A.P. Matveev. Theory and methodology of physical culture. Matveev L.P. A p matveev

Lessons of physical culture. 5-7 classes. Guidelines. Matveev A.P.

2nd ed. - M.: 2017. - 151 p.

This manual has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education and the manual “Physical Culture. Work programs. The subject line of A.P. Matveev's textbooks. 5-9 grades. The purpose of the manual is to provide information and methodological assistance to physical education teachers of the main school to facilitate the preparation for lessons, as well as to determine the ways of successfully solving learning problems. The manual will help teachers to conduct physical education lessons in an interesting and meaningful way.

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1.1. The structure and content of the work program “Physical culture. Grades 5-9 "A.P. Matveeva 6
1.2. Age characteristics of the body of students in grades 5-7 9
1.2.1. Age features of teaching motor actions to students in grades 5-7 10
1.2.2. Age features of the development of physical qualities of students in grades 5-7 12
1.3. Forms of organization of the educational process 15
1.4. Checking and evaluating the progress of students in grades 5-7 at physical education lessons 19
1.5. Evaluation of the progress of students in grades 5-7 in the subject "Physical Education" using the planned results 27
2.1. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering a subject 36
2.2. Content of the subject 40
2.3. Work program example 43
3.1. Lesson planning of educational material for students in grade 5 109
3.2. Lesson planning of educational material for students in grade 6 121
3.3. Lesson planning of educational material for students in grade 7 135

This manual was created to help physical education teachers working on the subject line of A.P. Matveev's textbooks. In its subject content, this manual retains continuity with the manual “Physical Education Lessons. Guidelines. 1-4 classes.
The basis of this manual is the methodological recommendations for working with the program of A.P. Matveev “Physical culture. Grades 5-9”, developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for basic general education and focused on the implementation of its goals and fundamental requirements.
The manual consists of two sections. The first section contains the content of a scientific and organizational nature, introducing teachers to modern ideas about the development of the foundations of school physical education, new data on the age characteristics of students, methodological approaches and educational technologies that provide a noticeable improvement in the quality of teaching the subject "Physical Education". This manual is addressed to physical education teachers who are ready to actively engage in the implementation of modern ideas and approaches in organizing their own educational process, to consciously develop author's programs and methodological recommendations for working with them.





the decision of the pedagogical council

Chairman _______ T.V. Legostaeva


By physical culture

Level of education (class) primary general education (grades 1-4)

Number of hours 405

Teacher Ryabukhina Svetlana Vasilievna

The program was developed on the basis of: author's program: Physical culture. Work programs. The subject line of A.P. Matveev. 1-4 classes. Manual for teachers of general education organizations, 3rd edition, Moscow, Prosveshchenie, 2014. Approved by the Pedagogical Council, protocol No. 1 dated 31.08.2015.


This work program was developed on the basis of the author's program for educational institutions A.P. Matveev "Physical culture: program 1 - 4 classes." - M .: Education, 2014, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Standard of Primary General Education, the Federal Law "On Education" dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, an exemplary program of primary general education; the main educational program of primary general education MBOU secondary school No. 47.

In the Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports" dated December 4, 2007 No. No. 329-F3 noted that the organization of physical education and education in educational institutions includes the conduct of compulsory physical education classes within the main educational programs in the amount established by state educational standards, as well as additional (optional) physical exercises and sports within additional educational programs.

Physical culture is a compulsory course in educational institutions. The subject "Physical culture" is the basis of physical education of schoolchildren. In combination with other forms of education - physical culture and recreation activities during the school day and in the afternoon (gymnastics before classes, physical training minutes, physical exercises and games during long breaks and in extended day groups), extracurricular work in physical culture (groups of general physical training , sports sections), physical culture and sports events (days of health and sports, outdoor games and competitions, sports holidays, sports days, tourist rallies and hikes) - the formation of the physical culture of the individual is achieved. It includes motivation and the need for systematic physical culture and sports, mastering the main types of physical culture and sports activities, versatile physical fitness.

In the Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports" dated December 4, 2007 No. No. 329-F3 noted that the organization of physical education and education in educational institutions includes the conduct of compulsory physical education classes within the main educational programs in the amount established by state educational standards, as well as additional (optional) physical exercises and sports within additional educational programs.

This program was created taking into account the fact that the system of physical education, combining lesson, extracurricular forms of physical exercise and sports, should create the most favorable conditions for the disclosure and development of not only the physical, but also the spiritual abilities of the child, his self-determination.

The goal of school physical education is the formation of a versatile physically developed personality, able to actively use the values ​​of physical culture to strengthen and maintain their own health for a long time, optimize labor activity and organize outdoor activities.

The implementation of the goal of the curriculum correlates with the solution of the following educational tasks:

    strengthening health, improving posture, preventing flat feet, promoting harmonious physical, moral and social development, successful learning;

    formation of initial skills of self-regulation by means of physical culture;

    mastering the school of movements;

    development of coordination (accuracy of reproduction and differentiation of spatial, temporal and power parameters of movements, balance, rhythm, speed and accuracy of response to signals, coordination of movements, orientation in space) and conditioning (speed, speed-strength, endurance and flexibility) abilities;

    formation of elementary knowledge about personal hygiene, daily routine, the effect of physical exercises on health, performance and development of physical (coordination and conditioning) abilities;

    developing ideas about the main sports, equipment and equipment, about observing safety rules during classes;

    formation of a mindset for the preservation and promotion of health, skills for a healthy and safe lifestyle;

    involvement in independent physical exercises, outdoor games, their use in free time on the basis of the formation of interests in certain types of physical activity and the identification of a predisposition to certain sports;

    education of discipline, a friendly attitude towards comrades, honesty, responsiveness, courage during physical exercises, promoting the development of mental processes (imagination, memory, thinking, etc.) in the course of motor activity.

Taking into account the above tasks of education of primary school students in the field of physical culture, the main principles, ideas and approaches in the formation of this program were the following: democratization and humanization of the pedagogical process, pedagogy of cooperation, activity approach, intensification and optimization, expansion of interdisciplinary connections.

