It is correct to ask questions to the pendulum. Prayer for working with a pendulum. What type of questions are best to ask a pendulum?

It's best to start work with a pendulum alone. Even if your friends share your interest in this issue, the presence of strangers in the very first classes can negatively affect your results.

By starting to experiment alone, you will achieve success faster. You will have plenty of time later to demonstrate your abilities to others after you have practiced with the pendulum for a number of weeks and acquired some skill in handling it.

Most people prefer to hold the pendulum in the same hand they write with. Experiment with both hands, but start your experiments with right hand, if you are right-handed, and with the left - if you are left-handed. If you are sitting, place your elbow on the table, and hold the chain or thread of the pendulum between your thumb and forefinger, trying to squeeze it very lightly. Make sure that your stomach or other hand does not inadvertently touch the table. The palm of the hand holding the pendulum should be facing down, and the pendulum itself should hang 30 cm from you.

If you are standing, it is best to bend your elbow at an angle of 90 degrees - in this case, your forearm will be parallel to the ground.

Also make sure that your arms and legs do not cross. If you unconsciously protect yourself in this way, you will unwittingly exert a certain influence on the pendulum, thereby reducing its effectiveness.

You can check this fact yourself. Hold pendulum directly in front of him, giving him the opportunity to swing freely. Then cross your legs or press your feet together tightly. And you will see that the pendulum will stop its movement.

Gently swing the pendulum back and forth to get comfortable with this tool. Let it swing in different directions. Intentionally move his movements into a circular motion. You can also experiment with the thread, releasing it at different lengths and watching at what moment the pendulum moves the most freely. For most people, the optimal thread length is 10-12 cm. But you better determine for yourself what length will be ideal for you. So, one of my friends works with a pendulum only while standing, since the length of the cord to which the weight is attached is about 120 cm (it would be nice if you tied a knot at the place where the length of the thread is most suitable for you).

Once you get used to the movements of the pendulum, stop it with your free hand. After the pendulum freezes in place, ask it to indicate what movement the answer “yes” represents. It makes no difference whether you say your question out loud or mentally. For most people, the pendulum will immediately begin to answer the question asked. But if you've never used a pendulum before, it may take you a while to get the answer you want. Be patient. It may move almost imperceptibly at first, but if you continue to focus on the positive response, the range of motion of your pendulum will gradually increase.

In the end, it doesn't matter whether your first experiment takes 5 seconds, half an hour, or even a week. Once you become accustomed to working with a pendulum, it will begin to move immediately after you hang it over the table. Over the years I have taught many people how to use a pendulum. If they have some difficulty at first, I encourage them to concentrate on the weight and imagine it moving back and forth. And as a rule, pendulum is really starting to rock.

There is another way to help people who have difficulty in the first stages of working with a pendulum. Ask a specialist in this field to place his hand on the beginner’s shoulder (on the right shoulder if the person is holding a pendulum in his right hand).

Thanks to this simple action, the pendulum will immediately begin to move. If there is no one nearby who can help you with this, put the pendulum aside for a few minutes and then try again.

From my own experience I know that anyone can work with a pendulum. So you don't have to worry about how long it will take you to get it moving. To do this, you don’t need to be particularly gifted or a genius. The pendulum will begin to work faster in the hands of someone who has good imagination and receptive to new ideas. A person of a logical mind, a methodical person or a pedant will experience much more difficulties in this case. And yet, hard work and a sincere desire to overcome his own mistrust will eventually make him a true professional in working with a pendulum.

Experiment for 5 minutes each time until your pendulum starts to move. And once this happens, know that you will no longer have problems with this.

Your pendulum will move in one of four ways; forward and backward, side to side, or in circles - clockwise and counterclockwise.

Remember what movement indicates the answer “yes”. Then ask the pendulum what will correspond to such values ​​as “no”, “I don’t know” and “I don’t want to answer”.

Most likely, these answers will remain unchanged. Still, it makes sense to recheck them regularly. I know people who have experienced changes in their pendulum responses. It is best to recheck such conditioned movements after you have not touched your pendulum for some time. If you use it every day, then its answers are unlikely to change. But if you haven't worked with him for a month or two, you will need to find out if his movements have changed to correspond to a particular answer.

Now you are ready to ask your pendulum questions that can be answered in one of the four ways above.

Start with questions to which you already know the answers. You may ask, "Am I a man?" And if so, your pendulum should answer yes. Of course, if you are a woman, the answer is no. You can ask similar questions about your name, age, marital status, number of children, etc.

The purpose of such a survey is to thoroughly study the movements of the pendulum and ensure the validity of its answers. You'll likely find that it makes no difference whether you ask your questions out loud or just think about them. Personally, I only say my questions out loud when I want my client to get the gist of what is happening. One day my friend felt awkward in a bookstore. He brought his pendulum to the book and asked loudly whether he should buy it. And suddenly he felt that all the people around were looking at his pendulum, hoping to find out the answer.

After the pendulum answers questions like these, you can start asking it about what really interests you. Pendulum is able to answer more complex questions, since he can “read” the necessary information from your subconscious, then transmitting it to your consciousness. Consciousness can only accommodate a certain, limited amount of information, while the resources of your subconscious are much greater. The mind can be compared to an iceberg. Consciousness is limited to that small part that is visible above the water, and the much larger part of it, the unconscious, is hidden from view.

Be especially careful with your choice of questions in the beginning. Do not forget that you are able to influence the movements of the pendulum with your own will. Let's say you want to find out the gender of your unborn child. If you secretly hope it will be a girl, the pendulum may reflect your inner desire and tell you that it will be a girl, even if this is not actually the case.

Here's another example: one of my friends asked the pendulum who would win the presidential election in 1996. He himself had been a lifelong Republican, and the pendulum gave him the answer he had been hoping to hear. But the pendulum was wrong (that time Bill Clinton was re-elected) - he reacted desire see a Republican in the presidency.

Therefore, if you are very interested in the results of a particular event, ask someone you know to ask these questions for you. This will help you maintain the necessary neutrality.

There is a simple way to make sure that we are really able to influence the pendulum with the power of our thoughts. Take the pendulum in your hand and stop its vibrations. Now that he is completely motionless, mentally ask him to swing in a certain direction. After a few seconds, it will actually start moving in the direction you thought it would. Now mentally imagine a different direction, and the pendulum will immediately begin to follow your thoughts, changing its vibrations.

You can influence pendulum and in other ways. If you ask him: “Can I be considered God’s gift for women?”, then the pendulum will either answer you honestly (maybe “yes”, maybe “no”), or give an evasive answer (“I don’t know” or “I don’t want to answer”), or he will answer following your inner desire. Keep this in mind when asking questions of the pendulum.

The pendulum is not a toy, and therefore should not be addressed to it with frivolous questions. If you ask seriously, you will surely get an honest and truthful answer. If you simply play with the pendulum, it will answer you what you want to hear from it.

Richard Webster, Pendulum for Beginners

Pendulum is a very convenient tool for diagnostics and dowsing. As a rule, it is made from natural materials: rock crystal, amber... You can also use various metals: brass, copper, gold, silver. Variants of pendulums are presented in the pictures.

Dowsing is not one of the newfangled esoteric concepts; it is a person’s perception of the surrounding world with the help of energy channels. This phenomenon has been known for more than four thousand years. Representatives different nations these channels vary in both quantity and quality. In ancient times, people, using a fork-shaped tree branch held in their hand, could determine by the deviation of the rotation of their “pendulum” where they were. geopathogenic zones or sources of natural resources.

Using a pendulum you can determine:

. underground positionstreams,

. buried treasures,

. point out energy clots in the human aura,

. check the health of your chakras,

. measure the size of your biofield,

. identify negativity in the biofield or identify karmic blocks,

. determine the “leakage” of energy,

. find a lost item at home,

. communicate with your Guardian Leg,

. get an answer to this or that question and much more.

Before the invention of ultrasound, a pendulum was used to determine the sex of an unborn child in the womb. In this case, the pendulum was a wedding ring, which was held next to the pregnant woman's belly.

Absolutely anyone can become a dowsing operator. People have RACES hexadecimal perception system. Let's look at them briefly.

1, 2, 3, 4 – channels are responsible for the perception of the four-dimensional world, i.e. – length, width, depth, and also – time.

5 - channel of SOUL perception. Now for many people it is blocked or occupied by politics.

6 - channel of SPIRITUAL perception. It is blocked by atheism or clogged with religious teachings alien to the SLAV.

7 – channel of MULTIDIMENSIONALITY OF FAMILY MEMORY. It is contaminated with so-called universal human values", the sources of which are the media (television, radio, press, etc.).

8 - channel HARMONY with NATURE. This is a channel for self-regulation and self-healing of the human body. The functioning of all channels of perception allows a person of the WHITE RACE to fully see and feel all the beauty of the world around them.

When the first eight channels work correctly, the rest automatically begin to function.

Our highly developed Ancestors could communicate with LEGS at the level of direct perception of information.

A modern person uses only 4 to 8 channels, so direct communication is difficult.

Fragmentary communication sessions are observed - what we call intuition, insight, epiphany, prophetic dreams.

However, there is a technique for controlled acquisition of information using such a simple tool as a pendulum. The simplest pendulum can be any weight (pebble, earring, ring, nail, etc.) suspended from a thread 15-30 cm long . The pendulum is a personal instrument tuned to you, it cannot be transferred to another person .

Technique for working with a pendulum

Method of communication with Leg the Guardian

Diagnostics of chakras

Pinch the free end of the rope between the index and middle fingers of your right or left hand (depending on whether you are right- or left-handed) and hang it over your horizontal forearm.

In addition to the LIGHT forces that surround us, there are also representatives of dark forces from NAVI, and if you want the “readings” of the pendulum to have the CORRECT character, it is advisable to “clean” the space around you with GLORY, for example, like this: FOR THE GLORY OF THE HEAVENLY KIND! TO THE GLORY OF OUR GODS AND ANCESTORS! And after that, say: “LEG GUARDIAN, CAN I ASK YOU A QUESTION”?

