically in his book "Flying Saucers": "I think that they gave rise to the life cycle, and then they told us:" Go and multiply. "And they left, according to the Bible," like angels on fiery chariots "It was safe for them to visit us openly in biblical times, but as we progressed and became warlike, they began to keep their distance and watch us from afar, continuing to take a great interest in our affairs, often interfering in them at their own discretion. ".

When Soviet Union successfully tested one ballistic missile after another, President Eisenhower at a press conference, noting rocket science in the United States during these years, said that "we are ahead of the USSR, both in quantity and quality," although one missile after another exploded without taking off. Something had to be done urgently. And the answer came by itself - NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Agency).

battlefield and cold war between the USSR and the USA moved into space. In fact, there has never been a more useful war in the entire history of mankind: they began to compete in their development without harming each other, and international recognition and respect became the measure of victory.

NASA joined the space race, lagging behind the USSR. On October 4, 1957, the USSR launched the world's first artificial satellite Earth. And the Americans' attempt to launch their first Avangard satellite on December 6 of the same year turned into a national disgrace: the launch vehicle exploded without even having time to break away from the launch device. However, over time, the gap began to narrow: on April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin flew into space, and already on May 5, the first American, Alan Shepard, visited space (although not in orbit). Less than a year later, on February 20, 1962, John Glenn made a full-fledged orbital flight. NASA began to catch up with the Soviet Union and overtook it, landing the first people in the history of mankind on the moon, which is considered the most great achievement civilization, the next step in evolution. Some do not want to put up with it and say: "Is it so?!".

Perhaps the Americans were on the moon, but most of the information about that "flight" is still hidden from the public. Some researchers claim that "aliens" are already on the moon!

The moon turned out to be four times more dangerous

According to Bill Cooke, head of NASA's Lunar Impact Monitoring program, meteorites fall on the moon much more often than astronomers thought until recently.

This conclusion was prompted by Cook's recent observations of two meteorite impacts on the lunar surface, which occurred two weeks ago during the passage of meteor shower Leonidov. And the results of his observations research group generally more fruitful.

According to Bill Cook, during the monitoring, which lasted only a year, he and his colleagues observed 11 or 12 collisions (here is one of them). "This is about four times more than what was predicted by our computer model" added the astronomer.

Dr. Michael Salla is a pioneer in the development of "Exopolitics" (the study of the politics of extraterrestrial civilizations). Recently, she made a statement about the existence of military-industrial space complexes not only on Earth, but also on the Moon.

Find out more!

Here are some amazing pictures.

Perhaps these are images of representatives extraterrestrial civilization made on the moon. Presumably, these are military bases.

Most likely, the Chinese encountered aliens.

To discover alien civilizations specially designed telescopes.

But they try to keep quiet about it. And that's why!

NASA tried to destroy this region of the moon.

“I sent some pictures to a source through which China will soon release high-quality pictures taken in lunar orbit. These images clearly show the presence of certain objects and structures on the moon. This source claims that NASA deliberately bombed some parts of the Moon in order to destroy ancient artifacts and structures.

China exposed NASA.

»The images show distinct views of the crater from nuclear explosions, with which NASA tried to destroy traces of extraterrestrial civilization. China intends to completely expose NASA and will do everything possible to achieve this. If the photos turn out to be genuine, NASA will have to be held accountable for fraud.

Why we stopped flying to the moon.

NASA hides a lot of secrets from the whole world. There are rumors that there is an alien base on the far side of the moon.

Why didn't we build bases on the moon ourselves?

According to Neil Armstrong, there is an alien base on the moon and they recommend everyone to stay away from them.

Here's what Milton Cooper, a Naval Intelligence officer, says.

According to him, there not only exists military base, but there are also several mining factories and plants.

This is the reason NASA no longer flies to the moon.

»There is an alien base on the far side of the moon. This was seen and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. Filming shows the base, mining machines and a huge alien ship».

01.07.2017 - admin

The Moon is the closest planet to the Earth, and the only astronomical object known to date, where a human foot has set foot. The moon is a planet of many mysteries and incredible hypotheses.

When we look at the Moon, we always see the same side, about 60 percent of its surface - even though the planet rotates on its own axis. This feature of our satellite is due to the fact that the rotation of the Moon around our planet and around its own axis is synchronized - this is another mystery of our neighbor.

