Is there evidence of aliens. What is a UFO - facts and conjectures, what is known about extraterrestrial civilizations at the moment? UFO over Alaska

Quite a lot of attention is concentrated around everything unknown. Researchers, skeptics and sci-fi buffs are always arguing about the existence of UFOs. Ufologists all unanimously claim that they exist, but skeptics are asked to provide irrefutable evidence.

Is there a UFO - facts

The very first real evidence of the existence of UFOs is not only cave paintings of the 9th century AD, but also paintings by medieval artists. Where unprecedented ships and people of small stature are depicted, who descend from them to Earth.

More than 60 years ago, the Churchill military archives mentioned how radars detected an unidentified object flying at great speed. At that time, aircraft moving at such a speed did not exist. At the same time, in the US, workers military base they observed a spherical object in the sky, and when they tried to catch up with the ball by fighters, it went up with lightning speed.

In the Nevada military archives of the 50s, the crash of three flying objects in the desert is documented. As a result of the study of the crash site, not only "plates" were found, but also small humanoids in metal suits.

The appearance of the round unidentified object in the form of a plate over Washington, was also recorded at the inauguration of US President Barack Obama.

When asked whether a UFO really exists, our compatriot, a professional ufologist from the city of Dalnorechensk, Valery Dvuzhilny, will answer in the affirmative. In his collection, which he has been collecting for more than 30 years, there are many different fragments and substances from unknown alloys that are not produced here on Earth. All of these samples have been carefully examined. According to Valery Dvuzhilny, all these are fragments from UFO vehicles.

A professional photographer from the UK has no doubts that UFOs exist. Having made a night shot of the city of Hampshire, the young man, having come home, began to transfer all the pictures to, I was simply amazed to see an incomprehensible object on one of them. A picture of a UFO was sent for examination, they concluded that no manipulations were carried out on the frame and the alien plate was indeed visible in the photograph. Although the picture turned out to be the original, many skeptics questioned it.

Skeptics look for a refutation of every piece of evidence. For example, Carl Jung, the famous psychologist, is sure that the image and vision of the unknown is a human unconscious projection that he longs to see. Therefore, even with a lot of evidence on hand, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether UFOs exist.

Each of us is made up of atoms that were once part of an exploding star, including atomic carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, the fundamental ingredients of life. Over billions of years, these ingredients have condensed to form gas clouds, new stars, planets, which suggests that all this - and therefore potential life - exists outside the Earth, scattered throughout the Universe. If you were expecting to find in this article dubious eyewitness photos, crazy theories and ravings of crazy people, do not be discouraged: we have more solid facts in favor of the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Row latest discoveries not only allows us to confidently assume that we are not alone in the Universe, but also admits that ours can be teeming with life, intelligent and not very. The question is no longer so much whether there is life outside the Earth, but whether we will ever find it.

Here's what we know.

  1. Earlier this year, a team of scientists estimated that 4.5 billion years ago, at least one-fifth of Mars was covered by an ocean more than 100 meters deep. Any sign of life that has swum in these waters can be found in the Martian soil. And on Mars, the flow of liquid water allows us to make bolder assumptions: perhaps life is still nesting on the Red Planet.
  2. One water is not enough. It takes time. Last August, a study emerged that concluded that the water on Mars was as much as 200 million years longer than previously thought. In addition, life on Earth was at the same time as the last lakes on Mars.
  1. Asteroids and comets are the key to the formation of life on Earth, scientists believe. In particular, comet collisions, according to a paper published last August, likely led to the association of amino acids and the formation of the building blocks of life. Based on what we know about the formation of the solar system, other comets in other planetary systems continue to perhaps do their fruitful deeds.
  2. Jupiter's tiny moon Europa is littered with brown-veined scars that are thought to indicate places where warm, dirty, liquid water from the mantle of the satellite seeps through its crust. Europe can, which is why America and Europe are investing hundreds of millions of dollars in future mission projects to find water beneath Europe's surface.
  3. In addition to Europa, there is Saturn's moon Enceladus, and scientists confirmed this month that it hides a giant world ocean under its icy crust. Like Europe, Enceladus's ocean is the perfect place for life outside of Earth to live.
  4. The search for possible evidence of life on Enceladus continues. The satellite has powerful hydrothermal vents - the kind that could have triggered the formation of life on Earth - that lie on the ocean floor.

