The emotional impact of words on a person. The influence of a kind word The influence of kind words

MBOU "Basic comprehensive school Kursk"

Belgorod region

Starooskolsky district

S. Lapygino

“The influence of words on the growth and development of plants”


Kosenkova Ksenia

Nikolaevna, 4th grade,

Kondaurova Daria

Yurievna, 4th grade


Saprykina Olga

Ivanovna teacher

primary classes


Introduction p. 3

Literary review p. 5

Methodology and material p. 7

Research results p. 7

Analysis of results p.8

Conclusions, conclusions p. 9

Information sources p.10

Applications p.11


The plant kingdom is a whole universe, which, for all its breadth, also includes many obvious manifestations of the animal world. After all, as numerous studies have demonstrated, plants show that they are happy when treated with love, feel fear of violence, and become anxious in the presence of dangerous animals. In addition, they react to human emotions and even communicate with each other, but only in an incredibly subtle, almost ethereal language, which we are only now beginning to understand...
Even in the distant past, our ancestors knew that cultivating the land and growing many fruits, flowers and vegetables were associated with a “human” attitude towards them. Many projects today are based on this special connection to create more dynamic and productive agriculture, taking into account the range of factors involved in plant growth.
In the works of biodynamic agronomy, Rudolf Steiner, the creator of anthroposophy, studied, on the basis of the laws of spirituality, those fertilizers that do not destroy the soil and promote the harmonious growth of plants. Farms in Germany that have used his system have achieved superior results in both quantity and quality compared to what is currently offered in traditional markets.
It was the same with the most revolutionary and spectacular farming techniques used by the peasants of the Santiago Valley in the Mexican state of Guanajuato in the 70s. A certain “secret formula” was used, and as a result, cabbage grew weighing 43 kilograms, white beet leaves reached a length of 1.83 meters, an onion was 4.5 kilograms, celery - a meter, and cloves were twelve times larger than usual. The “secret,” according to the peasants, could be applied to all plants: flowers, cereals, tubers... and, in addition, it did not require any chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
It should be said that these methods were soon criticized by official scientists, and the peasants abandoned their lands along with all agronomic experiments. But the photographs and films made are still preserved.
However, behind all these cases are hidden attempts to communicate with a kingdom that is practically unknown to us. Many people know that linguistic experiments have long been carried out with animals, whales, dolphins and dogs, but few people know that the same thing has been done with plants.

The word... A sound that lives for a split second and disappears in space. Where is he? Go look for those sound waves. The word... An almost immaterial phenomenon. It seems there is nothing to talk about. People noticed a long time ago that “an evil word can kill,” and a kind word “is also pleasant for a cat.” Few people think about the fact that sound is not just a certain set of sound waves, but a carrier of information. Long word does not necessarily carry more information than short. Everything depends not only on what sounds the word consists of, and not even on their order in the word, but on what the informative capacity of this sound is.

Any spoken word is nothing more than a wave genetic program that can very significantly affect plants.

We became interested in this fact and decided to test the reliability of this version experimentally, using barley seeds.

The purpose of the experiment: to determine the degree of influence of good, evil words, prayers on the growth and development of plants using barley seeds. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Studying the methodology for conducting experiments on plants.

Learn how to properly plant seeds for experiments.

Process the received data.

Compare the degree of influence of different words on seed germination.

The subject of the study is barley seeds.

We put forward the following hypothesis: the word carries information and has a certain effect on the growth and development of plants.

To solve this hypothesis, I used the following methods: study of information sources, experimental work, observation.

Literature review.

Many centuries ago, people noticed that sound and words can work both for the benefit and harm of others.

In the late 60s, American Cleve Baxter, a CIA agent, tried a lie detector on plants to check their reaction to people's thoughts, because his experiments were soon repeated many times, causing a literal chain reaction.

Many of the experiments do not require particularly sophisticated technology, but are nevertheless aimed at improving the growth of a plant, although they are not at all related to changes in its genetic structure. In this sense, it is necessary to recall the Californian Luther Burbank, who, among other things, brought out the new kind cacti without needles... simple conversations. Language was his instrument, and plants not only understood it, but even obeyed it. The result was “untia ficus indica” (needleless cactus) and other plant mutants; for example, a white mulberry was bred - the berries were so transparent that one could see the seed inside, a huge, very juicy plum, an all-white daisy and a fragrant water lily. His method consisted of visualizing what he wanted to achieve, and after that, thanks only to the “cooperation” with plants, new species arose. Burbank explained it this way: “During the time that I was conducting an experiment to obtain a cactus without needles, I often talked to the plants to create a vibration of love.”
In turn, psychiatrist John Mayes announced that plants not only respond to the facts they are told, but also their growth seems to be directly related to the degree of intimacy between the plant itself and its host. But “primitive” peoples knew about all this a long time ago!
Despite the fact that we, the inhabitants of cities and villages, have long “left the forest”, the belief about the mutual influence of man on plants and plants on man stubbornly lives in the minds of people. Many city dwellers are convinced that the life of indoor plants is closely connected with the life of their owners. “If the owner dies, the plant may die.” “Everything always grows beautifully in the garden of holy fools, because they have a good-natured soul.” “If everything is good in the family, then the flowers on the windows turn green and grow well. If something doesn’t go well, water them, add fertilizer - they still don’t want to grow well.” At the same time, there is a strong belief that if you talk to plants, then they will grow better. The record-breaking melon, weighing 278 kg, was grown by American Norman Gallagher, who, according to his wife, actually lived in the garden next to the melon, talked to it and even kissed it. Interestingly, an English builder from Yorkshire managed to grow the world’s largest onion (5 kg): he also talked to his pet every morning.

Petr Garyaev [Appendix 1, Photo 1] and Georgy Tertyshny, scientists from the Institute of Management Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, have invented a device that translates human words into electromagnetic vibrations. And the latter, as is known, influence the molecules of DNA heredity. According to their research, DNA perceives human speech. Words have an informational effect on them.