The principle of democratization in the pedagogical process is expressed in providing each and every student with equal access to the basics of physical culture, maximizing the abilities of children, building teaching based on the use of broad and flexible methods and means of teaching for the development of children with different levels of their motor and mental abilities, changing the essence of pedagogical relationships, moving from subordination to cooperation.

The principle of humanization of the pedagogical process is to take into account the individual abilities of the personality of each child and teacher. It is built in accordance with the personal experience and level of achievements of schoolchildren, their interests and inclinations. Teachers are obliged to provide children with different levels of complexity and subjective difficulty in mastering the material of the program.

The implementation of the principles of democratization and humanization in the pedagogical process is possible on the basis of the pedagogy of cooperation - the idea of ​​joint developmental activities of children and adults, in the process of which they are connected by mutual understanding and penetration into each other's spiritual world, a joint desire to analyze the progress and results of this activity.

The activity approach consists in orienting the student not only to the assimilation of ready-made knowledge and skills, but also to mastering the methods of physical culture and health and sports activities, to the development of cognitive forces and the child's creative potential. This is a departure from verbal methods and forms of transferring ready-made information, the passivity of students in the classroom to the active assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, implemented in various types of physical culture and sports activities.

Intensification and optimization consists in increasing the purposefulness of training and strengthening the motivation for physical culture and sports, the use of active and creative methods and forms of training (problematic, research, conjugated development of conditioning and coordination abilities, accentuated and comprehensive development of coordination abilities, methods of program-algorithmic type, group and individual forms of training, circular training, etc.); in the development of skills of educational work; widespread use of computers and other new technical means.

The teacher implements the task of forming a holistic worldview of students, comprehensive disclosure of the relationship and interdependence of the studied phenomena and processes in the field of physical culture on the basis of expanding interdisciplinary connections from the field of various subjects: literature, history, mathematics, anatomy, physiology, psychology, etc.


The subject of teaching physical culture in elementary school is the physical activity of a person with a general developmental focus. In the process of mastering this activity, health is strengthened, physical qualities are improved, certain motor actions are mastered, thinking, creativity and independence are actively developed.

The most important requirement for conducting a modern lesson in physical culture is to provide a differentiated and individual approach to students, taking into account the state of health, gender, physical development, motor fitness, features of the development of mental properties and qualities, compliance with hygiene standards.


The course "Physical Education" is studied from grades 1 to 4 at the rate of 3 hours per week (405 hours in total): in grade 1 - 99 hours, in grade 2 - 102 hours, in grade 3 - 102 hours, in grade 4 - 102 hours. The third hour for teaching the subject "Physical Education" was introduced by order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated August 30, 2010. No. 889. The order stated: "The third hour of the subject "Physical Education" should be used to increase physical activity and develop the physical qualities of students, the introduction of modern systems of physical education." The work program is designed for 405 hours for four years of study (3 hours per week).



The value of life - recognition of human life as the greatest value, which is realized in a careful attitude towards other people and nature.

The value of nature is based on the universal value of life, on the awareness of oneself as a part of the natural world - a part of animate and inanimate nature. Love for nature is a careful attitude towards it as a habitat and human survival, as well as experiencing a sense of beauty, harmony, its perfection, preserving and increasing its wealth.

Human value as a rational being striving for goodness and self-improvement, the importance and necessity of maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the unity of its components: physical, mental and socio-moral health.

The value of good- the focus of a person on the development and preservation of life, through compassion and mercy as a manifestation of the highest human ability - love.

The value of truth- this is the value of scientific knowledge as part of the culture of mankind, the mind, understanding the essence of being, the world-building.

Family value as the first and most significant social and educational environment for the development of the child, ensuring the continuity of the cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia from generation to generation and thus the viability of Russian society.

The value of labor and creativity as a natural condition of human life, a state of normal human existence.

The value of freedom as the freedom of a person to choose his thoughts and actions, but freedom, naturally limited by the norms, rules, laws of society, of which a person is always a member throughout the social essence.

The value of social solidarity as recognition of human rights and freedoms, Possession of feelings of justice, mercy, honor, dignity in relation to oneself and to other people.

The value of citizenship- a person's awareness of himself as a member of society, a people, a representative of a country and a state.

The value of patriotism- one of the manifestations of a person's spiritual maturity, expressed in love for Russia, the people, a small homeland, in a conscious desire to serve the Fatherland.

The value of humanity- a person's awareness of himself as part of a world society, for the existence and progress of which peace, cooperation of peoples and respect for the diversity of their cultures are necessary.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the course

In accordance with the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education of the Federal State Educational Standard, this work program for grades 1-4 is aimed at achieving personal, meta-subject and subject results in physical culture by students.

Personal Outcomes

    the formation of a sense of pride in their homeland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness of their ethnic and national identity;

    formation of a respectful attitude to the culture of other peoples;

    the development of motives for learning activities and the personal meaning of learning, the acceptance and development of the social role of the teacher;

    development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy with the feelings of other people;

    development of cooperation skills with peers and adults in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of contentious situations;

    development of independence and personal responsibility for one's actions based on ideas about moral standards, social justice and freedom;

    the formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

    formation of installation on a safe, healthy way of life.

Metasubject Results

    mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, the search for means of its implementation;

    formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways to achieve results;

    definition of a common goal and ways to achieve it; the ability to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others;

    willingness to constructively resolve conflicts by taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation;

    mastering the initial information about the essence and characteristics of objects, processes and phenomena of reality in accordance with the content of a particular academic subject;

    mastering the basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts that reflect the essential connections and relationships between objects and processes.

Subject Results

Formation of initial ideas about the importance of physical culture for strengthening human health (physical, social and mental), about its positive impact on human development (physical, intellectual, emotional, social), about physical culture and health as factors of successful study and socialization;

    mastering the skills to organize health-saving life activities (daily routine, morning exercises, recreational activities, outdoor games, etc.);

    formation of the skill of systematic monitoring of one's physical condition, the magnitude of physical activity, health monitoring data (height, body weight, etc.), indicators of the development of basic physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, coordination, flexibility).

Knowledge about physical culture

    Physical Culture. Physical culture as a system of various forms of physical exercises to improve human health. Walking, running, jumping, climbing, crawling, skiing, swimming as vital means of human movement.