If the answer is positive, the pendulum begins to swing along the forearm (vertically), the answer is “YES”; if the answer is negative, it begins to swing across (horizontally), the answer is “NO”. Sometimes the pendulum begins to describe circles both clockwise (posolon), the answer is “YES,” and counterclockwise (kolovrat), the answer is “NO.” Here it is important to decide which of the proposed options is more acceptable to you, and then agree with your GUARDIAN LEG about the combination you have chosen. You need to ask specific questions that can be answered in the affirmative - “YES” or “NO”.

As a rule, LEG does not refuse communication. Receiving an answer should be indicated with words, for example: “Thank you, the image is clear.” In addition to maintaining ethics, this will help stop the pendulum and differentiate (distinguish) the question-answer connection.

By placing the pendulum over the area corresponding to a particular CHAKRA, you can check its balance of opening (i.e. work). For those “baptized” in the area of ​​the SOURCE, SPRING CHAKRAs and at the exit from the palms, the pendulum practically does not describe circles. (Note: personally verified many, many times by many people with “witnesses” - participants in our seminars). This suggests that these people cannot receive DIVINE ENERGY and use it for their GOOD purposes, and their birth canal is blocked, which deprives them of the support of the Rod. This is also why there are now many rootless people who do not feel love for their parents, there is no understanding with them.

Communication with LEG is a purely personal matter, but there are some general RULES to protect the pendulum operator from negative consequences . You need to realize that the LEG-GUARDIAN is called upon to protect his ward, his immortal soul. Therefore, obtaining information to use it for unseemly, selfish purposes will not work. In addition, you need to understand that when consulting with LEG, for example, in making some important decision, you can receive a recommendation, the implementation of which will lead to OBVIOUS problems, grief and disappointment. This happens because the GUARDIAN LIGHT has a DIVINE (16-dimensional) rather than earthly consciousness and directs actions that will protect against serious problems in the future, sometimes to the detriment of current WELL-BEING.

Over time, as a result of the practice of communication, as well as spiritual improvement, after the initial euphoria from the opportunity to learn EVERYTHING, an understanding appears of what information can be requested, and what information cannot yet be CORRECTLY realized and applied for GOOD.

If you have questions about working with the pendulum or something remains unclear, you can ask your question in the “Your questions” section.

Good luck in your practice!

WyrmApril 14, 2012

Your questions about the pendulum

Good day! Is certain preparation needed when working with a pendulum, are there days on which you cannot use it, does the “devil” descend from the left shoulder, and will praise and the Altar help avoid this?

Wyrm: Hello. Preparation is advisable, because you must have experience, skill, an “agreement” with the pendulum (exactly how it will show you the answers - “yes” - “no”). “The devil may come down” if he is sitting on the shoulder you are talking about. To prevent other dark entities (those not sitting on your shoulders) from influencing the results/answers, you must first “clean” the space with praise. So, it will help.

Hello, I’m trying to figure it out and I don’t quite understand what a “horizontally positioned forearm” is, where the pendulum should be hung. Further, if the forearm is located horizontally, then the phrase is incomprehensible - “If the answer is positive, the pendulum begins to swing along the forearm (vertically), the answer is “YES”; if it is negative, across (horizontally), the answer is “NO.” Since if the forearm is located horizontally then along the forearm, in theory, it should be horizontal. Please explain. Hope

Vedana: Let's first understand what the forearm is. The forearm is a part of the upper limb of a person, bounded above by the elbow joint and below by the wrist. That is, this is the space that goes from the wrist to the elbow joint. Further. There is no need to hang the pendulum anywhere. Hold it between your index and middle fingers, with a string or chain with a pendant/pendulum hanging down over your forearm. Then you need to agree with the pendulum how the answer will be “yes”. The standard is just vertically, forward - backward, up and down. “No” is horizontal, left and right. But you can somehow agree in your own way how he will say “yes” and how “no”. I repeat, these are classic schemes.

And one more thing... Remember - the pendulum is not magical and never has been. A pendulum is just a piece of iron on a string. Or on a chain - it doesn't matter. The magical creature is you.

Glorious - 2 » 11. A wizard’s tutorial or how to work with the Pendulum of Life

In fact, these are just tips on how to use the most advanced of all existing devices - your own body.

or how to use a pendulum to establish facts

“Some of the devices that We have adopted show an indescribable variety of energies and substances of matter. The pendulum of life belongs to such devices. It can be used to indicate the qualities of psychic energy, to study the soil and to transmit thoughts.” (“Agni Yoga. Brotherhood. Supermundane, § 547).

While studying Agni Yoga, I could not miss the instructions about the wonderful capabilities of the pendulum. I started trying and... it worked! Not everything, but a lot. Perhaps because this tool found useful application- checking food products. And most importantly, it was possible to obtain completely objective and logical confirmation of the truth of the measurements. This is how faith in this instrument, or more precisely, in one’s own strength, appeared.

So, let's assume that the Pendulum of Life really works.

The answer “I don’t know” is a clockwise movement.

The answer “I can’t tell” is counterclockwise.

The pendulum will begin to swing one way or another. The amplitude is small at first, then increases. It is important here not to get caught in the first movement and not to replace the answer of your Higher Self with your first guess. Keep repeating, “I don’t know, yes or no,” until the pendulum’s movement stabilizes.

The research can be made more accurate if you ask the pendulum to evaluate the quality of a certain product in the form of a number.

How to make your food extremely healthy

You just need to remember that raising the vibrations of food does not happen instantly, it takes some time. Within seconds the water is “charged”. More dense products - longer, up to 1-3 minutes - depending on the density of the substance.

You give food, You take food, You Yourself are food.

I dedicate this food to Your lotus feet,

Like everything else I will do throughout the day.”

After completing the prayer, you may (but not necessarily) feel a shiver down your spine, as if from a cold breeze - characteristic feature passage of high energies.

Measure your level

It is useful to use the Consciousness Measurement Scale, which was developed by a psychologist David Hawkins(David R. Hawkins). This Scale (from 0 to 1 thousand) shows the relationship between the prevailing emotional state person and his level of spiritual development. Briefly it can be described as follows: up to 200 – serious condition, lack of growth; 200-310 – transition state; above 310 – awakening and accelerating growth; 700-1000 – stages of ascension.

Methods two and three can be used for “express analysis”. You may get an answer close to the truth (when you work with numbers). But I strongly recommend that you then double-check the readings using a pendulum. Errors are possible due to many reasons. A pendulum, when used correctly, allows you to obtain an absolutely accurate result.

Before you start working with a pendulum or working with a VY in any other way, I recommend asking the question of whether it is advisable to do this now. The answer can be either positive or negative. If the answer is no, put off working with the VY. If you haven’t done this, and the time is unfavorable, then the pendulum itself can remind you of this. For me, for example, this manifests itself in the fact that the pendulum swings over a very small amplitude, as if through force. The change of periods of wakefulness and sleep, activity and passivity is natural and ubiquitous in nature - both above and below. The cosmic “day” also consists of “day” and “night”. The period of cosmic manifestation is followed by pralaya. So your break from working with the VY can be considered a small pralaya.

In order to get a certain assessment, you must establish a logical “coordinate system” and its gradation. The Hawkins Thousands Scale is one such possible coordinate system. Remember that during your measurements you established this coordinate system for yourself. In the same way, by creatively using the ability to independently establish a “coordinate system”, you can explore the most unexpected areas.

In order to determine a number, you do not need to go through all existing numbers. It is useful to use the “half and half” method. It consists of taking the entire series under study, for example, 1000 units, and asking about half of it: “More than 500?” Or “less than 500?” Having received the answer “yes”, you ask: more than 750? “In half,” of course, is a convention: you just clarify each time on a smaller and smaller segment. With some practice, this allows you to get a specific number quite quickly. Although you will have to work.

The “half and half” method can be successfully used to search specific place on the map. Use a grid or symbol for the horizontal and vertical “stripes” of a map or plan. And when you find a specific square, divide it with imaginary lines (vertical and horizontal) into four smaller squares. And so on - until any landmark is found. Then you can clarify the distance from this landmark to the desired point and the direction of movement.

With the help of a pendulum you will learn a lot of new things. Before disseminating this information, ask your Higher Self if it is appropriate to do so.

Information you receive about other people, in particular their energy level, is personal information. Dissemination of this information without the consent of the person himself is a violation of the Supreme Law. Such a violation will entail corresponding karmic consequences.

/ work with a pendulum

“I call my Guardian Angel from the Divine Plane. Is this a Guardian Angel? Yes (corresponding movement of the pendulum). Are you a pure spirit from the Divine plane? Yes. Are you a sinful spirit? No. Are you a demon? No. Are you the soul of man? No. Are you some other entity of the Subtle World? No. Do you swear that you are a pure spirit? Yes. Do you know that if you break your oath, you will go to the Underworld? Yes. May I have information on the following question. ” This dialogue contains in italics questions that you can ask your Guardian Angel every time you call him or have interrupted contact with him for more than 30 seconds. The answers that the Guardian Angel should give are given in regular font (in our example, with the help of a pendulum). If you receive different answers, say goodbye to this entity and again mentally (or out loud) call your Guardian Angel. Farewell to an uninvited interlocutor must be decisive and final. You can mentally tell your uninvited guest something like: “I ask you to leave the connection and never come to my channel again. I invite you to get in touch. “.


In order for the pendulum to conduct a dialogue with you, it is necessary to remove all violations in the fields and chakras, but since you take the pendulum in order to remove these violations with its help, there is a rule for beginners: Before starting work, you must read the following set of 4 prayers, this It is recommended to read the complex again if, during the work, “glitches” occur in your conversation. But most importantly, remember that these failures occur for the most part in those moments when you expressed distrust or doubts to those Higher powers that teach you and want to help you. 1. “Lord, I thank You in the name of Jesus Christ, because You give me understanding in everything according to Your will, the revelation of Your words enlightens and admonishes me. Amen." 2. “Lord, I thank You in the name of Jesus Christ for the fact that I am the Temple of God and the Spirit of God lives in me. Amen." 3. Kontakion to the Mother of God

I would like to remind you once again that the slightest mistrust of someone who is in contact with you, and the pendulum will lie outright or remain silent. Therefore, after prayers, ask the Lord to give you Faith and remove all doubts when working with a pendulum.