Moscow researchers from the Department of Theoretical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, under the leadership of Academician P. P. Garyaev, conducted a study of the influence of words on plants. We started with curses. For the study, we took seeds of the Arabidopsis plant [Appendix 1 photo 2]. For several weeks, regularly - for three to four hours a day - a tape recorder nearby “read” rude phrases. The results of the effects of curses on the plant simply stunned scientists. Verbal treatment of Arabidopsis turned out to be similar to irradiation of 40,000 roentgens. From such a dose, DNA chains and chromosomes were broken, genes were scattered and mixed up. Most of the seeds died, and the survivors began to develop monstrous mutations. Moreover, it turned out that the results do not depend on the volume of spoken words. The researchers shouted, talked, whispered - in any case, the destructive effect was the same. It was not the strength of the sound that caused him, but the meaning of what was said, that is, those torsion fields that arose when pronouncing curses. After several generations, the offspring completely degenerated.

But when the same tape recorder began to reproduce kind, “warm” words, the device recorded how the structure of DNA molecules began to change. The torn spirals “grew together”, the seeds came to life and sprouted. But in the control group it remained dead.

In order to test the healing power of prayers, scientists conducted another experiment. Wheat grains that received a dose of 10,000 roentgens, in which DNA, chromosomes and genes were torn and mixed up, were subjected to blessings and prayers. And they rose and began to develop normally, although in the control group great amount the seeds died.

Scientists have come to a stunning conclusion: DNA perceives human speech. Her “ears” are truly adapted to catching sound vibrations Molecules of heredity receive both acoustic and light information. One text heals heredity, while the other traumatizes it. Prayer words awaken the reserve capabilities of the genetic apparatus. The curse destroys wave programs, which means it disrupts the normal development of the body.

  1. 1. Methodology and material.

To conduct the experiment, we took barley seeds of approximately the same size. The same number of seeds was placed in 4 plates and filled with the same amount of water [Appendix 2, photo 4, 5]. The plates were placed on the windowsills [Appendix 2, photo 6]. The seeds on the first plate were scolded every day, say rude words to them. A prayer was read to the seeds on the second plate, and kind, affectionate words were spoken to the third plate [Appendix 3, photo 7, 8]. The fourth plate was the control plate. The experiment was carried out for 7 days. Then we repeated the experiment twice. The results of the experiment were depicted in the form of diagrams [Appendix 4].

  1. Research results.

1 experience.

Date 09/26/2011

1 plate - 1 seed sprouted. The sprout is approximately 1 cm long. The surface is covered with moss. The water foamed in the first days [Appendix 5, photo 9].

2 plate - more than 20 seeds sprouted. Sprouts from 2 to 10 cm [Appendix 5, photo 10]..

3 plate - about 15 seeds sprouted. Sprouts from 1 to 10 cm [Appendix 5, photo 11].

4 plate - 2 seeds sprouted. The sprouts are about 2 cm [Appendix 5, photo 12].

Experiment 2 [Appendix 6, photo 13].

Date: 10/3/2011

1 plate - 2 seeds sprouted. The sprout is approximately 1.5 cm long. The surface is covered with moss. The water foamed in the first days.

2 plate - more than 20 seeds sprouted. Sprouts from 2 to 10 cm.

3 plate - about 18 seeds sprouted. Sprouts from 1 to 10 cm.

4 plate - 3 seeds sprouted. The sprouts are about 2 cm.

Experience 3 [Appendix 6, photo 14].

Date 10/10/2011

1 plate - 5 seeds sprouted. The sprout is approximately 1.5 cm long. The surface is covered with moss. The water foamed in the first days.

2 plate - more than 55 seeds sprouted. Sprouts from 2 to 20 cm.

3 plate - more than 45 seeds sprouted. Sprouts from 1 to 15 cm.

4 plate - 17 seeds sprouted. The sprouts are about 2 cm.

  1. Analysis of results.

According to the results obtained, we see that

Plate No. 1 (evil, rude words) - practically no germination was given. In all cases, the water foamed in the first days

Plate No. 2 (prayer) - gave 20-55 shoots. The sprouts are tall and strong.

Plate No. 3 (kind, good words) - 17-45 shoots. The sprouts are tall and strong.

Plate No. 4 (control) - 1-17 shoots. The sprouts are small.

  1. 4. Conclusion, conclusions.

As can be seen from the analysis of the results, evil words really have a negative effect on plants. Plants practically die. Kind words give good results, but prayer had the most beneficial effect.

Conclusion: the word really affects the growth and development of plants. This means that we are responsible for what this world will be like. We should control ourselves, our thoughts and words.

We plan to continue working on this topic. To do this, we will pronounce various words over the water, and then water the flowers with this water.

  1. 5. Recommendations.

To get a better harvest, growing flowers or any plants, you must remember that the harvest or the result of growth largely depends on us, on our inner world, from our words. You need to be kinder, drive away your evil thoughts with prayers. We should think about what we say to the world around us, what information we send. After all, our future and the future of the planet depend on it.

Information sources.

  1. Konovalov V.F. Desired or actual? - M.: Knowledge, 1991.
  1. newspaper “Arguments and Facts” (No. 18, 2004) article “Drives away old age”
  1. Goryaev P.P. personal website ›news/2009-05-19-44 “Wave genetics” Appendix 6

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Influence kind words.

This is new research that confirms the significant impact of good and bad words on people. Scientists have discovered an area in the human brain responsible for painful (unpleasant) memories. Let's read it. Many people don't know that good words have an impact on others. Good words can mean a person's healing or another's happiness. And it's possible that saying bad words will hurt someone more than hitting them! I was prompted to write this article by a study conducted by Americans around the influence of bad words. However, before we talk about the results of this study, which were published in the newspaper “Soulful Knowledge,” I would like to recall with you a verse that explains the influence of words on the people around us.

Allah Almighty says: “Don’t you see how Allah gives parables? A beautiful word is like a beautiful tree, whose roots are strong and whose branches reach to the sky. It bears fruit every moment with the permission of its Lord. Allah brings parables to people, perhaps they will remember the lesson. But a bad word is like a bad tree that can be torn out from the surface of the earth, because it has no strength.” [Ibrahim, verses 24 - 26]. This was also confirmed by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) when he said that a person can speak without thinking about his words, and this will enter him into paradise, or he can say something without thinking about the meaning of the words he says, and for this he will be thrown into the fire for seventy autumns!