    Rules for the prevention of injuries during physical exercises: organization of places of employment, selection of clothing, footwear and equipment.

    From the history of physical culture. The history of the development of physical culture and the first competitions. Communication of physical culture with labor and military activity.

    Physical exercise. Physical exercises, their influence on physical development and development of physical qualities. Physical training and its connection with the development of basic physical qualities. Characteristics of the main physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and balance.

    Physical activity and its effect on the increase in heart rate.

    Self-study. Setting up a daily routine. Performing the simplest hardening procedures, sets of exercises for the formation of the correct posture and the development of the muscles of the body, the development of basic physical qualities; conducting health-improving classes in the daily regimen (morning exercises, physical education minutes).

    Self-monitoring of physical development and physical fitness. Measurement of body length and weight, posture and physical qualities. Measurement of heart rate during exercise.

    Independent games and entertainment. Organization and holding of outdoor games (on sports grounds and in sports halls).

Physical Improvement

    Physical culture and recreation activities

    Complexes of physical exercises for morning exercises, physical exercises, classes for the prevention and correction of postural disorders.

    Complexes of exercises for the development of physical qualities.

    Complexes of breathing exercises. Gymnastics for the eyes.

    Sports and recreation activities

    Gymnastics with the basics of acrobatics. Organizing commands and techniques. Combat actions in line and column; execution of military commands.

    Acrobatic exercises . Stops; gray hair; group exercises; rolls; stand on the shoulder blades; somersaults forward and backward; gymnastic bridge.

    Acrobatic combos. For example: 1) a bridge from a supine position, lower to the starting position, a flip to the prone position, a jump with support on the hands at point-blank crouching; 2) a somersault forward at point-blank crouching, a somersault back at point-blank crouching, from the stop crouching a somersault back to the stop on the knees with support on the hands, jumping into point-blank crouching, somersault forward.

    Exercises on a low gymnastic crossbar: hangs, jumps.

    Gymnastic combination. For example, from a standing hang, crouching with a push with two legs, a jump, bending your legs, bending into a hang from behind, lowering back into a standing hang and reverse movement through a hang from behind, bending forward with your legs going forward.

    Vault: from a running start over a gymnastic goat.

    Applied gymnastic exercises. Rope jumping. Movement on the gymnastic wall. Overcoming an obstacle course with elements of climbing and climbing, crawling, moving along an inclined gymnastic bench.

    Track and field exercises. Running exercises: with high hips, jumps and acceleration, with changing direction of movement, from different starting positions; shuttle run; high start followed by acceleration.

    Jumping exercises: on one leg and two legs in place and with advancement; in length and height; jumping and jumping;

    Throws: a big ball (1 kg) at a distance in different ways.

    Throwing: a small ball at a vertical target and at a distance.

    Cross training. Long run at a steady pace, cross-country running, steeplechase.

    Outdoor games. Based on the material of gymnastics with the basics of acrobatics: game tasks using drill exercises, exercises for attention, strength, agility and coordination.

    On the material of athletics: jumping, running, throwing and throwing; exercises for coordination, endurance and speed.

    Based on the material of ski training: relay races in skiing, endurance and coordination exercises.

    Based on sports games.

    Football: hitting a stationary and rolling ball; stopping the ball dribbling; outdoor games based on football.

    Basketball: special moves without the ball; dribbling; throwing the ball into the basket; outdoor games based on basketball.

    Volleyball: tossing the ball; ball delivery; receiving and passing the ball; outdoor games based on volleyball.


The total number of hours for studying sections of the program is distributed as follows:

Type of software


Number of hours

1 class

Grade 2

3rd grade

4th grade


Knowledge about physical culture

During the lesson


Ways of physical activity

During the lesson


Physical Improvement

Track and field exercises

Gymnastics with the basics of acrobatics

Outdoor games

Sport games

Cross training

General developmental exercises

During the lesson









Name of objects and means of material and technical equipment

Required amount


Library fund (printed products)

Federal State Standard of Primary General Education in Physical Education

The physical culture standard, exemplary programs, author's work programs are part of the mandatory software and methodological support of the physical culture classroom (gym)

Author's program: Physical culture. Work programs subject line of A.P. Matveev. 1-4 classes. Manual for teachers of general education organizations, 3rd edition, Moscow, Prosveshchenie, 2014

Work programs in physical culture

Physical Culture. Grade 1: textbook for educational institutions. Matveev A.P. - M.: Enlightenment, 2011

Physical Culture. Grade 2: textbook for educational institutions. Matveev A.P. - M.: Enlightenment, 2014

Physical Culture. 3-4 cells: a textbook for educational institutions. Matveev A.P. - M.: Enlightenment, 2011

Educational, scientific, popular science literature on physical culture, sports, the Olympic movement

As part of the library fund

Methodical publications on physical culture for teachers


Methodical manuals and recommendations, the journal "Physical culture at school"

Screen and audio aids

Audio recordings

For conducting gymnastic complexes, teaching dance movements; sports competitions and sports festivals

Technical training aids

Laser printer

Copy machine

May be included in the material and technical equipment of an educational institution

Educational-practical and educational-laboratory equipment

Gymnastic wall

Beam gymnastic floor

High beam for gymnastics

Goat gymnastic

Horse gymnastic

Gymnastic crossbar

Climbing rope with fastening mechanism

Throwing gymnastic bridge

Rigid gymnastic bench


Gymnastic mats

Stuffed ball (1 kg, 2 kg)

Small ball (tennis)

Rope gymnastic

Gymnastic hoop


High jump plank

high jump stand

Chest numbers

Mobile and sports games

Set of basketball backboards with hoops and net

Hinged basketball backboards with rings and net

Net for carrying and storing balls

Universal volleyball stands

Volleyball net



Mini football goal

Mini football goal net

soccer balls

Handball goal

Handball balls

Tourist tents (triple)

Tourist backpacks

Tourist bivouac set

First Aid

First aid kit medical

Additional inventory

Classroom board with magnetic surface

Mobile board

Sports halls (offices)


With locker rooms for boys and girls (lockers, soft gymnastic benches, mats), showers for boys and girls, toilets for boys and girls

Recreation zones

For dynamic pauses (changes)

