What does odz mean? ODZ. Area of ​​Acceptable Values. How to find ODZ? Examples, solutions

Shamshurin A.V. 1

Gagarina N.A. 1

1 Municipal budget educational institution"Average comprehensive school No. 31"

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I started by looking at a lot of math topics on the Internet and chose this topic because I believe that the importance of finding DL plays a huge role in solving equations and problems. In his research work I looked at equations in which it is enough only to find the ODZ, danger, optionality, limited ODZ, some prohibitions in mathematics. The most important thing for me is to pass the Unified State Exam in mathematics well, and for this I need to know: when, why and how to find DL. This prompted me to research the topic, the purpose of which was to show that mastering this topic will help students correctly complete tasks on the Unified State Exam. To achieve this goal, I researched additional literature and other sources. I was wondering if the students of our school know: when, why and how to find ODZ. Therefore, I conducted a test on the topic “When, why and how to find ODZ?” (10 equations were given). Number of students - 28. coped with it - 14%, danger of DD (taken into account) - 68%, optionality (taken into account) - 36%.

Target: identification: when, why and how to find ODZ.

Problem: equations and inequalities in which it is necessary to find ODZ have not found a place in the algebra course for systematic presentation, which is probably why my peers and I often make mistakes when solving such examples, spending a lot of time solving them, while forgetting about ODZ.


  1. Show the significance of ODZ when solving equations and inequalities.
  2. Conduct practical work on this topic and summarize its results.

I think the knowledge and skills I have acquired will help me resolve the question: is it necessary to look for DZ or not? I will stop making mistakes by learning how to do ODZ correctly. Whether I can do this, time, or rather the Unified State Examination, will tell.

Chapter 1

What is ODZ?

ODZ is region acceptable values , that is, these are all values ​​of the variable for which the expression makes sense.

Important. To find ODZ we do not solve an example! We solve pieces of the example to find forbidden places.

Some prohibitions in mathematics. There are very few such forbidden actions in mathematics. But not everyone remembers them...

  • Expressions consisting of an even multiplicity sign or must be>0 or equal to zero, ODZ:f(x)
  • The expression in the denominator of the fraction cannot be equal to zero, ODZ:f(x)
  • |f(x)|=g(x), ODZ: g(x) 0

How to record ODZ? Very simple. Always write ODZ next to the example. Under these famous letters, looking at the original equation, we write down the values ​​of x that are allowed for the original example. Transforming the example may change the OD and, accordingly, the answer.

Algorithm for finding ODZ:

  1. Determine the type of prohibition.
  2. Find values ​​at which the expression does not make sense.
  3. Eliminate these values ​​from the set of real numbers R.

Solve the equation: =

Without DZ

With ODZ

Answer: x=5

ODZ: => =>

Answer: no roots

The range of acceptable values ​​protects us from such serious errors. To be honest, it is precisely because of ODZ that many “shock students” turn into “C” students. Considering that searching for and taking into account DL is an insignificant step in the decision, they skip it, and then wonder: “why did the teacher give it a 2?” Yes, that’s why I put it because the answer is wrong! This is not a teacher’s “nit-picking,” but a very specific mistake, just like an incorrect calculation or a lost sign.

Additional equations:

a) = ; b) -42=14x+; c) =0; d) |x-5|=2x-2

Chapter 2

ODZ. For what? When? How?

Range of acceptable values ​​- there is a solution

  1. ODZ represents empty set, which means the original example has no solutions
  • = ODZ:

Answer: no roots.

  • = ODZ:

Answer: no roots.

0, the equation has no roots

Answer: no roots.

Additional examples:

a) + =5; b) + =23x-18; c) =0.

  1. The ODZ contains one or more numbers, and a simple substitution quickly determines the roots.

ODZ: x=2, x=3

Check: x=2, + , 0<1, верно

Check: x=3, + , 0<1, верно.

Answer: x=2, x=3.

  • > ODZ: x=1,x=0

Check: x=0, > , 0>0, incorrect

Check: x=1, > , 1>0, true

Answer: x=1.

  • + =x ODZ: x=3

Check: + =3, 0=3, incorrect.

Answer: no roots.

Additional examples:

a) = ; b) + =0; c) + =x -1

Danger of DD

Note that identity transformations can:

  • do not influence DL;
  • lead to expanded DL;
  • lead to a narrowing of ODZ.