Working with a pendulum - errors

Working with a pendulum is incredibly interesting and exciting. By coming into direct contact with the subconscious, we can do a lot: diagnose diseases, identify the cause of their occurrence, make the right decisions. And also with the help of a pendulum you can find out:

Your level of spiritual development;

How suitable your partner is for you and whether you will be happy with him;

– the meaning of your dream;

Which vitamins and the body lacks microelements.

Pendulum and connection with the subconscious

The pendulum is the most commonly used tool of healers. Many of them not only ask questions to the pendulum, but also use maps and diagrams when working with it: this greatly expands its capabilities.

Despite the prevalence of the pendulum as a conductor of information from our subconscious, a beginner in this matter may encounter some difficulties.

Everyone who has worked with pendulums and achieved success in this area unanimously affirms: our subconscious is very truthful. But until the connection with the subconscious is established, the pendulum’s answers may be incorrect.

If you have picked up a pendulum for the first time and it does not answer all the questions correctly, do not despair. Over time, you will definitely learn to “receive” the answers of the subconscious without distortion. It will take some time to establish a connection with the pendulum. And as soon as you manage to establish a connection with the pendulum, you will be able to receive answers without difficulty.

Pendulum reaction to abstract questions

The most common mistake beginners make is asking abstract questions. Remember that the subconscious mind takes everything literally. What seems self-evident to you is incomprehensible to the subconscious. A. Semenova in her book “Working with a Pendulum and Feng Shui” gives such an example from her personal practice. One day a frightened woman came to her. And she began to tell me that to the question “Am I going to die?” the pendulum gave her an affirmative answer. At the same time, this pendulum gave her the correct answers to all questions. Of course, that woman was not immortal, and death will someday appear in her life. It is not surprising that such a formulation of the question did not give any useful information. To avoid confusion, be specific with your question. To fully clarify the picture, clarify the reasons and details of the event.

The subconscious does not know words at all; it perceives questions in the form of images and associations. Therefore, do not be surprised if the pendulum responds to some questions with silence or an incomprehensible reaction. And quite often questions he does not understand remain either completely unanswered or cause chaotic fluctuations. Just rephrase your question or replace it with a more specific one.

Distortion of pendulum responses

The pendulum's answers may also be incorrect. But the point is not at all that the subconscious mind is mistaken or deliberately gives the wrong answer. The reason for incorrect pendulum responses can be many factors:

Uncomfortable body position. Due to muscle tension, the body “vibrates” a little, and as a result, this affects the movements of the pendulum. Try to initially find a comfortable position and, if necessary, change the hand in which you hold the pendulum. For the same reason, take a break every half hour.

Extra thoughts. Try to think only about the question you are asking. Don't be distracted by sounds or your thoughts. Keep an “image” of your question in your head. Any off-topic thoughts can affect the pendulum's response.

Stress, fatigue, illness, bad mood. For a better connection with your unconscious, many mystics and psychics recommend developing your energy. If your energy is weakened, it will most likely be difficult for you to even concentrate on working with the pendulum. It will be better if you first pay attention to restoring your vitality, and only then start working with the pendulum.

Excessive importance. If you are eager to quickly get the information you are interested in, and have already decided that you will definitely learn how to work with a pendulum, then most likely... many obstacles will arise on your way. And their reason is the excessive importance that you attach to working with the pendulum. A pendulum is just a conductor, there is nothing mystical in it. Creating for yourself high goal and making a cult out of any object, you doom yourself to failure. Don’t get hung up on the pendulum, otherwise the weight of responsibility for mastering such an important skill will prevent you from moving freely. Be calm about your achievements and failures, and simply learn step by step to understand the reaction of your unconscious.

If the pendulum has once again given the wrong answer, perhaps the subconscious has accepted its “ conventional signs" In this case, give him the right to choose which vibrations mean what. Mentally tell yourself: “This value corresponds to an affirmative answer.” And watch the pendulum.

Checking the correct operation of the pendulum

It is believed that you can check whether the connection with the pendulum is established in the following way. Take the pendulum as you usually do. Clear your head of thoughts and images. If the pendulum is already ready for work, it will be motionless and will begin to move only after your question.

Another way to check the establishment of a mental connection with the pendulum. Wait until the pendulum stops. Now imagine how it rotates clockwise. Keep the “picture” in your mind, visualize its rotation. After a while it will actually start moving.

And, of course, the best test of how a pendulum works is asking questions whose answers you know. Ask your name, age, time, etc. This way you will understand if there is a connection. With some practice, you will also learn which phrases and expressions are problematic in pendulum answers.

Another ideomotor method is automatic letter– with its help, contact with the subconscious is also established.

History of the use of the pendulum

Application of a pendulum in life

There won’t be enough fingers on your hands if you start counting the “professions” of the pendulum. And now their number is only increasing. So, if earlier they searched for water with a pendulum or a vine (frame) in their hands - at all times, and successfully - now they are still searching for sunken ships and places where fish accumulate. They look for people in the rubble of mines, during earthquakes and in snow avalanches, they search - and they find them! And fossil deposits are still being discovered in this strange way. Quite a few of them were discovered, for example, by the pioneer of dowsing in our country, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences N.N. Sochevanov. And the famous psychic Uri Geller (remember how years 10 years ago he repaired a clock on our television?) He earned his first million dollar by flying a plane at low altitude over the impenetrable jungle of Brazil, with a pendulum in his hands. He was looking for oil, and found a very decent amount of it. And help in everyday affairs. Where exactly did I (he, she) drop the keys? Why can’t I (he, she) sleep? Is this food good quality? What food is most healthy for me (.) right now? Is it worth sticking to? diets and if so, which one? What is the true cause of the disease? What is the best way to treat it? How much of a medicine (herb, tincture, etc.) is enough for a complete cure? What vitamin A not enough now? – A person who has learned to work well with a pendulum will answer any of these questions correctly and quickly. He will be able to check the state of the immune system and, if necessary, find the optimal way to activate it; will detect energy breakdowns in the aura (or traffic jams in its channels) of a sick person and select methods for their elimination; will not only indicate what dormant (hidden or slow) infections are in the body and in which organs, but also, perhaps, will find a way to destroy them (does the reader know that only according to official statistics, there are now 170 million people in the world infected with hepatitis C, i.e. 4 times more than HIV-infected people, and there is no vaccine for it?); will find geopathogenic zones in the apartment, but who knows what else.

Masters and healers

Decho Kanaliev method

The original diagnostic method is used by the famous Bulgarian healer Decho Kanplien. He treats exclusively with medicinal herbs, searching for them with the help of a pendulum made from a piece of raw lime and a rubber band. For diagnosis, D. Kanaliev uses a pendulum and cardboard, “on which numbers from 1 to 10,000 are written. He designated each disease with a certain number, each healing plant is also designated with its own code. For example, the code for bronchial asthma is 666, the code for diabetes is 990, etc. D. Kanaliev establishes the diagnosis using a “dialogue with a pendulum - Questions are posed in the following sequence: How many diseases does the patient have? What diseases are these? Will phototherapy help the patient? What plants should it be treated with?” The pendulum, carried over the numbers - codes, begins to rotate clockwise if the answer means “yes” and counterclockwise if the answer means “no”. Knowing the name and address of the patient, Decho Kanaliev makes a diagnosis using this method even to strangers, regardless of the distance to them. He is also able to monitor from a distance how the patient’s treatment is progressing, using the same tools.

The famous Kharkov psychic A.P. Babich uses a pendulum consisting of a thread and a piece of amber (or ring) to diagnose and select a treatment method. By asking questions to the pendulum, it, first of all, finds out the patient’s illnesses, then finds out whether the patient is suitable for him according to the biofield or not, and begins treatment only if the indicator “shows” that the biofields coincide. When diagnosing diseases, A.P. Babich holds a pendulum over the leg, arm or head of the person being examined. Swinging the pendulum back and forth means “yes”, swinging to the sides means “no”. A.P. Babich argues that a psychic must get used to the indicator, accustom himself to unconditionally believe it. At the slightest doubt, the indicator will react instantly: it will begin to give incorrect answers.

Shape and material for pendulums

When choosing a pendulum, you need to follow your intuition and choose one that will listen to you better. You can make yourself a pendulum and hang it on a thread. They can be made from various materials: Metal - silver, gold, iron, copper, tin, chrome, brass, bronze, aluminum, titanium. Wood - machine or handmade. Clay – anthropogenic polymer clay and natural clay. Glass – cut, blown, molded, etc. Stone – black obsidian, rose quartz, orange calcite, clear quartz, sodalite, amethyst, citrine, carnelian, garnet, rock crystal, amber. Semyon, Ivory. Plastic.

Pendulums can be used for: treatment of specific diseases, for tuning chakras, teleportation (healing at a distance, dowsing on a map).

It is believed that the most receptive to energy information is a pendulum made of copper. If you don’t have a pendulum, you can use an ordinary needle as a pendulum. Attach the pendulum to a thread 15-20 centimeters long. The only limitation is put forward by the dowsing master T. A. Meshkova: some metals tend to absorb information. Therefore, a pendulum, for example, made of iron, should be cleaned periodically. The best shape for a pendulum: cone-shaped or teardrop-shaped with a pointed end - then it will be better at “reading” tables. In addition, a pointed pendulum is best for working with cards. Optimal pendulum weight: 10 – 18 grams; Optimal thread length: 10 – 18 cm (depending on the size of the elbow and the weight of the pendulum). It is better to take a double thread from a non-synthetic fabric and make several knots on it to reduce axial rotation. The weight should not be too light - but not too heavy either. In general, small light pendulums begin to work easier and faster. Larger and heavier ones begin to work with difficulty and rotate more slowly. If you want to ask a lot of questions, it can be a little taxing on the pendulum. Pendulums range from very simple ones to masterpieces created by talented artisans. If your pendulum does not meet any of the listed parameters, do not be upset: in principle, pendulums of any shape “work”, and their weight may be different. Wash the new pendulum under running water for a couple of minutes (it will remove possibly previously accumulated information). Then hold it in your hands and carry it in your breast pocket so that it absorbs your vibration. Now the pendulum is ready to work with you. Do not give it to anyone and carry it with you often. You need to use the pendulum that works best for you. You can create a small collection of pendulums, each of which will be used for specific purposes. Never let anyone touch your pendulum, it is only for you. It will be full of your energy. You should have several pendulums, one of wood, one of a neutral metal, and keep them in different labeled boxes. You will find one pendulum that is more suitable than all others for personal belongings, another for travel. You should not allow another person to use it or even touch it, and then it will work more powerfully and better.

