Development of the course "everything in a person should be beautiful". Everything in a person should be beautiful Everything should be beautiful and

The modern world is filled with diversity. This applies to both the service and entertainment sectors, and to people. Previously, to stand out and attract attention, it was enough to dress spectacularly or stick to your own particular style. Now you will not surprise anyone with this, on the contrary, people who do not strive to distinguish themselves from the general mass cause surprise. This, of course, left its mark on the relationship between a man and a woman. The latter need to put in a lot of effort and stock up on knowledge on how to interest a guy.

In pursuit of external beauty, many girls forget about the great words of A.P. Chekhov: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.”

It often seems to ladies that it is enough to put on a luxurious dress, and all men will be at their feet. Undoubtedly, you will attract the attention of a young (or not so, whoever you like) person, but can you keep him?

So, read on. Read a lot, read in free time, read before going to bed, read in transport. Do not give preference to one genre of works, otherwise there will not be much sense from reading a library of novels. Read those books that would not attract your attention. Develop in all areas of life, it will make you smarter, educated, and you will become an interesting conversationalist. If you have read a book on psychology or any other science, do not accept it as the only true theory, find another book on the same topic, consider the issue from a different point of view. you will definitely become a savvy person in many areas.

Reading books has a beneficial effect on the inner world of a person, helps to reveal hidden human qualities, to find and know oneself. Agree, such a person will attract the attention of a guy.

Of course, you can not do without work on the appearance. Any person should look neat, neat and well-groomed. At least it doesn't turn people off. Often, modern ladies justify peeling nail polish and greasy hair with their employment at work, at the university. Let's be honest with ourselves: any person has 15 minutes a day to wash their hair or wipe the lag from their nails. To do this, it is enough to wake up a little earlier or fall asleep a little later. Sleepers can allocate this time by reducing the time spent on the Internet.

An untidy girl is a disorganized girl. It is not necessary to do all the self-care procedures in one day, distribute them over a week. For example:

  • Monday - depilation
  • Tuesday - eyebrow correction
  • Wednesday - Manicure
  • Thursday - pedicure
  • Friday - facial treatments
  • Saturday - body treatments
  • Sunday - hair care procedures (do not forget about the cilia!)

It will be great if you can do everything yourself, without trips to the salon and the help of specialists.
Let's talk about clothes. Everyone is familiar with the phrase that they are greeted by clothes, and it is one hundred percent true. Alas, not every person has good taste and subtle flair, but almost everyone can choose images for various occasions. Many things are not always good. Things should be of high quality, comfortable and fit the face and figure. The standard set of girls includes:

  • two pairs of jeans
  • the dress,
  • shirt,
  • sweater,
  • turtleneck,
  • cardigan,
  • white and black t-shirts
  • blouse
  • classic pants,
  • skirt.

As you have noticed, we are talking not about drawing attention to outerwear and shoes.
So, you have beautiful underwear, neatly styled hair and well-groomed nails. In my head - thoughts about Shantaram, and not about the latest release of the scandalous reality show. Do you hold a phone or a handbag in your hands ... A cigarette? what are you! Neither a cigarette nor a glass of wine will give you elegance and will not inspire respect from others. you are open to new acquaintances and communication. So how do you get a guy interested? You have already done the main work, putting your beautiful body and soul in order, everyone is drawn to such people.

Much depends on what environment you are in. If circumstances permit, then boldly flirt and make eyes. As an interesting person, you can safely enter into a dialogue, expressing your point of view and not being afraid to seem stupid.

We arouse interest in men in any situation

How to interest a guy on the street?

It is enough to smile or ask an original question. Don't overdo it with wit. In the event that you do not know the measure, just ask for an explanation of how to get to a certain place and ask to accompany you. If during the walk a young man begins to take an interest in your personality or maintains a conversation, then your attempt was successful.

How to interest a guy during a conversation?

How to interest a guy if he is already your husband?

This is one of the most difficult things in the life of every girl. The husband has seen you in various states and is perfectly familiar with your inner world, it would seem that nothing will surprise him. But this is not at all the case, because role-playing games, changing hairstyles, going out new books on world discoveries nobody canceled.