  1. In addition to Europa and Enceladus, at least ten objects in our solar system could have underground oceans, planetologists suspect. The problem with detecting life on these bodies is that it is quite difficult to reach the water mantle, which lies at a depth of hundreds of kilometers.
  2. Besides Earth, Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is the only body in the solar system with lakes on its surface. These lakes could not allow the development of terrestrial life, because they are composed of liquid methane, not water. However, earlier this year, a group of Cornell scientists showed that methane-based cellular life could exist on Titan.
  3. It is possible that life could form and flourish only on terrestrial planets; it follows that we have a chance of detecting life only outside our solar system. Last July, scientists discovered an Earth-like planet 1,400 light-years away. Its size, orbit, luminary and age lead to "the possibility of life developing on its surface, since all the ingredients and conditions necessary for life are present."
  4. The famous Drake equation allows us to estimate how many alien civilizations could exist in Milky Way. It looks like this: N = R*(fp)(ne)(fl)(fi)(fc)L, explanation of each variable is below. Based on the simplest statistics, it is not difficult to calculate that thousands, even millions of alien civilizations may exist somewhere out there:

R*: The rate of star formation in our galaxy.

fp: percentage of stars that have planets.

ne: The number of terrestrial planets around each star that has planets.

fl: percentage of terrestrial planets that have evolved life.

fi: percentage of planets with life that have developed intelligent life.

fc: The percentage of intelligent species that have gone as far as creating technologies that can be discovered by the forces of an external civilization like ours. For example, radio signals.

L: The average number of years it takes for an advanced civilization to detect detectable signals.

  1. Many people ask themselves: if there are intelligent civilizations out there, why haven't we heard anything from them? Perhaps our own Milky Way galaxy is far from the most hospitable galaxy for life, according to a scientific report. The study found that other galaxies in the universe may have 10,000 times more habitable planets than the Milky Way.
  2. We are all made up of heavy atoms created by explosions. supermassive stars. This not only connects us to the universe, but also highlights the possibility of the existence of alien life. These ingredients became part of a gas cloud that condensed, collapsed, and formed the next generation of solar systems - stars with planets in orbit. And these planets also have a young creator of life starter kit.

Sensational information confirming the existence of aliens was published the day before by employees of the American Secret Intelligence Service. It turns out that experiments on alien beings were carried out over a fairly long period of time, starting in 1947.

In the information published by the American edition, all the names of scientists involved in experiments on humanoids are disclosed. In addition, every day there is more and more evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, which with huge steps bring humanity closer to an early connection or even a meeting with an alien race.

American scientists have been conducting experiments on aliens for a long time

The documents of the American intelligence agency say that over the years of the existence of this organization, 27 aliens were found and investigated, as well as seven unidentified flying objects. The data leak revealed to the world the names of scientists directly working on the research of found objects and aliens. The following scientific minds took part in the experiments: Detlef Wolf Bronka, Donald Howard Menzel, Nathan Twining, Vannevar Bush, Hoyt Vandenberg Lloyd Viel Berner, who conducted research work from 1970 to 1987.

It all started with the fact that in 1947 a creature of alien origin was discovered in the state of California. The experiments performed on him took place as part of an experiment called Majestic 12, which was led by scientist Heather Wade. All activities took place under the authority of the current US President Franklin Roosevelt.

