How to learn to read fast. Methods of teaching speed reading. How to learn to read faster How to learn to read quickly and interestingly

Almost everyone can learn to read information from the information field. If you are a beginner and want to develop this skill, you are here!!

Just imagine what amazing opportunities the connection to the information field provides ...

  • Read the intimate desires of other people.
  • Recognize thoughts.
  • Expose a lie or be convinced of sincerity.
  • Predict your future and the future of loved ones.
  • Find out the outcome of important events.
  • Predict winning numbers or outcomes of sporting events.
  • Learn how to deal with difficult situations.
  • Get the necessary knowledge not from books and surfing the Internet, but directly from space ...

These and many other possibilities are provided by the super ability to read information from the information field of the Earth and the Universe.

What does it take to learn how to get answers to your requests?

Before receiving the information that interests you, you need to learn how to receive information in principle. Many reading techniques that you will find on this site are designed for a certain level.

If you are a beginner, or you are having difficulties, and the information “does not work”, then it will be useful for you to work not on specific requests, but simply on obtaining information.

To avoid disappointment!

One of the reasons that "knowledge does not come" is often the inability to receive it and tune in to receive information. In order not to be disappointed, and to get the desired result, you should first learn exactly this.

Today you have the opportunity to learn about one effective technique shared by Alexander Shtorval, a psychic and an expert in the field of unconscious hypnosis.

This technique helps to connect to the information field and learn to receive subtle information.

Method for obtaining information from the information field of the Earth and the Universe

Execution technique

1. The practitioner lies down comfortably, closes his eyes and relaxes. Mentally, he releases all tension in the muscles of his face, neck, and shoulders. If desired, you can take a few deep and slow breaths and exhalations.

2. Feeling that he is beginning to sink into sleep, the practitioner, by an effort of will or with the help of concentration on some object (hand, account, thought ...), maintains awareness and at the same time sinks even deeper into sleep.

3. When sleepy visions (theta state) begin to flash before the eyes, the practitioner imagines that he has fallen into the cosmic river of information. It is not necessary to clearly imagine this, it is enough to admit such a possibility itself.

4. Continuing to maintain the borderline state, the practitioner feels himself in the waters of this river and intuitively imagines (as it happens) that the flow brings him interesting and new information. At such moments, the practitioner may see some incomprehensible images or suddenly experience insight. This will be the information that has entered the consciousness.

Important note!

If you try to get out of the trance quickly, then there is a chance to go into the astral plane for seconds and fall into the river of information in your subtle body.

Of course, there is nothing dangerous in this, but when a person returns to his body, he will most likely fall asleep and forget all the data received.

If the experience is not successful?

Sometimes it happens that in the first practice a person does not get the necessary experience or falls asleep and then does not remember anything. This technique requires some skill in working with the theta state. If the experience was not gained, do not be upset. Self-confidence and further training will definitely give results!

It has been noted that this method of obtaining information works best for practitioners whose personal gift and abilities are associated with the ability to work in trance states. Personal diagnostics will help you learn about your personal gift and hidden abilities.

Many people, reading another book, see only the surface of the work, and the most important thing that the author wanted to convey is left unnoticed. The hidden meaning and varied symbols hide the true beauty and value of the novel. If you are fond of reading, then this is commendable and good. But doing it right is even better. Check out the tips below and you'll be fine. In a few weeks you will be a real master, because learning to read books correctly is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Before moving on to tips on how to learn to read, we need to pay a little attention to the ways to do it. There are 4 types of them. All of them were described by M. Adler in 1940 in his research work. He identified the following ways:

  1. Elementary.
    The simplest way, which involves the use of those skills that are acquired in school lessons. With its help, a person simply reads the text, understands the meaning, traces a certain plot.
  2. Inspection.
    This method is also called "across the sheet." Following it, the reader first looks at the beginning of the sheet, and then proceeds to the end, while quickly trying to “pull out” the main points, understanding the meaning. This option is extremely useful and is often used in conditions of lack of time when working with a large amount of educational or work material.
  3. Analytical.
    With the analytical method, you need to immerse yourself in the text, which is why you get really effective reading of books. Slow careful page progression, separate written notes, searching for an explanation of misunderstood words, using author references are the main components of the analytical method. Its goal is to have a 100% understanding of what is read with the full assimilation of all the author's thoughts.
  4. Research.
    A popular method among writers and workers in the creative or scientific field. It requires reading several books on the same topic at once to confirm or refute any theories. This option is not well suited for fiction, if considered in terms of enjoyment, not work.

