Find your purpose. How to find your purpose: three spiritual ways. Way to yourself

There are things that you really don't want to admit. Because the very thought of it is extremely unpleasant. For example, we all die sooner or later. Immortal life for the physical body is not provided by Nature. Although, it would seem, what could be easier? The ability to regenerate is inherent in any organism, and the same mollusks can live for 400 years. Obviously, this was done not just like that, but, apparently, with a very specific purpose.

What is this goal? What is the secret and deep plan of limiting the period of existence of the physical body on the material layer of the planet's reality?

Why does the Spirit need matter?

I'm afraid there are no easy answers to these questions. You have to start a little further. With an explanation of some non-obvious things. For example, from the fact that our world is dual (for those who have dialectical thinking, this is obvious, the rest simply feel it intuitively). And this duality includes both the material and the ideal (in other words, the spiritual) part.

The meaning of the existence of matter is very simple - it is a space for the deployment of the Spirit. In matter (physical reality) the Spirit cognizes itself in the process of self-realization. Both Spirit and matter are dialectical dualities or opposites (in the process of merging polarities using PEAT technology or during the Gnostic intensive, its participants realize that there is no difference between dualities as such), which are in the process of eternal contradiction. This contradiction is gradually resolved only possible way- through the act of creation, when the idea (spirit) is embodied in matter.

In social terms, this leads to the fact that slowly, clumsily, with excesses (like attempts to build communism), humanity is moving towards recognition creative personality(and not bankers, not oilmen, not top managers, not stock speculators) the elite and the pinnacle of social evolution. Mankind greedily craves everything new, interesting, diverse. And without creativity it does not appear.

On the way to the unimaginable

It would seem, what is the purpose here? Those who seek to find it in their lives do not always think about creative self-realization. And is purpose always associated with creativity? I don't have a definitive answer to this question.

But there is clear understanding the fact that the destiny of a person is a category from the spiritual layer of reality. In other words, destiny is a certain task that a person must fulfill within the framework of his earthly life. The soul (spirit) sets this task before itself before being realized in the material part of the world.

Any person in his life at least once, but asked himself a key question “Why am I in this life and what is my purpose?”. And this is no accident, since the answer to this question allows you to establish a connection with your spiritual nature with a guarantee. And everyone who avoids searching for an answer to it always finds himself at the mercy of the prince of this world.

Can the soul not set itself any task, but incarnate solely for the sake of entertainment? That said, just play around. Such an idea is very pleasing to immature, selfish and infantile minds. Indeed, in this case, you do not need to work on yourself, develop, overcome the inertia and limitations of matter - just know that you enjoy and have fun, thereby serving the prince of this world.

In reality, while recognizing the existence of a soul, we cannot but admit that:

  • the soul is eternal (because it exists outside the categories of space and time invented by the mind)
  • the soul is inextricably linked with God
  • the soul knows and sees much wider and deeper than the limited egoistic mind

This leads us to the inevitable conclusion that the soul is in the process of reaching a certain . The goal, the achievement of which will lead to the final resolution of the contradiction of spirit and matter in an unprecedented and unthinkable act of Creation.

Each soul strives to bring this act closer, for which it incarnates into the physical layer of reality with a specific task, the implementation of which contributes to the deployment of the spiritual (ideal) in the material, helps to bring the act of Creation closer.

If the soul manages to “get through” to the consciousness of the individual, then a person’s life acquires a deep meaning, is filled with true, genuine happiness, and is gradually cleared of everything dirty and superficial. God is merciful to those who seek to hear him, granting such a person good luck, protection, opening up new opportunities and perspectives, helping in difficult situations. After all, how to refuse someone who strives for you with all his heart, following his destiny?

When you follow your destiny, everything else comes by itself.

Going beyond

As a rule, awareness of one's purpose in life is very general, even abstract. It lacks specifics. This is comparable to how a soldier of the advancing army understands his task - to participate in the offensive and defeat the enemy. But at the same time, what exactly is his role and what exactly he should do, he for some reason does not realize.

