Fet spruce with a sleeve path hung analysis. Analysis of the poem feta spruce with a sleeve hung the path for me. Features of Fet's landscape lyrics

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6. Analysis of the poem by A. A. Fet “Spruce covered the path with my sleeve ...”

Afanasy Fet - a wonderful Russian poet, founder poetic genre- lyrical miniature. The subject matter of his poetry is limited. His poetry is “pure poetry”, there are no social issues of reality in it, no civic motives. He chose such a stylistic device of narration, which allowed him to hide his soul from the reader behind the external course of events. Fet cares only about beauty - nature and love. He considers poetry to be the temple of art, and the poet is the priest of this temple. These two themes of Fet's poetry are closely related to each other. Fet believes that only nature and love can display all the beauty and charm of the surrounding reality. Character, experiences, thoughts and feelings lyrical hero in Fet's poetry depend on the poet's attitude.

Fet sought to convey the beauty of the moment, the momentary state. A prime example this can be called his poem “Spruce covered my path with a sleeve”:

Spruce covered the path with my sleeve.

Wind. In the forest alone

Noisy, and creepy, and sad, and fun, -

I do not understand anything.

Fet creates a beautiful image that allows the reader to see the painted picture, admire its unique beauty. In the lines of the poem, the poet uses nominal sentences and sentences with homogeneous members. The last two lines speak of the conflicting feelings of the poet. His lyrical hero feels the state of nature. The poem affects the reader. Due to the abundance of hissing and whistling sounds, you can hear the sound of the wind:

Everything hums and sways

Leaves swirl at your feet.

It is impossible to capture the mood of the lyrical hero. He has a vague feeling - "I don’t understand anything." He is trying to dissolve in the world of nature, trying to comprehend its mysterious depths, to understand the "beautiful soul of nature." But in the sound of the wind, this confusion is dispelled. The hero hears a “subtly calling horn”, “the call of the copper herald” and his mood immediately changes - “Sweet is the call of the copper herald to me!” and "Dead sheets to me!"

Fet represents nature as a person, sees her beautiful soul, this is evidenced by the metaphor "Spruce covered the path with my sleeve."

In this poem by Fet, nature merges with human emotions. The poet depicts his hero at the moment of the greatest emotional stress, shows his soul against the backdrop of a beautiful moment of nature.

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Afanasy Fet is a wonderful Russian poet, the founder of the poetic genre - a lyrical miniature. The subject matter of his poetry is limited. His poetry is “pure poetry”, there are no social issues of reality in it, no civic motives. He chose such a stylistic device of narration, which allowed him to hide his soul from the reader behind the external course of events. Fet cares only about beauty - nature and love. He considers poetry to be the temple of art, and the poet is the priest of this temple. These two themes of Fet's poetry are closely related to each other. Fet believes that only nature and love can display all the beauty and charm of the surrounding reality. The character, experiences, thoughts and feelings of the lyrical hero in Fet's poetry depend on the poet's attitude.

Fet sought to convey the beauty of the moment, the momentary state. A striking example of this is his poem “Spruce covered my path with a sleeve”:

Spruce covered the path with my sleeve.

Wind. In the forest alone

Noisy, and creepy, and sad, and fun, -

I do not understand anything.

Fet creates a beautiful image that allows the reader to see the painted picture, admire its unique beauty. In the lines of the poem, the poet uses nominal sentences and sentences with homogeneous members. The last two lines speak of the conflicting feelings of the poet. His lyrical hero feels the state of nature. The poem affects the reader. Due to the abundance of hissing and whistling sounds, you can hear the sound of the wind:

Everything hums and sways

Leaves swirl at your feet.

It is impossible to capture the mood of the lyrical hero. He has a vague feeling - "I don’t understand anything." He is trying to dissolve in the world of nature, trying to comprehend its mysterious depths, to understand the "beautiful soul of nature." But in the sound of the wind, this confusion is dispelled. The hero hears a “subtly calling horn”, “the call of the copper herald” and his mood immediately changes - “Sweet is the call of the copper herald to me!” and "Dead sheets to me!"