There is an intelligent civilization within our Galaxy

According to the latest data, a group of scientists from the United States, which included Jorge Soriano, Luis Anchordochi and Susanna Weber, managed to prove the existence of a civilization outside the Earth. By modifying the Drake equation, developed more than 50 years ago, scientists have determined that at a distance from the Sun comparable to the radius of the Milky Way, which is about a dozen kiloparsecs, there is at least one race of extraterrestrial beings who are presumably provided with all the means to communicate with earthlings.

Thus, in the expanses of the Milky Way, there is another civilization besides ours. The equation allows you to calculate the number of civilizations, depending on the rate of formation of stars with a long life cycle, the proportion of suitable stars with their planets, the number of planets in others solar systems, fractions of habitable planets, fractions of planets with development intelligent life, the proportion of communities that have intelligence and use radio communications, the life expectancy of civilizations that use radio communications. The most accurate way to confirm or refute this hypothesis can be space observatories preparing for flight (TESS, JWST).

The chance of finding "brothers in mind" is extremely small

It is worth noting that the Fermi paradox also takes place here, which is based on the question, why are there no traces of the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations and for all this time they do not make contact, if they do exist? There are a lot of assumptions on this subject put forward by scientists, but no one can confirm for certain the correctness of any of them. Perhaps the “brothers in mind” simply do not want to be discovered, or all life on inhabited planets is killed by galactic cataclysms, the effects of gamma-ray flashes, before we could detect them.

In addition, the proportion of intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy is about 0.5% of the total number of alleged aliens, which also significantly complicates their search. Some experts believe that humanity is of no interest to super-developed creatures, as, for example, ants that live, feed, reproduce, and fight are not of particular interest to people, so the aliens are not going to interfere in such an "anthill". Hypotheses are also put forward, that some aliens may not use radio communications for communication, but much advanced technologies, the signals from which people are not yet able to decipher.

Under the heading "secret"

To date, many facts of the discovery of alien ships or representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations themselves are carefully hidden from the authorities. ordinary people, classifying information in order not to spread panic or increased attention to finds, until they themselves carefully study the materials in order to understand what they are dealing with and what danger or opportunities they have for humanity. However, images of UFOs or evidence of alien tracks are increasingly appearing on the Web, published by ufologists who study NASA photo and video materials and other information, and also conduct their own investigations, bringing them to the attention of the public through publications on the Internet.

Evidence of UFOs on the World Wide Web

A week ago, the attention of one of the virtual explorers named Mauricio Ruiz, while studying images of Mars on the NASA website, was attracted by a photograph of a disk-shaped object. It is noteworthy that the next day the photo was removed from the archive of the space department. In response to the researcher's request, it was explained that the picture was moved to another site, and the wreckage was depicted on it spacecraft, making a mission in December 2004, but crashed. Then the man decided to find the displaced photo, but it differed significantly from what the researcher managed to keep for himself initially. It remains unclear what kind of object is depicted in the original photo and why NASA decided to hide this information.

The topic of the presence of alien life now more than ever excites scientific minds, because more than once scientists have commented that the colonization of other planets will be the only way for earthlings to survive in the future. According to some scientists, contact with representatives of extraterrestrial races is possible in the next decade, but no one knows what it will bring to humanity: a threat or benefit.

Fast bursts of radio waves are single waves of radio origin, which are fixed by radio telescopes in outer space. This theory laid in their concept of Harvard astrophysicists.

Aliens exist? Watch our video report on the alien problem

Scientists believe that the phenomenon of intense bursts of radio waves can act real proof alien existence. This type of radio waves can be inherent alien civilizations. This is the so-called leak from alien transmitters that transmit signals to interplanetary probes outside our galaxy.

According to the researchers, strong impulses spread over vast distances, which indicates the existence of aliens. Many scientists have long argued about the origin of these bursts.