Of course, in a real army, in real combat operations, this cannot be - at all levels, to each unit, the upcoming tasks are brought clearly and concretely. And every fighter knows what he needs to do when performing a combat operation. But with the incarnation of the soul in reality, everything is not so simple - a limited egoistic mind, like an enemy pest, prevents you from seeing and understanding the meaning of a particular human life, forcing a person to become a deserter, a traitor against the truth.

The soul rings a bell to inform the mind about the destiny of a person, but a person does not hear, because he has lost touch with his spiritual beginning and has been accustomed from childhood through the upbringing system NOT TO HEAR and is not taught to HEAR the voice of his soul, his intuition, but is accustomed to hear only the voice of his mind.

Therefore, in order to see, to find one's destiny, it is pointless to reflect, to analytically search for answers. Here is another solution, simple but true - you need to go beyond the mind, beyond the usual left-brain thinking.

This can be done either by learning direct (that is, without filters of lies and illusions of the mind) perception of reality, when a state of reciprocal balance is reached, otherwise silence of the mind, which requires long and hard training and the ability to ask yourself honest and frank questions.

Or as part of a special process (and I conduct it for my clients in two stages), when with the help of special techniques the mind is literally “cut down” and a person realizes reality directly, gaining experience of direct experience of the truth. At this moment, contact with the spiritual component is achieved and the person is able to receive an internal answer about his destiny in life.

The next step is its concretization and implementation.

Every person is born with a certain life purpose. We come into this world with a predetermined fateful attitude. And, regardless of our desire, we are invited to follow the path destined by fate. You should not be afraid of this, because the life of a person who follows the call of his heart is always bright, easy and happy. He is firmly convinced that he was not born in vain. What's more, this lucky guy will always take great pleasure in what he does. A person who does not go his own way through life can be seen immediately. As a rule, his fate develops unfavorably, he does not receive any pleasure from his kind of activity, and emptiness and dissatisfaction with life appear in his soul. Undoubtedly, all this negatively affects karma. The higher forces of such a loser will regularly "heal" by sending life lessons to guide him on the right path.

Note! Only by doing what you love can you live a fulfilling life.

Successful businessman Brian Tracy wrote in one of his books: “Life is like a combination lock: your task is to choose the right numbers, and then you will get everything you want.” It's hard to disagree with that, isn't it? If you agree with the opinion of Brian Tracy, we suggest that you work on yourself a little in order to understand how to find your purpose and true life path.

Listen to yourself

Too often we give preference to someone else's opinion, forgetting about our inner voice. This is what we are taught from childhood. The opinion of parents for children is taboo. On their persistent advice, the majority of grown-up children enter universities for specialties that they clearly do not like, while their innate talents and abilities remain unrealized. The entire subsequent life path of such people becomes difficult, confusing and painful. If something like this happened to you, and you feel dissatisfied with your life, we advise you to listen to yourself. This will help you change your destiny for the better.

Practical exercises

Start by doing the basic exercises detailed below. We hope that these exercises will become your good helpers in finding yourself.

Exercise 1

Connect the game of imagination. Sit comfortably in a chair, relax and imagine that you are in a wonderful magical land where everything you want is possible! And in this marvelous fairy tale you are an almighty good Wizard who can make any dreams come true. Once you've got it all figured out, ask yourself a few simple questions:

  • Who am I?
  • How do I live?
  • What am I doing?
  • Am I using my abilities to the fullest?
  • Am I satisfied with the way I live?

By answering these questions to yourself absolutely honestly, you will be able to reveal the true desires and aspirations deeply hidden inside you.