Teacher's office

Includes work desk, chairs, safe, bookcases (shelves), wardrobe

Utility room for storage of inventory and equipment

Includes shelving, containers

School stadium (ground)

athletics track

Sector for long jump

High jump sector

Playing field for football (mini-football)

gymnastic town

obstacle course


By the end of elementary school, students should be able to:

Plan physical exercises in the daily routine, use the means of physical culture in spending your rest and leisure;

State the facts of the history of the development of physical culture, characterize its role and significance in human life;

Use physical activity as a means of promoting health, physical development and physical fitness of a person;

Measure (learn) individual indicators of physical development (length of body weight) and the development of basic physical qualities;

Provide all possible assistance and moral support to peers in the performance of educational tasks, show a friendly attitude when explaining mistakes and ways to eliminate them;

Organize and conduct outdoor games and elementary competitions with peers. To carry out their objective refereeing;

Comply with the safety requirements for the places of physical culture classes;

Organize and conduct physical culture classes with a different target orientation, select physical exercises for them and perform them with a given load dosage;

Characterize physical activity in terms of heart rate;

Perform the simplest acrobatic and gymnastic combinations at a high quality level;

Perform technical actions from basic sports. Apply them in game and competitive activities;

Perform vital motor skills and abilities in various ways, in various conditions.


Minutes of the meeting Deputy Director for OIA

methodological association ____________ I.V. Salnikova

S.V. Ryabukhin

Sections: Sports at school and children's health

Explanatory note.

This program is compiled in accordance with the Mandatory minimum content of education for schoolchildren in the field of physical culture and the Minimum requirements for the level of preparation of elementary school students in physical education, and on the basis of the “Program of general educational institutions. Physical Culture. Primary classes ”Author A.P. Matveev 2008 and is intended for a municipal educational institution for students in grade 1 and is designed for one academic year 3 hours a week.

In accordance with the federal component of the State Standard of General (Standard 2) of education in physical culture, the subject of instruction in elementary school is motor activity with a general developmental focus.

In the process of mastering this activity, younger students not only improve their physical qualities, but also actively develop consciousness and thinking, creative abilities and independence. Considering these features, the purpose of this physical culture program is to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for students of the 1st grade, the development of creative independence through the development of motor activity.

This physical education program for elementary school students focuses on to solve the following educational problems:

  • strengthening the health of schoolchildren through the development of physical qualities and increasing the functionality of life-supporting body systems;
  • improving vital skills and abilities through teaching outdoor games, physical exercises and technical actions from basic sports;
  • formation of general ideas about physical culture, its significance in human life, role in health promotion, physical development and physical fitness;
  • development of interest in independent physical exercises, outdoor games, forms of active recreation and leisure;
  • training in the simplest ways to control physical activity, individual indicators of physical development and physical fitness.

The structure and content of the subject are set in this program in the construction of motor activity with the allocation of the relevant training sections: "Knowledge of physical culture", "Methods of motor activity" and "Physical improvement".

The section "Methods of motor activity" contains ideas about the structural organization of objective activity, reflected in the corresponding methods of organization, execution and control.

The section "Physical improvement" (physical culture and health-improving activities and sports and recreational activities) is focused on the harmonious physical development of schoolchildren, their comprehensive physical fitness and health promotion. This section includes vital skills and abilities, outdoor games and motor actions from sports, as well as general developmental exercises with various functional orientations.

While maintaining a certain tradition in the presentation of the practical material of school programs, this program correlates the educational content with the content of basic sports, which are represented by the relevant thematic sections: "Gymnastics with the basics of acrobatics", "Athletics", "Mobile and sports games", "Ski racing" and "Swimming". Moreover, each thematic section of the program additionally includes outdoor games, which, in their content and focus, are consistent with the corresponding sport.

The content of this program also includes a relatively independent section "General Developmental Exercises". In this section, the proposed exercises are divided into sections of basic sports and are additionally grouped within sections according to the signs of functional impact on the development of basic physical qualities. Such a presentation of the material allows the teacher to select physical exercises and combine them into various complexes, plan the dynamics of loads and ensure continuity in the development of basic physical qualities, based on the gender and age characteristics of students, the degree of mastery of these exercises, the conditions for conducting various forms of classes, the availability of sports equipment and equipment. .

IN 1st class according to the curriculum of the student, they mainly master various ways of performing running, walking and jumping, climbing and crawling: they learn sets of exercises for morning exercises and physical education, complexes for the formation and strengthening of posture, development of flexibility, coordination of movements, speed, endurance. An important feature of the content of training is the development of outdoor games and the skills of their independent organization and conduct by first-graders. Mastering the educational material of the practical sections of the program is combined with mastering the basics of knowledge and methods of motor activity.

The theoretical material is closely related to the practical material that students learn in dynamics from grades I to IV. The program offers topics related to the history of physical culture and sports, personal hygiene, and the organization of independent physical exercises for study.

When planning educational material for students in grades 1 of this program, the following changes were made:

  1. in the absence of a sports ground, replace the topic "Cross-country skiing" with an in-depth development of the content of the topics "Gymnastics" and "Outdoor games".
  2. In the absence of a real opportunity for students to master the content of the "Swimming" section, replace its content with athletics and general developmental exercises.

Conducting lessons according to this program will significantly increase the educational and health-improving effect.

The topic and content of the lesson during the educational process may vary at the discretion of the teacher, focusing on the level of physical fitness of the class; on the material and technical base of the school; on climatic conditions and places of the lesson. The teacher of physical culture has the right to introduce additional topics into the educational process, reduce or simplify the educational material offered in the programs, while the teacher must avoid educational overload of students without violating the logic of the distribution of program content, not going beyond the State Standard Requirements.

The use of the entire period of study of the program is justified, since it allows the teacher of physical culture throughout the entire period of study to carry out an objective assessment of the progress of students, taking into account the individual age and characteristics of the sexual development of each student.

The teacher has the right to independently develop individual age scales of requirements (control tasks) and, in accordance with them, evaluate the progress of students).