It is also known that as a result of some transformations that change the original ODZ, it can lead to incorrect decisions.

Let's illustrate each case with an example.

1) Consider the expression x + 4x + 7x, the ODZ of the variable x for this is the set R. Let’s present similar terms. As a result, it will take the form x 2 +11x. Obviously, the ODZ of the variable x of this expression is also a set R. Thus, the transformation carried out did not change the ODZ.

2) Take the equation x+ - =0. In this case, ODZ: x≠0. This expression also contains similar terms, after reducing which we arrive at the expression x, for which the ODZ is R. What we see: as a result of the transformation, the ODZ was expanded (the number zero was added to the ODZ of the variable x for the original expression).

3) Let's take the expression. The VA of variable x is determined by the inequality (x−5)·(x−2)≥0, VA: (−∞, 2]∪∪/Access mode: Materials from sites www.fipi.ru, www.eg

  • Range of acceptable values ​​- there is a solution [ Electronic resource]/Access mode: rudocs.exdat.com›docs/index-16853.html
  • ODZ - area of ​​acceptable values, how to find ODZ [Electronic resource]/Access mode: cleverstudents.ru›expressions/odz.html
  • Range of acceptable values: theory and practice [Electronic resource]/Access mode: pandia.ru›text/78/083/13650.php
  • What is ODZ [Electronic resource]/ Access mode: www.cleverstudents.ru›odz.html
  • What is ODZ and how to look for it - explanation and example. Electronic resource]/ Access mode: cos-cos.ru›math/82/
  • Annex 1

    Practical work “ODZ: when, why and how?”

    Option 1

    Option 2

    │x+14│= 2 - 2x

    │3x│=1 - 3x

    Appendix 2

    Answers to assignments practical work"ODZ: when, why and how?"

    Option 1

    Option 2

    Answer: no roots

    Answer: x-any number except x=5

    9x+ = +27 ODZ: x≠3

    Answer: no roots

    ODZ: x=-3, x=5. Answer: -3;5.

    y= -decreases,

    y= -increases

    This means that the equation has at most one root. Answer: x=6.

    ODZ: → →х≥5

    Answer: x≥5, x≤-6.

    │x+14│=2-2x ODZ:2-2x≥0, x≤1

    x=-4, x=16, 16 does not belong to ODZ

    Decreases, increases

    The equation has at most one root. Answer: no roots.

    0, ODZ: x≥3, x≤2

    Answer: x≥3, x≤2

    8x+ = -32, ODZ: x≠-4.

    Answer: no roots.

    x=7, x=1. Answer: no solutions

    Increasing - decreasing

    Answer: x=2.

    0 ODZ: x≠15

    Answer: x is any number except x=15.

    │3-х│=1-3х, ODZ: 1-3х≥0, x≤

    x=-1, x=1 does not belong to the ODZ.

    Answer: x=-1.

    Any expression with a variable has its own range of valid values, where it exists. ODZ must always be taken into account when making decisions. If it is absent, you may get an incorrect result.

    This article will show how to correctly find ODZ and use examples. The importance of indicating the DZ when making a decision will also be discussed.

    Yandex.RTB R-A-339285-1

    Valid and invalid variable values

    This definition is related to the allowed values ​​of the variable. When we introduce the definition, let's see what result it will lead to.

    Starting from grade 7, we begin to work with numbers and numerical expressions. Initial definitions with variables move on to the meaning of expressions with selected variables.

    When there are expressions with selected variables, some of them may not satisfy. For example, an expression of the form 1: a, if a = 0, then it does not make sense, since it is impossible to divide by zero. That is, the expression must have values ​​that are suitable in any case and will give an answer. In other words, they make sense with the existing variables.

    Definition 1

    If there is an expression with variables, then it makes sense only if the value can be calculated by substituting them.

    Definition 2

    If there is an expression with variables, then it does not make sense when, when substituting them, the value cannot be calculated.

    That is, this implies a complete definition

    Definition 3

    Existing admissible variables are those values ​​for which the expression makes sense. And if it doesn’t make sense, then they are considered unacceptable.

    To clarify the above: if there is more than one variable, then there may be a pair of suitable values.

