An easy way to procrastinate. From procrastination to productivity

Neil Fiore is an author of several books, a practicing psychologist, teacher, expert, founder of the National Association of Cancer Survivors, and former president of the California Chapter of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. He devoted thirty-five years of his life to the problem of procrastination and is currently the president of the Flore Productivity Program.

Complexity of presentation

The target audience

Those who need to act quickly and achieve even more, who need motivation to clear out the accumulated cases in a completely organized day who are already desperate and don’t believe in themselves.

The author offers ways to change your inner mood to a more pleasant and positive one, how to relax more often and accomplish more with tasks and goals, how to stop being afraid of losing and cope with stress and perfectionism, and also allow anxiety to be your ally. The book describes a strategy for changing shoulds to wants, thanks to which readers can create a plan for achieving professional and personal goals, which necessarily includes a place for proper rest.

Let's read together

We all have tasks that we increasingly try to put off until tomorrow or completely avoid doing them. Procrastination arises from any task put off when we want to do more enjoyable things. It greatly interferes with the realization of creative potential and the achievement of excellent results, spoils personal relationships and even health. Procrastination is a form of behavior developed to eliminate anxiety when a person feels that he is unable to complete the task he has started.

It should be understood that procrastination can be overcome through control and changing negative attitudes. The author suggests starting with the elimination of self-alienation, that is, action directed against oneself. Procrastination in this case protects personal dignity from it and temporarily reduces internal fears of someone else's condemnation. It is also used as protection against possible success or choice, changes in life. A person should learn to ensure internal security, conduct a positive dialogue with himself, then reasonable risks and a desire to act faster will appear. Self-identification must keep pace with the factors of success, then a person can be cheerful in any failing situation.

Fiore offers several methods for overcoming procrastination.

1. Taking it into account and observing yourself. This helps identify weaknesses that cause you to procrastinate during the day.

2. Pay attention to your internal dialogue to stop feeling like a victim. Instead of the word “should”, the words “choose”, “decide”, “want” appear. This helps to increase energy and level out tension inside. You may not like the tasks you perform, but it is important to be ready to devote time and effort to them, then your attitude towards them will become different.

3. The ability to say “no” in time. It is very useful for procrastinators because it instantly removes all sorts of misunderstandings and gives them the opportunity to choose.

4. Guilt-free rest increases productivity. You cannot skimp on vacation, because you will end up in a terrible moral and physical state, coupled with weakened motivation. Pleasant impressions cannot be replaced by TV series and endless gluttony. Lack of rest is equally detrimental to procrastinators and workaholics.

5. The best motivation is the “carrot method”. It involves reward for any effort and is the best incentive when implemented immediately. You should shorten your periods of work and reward yourself with something pleasant as often as possible.

6. Overcoming fears that interfere with action. To do this, a reverse calendar is drawn up, which sets small deadlines to increase control over projects and reduce external pressure, and develops three-dimensional thinking that does not allow one to give up at the beginning of work. The thought appears of natural excitement in front of the upcoming amount of work; to manage it, you should start the project from any convenient stage, learn in its process and do not hesitate to ask for help from others. It is also necessary to learn to concentrate on its beginning, and not on its completion. A person is afraid of making a mistake, so anxiety should be treated as something useful, warning of danger.

7. The most effective means of overcoming procrastination is the “anti-schedule technique.” A kind of weekly calendar is drawn up, where there is no to-do list, but only a list of pleasant events dedicated to relaxation, communication, and recording any productive work. Half an hour of work a day is rewarded. An anti-schedule helps you get rid of the feeling of guilt for having the opportunity to rest and encourages you to realistically evaluate right time to get the job done.

8. Entering a state of “flow”. This is a state when creative potential is realized most fully, a person is in attention and enjoyment of this process. To feel this state, you need to turn off your brain for a while and surrender to the flow of inspiration and flight of ideas.