Requirements for the quality of mastering the program material

As a result of mastering the Mandatory minimum content of the subject "Physical Education", students of grade I must:

have an idea:

  • about the emergence of the first competitions, the emergence of physical culture among ancient people;
  • about physical qualities and general rules for determining the level of their development;
  • on the rules for conducting hardening procedures;
  • about posture and the rules for using complexes of physical exercises to form the correct posture;

be able to:

  • determine the level of development of physical qualities (strength, speed, flexibility);
  • monitor physical development and physical fitness;
  • perform hardening water procedures (rubbing);
  • perform a set of exercises to form the correct posture;
  • perform sets of exercises to develop the accuracy of throwing a small ball;
  • perform a set of exercises to develop balance;

demonstrate the level of physical fitness

Control exercises Level
high average short high average short
boys Girls
Pull-ups in the hang lying bent over, number of times 11-12 9-10 7-8 9-10 7-8 5-6
Standing long jump, cm 118-120 115-117 105-114 116-118 113-115 95-112
Leaning forward without bending your knees Touch forehead to knees Touch the palms of the floor Touch your fingers to the floor Touch forehead to knees Touch the palms of the floor Touch your fingers to the floor
Running 30 m from a high start, s 6,2-5,0 6,7-6,3 7,2-7,0 6,2-6,0 6,7-6,3 7,0-6,8
Running 1000 m Without regard to time

This material is used to develop basic physical qualities and is planned by the teacher, depending on the objectives of the lessons and the logic of passing the educational section "Physical Improvement". This program is provided by the following educational publications: Matveev A.P. Physical culture: Proc. for 1 cl. - M., 2002; Matveev A.P. Methods of teaching physical culture in the 1st grade. - M., 2002; Matveev A.P. Physical culture: Proc. for grade 2 - M., 2002; Matveev A.P. and others. Physical culture: Proc. for 3 cells. - M., 2000; Matveev A.P. and others. Physical culture: Proc. for 4 cells. - M., 2001. Games and game tasks, the names of which are in italics, are included in the educational process at the discretion of the teacher, depending on the conditions, the logic of planning the main material and the preparedness of students.


Physical culture programs:

  1. Federal State Educational Standard (II generation) of primary general education.
  2. Approximate basic educational program of an educational institution. Primary school / [comp. E.S. Savinov].-2nd ed., revised. - M. : Education, 2010. - 204 p. - (Standards of the second generation).- ISBN 978‑5‑09‑022564‑9. Publishing house "Enlightenment", 2010.
  3. Programs of educational institutions PHYSICAL CULTURE. Primary grades 1-4 grades. Moscow. "Enlightenment" 2007. The program was prepared by A.P. Matveev in accordance with the State standard of primary general education in physical culture.

Physical Education Textbooks:

  1. A.P. Matveev Physical culture. Textbook for grade 1 of educational institutions - M., 2009

Training disks:

  1. "Organization of sports work at school" - (CD) - Uchitel publishing house, 2010.
  2. Physical culture grades 1-11 - (CD) - Uchitel publishing house, 2010.
  3. "History of Sports" - CD.
  4. Lesson-projects on the topics of the school curriculum, developed by physical education teachers of Lyceum No. 62.
    • safety precautions in FC lessons;
    • Health thieves.
    • Basketball
    • Volleyball
    • Health-saving technology in physical education lessons;
    • History of the Olympic Games, etc.

Material and technical equipment of the educational process in the subject "Physical Education" for first grade students.

  1. Gymnastic wall - G
  2. Beam (bench) gymnastic - G
  3. Gymnastic goat - G
  4. Gymnastic horse - G
  5. Crossbar (non-standard) - G
  6. Climbing rope with fastening mechanism - G
  7. Gymnastic bench - G
  8. Throwing gymnastic bridge - G
  9. Gymnastic mat - G
  10. Gymnastic mats - G
  11. Small ball (tennis) - G
  12. Gymnastic ball - G
  13. Rope gymnastic - G
  14. Gymnastic stick - G
  15. Ball Carrying Net - D
  16. Set of basketball backboards with rings and net - D
  17. Basketballs - G
  18. Volleyballs - G
  19. Volleyball net - D
  20. Volleyball stands - D
  21. Soccer balls - G
  22. First aid kit - D
  23. Gym - game room
  24. Stopwatch - D
  25. Measuring tape - D

D - demonstration copy; G - a set necessary for practical work in groups.

Explanatory note

The program on the subject "Physical Education" for grades 10-11 of general educational institutions was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education and exemplary programs for basic general education. When compiling programs, the needs of modern Russian society for a physically strong and capable younger generation, able to actively engage in various forms of a healthy lifestyle, use the values ​​of physical culture for self-education, self-development and self-realization, were taken into account. The program reflected the objectively established realities of the modern socio-cultural development of society, the conditions for the activities of educational institutions. An exemplary program is designed to form sustainable motives and needs of schoolchildren in respect for their health, the holistic development of physical and mental qualities, the creative use of physical culture in organizing a healthy lifestyle.

The author's program on physical culture for grades 10-11 was used, the line of teaching materials, author A.P. Matveev: Doctor of Pedagogy, Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports of the Pedagogical Institute of Physical Education of the Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Thematic planning and an approximate work program for grades 10-11 is designed for 105 hours, 3 hours a week. The subject of training at school is a motor activity with a general developmental orientation, an exemplary program in physical culture of basic (general) education, according to the current curriculum.

Regulatory, instructive and methodological documents that ensure the organization of the educational process in the subject "Physical Education".

Federal Law No. 29.12.2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (as amended on July 23, 2013).

On approval of the Federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of educational programs of primary general, secondary general education with state accreditation / Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014 No. 253.

Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education / Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2009 No. 373 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 2009, registration number 19785) "On approval and implementation of the federal educational standard of primary general education."

Physical education program for grades 1-11, line of teaching materials author A.P. Matveev, 2014 GEF.

On the approval of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions" / Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010. No. 02-600 (Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 03.03.2011 No. 23290).

On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation / Federal Law of 04.12.2007. No. 329 (with subsequent changes).

On the introduction of 3 hours of physical culture / Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 08.10.2010.

On the direction for approbation of training programs in physical culture for educational institutions / Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 28.12.2011. No. 19-336.

Medico-biological control over the organization of physical education classes for students with a deviation in the state of health / Methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 30.05.2012. No. MD-583/19.