    Example 1

    For example, consider an expression of the form 1 x - y + z, where there are three variables. Otherwise, you can write it as x = 0, y = 1, z = 2, while another entry has the form (0, 1, 2). These values ​​are called valid, which means that the value of the expression can be found. We get that 1 0 - 1 + 2 = 1 1 = 1. From this we see that (1, 1, 2) are unacceptable. The substitution results in division by zero, that is, 1 1 - 2 + 1 = 1 0.

    What is ODZ?

    The range of acceptable values ​​is an important element when evaluating algebraic expressions. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this when making calculations.

    Definition 4

    ODZ area is the set of values ​​allowed for a given expression.

    Let's look at an example expression.

    Example 2

    If we have an expression of the form 5 z - 3, then the ODZ has the form (− ∞, 3) ∪ (3, + ∞) . This is the range of valid values ​​that satisfies the variable z for a given expression.

    If there are expressions of the form z x - y, then it is clear that x ≠ y, z takes any value. This is called ODZ expressions. It must be taken into account so as not to obtain division by zero when substituting.

    The range of permissible values ​​and the range of definition have the same meaning. Only the second of them is used for expressions, and the first is used for equations or inequalities. With the help of DL, the expression or inequality makes sense. The domain of definition of the function coincides with the range of permissible values ​​of the variable x for the expression f (x).

    How to find ODZ? Examples, solutions

    Finding ODZ means finding all valid values ​​suitable for given function or inequality. Failure to meet these conditions may result in incorrect results. To find the ODZ, it is often necessary to go through transformations in a given expression.

    There are expressions where their calculation is impossible:

    • if there is division by zero;
    • taking the root of a negative number;
    • the presence of a negative integer indicator – only for positive numbers;
    • calculating the logarithm of a negative number;
    • domain of definition of tangent π 2 + π · k, k ∈ Z and cotangent π · k, k ∈ Z;
    • finding the value of the arcsine and arccosine of a number for a value not belonging to [ - 1 ; 1 ] .

    All this shows how important it is to have ODZ.

    Example 3

    Find the ODZ expression x 3 + 2 x y − 4 .


    Any number can be cubed. This expression does not have a fraction, so the values ​​of x and y can be anything. That is, ODZ is any number.

    Answer: x and y – any values.

    Example 4

    Find the ODZ of the expression 1 3 - x + 1 0.


    It can be seen that there is one fraction where the denominator is zero. This means that for any value of x we ​​will get division by zero. This means that we can conclude that this expression is considered undefined, that is, it does not have any additional liability.

    Answer: ∅ .

    Example 5

    Find the ODZ of the given expression x + 2 · y + 3 - 5 · x.


    Availability square root indicates that this expression must be greater than or equal to zero. At negative value it doesn't make sense. This means that it is necessary to write an inequality of the form x + 2 · y + 3 ≥ 0. That is, this is the desired range of acceptable values.

    Answer: set of x and y, where x + 2 y + 3 ≥ 0.

    Example 6

    Determine the ODZ expression of the form 1 x + 1 - 1 + log x + 8 (x 2 + 3) .


    By condition, we have a fraction, so its denominator should not be equal to zero. We get that x + 1 - 1 ≠ 0. The radical expression always makes sense when greater than or equal to zero, that is, x + 1 ≥ 0. Since it has a logarithm, its expression must be strictly positive, that is, x 2 + 3 > 0. The base of the logarithm must also have a positive value and different from 1, then we add the conditions x + 8 > 0 and x + 8 ≠ 1. It follows that the desired ODZ will take the form:

    x + 1 - 1 ≠ 0, x + 1 ≥ 0, x 2 + 3 > 0, x + 8 > 0, x + 8 ≠ 1

    In other words, it is called a system of inequalities with one variable. The solution will lead to the following ODZ notation [ − 1, 0) ∪ (0, + ∞) .

    Answer: [ − 1 , 0) ∪ (0 , + ∞)

    Why is it important to consider DPD when driving change?

    During identity transformations, it is important to find the ODZ. There are cases when the existence of ODZ does not occur. To understand whether a given expression has a solution, you need to compare the VA of the variables of the original expression and the VA of the resulting one.

    Identity transformations:

    • may not affect DL;
    • may lead to the expansion or addition of DZ;
    • can narrow the DZ.

    Let's look at an example.

    Example 7

    If we have an expression of the form x 2 + x + 3 · x, then its ODZ is defined over the entire domain of definition. Even when bringing similar terms and simplifying the expression, the ODZ does not change.

