English theory for beginners. English grammar for beginners: watch the video for free. English Grammar: Word Order in a Sentence

Friends, every language has its own basic rules regarding grammar, spelling, syntax, etc. English is no exception. On the pages of our website you can find detailed description each section of grammar, reading rules, syntactic rules, speech patterns in English.

In this article we will not dwell in detail on each section of the language.

Our material today is intended specifically for beginners in learning the language, for those who have taken up English from scratch. We want to introduce you to the most basic, most important and necessary rules of the English language that you will encounter everywhere while mastering this language. If you are ready, then 15 basic rules are waiting for you!

You need to know these rules!

So, dear readers, now you will get acquainted with the basic rules of English from different sections of the language. They concern grammar, speech, syntax and much more. All you need is to read the rules carefully and thoughtfully, pay attention to the examples and, of course, remember them! If you wish, you can copy this information into your English notebook or notepad. This way, you can always remind yourself of what you need in a particular exercise.

Rule #1

After modal verbs particle to not used. We are speaking:

  • Imust learn Englishmodalverbs. — I have to learn English modal verbs.
  • You should listen to your parents. “You should listen to your parents.”
  • May I take yournotebooktillSunday? — Can I borrow your laptop until Sunday?

And in no case do we say: must to learn; should to listen; may to take etc.

Rule No. 2

You can’t use certain/not definite article with pronoun:

  • I love my mother. - II loveminemom.
  • Where is your friend now? - WhereNowis yoursFriend?
  • Yesterday I met Tom and his wife. — Yesterday I met Tom and his wife.

You can't say: the my mother or my mother; the friend or your friend. You can immediately see how absurd this looks, and even more so, how absurd it sounds. It really hurts my ears!

Rule No. 3

Adverbs of the English language (for the question “how?”) are formed according to the scheme: adjective + ending ly:

  • Perfect - perfect ly- excellent, wonderful, wonderful
  • Quick - quick ly- quickly, nimbly
  • Rapid - rapid ly- fast
  • Quiet - Quiet ly- quiet
  • Nice - nice ly- cute
  • Easy - easy ly- easily
  • Beautiful - beautiful ly- Beautiful

  • He entered the room quietly. - Hequiethas enteredVroom.
  • Tom did his homework perfectly fine! - Volumedidmyhomeexcellent job (incredibly good)!
  • Suelooksbeautifully today. — Sue looks beautiful today.

Rule No. 4

Use PresentSimple, after unions if,assoonasbefore,when,till,until,after,incase in sentences of time and conditions relating to the future:

  • When I finish school, I will go to my grandparents in the countryside. - WhenII'll finishschool, II'll goTominegrandfatherAndgrandmaVvillage.
  • After you study your family tree, you will find out where you descend from. - AfterTogo, HowYouyou will studygenealogicaltreeyoursfamilies, Youyou will find, fromwhomYouhappening.
  • Your elder brother will certainly help you if you ask- Is yoursseniorBrotherNecessarilywill helpyou, IfYouhisask.

Rule No. 5

Word order in English sentence is:

Subject + predicate + direct object+ indirect object + adverbial

Subject + predicate + direct object + indirect object + adverbal modifier

  • Isentyoualetterlastweek. — I sent you a letter last week.
  • I saw Mike in the club. - IsawMikeVclub.
  • It was sunny yesterday. - Yesterdaywassunny.

In a Russian sentence, liberties are allowed, and there is no specific word order in it, everything depends on the emotion embedded in it. In an English sentence, everything is clear and strict.

Rule No. 6

Phrasal verbs (verb + preposition) of the English language have their own separate meaning and their own translation. For example:

To look- look; to look for- search

To put- put, put; to put on- put on


  • Put the plates on the table, please. - Put itdishesontable, Please.
  • It is cold outside; put on your coat. - OnstreetCold, put it oncoat.

Rule No. 7

The most general rule for the definite and indefinite articles of the English language: the indefinite article is placed where nothing is known about the subject; The definite article is used where something is known about the subject.

  • I see a The girl walking down the street is very beautiful. - II seegirl. The girl walking down the street is very beautiful.

Rule No. 8

Ending - ed characteristic of the past tenses of only regular verbs. Irregular verbs have a different form for each past tense. For example:

Look -looked BUT! Bring -brought —brought

Rule No. 9

There are 4 types of questions in English:

We go to the theater every Saturday. - Welet's goVtheatereverySaturday.