Alien signals. Canadian astronomers have found that unusual repetitive radio flares in the constellation Auriga, which may be, do not occur in the Milky Way, but in a galaxy several hundred million light-years from Earth. This discovery is a real leap forward in uncovering the origin of FRBs. Paul Scholz of McGill University and his colleagues were able to locate their source by observing new FRBs at the point where FRB 121102, discovered at the Parkes Observatory in 2012, came to Earth. This is reported in an article published in the journal Nature.

Most FRBs have been discovered by telescopes that look at a very wide part of the night sky, making their exact position extremely difficult to determine even in the presence of a repeating signal. Scholz and his colleagues observed FRB 121102 using the powerful 300-meter Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico and the VLA interferometer, which allows determining the position of the source to within a tenth of an arc second. Scientists were able to record nine bursts at once, emanating from the same point and associated with FRB 121102.

It turned out that the source of the flares itself is located in another object - in a dim galaxy, invisible to us in the optical range and at least 140 million light-years away from the Earth. According to astronomers, the galaxy constantly radiates in the radio range, periodically flashing and generating flashes similar to FRB 121102.

However, the nature of this radiation is still unclear - the point nature of its source speaks in favor of the fact that such flashes give rise to black holes, but the absence of X-ray emission at that point of FRB 121102 speaks against this idea. Similarly, FRBs cannot be generated by supernova remnants due to differences in their spectra.

"Alien radio signals" could be generated by interactions, scientists say neutron star and the supermassive black hole around which it revolves. Meanwhile, the lack of periodicity in FRB flares casts doubt on this idea. Further observations of the galactic core and the source of flares will help to understand how they are born.

Our publication also wrote that in the area of ​​​​the village of Molebka, unidentified flying objects began to be recorded more often - in the form of inexplicable light flashes in the night sky.

Russian ufologists made a forecast for 2017. According to their predictions, visits of aliens to Earth will become more active, and this will happen in the Urals. "M-triangle" - this is how experts call the border of the Sverdlovsk region and the Perm region. Unidentified flying objects usually appear here within two to three years. Then comes the "calm" for 12-13 years; and again - "extraterrestrial aggravation" of aliens. Representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations this year should again develop vigorous activity in this region of Russia, ufologists emphasize.

Hides aliens on the moon. Well-known ufologist from the United States Scott Waring said that the astronauts set foot in 1969. According to Waring, the inhabitants rebuffed the people: perhaps representatives of another civilization threatened to use containment measures.

Fans of conspiracy theories and quite serious men have been trying for more than a decade to find out what a UFO is and what the consequences may be for humanity from contact with another civilization. So far, everything remains somewhere at the level of fantasy and we analyze the proposed scenarios only in cinemas. But perhaps someday the situation will change dramatically.

What is the probability of meeting aliens?

The universe is infinite. And this frightens all those who, in principle, can imagine what dimensions infinity tends to.

What else is known about the universe:

  • The age of the space around us is measured in billions of years, and with each new revision, the figure only increases;
  • The distance between star systems is too great;
  • The emergence of life is not subject to any mathematical laws.

Just think:

  1. At a distance of 2000 light years, life originated on two different planets;
  2. In addition to two thousand light years, these phenomena were separated by 50 million calendar years;
  3. By the time the younger civilization went into space, there was not even dust left from the buildings of the "old men";
  4. Each life form considered itself absolutely unique, the only one endowed with intelligence.

There can be thousands and millions of such examples all the time. Civilizations could erupt and fade like shooting stars in the pitiless sky of eternity. The probability that two at the same time "flare up" almost nearby and be able to find each other - negligible.

In this video, Valery Pyatkin will talk about the nature of the occurrence of UFOs, about the cases of the appearance of objects to earthlings:

What is a UFO, really?

There are only three letters in the concept, and each of them can be deciphered:

  • N - unidentified;
  • L - flying;
  • O is an object.

Theoretically, any object that has risen into the air and is not identified by anyone can be called a UFO. Even a piece of ice that falls from a transport aircraft and sparkles during its short flight to the surface can be mistaken for a "flying saucer" that is crashing.