9. New behavior model “planned stops”. Anything that causes concern should be carefully observed and monitored. This way you can consciously fight the habit of procrastination. Stopping shows exactly in what situations this need arises.

10. To perform difficult work endurance is required, an example is marathon runners. To take another step forward, you need to want to change your negative attitude.

11. Control of all distractions. You should understand that it is impossible to live without concentration, and distracting thoughts deliberately take you away from what is important. They need to be written out, thereby allowing your concentration to increase.

12. You should engage in effective goal setting, focusing on achievable goals and clearly defined desires. It is best to break the goal into several small, but clearly visible ones, and focus on actions.

It is necessary to communicate with others who often like to procrastinate as a consultant, helping them to be more realistic about life, but in no case should you judge or decide for them.

You need to be friendly with procrastinating employees, praise them more often, and give them a sense of security and awareness of their potential.

Procrastination loved one should not bother you in terms of taking all his actions personally. He can be helped by using reverse calendar and three-dimensional thinking techniques to create the necessary course of action.

Best Quote

“Life seems devoid of fun and freedom. The anti-schedule reverses this process.”

What the book teaches

- Those who are obsessed with procrastination tend to have low self-esteem, live only for work, and they are perfectionists in everything.

- A procrastinator will never take advice in the spirit of “get yourself together, you wimp”; things put off for later are not a consequence of irresponsibility and laziness.

- An anti-schedule helps you start work as early as possible to free up time.

- The fight against procrastination begins with respecting personal interests and acquiring the skill of saying a firm “no”, with developing endurance, increasing self-esteem and changing your attitude towards work.

“10 most effective ways to overcome procrastination.

1. Providing self-confidence

“will help “lay the straw” of psychological safety for performing complex, sometimes vital tasks, in order to reduce the fear of mistakes and learn to cope with them, starting to work with new strength.

2. Changing your negative attitude towards yourself as a result of successful internal dialogue will teach you how to track unacceptable thoughts and understand how they harm you. Replacing them with positive language will redirect your energy towards the task and encourage you to make quick decisions.

3. Using the signs of procrastination to start getting rid of it will help you use old habits to form and strengthen new, positive ones.

4. Rest, not burdened with guilt, will teach you to strategically plan your free time, shifting the focus away from work and thereby subconsciously encouraging you to return to it later.”

"5. Three-dimensional thinking and a reverse calendar will help control the fear of getting bogged down in business. You will create your own step-by-step calendar of tasks, where time is allocated for rest, and really evaluate your achievements.

6. Turning your anxiety to your advantage will demonstrate how creating a plan to manage distractions can help you achieve your goals and avoid fear of difficulties in the future.

6. An anti-schedule will allow you to feel the inner freedom that will be a reward thanks to a vacation planned in advance without feeling guilty, and will also create a realistic picture of the free time you have. You will have a feeling of well-used time - and you will see how much you managed to do.

7. Setting realistic goals will help you not to think about a goal that is not possible to achieve.

« this moment, and will direct your energy to other problems that require immediate solutions.

8. Working in a state of flow will relieve stress and create interest and motivation to work productively with increased focus in two minutes or less, letting you know that no matter how your own project makes you feel, you will perform at your best productive.

9. Controlled regression will prepare you for “scheduled stops,” so you can quickly turn them into new opportunities, learn to anticipate the temptation to procrastinate, and bring consistency to your master plan for achievement. “Procrastination reduces stress by distracting us from what we perceive as source of pain or threat. The more discomfort expected from work, the more actively you will try to avoid it and try to find salvation in something more

pleasant. And the more you feel that endless work is depriving you of the pleasure you get from free time, the more actively you will avoid it.

In a sense, we look for procrastination as a way to temporarily reduce the anxiety associated with doing it. If it turns out that the work we thought was necessary does not actually need to be done, we feel vindicated and receive double the reward for procrastination. It turns out that we not only used it to cope with our fears, but also saved our strength.”