Exercise 2

To further comprehend your purpose, use another exercise. Mentally return yourself to a rainbow childhood, and try to remember what you most liked to do and what you, as a child, dreamed of becoming. A pure child's soul on a subconscious level knows about its destiny, about the path to be traveled. Did you feel like a child? Fine. Now take a piece of paper with a pen and answer four questions in writing:

  • What did I want to be as a child?
  • What did I dream about the most?
  • What did I especially like at that time?
  • What activities interested me the most?

Read your recorded answers several times. Have you become what you wanted to be as a child? Does what you do today match your childhood dreams? How do you feel in your current role? Do you like everything in your life? If you answered “yes” to the last three questions, then everything is fine with you. Otherwise, seriously think about changing the type of activity.

Exercise 3

And finally, do the last exercise, which we will call Finding Your Destiny in Three Days. To complete it, you will again need paper and a pen to answer a few questions in writing in three days.

The first day. What abilities and talents do I have? What can I do best?

Second day. What benefit can I bring to people? Which of my activities can bring the greatest benefit to society?

Day three. What do I really want to do? What type of activity suits me best? What activities do I particularly enjoy?

The questions of each of the three days should be asked to yourself throughout the current day. All response options should be recorded in detail for further analysis. The answers you receive will definitely point you to specific points of contact with your fateful destiny.


If you are unable to find your purpose with the exercises described, resort to meditation. An indicator that you have embarked on the true path will be a feeling of complete happiness, that life is a success.

Note! When you start working on finding the meaning of life, stay calm and never give up if you don’t get a quick result.

Believe in yourself and the universe will definitely help you!

Perhaps you are a nihilist and do not believe that there is a higher purpose, and life has no meaning for you. It does not matter. Just because you don't believe you have a purpose doesn't mean you won't find it, just as not believing in gravity will keep you from falling. Everything that unbelief leads to - the search for destination will take longer. If you are one of those people, just change the number "20" in the title of this blog post to "40" (or even "60" if you're that stubborn). Chances are, if you don't believe in destiny, you won't believe anything I say. But even if so, what are you risking by spending an hour on this? Yes, just in case.

Here is a story about Bruce Lee that served as the basis for this little exercise. The martial artist asked Bruce to teach him everything he knew about martial arts. Bruce showed him two glasses filled with water. “The first glass,” said Bruce, “is all you know about martial arts. The second glass is all I know about it. If you want to fill your glass with my knowledge, you must first get rid of yours."

If you want to find your true purpose in life, you must first clear your mind of all acquired purpose (including the thought that you don't have one at all).

So how do you know your the highest goal? There are many ways to do this, some of them quite complicated. Here is one of the most simple ways. The more you trust him, the more you believe that he will work, the faster this method will start working for you. However, if you have doubts, or think that this is a completely stupid and pointless waste of time, this trick will still work as long as you apply it. Again, it just takes more time.

Here's what to do:

1. Take a blank sheet of paper or create a text document where you can type text (I prefer the second - it will be faster).

2. Write a title: "What is my purpose in life?"

3. Write the answer (any answer) that comes to mind. It doesn't have to be a complete sentence. A short sentence is sufficient.

4.Repeat step 3 until you write an answer that makes you cry. This is your purpose.

It's all. It doesn't matter if you are a consultant or an engineer or a bodybuilder. For some people, this approach is quite acceptable. To others, it will seem like complete nonsense. It usually takes 15-20 minutes to free the mind from the fuss and goals imposed by society. Wrong answers come from consciousness and from memory. But when the correct answer eventually appears, it will seem to you that it came from a completely different source.

Those who are used to living without thinking about the meaning of their existence will need more time to weed out incorrect answers, perhaps more than an hour. But if you persevere, after 100 or 200, maybe 500 responses, you will find an answer that stirs emotions - an answer that changes everything. This sounds very stupid to those who have never done it. Well, it may seem silly, but you should try it anyway.

When you start, some of the answers will be very similar. You can even start another list. You can switch to another, related topic and make 10-20 more answers on it. And this is good. You can write down any answers that come to your mind during the process.