  • General(general): Do we go to the theater every Saturday? —Welet's goVtheatereverySaturday?
  • Special(special): Where do we go every Saturday? —WhereWelet's goeverySaturday?
  • Alternative(alternative): Do we go to the theater every Saturday or every Sunday? —Welet's goVtheatereverySaturdayoreachSunday?
  • Disjunctive(separating): We go to the theater every Saturday, don’t we? —Welet's goVtheatereverySaturday, NotSowhether?

Rule No. 10

To compose impersonal offer, you will need a pronoun It:

  • It is cold today. - TodayCold.
  • It is morning. - Morning.
  • It is difficult to translate this text. - Thistextdifficulttranslate.

Rule № 11

After alliances asif,asthough(as if, as if, as if, as if) in the conditional mood, verb tobe in the 3rd person singular takes the form were:

  • She speaks so proudlyas if she wasn't guilty. “She speaks so proudly, as if she’s not guilty.”
  • Tom looks as though he were rich. - VolumelooksSoas ifHerich.

Rule No. 12

Conditional incentive sentences in the 1st and 3rd person are formed using the word Let's:

  • Let's I have a look at these pictures. - Let me look at these photographs.
  • Let's him sleep, he is tired. - Giveto himsleep, Hetired.

Rule No. 13

Everyone knows what the word is many is used with countable nouns, and the word much- with the uncountable. But, if suddenly you find it difficult, doubt, forgot the rule or don’t understand what noun is in front of you, feel free to use a combination of words alotof. It applies to both types of nouns.

  • Many birds a lot of birds
  • Much sugar - a lot of sugar

Rule no.14

A bunch of English words- polysemic, that is, they can have several meanings. It depends on the context and meaning of the sentence. To more accurately understand the translation, you should consult a dictionary and clarify in what context the word is used.

  • Toshoot- shoot on video; toshoot- fire
  • Country- a country; country- village, village

Rule No. 15

Verb do can replace the main verb in a sentence. For example.

There must be a specific goal looming - or admission to prestigious university with a profile of learning languages, getting a good job, traveling abroad, etc.

When learning a language, the main thing is motivation. The fulfillment and implementation of the set goal depends on it; a specific goal contains a certain amount that will need to be “pulled”, and accordingly, all this ultimately affects success.

A thorough knowledge of the language is not possible a priori, especially if we talk about some limited time frame, but understanding this formulation of the question will significantly help to understand the basics and move towards improving and replenishing the knowledge base.

This also applies to native language– not many people can boast of a thorough knowledge of language and grammar, as well as narrow-profile terms, but throughout their lives each person improves himself and discovers, if desired, new facets.

In studying foreign languages, namely English, there is a certain set of grammatical and lexical standards that must be memorized and understood.

English grammar for beginners seems overwhelming. Articles, pronouns, verbs - the English language has a huge amount rules that are not so easy to transfer to Russian. This raises doubts: is it worth starting at all? Is it worth diving into English grammar without some confidence that you can master it? No, with such an attitude, you will definitely not be able to swim far in your study. Therefore, it is important to discard all doubts and stereotypes. Believe me, English grammar can be studied independently and in the shortest possible time. All you need is consistency and perseverance, and we will help you with everything else.

First, let's figure out what the grammar of this language is. The English grammar or English grammar is a set of all rules that relate to prepositions, prefixes, parts of speech, types English verbs and their times, members of the sentence and so on.

In simple words, everything that is in the English language is its grammar. Respectively, frequently asked question about how to learn grammar , has a very simple answer: to learn English grammar, you just need to learn the language. Of course, it will not be possible to analyze all the nuances in one article. Why, even books that promise to show you the entire grammar of the English language from scratch with exercises, in fact, will never tell you about the entire grammar. Therefore, we have collected only the most basic rules that are best suited for beginners.