Putting things off until later is often not a sign of laziness, but a symptom of a loss of motivation. For thirty years now, the author famous psychologist Neil Fiore successfully uses a simple strategy when working with clients who are procrastinators: stop reproaching yourself for failures and imperfections, change your attitude from “I should” to “I wanted this myself,” define personal and work goals and make a plan for achieving them, in which Rest time will be immediately reserved. And to implement the strategy, you need to use the step-by-step methodology described in this book. If you're looking to improve your productivity by breaking the habit of procrastination, this is your book.

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The given introductory fragment of the book The Easy Way to Stop Procrastinating (Neil Fiore, 2007) provided by our book partner - the company liters.


Human nature is underestimated...we have a more complex nature...which includes not only the need for meaningful work, responsibility, creativity, but also the desire to be honest, to simply do what is meaningful and do it well.

Abraham Maslow

This book will help those who strive to effectively complete complex projects. In the same way, it will help those who ignore small ones because of large tasks: it will teach you how to determine priorities, start things on time and bring them to the end. If you don't have an extra minute in your schedule, this program will allow you to do other things without feeling guilty while improving the quality and efficiency of your main work.

If at work you are prone to excessive panic and often fall into a stupor, then this book will help you overcome the initial fear and act calmly further. You will learn to engage in helpful self-talk that will help you the right choice, and thus get rid of inconsistency in thoughts.

The typical procrastinator completes most tasks on time, but is afraid of rushing to last minute worsens the quality of the final result. Procrastination is common to all of us in certain situations, whether it's creating a budget, filling out a complex legal document, or renovating a house... or whatever we put off in favor of more enjoyable activities. Each of us has tasks and goals, the implementation or achievement of which we try to postpone or avoid altogether.

From procrastination to productivity

The habit of procrastination puts people in a vicious circle: they feel overwhelmed with work, feel pressure, are afraid of making a mistake, try to fix it, work more, feel resentment, lose motivation - and it all ends in procrastination. The cycle begins with the fear of getting bogged down under rubble and ends with an attempt to ignore the “terrible” matter. As long as you are in this cycle, there is no way out. You can’t even properly restore your strength and feel how useful every free minute is for creativity, not burdened by a feeling of guilt. And any time spent (even spent on pleasant things) is perceived as hackwork, replacing true class. Your negative thoughts and feelings about work, free time, yourself, and your chances of success make procrastination part of your sense of self.

Instead, you can develop a willingness to take action: stop being afraid of making mistakes or being overwhelmed with work, forget about low self-esteem and focus on what you can do urgently.

New definition of procrastination

Most popular psychological theories that explain the causes of procrastination provoke self-criticism by labeling you, implying that you are lazy, and demanding more and more discipline. But there is a huge difference between simply diagnosing a problem and choosing a program to solve it. People who put things off for years and ignore important things life goals, and it is well known what self-criticism is. What they really need is a positive, actionable technique to work through blocks and achieve goals.

Some books offer banal advice like “Break everything into small tasks...” or “Prioritize...”. But such advice is useless because it misses the point: you would do everything right yourself if you could... if it were that easy.

Nobody wastes time just like that. People do this because it makes some sense, given how sensitive they are to criticism, mistakes, and their own perfectionism.

To overcome procrastination, you need to learn to have a positive attitude towards human nature, because it is our inherent motivation and curiosity that brought us out of the caves. Human nature drives us toward what Maslow calls “the need for meaningful work, responsibility, and creativity.” If we can adapt, we will overcome fears and open up entirely new horizons for human achievement.

There are probably forms of leisure time and types of work in your life that you are ready to do without delay. You don't procrastinate 24 hours a day. If you switch your attention to what you love, you will see that it is not just laziness speaking in you. With some reflection, you can find the innate energy and drive within you to become productive and achieve something.

If past experiences have caused you to associate work with pain and humiliation, then even attempting a frightening or unpleasant task may bring back memories of criticism coming not only from your current boss, but also from parents, supervisors or teachers. Any lack of self-confidence blocks consciousness; you just have to think about a project that you think is difficult to cope with.