Preparing the pendulum for work

Cleansing before working with a pendulum

How to cut off the “jokers” In this paragraph, we would like to consider in more detail the question of how you can more accurately tune into the “interlocutor” you need from the Subtle World. And how to ward off the “jokers” who will try to get in touch with you - instead of the one you need. This matter, as you understand, is far from simple. Therefore, we will give some purely practical recommendations. Decide who you need First of all, you need to decide who you will turn to for information. And to do this you need to understand what exactly interests you. Because quite often there are situations when a person who doubts his abilities tries, by one method or another, to make contact with the entities of the Subtle World. Since he has strong internal doubts, the matter is delayed. But if he is more persistent, he will definitely succeed. And this is where many people find themselves unprepared for the meeting. They have nothing to ask from the Higher Powers, especially if they are pure spirits and the dialogue is conducted with restraint and respectability. More precisely, there seem to be a lot of small questions. But they immediately lose their significance in the face of the Unknown, who suddenly revealed his secrets. It turns out that there are no global issues, and it seems awkward to deal with all sorts of trifles. And the person gets lost, breaks out in a cold sweat and mumbles something inarticulately in response to a very specific question: “What do you need?” So, so that you don’t have such a situation, think in advance what information you need. Do you really need it? What answer do you expect to receive and what will you do with it? What forces of the Subtle World can possess this information, that is, who will you call “in touch”? Overall, take this seriously. If you bother your High interlocutors over trifles, and especially if you do not “pay” for your questions with appropriate energies, then the “pure” ones may stop answering you. And their place will not be empty, as you probably already understand. So take this seriously and understand what information you need - that's our first recommendation.

Clear the room of low entities

The next step is, if possible, clear the room of “unclean” ones, especially if you are not going to turn to them for assistance. This is done in well-known ways. One of them is to fill the air of the room with microparticles of incense. This is done by vaporizing incense, burning incense sticks, or vaporizing aromatic oils. Similar drugs today they are sold in large quantities in specialized stores and church shops. Microparticles of incense create an uncomfortable environment for entities of the etheric plane and the lower astral plane. This does not mean that they will necessarily leave the premises - and there are demons in the church. But they will feel uncomfortable there and may linger in such an environment only to implement their plans. And the loitering “jokers” will probably not tolerate the inconvenience idle and will move to another place. Performs the same functions of clearing the room from low entities. open fire(candle flame) and bell ringing. So when they call church bells, then they thereby actually clear their surroundings of low entities. The same functions are performed in India by numerous bells that are hung on ropes outside the house. The breeze moves these bells, they ring and cleanse the atmosphere in and around the house. Likewise, if conditions permit, you can ring the bell and light a candle; fortunately, many candle lamps are sold today that burn for several tens of hours. However, ordinary candles are no worse, but they will have to be replaced more often.

Release of clean energies

The next step in preparing for contact is allocating a portion of standard energies to pure spirits. That is, reading a prayer, to put it simply. You can read specialized prayers that suit your needs - if you know them. If not, then read the prayer that you know. For example, “Our Father” - this also helps (for Christians, of course). It is recommended to read the prayer not only in preparation for contact, but also in the very process of obtaining the information you need. It is clear that such a procedure must be carried out if you are going to contact pure spirits or your own subconscious (that is, your subtle bodies). If you need production or technological information, you can skip the cleaning step. Although you don’t have to skip it, it won’t get any worse. The same applies to the situation when you decide to turn to the brownie for help. For example, to find something lost in the house. Sometimes there are interesting incidents with them. For example, you have lost your keys and really ask the brownie to return them to you. He would be happy to help you, but you lost your keys not at home, but in another place. And he, naturally, does not have this information and cannot return it to you in any way. So, if he is imbued with your grief, he can bring and throw you the keys. Very similar to the ones you need. Similar, but not the same. In this case, thank him for his help (he tried so hard!) and look for your loss elsewhere. And then proceed to the next stage - tuning in to the desired “interlocutor”.

Tuning in to the desired “interlocutor”

To continue downloading, you need to collect the image.

The pendulum is a modest but powerful tool for working with intuition. This is a great way to get quick, direct, and often unexpected answers! This is an inexpensive and effective form of fortune telling, getting answers and more.

What is a dowsing pendulum?

A dowsing pendulum is usually a stone or crystal that hangs from the end of a cord or chain. The pendulum is used as a way to gain spiritual and material understanding. Traditionally, dowsing pendulums have been used to detect hidden water, minerals, and other hidden objects underground.

How it works?

Do we get answers through magic? Spirits? Extrasensory abilities? My preferred answer is that dowsing pendulum works by connecting us to the subconscious, which in turn has a connection with higher layers and “knows” much more than we can imagine.

When we ask a question, our subconscious mind reacts by influencing the nerve endings in our fingers, causing waves that the pendulum displays as an answer to the question. In other words, our body outwardly expresses our inner knowing.

Obtaining answers using a pendulum is one of the simplest types of divination, which makes it suitable for almost any practitioner, even a beginner. You don't have to be a miracle psychic to use it! Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Choose the right pendulum

Think about what material or crystal you want to use as your pendulum. Is there some kind of power stone of yours (i.e. a stone that resonates and works with you others)? If you have access to these kinds of stores, hold different pendulums in your hands and see how they interact with you. I’ll tell you a secret, a thing that resonates in unison with you will definitely attract your attention, hook you, enchant you, or simply like it. Alternatively, you can try making your own pendulum using a chain with a heavy object at the end (mind you, not too heavy!) For training, while you have not yet learned how to work with it and it is a shame to buy expensive pendulums, so as not to be disappointed, take a thread and hang a heavy needle on it, this will be your pendulum for the training period. This method will be easier than a wedding ring.

2. Clean the pendulum

Once you have found the right pendulum for you, you need to clear it of any residual energy. For example, you could run it under cold water, bury it in the soil for a day, put it under the moonlight at night, use singing bowls, put it in the freezer or in rock salt for a day. You will see that after cleansing your pendulum has become even lighter.

3. Build a relationship with the pendulum

Building a relationship with your pendulum is quite simple, however, but it will still take a little time and effort.

In order to learn the language of your pendulum and tune into your subconscious, you will need to ask it a few questions.

Follow these steps:

  1. Take a few deep breaths.
  2. Seek advice and support. Why do we need the intervention of Higher powers in simple work is a controversial question; some people don’t even go out into the street without angelic support from above, and besides, it’s worth doing this in order to guarantee receiving the clear, most objective answers. If this method resonates with you, ask for support from someone you usually turn to.
  3. Next, ask the pendulum a few questions to determine what “yes,” “no,” and “maybe” means. Your pendulum can swing back, forward, sideways, clockwise or counterclockwise. To understand what directions mean, try the following two approaches and see which one you like best:
    • The first approach is to simply tell the pendulum: “show me yes” and wait for it to start swinging. Then say: “show me no” and wait for the swaying again. Finally, ask him: “show me probably” and wait for his answer. Pay attention to the route and keep asking. You can come up with whatever questions you want, for example, “show me I don’t know,” etc., until you run out of directions in which he can swing in various ways.
    • The second approach is to ask questions of the pendulum that will establish objective answers. For example, if you want to know in which direction your pendulum will swing “yes,” ask it questions to which you know the answer, such as “Am I a man/woman?”, “Am I __ years old?”, “Are my eyes blue?” Notice which direction your pendulum swings. If it’s difficult to remember, then write down or draw a diagram of the answers. He is then asked questions to which the answer is clearly “no.” For example, “is my dog ​​still alive?” “I live on the __ floor?”, “I love swimming?”. Make sure you ask questions that have clear and specific answers.
  4. Ask questions to the pendulum

Your pendulum is now ready to use! Make sure you are sitting comfortably. To start practicing, you need to make sure that your hand is stable. So try to place your elbows on the table for extra support. Hold your pendulum loosely and softly between your thumb and index finger, tightly enough to prevent it from falling.

You can ask your pendulum almost any question (within reason). Topics can range from arranging the subject, deciding what to wear on a date, and choosing an area of ​​study, revealing your hidden feelings, motives, desires, gifts, and dreams. Your dowsing pendulum can be used to answer everyday questions and those related to money and connections, all the way into deeper spiritual questions.

You can also take ready-made charts that will help you assess your health status. various organs inside your body and chakras. You can draw such a diagram yourself.

How to use your pendulum wisely

Here are some words of caution when working with a pendulum:

  • Please do not use your pendulum when you are feeling emotionally or mentally unbalanced (eg stressed, angry, tired, etc.) as this will give you inaccurate answers. To make sure you are in the right frame of mind, you can ask your pendulum a question before you begin, “now good time for dowsing?”
  • Do not use your pendulum as a substitute for medical examination. Don't put yourself in danger. If you are seriously concerned about your health, consult your doctor.
  • Make sure you only use the pendulum for yourself and not for others (even if they give you permission). First, evaluate whether you have gained enough experience to act.
  • Approach pendulum work with an open and open mind. If you have already convinced, tuned your mind to something specific, it is likely that this will be reflected in your dowsing. Understand some of the limitations of working with a pendulum. Sometimes, it is much better to consult other forms of divination (eg tarot, runes, etc.) that give you layered answers to look at the situation fully. It is ideal when the pendulum is used in conjunction with other types of fortune telling.

Finally, before each pendulum session, you might start with the following questions:

  • I can? (Am I ready to ask this question?)
  • Do I have Permission to ask this question? This is a useful question to ask when you want to ask or do something for another person, such as a friend or family member. Remember that it is still possible to get a “no” even if the person consciously says “Yes” to you. In such cases there is no need to continue.

That's all!