Fet represents nature as a person, sees her beautiful soul, this is evidenced by the metaphor "Spruce covered the path with my sleeve."

In this poem by Fet, nature merges with human emotions. The poet depicts his hero at the moment of the greatest emotional tension, shows his soul against the backdrop of a beautiful moment of nature.

7. Analysis of the poem by A. A. Fet “The night shone. The garden was full of moonlight. They lay…”

The poem "The night shone ..." is one of Fet's best lyrical works. Moreover, this is one of the best examples of Russian love lyrics. The poem is dedicated to a young, charming girl who went down in history not only thanks to Fet's poem, she was one of the real prototypes of Tolstoy's Natasha Rostova. Fet's poem is not about Fet's feelings for the sweet Tanechka Bers, but about high human love. Like all true poetry, Fet's poetry generalizes and elevates, leads into the universal - into the big human world. The poem "The night shone ..." in the perception of the reader turns out to be at the same time a memory. Each word of the poem speaks to the reader about the familiar and close - and speaks with beautiful, as if unknown words. In Fet's lyrical poems, an unfamiliar, unique and unique event is felt as familiar, as close to you, perhaps even being with you. This feeling is one of the secrets of that special, joyful and high impact that a poem has on the reader. There are two main themes in the poem - love and art. Many of Fet's poems have been written on these topics, one might even say that most of his poems. In the lyrical play “The Night Shone…” these themes are merged into one. Love for Fet is the most beautiful thing in human life. And art is the best. The poem is about doubly beautiful, about the most complete beauty. The poem is written in iambic six-foot - one of the favorite sizes of the poet. This helps to create here not only a general musical tone, but also a very flexible, with lively transitions and movement, free speech, free narration. This is partly due to the pauses that occur not in one constant place, but in different places - here and there, as in a lively, vividly emotional speech. As a result, a poetic story about a strong and lively feeling is itself full of life. This work is both very picturesque and very musical. One thing in Fet is closely related to the other. The musicality of the image helps him to be picturesque. Surprisingly in terms of vivid expressiveness and visibility, visibility is the very beginning of the poem. The picture that a lyrical play opens with is tangible and unforgettable. You vividly see the darkened hotel and outside its windows the garden is full of night freshness, moonlight and radiance. And you hear music, all the more amazing and striking our imagination, because nothing is directly said about music in the first stanza. But it is said about the piano: “The piano was all open, and the strings in it were trembling ...” Behind this image we see not only the piano itself, but also hear the sounds that come from it. Fetov's wonderful image affects us not only directly, but also indirectly. The poet draws a subject and, pushing our imagination, makes us see and hear what is connected with it. We ourselves heard this, the poet did not tell us about it - and we are grateful to him that he performed such a miracle: he made us hear, helped us without direct verbal designations. Fetovsky's image affects the reader with the help of a special sound of words. The combination of words, combinations of vowels and consonants, alliteration, internal consonance give special power to his poems. Sound repetitions are present in the poem:

The night shone. The garden was full of moonlight. lay

Beams at our feet...

The poem “The night was shining ...”, like many of Fet’s poems, is distinguished by its harmony of tone and harmony of composition. One follows from the other, the next continues and develops the previous one. The lyrical narration goes on growing: the feeling grows. This kind of verse compositions make a particularly strong impression. The verses seem to be accelerating, internally heating up - and, accordingly, heating up, the reciprocal feeling of the reader becomes stronger. Poems infect the reader with each new word and new stanza more and more. The words in Fetov's poem are moving; the movement of words and sounds occurs strictly in one direction - to a lyrical result:

That there are no insults of fate and hearts of burning flour,

And life has no end, and there is no other goal,

As soon as you believe in sobbing sounds,

Love you, hug you and cry over you...

The last four lines of the verse are the musical, emotional, and semantic completion of the poem. This is the last and highest point lyrical story. And this is the glory of both the beautiful in life and the beautiful in art.