    Example 8

    If we take the example of the expression x + 3 x − 3 x, then things are different. We have fractional expression. And we know that division by zero is unacceptable. Then the ODZ has the form (− ∞, 0) ∪ (0, + ∞) . It can be seen that zero is not a solution, so we add it with a parenthesis.

    Let's consider an example with the presence of a radical expression.

    Example 9

    If there is x - 1 · x - 3, then you should pay attention to the ODZ, since it must be written as the inequality (x − 1) · (x − 3) ≥ 0. It is possible to solve by the interval method, then we find that the ODZ will take the form (− ∞, 1 ] ∪ [ 3 , + ∞) . After transforming x - 1 · x - 3 and applying the property of roots, we have that the ODZ can be supplemented and everything can be written in the form of a system of inequalities of the form x - 1 ≥ 0, x - 3 ≥ 0. When solving it, we find that [ 3 , + ∞) . This means that the ODZ is completely written as follows: (− ∞, 1 ] ∪ [ 3 , + ∞) .

    Transformations that narrow the DZ must be avoided.

    Example 10

    Let's consider an example of the expression x - 1 · x - 3, when x = - 1. When substituting, we get that - 1 - 1 · - 1 - 3 = 8 = 2 2 . If we transform this expression and bring it to the form x - 1 · x - 3, then when calculating we find that 2 - 1 · 2 - 3 the expression makes no sense, since the radical expression should not be negative.

    Should be adhered to identity transformations, which ODZ will not change.

    If there are examples that expand on it, then it should be added to the DL.

    Example 11

    Let's look at the example of a fraction of the form x x 3 + x. If we cancel by x, then we get that 1 x 2 + 1. Then the ODZ expands and becomes (− ∞ 0) ∪ (0 , + ∞) . Moreover, when calculating, we already work with the second simplified fraction.

    In the presence of logarithms, the situation is slightly different.

    Example 12

    If there is an expression of the form ln x + ln (x + 3), it is replaced by ln (x · (x + 3)), based on the property of the logarithm. From this we can see that the ODZ from (0 , + ∞) to (− ∞ , − 3) ∪ (0 , + ∞) . Therefore, to determine the ODZ ln (x · (x + 3)) it is necessary to carry out calculations on the ODZ, that is, the (0, + ∞) set.

    When solving, it is always necessary to pay attention to the structure and type of the expression given by the condition. If the definition area is found correctly, the result will be positive.

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    If the ODZ equation consists of finite number values, it is enough to substitute each value into the equation to check whether this value is a root.

    Examples of applying the finite to solving equations.

    Under the sign of the root even degree should stand non-negative number, That's why

    The first inequality is quadratic, let's solve it. Second - .

    The solution to the system is the intersection of the solutions to both inequalities:

    ODZ consists of a single value: (3).

    It remains to check whether 3 is the root of the equation:

    We got the correct equality, therefore x=3 is the root of this equation.

    The square root sign must have a non-negative number. Hence the ODZ

    The first two inequalities are quadratic. We solve them using the interval method. The third is linear. We mark the solution to each inequality on the number line and find the intersection of the solutions:

    ODZ consists of two values: (2; 3).

    Let's check.

    Thus, given equation has a single root x=3.

    The range of permissible arcsine values ​​is the closed interval from -1 to 1. The base of a power with a non-integer positive exponent must be a non-negative number. ODZ:

    Thus, the range of acceptable values ​​of the equation consists of one value: (1). It remains to check whether x=1 is a root of this equation.

    Answer: 1.
    If the ODZ of the equation consists of one or more numbers, this method can help you cope with the task easily and quickly.

    Like other methods for solving equations based on the properties of functions, the use of a finite number of values ​​often allows one to solve quite complex non-standard tasks. And although in school course algebra, it does not appear often; it is useful to remember it and be able to apply it.

    Category: |

    How to look for this same ODZ? We carefully examine the example and look for dangerous places. Places where prohibited actions are possible. There are very few such forbidden actions in mathematics.

    More lessons on the site

    ARV (Acceptable Value Area)

    The range of acceptable values ​​of an equation is the set of values ​​of x for which the right and left sides of the equation make sense.