How can you learn English grammar without even knowing the rules of pronunciation? Let's start with them. The rules for reading letters in English is a fairly broad topic, since with a certain combination their pronunciation can change. However, let's not go too deep and consider the standard pronunciation of letters, of which, by the way, there are 26 in English. When mastering the topic of pronunciation, special attention is paid to transcription, which, as a rule, is indicated in square brackets:

Letter Transcription Pronunciation
1 A a Hey
2 B b bi
3 C c si
4 D d di
5 E e And
6 F f ef
7 G g ji
8 H h HH
9 I i ah
10 J j Jay
11 K k kay
12 L l el
13 Mm Em
14 Nn[ɛn]en
15 O o[əʊ] OU
16 P p pi
17 Q q Cue
18 R r[ɑː] A
19 Ss es
20 T t you
21 U u Yu
22 V v in and
23 W w[‘dʌbljuː]double
24 X x the ex
25 Y y wy
26 Z z zed

English Grammar: Articles

When studying English grammar, a lot of confusion may arise with, since they have no analogues in Russian. Articles are usually used with nouns to show whether we are talking about a specific object (that bag) or an indefinite one (a person). There are 3 types of articles:

  1. Zero article or its absence:
  1. The indefinite article a/an is used when you are not paying attention to a specific thing, but are simply talking about the subject in general. Indefinite article also used when you mention something to someone for the first time:

Note that if the noun or adjective that describes it begins with a consonant, the article “a” is used, and if it begins with a vowel, “an” is used.

  1. The definite article the, expressing specific objects:

They occur constantly in speech, so be sure to remember.

Nouns in English grammar

English grammar from scratch very often begins with nouns. Perhaps this is because nouns in English have a lot in common with Russian ones. For example:

  • they are also divided into proper and common nouns:
  • can change in numbers, forming plural using the ending -s (-es):
  • have cases, although their number is limited to only two:
  • perform the roles of all members of the sentence, examples:

The difference is that, unlike the Russian language, English nouns do not change by gender. Only pronouns have it.

English Grammar: Pronouns

Pronouns in English are divided into 9 subgroups, but the most popular are rightfully personal pronouns. They change according to cases, tenses and numbers:

English Grammar: Verbs

The verb in English is perhaps the main part of speech. It can be personal and impersonal. Personal verbs include those verbs that are used with all persons and in all tenses. They can be used in both active and passive voices:

Impersonal ones include the gerund, infinitive and participle:

Both regular and irregular verbs have 3 forms. The correct ones are formed as follows:

Irregular ones have 3 individual forms that need to be memorized, for example:

It is necessary to know all these forms, since with their help the formation of tense verb forms occurs.

In addition, verbs have three moods:

Particular attention should be paid to modal verbs. Modal verbs are verbs that are not used on their own. They are necessary to show the speaker’s attitude towards some action. Some of the most commonly used modal verbs are:

should (should)You should stop drinking alcohol. (You need to stop drinking.)
can (may)Every person can achieve everything he dreams about. (Every person can achieve anything he dreams of.)
must (must)The pupils must wear uniforms here. (Here students are required to wear a uniform.)
have to (need / have to)I have to wake up early because of work. (I have to get up early because of work.)
need (needed)I need you like no one else. (I need you like no one else.)
used to (formerly)I used to watch this cartoon when I was a child.

((Previously) I watched this cartoon when I was a child.)

English Grammar: Adjectives

An adjective in English denotes an attribute of an object and answers the questions “which?” and “whose?” In simple words, it is used to describe objects and persons. According to their structure, adjectives are divided into 3 groups:

These and other adjectives can be used in 3 degrees of comparison:

English Grammar: Adverbs

The descriptive function is also characteristic of adverbs, which are responsible for expressing a characteristic of an action. It comes in several types:

They can also have degrees of comparison:

English Grammar: Numerals

Numerals, as in Russian, are quantitative and ordinal:

With the exception of the first 3 digits, the remaining ordinal numbers are formed with -th (-eth). In English ordinal numbers can be written using a number and the last two letters of the ending: second - 2nd, ninth - 9th, sixteenth - 16th and so on.

English Grammar: Interjections

It is impossible not to note the independent part of speech, the use of which helps to convey emotions and one’s feelings, namely interjections. They can be divided into 3 groups:

Functional parts of speech

Functional parts of speech in English grammar are used quite often. Let's look at some of them:

  • Conjunctions connect the members of the sentence, as well as simple sentences as part of a complex By structure they are divided into:

According to their functions, they are divided into coordinating and subordinating:

  • Prepositions are used no less often than conjunctions. According to their structure, they are divided into exactly the same groups:

In addition to their main purpose, prepositions are always used with the following verbs:

  • One more service part speech are particles. There are 5 types of particles in English:

English Grammar: Word Order in a Sentence

Sentences in English are affirmative, negative and interrogative. They are built as follows:

Based on these tables, sentences are drawn up at any time.