Landscape poetry occupies an honorable place in the work of A. Fet. The poet saw not just a shell of nature, he felt her soul. The poem that will be discussed is studied in the 6th grade. We invite you to familiarize yourself with brief analysis“Spruce covered the path with my sleeve” according to the plan.

Brief analysis

History of creation- was written in 1891 a year before the death of the poet, was included in the collection "Evening Lights".

Theme of the poem- loneliness, man and nature.

Composition- The work can be divided into 2 parts according to the meaning: a description of the sensations of the lyrical hero who is alone in the forest, a story about the call heard by the hero. Formally, the poem consists of three quatrains that continue each other.

Genre- elegy.

Poetic size - four- and two-foot dactyl, cross rhyme ABAB.

Metaphors“Spruce covered my path with a sleeve”, “leaves are spinning at my feet”, “copper herald”, “dead sheets for me”.

epithets“poor wanderer”, “you warmly greet”.

History of creation

“Spruce covered my path with a sleeve” refers to the late period of Fet’s work. The analysis of the poem should begin with the circumstances of its writing. In his youth, the poet was in love with Maria Lazich, but they failed to start a family. Fet himself offered to leave, because of the difficult financial situation. He regretted his decision for the rest of his life. Soon after parting, the poet learned that his beloved had burned down in a fire.

A. Fet kept warm feelings for Mary all his life, devoted many poems to her. This layer of love lyrics was not published during the life of the poet. There is also a hint of the image of Mary in the poem, but it is not easy to see it. This explains why the verse was printed in Evening Lights at a time when its author was still alive.

If, after the death of his beloved, the poet wrote mainly philosophical works, then in the later period he returns to landscape poetry.


The work develops several traditional themes for literature: forest nature, loneliness, the relationship between man and nature. The author submits a forest landscape sketch. The reader sees nature through the eyes of a lyrical hero. He finds the path, which was closed from him by the sleeve of the spruce. Further, we learn that the hero is alone in the forest. Loneliness causes him ambiguous feelings, which are difficult to understand.

The forest meets a person with a rumble and noise that the wind raises. The author does not specify whether the wind is strong or weak. This can be guessed from the description: “everything is buzzing and swaying”.

The description of the landscape is interrupted when the lyrical hero hears the sound of a horn. This tells him that there is someone in the distance. The mood of the hero rises and the "dead sheets" no longer oppress him so much. His heart greets the wanderer as tenderly as a "brazen herald". Under the image of a wanderer, the image of a former lover is hidden. Apparently, the author still hoped to meet her again.


The composition of the analyzed work is simple. The author divides it into three quatrains, which are interconnected by content, each next stanza continues the previous one. In terms of meaning, A. Fet's poem is divided into two parts: a description of the forest and the feelings of a lonely lyrical hero, a story about the sound of a horn. The semantic parts are the same in volume, they are not intertwined. Such a division allows A. Fet to describe not only the nature, but also the internal state of the lyrical hero.


A sad mood and a smooth narration are characteristic of the poem "Spruce hung my path with a sleeve." This indicates that the poems were written in the genre of elegy. The author uses different lines, strictly alternating them. Poetic size - four- and two-foot dactyl. Rhyming in the text is cross ABAB, there are male and female rhymes.

means of expression

The forest landscape and the state of the lyrical hero are described using artistic means. They help to reveal the topic in an original way and convey the idea to the reader. The text contains several metaphors: “the spruce hung the path with my sleeve”, “leaves are spinning at my feet”, “copper herald”, “dead sheets for me”.

Some metaphors serve to humanize nature. play a supporting role epithets: "poor wanderer", "tenderly greet". The poet does not use comparisons.

Attracts attention and intonation. If a lonely walk through the forest is described calmly, then the joy of hearing the sound of a horn is conveyed with the help of exclamatory sentences. To convey the noise that the forest is shrouded in, the author uses the alliteration "zh", "s", "sh": "everything is buzzing and swaying, the leaves are spinning at the feet."