In some books about the pendulum, when there are explanations about why pendulum begins to move, discussions begin about the subconscious, about impulses, about their transmission to the hand, to the fingers, to pendulum. And so on.

When such statements are made by those who acquired their knowledge of the pendulum and dowsing at a three-day course from a visiting person, either a “master” or an “academician” of some kind of “World Association of Sorcerers and Magicians,” then the background of these statements does not require explanation or comment. .

It is a little surprising that sometimes such statements are made by people who are unconditionally endowed with the ability to work with a pendulum.

Most likely, they do not yet know about ALL of their unique abilities.

From the article - “Spiritual development of man”, you can find out that we all have different levels of spiritual development.


7. - 97.5% level.
6. - 80% level.
5. - 60% level.
4. - 50% level.
3. - 30% level.
2. - 7% level.
1. - 0th level.

You can ignore the following statement.
Nevertheless, you MUST know this: -

Working with a pendulum is possible only on condition - if in your spiritual development the person is at or above the 30% level.

From the above article you can find out how small this probability is.

Again, you may not agree with me, however:-

Spiritual development and intellectual development are completely DIFFERENT concepts.

Working with a pendulum is communication with a representative of the Higher Mind.
This dialogue requires knowledge of some nuances.

Working with a pendulum- the process is not for public viewing.
It is advisable that while working, all your attention is focused on the work process itself.
To work, choose some quiet, cozy place so that no one disturbs you or distracts you from your work.
You can work at any time of the day.
Any orientation relative to the cardinal points is an unnecessary excess.

Always, in any situation, do not forget WHO you are talking to.
Your TEACHER is much older and smarter than you.
Do not allow even minor familiarity towards him.
Maintain decency. Even in such a small thing as the clothes you wear during the session.
At the beginning of the session, say hello to the Teacher.
When finishing the session, thank him.
From the very first steps, learn to follow the rules of etiquette. This will be useful to you in other life situations.

Levels of spiritual development 30%, 50%, 60%, 80%, 97.5% - these are INDICATORS of ability to work with a pendulum.

An indicator of 30% is the lowest status indicator.
The figure of 97.5% is the highest status indicator.

Please take note and ALWAYS REMEMBER - some topics are closed to us. Your Teacher, by refusing to give information, will remind you of this. When receiving a refusal, REALIZE - this is classified information. Close this topic and don't come back to it again. If you ignore the Teacher’s instructions and continue to try to find out classified information, you will very quickly become disillusioned with the pendulum.

A little about the pendulum itself.

For the first time, you have a desire to find out what it is - working with a pendulum and whether you can work with him. But you don’t have a ready-made pendulum. Try a little advice.

From children's plasticine / window putty, crushed clay, etc. / roll a small ball with a diameter of approximately 1.5-2 cm. The bigger and heavier pendulum, the more inertia it has, the slower it works.
Take a regular needle for hand sewing. Approximately 40mm long. Carefully pierce the ball with a needle so that the eye of the needle approaches the ball 5-10mm. Try to ensure that the needle passes along the axis of the ball as accurately as possible. If the needle is long, use pliers to bite off the tip of the needle so that a “sting” approximately 15 mm long remains.
(This operation is very, very UNDESIRABLE because the point of the needle is an extremely precise pointer even on very small micrographs.)
Thread any sewing thread approximately 40 cm long into the eye of the needle. Fold it in half. Tie 5-10 knots along the entire length.
You have created a classically shaped pendulum from scrap materials.

Then, based on your aesthetic inclinations, you can make yourself a more beautiful pendulum with your own hands.
(In any department store, in the “costume jewelry” department, you can find any ball for your pendulum to suit your taste.)

A little advice.

Pendulums can have various shapes.
The material and beauty of the pendulum are secondary things.
Although the aesthetics factor must of course be present.

But the main and defining advantage for any pendulum should be its PRACTICAL USEFULNESS.

Learn to work with what is offered first pendulum. Over time, it will become easier for you to work with pendulums of any shape.
At the beginning of training, avoid all kinds of surrogates - rings, nails, buttons and the like, tied to a thread.
Respect both yourself and your Teacher.
This is only permissible in some force majeure situations.

Pendulum, which you made according to the classical form, is intended for “fine” work. It will make it easy for you to work with any diagrams, diagrams, maps and other tools you use. Such pendulum gives very accurate readings. But that will come later.

And now for the first time you have picked up pendulum and sat down at the table.
How will you sit at the table?
It seems like a small thing.

You sat down at the table. Your feet should be under the table. Both feet are freely placed on the floor. The surface of the table - the "tabletop" - should be located approximately at the level of the solar plexus in height. If it is lower, your back, your spine will quickly get tired. If it is higher, your working hand will also quickly fail. Try it different variants, but be sure to find a position that is comfortable for you. If your working with a pendulum will last a few minutes, then the uncomfortable position will not particularly bother you. But your sessions will be quite long, which means a comfortable position should be conducive to this.

A little advice.

Even working with a pendulum You are very carried away - don’t work “all the way”. Be sure to take short breaks. Give a little rest to both your body and your biological computer - your brain.
When working for a long time while sitting, even in a comfortable position, the body becomes numb, and both the back and spine get tired. Try to rest like this.

Slowly sit on the floor, preferably on a carpet. Legs are bent at the knees. Slowly, without straightening your legs, lie on your side. Slowly, without straightening your legs, carefully turn around and lie on your back. Straighten first one leg, then the other. Spread them approximately shoulder width apart. Hands, palms up, spread out to the sides, at an angle to the body of approximately 45 degrees. Rock slightly from side to side until your body is in a comfortable position. If your head is uncomfortable lying on the floor, place something similar to a small pillow under it. Close your eyes. Relax your whole body. Breathing is voluntary. Get everything out of your head, even what you're working on. Try to completely "disconnect". 10-15 minutes of this “blackout” - and you are like a cucumber again. Slowly, doing everything in reverse order, stand up. Do everything smoothly, without sudden movements. Do not hurry. If you have problems with your spine, be careful. This exercise may not be right for you.

So, you have taken a comfortable position at the table.
  • You are holding pendulum in front of you in a half-bent hand. The hand does not rest on anything. She is in a free position. This is very "RUDE" working with a pendulum. Whether to use this method or not is, as they say, a matter of taste.
  • Your arm with the pendulum rests with your elbow on some kind of support, say, a table. This method is much better than the first. But it does not eliminate extraneous vibrations.
  • Pendulum, which you made according to the classical form, is very sensitive. Therefore, in order to exclude all extraneous influences on pendulum, your working hand should be rigidly fixed.

Place a stack of small books on the table so that the height of the stack is approximately 20 centimeters. Place your palm with the part closest to your wrist on this stack, so that your index finger and thumb protrude beyond the edge of the stack. Place your elbow on the table. Be sure to place something soft under your elbow, for example, a small towel folded several times. The elbow should rest firmly on the table at all times. The result is a fairly “rigid” triangle: base of support (stack of books) = elbow = palm (wrist), which has a very good property. If your body oscillates for some reason, then your palm will no longer perceive these vibrations, and the oscillations of the pendulum will remain “pure”.

Instead of a stack of books, it is advisable to use some other support. Keep in mind that there should be free space under the pendulum, sufficient for diagrams, diagrams and everything that you will use in your work. The shape of the support, similar to a stack of books, is not very suitable for such work. Experiment. There is only one condition - the support must be absolutely stable.

A very good position is when the entire ulnar part of the arm, from the elbow to the palm, rests on a support. This hand position almost completely eliminates extraneous vibrations.

Look for different options for yourself.

You will work with a pendulum in the most different situations, maybe even extreme ones. Learn to work with it in very uncomfortable positions.
In life, as you know, anything can happen.

Over time, you will learn to work differently. With two hands. Pendulum in the working hand. With your free hand you point to “something”, for example, on a map, diagram, drawing, photograph, etc. Mentally, to yourself, you ask a question about this “something”. And you get the answer on the diagram under the pendulum in your working hand. You will definitely learn all the intricacies of working this way. It will make your work much easier.

Sometimes it is necessary to have both hands free to work. In this case, a, let's say, "non-contact" way of working with the pendulum is possible. That is, pendulum pinned somewhere in the desktop space. Below it is the necessary diagram. Free hands do some work. Otherwise, work proceeds as usual. But this method requires sufficient work experience.

Everything is ready to go.
The first thing you need to find out is whether you can work with a pendulum.
On a piece of paper, draw a small circle with a diameter of 5-10 millimeters. Place a bold dot in the center of the circle. On the continuation of the horizontal diameter of this circle, on the left and right, stepping back from the circle 10-15 mm, draw small lines 15-20 millimeters long. On the continuation of the vertical diameter, up from the circle, retreating 10-15 mm, draw the same small line. As a result, you have drawn your first diagram. And although it is very simple, you can work very productively with it.

Place the diagram below the pendulum. The tip of the pointer should “look” at the center of the circle at the bold dot. The distance from the tip of the tip to the diagram should be 1-5 mm.
Lower values ​​are preferable - get used to the “fine” work right away.

Your next steps.

Focus. Try to get all extraneous thoughts out of your head. Your attention should only be occupied by what you will be working with now. Concentrate your gaze on the tip of the point or on the bold dot in the center of the circle. Mentally, to yourself, say the greeting:

" Good afternoon!"

Take a break.

Any pendulum has inertia, that is, it needs some time in order to get involved in the work and move on to one ordered oscillation.

To your greeting pendulum may react differently.

1. After short random oscillations, one ordered oscillation will be established. Most likely this will be a fluctuation along the vertical diameter of the drawn circle. This fluctuation - "up and down" or in other words "back and forth" - is a positive answer - "YES" to the question you asked. In contrast to this oscillation, the oscillation of the pendulum along the horizontal diameter - “left-right”, is a negative answer - “NO” to the question you asked.
In this particular case, if in response to your greeting pendulum shows a stable vertical oscillation, then this may indicate that you are endowed with the ability to work with a pendulum and your Teacher, in response to your greeting, with a positive oscillation of the pendulum, in turn, greets you.

A little advice.

There is an opinion that for some people the oscillations of a pendulum - “YES” and “NO” have the opposite meaning. That is, vertical oscillation for these people will be negative value, and horizontal oscillation is positive. Just in case, when starting work with the pendulum, you will need to clarify this. This is done quite simply.