For an ordinary person who wants to find the answer to the question of how to read books effectively, the 2nd or 3rd method will be the most beneficial. They will allow you to get both pleasure and learn important information. However, it makes no sense to consider them in detail, since you need to read correctly as a whole, and not drive yourself into the framework of one method. Let's move on to tips.

Have a purpose

Never read without a purpose, as most people do. No need to try to fill your free time with superficial reading, hoping to get vague benefits. Try to set a goal first to solve a specific problem or find the answer to a question. When it comes to scientific literature, then decide in advance what exactly you need to learn in it.


There is no guarantee that after the first reading the entire text will be assimilated. It often happens that on the second or third reading, people discover new parts of the plot for themselves, and the novel has a completely different meaning. This advice is especially relevant for working with scientific papers, even in the form of popularized literature. Do not be afraid to practice and repeat, otherwise how else to learn something if you do not work through the material.

Try different ways to read

The methods described at the beginning of the article appeared there for a reason. Despite the large number of tips that will teach you how to read books correctly, you should use the described methods. As mentioned above, inspection or analytical are effective for the average person. After trying each of them, you need to choose one, try to hone it, and then repeat with the second. You can alternate or even apply on the same novel, which is very effective.

Grab multiple books

This advice affects only the case when it is necessary to work with serious literature that is not related to fiction. For example, when studying the traditions of the country. You need to use many books to get a complete picture of the issue being studied, to eliminate the risk of receiving false or misinterpreted information. Also remember to compare what you read with what you already know. And if the work is presented in several parts, then they should be read strictly in chronological order.

Looking for information

If in the process of reading you come across an unusual word, a description of an interesting event or object, then you should not skip it, as you need to read with understanding. Take advantage of modern technology and find the information you need. First, it will expand your knowledge. Secondly, it will allow you to understand what you are reading much better.

Take notes

Keep a pencil with you at all times, as well as a few small bookmarks or a notepad. It is important to highlight significant moments so that later you can briefly review them and remember or see what previously seemed hidden. Especially, this applies to educational or working literature, since you will never be able to learn something serious without taking notes. In the process of getting acquainted with a work of art, you can also make notes in a notebook about your thoughts about the further development of the plot.


Some people read even 5 hours a day, but at the same time they constantly lose focus, withdrawing into themselves, they have detached thoughts. Since you need to read correctly so as not to waste time, such moments should not be in your life. Try not to get distracted and feel the work. If, with all efforts to concentrate, in a cozy atmosphere, in good health, such a problem remains, then this indicates the absence of a goal, which was mentioned in the first tip. Try asking yourself, "Why am I doing this?"

The reader sometimes looks for correspondences and involuntarily compares the environment in the novel with the real world. Comparing, he moves away from the goal. Stick to the hero's point of view, look for the right point from which the whole process of getting to know the novel will go. This will allow you to be in the described world, which will play into your hands.

Be mindful of the subtext

Modern readers don't really know how to read books properly. The proof is the fact that most take novels and everything described in them literally. It is important to always remember the subtext left by the author. This can turn the story around, as well as open up new facets and hidden meanings that have not been seen before.

The subtext is hidden in the following:

  • weather, time of year - weather conditions often express the feelings of the characters, and the seasons can be a huge symbol of the purpose of writing a novel or partially express a hidden meaning;
  • the actions of the characters - the author can thus show the real world, drawing a parallel, for example, with politics;
  • violence - in many works it carries a social or cultural meaning;
  • geography - it can act in a peculiar role, revealing a whole separate topic, denoting a symbol, or showing the influence of the environment on characters;
  • salvation of the hero - many authors show the rebirth of the hero or a sharp change in his views by saving from death, for example, falling into the river and saving, and sometimes the hero is killed, which also says a lot;
  • the stigma of characters - physical disabilities can express symbols of human moral or psychological problems.