Surely you have noticed that the main condition for arousing interest in people is to be an educated person and a well-groomed person. Then you do not need to put in a lot of effort to arouse someone's interest. Look after yourself, then they will watch you.

“Everything in a person should be beautiful: the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts.” So said Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, a Russian classic, this statement was included in the dictionary of popular expressions ... And how it is by the way, on New Year's Eve, just before Christmas. Because it is on Christmas that all our desires come true .... because there are miracles in the world! Christmas is Beauty not only externally, but also internally.

It seemed like such simple words and came to mind only A.P. Chekhov. What is their essence? Let's start with the face. We ourselves cannot choose a face, it is given to us by nature, donated by our parents, but can we make it beautiful ....
In what sense should a face be beautiful? In this sense, our face is something by which you can make some idea about us. Therefore, everything that gives reason to draw this or that conclusion about us must be impeccable. Including the literal face. How else? Although we did not choose him, we must take care of him. To look neat in terms of hair and so on. And it is not necessary to do facial plastic surgery, which is now at the peak of its pedestal, it is not necessary to completely change your appearance with a scalpel, not at all!
It is enough just to take care of it and take care of it, as, for example, with gloves, or an ordinary plate after a meal. A clean and tidy face, this is primarily you yourself, your inner component. to conclude that the face and clothes are far from a trifle in a person’s life, but even with all this, it is not necessary to blindly keep up with the fashion of the time, but also not to remain in the “old-fashioned”, or even better, then add your own zest to that old and not fashionable, which before our eyes can turn into a masterpiece!
And now the last thing: Soul and Thoughts! Thoughts are our face, how we think, what we think about, everything manifests itself, on our face, like in a picture, everything is interconnected, like in a nuclear chain, the slightest push and everything collapses, or accelerates ... .It would be nice if everything accelerated for the better, so that the beautiful became beautiful ....
And the Soul, it's you, your inner world, your actions, your attitude to the world around you, and this world must be Honest, there is no other way, it's just impossible otherwise, you yourself must first of all be honest with yourself, and this is perhaps the most the main thing in our life, our thoughts, that the flapping of the wings of birds, the higher, the purer we are in soul, birds build nests to give birth to chicks, they build correctly because their thoughts are at the height of their souls .... so are we, people .... should have everything, like birds, and therefore Beautiful!
I wish everyone on Christmas Eve that each of us has "Everything is fine: both the Face, and the clothes, and the soul and thoughts"

This was said by an intellectual who hoped that his descendants, his countrymen, would follow such a landmark. But he could not imagine that his people would methodically eradicate the intelligentsia under the flag of the struggle for a brighter future. Moreover, he could not guess the most significant dates in this “case”: the 17th, 37th, 42nd and 52nd. True, in 1942 the barbarian regime of another people "came to the rescue", but in 1952 they again began to "manage" on their own.

Despite methodical "thinning", the intelligentsia stubbornly regenerated. And over time, having destroyed the old intelligentsia, those in power had to take on the new, Soviet intelligentsia. And no one cared that it was no longer a hereditary intelligentsia, but basically the descendants of those who themselves destroyed the hereditary intelligentsia. But thanks to the surviving literature, the descendants were “infected” with intelligence, however, it was already such an artificial intelligentsia, through which the peasant upbringing was constantly “breaking through”. And, most likely, the definition of intellectuals is more suitable for the Soviet intelligentsia, because intelligence is transmitted by upbringing from parents to children. Besides, it takes at least three generations to become an intellectual.

But let's go back to our days and see what is left of the formula "Everything is in a person ..."

The lack of own roots (the continuity of generations) forced, after the fall of the Iron Curtain, to adopt the guidelines of other, prosperous peoples, especially the youngest, boasting of their love of freedom. Therefore, the concept of "Everything ..." somehow came down only to the visible, material. And the ideal was not intellectuals (however, they were never ideal for the masses), but Barbies and Kens with athletic and sexy bodies, standard-nice faces without wrinkles, without dandruff and acne, with a condom in your pocket and with a career in the first place . And the intelligentsia has always had problems with a successful career, as it involves "pushing" competitors and climbing over their "corpses". But this is not the fault of the Kens, this is the law of nature - the struggle for existence, natural selection, in which the intelligentsia also has a chance. There are no chances only when the selection is artificial, when for the sake of the abstract idea of ​​universal equality (flock, herd) everyone who stands out from the gray mass of the majority is destroyed.