Pain, resentment, and fear of mistakes have already become associated with certain types of tasks. When life seems to present you with too many of these problems, it feels like you are driving with the brake pedal pressed; you've lost motivation and doubt whether you have enough drive to finish what you started. In this case, your indignation seems justified.

Your first step to overcoming procrastination and becoming productive involves redefining the concept and re-understanding how and why we use it. Procrastination is not the cause of problem solving problems; rather, it is an attempt to work through numerous underlying issues: low self-esteem, perfectionism, fear of making mistakes, fear of success, indecision, lack of balance between work and free time, ineffective goal setting and negative thoughts about work and about oneself.

Absolute overcoming of procrastination must include satisfying blocked needs that force a person to put things off. Let's start with a new definition:

Procrastination is a mechanism for coping with anxiety associated with starting or completing a task or making a decision.

Based on this definition, we can say that those most susceptible to procrastination are those who find it difficult to start a business, who are afraid of criticism, mistakes, and are also afraid of missing out on other opportunities due to attachment to one project.

The habit of acting immediately

Advice like “Just do it...”, “Try harder...” or “Get your act together...” is based on the old diagnosis: “If you weren’t such a lazy person, you would have done everything long ago.” Relatives, mentors and friends only make the problem worse by saying, “This is a really difficult task. You'll have to work hard. There's no point in fooling around. No gatherings with friends or relaxing until it’s all over.” What they are trying to say with this can be boiled down to the following: “Life is a boring and difficult thing. And there is no time for fun. The work, of course, is a terrible thing, but it must be done.” This old perception of work and life is akin to Woody Allen's remark: "Life is constant pain and then you die."

The proposed program is based on more positive definitions, which are more in tune with the positive psychology of Abraham Maslow than with the positions of Sigmund Freud. She has more faith in human nature, and so it goes beyond the typical guide book by addressing the more acute concerns associated with mistakes, perfectionism, or criticism that lead to procrastination.

We will focus on eliminating self-alienation, a state of self-deprecating behavior that results from previous experiences and cultural influences. It arises from a misconception of the puritanical work ethic, in which your worth is determined by your productivity, and also from the negative Freudian view that the “base” part of your self should be subordinated to society. Instead, using the advice given here, you reconsider your attitude towards work, gradually allowing internal conflict and completely devoting oneself to the task at hand.

By providing yourself with internal security and the ability to engage in positive self-talk, you reduce your fear of being imperfect, give yourself permission to take risks, and begin to act faster.

Since this positive philosophy is rarely applied in practice, you will hardly find references to other sources in this book. However, the theoretical component of this book is consistent with the less practical, but still very rich in ideas, works of Matthew Fox (1), Jean Sinoda Bohlen (2), Dan Goleman (3), Martin Seligman (4) and Gerald Jampolsky (5).

My program, The Now Habit, includes the 10 most powerful ways to overcome procrastination.

1. Providing self-confidence will help “lay the straw” of psychological safety for performing complex, sometimes vital tasks, in order to reduce the fear of mistakes and learn to cope with them, starting to work with new strength.

2. Changing negative attitudes towards yourself as a result of successful internal dialogue will teach you how to track unacceptable thoughts and understand how they harm you. Replacing them with positive language will redirect your energy towards the task and encourage you to make quick decisions.

3. Using the signs of procrastination to start getting rid of it will help you apply old habits to form and strengthen new, positive ones.

4. Rest, not burdened with guilt, will teach strategic planning of free time, shifting the focus from work and thereby subconsciously encouraging you to return to it later.

5. Three-dimensional thinking and the reverse calendar will help control the fear of getting bogged down in business. You will create your own step-by-step calendar of tasks, where time is allocated for rest, and really evaluate your achievements.

6. Turning your anxiety to your own benefit will demonstrate how creating a plan to manage distractions can help you achieve your goals and avoid future challenges.