The often invisible part of the Moon is referred to as the far side of the Moon, or the "dark side of the Moon". Although the "dark side" is of course a metaphor rather than a reflection of reality, since on average the dark side of the Moon receives as much sunlight as the part of the satellite that we see.
And yet it is really "", a territory that has not been visible to mankind for many hundreds of years. What can be happening there, what is hidden in invisibility? - According to conversations in certain circles, there is no better place for aliens to deploy bases secret from us.

A bit of history.

Little by little, the mystery of the dark side of the moon began to lose its mystery in 1959, when the automatic satellite of the USSR Luna-3, making a circle around the satellite, photographed the invisible area. Of course, the first images were rough and in poor quality, but, they were able to show lifeless deserts in the pockmarks of craters, as well as on the side facing us.

Subsequent flights of robotic explorers, such as Lunar Orbiter 4, were able to provide more detailed images of the invisible region of the Moon by 1967. A year later, the Apollo 8 astronauts (Frank Borman, James Lovell and William Anders), flying around the moon in preparation for the Apollo 11 mission, examined the far side of the satellite through human eyes.

  • The official accounts of the expedition are uninteresting and dry - a dead planet whose surface has been plowed by asteroids for billions of years. TV broadcasts given by the crew from the Moon also showed the planet's gray surface. Is that this mysterious phrase that flew from the ship to Earth - confirmation that Santa Claus exists. - Allegedly, this is the code designation for a UFO adopted by NASA.

Today, many photographs show details of the invisible side of the moon, compiled topographic maps, displaying the main features of this area. It would seem that in our time the dark side of the moon has lost a significant part of its secrets and hypotheses. But still, there is an opinion that many secrets are hidden in this area of ​​\u200b\u200byour neighbor, for example, why did the manned Apollo expeditions abruptly turn off? A number of researchers hold a unanimous opinion, the reason for this was one thing: aliens do not want to see humanity on the moon! They do not care that we consider the satellite "ours", they know whose it is, and are ready to defend their rights.

Hypothesis of ufologists about the moon.

Ufology is generally very sensitive to everything extraterrestrial, and even more so to the Moon - there are a lot of anomalous phenomena visible truth in a telescope. A long-standing theory from UFO hunters warns that the far side of the Moon hosts the oldest base of alien observers. It is possible that this is not even one base, but a huge laboratory complex for studying all aspects of human life will be deployed.

It is assumed that they (aliens) come from some other star system. It is logical to assume that for long-term observations and regular visits to the Earth, they need to have a working base in our system. Naturally, considering this plane of question, the invisible side of the Moon would be the best place to set up a secret outpost. A place where you can not only relax after the flight, but also the closest base to Earth.

In support of this hypothesis, the authors of numerous publications about the economy of aliens on the moon, refer to the statements of William Cooper, a high-ranking officer in the past American intelligence. In 1989, Cooper, allegedly under oath - the case took place at a special meeting of the UN committee on space exploration - said that the US government was aware of alien ships appearing near the Earth, and was well aware of the alien lunar complex.

Alien base on the far side of the moon.

Some of the videos allegedly taken by the crews of the Apollo program expeditions show details of the alien base. - There are huge mining machines, nearby lies an alien ship of a large size - most likely a transport transporting the mined. In the center of the crater, where all this action takes place, giant towers rise. Of course, all this is extremely suspicious information - for example, the Apollo 8 expedition, and the Luna 3 apparatus, did not see any bases on the Moon (at least this is not known). Although, what can be seen on the planet from orbit?

By the way, the story of William or Bill Cooper is shrouded in detective mystery. After retiring, since the 90s, he has been describing cases of alien presence, about a secret government, about UFOs, about the US treaty with a race of aliens. Many people spoke about falsification and other speculations on the wrong topic. However, there is one "But", in 2001, Cooper was killed by sheriff's officers, in his home in Arizona - the reason was allegedly tax evasion (it is believed that Cooper first started shooting). Maybe it was not accidental, he really knew “something like that”?

Virtual explorers point to the existence of large alien structures on the far side of the moon. It sounds strange, but it really is, the researchers say, and we get solid evidence of this from NASA satellites.