At some point (usually after 50-100 responses), you'll want to quit. In this case, you will not see the result. You may want to think of an excuse to do something else. This is fine. Don't give in to that impulse and keep writing. The feeling of resistance will soon pass.

There may be a few responses that will cause a little rush of emotions, but will not make you cry. So it's a little different. Select them and move on - you can come back to them later and change something. Each of these answers is part of your purpose, but individually they are not a complete purpose. When you get answers of this kind, it means that you have hit the trail. Continue in the same spirit.

Make a list alone and without interruptions - this is important! If you are a nihilist, you can start with answers like "I have no purpose" or "Life is meaningless" and then remove them from the list. If you do this, then in time you will reach your goal.

I spent 25 minutes doing this exercise. Answer #106 turned out to be what I was looking for. The components of the final response emerged at steps 17, 39, and 53. Then all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. At 55-60 stages, I wanted to quit everything and do something else, expecting the experiment to fail. I was very annoyed and even angry. At answer 80, I took a two-minute break: closed my eyes, relaxed, put everything out of my head and focused on getting an answer. This technique proved to be very useful, because after the break, the answer I received became much clearer.

Here is my final answer: live consciously and fearlessly, find reciprocity in love and participation, inspire others and leave in peace.

When you find your own answer to why you came into this world, you will feel a response deep within. It will seem to you that these words fill you with energy - you will feel it every time you read them.

Finding your calling is easy. It is much harder to live each day in accordance with it and work on yourself until you begin to fulfill your destiny.

If you're going to ask why this trick works, wait until you've successfully completed it. When this happens, you yourself will receive the answer to this question. If you ask 10 people who have used this technique why it works, you will most likely get 10 different answers that go through their individual set of beliefs and contain their own representation of the truth.

Naturally, this trick won't work if you quit before you get the final result. I calculated that 80-90% of people are able to reach their goal in less than an hour. If you are completely established in your beliefs and resist the process, you may need 5 sets and 3 hours of time. However, I suspect that these people just quit halfway through (after the first 15 minutes) or didn't start at all. But if you enjoy reading this blog (and aren't going to unsubscribe just yet), it's doubtful that you'll be in this group.

Try it! At the very least, you will learn two things: either what your true purpose in life is, or that you should unsubscribe from this blog.

Sooner or later, everyone thinks about their life purpose. Which way to go, what profession to choose, go to live in another country or stay, build a career or a family? Always want to do right choice so you don't have to worry about wasted time and energy. Let's learn how to find a purpose in life and discover your talents.

What is purpose?

Everyone puts their own meaning into this word. For some, destiny is destiny, a mission predetermined from above, a karmic task, etc. Others interpret it as activity, work, the disclosure of inner potential in their favorite business. But, unfortunately (or fortunately), a person cannot reliably know what is predetermined for him.

Therefore, in this article, by the word purpose, we will understand:

  • meaning and purpose in life;
  • revealing their talents;
  • skillful use of the features of the soul and body.

Curious. In the old days, few people thought about their purpose. The king's son was born to rule, the merchant's son to take over his father's business, the girls were destined to become a pious wife and mother. The choice was small.

Why look for it?

To live a worthless life, to remain in old age with nothing - that's what is most terrible of all. Without realizing his destiny, a person cannot enjoy work, and any activity in general. It is difficult for such people to create happy family because they have little understanding of who they are and why they live on this earth. Therefore, you need to find your purpose. Having found it, a person will be able to:

  • feel happy;
  • make the right choice;
  • benefit others;
  • succeed in your business;
  • gain confidence in yourself and your abilities;
  • live a life filled with meaning.

By the way, purpose is not always something high. For a girl, it may consist in creating home comfort, raising children, for a man - in building a family home, providing for the family. It all depends on internal needs.