The program for the formation of universal educational activities for students at the stage of primary general education MBOU "Secondary School No. 18".

Planned results of the development of the BEP of the NOO MBOU "Secondary School No. 18".

The main feature of this program is an individual comprehensive approach to each student. A distinctive feature of teaching physical culture in grades 10-11 is the principle of improving training in sports. The study of the course: "Physical Education" in grades 10-11 is based on the knowledge gained by students in primary and secondary schools. Achieving the goal of physical education is ensured by solving the following main tasks at the secondary level of general education:

improvement of basic types of motor actions;

further improvement of coordination (orientation in space, restructuring of motor actions, speed and accuracy of response to signals, coordination of movements, rhythm, balance, accuracy of reproduction and differentiation of the main parameters of movements) and conditioning (speed-strength, speed) abilities, as well as endurance, strength and flexibility;

the formation of the foundations of knowledge and personal hygiene, the impact of physical exercises on the basic systems of the body, the development of volitional and moral qualities;

development of ideas about the physical culture of the individual and methods of self-control;

deepening the understanding of the main sports, competitions, equipment and equipment, compliance with safety regulations during classes, first aid for injuries;

cultivating the habit of independent physical exercises, selected sports in their free time;

development of organizational skills for conducting classes as a squad leader, team captain, judge;

formation of an adequate assessment of one's own physical capabilities;

education of initiative, independence, mutual assistance, discipline, sense of responsibility;

promoting the development of mental processes and teaching the basics of mental self-regulation.


As a result of studying the course "Physical Education" in grades 10-11, students should know / understand:

Fundamentals of the history of the development of physical culture and sports in Russia (in the USSR);

Features of the development of the chosen sport;

The history of the development of the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement;

Pedagogical, physiological and psychological bases of teaching motor actions and education of physical qualities, modern forms of building classes and systems of physical exercises with different functional orientations;

Biodynamic features and content of physical exercises of general developmental and corrective orientation, the basics of their use in solving problems of physical development and health promotion;

Physiological bases of the activity of the respiratory, circulatory and energy supply systems during muscular loads, the possibility of their development and improvement by means of physical culture in different age periods;

Age features of the development of leading mental processes and physical qualities, the possibility of forming individual traits and personality traits through regular physical education;

Psychofunctional features of one's own body;

Individual methods of control over the development of the adaptive properties of the body, health promotion and physical fitness;

Ways of organizing independent physical exercises with different functional orientations, rules for the use of sports equipment and equipment, principles for creating the simplest sports facilities and grounds;

Rules of personal hygiene, injury prevention and first aid during physical exercises.

It is technically correct to carry out motor actions of the chosen type of sports specialization, to use them in the conditions of competitive activity and organization of one's own leisure;

Conduct independent classes to develop basic physical abilities, correct posture and physique;

Develop an individual motor mode, select and plan physical exercises, maintain the level of individual performance;

To control and regulate the functional state of the body during physical activity, to achieve a healing effect and improve physical condition;

Manage your emotions, interact effectively with adults and peers, own a culture of communication;

Comply with the rules of safety and prevention of injuries in physical exercises;

Use modern sports equipment and equipment, special technical means in order to increase the effectiveness of independent forms of physical education;

To investigate the influence of physical exercises on the indicators of physical fitness;

Investigate the dynamics of physical fitness indicators when practicing various sports;

Investigate the body's responses to loads of various capacities, establish a relationship between the magnitude of the load and the indicators of the main body systems;

To design achievements in the technique of motor action in team sports;

Design achievements in the development of physical qualities;

Design achievements in the formation of posture and physique;

Analyze your achievements in the technique of motor action in team sports;

Analyze your achievements in the development of physical qualities.

Solved problems allow to achieve the goal of the course of physical education in grades 10-11.

The purpose of physical education at school is to promote the formation of physical culture of students. Setting on the physical education of students involves the mastery of the basics of physical culture by schoolchildren, the components of which are: good health, good physical development, the optimal level of motor abilities, titles and skills in the field of physical culture, motives and mastered methods (skills) to carry out physical culture and health and sports activities .

The system of physical education, which combines lesson, extracurricular and extracurricular forms of physical exercise and sports, should create the most favorable conditions for the disclosure and development of not only the physical, but also the spiritual abilities of the child, his self-determination. In this regard, the principles of further development of the physical education system at school should be based on the ideas of democratization, humanization, development of personal and activity approaches, optimization and intensification of the educational process based on progressive psychological and pedagogical and psychological and physiological theories.

The content of the program material of the lessons consists of two main parts: basic and differentiated (variative). Mastering the basic foundations of physical culture is objectively necessary and mandatory for every student. Without the basic component, successful adaptation to life in society and the effective implementation of labor activity are impossible, regardless of what the young person wants to do in the future. The basic component, otherwise called the core, forms the basis of the national standard of general education in the field of physical culture and does not depend on the regional, national and individual characteristics of the student.

The differentiated (variable) part of physical culture is due to the need to take into account the individual abilities of children, regional, national and local, and the peculiarities of the work of schools.

The second, third, fourth and fifth parts of the program contain options for extracurricular and extracurricular activities. The effectiveness of extra-curricular forms of physical education, physical culture and sports events, physical culture and health work is ensured by the joint efforts of the school principal, his deputies for educational and educational work, physical education teachers, elementary school teachers, physical education asset of senior students, coaches, athletes, patrons organizations, parents.

The teaching of the course is connected with the teaching of other courses of the state educational standard: physics, chemistry, biology, life safety and is based on their content.

The course includes the study of the following sections:

basics of knowledge about physical culture;

sports games: basketball, volleyball, football.

gymnastics with elements of acrobatics;


ski training.

Control over the achievement by students of the level of the state educational standard is carried out in the form of a repetition of what has been passed, learning a new one, passing standards; in the following forms: interviews, tests, control lessons, competitions.


10 - 11 class

(Total 105 hours of 3 hours)

Section name, topic

Requirements for learning outcomes

by section

form of control

Fundamentals of knowledge about physical culture.

During the lesson

Includes such educational topics as "The history of physical culture and its development in modern society." "Basic concepts of physical culture" and "Physical culture of man".

Section II.

Sport games.