In 1994, America sent the Clementine satellite to the moon to get detailed photographs of the object under study. However, earlier in the early 1970s, abruptly ending the Apollo program before completion, NASA clearly announced: "The moon has been studied well enough and is no longer of interest." It makes no sense to spend taxpayers' money on studying the Moon, we need to build bases here, and move on not by exploring our system and exploring deep space. But nevertheless, the Moon continues to be studied no less closely, but already remotely - with the help of satellites.

The Clementine satellite took 1.8 million images during its operation, but only 170,000 images were made public, foreign researchers point out. And the available ones were not in the quality that was expected. What happened to the rest of the pictures? The rest were classified!

But why did both American and Soviet scientists abandon manned flights to the Moon? Moreover, they refused almost simultaneously, as if coordinating their actions. Is it possible that someone - say the owners of alien bases - really gave us a turn from the gate?

There are no working alien complexes there, the researchers voice a rare version. No one is mining helium-3, as many assume.

In one of their visits, the Americans discovered the destroyed remains and ... a graveyard of alien creatures! Assessing the state of the remains of buildings, scientists came to the conclusion about a deliberate explosion. Reflecting on the destruction, the graveyard and the warning signs, scientists come to the conclusion about an unknown epidemic that killed the ancient aliens - which even they, more advanced than our knowledge, could not overcome. Having correctly interpreted all these "signs", people decide to get out of the moon, but continue to conduct remote study.

Paranormal explorers, astral travelers.

Confirmation of the base of an extraterrestrial race on the far side of the Moon, and as a result, proof of the existence of aliens, is brought by a psychic and a person who knows how to live in the astral field of the Earth, Ingo Swan. Specialist in astral life (traveling to other worlds with the help of thought in a special state of the physical body) Ingo Swan, allegedly worked for the American government and participated in the creation of a program of extrasensory observation in the 70s.

As an example of his amazing abilities, one can cite the discovery of 1973. Then, doing astral travel to the planet Jupiter, Swan confidently stated that the rings of Jupiter are a gas and dust formation. Which was confirmed six years later by Voyager 1, in 1979.
In one of his astral (mental?) trips to the Moon, Svan, while looking around the dark side of the satellite, stumbled upon buildings of extraterrestrial origin.

Being in the astral body, the traveler saw high towers in the depths of the crater, from the tip of which came a powerful illumination of the crater. As the remote explorer himself spoke of his experience, he was stunned by the realization of the importance and improbability of the fact that a certain civilization had built some structures on the moon.

Moreover, building on his success, Swan mentally ventured deep into the alien structure, where he discovered two humanoids inhabiting the moon base. He also realized that the aliens felt his presence, after which the visit was interrupted, and he himself was "thrown out" from the moon! - in the sense of his astral spirit.

Return to the Moon.

Most (perhaps all) of these stories are about secret bases aliens on the far side of the moon are fiction - well, or scary stories campfire. The experience of traveling in the astral body is also unprovable, in order to treat its results with great confidence. None of these stories about the moon has been confirmed. And it cannot find confirmation or refutation until a person returns to the surface of the moon again. But something is not going well with the exploration of the moon.

The moon lies from the Earth at an average distance of 384 thousand kilometers (the centers of the planets), the flight takes less than a week - this is practically a neighboring area. Huge prospects are lunar laboratories and telescopes - a gigantic scale of space exploration! What about the lunar spaceport? - this is a start from a planet whose gravity is six times less than the earth's! The resources of the planet also go into the same piggy bank of the exploration of the moon.

The plans for the exploration of the Moon and the creation of a “Village” of earthlings (settlements) on its surface were discussed more than once. So, in the spring of 2006, NASA announced the development of a manned expedition to the satellite. The program provided for the landing of four astronauts on dark side Moon. They will collect samples, study and find a place for lunar bases ... but, the program was postponed to 2015, then another year - and this is just one example of the postponed programs for the development of our nearest neighbor.

Curious, but what can be found on the Moon, buildings? Spaceships alien civilization? Proof that the Earth was visited by ancient astronauts? Returning to the Moon is no guarantee that these issues will be resolved. Even without finding an alien base on the moon, conspiracy theorists can always justify it with the silence of the government, which wants to protect the public from realizing that creepy fact- that aliens exist.

Isn't it true that many interested in this issue will not be able to stay on the moon? At the same time, some suspect that we will not be returning to the Moon any time soon, if at all, skeptics add dejectedly.

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