This means that a believer must be attentive and carefully choose good words when speaking. Because words leave a deep imprint on a person’s soul. Some researchers on the BBC website mentioned that a saying like: "Sticks and stones can break a man's bones, but words can do no harm" is incorrect. Unpleasant memories associated with sentimental feelings are more painful than those associated with physical pain. Scientists say changes in the brain give us the ability to work in a social setting and could be key to this study with student volunteers. Participants in this experiment were asked to write about their painful experiences: physical and sentimental. Then through a short time Afterwards, they were given a complex mental test.

The basic principle behind the study was that the more painful the students' memories of their experiences, the worse they did on the test. The results of those who recalled physical pain were better than the results of those who recalled mental pain inflicted on them from others. Researcher Shinxing Zin from Burdu University in the US state of Indiana says that physical pain inflicted on a person is difficult to restore, unlike moral or social pain.

There is a side of a person's brain that is responsible for unpleasant experiences and words to which he is exposed from the outside. This is the cerebral cortex, which deals with complex tasks such as thinking, understanding and language function. This part of the brain improves a person's ability to adapt to any society or culture. It is also responsible for the reaction to pain inflicted on a person by society.

Michael Hogesman, a child psychologist in Germany, says it's likely that multiple parts of the brain are involved during emotional pain. After all, this pain has long-term consequences. With physical pain, for example, you can see a wound or bruises, but moral pain most often leaves behind feelings of fear and anxiety. For example, if students tell their friend that they will attack him after school, the latter will be in fear and anxiety much more than he would have been during the beating.

What can you learn from these results?

Such studies, which are carried out by non-believers, once again confirm the truth of what the religion of Islam came with. Allah Almighty ordered us to choose our words when speaking so as not to cause trouble to others, so that our words have a positive impact on others. Here are the verses that point to the above. Allah Almighty says: “A kind word and forgiveness are better than alms followed by offensive reproach. Allah is Rich, Sustained." [Cow, verse 263]. He also says: “Avoid the defilement of idols and avoid lying speech.” [Hajj, verse 30]. Allah ordered us to call people in the best possible way, argue with them politely, choose words that could influence them positively and leave the right impression about Islam in their souls. The Almighty says: “Call to the way of the Lord with wisdom and good admonition, and argue with them in the best possible way. Verily, your Lord knows best those who stray from His path, and knows best those who follow the straight path.” [Bees, verse 125]. Research like this should increase our belief that a good word has an impact on others. A good word is alms, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) reported on this. See how Allah mentioned a good word before prayer, which is the pillar of religion. Addressing the sons of Israel (Jews), the Almighty says: “Behold, We have made a covenant with the children of Israel (Israel) that you will not worship anyone except Allah; you will do good to your parents, as well as relatives, orphans and the poor; You will speak beautiful things to people, perform namaz and pay zakat.” [Cow, verse 83].

My brother, believer! You must know that any word you say leaves a mark in the soul of the one to whom you addressed. This trace does not disappear after days, it will remain, so you should strive to leave a good trace in the souls of people. And you don’t know, it’s possible that the word you said will be the reason that you enter paradise on the day you meet Allah!