Always try to see the subtext.

Take the story out of the way

All famous writers write not for the entertainment of readers, but to convey some thought. The plot here plays far from the main role - it acts as a means, not an end in itself. That is why some works do not have a clear plot at all, but contain many useful thoughts. The same applies to heroes - they are a means of expressing thoughts. Read to understand the author's thoughts, not knowledge of the plot. This is the most important point in the question of how to learn to read correctly.

Read the book ahead of time

If you're wondering how to read effectively, start with the cover. Before reading for the first time, try to get to know the book as closely as possible. Try to delve into the name, if something important is hidden in it. Study the cover, because. images can say a lot about the meaning of a novel. Pay attention to the titles of the chapters, read the first pages - this will help not only to determine how complex and interesting the text is written, but also to learn about the most important message of the author. About him (about the author), you should also read a little, if possible, get acquainted with other works. It will not be superfluous to read a few reviews about the product.

Summarize, analyze

Give yourself some time after reading so that what you read fits into your head. Then make a kind of report, which will describe the most important:

  • What did you read about?
  • What happened? What are the reasons?
  • Are the events described instructive and interesting?
  • Do you agree with the author?
  • What conclusions can be drawn?

This approach will allow you to get the most out of the book, which is the goal of how to learn the most effective reading. Additionally, you can write your personal reviews of what you read or discuss everything with friends.

Throw inappropriate literature

No need to try to forcefully master bad literature, thinking about how to learn and read it with greater efficiency. Strictly weed out useless works that you cannot master. They will not give you a sense of pleasure, they will not help you develop efficiency, but they will push you back.

Make more time

You need to study regularly, and not once a month - you most likely already knew this. Reading effectiveness training is no exception. It is necessary to allocate a sufficient amount of time at least once every couple of days. One hour will be enough, but subject to the right approach and use of tips.

Mix genres

Having genre favorites, you should not delve exclusively into their representatives. Oversaturation with any genre is not beneficial, especially if the goal is to learn how to read effectively. Change genres, moving from one to another, with each novel. This will not only speed up learning, but also broaden your horizons.


Effective reading skills are a useful thing for a person, which everyone who wants to benefit from books and achieve success must learn. If you follow the tips described, the result will come after a few weeks of training. The main thing is not to forget about regularity and quality.

With an abundance of information in the modern world, as well as a constant lack of time, it is very important to learn how to read quickly, because this is the only way to always be aware of everything you need. Whatever field you work in, innovations are constantly appearing, and you definitely need to be aware of the changes. Not to mention the fact that in the absence of the skill of speed reading, even daily correspondence can turn into a long and tedious task.

If your task is to slowly enjoy reading the classics, swaying in a rocking chair, it is possible to increase the speed and nothing, but in all other cases it definitely does not hurt.
Common misconceptions about abbreviation.
To learn how to read very quickly, you should first rid your mind of some of the installations that do not allow you to even start. In fact, these are nothing more than myths, but they are quite common. The first of them: to read quickly, you need a special talent and this is not given to everyone. Not true! If you have mastered the ability to read as such, then you can increase the speed. The second sounds like this: if you didn’t learn to read well in childhood, it’s impossible to do it with age. And also not true. You can learn this skill at any age. There would be a desire.
Quantity and quality.
Even in the distant school years, the reading technique was higher for those children who read more - not only within the limits of a given program, but simply “for themselves”. And the first rule of someone who wants to learn to read quickly - read. And not from a computer screen. Make it a rule to read at least 10-15 pages of a book a day, gradually increasing their number. With constant training, over time, you will already “grab” the words in their entirety, recognize them faster, and it will take much less time to read. In this way, you will learn to read quickly, even without the use of special techniques and without various speed reading courses. But to make your classes more effective, it is still worth familiarizing yourself with some tricks.