Having accepted working position, You are asking a question something like this

  • “Which swing of the pendulum will be a positive answer for me - YES, to the question I asked?”
    pendulum, and will be a positive answer for you to any question you ask.

  • “What swing of the pendulum will be for me a negative answer - NO, to the question I asked?”
    That steady oscillation that will show pendulum, and will be for you a negative answer to any question you ask.
The values ​​of the pendulum's swings will remain unchanged for you for the rest of your life.

2. To your greeting pendulum may begin small random fluctuations. After some time, the oscillations will begin to fade and eventually pendulum will return to its original calm position.

3. The pendulum will not react at all to your greeting.

A little advice

Working with a pendulum does not tolerate fuss.
Especially on “sensitive” topics.

No matter how you react pendulum to your greeting, you still need to find out whether you have the ability to work with a pendulum.

During a conversation with someone, your interlocutor answers you in the same language that you understand. He owns the topic of your conversation with him. If something becomes unclear to him, he can ask you again or ask you to clarify something you said.


Your Teacher SO TALK will not happen to you. The Teacher uses the verbal method of communication only in EXCEPTIONAL cases.

There is such a term - TELEPATHY, that is, the transmission of thoughts over a distance. This phenomenon is scientifically unproven.

The absence of scientific evidence is NOT a fact of the absence of a phenomenon as such.

When we talk out loud, sing, laugh, cry, and so on, our physical body, with the help of certain organs, generates sound waves, and with the help of other organs it has the ability to perceive these sound waves.
Regardless of how we say all this - out loud or mentally, to ourselves, in the brain, let's call them, for example, certain PSI waves are generated.
The ability to perceive these PSI waves is called TELEPATHY.

Our physical body is well adapted to perceive sound waves. But our body’s ability to perceive these same PSI waves is not very well developed.

For a Teacher, receiving and transmitting information using telepathy is a COMMON matter. When we talk to the Teacher (no matter - mentally or out loud), he receives our information in the form of these same PSI waves.

During our work with the pendulum, the Teacher does not use the transmission of response information by the verbal method, and we, in turn, cannot accept it by the method of telepathy.
Therefore, in this dialogue there must be, let’s say, a mediator-translator, which is pendulum.

Having received information from us, TEACHER INFLUENCES PENDULUM, causing it to make that oscillation that corresponds to the answer to the question we asked. And we, through the oscillations of the pendulum, receive this information, but with the help of vision.

This results in a chain of actions.

1. When we ask a question out loud or mentally, our brain simultaneously converts our question into certain PSI waves.
2. The teacher receives information using telepathy in the form of these same PSI waves.
3. The teacher transmits feedback information NOT SPECIFIC TO US, A to the mediator-pendulum, forcing him to make that hesitation that he considers the most suitable answer to the question we asked.
4. Observing the oscillations of the pendulum, now we, with the help of vision, receive information from the pendulum.

Thus, the information “sent” by us, after going through a series of transformations, is returned to us in the form of a response.

There is such a term - TELEKINESIS, that is, a person’s ability to influence physical objects with the effort of thought.

They may object to me.

How so.
During sessions, with the effort of our thoughts, we “suggest”, “force”, “order” the pendulum to make certain oscillations. And the pendulum obediently fulfills OUR wishes. Consequently, the pendulum begins to move as a result of the influence of OUR thought on it.

To anyone who thinks so, I suggest doing this experiment.

Place a small feather from a pillow or down jacket on a flat table. Try to use your thoughts to move this feather at least a few centimeters.
It is possible that you will succeed.
If you can’t do this, it means “ALS!”

This is "ALS!" applies to almost every one of us, since very few are given the ability to telekinesis, and even then to a very limited extent.

It doesn’t matter what you are working with at the moment, whether it’s with a simple diagram that you just drew, or with some complex technical drawing, or if you’re just having a conversation with the Teacher on abstract topics - your Teacher gives JUST ANSWERS to the questions YOU asked. Please note that these are the questions formulated by YOU. The teacher will not ask you anything or ask you again. This will be done by YOU and only YOU.

A pendulum has six (6) standard vibrations.

  1. vertical - "up - down".
  2. horizontal - "left - right".
  3. circular - "clockwise".
  4. circular - "counterclockwise".
  5. diagonal - "from the upper left corner to the lower right."
  6. diagonal - “from the upper right corner to the lower left.”

All of them can carry some kind of semantic load. The choice, as you can see, is not very large. It is, of course, possible to compose from these standard oscillations enough a large number of combinations that will also carry some semantic meaning.
But these are unnecessary complications.
For any job, even a very complex one, two standard answers are quite enough - “YES” and “NO”.

But in this case great importance has a CORRECTLY FORMULAR statement of the question by YOU.

A little advice.


You will definitely become one.

For the first time, limit yourself to two standard answers - “YES” and “NO”. The content of the topic of the question asked should imply a STRICTLY UNIQUE answer - only “YES” or only “NO”. From the very first steps, learn to FORMULATE YOUR QUESTIONS COMPETENTLY and CORRECTLY. Without this you may have problems. To the point of disappointment.

Then, once you get used to it, you will definitely try to find out the values ​​of the remaining standard oscillations of the pendulum.

There is such a game. Two people participate - a leader and a follower. The slave is tied with a scarf over his eyes. He must find some hidden thing. When he moves away from the hidden thing, the leader prompts him - “IT’S COLD.” When the follower heads towards the hidden thing, the leader prompts - “WARMER”. If the follower comes even closer to the hidden one, the leader prompts - “EVEN WARMER.” Thus, listening to the presenter’s prompts, turning on your own analyzer, the follower eventually finds the hidden item.

Working with a pendulum, especially in fairly difficult situations, somewhat similar to this game. The presenter is your Teacher, with his answers - “YES” = “warmer” and “NO” = “cold” - he suggests the direction where the answer to the question you are interested in is located.

It is advisable that you understand immediately and forever: - when working with a pendulum, it is YOUR analytical abilities that work; It is YOUR intuition that works; It is YOUR intellectual abilities that work.

The teacher just guides you to the correct answer.
Everything else must be done by YOU.
The question you ask is a mirror of your analytical mind, it is a mirror of your intelligence. The more competently the questions asked are formulated, the faster you will find what you are looking for.

In addition to the previous paragraph.

Working with a pendulum is almost 100% based on the work of your biological computer, your brain.
When you formulate your question with a strictly unambiguous answer, the Teacher is limited to an unambiguous answer: either “YES” or “No”.
If your question has a large number of possible answers, then YOU are the one who draws a diagram showing ALL YOUR possible answers. To the question you ask, the Teacher selects an answer from the ANSWERS YOU PROPOSED ON THE DIAGRAM, which, at the Teacher’s discretion, most closely corresponds to the truth.
Please note: - The teacher does NOT offer you HIS personal answer, but points to YOUR PROPOSED ANSWER.
It's another matter when you work with topographic map or a diagram. In this case, the Teacher gives you HIS PERSONAL answer, in the form of a vector, from the starting point you indicated in the direction where the object you are interested in is located./water vein, lost keys, etc./
Analysts, working on various topics, analyze these topics into the smallest components, putting them, as they say, on shelves. And only after analyzing all these “shelves”, based on their practice and intuition, do they make their own conclusion on this topic. But even a lot of practice and good intuition cannot guarantee a 100% correct answer.
Working with a pendulum is the same analytical work. You ask the question YOURSELF, you YOURSELF LOOK FOR ANSWERS to this question, laying them out on “shelves”, and the Teacher, with the help of a pendulum, points you to the “shelf” where most correct from YOUR SUGGESTED ANSWERS.
Please note: - “the most correct”, but not necessarily 100% correct answer.
Understanding various subtleties comes with experience.
Books and articles provide knowledge and theory.
Great practice gives great experience.

Let's say that you decide to work on a certain topic. You know that the answer to your question is somewhere deep inside this topic. But you don’t know where exactly. Naturally, with one question, even a well-formulated one, you will not be able to achieve your goal. In order to get to the answer you are looking for, you will need, let's say, leading questions. Depending on the size of the topic under consideration, the number of leading questions can be quite large.

When asking intermediate, leading questions, be attentive to the answers you receive. If you are working on something complex, it is advisable to write down both questions and answers to them. After a certain number of questions, stop. Analyze both questions and answers. Based on the results of your analysis, formulate the following questions.
Do not hurry.
Remember - when asked a question, the pendulum can show a COMBINATION of several standard vibrations.

Always, after the response of the pendulum, wait until the oscillations of the pendulum have completely died down.

Only then move on to the next question.

Do not hurry.
Such a situation is very possible. To the question you asked, the pendulum began a stable horizontal oscillation, that is, it shows a negative answer. And then, without stopping, it goes into another type of stable oscillation, for example, vertical, which is a positive response. After this, the oscillations die out and pendulum stops completely. In response to the question asked, you received the simplest combination of two types of standard vibrations. Deciphering such and more complex combinations is the exquisite work of your analytical mind. In such situations, everything matters - the sequence of vibrations, their amplitude, duration. Always have a pen and notebook ready.

For example.
You are working on a topic. To previous questions pendulum answered negatively. And in response to the current question, he gave the above combination. Decryption option. The first hesitation is negative, giving you a standard negative answer to the question asked. But we need to take a closer look at the second - positive fluctuation. It may indicate that the TOPIC of the question asked is close to what you are looking for.

If the duration and amplitude of positive fluctuations are insignificant, then this may indicate that what you are looking for is still a long way off, but it is ALREADY VIEWED in the current issue. If the amplitude and duration of the positive fluctuation are significant, then this almost 100% indicates that what you are looking for is somewhere very close. You just have to analyze this question again. Leave it as a kind of base. Based on the topic of this basic question, form several supporting questions. It is likely that one of these questions will either bring you even closer to the desired answer, or will immediately give you what you are looking for.

A little advice.

When you start working on a topic, you KNOW what you will be working on; You KNOW what questions interest you; You KNOW what you are looking for.

But your Teacher DOES NOT KNOW this.