6. Anti-schedule It will allow you to feel the inner freedom that will be the reward of a pre-planned, guilt-free vacation, and will also create a realistic picture of the free time you have. You will have a feeling of well-used time - and you will see how much you managed to do.

7. Setting realistic goals It will help you not to think about a goal that is not possible to achieve at the moment, and will direct your energy to other problems that require immediate solutions.

8. Working in a state of “flow” will relieve stress and create interest and motivation to work productively with increased concentration in two minutes or less, letting you know that no matter how your own project makes you feel, you will be at your best.

9. Controlled regression will prepare you for “scheduled stops” so you can quickly turn them into new opportunities, learn to anticipate the temptation to procrastinate, and build consistency into your master plan for achievement.

Expect a wonderful change

Many of the strategies described here are not new at all, what is new is that you will finally be able to put them into practice in solving the problems thrown up by life. With techniques for focusing on results and the ability to recognize and avoid old pitfalls, you will suddenly find yourself feeling more confident in situations that used to cause stress. You will find that you are more capable of self-help, that you can replace self-criticism with positive, task-oriented thoughts, and turn frustration into positive action.

Since completing my doctoral studies, I have worked with thousands of clients and hundreds of organizations to create strategies that would help participants make radical changes in their behavior, free themselves from destructive behavior, and increase self-esteem and self-confidence. I used my technique to find time to work on a number of articles and four books in 15–20 hours productive work per week, without tearing yourself away from friends, family, and without missing training in preparation for three half-marathons. This same system has been successfully used by my clients who considered themselves chronic procrastinators. It will work for you too!

This Agreement is concluded between IP Smygin Konstantin Igorevich, hereinafter referred to as the “Service Administration” and any person who becomes a user upon registration on the Service website http://site/ (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”), hereinafter referred to as the “User”, together in the text of the Agreement referred to as the “Parties”, and individually as a “Party”.

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Agreement in accordance with Art. 435 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is a public offer. By accessing the materials of the Service, the User is deemed to have acceded to this Agreement and accepts the terms of this offer and the provisions of the Agreement (acceptance).

1.2. Unconditional acceptance of the terms of this offer is carried out by registering on the Service website.

1.3. This Agreement, concluded by accepting this offer, does not require bilateral signing and is valid in electronic form.

1.4. The use of materials and functions of the Service is governed by current legislation. Russian Federation.

2. Subject of the Agreement

2.1. The subject of this Agreement is the transfer by the Service Administration of non-exclusive rights to use the Service by providing access to the Service on a server owned by the Service Administration.

2.2. The terms of this Agreement apply to all subsequent updates and new versions of the Service. By agreeing to use the new version of the Service, the User accepts the terms of this Agreement for relevant updates, new versions of the Service, if the update and/or a new version The Service is not accompanied by any other agreement.

2.3. The Service is the result of the intellectual activity of the Service Administration and is protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual property and regulations international law, all exclusive rights to the Service, accompanying materials and any copies thereof belong to the Service Administration. The right to use the Service is granted to the User solely on the terms and to the extent specified in this Agreement.

3. Terms of use of the Service

3.1. To start working with the Service, the User must go through the registration procedure by assigning a unique name (Login) and password. Upon completion of the registration process, the User becomes the account holder. From the moment you log into your account, the User is solely responsible for the security of the entered data, as well as the Login and password.

3.2. Upon completion of work with the Service, the User independently completes work under his account by clicking the “Log Out” button.

3.3. From the moment of registration in the Service, the User is assigned a personal account to which the User has the right to deposit a sum of money. The amount of money in the personal account is used to pay for a subscription for a certain calendar period (6 months, 12 months and 24 months) for paid services of the Service. Payment for paid services is carried out by wire transfer of funds in the form of 100% prepayment and debited from the User’s personal account.

3.4. Free services are provided to the User without any guarantees, in the quality, volume and functionality that these services have as part of the Service. This means that the User does not have the right to make claims regarding the availability, volume, quality or functionality of the free services received and uses them, accepting all risks and responsibilities associated with the use of such free services.

