The most amazing scientific discoveries. Incredible discoveries that puzzled scientists. Underwater pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle

We offer a selection of interesting scientific discoveries of recent times.

See death. This month, British scientists made an interesting discovery: they captured on camera the spread of death. The process itself was a blue glow that, in the literal sense of the word, permeated the cells of the body while it was dying. The very goal pursued by scientists from the Research Council for Biotechnology and Biological Sciences was to deepen knowledge in the processes of death in order to further try to increase human life expectancy. (According to the Daily Mail. Photo: DailyMail)

Ancient Mayan temple. Archaeologists discovered an ancient temple in the jungles of Guatemala last year. Presumably, this temple belonged to the Mayan tribes 1600 years ago and was called the “Temple of the Night Sun”. The temple itself is adorned with gigantic masks of the Mayan solar god.

New animal species in Peru. Between 2009 and 2012, a group of biologists from Mexico and Peru went in search of new animal species to the northern part of Peru - national reserve Tabaconas Namballe. During the entire expedition, they discovered many new species of mammals. Among them - unknown species night monkey. Only last year, scientists managed to agree that this species of monkeys was really not known to science. Disputes over some other species of mammals are still ongoing. (according to, photo: National Geographic)

Solar systems and planets. In April 2012, scientists discovered an interesting star in the constellation South Hydra. The Sun-like star is 127 light-years from Earth. At least 9 planets revolve around it, which makes this solar system the largest known. Our solar system has only 8 official planets. (according to, photo: National Geographic)

Baby teeth and dictators. Scientists have made an interesting conclusion why, most likely, dictators are born. Approximately 1 in 2000 babies are born with one erupted tooth. For a mother, feeding such a child turns into real torment. The child feels a lack of attention, and with age, subconsciously tries to win it more and more. Anthropologists claim that people like Julius Caesar, Hannibal, Napoleon, Mussolini, and Hitler were born with an erupted tooth. (according to, photo: open sources)

Tie and vision. After many years of research, American scientists came to the conclusion that in 67% of men, visual impairment is associated with a tightly tightened collar. This is especially true for those who wear a tie. A tight tie restricts blood flow to the eyes. It also affects blood pressure. (according to Stephen Juan, "The odd body", photo: public sources)

Chimpanzee and deceit. The conclusion was made by zoologists from Sweden. They found that a chimpanzee named Santino, who constantly threw stones at zoo visitors, prepared the weapon in advance. Santino has been under surveillance for a long time. Without giving a look, he waited for the visitors to reach a certain place, and then quickly took out and threw a stone. Scientists concluded that such an action is the result of a well-thought-out plan, which means that chimpanzees are capable of deceit. (according to the journal PLoS ONE and the ScienceNOW website, a photo: open sources )

happiness and food. British scientists came to the conclusion that only food can bring true happiness to a person. Everyone knows that a hungry person often has a bad mood, but as soon as he eats, his mood improves. In the first place among the “products of happiness” were all kinds of sweets and french fries - for most people, these products are associated with relaxation. Next on the list are red and black caviar. It is associated with wealth and luxury. (according to, a photo: open sources)

Mars and water NASA experts have come to the final conclusion that in the distant past there was water on the red planet suitable for living organisms. They managed to make such a conclusion with the help of the Opportunity rover. spacecraft found a piece of ancient clay that could only form in the presence of water. (according to, photo: NASA)

Behind Last year scientists have made some of the most amazing discoveries for all of humanity. Of course, most of them flew past the ears of that very humanity - we, unfortunately, are too busy social networks and loans to pay attention to such trifles.
Okay, take a break, there's some really important information here. Something may well turn our whole life, and in the near future!

Second moon

An object called 2016 HO3 is nothing more than the second permanent satellite of the Earth, discovered recently. Astronomers have found that every five to six hundred years it leaves the earth's orbit, and then returns again - that's why they could only recognize it now.

immortal vertebrate

Well, we're exaggerating a little here. But the Greenland shark, recently discovered by scientists, actually lives for a staggeringly long time. The average lifespan of these rare creatures is as much as 400 years. In addition, sharks can fall into anabiosis - it is possible that some of them even caught dinosaurs!

Another planet

In 2016, scientists at the California Institute of Technology calculated that the ninth planet is almost certainly far beyond Pluto. Having calculated the movement of gravitational waves, astronomers also understood the size of a possible “replenishment” in the solar system. The ninth planet is about 15 times more earth, and to the Sun from it is only some 240 trillion kilometers.