Searching for the meaning of life

Oddly enough, the meaning of life is in life itself, in its maintenance and creation (the birth of children). Everything above is already a matter of philosophy, and to some extent of religion. The great minds of mankind expressed different opinions on this matter:

You can list other people's visions endlessly. However, it is much more important to find your own meaning. What it will be depends on the needs and aspirations of the soul, character, lifestyle, upbringing. Let's try to understand ourselves a little.

Practical task

It is important to understand that meaning cannot be imposed, given or borrowed. A person must determine it on their own. So, how to find your purpose:

  1. Remain alone and take a comfortable position. There should be no extraneous sounds. Think about what fascinates you, captures you, causes amazement and admiration. For example, it can be contact with animals, studying cellular tissue under a microscope, dancing skills, achievements in sports, beautiful paintings, photographs. Listen to your feelings, remember them.
  2. Now think about the people you admire. It can be relatives, acquaintances, historical or other personalities. What kind of life would you like to live? Loud, rich, filled with victories and defeats, or quiet and calm? What is closer to you?
  3. You must have had many thoughts. To fix them, take a piece of paper and paper. Write down everything you just thought of. Underline the main points. Based on this list, you can set goals that will fill your life with meaning.

Author's advice. Behind everyday problems, we often forget about our true desires and aspirations. To stay on track, I suggest printing a poster with the images that excite you the most. In this way, you will be able to better concentrate on achieving life goals and not go astray.

Revealing your talents

Every person has talents. They can be creative or technical, physical or intellectual, social or personal. Through their development, a person manifests himself, finds his destiny. But how do you know what talents you have? You don't have to be afraid to look for them. Great artists, composers, actors, singers, sculptors also once started from scratch. So, let's move on to the search:

Advice. Sometimes, in order to discover talent, you need to test yourself in some activity. For example, write poetry, draw, cook complex dishes, build, run at a distance, etc. As they say, if you don’t try, you won’t know!

Realizing ourselves through activity

In total, there are 9 types of activities through which a person can fulfill his destiny. Let's look at them all:

  1. Doctoring. It could be traditional medicine, psychological help, healing.
  2. Teaching. An activity in which a person shows a talent for teaching and developing others.
  3. Creation. Painting, music, acting, etc. Any art that has an impact on society.
  4. Service to God. The activity of the clergy is aimed at cleansing the world from evil through prayers, rituals, and sermons.
  5. Governing body. Organizers, politicians, businessmen, public figures realize the talent to manage social processes.
  6. Military art. The desire to protect, show strength and courage - abilities that are highly valued in law enforcement agencies, special forces, etc.
  7. Execution. Specialists of various professions show the world the height of skill in their field.
  8. Study. People with a craving for research realize talent through new discoveries, theories, ideas, knowledge.
  9. Diplomacy. Activities for those who are able to win by word, personal influence without war.

Practical task. Now that you have explored the main areas of activity, identified your talents and aspirations, it is time to take stock. How to know your purpose in life? Using lists, determine the desired type of activity and realize yourself in it. It can be a main job or a hobby, it doesn't matter at all. The main thing is to act from the heart, to enjoy the performance of tasks.

Summing up, I would like to give one more piece of advice. Don't be afraid of your desires. Any goal can be achieved, you just have to make an effort. If you think that your destiny is to become an astronaut or a pilot, find out what you need to do for this, make a plan, act. Obstacles are needed in order to overcome them. Good luck in discovering and realizing your destiny!

Galina, Rostov

Life is such a multifaceted concept that you can not find the meaning of your being until old age. It is one thing to determine the vocation of a person, which is formed on the basis of his skills and interests. Another is to find our destiny, sent down to us from above. You won't get off with simple career guidance tests here. You need to look deeper, open the innermost corners of your soul. And sometimes you have to turn to enlightened people for advice. But, you can try to find out for yourself. There are different ways to find your purpose.

Understand your passions and abilities

Since in most cases, it is closely related to, understanding the first can greatly facilitate the search for the second. Knowing your talents can be very helpful. We are all biosocial entities, therefore it is desirable to benefit society. The point of contact of our vocation with maximum social usefulness is the first step in understanding the meaning of life.