3.5. Paid services are considered to be properly provided and accepted by the User in in full, if within 5 (Five) working days of providing the corresponding paid service the Service Administration has not received motivated written claims from the User.

3.6. The Administration of the Service provides technical support to the User, including on issues related to the functionality of the Service and the services provided, as well as the peculiarities of operating the Service.

4. Rights and obligations of the parties

4.1. Rights and obligations of the User

4.1.1. The User undertakes not to take actions that may be considered as violating Russian legislation or international law, including in the field of intellectual property, copyright and/or related rights, as well as any actions that lead or may lead to disruption of the normal operation of the Service.

4.1.2. The User undertakes not to provide (transfer) in whole or in part to third parties the rights received by him under this Agreement, not to sell, not to replicate, not to copy the materials of the Service in whole or in part, not to alienate in any other way, including free of charge, without obtaining prior permission for all of the above actions. written consent of the Service Administration.

4.1.3. The User undertakes not to transfer passwords and logins used to access the Service to third parties and to ensure the confidentiality of their storage. In the event of unauthorized access to the login and password and/or user account, the User is obliged to immediately notify the Service Administration.

4.1.4. The User undertakes not to use software that automatically downloads and processes (disassembles) the Service’s web pages in order to obtain the necessary data.

4.1.5. The User is responsible for the content and accuracy of the data provided when registering on the Service. The User agrees to the storage and processing of the User’s personal data by the Service Administration.

4.1.6. The User has the right to access the Service at any time, except during maintenance.

4.1.7. The User has the right to use the Service within the limits of its functionality and under the conditions established by this Agreement.

4.1.8. The user has the right to deposit a sum of money equal to the amount subscription for a particular calendar period, for subsequent use of the Paid services of the Service. The user can view the tariffs for Paid services of the Service at: http://site/subscription/

4.1.9. The user has the right to independently change the password without notifying the Service Administration.

4.1.10. The User has the right at any time to apply to delete the User’s account and information stored in the Service. Deletion of the User's account and information stored on the Service is carried out within 7 days from the date of receipt of the application. When deleting an account, the funds that the user spent on a subscription to Paid Services of the Service are not subject to partial or full refund.

4.1.11. Funds transferred as payment for a subscription to the Service's services are non-refundable and can be used to pay for paid services of the Service.

4.2. Rights and obligations of the Service Administration

4.2.1. The Administration of the Service is obliged to provide the User with access to the Service no later than 5 (Five) business days from the moment the User completes the registration procedure on the Service.

4.2.2. The Administration of the Service undertakes to ensure the operation of the Service, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, around the clock, 7 (Seven) days a week, including weekends and holidays, with the exception of the time of preventive maintenance.

4.2.3. The Administration of the Service undertakes to ensure the safety of the User’s data posted in the Service for 90 (Ninety) calendar days from the date of the User’s last use of any of the paid services of the Service.

4.2.4. The Service Administration undertakes not to transfer the User’s personal data to third parties.

4.2.5 The Administration of the Service has the right to suspend the operation of the Service to carry out the necessary scheduled maintenance and repair work on technical resources Administration of the Service, as well as unscheduled work in emergency situations, notifying the User about this, if technically possible, by posting relevant information on the website.

4.2.6. The Service Administration has the right to interrupt the operation of the Service if this is due to the impossibility of using information and transport channels that are not the Service Administration’s own resources, or the action and/or inaction of third parties, if this directly affects the operation of the Service, including in an emergency.

4.2.7. The Service Administration has the right to update the content, functionality and user interface of the Service at any time at its sole discretion.

4.2.8. The Service Administration has the right to change the cost of paid services unilaterally.

4.2.9. The Service Administration has the right to block and/or delete the User's account, including all information content of the User, without notifying the User or explaining the reasons if the User violates the terms of this Agreement.