 The wonderful power of a kind word. Author: Dudkin Pavel MBOU "Lyceum No. 34", 2 "B" class, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region. Scientific supervisor: Olga Viktorovna Furina, primary school teacher, Novokuznetsk, 2013. Introduction. Object of study: the influence of good and evil words on living organisms. Subject of research: man, water and plants. Reasons for conducting the study. I decided to do my experiment after I saw it on TV documentary about the influence of words on water. I was interested in the fact that water, according to scientists, has memory. How Living being it reacts to emotions and conveys thoughts. And since almost all living beings on Earth are partially composed of water (people, animals, and plants), it means that with a word you can influence the state of all living beings. So I decided to read more literature about water, about the power of the words that we pronounce, find out the results of scientific research, conduct an experiment on my own and come to the conclusion: is it true that water is alive, that it hears and feels us, and that everything is alive, What is made of water that reacts to words in the same way as water? If my guess is correct, then thanks to the kind words that we say to people, the water and the plants that surround us, our city can become even greener and more beautiful, and people kinder and healthier. Hypothesis: Words are not an empty phrase, they have a special power that has great value for all living organisms. Purpose of the study. During research activities find out: -what influence a word has on a person. -how words influence the properties of water. -how words influence the growth and development of plants. Research objectives. -Collect information and conduct experiments on a given topic. -Find out what impact a word has on a person. -Observe how water changes its properties when good or bad words are spoken to it. -Observe how plants develop when they are told good and bad words. -Analyze the information received and draw conclusions. -Prepare an electronic presentation for the study. Research methods. -Collection of information. -Analysis of collected materials. -Conducting experiments. -Observation and study. -Analysis of the results obtained. Theoretical part. How does a word affect living organisms? What power does our word have in relation to people? Let's try to answer this question by getting acquainted with the parable. A parable about the word. Once the Master spoke about the great power of the Living Word. Hundreds of students listened to him attentively. And each of them wanted to own this extraordinary power. But not everyone believed the Master. Someone from the back rows suddenly shouted: “You’re talking nonsense!” This power of your Living Word is nonsense! -Sit down, fool! - the Master answered rudely. The man was overcome with rage, he began to swear even more and insult the Master. Anger completely clouded his mind. The master listened to him. And then, with an air of remorse, he said: “Forgive me... I got excited.” I sincerely apologize. I shouldn't have insulted you. And the student immediately calmed down. “Here is the answer for all of you,” the Master concluded. - From one word the man became furious, and from the other he calmed down. So, with a word you can save, make wise and heal. But words can also sow evil, poison the soul, and wound. And how many examples do we know when the saving word of support, love, care, kindness gave strength to the sick and led to recovery. A kind word can help get rid of complexes, psychological barriers or mental pain, make you laugh and cheer up. Japanese researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto studied the properties of water for several years, their changes under the influence environment, music, words. During his work, he took more than 10,000 photographs of water samples. Masaru Emoto froze droplets of water, which had previously been influenced by different words, and studied their structure under a microscope. He proved that under the influence of kind words, the structure of water takes on a harmonious shape. If you say bad and evil words to water, the structure of the water becomes ugly and deformed. Over the first sample they said the word “Love”, over the other “You got me.” What is the conclusion? Can water remember words, phrases and even emotions? But our body is 80% water, so there is no doubt that bad words lead to changes in the human body and the occurrence of various diseases. The power of the spoken word in relation to flora also great. Research institute scientists conducted experiments on plants many times: for example, they said kind words: “I love you,” “Thank you,” “You delight us with your beauty and splendor” to plants, and such plants grew quickly and easily. If they changed the words to bad ones, then all the plants became distorted, deteriorated, or stopped active growth. Practical part. Experiments, experiments and observations stage 1. Let's find out how good and bad words influence a person. We decided that we would not experiment on people, subjecting them to prolonged abuse - it was too cruel. To find out how a word can influence a person, I conducted a survey among second-grade students at our school. (See Appendix 1.) A total of 35 students were surveyed. Analyzing the answers, I created a chart. The chart shows that: 91% of students experience unpleasant feelings from bad and rude words. 95% of students experience a feeling of joy and happiness from kind words of praise, support and love. 82% of students experience unpleasant feelings due to indifference. Stage 2. Let's find out how bad and good words affect water. Based on the thesis that water is capable of perceiving and transmitting any information, my mother and I set up the following experiment. -We took 3 glass jars, rice, water. -Pour rice into jars and fill with plain filtered tap water. -The jars signed (+), (-), (0) -For 14 days, I said kind words to the first jar: “Water, I love you,” “Without water there is no life on earth,” “Beauty will save the world.” The second can was periodically scolded. The third one was ignored. In 5 days. In the jar "+" - a small amount of bubbles appeared on the surface of the water, the water has a pleasant smell. In the "-" jar, the water has become yellowish in color, there are almost no bubbles on the surface of the water, but there is a coating of flakes and a very unpleasant smell. In the jar "0" - the water turns sour, there are a lot of bubbles on the surface and inside the rice, the smell of sour dough. (+)(-) (0) In 14 days. In the jar "+" there is a small amount of bubbles on the surface of the water, rice flakes hang beautifully in the water, like snow, the water has a pleasant smell. In the "-" jar, the water became yellowish, there was a film on the surface of the water, and mold appeared, a very unpleasant smell. In the jar "0" - the contents are very sour, there are a lot of bubbles, a yellow film and mold have appeared on the surface, the smell is not pleasant. (+)(-) (0) Stage 3. Let's find out how good and bad words affect the growth and development of plants. To conduct the experiment, I took pea seeds, drainage, soil, fertilizer, three identical pots, and a lamp for illumination. I decided to start the experiment on plants with seeds. I divided them into three groups of 3 peas in each. I spoke pleasant words to the first group of peas (marked “+”). To the second group (marked "-") - he said unpleasant words. He didn’t say anything to the third group (marked “0”). I spoke the words, isolating the group from others (I went into another room with the sample). I did the same with plants in the future. I marked the pots ("+", "0", "-"), planted the seeds there, watered them, and placed them on a bright windowsill. Every day I watered the ground with a small amount of water. In the evening I turned on additional lighting. After 5 days the first shoots appeared. Day 6 In the "+" pot the sprouts are longer than the others. In the "-" pot there are medium-sized sprouts. In pot "0" the sprouts are the smallest. I watched the plants for another 4 days. Day 10 In the "+" pot, the plants are the tallest. In the "-" pot, the plants are smaller, one sprout develops very poorly. In pot “0” the plants are the same as in “-”, only they are all the same. Conclusion. Conclusions. Stages of the experiment Conclusion The influence of good and bad words on a person. A kind word heals, calms, pleases, encourages, revives. An evil word hurts, worries, causes illness, rage, resentment, tears, pain, and takes away hope. The influence of good and bad words on the properties of water. The water remembered the information said by the person and reacted differently. The water to which evil words were spoken turned sour faster than the water to which good words were spoken. And water that has not been told anything has the worst results. This suggests that there is nothing worse than indifference. The influence of good and bad words on the growth and development of plants. Kind words have a positive effect on seed germination, plant growth and development. A poor and indifferent attitude towards plants has almost no effect on seed germination, but plant growth slows down. After conducting experiments, I can draw the following conclusion: Under no circumstances should we swear when we drink water or swim, we need to speak at this time beautiful words, and then we will be healthier, younger and more beautiful. The plants that we grow in our gardens also need to be spoken with beautiful words more often, then they will grow and develop better and contain more vitamins and nutrients, and we will be kinder and healthier. But since we can very often forget about this, I decided to make a “reminder” and hang it in suitable places at home and in the country. (see Appendix 2). In order for the world around to be joyful and beautiful, I would advise all people to make such a “Reminder”, which my mother and I came up with ourselves, and then we will more often ensure that every word we utter is kind and filled with love .List of information sources used: 1. Everything about water. Encyclopedia. M., 2001 2. Children's encyclopedia. The second life of water. No. 2- 2006 3. Children's encyclopedia. Water is life. No. 10-2006 4. Masaru Emoto. The message of water. Minsk, 2006 5. Zubkova N.M. Scientific answers to children's "Whys". St. Petersburg, 2007 6. Main encyclopedia about water. Internet. 7. Shkurko D. Funny chemistry. Leningrad, 1966 8. Internet sources. Appendix 1. Questionnaire on the topic: What influence do words have on you? 1.) How do you feel when adults scold you? O - pleasant O - unpleasant 2.) What feelings do you experience when children call you names? O - pleasant O - unpleasant 3.) What feelings do you experience when you are forced to apologize for a bad deed? O - pleasant O - unpleasant 4.) What feelings do you experience when you call children names? O - pleasant O - unpleasant 5.) What feelings do you experience when your bad deed is not paid attention to? O - pleasant O - unpleasant 6.) What feelings do you experience when you are praised? O - pleasant O - unpleasant 7.) What feelings do you experience when someone consoles you when you are upset? O - pleasant O - unpleasant 8.) What feelings do you experience when you are given little attention? O - pleasant O - unpleasant 9.) What feelings do you experience when you were offended and did not apologize? O - pleasant O - unpleasant 10.) What feelings do you experience if you have not apologized for a bad deed? O - pleasant O - unpleasant 11.) What feelings do you experience when you call your offender back? O - pleasant O - unpleasant Appendix 2. Appendix 3. Proverbs and sayings about the influence of words on a person 1. 0t polite words will not wither the tongue. 2. The cat is happy about a kind word. 3. Kind words are sweeter than honey. 4. As it comes back, so will it respond. 5. As is the voice, so is the echo. 6. An empty word does not make a blade of grass green. 7. My tongue is my enemy, it prowls before the mind, seeking trouble. 8. A wound from a saber heals, a wound from a word does not. 9. Words and feathers become the property of the wind. (Spanish) 10. Slander is toothless, but squabbling gnaws. 11. Slander is more harmful than poison. 12. The tongue of a slacker never slacks. 13. By the way, don’t say anything, that big word you say. 14. Insincere words are like tangled hair on the head: untangling them is a difficult task. 15. A kind word lowers a saber, a kind word cuts steel. 16. A word strikes like an arrow. 17. And you’ll say it’s bad, but you won’t say it’s bad. 18. Empty speeches and nothing to listen to. 19. A spoken word is silver, and an unspoken word is golden. 20. What is said is not proven, it must be done 21. People are not judged by words, but by deeds 22. Actions speak louder than words 23. A word is not a sparrow, you will not catch it when it flies out 24. A spoken word cannot be taken back 25. A word is not blown away - to the forehead does not hit 26. Harsh words do not break bones 27. Scolding does not hang on the collar 28. A word strikes like an arrow 29. A word is not a knife, but leads to a knife 30. Many words hurt more than swords 31. A good word heals, but an evil word kills 32. A warm word melts the ice. 33. The tongue is small, but it controls the whole body. 34. Don’t be hasty in your language, and don’t be lazy in your deeds. 35. A bad word is like resin: if it sticks, you won’t get it off. 36. Twirls his tongue like a cow’s tail. 37. A cow has a long tongue, but cannot speak. 38. The mill grinds, there will be flour; the tongue grinds, there will be trouble. 39. It’s better not to negotiate than to negotiate. Children's project - 2013 Children's project - 2013