The majority has always been and will be a gray mass. But there is nothing offensive in this. Living in the mass is calmer (“In the middle, although there is little sun, there is little rain, and the wind weakens, reaching the middle ...” A. Raikin). Besides, for forward movement society (nation, humanity), a few percent of active and progressive people are enough. They selflessly "throw themselves into the thick of things", risking everything. But even here the intelligentsia has to retreat. After all, progress requires risk, sacrifice. Therefore, politicians are “pulling ahead”, which, due to the rules of the game, can be called intellectuals with a stretch.

But during the "boiling of passions" and the raging of the surface of the human ocean, in the lower layers - calmness. And the rest of the people have the opportunity to "bathe" in consumer happiness. There is nothing wrong with this, because "A person is born for happiness as ...". The only bad thing is that the masses are envious or contemptuous of those who "go ahead." It is even worse that the masses are very impatient - "Take out and put by tomorrow everything that has not been finished since the time of Ivan Kalita!"

Even in ancient Rome, they knew what the masses needed - hamburgers and shows! True, then it sounded like “Bread and circuses!”, And the masses were spoken of as plebeians (it should also not be offensive, no one is offended by the concept of a plebiscite - a poll of the people). But then there was no class consciousness and black envy to cultural and wealthy members of society. Even in enemy captivity, the men respected Pierre Bezukhov - "Barin!" And such an exaggerated understanding of justice was not the norm: “If I feel bad, then let it be bad for everyone”, the fruits of which were dispossession and “chevengurs” - modern inventions that hinder social progress for the sake of a “bright future”.

If love for justice "in a particularly perverted form" does not influence the alignment of forces in society, the natural proportion between the intelligentsia and consumers will sooner or later be restored. The mechanism is approximately the same as after a forest fire - after a few years, the plants on the ashes are restored in approximately the same proportion in which they grew before the fire. Plants grow peacefully together, although the invisible fierce struggle for a place under the sun does not stop for a minute.

In a rich society, the intelligentsia also have a worthy place in society and the opportunity to be a guide for the masses. Intellectuals can be an example of the assertion that everything in a person should be beautiful. But this does not mean that the whole society will be able to "catch up" to such an example. This is youthful maximalism, a utopia, the forcible introduction of which destroys (out of good intentions) the intelligentsia and slows down progress.

Everything in a person should be perfect.

As you know, physically attractive people are more likely to build long-term trusting relationships with a member of the opposite sex. However, beauty is not everything. A real lady or a true gentleman will also strive for elegance. Elegance is the underlining of one's own individuality, as appearance(from clothes to accessories) is, first of all, a manifestation of inner peace. Appearance is integral with the nature of a person, his manners, posture, gait, gestures and postures.

Individual appearance is a combination of complexion, well-groomed skin, neat hair, makeup and clothing. Even one incorrectly chosen detail can spoil the whole impression. This applies to both men and women.

This may be the wrong color of clothes or a combination of colors, unkempt hair, etc. To create a favorable impression on others and your future partner, you should know the features of your figure, skin type, hair and, most importantly, the type of appearance. Of course, you should also know the rules of good manners, which can tell you what and how to emphasize in your appearance.

Rules of good manners modern world oblige both men and women to adhere to the following requirements.

Hair should always be well styled. By choosing the right hairstyle, you can hide flaws and emphasize the attractiveness of the face. But the most important thing is not how the hair should be cut, but that it should be well-groomed, clean and healthy.

Etiquette provides for careful hand care. Nails must be kept clean and tidy. There should be no accumulation of dirt under them, the shape of the nails should emphasize the beauty of the hands, the nail plates should not have nicks or delaminations, and even more so be affected by various fungal diseases.