Basketball: throws, dribbling, feints, group and team actions, playing by the rules. Volleyball: receiving, passing, serving the ball, attacking hit, blocking, playing by the rules.

Tests, control lessons, competitions.

Section III.

Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics.

Organizing teams and tricks. Acrobatic exercises and combinations. Rhythmic gymnastics (girls). Base jumps. Exercises and combinations on the beam (girls), on the crossbar (boys), on the uneven bars (boys and girls).

Tests, control lessons, competitions.

Section IV.


Running exercises. Throwing a small ball. Throwing a grenade. Running short and long distances. Long jump and high jump.

Tests, control lessons, competitions.

Ski training.

Ski travel. Climbing, descending, turning, braking. Passage of various distances.

Tests, control lessons, competitions.


Fundamentals of knowledge about physical culture, skills and abilities.

natural foundations.

10-11 - class. Assess the influence of the age characteristics of the body and its motor function on the physical development and physical fitness of schoolchildren. The musculoskeletal system and the muscular system, their role in the implementation of motor acts. To know and understand the processes of the nervous system in the control of movements and the regulation of the respiratory, circulatory and energy systems. The role of mental processes in teaching motor actions and movements. Protective properties of the body and their prevention by means of physical culture. Performing basic movements and complexes of physical exercises that take into account the age and sex characteristics of schoolchildren and directly affect the improvement of the corresponding physical functions of the body. Planning and control of individual physical activity.

Socio-psychological foundations

10-11 - class. Improvement and self-learning of motor actions, their role in the development of attention, memory and thinking. Solving the problems of game and competitive activity with the help of motor actions. Improvement and self-improvement of physical abilities, the impact of these processes on physical development, increasing educational and labor activity and the formation of personally significant properties and qualities. Hygienic bases for organizing independent physical exercises, ensuring their general strengthening and health-improving orientation, preventing injuries and providing first aid for injuries and bruises. Analysis and dynamics of the technique of physical exercises, their development and performance by demonstration, explanation and description. Complexes of physical exercises for the development of physical abilities and testing the level of physical fitness.

Hardening techniques.

10 - 11 - classes. Be able to apply and dose air baths. Sunbathing. Warm (over +22 ̊ С), indifferent (+20…+22 ̊ С), cold (0…+8 ̊ С), very cold (below 0 ̊ С). Sun baths and water procedures. Rubbing. Shower. Swimming in the river, reservoir. Dosage of these procedures. Changing the dosage should be carried out taking into account individual abilities and the state of the body. Bath use. The temperature in the steam room, sauna. To be able to design achievements in the formation of posture and physique.

Ways of self-regulation and self-control.

To be able to determine the level of well-being, performance, sleep, appetite. Determine the parameters of normal body weight, body length, chest circumference and other anthropometric indicators. Methods of self-control of physical activity: for endurance, for speed, for strength, for coordination. Self-control over the level of physical fitness. To be able to project achievements in the development of physical qualities To be able to analyze their achievements in the development of physical qualities and physical exercises.

Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics

10-11 grades. Know the names of apparatus and gymnastic apparatus and elements, safety rules during classes, signs of proper walking, running, jumping, posture, the meaning of muscle tension and relaxation. Importance of breathing and relaxation exercises. Make full use of stretching exercises.


10-11 - classes. Understand the difference between short and long distances and be able to overcome them at different speeds. Correctly apply material for l / athletics. Contribute to the education of moral and volitional qualities. To form skills and abilities to independently use athletics exercises

Ski training.

10-11 - classes. Safety in the classroom for l / training. Improving skiing exercises to master new ways of skiing. Successful mastering of the technique of skiing in various ways in the mode of low, moderate and fast intensity. Passage of training segments in high intensity mode with accelerations up to maximum. Downhill skiing with variable stances and picking up objects while descending in a low stance, overcoming gates on slopes.

Sport games.

10-11 grades. Know and follow safety precautions in the classroom for sports games. Be able to move and move around the sports grounds. Technically correct possession of the ball. Perform specially selected exercises in motion with and without a partner. Be able to change direction and tactics while in possession of the ball. Teaching complex game techniques. Be able to coordinate individual and simple team technical and tactical interactions. Analyze your achievements in the technique of motor action in team sports

Students in grades 10-11 should be able to demonstrate:


Physical exercise




Standing long jump (cm).

pull up

Raising the body from a supine position, hands behind the head (number of times in 1 minute)

Rope climbing without hands


Skiing 2km.


Performing an acrobatic connection consisting of 5-7 elements

Medicine ball throw (m)

by technique

by technique

Educational - thematic plan

Type of program material

Number of hours


ski training




Criteria for assessing the preparedness of students

in physical culture

Assessment criteria for physical culture are both qualitative and quantitative.

Qualitative performance criteria characterize the degree of mastery of the program material: knowledge, motor skills, ways of physical culture and health-improving activities included in the mandatory minimum of the content of education and in the school educational standard.

Quantitative performance criteria determine the shifts in physical fitness, which consist of indicators of the development of basic physical abilities: strength, speed, coordination, endurance, flexibility and their combinations, which reflects the direction and levels of educational programs being implemented.

When evaluating readiness in physical culture, teachers implement not only the actual evaluation, but also stimulating and educating functions, taking into account the pace (the dynamics of changes in the development of physical qualities over a certain period of time, and not at the moment) and individual characteristics of students (body types, mental and physiological features). At the same time, the teacher needs to be as tactful as possible, attentive, not to humiliate the human dignity of the student, taking care of increasing and further developing interest in physical culture.

Final grades are given to students for mastering a topic, section, for a quarter (in high school - for half a year), for an academic year. It includes the current grades received by students for mastering all the components of academic performance: knowledge, motor skills and abilities, and also reflects shifts in the development of physical abilities, skills to carry out sports and recreational activities.

Criteria for assessing academic performance and on the basic components of the physical training of students:

When evaluating knowledge in the subject "Physical culture", the following indicators are taken into account: depth, completeness, reasoning, the ability to use them in relation to specific cases and physical exercises.

In order to test knowledge, the following methods are used: survey, test conversations (without calling out of action), testing.