Identify the influence of sounds on the growth and development of plants.

(Naturally - scientific direction)


1. Introduction.

* Reasons for conducting the experiment

* Our hypothesis

* Goals and objectives.

2. Work plan.

* Collecting information about plant life

* Find out how words affect living organisms

* To conduct an experiment

* Result of work on the research topic

3. Conclusion.


Reasons for conducting the experiment.

I decided to conduct my experiment after I saw a documentary on TV about the effect of words and music on water.

From my Environment lessons, I knew that plants need water to grow. This means we can assume that words and music will also influence plants.

There are more and more cars in our city every year, they heavily pollute the atmosphere.

Unfortunately, plants do not grow as fast as necessary to neutralize all the harmful emissions from cars.

If my guess is correct and the water, getting drunk positive energy good words and melodies, will transmit it to the plants - the plants will grow faster and better.

This means that thanks to the kind words that we say to plants, our city can become even greener and more beautiful, and people kinder and healthier.

Plants purify the air and release oxygen, which means the more plants and the better they grow, the better the environment becomes.

But it’s unrealistic to talk to every tree, so in order to cover as many plants as possible, you can listen to songs with good and kind words.


Let's assume that a kind word has a positive effect on plant growth and the plants develop better.

This means that if you say bad words to a plant, it will develop poorly and die.

If plants are influenced by classical music, they will develop faster than if they are influenced by rock.


During research activities, observe:

*how words influence the growth and development of plants,

*how do the sounds of music affect the growth and development of plants.


*Collect information and conduct experiments on a given topic.

*Watch how plants develop when they are told good and bad words

*Observe how music affects plant growth.

*Analyze the information received and draw conclusions.

Work plan.

Collecting information about plant life

In order to test my hypotheses, I collected and read information about plant life.

I learned that for plants to develop normally, they need good soil, warmth, moisture and light.

Since the experiment was carried out in winter, my plants might not have enough light, which means I will have to find an additional light source for a full experiment.

In addition, I learned that when growing plants at home, drainage must be installed in the container where the plant grows so that the roots do not rot and there is an influx of oxygen to them.

Expanded clay should be used as drainage.

In an article on gardening it was said that seed germination decreases every year.

For good germination, the seeds must be “fresh”, i.e. either the last harvest or the year before.

When planting plants in winter, they require fertilizing.

The soil depends on the type of plants planted.

They need to be watered every day, little by little, to keep the soil slightly moist.

If there is insufficient humidity in the apartment, you need to place a humidifier next to the plants.

Find out how words affect living organisms

On the Internet I found many articles close to the topic of my research - about the influence of words on living organisms.

I read that a word is a set of sounds, air vibrations, a sound wave.

You can't touch it.

However, people noticed a long time ago that “an evil word can kill,” and a kind word “is also pleasant for a cat.”

Matusovsky has this poem:

“There are words more terrible than gunpowder,

Than a shell over trench ditches

I advise people in quarrels

Be careful with your words."

Several articles claimed that water changes its properties when exposed to sound. And since almost all living beings on Earth are partially composed of water, it means that with a word you can influence the state of all living beings.

One article said that perhaps it is not the words themselves that influence, but the intonation with which they are spoken.

The most affectionate word can be pronounced rudely, and an abusive one with a kind, gentle intonation.

Then the words will change for us emotional coloring to the opposite.

According to psychologists and neurologists, the most positive is the music of Mozart, and the most negative is hard rock and rap.

