Classics in a nutshell. All works of the school curriculum in a brief summary. Russian literature. Place in modern literature

Since Seneca's De tranquillitate animi (On the Peace of Mind or On the Peace of Mind), people have written about self-development and how to be a better person. But since the time of Seneca, only the form in which people write about it has changed, the essence remains the same and it is quite easy to convey it in several pictures, which is what skitalets did in his LJ.

Since Seneca's De tranquillitate animi (On the Peace of Mind or On the Peace of Mind), people have written about self-development and how to be a better person. But since the time of Seneca, only the form in which people write about it has changed, the essence remains the same and it is quite easy to convey it in several pictures, which is what skitalets did in his LJ.

1. This is about ikigai, finding yourself instead of working, the meaning of life and how to do what you like.

2. The further you move, the more discomfort will arise in life, as you expand the zone of contact with the unknown. Socrates drew this picture when he was explaining to his student why he did not know more things than his student did not know. It’s just that his circle of knowledge is larger, so he has more contact with the unknown.

3. The picture explains why we have the 10,000 hour rule and why finishing something is harder than starting it. Anyone can learn to drive, but getting better at it is difficult. The better you understand the topic, the more expert and professional you are than those who gave up and were unable to obtain specific skills.

4. Development occurs after some events, when your skills improve or you notice it. Athletes note this after competitions; in terms of life, it works after some shocks or difficulties.

5. When you have a sufficient amount of knowledge and skills, there is a chance to catch the state of “flow”, when working will be a thrill. Flow is when you respond to complex challenges with high professionalism. That is, you cannot achieve it if you don’t know how to do anything.

6. All time management and a bunch of life hacks in terms of time management in one picture.

7. “To accomplish more, the 80/20 rule, already known to many, helps: we spend 20% of our efforts to achieve 80% of the results. If you follow it within reasonable limits, you can do five times more than others 100% of the time. Just remember to bring the result in at least one of the projects to 100%.”

In addition, we must remember that the more you work, in principle, the more you do. A person who follows the 80/20 principle and works 10 hours will do more than someone who follows this principle and works 5. This is very briefly formulated by the well-known rule among fans of MMO games: “while you sleep, the enemy swings.”

8. A very important lesson that the author of the original post gives in this picture is the importance of communication and expressing your position. If you are very smart but an introvert, you will be taken advantage of. First you start talking in meetings, and then you get promoted. With no exceptions.

9. Among the officials there are honest, efficient professionals who do not take bribes and work conscientiously. In any group of people there are hot-tempered and unrestrained people. There is nothing discrete in life - black and white - there is a very large middle and very few “ends”. But very interesting things are often hidden in these tails of the distribution.

10. In mathematics there is the concept of a “Markov process”. The main idea is that the state in this moment time is random for him and does not depend on the past. Just because it rains today does not guarantee that it will rain or shine tomorrow.

In life, the past does not directly affect the future, and every moment called “present” is a potential point of change in life trajectory. Which direction it will go tomorrow is your own choice.

To fully understand this picture, you need to imagine the past and the future not as a line that goes from left to right, but as if you were walking along a road. The past is what you have passed and is behind you, and the future is that part of the road that you have to go through.

Try walking down the street, constantly looking back, to understand how stupid it is to live in the past.

11. Besides that, it's never too late to start. There is a popular picture circulating on the Internet about people who founded large companies. The story of Colonel Sanders and KFC and other companies. This infographic was originally drawn as a result of research from the Founders Institute, and now there is an interactive one for it

Briefly website (summary literary works, posted on the Internet) - is currently very popular among users and, unfortunately, very often replaces reading by modern audiences original text. On the other hand, have of this project There are many supporters who note the convenience of this form of getting to know the book with a minimum investment of time. This article examines both the advantages and disadvantages of the project of A. Skripnik, who founded a portal dedicated to a concise description of works.


The Briefly website is very popular among modern youth. Summary art books These days they are in increasing demand among the readership. Therefore, one of the undoubted advantages of Skripnik’s project is the fact that reading the synopsis often helps the reader decide on the choice of literature. A quick and superficial acquaintance with a particular work allows people to figure out what they want to read and what they don’t. Perhaps no one wants to waste their precious time on a work that they may not like, much less spend money on buying printed materials.

Therefore, the pages of "Brifley" allow you to get an idea of ​​the books. Brief summaries of both short and long novels, novellas, stories presented on the site also have the undoubted advantage that they reflect the main compositional elements of the essays, which help to concentrate on the idea, theme, and intention of the author. Such preliminary acquaintance will subsequently help to focus attention on the main aspects of the book.


At the same time, one cannot ignore negative consequences abuse of the content of the Brifley website by students. Brief summaries of works, unfortunately, often almost completely replace reading for modern schoolchildren works of art. The presence of a small, laconic retelling saves them from direct acquaintance with the original. Even worse is the fact that this is completely justified, since in literature lessons, due to limited time, the teacher usually asks only the most necessary things about a particular work, which precisely contain condensed retellings, characterized by schematic, dry presentation of the text.

Although they contain everything necessary for a preliminary acquaintance with the work, they are still clearly not enough for the reader to completely immerse himself in the world of the writer. This site aims to introduce literature, but does not aim to replace reading literary text. Of course, nothing can compare with reading the source material, which is often interesting not so much from the plot, but from the linguistic, stylistic and, of course, ideological points of view.

Place in modern literature

The Briefly website is very useful for modern readers. Summary stories, novels, poems, thanks to the indicated advantages, have already become an integral part of the Internet. Every user these days turns to this project in one way or another, where they can find a retelling of any book. It helps to save time and understand the main content literary composition. And although many rightly point out that this method of getting acquainted with literature spoils readers’ taste for classical language and love for prose and poetry, nevertheless, the majority of users will speak out in favor of this resource.


In the end, it should be noted that the Briefly website is based on the needs of the audience. Brief contents of books as a preliminary form of familiarization with artistic writings has the right to exist. Moreover, such a literary form, in principle, has always existed. Even before the development of the Internet, published and published books included a synopsis at the beginning, in which the publisher, in a few sentences, told the reader about the composition of the work, its idea and features. At present, the Brifley project is rapidly developing, which, however, is explained by the demands of the reading public. I would like to hope that such a scope will not harm fiction, but, on the contrary, will arouse interest in books.

The name of the Android application speaks for itself - it is a collection of a huge amount of literature. However, the books are not presented in full format, but in the form of small retellings. Absolutely all materials presented on the site are available completely free of charge. They are not subject to copyright.


It is worth noting that the program appeared on the basis of a full-fledged website, so now you can use such a convenient service in mobile mode.

An application was created for various user audiences. It can help people who love to read but find it difficult to choose a book; schoolchildren and students in need of quick learning main ideas, plot of the work, etc.

In the main menu you can quickly find necessary literature by category or use the search by title (author). There are popular and new books, a catalog of authors, materials from school curriculum for different classes and much more. When you select a book, its retelling opens. There may also be pictures, film adaptations, quotes and other additions. You can read user comments and share your own thoughts with them.

Interface, graphics, sound

The application has a wonderful, extremely simplified interface. There is nothing superfluous here. After launch, the main menu immediately opens, which displays popular works. Navigation through the contents of the application is carried out by clicking on one button - in the upper left corner. A sidebar with categories appears. Graphics are not too important - text and pictures are clearly visible. Audio files are available in excellent quality.

Full access to all application materials;
- great amount works;
- convenient classification of literature according to several criteria;
- availability of video and audio materials;
- the ability to read user comments and leave your own;
- creating requests for retelling books that are not yet in the application;
- nice interface;

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