5. Responsibility of the parties and dispute resolution procedure

5.1. The Service is provided to the User “as is” in accordance with the generally accepted principles in international practice. This means that the Service Administration is not responsible for problems arising during the process of updating, supporting and operating the Service (including compatibility problems with other software products, as well as inconsistency of the results of using the Service with the User’s expectations, etc.).

5.2. For violation of obligations under the Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In this case, the liability of the Service Administration to the User in the event of a claim for damages is limited to the amount of the cost of the Paid services paid by the User.

5.3. Neither Party shall be liable for complete or partial failure to fulfill any of its obligations if the failure is a consequence of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement and beyond the control of the Parties. In the event of force majeure circumstances lasting more than 3 (Three) months, any Party has the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement (terminate the Agreement).

5.4. Since the Service is an object of intellectual property of the Service Administration, liability for copyright infringement occurs in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. The Administration of the Service is not responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, as well as for direct and indirect losses of the User, including lost profits and possible damage, including as a result of unlawful actions of Internet users aimed at violating information security or normal functioning of the Service; lack of Internet connections between the User’s computer and the Service Administration server; conduct by state and municipal bodies, as well as other organizations of actions within the framework of operational investigative activities; establishment of state regulation (or regulation by other organizations) economic activity commercial organizations on the Internet and/or the establishment by these entities of one-time restrictions that complicate or make impossible the execution of this Agreement; and other cases related to the actions (inaction) of Internet users and/or other entities aimed at worsening general situation using the Internet and/or computer equipment that existed at the time of concluding this Agreement.

5.6. If disputes or disagreements arise between the Parties arising from or related to this Agreement, the Parties will take all measures to resolve them through negotiations between themselves.

5.7. If it is not possible to resolve disputes and/or disagreements between the Parties through negotiations, then such disputes are resolved in the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

6. Other conditions

6.1. This Agreement comes into force from the date of acceptance and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.

6.2. This Agreement may be terminated early by mutual agreement of the Parties, as well as on the initiative of the Service Administration in the event of a violation by the User of the terms of this Agreement without returning any funds to the latter.

6.3. Since this Agreement is an offer, and by virtue of the current civil legislation of the Russian Federation, the Service Administration has the right to revoke the offer in accordance with Art. 436 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If this Agreement is revoked during its validity period, this Agreement is deemed terminated from the moment of revocation. The review is carried out by posting relevant information on the website.

6.4. The Parties have agreed that when executing this Agreement, it is permitted to use the signatures of representatives of the Parties, as well as their seals using means of fax, mechanical or other copying, electronic digital signature or other analogue of the handwritten signature of the heads and seals of organizations.

6.5. The Administration of the Service has the right to unilaterally make changes to the terms of service of the Service by posting information about this on the website in public access and making changes to this Agreement.

6.6. These changes to the terms of this Agreement come into force on the date of their publication, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication. Continued use of the Service by the User after changes and/or additions to the Agreement means the User’s acceptance and consent to such changes and/or additions.

7. Warranties

7.1. With the exception of the guarantees expressly stated in the text of this agreement, the Service Administration does not provide any other guarantees.

7.2. By agreeing to the terms and accepting the terms of this offer by accepting it, the User assures the Administration of the Service and guarantees that he:

  • enters into this agreement voluntarily;
  • have read all the terms and conditions of this agreement;
  • fully understands and confirms the subject of the offer and contract;
  • has all the rights and powers necessary to enter into and execute this agreement.

Greetings, dear friend!

Did you know easy way stop putting things off until later, until later, indefinitely?

This is a problem for many, many people, but not everyone knows that it leads to very disastrous and irreversible results.
Procrastination is an anchor that prevents us from moving, as they say now, in a trend.

The wave is rising

Now many people have to work two or even three times more actively than before. I want to do everything in time to keep my job. It’s so difficult to get a new job when you have a family and children at home.

However, you don’t want to complete all tasks as they come. Some of them are put aside. Maybe because they seem very complicated at first glance. Or is there a chance that the problem will go away on its own. Or I don’t want to start today, because I still won’t have time to finish it before the end of the working day.