At the flower shop we bought:

soil “For garden plants”,

drainage (expanded clay),

Saintpaulia fertilizer.

To control the humidity in the room, we bought a hygrometer.

We found out that the humidity was low and bought a humidifier.

Mom gave me three flower pots. We put a small layer of expanded clay in them, covered them with earth, and watered them with diluted fertilizers and water.

At the first stage, I decided to find out how bad and good words affect the growth and development of plants.

I decided to start the experiment on plants with seeds. I divided them into three groups of 3 peas in each.

I spoke pleasant words to the first group of peas (marked “+”):

The second group (marked it “0”) - did not say anything

To the third group (marked it “-”) - said unpleasant words

I spoke the words, isolating the group from others (I went into another room with the sample).

I did the same with plants in the future.

I marked the pots (“+”, “0”, “-”), planted the seeds there, watered them, and placed them on a bright windowsill.

Every day I watered the ground with a small amount of water. I monitored the hygrometer readings and, if necessary, turned on the humidifier.

In the evening I turned on additional lighting.

Two days later the first shoots appeared.

In the “+” pot the plants appeared a little earlier.

But only 2 peas sprouted, just like in pot “0”.

In the pot marked “-” the sprouts appeared a little later, but all three peas sprouted.

I watched the plants for several more days. The “pluses” grew a little faster.

However, there were no big differences.

I decided to complicate the experiment.

The gardening book said that when transplanting, plants experience stress.

Perhaps if you say good words to the plants, they will survive the transplant easier.

I decided to transplant the plants into a large pot.

When replanting plants:

with “+” I spoke good words;

did not say anything with “0”;

with “-” said unpleasant words

In order not to confuse the plants next to them, I placed correspondingly marked flags.

At the next stage of my research, I decided to test the effect of classical music and rock on seed germination.

For the experiment, I took wheat seeds.

I planted them in flower pots similar to peas, labeled “-”, “0” and “+”.

“+” - will grow to the music of Mozart,

“-” - to rock

“0”—will not listen to anything.

Every day, three times, I let the pots with the planted seeds listen to music, taking them to another room.

Three days later the first shoots appeared.

Contrary to my expectations, all 7 seeds sprouted in the pot marked “-” and a little earlier than in the others.

In “+” and “0” 5 seeds sprouted at the same time.

I decided to continue the experiment and find out what kind of music the plants will develop better with. Perhaps music will influence plant growth in a different way.

I continued to play music for the sprouts.

After 7 days of observation, I found out that there was no big difference in plant growth. And although “+” was slightly higher than the others, the plants with “-” had thicker, stronger sprouts and they grew “more friendly”.

During the experiment I found out one more interesting fact, my brother and I liked listening to rock music, along with plants, more, and my mother and grandmother liked to listen to Mozart.

The result of the work on the research topic

Stages of the experiment


Identifying the influence of good and bad words on plant growth.

The influence of words on the development and growth of plants was not revealed during this experiment.

Identification of the influence of bad and good words on the condition of plants during transplantation.

The influence of words on the state of plants during transplantation was not revealed during this experiment.

Identification of the influence of classical music and rock on plant germination.

The plants that listened to the rock grew better and faster.

Identification of the influence of classical music and rock on the growth and development of plants.

Plants listening to rock grew and developed better than others.


During the research, I put forward hypotheses about the influence of good and bad words on the growth of plants, as well as the influence of music on the growth and development of plants.

After conducting experiments, I can draw the following conclusion:

Rock music has a positive effect on seed germination, plant growth and development.

Based on the data from my experiment, I made the assumption that plants develop from generation to generation, like people. The new generation of seeds loves rock music more, just like the new generation of people.

Regarding the results of the experiment on the influence of words on plants, I cannot draw an objective conclusion.

It turned out that the most difficult part of conducting this experiment was saying bad words to defenseless plants. I felt very sorry for them, and scolding them, I unconsciously softened my intonation. I didn’t repeat the experiment with words, because I wouldn’t be able to say really bad words with the right intonation to the plants.

The most interesting stage in the experiment was letting the pots of wheat listen to music and watching the sprouts grow. I was glad that the plants liked the same music as I did.

I would like to continue experiments with plants and find out how poems by different poets affect the growth and development of plants.


Ostriychuk Alexander

student of class 4A

// July 11, 2012 // Views: 19,386

Municipal budget educational institution- average comprehensive school No. 11 Shilovsky garrison Novosibirsk region Novosibirsk region

research on the topic

The wonderful power of a kind word.

mid-level department - “I am a researcher”

Work completed

6th grade student:

Koshman Ekaterina


biology teacher

Maslova V.E.



Introduction 3-4

Main part

- Literature review 4-9

- Practical part 10-11


Results of Study 11

Analysis of results 11

Conclusions and conclusions 11

Literature 12

Applications 13 -20


The relevance of research.

We decided to conduct our experiment after we saw a documentary on TV about the effect of words on water. We were interested in the fact that water, according to scientists, has memory. As a living being, it reacts to emotions and transmits thoughts. And since almost all living beings on Earth are partially composed of water (people, animals, and plants), it means that with a word you can influence the state of all living beings. So we decided to get acquainted with the literature about water, about the power of the words that we pronounce, find out the results of scientific research, conduct our own experiments and answer the question: does every living thing that consists of water react to words in the same way as water?

If our guess is correct, then thanks to the kind words that we will say to the people and plants that surround us, our the world It can become even greener and more beautiful, and people are kinder and healthier.

Hypothesis - Words are not an empty phrase; they have a special power that is of great importance for all living organisms.

Target our researchfind out the influence of words on humans and on the growth and development of plants

Research objectives.

Collect information on the topic.

Find out what impact a word has on a person.

Conduct experiments and find out how plants develop when they are told good and bad words.

Analyze the information received and draw conclusions.

Object of study: the influence of good and evil words on living organisms.

Subject of study : man and plants.


Research methods. - Information collection and analysiscollected materials.

Conduct a survey among students in grades 5-10

Conduct experiments and analyze the results.