    These are the values ​​of x that can be in principle. Let's say in the equation = 1 we don't yet know what x is equal to. We haven't solved the equation yet. But we already know for sure that x cannot be equal to zero under any circumstances! You can't divide by zero! Any other number - integer, fractional, negative - please, but zero - never! Otherwise the original expression becomes nonsense. This means that the ODZ in this example is: x – anything other than zero. Got it?

    How to find, how to record, how to work with it?

    Very simple. Write ODZ next to the example. Under these well-known letters, looking at the original equation, we write down the values ​​of x, which are allowed for the original example. Or vice versa: find forbidden values ​​of x, in which the original example loses all meaning, and exclude them.

    But not everyone remembers them either. I’ll remind you of them now, and I advise you to remember them.

    The expression under the root sign of even multiplicity must be greater than or equal to zero.

    The expression in the denominator of a fraction cannot be equal to zero.

    1. There are two functions that contain a "hidden" fraction:

    There are also prohibitions in logarithmic equations - we will look at these in the relevant topics. All. When we have found dangerous places, we calculate x, which will lead to nonsense.

    To find the range of acceptable expression values, you need to examine whether there areexpression equation which I listed above. And as you discover expressions, write down the restrictions they set, moving “outside” “inside.” And we exclude them.

    Important! To find ODZ we do not solve an example! We solve pieces of the example to find forbidden X's. This looks difficult in explanation, but in practice it is very easy.

    I specifically didn’t say anything about DD in previous lessons. So as not to scare you away... In the examples considered, DL did not affect the answers in any way. Indeed, in our listed prohibitions exponential function No. It happens. But in tasks for EXTERNAL INDEPENDENT TESTING, DL, as a rule, affects the answer! It should be written not for inspectors, but for yourself. do not write if it is obvious that x is any number. As, for example, in linear equations.

    In a lot of examples, finding ODZ allows you to get an answer without cumbersome calculations. Or even orally. In some equations, it represents an empty set. This means that the original equation has no solutions. Or there is one or more numbers in there, and a simple substitution quickly determines the roots.

    What's not to like? That's right - a fraction. I don't like it either, so I suggest getting rid of it. This can be done in different ways. In order to get rid of the denominator, I will multiply both sides of the equation by common denominator x-4.

    Scientific adviser:

    1. Introduction 3

    2. Historical sketch 4

    3. “Place” of ODZ when solving equations and inequalities 5-6

    4. Features and dangers of ODZ 7

    5. ODZ – there is a solution 8-9

    6. Finding ODZ is extra work. Equivalence of transitions 10-14

    7. ODZ in the Unified State Exam 15-16

    8. Conclusion 17

    9. Literature 18

    1. Introduction

    Problem: equations and inequalities in which it is necessary to find ODZ have not found a place in the algebra course for systematic presentation, which is probably why my peers and I often make mistakes when solving such examples, spending a lot of time solving them, while forgetting about ODZ.

    Target: be able to analyze the situation and draw logically correct conclusions in examples where it is necessary to take into account DL.


    1. Study theoretical material;

    2. Solve many equations, inequalities: a) fractional-rational; b) irrational; c) logarithmic; d) containing inverse trigonometric functions;

    3. Apply the studied materials in a situation that differs from the standard one;

    4. Create a work on the topic “Area of ​​acceptable values: theory and practice”

    Project work: I started working on the project by repeating the functions I knew. The scope of many of them is limited.

    ODZ occurs:

    1. When deciding fractional rational equations and inequalities

    2. When deciding irrational equations and inequalities

    3. When deciding logarithmic equations and inequalities

    4. When solving equations and inequalities containing inverse trigonometric functions

    Having solved many examples from various sources (USE textbooks, textbooks, reference books), I systematized the solution of examples according to the following principles:

    · you can solve the example and take into account the ODZ (the most common method)

    · it is possible to solve the example without taking into account the ODZ

    · it is only possible to come to the right decision by taking into account the ODZ.

    Methods used in the work: 1) analysis; 2) statistical analysis; 3) deduction; 4) classification; 5) forecasting.

    Studied the analysis Unified State Exam results over the past years. Many mistakes were made in examples in which it is necessary to take into account DL. This once again emphasizes relevance my topic.