You promise yourself to start tomorrow with this unfulfilled task. But the next day new things appear that require even more urgent implementation. This type of delay is called procrastination.

It would seem that you have been working all day. Performance at high level. But there are still shortcomings that “tug at the heartstrings” and cause concern. Gradually, a wave of dissatisfaction with oneself, self-doubt in one’s abilities and business skills. The feeling that you are being driven into a corner and there is no way out is tormented by you.

The bosses are hinting that you are apparently lazy. They could have completed the task a long time ago, but “things are still there.” To the detriment of your personal time, you stay after work to “pick up your tails.”

On weekends, you refuse to go with your children for a walk because you took work home. Your wife was offended by you for not attaching a new shelf in the kitchen, where she wanted to put a fashionable climbing flower.

Productivity continues to decline. The number of unfulfilled tasks is growing like a snowball. Stress follows one after another, increasing the fear of job loss and family breakdown.

Over time this leads to decreased self-esteem, deterioration of attention, and in worst cases to nervous diseases. It’s no secret that both office workers and industrial workers often experience a feeling of “squeezed lemon.”

It is urgent to look for a way out of this situation. Delay can only make it worse and lead to a nervous breakdown.

Who will help?

Is there really no way to break out of this vicious circle? Is it really impossible to immediately take on the assigned task and bring it to its logical conclusion?

How can you ensure that concentrating on one task at hand helps you complete it in a short time and with a good result?

What to do? How to force yourself to clearly and consistently solve the questions posed without driving yourself into a “debt hole”?

How to learn to live and work without taking into account distractions. Become a free person, confident in yourself and your abilities?

To be a respected and reliable employee, a good family man and a beloved parent?

Bet on the right horse

It would seem that nothing could be simpler: find suitable exercises or even a book, read, do the exercises and you will become a different person. Alas, this is not always the case for everyone. The first small successes quickly fade away.
To get lasting results, it is better to practice under the guidance of a competent specialist.
This will be the easiest way. Let me emphasize: the easy way get the result, and not just do something there.

She has been working professionally in psychology for a quarter of a century.

Dmitry wrote two books and created more than fifteen courses - trainings on various topics of self-knowledge and personal development. Many people have attended these trainings and achieved stunning results.

There are trainings on self-hypnosis and self-realization, on goal setting and liberation from bad habits(“10 Simple Steps to Become a Non-Smoker”) are a big hit. Thousands of people have changed their lives in better side.

There is a separate training on the problem that we are discussing today: How to stop putting things off

After completing it, you will be able to:

  • Replace a negative attitude towards yourself with a positive one.
  • Gain self-confidence and increase your self-esteem significantly.
  • Change your old habits to qualitatively new ones that improve your life.
  • Allow yourself to spend your personal time free time with joy and a positive attitude, and not with a feeling of guilt for putting things off.
  • Learn to create a proper schedule, where sufficient time will be allocated for work and rest.
  • You will be able to realistically imagine the goals you are moving towards and the ways to achieve them.
  • Labor efficiency will increase. Energy will be directed to completing tasks, and not to self-criticism about postponed tasks that you just can’t get around to.
  • You will learn to focus on the end result. And you will become a winner where you previously experienced stress.
  • You will be able to help yourself in any stressful situation.
  • You will begin to complete both small and large tasks as soon as they arrive. And learn to praise and encourage yourself for this.
  • You will accept praise from other people about yourself with pleasure and pride, realizing that it is true.
  • You will not be afraid of temporary difficulties and problems that will one way or another come your way.
  • You will forget that there was a sad period in your life when you actually considered yourself a complete failure.

And many many others. Don't waste time. Procrastination turns simple tasks into difficult ones, and difficult ones into impossible ones. This is the anchor that keeps us in place. And sometimes delay is like death!

On this “major” note, allow me to bow out.

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Have a nice day and good mood!

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