The poem by A. A. Fet "Spruce covered my path with a sleeve ..." was written in 1891.

The work consists of three stanzas written in a quatrain. The poet uses cross rhyming. Dactylic rhyme alternates with masculine, which gives the poem some special hardness and elasticity, as well as smoothness, melodiousness.

Before us is a work about late autumn, about the beauty of nature and those feelings, impressions that a dull autumn picture evokes. The most conflicting feelings overwhelm the poet:

Spruce covered the path with my sleeve.

Wind. In the forest alone

Noisy, and creepy, and sad, and fun, -

I do not understand anything.

The work is written in dactyl, which, better than any other size, gives the verse slowness, smoothness, melodiousness and some kind of majesty.

The mental life of the hero, his feelings are in the foreground of the poem. A. A. Fet speaks of the confusion of the “poor wanderer”, because “everything is buzzing and swaying around ...”. What is the traveler thinking and experiencing? What brings him here in such a deep and gloomy autumn? The feeling of melancholy, despair, fear does not leave the "wanderer". But here comes an unexpected rescue:

Chu, there is suddenly heard in the distance

Subtly calling horn.

Sweet call to me herald copper!

Dead sheets to me!

It seems that the poor wanderer came from afar

You warmly greet.

A. A. Fet uses figurative and expressive means: epithets ("herald of copper", "poor wanderer"), personifications ("Spruce covered my path with a sleeve", "dead ... sheets", "you tenderly greet the poor wanderer"), with with which he creates a gloomy and bleak picture. The sound background of the poem is created using the repetitive sonorous sounds "r", "l", "n", "m", which allows us to imagine the sad and bleak autumn nature with its wind, noise and bad weather.

For A. A. Fet, autumn is the time of extinction. The poet describes the slow dying of nature. When A. S. Pushkin describes autumn nature, we hear joyful notes. When A. A. Fet speaks about the same time, we feel longing.

Afanasy Fet is a wonderful Russian poet, the founder of the poetic genre - a lyrical miniature. The subject matter of his poetry is limited. His poetry is “pure poetry”, there are no social issues of reality in it, no civic motives. He chose such a stylistic device of narration, which allowed him to hide his soul from the reader behind the external course of events. Fet cares only about beauty - nature and love. He considers poetry to be the temple of art, and the poet is the priest of this temple. These two themes of Fet's poetry are closely related to each other. Fet believes that only nature and love can display all the beauty and charm of the surrounding reality. The character, experiences, thoughts and feelings of the lyrical hero in Fet's poetry depend on the poet's attitude.

Fet sought to convey the beauty of the moment, the momentary state. A striking example of this is his poem “Spruce covered my path with a sleeve”:

Spruce covered the path with my sleeve.

Wind. In the forest alone

Noisy, and creepy, and sad, and fun, -

I do not understand anything.

Fet creates a beautiful image that allows the reader to see the painted picture, admire its unique beauty. In the lines of the poem, the poet uses nominal sentences and sentences with homogeneous members. The last two lines speak of the conflicting feelings of the poet. His lyrical hero feels the state of nature. The poem affects the reader. Due to the abundance of hissing and whistling sounds, you can hear the sound of the wind:

Everything hums and sways

Leaves swirl at your feet.

It is impossible to capture the mood of the lyrical hero. He has a vague feeling - "I don’t understand anything." He is trying to dissolve in the world of nature, trying to comprehend its mysterious depths, to understand the "beautiful soul of nature." But in the sound of the wind, this confusion is dispelled. The hero hears a “subtly calling horn”, “the call of the copper herald” and his mood immediately changes - “Sweet is the call of the copper herald to me!” and "Dead sheets to me!"

Fet represents nature as a person, sees her beautiful soul, this is evidenced by the metaphor "Spruce covered the path with my sleeve."

In this poem by Fet, nature merges with human emotions. The poet depicts his hero at the moment of the greatest emotional tension, shows his soul against the backdrop of a beautiful moment of nature.

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