Stroke rehabilitation

The use of stem cells has allowed doctors and scientists at the Stanford University School of Medicine in California to carry out the world's first complete rehabilitation of stroke patients. As a result of treatment, many began to walk again. This is an incredible breakthrough in the history of medicine.

crowded universe

Thanks to Hubble telescope NASA researchers have discovered that the universe may be a much more populated place than previously thought. At least now it is already reliably known that there are 10 times more galaxies in the universe than we previously thought.

Fighting paralysis

Ohio State University neuroscientists have succeeded in developing a brain implant that allows paralyzed patients to move again. Yes, it sounds like a fantasy, but the first healed is already there. They became 24-year-old Jan Burkhart - after spending four years without movement, he again got on his feet and even went in for sports.

Proxima B

Proxima B is an exoplanet orbiting our star. What's so special about it? Yes, nothing, except that it is the only one in the ideal point for the emergence of life. Imagine: possible aliens live only five light years from us!

Vertical landing rocket

Every sci-fi movie shows a vertical landing, but in reality it has only recently been implemented. Thanks to Elon Musk's perseverance, SpaceX has already made several vertical landings.

Source of dark matter

More recently, astronomers and physicists have been surprised to realize that one of the most bright galaxies milky way, the Dragonfly 44 galaxy, is 99% dark matter. Moreover, physicists even accuse it of "attacking" other galaxies - who knows how this expansion will end.

Archeopteryx Feather

Remember Jurassic Park, where dinosaur DNA was found in solidified amber? So, all of this may well come true in reality. Paleontologists from the China University of Geosciences have discovered a well-preserved dinosaur feather at an amber market in Burma. It is 99 million years old and yes, there is already a discussion about the possibility of creating a replica from existing DNA.

The Most Incredible Discoveries That Baffled Scientists

The Most Incredible Discoveries That Baffled Scientists - Ancient Chinese Trumpets - Female online magazine Pretty Women Life

One of the most incredible discoveries was ancient pipes in China. In a distant Chinese region, there is a mountain with three strange triangular holes, inside of which a large number of ancient rusty pipes were found. As it turned out, some of them lead into the mountains, and some into a salt lake located nearby. The most interesting thing is that no garbage was found in the pipes, that is, they were used for some purpose, but who ?, because it is simply impossible to live there!

Another interesting discovery was Antikythera mechanism, discovered in 1902 on an old ship that sank near the Greek island of Antikythera. The purpose of this device is still a mystery, as the 2000-year-old movement consists of 82 fragments, including bronze gears and parts that were not used in any device of that time. Scientists suggest that it may be a cross between an ancient calculator and an astrolabe (the oldest astronomical instrument).

A mysterious sound in the ocean, recorded by the US National Oceanic Research Agency, has also become very interesting discovery. This sound was picked up by 2 microphones 3,000 miles apart. Having determined the wave characteristics of such a sound, scientists came to the conclusion that it was emitted by some kind of living creature, although so far science has not known a single animal that is capable of reproducing such a loud sound.

Baghdad batteries found on the territory Ancient Mesopotamia- another amazing discovery. The estimated age of the find is over 2000 years. At first, they were identified by archaeologists as old clay vessels for storing food. However, during the research, a copper rod was found inside. Scientists suggested that some kind of liquid could be in the vessels, which, when interacting with copper, could give electric charge. If their theory is correct, then the found device is the world's first battery.

Underwater pyramids at the bottom bermuda triangle.This incredible discovery was made in the 20th century by Charles Berlitz. His expedition discovered the pyramid at a depth of 400 meters under water, near Bermuda. The put on pyramid was 3 times higher than the largest known at that time Egyptian pyramid Cheops and had smooth glass edges. It is very interesting that the pyramid does not consist of blocks, because no seams and cracks are visible on it, but it seems that it is carved from a monolith. Despite the fact that the US authorities have classified this information, a new message has recently appeared, which says 2 more pyramids of similar origin and forms found in areas of the Bermuda Triangle. According to preliminary data, the age of unknown structures does not exceed 500 years.

The development of science is currently extremely dynamic, and these incredible discoveries in 2016 are proof of that.

15. Largest Known Prime Number

On January 7, 2016, the largest known prime number was discovered, which is 274,207,281 − 1 and contains 22,338,618 decimal digits. The discovery was made by Curtis Cooper as part of the GIMPS project.

14. The ninth planet of the solar system

Researchers at the California Institute of Technology have presented evidence that the ninth planet solar system really exists. Calculations showed that the planet revolves around the Sun at a distance of 20 orbits of Neptune, its mass is 10 times the mass of the Earth. And 1 year on this planet is equal to 17,000 years on Earth!