English Grammar: Tenses

There are 12 tense forms in English. They are formed using 3 tenses and 4 tense forms:

Times/SpeciesSimpleContinuousPerfectPerfect Continuous


V2to be (past) + V-inghad + V3had + been + V-ing
Present (present)V1to be (in the present) + V-inghave / has + V3have / has + been + V-ing


will + V1will be + V-ingwill + have + V3will + have + been + V-ing

Knowing these forms, you can form any sentences.

English Grammar: Types of Sentences

By the way, about proposals. As in Russian, English sentences are divided into simple and complex. Complex ones are divided into complex and complex.

It is worth noting that, despite the fact that most sentences in English are complete, it is permissible to use incomplete sentences. As a rule, this option is used in colloquial speech, so it is more likely practical grammar in English:

These were the basic rules of grammar. Of course, it is unfortunately impossible to fit all the material here. However, knowing at least the mentioned rules of the English language, you will already feel quite confident during a conversation. As for conversations. A collection of English exercises or another version of descriptive information is, of course, good. However, believe me, practical English grammar cannot be compared with anything in its effectiveness. Language learners can learn much more by communicating than by sitting in front of a book. Therefore, do not hesitate to communicate with native speakers.

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The ProLingvo course outlines the basic rules of English grammar that will allow you to understand immediately a lot: up to 90% of communication in any language occurs using only a small number of function words and a very small number of constructions.

Beginners will be able to quickly become familiar with the basic rules, make sure, thanks to the simulator exercises, that you correctly understand the rules, read and listen a lot in order to develop vocabulary and speak faster.

No need to cram the rules! The rules are given for informational purposes only, but what is important is to quickly move on to working with texts. You will quickly recognize what will appear in texts, you will easily remember, and then speak.

Features of English grammar

  • The main difference between the grammar of English and Russian is words don't change endings : nouns and adjectives are not inflected (i.e. you don’t have to cram word forms: " bus", "bus", "by bus"..., in English only bus), verbs do not change according to person ("I take", "you take", "we take", "take"..., in English only take and only in the ending -s appears: she take s ).
  • The same word in English can be a verb, a noun, an adjective, i.e. denote an action, an object, a characteristic of an object. Therefore, it is more important to pay attention to:
    • a) the role of function words (which we saw in the example);
    • b) the position of the word relative to other words.
    Don’t be afraid to get confused - it’s just a matter of practice, and training exercises ProLingvo aim to help acquire the necessary skills.


It is the endings that you should pay special attention to at first.

The letter -s will appear most often:

  • it shows the plural of nouns
    • table (table- [table])
    • tables (tables- [tables])
  • appears on verbs in the third person singular. ( he she it)
    • I like it(I like it- [ah like it])
    • he likes it (he likes it- [ay likes it])

*There are some features to reading a number of endings that beginners will become familiar with as they progress through our online course.

Verbs can have forms with the following endings:

  • -ed: added to a verb to form the past tense
    • I liked it(I liked it- [ I like t it ])
  • -ing: is added to a verb and in this form it participates in the formation of a number of tenses, and this verb can also be translated into a noun (we will look at this in due time).

Function words

Meaningful words change little. But the meaning of the phrase can change greatly from the use or non-use of grammatically important function words. It is on service words that we focus in introductory course English grammar. You can use the dictionary without our help, although our wonderful exercises and recommendations will make it easier for you to memorize words.


IN initial course we spend a lot of time. Your task is to learn to recognize and correctly use pronouns (to develop automaticity in their use, as in the Russian language we do not think about which pronoun to choose: I, to me, me, my...).


The most important element of English grammar: in English, words do not change by case, but case relations exist, and they are conveyed by prepositions. Don't try to memorize prepositions. There is only one recipe - do not forget to work with texts (we will talk about this more than once and on the site you will be offered effective exercises with them).


May present some difficulty for beginners article - grammatical category, which does not exist in Russian. You can “feel” the article only through reading and extensive conversational practice. Therefore, be careful and have a little patience.