For example, a person has a talent for martial arts. He can equally become both a bandit and a policeman or a military man. From the point of view of public morality, criminal exploits are not as necessary as the defense of the Fatherland from external or internal enemies. Perhaps this person will be able to find his destiny, after all, in saving others, than in robberies or violence. In any case, I want to believe in it.

Turn to symbols and signs

By them are meant cards, stars, numbers, lines of the hand and other variants of the occult. Mankind has always believed in omens. Perhaps there is a rational grain in this. Indeed, many people find themselves reflected in their horoscope signs, symbols of the year, etc. It is unlikely that anyone will reject the influence of the Moon, planets and other space objects on human life.

It's just that everyone determines the degree of this impact in their own way. As well as the uniqueness of the lines in the palm of your hand, date of birth, etc. You should not mindlessly follow their verdict. But paying attention to rational tips on how to find your purpose can be very useful.

The mission of some people is to comprehend wisdom and transfer this knowledge to others. Gurus and, if they are really competent, can make it easier to find yourself. After all, they managed to find their destiny themselves, and now they are ready to help other people in this. It is not even necessary to seek a spiritual master. This role can be taken on by a psychologist or simply a wise man with rich life experience. Where and when we will meet such a person is a mystery. But, as soon as such an acquaintance has occurred, one should try to benefit from communicating with him.

Ask relatives or friends

Since everything big is more visible at a distance, then in the matter of finding oneself, the help of others may not be superfluous. After all, finding your purpose is the most important task of any person. It is worth considering this search accordingly. Any help should not be neglected. From the outside, some things seem more obvious. The people around us are sometimes able to see what we cannot. In addition, relatives or friends wish us well. Their advice will be filled with this motive.

Turn on your imagination

A person allows him to penetrate into the depths of his subconscious. The inner voice very often hides in our dreams. Sometimes it pays to let them go. Fantasize for glory. Find your place in the imaginary world. And then try to adapt it to reality. After all real world we also create with our thoughts, words, deeds.

This advice, how to find your destiny, can not only help in solving the issue, but also significantly increase creative potential. Which is also important. After all, it is necessary for everyone, regardless of the type of our activity. Perhaps the ability to fantasize will become the destiny that will light the star of a brilliant writer, artist or cinematographer.

Analyze what is being asked of us

Since the destination is determined globally, assigning it a role in society, it is necessary to look for it there. It is worth thinking about the question with what requests others most often turn to us. For example, someone has a philological education, but everyone asks him to fix household appliances. The man is doing great. He can find his purpose if he goes to work in the repair service. If he decides to become a journalist or a teacher, he will be in the shadow of more talented colleagues all his life.

Take the test online

If you discard all the information garbage contained on the Internet, then you can find a number of useful things in it. This also applies to all kinds of tests. For example, tasks that allow you to find your purpose. Their results cannot be considered "last resort", but you can listen to them. Moreover, any search brings us closer to the cherished goal. It's like bricks building a whole building. A question to friends, introspection, a couple of tests and, perhaps, an understanding of your calling is already in full view.

Let go of money matters

Although it is not easy, it is worth forgetting about money for a while. It is impossible to live without them, but it is not right to live for them either! Often people lose themselves, following imaginary goods and wealth. But, the path to success lies through self-understanding.

In fact, find your purpose - The best way secure a decent life. After all, the services of a non-professional performer are paid lower than a highly qualified one. Is it possible to become a good specialist by doing something other than your own? Only by finding himself, a person is able to take his proper place in society. And after that comes material well-being.

When wondering how to find your destiny, you should learn to hear the clues, both of your inner voice and the world around you. They never lie, the main thing is only to be able to interpret them correctly. You can do this on your own or with the help of others. The main thing to remember is that everyone has their own life and everyone bears responsibility for it independently.

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