13. Eternal keeper of information

In February of this year, scientists from the University of Southampton presented to the world amazing invention. They created an eternal keeper of information from nanostructured glass. The device is capable of storing 360 terabytes of data and is not affected by high temperatures (up to 1000 degrees Celsius), and its validity is several billion years.

12. A fish that can walk on land and climb trees

A fish that can move on land, climb trees and hunt birds has been discovered in Papua New Guinea. This species, despite its innocent appearance, is very aggressive and poses a serious danger to animals on the islands of Boigu and Saibai, Australia. The fish reportedly has a respiratory organ and moves on the ground with the help of its pectoral fins.

Source 11 A brain implant that allows a paralyzed person to control their arm

The implant sends signals directly through the wires to the muscles, bypassing spinal cord. A man can now raise a glass of water and even play a video game. The ingenious invention belongs to scientists from the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research in New York.

10. Successful landing of the first stage of the rocket in the ocean

On April 8, 2016, SpaceX successfully landed the first stage of a Falcon 9 launch vehicle on a platform into the ocean for the first time. Now the first stage can be used repeatedly, which will reduce costs.

9. Turning carbon dioxide into stone

At the Hellisheidi plant in Iceland, scientists injected CO2 into volcanic rocks, accelerating the natural process of turning basalt into carbonates, which then become limestone. This method will help not to exacerbate the problem of the greenhouse effect.

8. The scientific name for a pleasant tingle in the back of the head

The phenomenon of perception, characterized by a pleasant sensation of tingling in the back of the head, spreading in the form of goosebumps along the skin of the neck and back to the limbs, in 2016 gained scientific name- Autonomous sensory meridional reaction (ASMR). ASMR sensations are elicited by auditory, visual, tactile, or cognitive stimuli.

7. Second Moon

2016 HO3 is an asteroid discovered by the Hawaiian Automatic Telescope on April 27, 2016, which is the best and most stable example of Earth's permanent quasi-satellite to date. Became the "second moon" of the Earth about 100 years ago.

6 Eyeless Wonder Worm

This year, scientists discovered that Caenorhabditis elegans (a free-living nematode) has the ability to see light. Careful experiments on the excitation of individual neurons have shown that the worm can respond to photons of different wavelengths, but the greatest effect is achieved precisely when using an ultraviolet light source. Now C. elegans can become a model object for the study of human blindness.

5. Mathematical algorithm of our intellect

“Our complex brain calculations are based on relatively simple mathematical logic,” says Dr. Joe Tsien, a neuroscientist at medical college Georgia. Tsien's theory is based on the n=2i-1 algorithm, which determines the number of groups (or "clicks", as the scientist calls them) needed to recognize and solve situations. In other words, the more clicks, the more complex the thought. N is the number of neural groups connected in all sorts of ways; 2 - means that the neurons in this group receive or do not receive input; i is the information they receive; -1 is the math part, allowing you to account for all possibilities.

4 Farting Fish

Scientists from the UK and Canada have come to the conclusion that the herring farts! For these fish, farting is a way of communicating and a way to keep the school together at night.

3. Scientific explanation of the exit to the astral

Many coma survivors talk about their astral journeys. Scientists from the University of Ottawa became interested in this phenomenon and invited for research a girl who claimed that she could initiate the separation of the soul from the body at will. During the experiment, the researchers used an MRI machine to observe her brain during " astral travel". It has been found that the parts of the brain responsible for perceiving physical location and visualizing movement are activated during such experiences. But this does not mean that the soul leaves the body. This is some type of hallucination triggered by a certain neurological mechanism.

2. Stem cells that help repair a damaged spinal cord

A team of scientists led by researchers from the University of California, San Diego, has been able to use human neural stem cells to successfully repair a damaged spinal cord. Studies conducted on rats have shown that grafted stem cells stimulate neuronal regeneration and partially replace the function of lost neurons.

1The Gene Mutation That Made Us All

The ACE2 gene is a possible progenitor of all who live on planet Earth. Biologists from Atlanta, Georgia, came to the conclusion that one gene was able to turn single-celled organisms into multicellular ones. And in the past, it was the mutation of a gene that led to the emergence of complex life forms. Small changes in the DNA sequence had a strong effect on a certain protein, and instead of its main role as an enzyme, it became necessary for the organization of multicellular structures.

The world is still fraught with many mysteries and mysteries. We just need to be observant and curious, and keep looking for answers to questions that we don't think have answers. The development of science is currently extremely dynamic, and these incredible discoveries in 2016 are proof of that.

15. Largest Known Prime Number

On January 7, 2016, the largest known prime number was discovered, which is 274,207,281 − 1 and contains 22,338,618 decimal digits. The discovery was made by Curtis Cooper as part of the GIMPS project.