    2. Historical sketch

    Like other concepts of mathematics, the concept of a function did not develop immediately, but passed long haul development. In the work of P. Fermat “Introduction and study of plane and solid places” (1636, published 1679) it is said: “Whenever there are two unknown quantities in the final equation, there is a place.” Essentially, we are talking about functional dependence and its graphic representation(“place” in Fermat means line). The study of lines according to their equations in R. Descartes' "Geometry" (1637) also indicates a clear understanding of the mutual dependence of two variables. In I. Barrow (“Lectures on Geometry”, 1670) in geometric shape the mutual inverse nature of the actions of differentiation and integration is established (of course, without using these terms themselves). This already indicates a completely clear mastery of the concept of function. We also find this concept in geometric and mechanical form in I. Newton. However, the term “function” first appears only in 1692 with G. Leibniz and, moreover, not quite in its modern understanding. G. Leibniz calls various segments associated with a curve (for example, the abscissa of its points) a function. In the first printed course, “Analysis of infinitesimals for the knowledge of curved lines” by L'Hopital (1696), the term “function” is not used.

    The first definition of a function in a sense close to the modern one is found in I. Bernoulli (1718): “A function is a quantity composed of a variable and a constant.” This not entirely clear definition is based on the idea of ​​specifying a function by an analytical formula. The same idea appears in the definition of L. Euler, given by him in “Introduction to the Analysis of Infinites” (1748): “The function of a variable quantity is an analytical expression composed in some way from this variable quantity and numbers or constant quantities.” However, L. Euler is no longer alien to the modern understanding of function, which does not connect the concept of a function with any of its analytical expressions. His “Differential Calculus” (1755) says: “When certain quantities depend on others in such a way that when the latter change they themselves are subject to change, then the former are called functions of the latter.”

    WITH early XIX centuries, more and more often they define the concept of a function without mentioning its analytical representation. In the “Treatise on Differential and Integral Calculus” (1797-1802) S. Lacroix says: “Every quantity whose value depends on one or many other quantities is called a function of these latter.” In the “Analytical Theory of Heat” by J. Fourier (1822) there is a phrase: “Function f(x) denotes a completely arbitrary function, that is, a sequence of given values, whether or not subject to a general law and corresponding to all values x contained between 0 and some value x" The definition of N. I. Lobachevsky is close to modern: “... General concept function requires that the function from x name the number that is given for each x and together with x gradually changes. The value of a function can be given either by an analytical expression, or by a condition that provides a means of testing all the numbers and choosing one of them, or, finally, the dependence can exist and remain unknown. It is also said there a little lower: “The broad view of the theory allows for the existence of dependence only in the sense that numbers one with another in connection are understood as if given together.” Thus, the modern definition of a function, free of references to the analytical task, usually attributed to P. Dirichlet (1837), was repeatedly proposed before him.

    The domain of definition (admissible values) of a function y is the set of values ​​of the independent variable x for which this function is defined, i.e., the domain of change of the independent variable (argument).

    3. “Place” of the range of acceptable values ​​when solving equations and inequalities

    1. When solving fractional rational equations and inequalities the denominator must not be zero.

    2. Solving irrational equations and inequalities.

    2.1..gif" width="212" height="51"> .

    In this case, there is no need to find the ODZ: from the first equation it follows that the obtained values ​​of x satisfy the following inequality: https://pandia.ru/text/78/083/images/image004_33.gif" width="107" height="27 src="> is the system:

    Since they enter into the equation equally, then instead of inequality, you can include inequality https://pandia.ru/text/78/083/images/image009_18.gif" width="220" height="49">

    https://pandia.ru/text/78/083/images/image014_11.gif" width="239" height="51">

    3. Solving logarithmic equations and inequalities.

    3.1. Scheme for solving a logarithmic equation

    But it is enough to check only one condition of the ODZ.

    3.2..gif" width="115" height="48 src=">.gif" width="115" height="48 src=">

    4. Trigonometric equations kind are equivalent to the system (instead of inequality, you can include inequality in the system https://pandia.ru/text/78/083/images/image024_5.gif" width="377" height="23"> are equivalent to the equation

    4. Features and dangers of the range of permissible values

    In mathematics lessons, we are required to find the DL in each example. At the same time, according to the mathematical essence of the matter, finding the ODZ is not at all mandatory, often not necessary, and sometimes impossible - and all this without any damage to the solution of the example. On the other hand, it often happens that after solving an example, schoolchildren forget to take into account the DL, write it down as the final answer, and take into account only some conditions. This circumstance is well known, but the “war” continues every year and, it seems, will continue for a long time.