Particular attention should be paid to both sexes to their teeth, to monitor their health and whiteness.

If there is bad breath, all efforts to become an attractive person will be nullified. Therefore, you should visit the dentist as needed. If you need to put crowns, you need to do it immediately. At the same time, it is desirable that the crowns be ceramic-metal, otherwise it will look too vulgar and may make an unpleasant impression on others. Modern dentistry allows you to restore a tooth so that it practically does not differ from natural ones. Even if you don’t have enough money to visit a dentist, you need to borrow it and still cure all your teeth. Their condition should be carefully monitored in the future.

Every person, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, should always have a mouth freshener or “Tick-tock” with them. But the most The best way cope with an unpleasant odor - hold a coffee bean or clove stick in your mouth.

If the smell is caused by stomach problems, you should definitely and immediately go to the therapist. It is absolutely necessary that those around could feel only the fragrance enveloping a person.

It must be remembered that it creates a good mood, gives pleasure to everyone whom he (she) meets on his way, who is worthy to go with her (with him) next to him.

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"Everything in a person should be beautiful: the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts," said the great classic A.P. Chekhov. Of course, he could put into the expression some deeper thoughts than the literal meaning of the phrase and imply, for example, God's plan and our non-compliance with it, and the like.

However, in any case, it is difficult to disagree with this phrase, because it is always a pleasure to deal with a person who has an attractive appearance, is well-groomed, neatly dressed and at the same time is smart, open, sincere and generous. Unfortunately, the combination of treasured traits in one individual is not so easy to find in the modern world. Of course, you can’t treat everyone with the same brush and categorically pessimistically declare that everyone around is either beautiful, or kind, or smart. There are many wonderful people in life who make the world a better and brighter place.

But there are also many who would hardly have won the respect of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Sometimes you see a person who is really attractive in appearance: with a beautiful face, a slender body, impeccably dressed with taste. But in personal communication, all beauty fades against the background of cynicism, rudeness, vulgarity or outright stupidity. The opposite also happens. The person is open, sincere, worldly smart, well-read, educated. But he is so untidy and terribly dressed that it repels and deprives him of the pleasure of conversations and spending time together. After all, it is not for nothing that stereotypes have developed that people are highly intellectual or highly moral (in educational institutions they are often referred to as nerds) are usually very untidy. Often, programmers are associated with greasy unkempt hair and glasses in an unthinkable frame, and librarians with terrible old-fashioned hairstyles and dresses. BUT beautiful people- often not too smart, insincere. Hence the jokes about blondes, equating beauties with bitches, etc.

No, no one claims that these stereotypes are unconditionally true, but the very fact of their formation speaks of the regularity and recurrence of certain phenomena, which means that this is the place to be. But we will not delve into philosophy, but rather think about the ways of self-improvement in all areas. As for the beautiful "soul and thoughts", this is a rather complicated topic and requires a comprehensive introspection, self-education and education, the formation of certain attitudes and life principles.

But to achieve perfection in terms of appearance everyone can do it, given the opportunities that the modern beauty and fashion industry offers us. It will not be difficult to dress stylishly and up-to-date by shopping in fashion branded stores, you can tidy up your hair and skin by visiting a salon, and following the basic rules of daily care will help you look amazing every day (that you must always be with clean hair, hands, nails; in neat clothes and shoes we won’t even say it once again): cleansing, moisturizing, skin nutrition, regular manicure, pedicure, epilation; contrast shower, moderate exercise.

It is necessary to periodically undergo a course of salon procedures. Today it is not difficult to achieve a beautiful face and body, because modern cosmetology has stepped far forward and offers unique techniques, able to maintain youthfulness of the skin, eliminate mimic wrinkles, acne, prevent premature aging.

In addition, sometimes it is required to solve delicate problems, for example, to eliminate excessive sweating. In this case, xeomin is the best fit - a safe and effective drug, which is a neurotoxin type A, which is able to normalize the work of the sweat glands.

If there are difficulties in choosing clothes and choosing care products, then you can always seek advice from a specialist in the relevant field, and in addition, draw useful information in periodicals - popular magazines about fashion, medicine, the right way of life.

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