Literature review

How does a word affect living organisms? .

What power does our word have in relation to people? Let's try to answer this question by getting acquainted with the parable.

A parable about the word.

Once the Master spoke about the great power of the Living Word. Hundreds of students listened to him attentively. And each of them wanted to own this extraordinary power. But not everyone believed the Master. Someone from the back rows suddenly shouted:

- You're talking nonsense! This power of your Living Word is nonsense!

- Sit down, fool! – the Master answered rudely. The man was overcome with rage, he began to swear even more and insult the Master. Anger completely clouded his mind. The master listened to him. And then, with an air of remorse, he said:

- Forgive me... I got excited. I sincerely apologize. I shouldn't have insulted you. And the student immediately calmed down.

“Here is the answer for all of you,” the Master concluded. - From one word the man became furious, and from the other he calmed down.

So, with a word you can save, make wise and heal. But in a word, you can sow evil, poison the soul, wound.And how many examples do we know when the saving word of support, love, care, kindness gave strength to the sick and led to recovery.A kind word can help get rid of complexes, psychological barriers or mental pain, make you laugh and cheer up.


Japanese researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto spent several years studying the properties of water, their changes under the influence of the environment, music, and words. During his work, he took more than 10,000 photographs of water samples. Masaru Emoto froze droplets of water, which had previously been influenced by different words, and studied their structure under a microscope.

He proved that under the influence of kind words, the structure of water takes on a harmonious shape. If you say bad and evil words to water, the structure of the water becomes ugly and deformed.

Over the first sample they said the word “Love”, over the other “You got me.”

What is the conclusion? Can water remember words, phrases and even emotions?

But our body is 80% water, so there is no doubt that bad words lead to changes in the human body and the occurrence of various diseases.

Many centuries ago, people noticed that sounds and words can work both for the benefit and harm of others. In the late 60s, American Cleve Baxter, a CIA agent, tried a lie detector on plants to check their reaction to people's thoughts, then his experiments were tested many times, causing a strong reaction.


Many of the experiments do not require particularly sophisticated technology, but are nevertheless aimed at improving the growth of the plant, although they are not at all related to changes in its genetic structure. In this sense, it is necessary to remember the Californian Luther Burbank, who, among other things, developed a new type of cacti without needles... through simple conversations. Language was his instrument, and plants not only understood it, but even obeyed it. The result was “untia ficus indica” (needleless cactus) and other plant mutants; for example, a white mulberry was bred - the berries were so transparent that one could see the seed inside, a huge, very juicy plum, an all-white daisy and a fragrant water lily. His method consisted of visualizing what he wanted to achieve, and after that, thanks only to the “cooperation” with plants, new species arose. Burbank explained it this way: “During the time that I was conducting an experiment to obtain a cactus without needles, I often talked to the plants to create a vibration of love.” In turn, psychiatrist John Mayes announced that plants not only respond to the facts they are told, but also their growth seems to be directly related to the degree of intimacy between the plant itself and its host. But “primitive” peoples knew about all this a long time ago!
Despite the fact that we, the inhabitants of cities and villages, have long “left the forest”, the belief about the mutual influence of man on plants and plants on man stubbornly lives in the minds of people. Many city dwellers are convinced that the life of indoor plants is closely connected with the life of their owners. “If the owner dies, the plant may die.” “Everything always grows beautifully in the garden of holy fools, because they have a good-natured soul.” “If everything is good in the family, then the flowers on the windows turn green and grow well. If something doesn’t go well, water them, add fertilizer - they still don’t want to grow well.” At the same time, there is a strong belief that if you talk to plants, then they will


will grow better. A record-breaking melon weighing 278 kg was grown

American Norman Gallagher, who, according to his wife, actually lived in the garden next to the melon, talked to her and even kissed her. Interestingly, an English builder from Yorkshire managed to grow the world’s largest onion (5 kg): he also talked to his pet every morning.

Pyotr Garyaev and Georgy Tertyshny, scientists from the Institute of Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, have invented a device that translates human words into electromagnetic vibrations. And the latter, as is known, influence the molecules of DNA heredity. According to their research, DNA perceives human speech, words influence them informationally. But when the same tape recorder began to reproduce kind, “warm” words, the device recorded how the structure of DNA molecules began to change. The broken spirals “grew together”, the seeds came to life and sprouted. And in the control group they remained dead.

Moscow researchers from the Department of Theoretical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Academician P.P. Garyaeva conducted a study of the influence of words on plants. We started with curses. The seeds of the Arabidopsis plant were taken for the study.

For several weeks, regularly - for three to four hours a day - a tape recorder nearby “read” rude phrases. The result of the influence of curses on the plant simply stunned scientists. Verbal processing of Arabidopsis was found to be similar to radiation of 40,000 roentgens. From such a dose, DNA chains and chromosomes broke, scattered and got mixed up


genes. Most of the seeds died, and the survivors began to develop monstrous mutations. Moreover, it turned out that the results do not depend on the volume of spoken words. The researchers spoke, shouted, whispered - in any case, the destructive effect was the same. It was not the strength of the sound that caused it, but the meaning of what was said, that is, those fields (torsion) that arose when pronouncing curses. After several generations, the offspring completely degenerated.

To test the healing power, scientists conducted another experiment. Wheat grains that received a dose of 10,000 roentgens, in which DNA, chromosomes and genes were torn and mixed up, were subjected to blessings and prayers. And they sprouted and began to develop normally, although in the control group a huge number of seeds died.

Scientists have come to a stunning conclusion: DNA perceives human speech. Her “ears” are truly adapted to picking up sound vibrations. Molecules of heredity receive both acoustic and light information. One text heals heredity, while the other traumatizes it. Prayer words awaken the reserve capabilities of the genetic apparatus. The curse destroys wave programs, which means it disrupts the normal development of the body.

The power of the spoken wordin relation to the plant world is also great. Research institute scientists conducted experiments on plants many times: for example, they said kind words: “I love you,” “Thank you,” “You delight us with your beauty and splendor” to plants, and such plants grew quickly and easily. If they changed the words to bad ones, then all the plants became distorted, deteriorated, or stopped active growth.