    Consider, for example, the following inequality:

    Here, the ODZ is sought and the inequality is solved. However, when solving this inequality, schoolchildren sometimes believe that it is quite possible to do without searching for DL, or more precisely, it is possible to do without the condition

    In fact, to obtain the correct answer it is necessary to take into account both the inequality , and .

    But, for example, the solution to the equation: https://pandia.ru/text/78/083/images/image032_4.gif" width="79 height=75" height="75">

    which is equivalent to working with ODZ. However, in this example, such work is unnecessary - it is enough to check the fulfillment of only two of these inequalities, and any two.

    Let me remind you that any equation (inequality) can be reduced to the form . ODZ is simply the domain of definition of the function on the left side. The fact that this area must be monitored follows from the definition of the root as a number from the domain of definition of a given function, thereby from the ODZ. Here is a funny example on this topic..gif" width="20" height="21 src="> has a domain of definition of a set of positive numbers (this, of course, is an agreement to consider a function with, but reasonable), and then -1 is not is the root.

    5. Range of acceptable values ​​– there is a solution

    And finally, in a lot of examples, finding the ODZ allows you to get the answer without bulky layouts, or even verbally.

    1. OD3 is an empty set, which means that the original example has no solutions.

    1) 2) 3)

    2. B ODZ one or more numbers are found, and a simple substitution quickly determines the roots.

    1) , x=3

    2)Here in the ODZ there is only the number 1, and after substitution it is clear that it is not a root.

    3) There are two numbers in the ODZ: 2 and 3, and both are suitable.

    4) > In the ODZ there are two numbers 0 and 1, and only 1 is suitable.

    ODZ can be used effectively in combination with analysis of the expression itself.

    5) < ОДЗ: Но в правой части неравенства могут быть только положительные числа, поэтому оставляем х=2. Тогда в неравенство подставим 2.

    6) From the ODZ it follows that, where we have ..gif" width="143" height="24"> From the ODZ we have: . But then and . Since, there are no solutions.

    From the ODZ we have: https://pandia.ru/text/78/083/images/image060_0.gif" width="48" height="24">>, which means . Solving the last inequality, we get x<- 4, что не входит в ОДЗ. По­этому решения нет.

    3) ODZ: . Since then

    On the other hand, https://pandia.ru/text/78/083/images/image068_0.gif" width="160" height="24">

    ODZ:. Consider the equation on the interval [-1; 0).

    It fulfills the following inequalities https://pandia.ru/text/78/083/images/image071_0.gif" width="68" height="24 src=">.gif" width="123" height="24 src="> and there are no solutions. With the function and https://pandia.ru/text/78/083/images/image076_0.gif" width="179" height="25">. ODZ: x>2..gif" width="233" height ="45 src="> Let's find the ODZ:

    An integer solution is only possible for x=3 and x=5. By checking we find that the root x=3 does not fit, which means the answer is x=5.

    6. Finding the range of acceptable values ​​is extra work. Equivalence of transitions.

    You can give examples where the situation is clear even without finding DZ.


    Equality is impossible, because when subtracting a larger expression from a smaller one, the result must be a negative number.

    2. .

    The sum of two non-negative functions cannot be negative.

    I will also give examples where finding ODZ is difficult, and sometimes simply impossible.

    And finally, searches for ODZ are very often just extra work, which you can do without, thereby proving your understanding of what is happening. There are a huge number of examples that can be given here, so I will choose only the most typical ones. The main solution method in this case is equivalent transformations when moving from one equation (inequality, system) to another.

    1.. ODZ is not needed, because, having found those values ​​of x for which x2 = 1, we cannot obtain x = 0.

    2. . ODZ is not needed, because we find out when the radical expression is equal to a positive number.

    3. . ODZ is not needed for the same reasons as in the previous example.


    ODZ is not needed, because the radical expression is equal to the square of some function, and therefore cannot be negative.


    6. ..gif" width="271" height="51"> To solve, only one restriction for the radical expression is sufficient. In fact, from the written mixed system it follows that the other radical expression is non-negative.

    8. DZ is not needed for the same reasons as in the previous example.

    9. ODZ is not needed, since it is enough for two of the three expressions under the logarithm signs to be positive to ensure the positivity of the third.

    10. .gif" width="357" height="51"> ODZ is not needed for the same reasons as in the previous example.