Tenses and verb conjugations

How can you convey without grammar that an event is not happening now, but in the past or future? I must say that tense system in the English language is very developed and represents one of the complex sections of English grammar. Learn to see and “feel” verbs, their place in a sentence in the present tense, so that later it will be easy for you to understand the meaning of English tenses, which can be summarized in (to understand the table it is important to be able to conjugate the verbs to be and to have).

To simplify, the verb conjugation will be reduced to the combination of the verb to be (be) And to have (have) + verb form, of which there are few (something like a constructor from a limited number of elements).

We present to you the first article in the “English Grammar for Beginners” series. In this series of materials, we decided to present all the rules briefly and in simple words so that beginners “from scratch” or those who do not remember the basics of English well can independently figure out the grammar, understand it and apply it in practice.

Plural in English

In English, as in Russian, all words are divided into countable and uncountable. This is important to understand when forming the plural of a word. Countable nouns denote those objects that can be counted, for example: table (table), book (book), apple (apple). Uncountable nouns are abstract concepts, liquids, products, etc., that is, things that cannot be counted. For example: knowledge, water, meat, flour. These words have no plural or singular.

Countable nouns can be used in singular or plural. noun in singular denotes one object, this is the form of the word that is indicated in the dictionary: apple - apple. A plural noun denotes several objects: apples - apples.

How to form the plural of nouns:

Usually the plural of nouns is formed by adding the ending -s to the word: book – books (book – books). However, there are several spelling features:

  • If the word ends in -o, -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, then add the ending -es: hero – heroes (hero – heroes), bus – buses (bus – buses).

    Exceptions: photo - photos (photo - photographs), video - videos (video recording - video recordings), radio - radios (radio - several radios), rhino - rhinos (rhino - rhinoceroses), piano - pianos (piano - several pianos), hippo - hippos (hippopotamus - hippopotamuses).

  • If the word ends in -f, -fe, then change the ending to -ves: knife – knives, leaf – leaves, wife – wives.

    Exceptions: roof - roofs (roof - roofs), giraffe - giraffes (giraffe - giraffes), cliff - cliffs (cliff - cliffs).

  • If a word ends in -y, preceded by a consonant, then we change -y to -ies: body – bodies (body – bodies).
  • If the word ends in -y, preceded by a vowel, then add the ending -s: boy – boys (boy – boys).

In English there is also exception words, which form the plural irregularly. You just need to learn such words by heart; fortunately, there are not very many of them.

man - manmen - men
woman - womanwomen - women
child - childchildren - children
person - personpeople - people
foot - footfeet - feet
mouse - mousemice - mice
tooth - toothteeth - teeth
sheep - sheepsheep - sheep

Try our test to see how well you have understood the material.

English Plural Noun Test

Articles in English

There are two types of articles in English: definite and indefinite. They are not translated into Russian. In the vast majority of cases, one of these articles must be placed before a singular noun.

The indefinite article a/an is used only with countable nouns in the singular: a girl (girl), a pen (handle). If a word begins with a consonant sound, we write the article a (a girl), and if the word begins with a vowel sound, we write the article an (an apple).

The indefinite article a/an is used in the following cases:

  • We name any indefinite object, and we have only one, which is why we use the article a, which comes from the word one (one):

    It is a book. - This is a book.

  • We mention the subject for the first time in speech:

    I see a shop. - I see (some, one of many) store.

  • We talk about a person’s profession or indicate his belonging to a certain group:

    He is a teacher. - He is a teacher.
    She is a student. - She is a student.

We use the definite article the when we're talking about about a specific subject familiar to us. This article can appear before a singular or plural noun.

The definite article the is used in the following cases:

  • We have already mentioned the subject earlier in our speech:

    I see a shop. The shop is big. - I see a store. (This) The store is big.

    It is believed that the definite article comes from the word that (that), therefore it is intended to indicate some specific object familiar to the interlocutors.

  • We are talking about an object that in this context is one of a kind and cannot be confused with something else:

    Honey, I'm washing the car. - Honey, I'm washing the car. (the family has one car, so we are talking about a specific item)
    Look at the girl in the red dress - Look at the girl in the red dress. (we point to a specific girl in a specific dress)

  • We are talking about a one-of-a-kind object, there is no other like it: the sun, the moon, the world, the President of France, etc.:

    The earth is our home. - Earth is our home.