Don't read aloud!
Reading aloud, so necessary at the initial stage of learning, now only gets in the way. If you move your lips in a school-like way or pronounce every word you read to yourself, you should know that this slows down your reading. It is quite obvious that we can catch words many times faster than pronouncing them. Here are some exercises that will help you shut up and thereby increase the speed of perception of printed information.

  • keep your finger on your lips and make sure they don't move;
  • firmly press the tongue to the teeth while reading;
  • put some calm melody while reading (without words, of course!) and follow it while you read.
Down vertical.
Another school habit that ruins the whole thing is running your finger along the line, reading each word. Our task is to learn to grasp the whole line at once with our eyes, there is no need to carefully proofread each word in order to understand the meaning of the phrase. The following exercise will help you learn this. Move your finger evenly down along the text and try to keep up with it. For starters, let it be not a book page, but a newspaper column - it is much narrower. After a while, you will be able to read books as well. To control yourself, you can move not a finger, but a sheet of paper with a cut-out “window”, so that 3-4 lines fit in the window. Have time to read them while they are in sight.

Be extremely attentive, nothing slows down your reading more than the need to go back and reread what has already been read. Moreover, the very thought that you can re-read at any moment weakens attention. Don't let yourself go back. So you get off track and waste time. Knowing that you can not reread, you will read everything much more carefully.

Look wider.
Reading speed largely depends on how well your peripheral vision is developed (remember, you need to grasp the entire line from beginning to end, looking into its middle). To develop it, do a few simple exercises.

  1. Write numbers from 1 to 9 in a square, randomly placing them throughout the area, and then, looking into its middle and without taking your eyes off, find the numbers in order. Then complicate the task by increasing the square and the number of numbers.
  2. In any situation, try, looking straight ahead, to grab as many objects as possible with peripheral vision.
  3. While reading, look at the window, the angle of view will increase, and return to the book again.
Today is better than yesterday.
Read "for a while" every day and write down your results, try to increase the speed day by day, at least a little. So over time, you will begin to read really fast.

Now that you have an idea of ​​how to learn to read quickly, the result depends on only one thing - daily practice. And if you have enough motivation, then with some diligence, you will develop speed reading skills much faster than you think. Expensive speed reading courses are, of course, great, but if you want to learn how to read quickly, you can do it yourself. We wish you success in this important undertaking!

In this article I will briefly cover the question - how to learn to read the energy of people. The first thing you must do to learn to feel the subtle energies is to become more sensitive yourself. This is achieved by following several principles:
1. Energy nutrition.
That is, eating foods rich in vital energy. These are, first of all, fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts - in general, everything that has ripened in nature, in natural conditions, or close to natural. Read more about such nutrition here at, and watch this.
2. Performing sensitivity-enhancing exercises.
To improve sensitivity to subtle energies, we first need to sharpen our physical senses. This is achieved by exercises aimed at increasing the flow of blood and energy to the sense organs, as well as the renewal of nerve connections with the sense organs and an increase in the number of these connections.
Such exercises are described in more detail in my "Textbook on extrasensory perception". And also, in the following articles I will touch on this issue in more detail, because. in one article all the exercises can not be covered.
3. Moral preparation.
Before developing psychic abilities on the basis of heightened physical sensitivity, you must be mentally prepared that you will open up, as it were, the underside of the world. You will see, feel both positive and negative emotions, feelings of people. You will see not only the energy of love and joy - how it looks in the astral plane, but also anger, illness, hatred and other unpleasant human manifestations. In cemeteries, you will begin to see and communicate with spirits. Are you ready for this? If not, then stop and give yourself the command to fall asleep again so that your awakened senses fall asleep and you become again insensitive to subtle matters.
If you are ready to meet the other side of the world, then go ahead - develop further.
4. Paying attention to feelings.
Track your every emotion and sensation, pay attention to how your body reacts to certain feelings, thoughts. Thus, you will begin to get used to the fact that in the world there is not only matter, but also something subtle - feelings, emotions. Over time, the emotions in your mind will be perceived each with its own color, even sound and smell.
These are the most basic principles by which you can become a psychic.
The next step is to learn how to translate the information received into meaningful images. That is, for example, you have developed your sensitivity, and found that you began to feel some kind of energy, emotions from other people. But you still cannot understand what this or that feeling that visited you while concentrating on a person means. To distinguish this and translate into information, you need to practice translating one kind of information into another.
The easiest way to do this is with music and drawing. At school, a music teacher often gave us tasks to draw what we imagine when listening to a particular musical composition without words. Most often these were classical works, rich in emotions and sounds. So do you, turn on any music and try to draw or imagine in your mind the pictures that this music paints in your imagination. For most people, pictures come naturally. Do this exercise more often. Then try to draw an emotion, a feeling. With experience, you will understand what this or that feeling you feel from a person means. You will naturally begin to form images - and you will already become a real psychic, seeing "pictures" about a person's life.