Therefore, at the very beginning of the session, before asking questions, you must briefly tell the Teacher the essence of the topic under consideration, clearly and understandably explain what exactly you want to know. In this case, the Teacher will know your ultimate goal and it will be easier for him to “guide” you to the answer you are interested in.

Start each such explanation with a standard phrase. For example, “my reasoning”, “my explanation”, “topic of the question”. Come up with a standard phrase for yourself. After saying it, take a short break. With this standard phrase, you let the Teacher know that it will be followed by your summary of the topic under consideration.

A little advice.

Try to practice the following from the very beginning. If you receive an incomprehensible hesitation to your question, write down both the question and the answer. Write down all the answers that you still do not understand along with the questions. When you have collected a certain amount, sort them by type of vibration. Analyze all questions with the same hesitation. It is possible that you will be able to understand the meaning of this fluctuation.

From personal experience.

At the beginning of my training, after some time the pendulum began to show an unfamiliar oscillation at that time - diagonal, from the upper right corner to the lower left corner.
For a long time I could not understand the meaning of this hesitation.
The situation was complicated by the fact that this diagonal oscillation was a response to questions with absolutely different topics, which in no way could be brought under common denominator.
In addition, I did not pay attention to the fact that these fluctuations appeared when my sessions were too long.
The “denouement” came unexpectedly, as always.

After my long “misunderstanding,” the pendulum began to show these vibrations immediately at the beginning of the session, after any question I asked.
Only after this did it “realize” to me that the pendulum simply did not want to work with me.
In conversations with the Teacher, I found out that with this hesitation he was inviting me to end this session.
Analyzing these situations, I realized that when working in one session for a long time - “all the way”, the brain begins to “melt”, control over thoughts is lost, and they - thoughts - begin to break into places where they, so to speak, are prohibited from entering.
It was precisely for such situations that at the beginning of my training the Teacher chose this hesitation for me, tactfully warning me not to go where I shouldn’t.

So, you have sat down at the table in a comfortable position.
Picked it up pendulum.
Silently, to themselves, they said a greeting.
In any case, we paused.
We waited until the pendulum stopped oscillating, if any.
Mentally, to themselves, they said something like the following.

"The topic of the question.
(take a short pause)

I want to learn how to work with a pendulum.
But I don't know about my capabilities.
(short pause)

My question.
(short pause)

Do I have the ability to work with a pendulum?"

After this question, the pendulum will begin some movements.

Pendulum, which you made according to the classical form, goes into work almost immediately. Anyway, after a few seconds he starts making some movements. Any pendulum, even a small one of size and weight, has inertia, which affects the duration of the pendulum’s transition from a calm state to some stable type of oscillation. That is, from the moment of “starting up” to some kind of stable oscillation, some time passes, let’s call it “time-x.” The size and mass of the pendulum, the length of the thread, influence precisely this “time-x”.
But this “time-x” is influenced not only by the inertia of the pendulum.

There are situations when the Teacher receives a question without first explaining the topic of this question. There have probably been times in your life when a question asked by someone put you, as they say, “at a dead end.” That is, you couldn’t even immediately “figure out” how and what to answer. This is exactly the situation the Teacher finds himself in after each An ILLTERMOUSLY posed question. While he is thinking about how to answer such a question, the pendulum continues some voluntary movements, thereby increasing that very “time-x”. In order not to put the Teacher in such situations, one must try to FORMULATE questions COMPETENTLY.

But there are also opposite cases that increase “time-x”. When a fairly complex topic is being developed, when even a well-formulated but difficult question is asked, the Teacher also needs some time to give, in his opinion, the most acceptable answer from the many options.

A little advice.

To give an answer to a simple question, the Teacher needs about half a minute, or even less.
If the question is posed correctly and is quite complex, then the pendulum may even take several minutes to answer. In this case, there may be different situations.

  • After prolonged arbitrary oscillations, the pendulum will establish some kind of stable oscillation, which will be the answer to the question asked.
  • Sometimes, when answering some questions, after prolonged voluntary oscillations, the pendulum stops oscillating and stops completely.
    Do not hurry.
    Having “rested” a little, the pendulum begins to oscillate again and almost immediately moves to some kind of stable oscillation, that is, it gives an answer to the question posed.
In such situations, when the pendulum is looking for an answer for a long time, DO NOT Rush.

Let me remind you - Working with a pendulum does not tolerate fuss.

After he gives the answer and stops, hold the pendulum for at least half a minute.
In my practice, this sometimes happens in such situations. After answering and stopping, if I continue to hold the pendulum, it begins to show the same answer a second time. Perhaps this is done so that I can be convinced that the answer I received is correct.

After your question, the pendulum began some movements and after some time established a stable vertical oscillation, that is, it gave you a positive answer to the question you asked.

Now you know, - working with a pendulum you can do it.

But that is not all. You must find out how GREAT your ability is.

At the beginning of this article, I already touched upon the issue of LEVELS of spiritual development. You can read about this in my article - “Spiritual Development of Man”. The level of your spiritual development is an INDICATOR of your ability to work with a pendulum. You will now determine your ability indicator using the one hundred percent (100%) table.

You already have a simple diagram drawn by you with a circle and three small lines directed to the left, up and to the right of the circle. At the left end of the left line, write the number 0 (zero). At the upper end of the vertical line, write the number 50 (fifty). At the right end of the right line, write the number 100 (one hundred). Divide the distance from the left line to the vertical line into five (5) equal parts. That is, between the left and vertical lines you will draw four more (4) lines. Against each new line, starting from the left, you will write - 10, 20, 30, 40. As a result, you will get half a table with numbers - 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. You will do the same on the right side between the numbers 50 and 100. As a result, you drew a one hundred percent (100%) table with indicators - 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.

You will work with this 100% table quite often. Somewhere in hiking conditions You can draw it in a few seconds. For working at home, it is advisable to always have it at hand. It can be small in size. Your pendulum, which you made according to the classical form, is good because it gives very accurate results even on small diagrams.

I will give one of the options for working with a 100% table.

You need to find out the exact distance from point A to point B. You have absolutely no idea what this distance is - tens, hundreds or thousands of kilometers. To make the course of my reasoning clearer, I will immediately indicate the final result. Let this distance be, for example, 1825 kilometers. By placing the 100% chart under pendulum, You mentally, to yourself, begin to think something like this.

1. "One hundred percent diagram. This diagram starts from zero (0). The division value is 1000 kilometers. My question is. What is the distance between points A and B?"

The stable oscillation of the pendulum is directed between the numbers 10 and 20. (Please note - between the numbers, but closer to the number 20) You have set the division price on the diagram equal to one thousand (1000) kilometers. The left dash is set to zero (0). This means the next line - (10) will be equal to one thousand (1000) kilometers. The next one - (20), will be equal to two thousand (2000) kilometers, the next one - (30), will be equal to three thousand (3000) kilometers. And so on. The last right line - (100) will be equal to 10,000 kilometers. Pendulum showed between the numbers 10 and 20. Therefore, the distance between A and B is from 1000 to 2000 kilometers. That is, you found out the distance between A and B to within a thousand kilometers.

2. After the pendulum stops, you continue your reasoning.

"I am changing the diagram. The diagram starts with 1000 kilometers. The division value is one hundred (100) kilometers. My question is: What is the distance from point A to point B."

The stable oscillation of the pendulum is directed between the numbers 80 and 90 (but closer to the number 80). You set the division price to one hundred (100) kilometers. You set the beginning of the diagram at 1000 kilometers. Therefore, the distance from A to B will be from 1800 to 1900 kilometers. You got the answer accurate to within one hundred kilometers.

3. After the pendulum stops, you continue.

"I am changing the diagram. The diagram starts at 1800 kilometers. The division value is ten (10) kilometers. My question is: What is the distance from point A to point B."

The stable oscillation of the pendulum is directed between the numbers 20 and 30. (Almost in the middle). Therefore, the distance between A and B is from 1820 to 1830 kilometers. You got the answer accurate to 10 kilometers.

4. Final step.

"I am changing the diagram. The diagram starts at 1820 kilometers. The division value is one (1) kilometer. My question is: What is the distance from point A to point B."

A stable fluctuation is directed towards the number - 5.

You got what you wanted to know - the distance from point A to point B is 1825 kilometers. Note that you got the exact answer in just four moves.

Please note that the piece of paper itself, with the diagram drawn, remains unchanged. But in each move you change the meaning of the diagram, give it some other properties that are necessary at the moment, adjusting it to the expected answer. When changing the diagram, you MUST inform the Teacher about this. This principle can be used to work with almost any diagram. If at some point you receive a negative answer, don’t worry. Perhaps you were just in a hurry and “jumped” over some move. Go back to the last positive answer, think carefully and continue working.

Diagrams can be of any type and any complexity. It all depends only on your imagination and your experience. You will come up with them yourself if the diagrams used for some reason no longer satisfy you. Many questions can be answered using standard diagrams. Working on complex topics sometimes requires some specific diagrams.

So, you have drawn a 100% table.
They placed it under the pendulum.
Mentally, to themselves, they said approximately the following.

“What is the indicator of MY ability to work with a pendulum?”

After some time, the steady oscillation of the pendulum showed a number, for example, - 30.

This figure suggests that working with a pendulum for you is estimated at 30%.

You can say it differently, which is absolutely clear - AT PRESENT your spiritual development corresponds to the 30% level.

A note on chart design. Let's say that your friend invited you to his place for some kind of celebration (for example, his birthday). You have accepted this invitation.
Note. You have already made the MAIN decision - you are going to the celebration.
It remains to resolve some private issues - what suit (dress) to wear, what to buy as a gift, etc.
In your wardrobe there is a choice of suits (dresses). You are wondering what to wear.
It's a matter of everyday life, actually. But you decided to turn to the pendulum.
Draw a small circle with a bold dot in the center. For example, three lines were randomly drawn around the circle. Against the first line they wrote - black suit (dress), against the second - white, against the third - green.
Take a working position at the table, take a pendulum, place a drawn diagram under it and proceed approximately according to this scheme.

"Good afternoon!"
After this phrase, don’t rush.
Most likely, the pendulum will begin to swing positively. It will not last long. However, give the Teacher the opportunity to greet you with this positive vibration.