Verb to be

There is always a verb in an English sentence. And if in Russian we can say “I am a doctor”, “Mary is beautiful”, “We are in the hospital”, then in English this is unacceptable: in all these cases, the verb to be must appear after the subject. Therefore, you can remember a simple rule: if there are no ordinary verbs in a sentence, then the verb to be is needed.

The verb to be has three forms:

  • Am is added to the pronoun I when we talk about ourselves:

    I am beautiful. - I am beautiful.

  • Is is placed after the pronouns he, she, it:

    She is beautiful. - She's beautiful.

  • Are is used after you, we, they:

    You are beautiful. - You are handsome.

The verb to be in English is most often used in the following cases:

  • We inform you that by whom is a person (name, profession, etc.):

    I am a doctor. - I am doctor.

  • We inform you that what a person or thing has a quality:

    Mary is beautiful. - Mary is beautiful.

  • We inform you that Where there is a person or object:

    We are at the hospital. - We're in the hospital.

Sentences with the verb to be in the present tense are constructed as follows:

Affirmative sentencesNegative sentencesInterrogative sentences
Principle of Education
I + amI + am not ('m not)Am+I
He/She/It + isHe/She/It + is not (isn’t)Is + he/she/it
We/You/They + areWe/You/They + are not (aren’t)Are + we/you/they
I am a manager. - I am a manager.I am not a manager. - I'm not a manager.Am I a manager? - I am a manager?
It's awesome. - He's great.It's not awesome. - He's not great.Is he awesome? - He's great?
She is a doctor. - She is a doctor.She isn't a doctor. - She's not a doctor.Is she a doctor? - She is a doctor?
It (ball) is red. - It (the ball) is red.It (ball) isn't red. - It (the ball) is not red.Is it (ball) red? - Is it (the ball) red?
We are the champions. - We are champions.We aren't the champions. - We are not champions.Are we the champions? - We are champions?
You are ill. - You are sick.You are not ill. - You are not sick.Are you ill? - You are sick?
They are at home. - They are at home.They aren't at home. - They are not at home.Are they at home? - They are at home?

We think you are now ready to take the test and test your knowledge.

Test for the use of the verb to be

Present Continuous Tense - present continuous tense

Present Continuous Tense most often shows that the action takes place in this moment.

Every English sentence has a subject and a predicate. In the Present Continuous the predicate consists of the auxiliary verb to be in in the required form(am, is, are) and the main verb without the particle to, to which we add the ending -ing (playing, reading).

She is playing tennis now. - She is now plays to tennis.
I am reading a novel at the moment. - I'm currently I'm reading novel.

The verb to be in this tense is an auxiliary verb, that is, it is a word that comes before the main verb (playing, reading) and helps to form tense. you will meet auxiliary verbs and in other tenses, this type of verb includes to be (am, is, are), do/does, have/has, will.

Please note the following tense words Present Continuous: now (now), at the moment (at the moment), today (today), tonight (tonight), these days (these days), nowadays (these days), at present (currently), still (still).

Affirmative sentences in the Present Continuous are formed as follows:

Usually in this tense you just need to add the ending -ing to the main verb: walk – walking (walk), look – looking (look). But some verbs change like this:

  • If the verb ends in -e, we remove the -e and add -ing: write – writing, dance – dancing.

    Exception: see – seeing (to see).

  • If the verb ends in -ie, we change -ie to -y and add -ing: lie – lying (lie), die – dying (die).
  • If the verb ends with a stressed syllable with a short vowel that occurs between two consonants, the final consonant is doubled by adding -ing: begin – beginning (begin), swim – swimming (swim).

In negative sentences in the Present Continuous, you just need to insert the particle not between to be and the main verb.

She isn't cooking at the moment. - At the moment she doesn't cook.
You are not listening to me now. - You don't listen me now.

In interrogative sentences in the Present Continuous, you need to put the verb to be in the first place, and after it put the subject and the main verb.

Is she cooking at the moment? - She trains At the moment?
Are you listening to me now? - You me now are you listening?

Now we suggest you take a test on the use of Present Continuous tense.

Test for the use of Present Continuous

We have presented you with the first 5 basic topics of the English language. Now your task is to thoroughly understand them and work through them as productively as possible with the help of exercises. In order not to burden you with a large amount of grammar at once, we will release the next article in this series in a few weeks. Subscribe to our newsletter, then you will definitely not miss important information. We wish you success in learning English!

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