Back in 1998, Princeton University hosted a Project PX seminar on high speed reading. This article is an excerpt from that seminar and personal experience of speed reading.

So, "Project PX" is a three-hour cognitive experiment that allows you to increase your reading speed by 386%. It was conducted on people who spoke five languages, and even those with dyslexia were trained to read up to 3,000 words of technical text per minute, 10 pages of text. Page in 6 seconds.

By comparison, the average reading speed in the US is between 200 and 300 words per minute. We have in connection with the peculiarities of the language - from 120 to 180. And you can easily increase your performance to 700-900 words per minute.

All that is needed is to understand the principles by which human vision works, what time is wasted in the process of reading and how to stop wasting it. When we analyze the mistakes and practice not making them, you will read several times faster and not mindlessly running your eyes, but perceiving and remembering all the information you read.


For our experiment, you will need:

  • a book of at least 200 pages;
  • pen or pencil;
  • timer.

The book should lie in front of you without closing (press the pages if it tries to close without support).

For one exercise session, you will need at least 20 minutes. Make sure that no one distracts you during this time.

Before jumping straight into the exercises, here are a few quick tips to help you speed up your reading.

1. Make as few stops as possible when reading a line of text

When we read, the eyes move through the text not smoothly, but in jumps. Each such jump ends with fixing your attention on a part of the text or stopping your gaze at areas of about a quarter of a page, as if you were taking a picture of this part of the sheet.

Each stop of the eyes on the text lasts from ¼ to ½ second.

To feel this, close one eye and lightly press the eyelid with your fingertip, and with the other eye, try to slowly slide over the line of text. The jumps become even more obvious if you slide not along the letters, but simply along a straight horizontal line:

Well, how do you feel?

2. Try to go back through the text as little as possible

A person who reads at an average pace quite often goes back to reread a missed moment. This can happen consciously or unconsciously. In the latter case, the subconscious itself returns its eyes to the place in the text where concentration was lost.

On average, conscious and unconscious returns take up to 30% of the time.

3. Improve concentration to increase the coverage of words read in one stop

People with an average reading speed use central focus rather than horizontal peripheral vision. Due to this, they perceive half as many words in one jump of vision.

4. Practice Skills Separately

The exercises are different and you don't have to try to combine them into one. For example, if you are practicing reading speed, don't worry about text comprehension. You will progress through three stages in sequence: learning technique, applying technique to increase speed, and reading comprehension.

Rule of thumb: Practice your technique at three times your desired reading speed. For example, if your current reading speed is somewhere around 150 words per minute, and you want to read 300, you need to practice reading 900 words per minute.


1. Determination of the initial reading speed

To begin with, we consider how many words fit in five lines of text, divide this number by five and round it up. I counted 40 words in five lines: 40:5 = 8 - an average of eight words per line.

And the last thing: we consider how many words fit on the page. To do this, we multiply the average number of lines by the average number of words per line: 39 × 8 = 312.

Now is the time to find out your reading speed. We set the timer for 1 minute and read the text, calmly and slowly, as you usually do.

How much did it turn out? I have a little more than a page - 328 words.