In the works of biodynamic agronomy, Rudolf Steiner, the creator of anthroposophy, studied, on the basis of the laws of spirituality, those fertilizers that do not destroy the soil and promote the harmonious growth of plants. Farms in Germany that used his system achieved excellent


results, both quantitatively and qualitatively, compared to what is currently offered in traditional markets.
It was the same with the most revolutionary and spectacular farming techniques used by the peasants of the Santiago Valley in the Mexican state of Guanajuato in the 70s. A certain “secret formula” was used, and as a result, cabbage grew weighing 43 kilograms, white beet leaves reached a length of 1.83 meters, an onion was 4.5 kilograms, celery - a meter, and cloves were twelve times larger than usual. The “secret,” according to the peasants, could be applied to all plants: flowers, cereals, tubers... and, in addition, it did not require any chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
It should be said that these methods were soon criticized by official scientists, and the peasants abandoned their lands along with all agronomic experiments. But the photographs and films made are still preserved.
However, behind all these cases are hidden attempts to communicate with a kingdom that is practically unknown to us. Many people know that linguistic experiments have long been carried out with animals, whales, dolphins and dogs, but few people know that the same thing has been done with plants.

A word...a sound that lives for a split second and disappears in space. Where is he? Go look for sound waves. The word... An almost immaterial phenomenon. It seems there is nothing to talk about. People noticed a long time ago that “an evil word can kill,” and a kind word “is also pleasant for a cat.” Few people think about the fact that sound is not just a certain set of sound waves, but also a carrier of information. A long word does not necessarily convey more information than a short one. Everything depends not only on what sounds the word consists of, and not even on their order in the word, but on what the informative capacity of this sound is.

We became interested in this fact and decided to test the reliability of this version experimentally, using radish seeds.


Practical part.

Stage 1. Let's find out how good and bad words influence a person.

We decided that we would not experiment on people, subjecting them to prolonged abuse - it was too cruel.

To find out how a word can influence a person, we conducted a survey among students in grades 5-10 of our school. (Appendix No. 1 ) A total of 34 students were interviewed.

Analyzing the answers, we made diagrams.

The diagrams show that:

94% Do you feel good when praised?

76% feel pleasant when they console you when you are upset

84 % experience unpleasant feelings when they offend and do not apologize

62 % experience unpleasant feelings if he himself has not apologized for a bad deed


Stage 2. Let's find out how bad and good words affect growth and development


To determine the effect of words on plants, we conducted an experiment on germinating radish seeds (Appendix 2 )

The same number of seeds was placed on 4 “plates”

Small plates - control

Large “plates” are bad words - the seeds were scolded for 10 minutes

Medium “plates” - kind words - said only kind words for 10 minutes. The experiment was carried out for a week

The results of the experiment were expressed in the form of diagrams( Appendix 3 )

Analysis of results

As a result of our experiments, we found out that kind words really influence the germination of seeds and produce better seedlings.

And evil words negatively affect humans, the growth and development of plants.

Conclusion : words influence living organisms, which means we are responsible for what this world will be like. We all need to control ourselves, our thoughts and words.

We plan to continue working on this topic, for this we will pronounce various words over water, and then water experimental plants with this water.

To get a better harvest, grow flowers or any plants, you must remember that the harvest or result largely depends on us, on our inner world, on our words. You need to be kinder, drive away your evil thoughts. We should think about what we say to the world around us, what information we send. After all, our future and the future of the planet depend on it. And we give you all "reminder » - Appendix 4


List of information sources used:

    All about water. Encyclopedia. M., 2001

    Children's encyclopedia. The second life of water. №2- 2006

    Children's encyclopedia. Water is life. No. 10-2006

    Masaru Emoto. The message of water. Minsk, 2006

    Zubkova N.M. Scientific answers to children's "Whys". St. Petersburg, 2007

    The main encyclopedia about water. Internet.

    Shkurko D. Funny chemistry. Leningrad, 1966

    Internet sources.


Annex 1.

Questionnaire: TO

O - pleasant O - unpleasant

2.) How do you feel when children call you names?

O - pleasant O - unpleasant

3.) How do you feel when you are forced to apologize for something bad? O - pleasant O - unpleasant

4.) How do you feel when you call your children names?

O - pleasant O - unpleasant

O - pleasant O - unpleasant

O - pleasant O - unpleasant

O - pleasant O - unpleasant

O - pleasant O - unpleasant

O - pleasant O - unpleasant

O - pleasant O - unpleasant

11.) How do you feel when you call your abuser back? O - pleasant O - unpleasant


Results of the questionnaire on the topic: TO What effect do words have on you?

1.) How do you feel when adults scold you?

16% - pleasant 84% – unpleasant

2.) How do you feel when children call you names?

16% - pleasant 84% – unpleasant

3.) How do you feel when you are forced to apologize for something bad?

24% - pleasant 76% – unpleasant


4.) How do you feel when you call your children names?

50% - pleasant 50% – unpleasant

5.) How do you feel when your bad behavior is ignored?

68% - pleasant 32% – unpleasant

6.) How do you feel when you are praised?

94% - pleasant 6% – unpleasant

7.) How do you feel when someone consoles you when you're upset?

76% - pleasant 24% – unpleasant


8.) How do you feel when you receive little attention?

24% - pleasant 76% – unpleasant

9.) How do you feel when you have been offended and not apologized?

15% - pleasant 85% – unpleasant

10.) How do you feel if you don't apologize for a bad thing?

38% - pleasant 62% – unpleasant

11.) How do you feel when you call your abuser back?

53% - pleasant 67% – unpleasant


Appendix No. 2

Radish seeds variety Heat

Radish seeds variety Aelita





Appendix 3


1 "plate"

2 "plate"


4 "plate"






1 "plate"

2 "plate"

3 "plate"

4 "plate"









1 "plate"

2 "plate"

3 "plate"

4 "plate"








Final chart

1 "plate"

2 "plate"

3 "plate"

4 "plate"

















Appendix 4.


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