Technique of possession of motor skills and skills

The following methods are used to assess the technique of possession of motor skills and abilities: observation, calling out for demonstration, performing exercises of varying complexity; combined method.

Rating "5"

Rating "4"

Grade "3"

Grade "2"

For an answer in which the student demonstrates a deep understanding of the essence of the material; logically states it, using it in activity

For the same answer if it contains small inaccuracies and minor errors

For an answer in which there is no logical sequence, there are gaps in the knowledge of the material, there is no proper argumentation and the ability to use knowledge in practice

For ignorance of the program material

Rating "5"

Rating "4"

Grade "3"

Grade "2"

The movement or its individual elements are performed correctly, in compliance with all requirements, without errors, easily, freely, clearly, confidently, smoothly, with excellent posture, in the proper rhythm; the student understands the essence of the movement, its purpose, can understand the movement, explain how it is performed, and demonstrate it in non-standard conditions; can identify and correct mistakes made by another student; confidently fulfills the training standard

When performing, the student acts in the same way as in the previous case, but made no more than two minor errors.

The motor action was mostly performed correctly, but one gross or several minor mistakes were made, which led to stiffness of movements, uncertainty. The student cannot perform the movement in non-standard and difficult conditions in comparison with the lesson

The movement or its individual elements were executed incorrectly, more than two significant or one gross error was made

Possession of ways

and the ability to carry out sports and recreational activities

Rating "5"

Rating "4"

Grade "3"

Grade "2"

The student is able to:

Independently organize the place of employment;

Select tools and equipment and apply them in specific conditions;

Monitor the progress of activities and evaluate the results


Organizes a place of study mostly independently, with only minor assistance;

Makes minor mistakes in the selection of funds;

Controls the progress of activities and evaluates the results

More than half of the types of independent activities are completed with the help of a teacher or one of the items is not performed

The student is unable to complete any of the items independently.

Rating "5"

Rating "4"

Grade "3"

Grade "2"

The initial indicator corresponds to a high level of preparedness, provided for by the mandatory minimum of training and a physical education program that meets the requirements of the state standard and the mandatory minimum of the content of training in physical education, and a high growth of the student in terms of physical fitness for a certain period of time

The initial indicator corresponds to the average level of preparedness and a sufficient growth rate

The initial indicator corresponds to a low level of preparedness and a slight increase

The student does not fulfill the state standard, there is no growth rate of physical fitness indicators

The level of physical fitness of students

When assessing physical fitness, the priority indicator is the rate of growth of results. The teacher's task to improve physical fitness indicators (growth rate) should present a certain difficulty for each student, but be realistically feasible. Achieving these shifts under the condition of systematic studies gives the teacher a reason to give a high mark.

General assessment of academic performance is formed according to the types of the program: in gymnastics, basketball, volleyball, athletics - by adding the final marks received by the student for all types of movements, and marks for the performance of control exercises.

Evaluation of progress for the academic year is made on the basis of grades for the academic quarters, taking into account the overall grades for individual sections of the program. At the same time, assessments for the skills and abilities to carry out the actual motor, physical culture and health-improving activities are of primary importance.


Extracurricular activities of students. Volleyball. G.A. Koldnitsky, V.S. Kuznetsov, M.V. Maslov - a guide for teachers and methodologists, M .: Education, 2011.

Extracurricular activities of students. Athletics. G.A. Koldnitsky, V.S. Kuznetsov, M.V. Maslov - a guide for teachers and methodologists, M .: Education, 2011.

Extracurricular activities of students. Football. G.A. Koldnitsky, V.S. Kuznetsov, M.V. Maslov - a guide for teachers and methodologists, M .: Education, 2011.

Physical education program for grades 1-11”, A.P. Matveev GEF Exemplary programs of basic general education. Physical Culture. (Standards of the new generation): methodological guide Enlightenment, 2011.

Additional education program. Harmonious development of children by means of gymnastics. Edited by I.A. Viner - M. - Enlightenment, 2011.

Physical Culture. Work programs. The subject line of A.P. Matveev grades 5-9 GEF: a guide for general education teachers. Institutions / V. I. Lyakh. - M. Enlightenment, 2014

Physical education at school. Practical advice to teachers.

Lessons of physical culture 5-7, 8-9 grades. Guidelines. A.P. Matveev / Moscow, Education 2014

Textbooks "Physical culture". Grade 5, Grade 6.7, Grades 8-9: / A.P. Matveev: Enlightenment, 2014

Handbook of a teacher of physical culture. Edited by L.B. Kofman "Physical culture and sport" 2008.

The program of physical education for students in grades 1-11, based on one of the sports (volleyball). Stenkin, Novokuznetsk ed. Kuz GPA 2004

Methodology for teaching students the technique of skiing grades 1-11. V.A. Lepyoshkin. Moscow. Bustard 2006

"Lesson of physical culture in a modern school" G.A. Balandin. Moscow. Soviet sport 2004


The textbook was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education and the program of A.P. Matveev “Physical Culture. 5 - 9 grades. The textbook provides information about the Olympic Games in antiquity, reveals the concepts of "physical development", "physical culture", etc. Much attention is paid to the formation of students' skills and abilities in organizing independent physical exercises. The textbook also provides material related to improving the health of students, their physical and technical training in basic sports (gymnastics, athletics, cross-country skiing, sports games).

Textbook example

These classes will help you improve your health, form the correct posture, develop basic physical qualities, as well as memory, attention and thinking. They will bring you not only "muscular joy", but also good spirits, good mood, self-confidence.
This textbook will help you organize and conduct independent physical exercises, as well as correctly evaluate their results.
Here you will also find information about the history of the ancient Olympic Games, about the physical development and physical culture of a person; exercises (with drawings) ‘for morning exercises, physical education minutes, complexes for the formation of posture, a slender figure, the development of strength and flexibility, as well as descriptions of technical actions and techniques from various sports included in the school curriculum.

Chapter 1. Ancient Olympic Games 6
Chapter 2. Human physical development 9
Chapter 3. Human physical culture 20
Chapter 1. How to conduct independent exercise 30
Chapter 2. How to evaluate the effectiveness of exercise 44
Chapter 1. Physical culture and health-improving activity 50
Chapter 2. Sports and recreation activities 64
Conclusion 112

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