2. Landmark and speed

As I wrote above, returning through the text and stopping the look takes a lot of time. But you can easily cut them down with a focus tracking tool. A pen, pencil or even your finger will serve as such a tool.

Technique (2 minutes)

Practice using a pen or pencil to maintain focus. Move the pencil smoothly under the line you are currently reading and concentrate on where the tip of the pencil is now.

We lead with the tip of a pencil along the lines

Set the pace with the tip of the pencil and follow it with your eyes, keeping up with stops and returns through the text. And don't worry about understanding, it's a speed exercise.

Try to go through each line in 1 second and increase the speed with each page.

Do not linger on one line for more than 1 second under any circumstances, even if you do not understand at all what the text is about.

With this technique, I was able to read 936 words in 2 minutes, which means 460 words per minute. Interestingly, when you follow with a pen or pencil, it seems that your vision is ahead of the pencil and you read faster. And when you try to remove it, immediately your vision seems to spread out over the page, as if the focus was released and it began to float all over the sheet.

Speed ​​(3 minutes)

Repeat the tracker technique, but allow no more than half a second to read each line (read two lines of text in the time it takes to say "twenty-two").

Most likely, you will not understand anything at all from what you read, but this is not important. Now you are training your perceptual reflexes, and these exercises help you adapt to the system. Do not slow down for 3 minutes. Concentrate on the tip of your pen and the technique for increasing speed.

In 3 minutes of such a frenzied race, I read five pages and 14 lines, averaging 586 words per minute. The hardest part of this exercise is not to slow down the speed of the pencil. It's a real block: you've been reading all your life to understand what you're reading, and it's not easy to let go of that.

Thoughts cling to the lines in an effort to return to understand what it is about, and the pencil also begins to slow down. It is also difficult to maintain concentration on such useless reading, the brain gives up, and thoughts fly away to hell, which is also reflected in the speed of the pencil.

3. Expanding the field of perception

When you focus your eyes on the center of the monitor, you still see its extreme areas. So it is with the text: you concentrate on one word, and you see several words surrounding it.

So, the more words you learn to see in this way with the help of peripheral vision, the faster you can read. The expanded area of ​​perception allows you to increase the speed of reading by 300%.

Beginners with a normal reading speed spend their peripheral vision on the fields, that is, they run their eyes through the letters of absolutely all the words of the text, from the first to the last. At the same time, peripheral vision is spent on empty fields, and a person loses from 25 to 50% of the time.

A pumped reader will not "read the fields". He will run his eyes over only a few words from the sentence, and see the rest with peripheral vision. In the illustration below, you see an approximate picture of the concentration of vision of an experienced reader: words in the center are read, and foggy ones are marked by peripheral vision.

Here is an example. Read this sentence:

Once, students enjoyed reading for four hours straight.

Technique (1 minute)

Use a pencil to read as fast as possible: start with the first word of the line and end with the last. That is, there is no expansion of the area of ​​​​perception yet - just repeat exercise No. 1, but spend no more than 1 second on each line. Under no circumstances should one line take more than 1 second.

Technique (1 minute)

Continue to set the pace of reading with a pen or pencil, but start reading from the second word on the line and finish reading the line two words before the end.

Speed ​​(3 minutes)

Start reading at the third word of the line and finish three words before the end, while moving your pencil at the speed of one line per half second (two lines in the time it takes to say "twenty-two").

If you don't understand anything you read, that's fine. Now you are training your reflexes of perception, and you should not worry about understanding. Concentrate on the exercise with all your might and don't let your mind drift away from an uninteresting activity.

4. Checking the new speed

Now it's time to test your new reading speed. Set a timer for 1 minute and read as fast as you can while still understanding the text. I got 720 words per minute - twice as fast as before I started using this technique.

These are great indicators, but they are not surprising, because you yourself begin to notice how the scope of words has expanded. You don’t waste time on fields, you don’t go back through the text, and the speed increases significantly.

If you tried this technique right now, share your success in the comments. How many words per minute did you get before and after?

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