14. The ninth planet of the solar system

Researchers from the California Institute of Technology have presented evidence that the ninth planet of the solar system really exists. Calculations showed that the planet revolves around the Sun at a distance of 20 orbits of Neptune, its mass is 10 times the mass of the Earth. And 1 year on this planet is equal to 17,000 years on Earth!

13. Eternal keeper of information

In February of this year, scientists from the University of Southampton presented the world with an amazing invention. They created an eternal keeper of information from nanostructured glass. The device is capable of storing 360 terabytes of data and is not affected by high temperatures (up to 1000 degrees Celsius), and its validity is several billion years.

12. A fish that can walk on land and climb trees

A fish that can move on land, climb trees and hunt birds has been discovered in Papua New Guinea. This species, despite its innocent appearance, is very aggressive and poses a serious danger to animals on the islands of Boigu and Saibai, Australia. The fish reportedly has a respiratory organ and moves on the ground with the help of its pectoral fins.

Source 11 A brain implant that allows a paralyzed person to control their arm

The implant sends signals directly through the wires to the muscles, bypassing the spinal cord. A man can now raise a glass of water and even play a video game. The ingenious invention belongs to scientists from the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research in New York.

10. Successful landing of the first stage of the rocket in the ocean

On April 8, 2016, SpaceX successfully landed the first stage of a Falcon 9 launch vehicle on a platform into the ocean for the first time. Now the first stage can be used repeatedly, which will reduce costs.

9. Turning carbon dioxide into stone

At the Hellisheidi plant in Iceland, scientists injected CO2 into volcanic rocks, accelerating the natural process of turning basalt into carbonates, which then become limestone. This method will help not to exacerbate the problem of the greenhouse effect.

8. The scientific name for a pleasant tingle in the back of the head

The phenomenon of perception, characterized by a pleasant sensation of tingling in the back of the head, spreading in the form of goosebumps along the skin of the neck and back to the extremities, in 2016 acquired the scientific name - Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR). ASMR sensations are elicited by auditory, visual, tactile, or cognitive stimuli.

7. Second Moon

2016 HO3 is an asteroid discovered by the Hawaiian Automatic Telescope on April 27, 2016, which is the best and most stable example of Earth's permanent quasi-satellite to date. Became the "second moon" of the Earth about 100 years ago.

6 Eyeless Wonder Worm

This year, scientists discovered that Caenorhabditis elegans (a free-living nematode) has the ability to see light. Careful experiments on the excitation of individual neurons have shown that the worm can respond to photons of different wavelengths, but the greatest effect is achieved precisely when using an ultraviolet light source. Now C. elegans can become a model object for the study of human blindness.

5. Mathematical algorithm of our intellect

“Our complex brain calculations are based on relatively simple mathematical logic,” says Dr. Joe Tsien, a neuroscientist at the Medical College of Georgia. Tsien's theory is based on the n=2i-1 algorithm, which determines the number of groups (or "clicks", as the scientist calls them) needed to recognize and solve situations. In other words, the more clicks, the more complex the thought. N is the number of neural groups connected in all sorts of ways; 2 - means that the neurons in this group receive or do not receive input; i is the information they receive; -1 is the math part, allowing you to account for all possibilities.

4 Farting Fish

Scientists from the UK and Canada have come to the conclusion that the herring farts! For these fish, farting is a way of communicating and a way to keep the school together at night.

3. Scientific explanation of the exit to the astral

Many coma survivors talk about their astral journeys. Scientists from the University of Ottawa became interested in this phenomenon and invited for research a girl who claimed that she could initiate the separation of the soul from the body at will. During the experiment, the researchers used an MRI machine to observe her brain during her "astral travel". It has been found that the parts of the brain responsible for perceiving physical location and visualizing movement are activated during such experiences. But this does not mean that the soul leaves the body. This is some type of hallucination triggered by a certain neurological mechanism.

2. Stem cells that help repair a damaged spinal cord

A team of scientists led by researchers from the University of California, San Diego, has been able to use human neural stem cells to successfully repair a damaged spinal cord. Studies conducted on rats have shown that grafted stem cells stimulate neuronal regeneration and partially replace the function of lost neurons.

1The Gene Mutation That Made Us All

The ACE2 gene is a possible progenitor of all who live on planet Earth. Biologists from Atlanta, Georgia, came to the conclusion that one gene was able to turn single-celled organisms into multicellular ones. And in the past, it was the mutation of a gene that led to the emergence of complex life forms. Small changes in the DNA sequence had a strong effect on a certain protein, and instead of its main role as an enzyme, it became necessary for the organization of multicellular structures.

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