In fact, most often instead of "green men" we see:

  1. Weather probes;
  2. Tests of the military and their secret developments;
  3. Amateur experiments in rocket science;
  4. Optical illusions;
  5. abnormal weather events;
  6. Banal garbage or Chinese lanterns.

Fix spaceship so far no one has succeeded. Maybe at least from the fact that any engineer developing a spacecraft would supply it with protection and camouflage systems.

Especially if we are talking about visiting "barbarian" planets. Why scare the natives when you can sneak in and go unnoticed?

What to do if you see a UFO?

If you saw strange lights in the sky:

  • Record what happened on video, there will be something to tell;
  • Watch and wait until the UFO disappears from the sky;
  • Make sure the object is not heading towards your home or community;
  • Publish materials on thematic forums and blogs dedicated to ufology;
  • Try to contact civil aviation and find out if there were transport planes at the given time at the given place;
  • Check the availability of the aircraft using special sites where you can track the routes of international airlines.

If you want to get another funny story in your collection, you can stop at the first point. Finding out the truth can only disappoint, in the end you will not get a video from a UFO, but a recording of the flight of an airplane, a meteorite or a Chinese lantern.

With clarification of the source of an incomprehensible glow, you can help:

  1. Ufologists;
  2. Meteorologists;
  3. Dispatchers and employees of civil aviation;
  4. Special Effects Specialists.

The main thing is not to worry, nothing terrible happens. Man has long conquered the sky and there are thousands of man-made objects in it at the same time. There is nothing surprising in the fact that you noticed one of them. Or maybe something else, the truth is somewhere nearby.

What do we know about flying objects?

If we talk specifically about "flying saucers", all our knowledge is very scarce:

  • Mankind has never been in contact with aliens, in any case, there is no convincing evidence to the contrary;
  • Many peoples of antiquity have myths that, in their description, are very similar to communication with aliens;
  • Not a single skeleton of a creature that came to us from distant stars has been found on the entire planet;
  • Not once did humanoids fall into the lens of television cameras;
  • There are several high-profile "incidents" allegedly related to alien visits to our planet.

This theme is often played up in science fiction films and books, but not a single one real contact so far there hasn't been. All vague evidence dates back to the pre-Christian era, how much truth is in them, and how much fantasy of distant pagan ancestors is difficult to say.

By the way, for most religions, the appearance of visitors from deep space would be the beginning of the end.

All the available knowledge we learned only from our own imagination. What aliens and their technology might look like in general, we do not know. The universe, apparently, can surprise with diversity, so you can expect anything.

UFOs - aliens from outer space?

UFO - unknown flying object. Any object in the air that the observers could not identify.

The technical definition is not so mystical and does not give off science fiction, most often it is:

  1. Chinese lanterns;
  2. Meteorites;
  3. Aircraft;
  4. Weather probes;
  5. Test objects;
  6. natural phenomena;
  7. Optical illusions.

It is extremely difficult to determine what exactly was in the air of such and such a month, such and such a date. In most cases, this becomes an impossible task and ufologists have to be satisfied with an explanation that does not have any evidence base. Yes, it could have been a meteorite. And could be aliens from Nibiru. What is something else is unprovable.

Romanticizing guests from distant galaxies can lead to serious problems. In the history of mankind there are examples of contacts more than advanced civilizations with less fortunate relatives. At best, everything ended in plunder and destruction of culture. But it also came to genocide, so it is better to meet “brothers in mind” fully armed.

It remains to be hoped that another civilization has reached the level where there is simply no place for aggression. But such a rosy prospect is hard to come by.

Most do not know what a UFO is and by this concept they mean only “flying saucers”. But the truth is much simpler, even a balloon with a flashlight attached can be called an unidentified flying object and arouse interest in specialized forums for many months.

Video: what does a UFO look like?

In this video, ufologist Gennady Stulnev will show several objects in the sky classified as UFOs:

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