    It is worth noting, however, that when solving using the method of equivalent transformations, knowledge of the ODZ (and properties of functions) helps.

    Here are some examples.

    1. . OD3, which implies that the expression on the right side is positive, and it is possible to write an equation equivalent to this one in this form https://pandia.ru/text/78/083/images/image101_0.gif" width="112" height="27 "> ODZ: But then, and when solving this inequality, it is not necessary to consider the case when the right side is less than 0.

    3. . From the ODZ it follows that, and therefore the case when https://pandia.ru/text/78/083/images/image106_0.gif" width="303" height="48"> Go to general view looks like that:

    https://pandia.ru/text/78/083/images/image108_0.gif" width="303" height="24">

    There are two possible cases: 0 >1.

    This means that the original inequality is equivalent to the following set of systems of inequalities:

    The first system has no solutions, but from the second we obtain: x<-1 – решение неравенства.

    Understanding the conditions of equivalence requires knowledge of some subtleties. For example, why are the following equations equivalent:


    And finally, perhaps most importantly. The fact is that equivalence guarantees the correctness of the answer if some transformations of the equation itself are made, but is not used for transformations in only one of the parts. Abbreviations and the use of different formulas in one of the parts are not covered by the equivalence theorems. I have already given some examples of this type. Let's look at some more examples.

    1. This decision is natural. On the left side, according to the property of the logarithmic function, we move on to the expression ..gif" width="111" height="48">

    Having solved this system, we get the result (-2 and 2), which, however, is not an answer, since the number -2 is not included in the ODZ. So, do we need to install ODS? Of course not. But since we used a certain property of the logarithmic function in the solution, then we are obliged to provide the conditions under which it is satisfied. Such a condition is the positivity of expressions under the logarithm sign..gif" width="65" height="48">.

    2. ..gif" width="143" height="27 src="> numbers are subject to substitution in this way . Who wants to do such tedious calculations?.gif" width="12" height="23 src="> add a condition, and you can immediately see that only the number https://pandia.ru/text/78/083/ meets this condition images/image128_0.gif" width="117" height="27 src=">) was demonstrated by 52% of test takers. One of the reasons for such low rates is the fact that many graduates did not select the roots obtained from the equation after squaring it.

    3) Consider, for example, the solution to one of the problems C1: “Find all values ​​of x for which the points of the graph of the function lie above the corresponding points of the graph of the function ". The task is reduced to solving a fractional inequality containing logarithmic expression. We know the methods for solving such inequalities. The most common of them is the interval method. However, when using it, test takers make various mistakes. Let's look at the most common mistakes using inequality as an example:

    X< 10. Они отмечают, что в первом случае решений нет, а во втором – корнями являются числа –1 и . При этом выпускники не учитывают условие x < 10.

    8. Conclusion

    To summarize, we can say that there is no universal method for solving equations and inequalities. Every time, if you want to understand what you are doing and not act mechanically, a dilemma arises: what solution should you choose, in particular, should you look for ODZ or not? I think that the experience I have gained will help me solve this dilemma. I will stop making mistakes by learning how to use ODZ correctly. Whether I can do this, time, or rather the Unified State Examination, will tell.

    9. Literature

    And others. “Algebra and the beginnings of analysis 10-11” problem book and textbook, M.: “Prosveshchenie”, 2002. “Handbook of elementary mathematics.” M.: “Nauka”, 1966. Newspaper “Mathematics” No. 46, Newspaper “Mathematics” No. Newspaper “Mathematics” No. “History of mathematics in school grades VII-VIII”. M.: “Prosveshchenie”, 1982. etc. “The most complete edition of versions of real Unified State Examination tasks: 2009/FIPI” - M.: “Astrel”, 2009. etc. “Unified State Examination. Mathematics. Universal materials for preparing students/FIPI" - M.: "Intelligence Center", 2009. etc. "Algebra and the beginnings of analysis 10-11." M.: “Prosveshchenie”, 2007. “Workshop on solving problems in school mathematics (workshop in algebra).” M.: Education, 1976. “25,000 mathematics lessons.” M.: “Enlightenment”, 1993. “Preparing for the Olympiads in mathematics.” M.: “Exam”, 2006. “Encyclopedia for children “MATHEMATICS”” volume 11, M.: Avanta +; 2002. Materials from the sites www. *****, www. *****.

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