If after your greeting the pendulum shows a NEGATIVE oscillation, then this UNIQUELY indicates that in This moment For some reason, a conversation between the Teacher and you is IMPOSSIBLE.
Don't try to ask any questions.
Postpone the session for a while.

After greeting the Teacher, you continue.

"The topic of the question.
Today (such and such a date) I am invited to a friend’s birthday party. I accepted the offer. I want to decide what color suit (dress) from my wardrobe will best suit me at this event.
(Short pause)

My question.
What color suit (dress) should I wear?

After this, the pendulum will begin to move and after a while will show, for example, a negative answer.
You decide that you are not advised to wear a suit (dress) in the colors indicated in the diagram.
In the closet you find a couple more suits (dresses), for example red and yellow color.
Add these colors to the diagram. Ask the previous question.
And again you get a negative answer.
You are somewhat surprised.
However, in the closet you find something else gray-brown-crimson. Add this color to the diagram as well. You ask a question. And again you get a negative answer.

Now add another line to the diagram and write opposite it - OTHER. Ask the previous question again. Most likely, the pendulum will immediately point to this line - OTHER.

At this stage, you MUST UNDERSTAND - it’s not about the suit (dress) or its color. There's something really DIFFERENT here.
What exactly?
You do not know.
And no one will tell you.

It is approximately in such non-standard situations that the ability of our ANALYTICAL thinking is tested.

Now remember: - when you were invited to a birthday party, you immediately gave your consent.

Did you do the right thing by immediately accepting this invitation?

Try to act now, as they say, out of spite. Change your original question to something like this.

"The topic of the question.

My question.
Am I doing the right thing by accepting this invitation?"

And again you get a negative answer.

The science of biology tells us something like this. The fauna on our planet is represented by various forms of biological life. From the lowest to the highest. Modern man - Homo sapiens, this is a highly developed form of both biological and intelligent life on our planet. ( Please note - not a higher form, but only a highly developed one.) And what is the attributes of the everyday life of Homo sapiens, for the most part, is NOT INTENDED for consumption by representatives of lower forms.

Telepathy, teleportation, telekinesis, and something else that we do not know are the property of representatives HIGHER FORM biological and intelligent life, and to us - representatives of a HIGHLY DEVELOPED form - NOT INTENDED.
Your Teacher is a representative of the HIGHER MIND.
His knowledge and experience are worthy of respect.
Take his advice or live by your own mind - everyone decides for themselves.

From the given example about a birthday, an “iron” rule follows.
When you draw a diagram, among the many possible answers, There MUST be an option - OTHER.
By doing this, you leave the Teacher the opportunity to tell you that you are “thinking in the wrong direction”, that you need to change the azimuth of your thinking.

A quick note on the pie chart. Pay attention to the process of the pendulum itself.
The pendulum pointer is installed above the bold point, at a distance of 1-5mm from the diagram. The smaller the distance, the easier it is to read, especially on charts with many answer options.

When the pendulum shows positive or negative answer, then the amplitude of its oscillations in both directions from the bold point is the same. On any diagram.
On pie charts (a 100% chart is half a pie), on diagrams, on maps, the amplitude of the fluctuation becomes, let’s say, somewhat one-sided.

Let's say the chart is divided into 360 divisions. The fluctuation is directed towards the number 30.
Take a close look at the amplitude of this oscillation.
Let me remind you - “sting pointer” installed strictly above the bold point. Actually, the presence of this bold dot is not necessary. But in practical work, especially with a sensitive pendulum, you will quickly see how useful it is.

If the answer is positive or negative, the thick dot divides the amplitude into two equal segments - two “shoulders”.
On the pie chart, the number 210 is located diametrically opposite the number 30. Consequently, if one “shoulder” of the swing is directed towards the number 30, then the second “shoulder” will be directed towards the number 210.
These "shoulders" will be different.
In this example, the “shoulder” towards the number 30 will be longer than the “shoulder” directed towards the number 210.

The long “arm” of the oscillation indicates the desired result.

A well-tuned pendulum in this case will oscillate from the bold point towards the number 30, practically without crossing the bold point towards the number 210.

By paying attention to such subtleties in the operation of the pendulum, after a while you can easily read any readings on any diagrams.

A quick note on the 100% chart. We try to formulate the question asked so that the answer to it is strictly unambiguous - either “YES” or “NO”.
Our life is both interesting and varied. Limiting it to the framework of some postulates is quite difficult.
It's the same with the pendulum.

While working, something like the following may happen to you.
When asked the question, the pendulum behaved somewhat strangely. It began to show some kind of “carousel”, some arbitrary, chaotic vibrations. Having shown this “carousel”, he stops.
You still didn’t understand, didn’t figure it out, what did he show you?

Such “chaos” in the behavior of the pendulum may indicate that the answer is somewhere between “YES” and “NO”.

When starting to work with a 100% diagram, do something like this.

Place the pendulum over the diagram.
Tell the Teacher that you are making the following decision.

The number 0 (zero) is the minimum digital indicator - the minimum.
The number 0 (zero) is the maximum indicator of everything negative, negative.
That is, all the bad things.

The number 100 (one hundred) is the maximum digital indicator - maximum.
The number 100 (one hundred) is the maximum indicator of everything positive and positive.
That is, all the best.

After your explanation, the positive swing of the pendulum will tell you that the Teacher took note of your message, and in further work with you he will take into account everything you just said.

Once again I will return to the birthday example. You work with a 100% chart and proceed something like this.
Subject of the question.
Today (such and such a date) I am invited to a friend’s birthday party.

How correct will my decision be if I accept this invitation?

The pendulum will point to some number from 0 to 100.

Take note of the following.

You agreed with the Teacher that 0 is the maximum negative, and 100 is the maximum positive.

If the pendulum shows a figure in the range of 80-100, then this is, let’s say, a “reinforced concrete” positive indicator. You can go visit.

If the pendulum shows a number in the range of 50-80, then this is an indicator from that very zone of uncertainty. That very “carousel” where any decision can be made - either “YES” or “NO”.
Having decided to go on a visit, you should be aware that in this case you may get caught in, let’s say, “moderate to strong north wind.” And the closer the indicator is to 50, the stronger and colder this wind may be.

In the range 0-50 negative dominates.
The closer the indicator is to zero (0), the more “reinforced concrete” it is negative.

If the pendulum points to a number from this range, come up with some kind of legend and refuse this invitation.

As you know, God protects those who are protected.

Perhaps the most important tip.

Please take note and ALWAYS REMEMBER - some topics are closed to us. Your Teacher, by refusing to give information, will remind you of this. When receiving a refusal, REALIZE - this is classified information. Close this topic and don't come back to it again. If you ignore the Teacher’s instructions and continue to try to find out classified information, you will very quickly become disillusioned with the pendulum.

At the very beginning of your acquaintance with the pendulum, go through different sites where they talk about the pendulum. Look into the books. There you will definitely find information about closed topics.

At the initial stage, if your question relates to a closed topic, the Teacher will warn you about this by some kind of oscillation of the pendulum. This may be the standard answer - “NO”, or there may be some other hesitation.

Be careful!
Keep your analytical thinking on all the time.
I strongly recommend that you pay close attention to this.

This is an extremely important point in all work with the pendulum.

After some time, when the Teacher decides that you have already gained enough experience, he will stop warning You about closed topics.

This is where big troubles can await you.

When you notice that the answers you receive are not true, stop. You can be sure: - you have started to have problems.

For your own well-being, put off working with the pendulum for a while and be sure to try to understand the current situation.

Just don’t follow the lead of those who explain such situations as the atrocities of some evil forces.
Be reasonable.

If your consciousness even slightly admits the idea that there may be some unclean forces behind the pendulum, my advice to you is: - FORGET ABOUT THE PENDULUM.

State the fact - your time to work with the pendulum has NOT COME YET.

The causes of problems lie within ourselves. In our head. In our brains.
And nowhere else.

The most common mistake: - we exaggerate our capabilities, and as a result - unwillingness to follow the basic rules of working with a pendulum.

Be self-critical of your progress.
Assess your capabilities soberly.

“Long ago, the Gods thought that it would be very bad if people found the Wisdom of the Universe before they were ready for it.

And the Gods decided to hide Wisdom in a place where people could not find it until they matured.

One of the Gods suggested hiding Wisdom on the highest mountain in the world.

But they quickly realized that people would soon conquer all the peaks, and that this was not the most reliable place.

Another of the Gods suggested hiding Wisdom at the bottom of the deepest ocean.

But even there people could quickly discover it.

Then the wisest God said: “I know what needs to be done. We need to hide the Wisdom of the Universe in the people themselves. A person will begin to look for it in himself only when he matures. To do this, he will need to look into himself.”

The gods were delighted with the idea of ​​the wisest and hid the Wisdom of the Universe in man himself."

Someone said - there are a lot of good books in the world.
You won't have enough time throughout your life to read them all.
Therefore, do not read good books.
Read - the best.
This also applies to books about the pendulum.

A book is a source of knowledge.

Take the best from them.
Learn to distinguish the wheat from the chaff.
Don't be afraid to experiment.
However, listening to advice
develop your own working style.

There will, naturally, be mistakes.
Don't be upset.
With mistakes comes experience.
...And experience is the son of difficult mistakes,
And genius is a friend of paradoxes. (A.S. Pushkin)

Working with a pendulum includes quite a lot of different subtleties.
Some tips in this article will help you take your first steps.

If someone who does not have the ability to work with a pendulum tries to throw mud at everything that is connected with the pendulum, he thereby shows everyone that he is, at a minimum, uneducated. Take such statements calmly. Do not stoop to the level of this judge and enter into controversy with him.

Those born to crawl cannot fly. (M. Gorky)

At all times, people have sought to expand the horizons of their worldview with the help of the HUMANITIES. Love these sciences. The circle of communication with your Teacher will expand immeasurably. And it is very possible that after some time you will suddenly discover that in your spiritual development you have moved to a higher level of spirituality. This means a lot.

I wish you success in this most interesting science - the science of communication with the TEACHER.

With respect to you - Victor Lisitsin

Chernomorka. November. 2012

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